Fanfiction by Lady Flame
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Fanfictions by Lady Mystra [ladymystra07-at-hotmail-dot-com]
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Fanfiction by Lady Venom [diabla_devil-at-hotmail-dot-com]
Fanfiction by Lady Virgo [LadyVirgo-at-hotmail-dot-com]
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Fanfictions by Laocorn
Fanfiction by Lauly_vp [lauly_vp-at-hotmail-dot-com]
Fanfiction by Laura-chan
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Fanfictions by Jesse Lawrence-Hayden (Ashura Ayanami) [RanmaNeo37-at-aol-dot-com]
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Fanfictions by Richard Lawson (Tendo Nabiki)
Links Homepage MSTings
Fanfiction by Nicholas Leifker (Night Elf) [nightelf-at-thekeep-dot-org]
Links Homepage Anime Addventure
Fanfictions by Leloi [eleloi-at-yahoo-dot-com]
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Fanfictions by Lemon Master [markegan-at-campus-dot-ie]
Links Homepage Shoujo-Ai Archive
Fanfictions by Lemon Otaku [LemonOtaku1-at-hotmail-dot-com]
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Fanfictions by Lemonboy [spyguy57-at-hotmail-dot-com]
Fanfiction by Leroy [redneckdemon-at-hotmail-dot-com]
Fanfiction by Leska [LeskaB-dot--at-gmx-dot-de]
Link FanFiction.net
Fanfictions by LifetheLemon [lifethelemon-at-yahoo-dot-ca]
Link AdultFanFiction.net
Fanfiction by Angelique Limoges
Fanfiction by Lingus
Fanfictions by Lionheart
Link FanFiction.net
Fanfictions by litta_stuff23
Fanfictions by Mike Loader [mike-at-thekeep-dot-org]
Links Homepage MSTings
Fanfictions by Loki-L [Loki-dot-Laufeyjarson-at-gmail-dot-com]
Links Homepage Anime Addventure
Fanfiction by LonesomeSpirit [alicevalentine2071-at-yahoo-dot-com]
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Fanfictions by Long Ngo (Short Yes) [shortyes-at-aol-dot-com]
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Fanfictions by Loomy-chan [be_loomy-at-yahoo-dot-de]
Fanfictions by Lord Archive [lord_archive-at-yahoo-dot-com]
Links Homepage FanFiction.net MediaMiner.org
(episodes of Rejected )
- Rejected 1: Sunday, Ultimate Rejection
- Rejected 2: Monday, Engagements End (lime)
- Rejected 3: Tuesday, Impossible Mission (no lemon)
- Rejected 4: Wednesday, Blind Love (no lemon)
- Rejected 5: Thursday, Lost Confession (no lemon)
- Rejected 6: Friday, Love of Power (lime)
- Rejected 7: Saturday, Different Eyes (lime)
- Rejected 8: Second Sunday, Insane Desires (lime)
- Rejected 9: Second Monday, Yang
- Rejected 10: Second Monday, Yin
Fanfictions by Lord Galim [Galim2000-at-aol-dot-com]
Fanfiction by Lord Onyx [kalushan-at-hotmail-dot-com]
Link AdultFanFiction.net