Fanfictions by Baddarklemons
Fanfictions by Jim Robert Bader (Shadowmane) [shadowmane747-at-yahoo-dot-com]
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Fanfiction by BAHUMUTH [bahumuth-at-yahoo-dot-com]
Fanfictions by Baka Mazoku [biichan-at-shadowlady-dot-com]
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Fanfiction by Mike Baker [shinji_2-at-hotmail-dot-com]
Fanfiction by Bambi Star [bambi_star9-at-yahoo-dot-com]
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Fanfiction by Keener Barnes (Parrot King) [otakunxs-at-bellsouth-dot-net]
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Fanfictions by Lara Bartram [lara-at-thekeep-dot-org]
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Fanfictions by Bate
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Fanfictions by David L. Battley [dbattley-at-concentric-dot-net]
Fanfictions by Batusaikid
Fanfiction by Belldandy [belldandy_tendo-at-hotmail-dot-com]
Fanfiction by Aaron Bergman (Eyewrin) [iamfanboy-at-hotmail-dot-com]
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Fanfiction by John Berry (Nagisa)
Fanfictions by BeJammin [Ben86Jan-at-aol-dot-com]
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Fanfiction by bi-girl [pawval-at-hotmail-dot-com]
Fanfictions by bigkimo2
Fanfictions by John Walter Biles (Bailesu) [ranma-at-KU-dot-edu]
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Fanfiction by Bill K.
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Fanfictions by Bing
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Fanfictions by Black & White
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Fanfiction by Black Jaguar
Fanfiction by the black shadow
Fanfiction by BlackDragon [raetaurus-at-yahoo-dot-com]
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Fanfictions by Blackheart745 [blackheart745-at-yahoo-dot-com]
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Fanfiction by Blue Phoenix
Fanfiction by Bob Barbarian
Fanfictions by Boon the Butcher [paschall18-at-gmail-dot-com]
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Fanfictions by J. Bourne (ssj trungeta) [JamesABourne-at-aol-dot-com]
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Fanfictions by Adam Brown (Nighthawke) [a-dot-brown10-at-shaw-dot-ca]
Fanfiction by Jonathan Burke [joburke3-at-vt-dot-edu]
Fanfiction by Bustercross
Fanfiction by Marylena Butterfly [marylena_butterfly-at-hotmail-dot-com]
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Fanfictions by Byooki Desu