- Tendō Akane
- ½ Moon 4 (episode of the ½ Saga )
- A Real Pig (side-story of A Real Man )
- A Romp in the Park II 4: Girl Pile
- A Scene to Believe...
- Akanes Bitch 1
- Ambush ½ 1: Switching Sides
- Anime Addventure 12216: Red Rover: Lemon Sucker & Whalenut Surprise...
- Anime Addventure 12646: Lemon Flu: Tender Tendō Threesome
- Anime Addventure 14773: New Days: The Bedroom Battle
- Anime Addventure 59600: Fight! Sexy Amazon Hulk-chan!: Youll Like Her When Shes Horny
- Anime Addventure 62154: Fight! Sexy Amazon Hulk-chan!: The Perils of Hulk-chan
- Anime Addventure 64854: Fight! Sexy Amazon Hulk-chan!: Green Things Come to Those Who Wait
- Anime Addventure 65930: Fight! Sexy Amazon Hulk-chan!: Comes the Daw... Wait, We Used That One Already
- Anime Addventure 78546: Restart: From the Beginning
- Anime Addventure 78726: The Gamma Gals: Gamma Gals Make a Cumback
- Anime Addventure 83551: Ranma Does Nerima: PJ Party!
- Anime Addventure 89826: Text-Based ½ DK: Visual Lesson
- Anime Addventure 96659: Psychic Vampire: Taking Number Three
- Anime Addventure 126673: Masters Way: Internal Revelations
- Anime Addventure 133630: Fooled: Happiness Lies in Their Own Hands
- Anime Addventure 139867: Fooled: Kasumi Gets Shown the Ropes
- Anime Addventure 140406: Fooled: With Ranmas Tests Inconclusive, Kasumis Status Remains Tied-up
- Anime Addventure 156885: Chained World: Watchful Frustration
- Anime Addventure 161367: Masters Way Declared Desires: Acting on Her Own
- Anime Addventure 178510: Ranmas New Day: A Pair of Pairings
- Anime Addventure 201498: Fetish Realm Tournament: Explanations
- Anime Hentai High School Akane
- Anime/Manga Hentai Family RPG 5: Thread 2 {unfinished}
- Aquella noche {Spanish}
- Bliss 3
- Body Lotion
- Cabin Fever
- Camping 1: First Night
- Cant Resist a Challenge!
- Choose Your Own Adventure! 6
- Couch Trips: Book 6 3: Making Up
- Découverte du désir 1 {French}
- Découverte du désir 2 {French}
- Divine Intervention 2: In the Meantime...
- Divine Intervention 3: ... In the Meantime, Part II
- Earth-Shattering
- El Encuentro inesperado {Spanish}
- Everything Goes Martial Arts: Time Enough for Lust 2
- Female Fiancées Fun
- Fragmentation 2
- Gratuitous Sex 5: She Knows?!
- Tender Mercies (side-story of GRIT )
- How the Other Half Feels 1
- Kodak Moments 6
- La Blue... Ranma?!? 1: What a Way to Start the Day...
- La Poción {Spanish}
- La Verdad oculta 2 {Spanish}
- Leche {Spanish}
- Lemon Pie: Slices of Passion and Fantasy 2: The Second Slice: Of Fevered Summer Dreams
- Lemon Series 5: New Thoughts
- Lemonade Punch 2: Hinakos Lesson
- Lemonade Punch 3: A Tad Too Much
- Lets Talk
- Manzuri Break
- Master PC ½ 4: Passionate Red
- Mistletoe 2: Eggnog and Secrets
- Moonlight on Your Skin: Theme and Variations
- My P-chan
- My Ranma Movie 1
- My Ranma Movie 2
- The Honeymoon Hentai Chapters 20 (side-story of Nabiki ½: A Very Scary Thought )
- Nabikis Scheme 1
- Neko-Ken Is out of the Bag! 9: Planning for the Future
- Never Buy the Unknown 1: Akane Gets It
- newRanma 20: Living
- Rejection (side-story of newRanma )
- Orgy 2
- Orgy 3
- Owned
- Playing with Ranma 15: Overwhelming Lust
- Playing with Ranma 16: Akane Snaps!
- Playing with Water 3: Stuck in the Middle with You Two
- Potion
- Questionable Income 1
- Ranma ½ ×2 ×4 6 {French}
- Ranma Hentai 3: Reconciliación {Spanish}
- Ranma Hentai RPG and Fiction 1: Thread 1
- Ranma Hentai RPG and Fiction 3
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 4
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 9: End
- Ranma Lets Fuck! 2
- Ranma Lust 1
- Ranma: Sextacular 5
- Ranma Sutra 4: Sticks and Stones
- Ranma the Amorous Oversexed Nympho 46: Mothers Love
- RanmaX 1: Los Juegos de Akane {Spanish}
- Fantasy Life (side-story of Return of the Instant Nanniichuan )
- Rock n Roll ½ 1: Hot for Teacher
- Ryōga Hentai 5 {unfinished}
- Ryōga: Lost No More
- Sibling Rivalry 3: Kawaiikunee, Iroke ga Nee
- Soda Pop and Sympathies
- Tables Turned 11: Akane, Nabiki, Asuza and Kodachi Iterative
- Tender Tushies 5A (side-story of Tender Tendō Tushies )
- Tension
- The Absolutely Worst Ranma ½ Lemon Ever
- Mavericks (side-story of The Bet )
- The Nerima Shuffle 2: The Insanity Begins
- The Ryōga and Akane Lemon 1
- The Amazon, the Tomboy, and the Kunōichi (side-story of Those Who Hunt Ninjas )
- Trading Places 1
- Two Types of Liars 2
- Ukyōs Hentai Okonomiyaki {unfinished}
- Un petit lemon de Pelops 1: Désir familial {French}
- Un petit lemon de Pelops 4: À lhopital {French}
- Un petit lemon de Pelops 7: Le Plaisir solitaire {French}
- Unending BE 98839: Nabikis New Craving
- Unending BE 99206: Nerima PC: Akane Changes Tatewaki and with Her, the World
- Unending BE 102389: Divine Intervention: Cast a Naughty Spell
- Unending BE 146632: RanmaPC: Akanes Furo Adventure
- Unending BE 147062
- Unending BE 150426: RanmaPC: Nabiki Triumphant
- Unending BE 150455: RanmaPC: Nabikis Akane, Ranmas Shampoo
- Unending BE 191919: PW: Feral Akane at the Pokécenter
- Unending BE 203529: Taken Red: Meeting
- Unending BE 203547: RanmaPC: Akane the School Prostitute
- Unending BE 207998: Demonic Intervention: Dominated Dominatrix
- Unending BE 209108: Demonic Intervention: Ranma Victorious!
- Unending BE 241530: Hentai Plant
- Unending BE 243891: NabikiPC: Ranma Fixes Nabiki?
- Unending BE 307561: NtLD: Play Time
- Unending BE 314654: Red Slave: Acceptance
- Unending BE 323816: Taken Red: Room for Body
- Unending BE 331643: LRH The Unstoned
- Unending BE 348840: Doll Voodoo: Dressing Up
- Unending BE 355103: Doll Voodoo: You Are Now Part of the Family
- Unending BE 410653: Store Property: Full Viewing
- Unending BE 410989: Store Property: Viewing Playthings
- Unending BE 422353: Store Property: That Cant Be Akane
- Unending BE 423758: Store Property: Selling Work
- Unending BE 423851: Store Property: Emotional Desire
- Unending BE 426767: Store Property v2: Shifting Sisters
- Unending BE 434759: Horse Property: In Private
- Unending BE 447139: Community Property: The Sex Model that Never Ages
- Unending BE 447466: Store Property: Geisha Puppet
- Yet Another Ranma Lemon 1: A new boy from China? Lets have sex!
- + Chibi-Akane
- Unending BE 237447: AkanePC: The Real Ranmas Fate
- + Akari
- Orgy 1
- Orgy 3
- + Asami
- Anime Addventure 87173: Ranma Does Nerima: Ranmas Pride Makes Him the Alpha Male
- Anime Addventure 88550: Ranma Does Nerima: The Alpha Male, Obviously, Makes Many Difficult Decisions
- Anime Addventure 90166: Ranma Does Nerima: That Is One Lucky Closet!
- + Atsui
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 9: End
- + Azusa
- Diary of a Nerima Slut
- + Daisuke
- Diary of a Nerima Slut
- Orgy 3
- Unending BE 448393: Store Property: A Pair of Perverts
- + Dō-chan
- A Romp in the Park 15: Anything Goes!
- + Genma
- A Real Man 2: Consequences
- Anime Addventure 178517: Ranmas New Day: One Sisters Honor
- Body Lotion
- Diary of a Nerima Slut
- Gratuity 4
- La Pildora 3 {Spanish}
- Orgy 2
- Orgy 3
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 20
- Un pésimo remedio 3 {Spanish}
- Unending BE 128623: NerimaPC: Akanes New Duties
- + Panda-san
- La Poción {Spanish}
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 19
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 20
- Ranmas Quest for His Manhood 1: Ranma Gets Robbed
- Un pésimo remedio 5 {Spanish}
- Unending BE 203547: RanmaPC: Akane the School Prostitute
- + Happōsai
- Anime Addventure 153708: School Harem: Moving On from the Present in the Past
- Diary of a Nerima Slut
- Orgy 3
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 19
- + Hentai Horde
- Anime Addventure 34314: Great Will: Changes
- Anime Addventure 85037: Ranma Does Nerima: Losing the Fight Seemed like a Good Idea
- Anime Addventure 85393: Ranma Does Nerima: Trussing the Prize
- Anime Addventure 85528: Ranma Does Nerima: Gang Bang Akane
- The One to Carry on... Top 2
- Unending BE 101832: NerimaPC: Akanes Day as a Dog
- Unending BE 203547: RanmaPC: Akane the School Prostitute
- + Herb-onna
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 4
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 6
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 9: End
- + Hikaru
- Anime Addventure 30534: Sextoy Story: Hikarus New Plaything
- Anime Addventure 30560: Sextoy Story: Akane Gets a New Definition of Pervert
- Body Lotion
- Gratuity 5
- Orgy 2
- Orgy 3
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 16: Thread 6
- Unending BE 322749: Dust Red: The Training Begins
- Unending BE 323223: Dust Red: Rear Training
- Unending BE 323457: Dust Red: Pussy Training
- Unending BE 325036: Dust Red: Examination Training
- Unending BE 356703: Best Buddies: Back to Red
- Unending BE 357137: Best Buddies: Breaking Point
- Unending BE 422790: Store Property: Apologetic Fondle
- Unending BE 423959: Store Property: Cognitive Dissonance and Glomping
- + Hinako-san
- Anime Addventure 91238: Text-Based ½ DK: Giving Discipline
- Lemonade Punch 3: A Tad Too Much
- Orgy 1
- Orgy 2
- Unending BE 243034: Tentacle Ranma: Akane Reclaims Whats Hers
- + Hinako-chan
- Psionic Ranma 3
- Twisted Ranma: Bad Bracelet 1: The Bracelet of Xealos
- + Hiroko
- Anime Addventure 87173: Ranma Does Nerima: Ranmas Pride Makes Him the Alpha Male
- Anime Addventure 88550: Ranma Does Nerima: The Alpha Male, Obviously, Makes Many Difficult Decisions
- Anime Addventure 90166: Ranma Does Nerima: That Is One Lucky Closet!
- + Hiroshi
- Diary of a Nerima Slut
- Orgy 3
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 16: Thread 6
- Unending BE 448393: Store Property: A Pair of Perverts
- + Kasumi
- A Different Viewpoint: Curses and Demons 31
- Anime Addventure 991: Milking
- Anime Addventure 12646: Lemon Flu: Tender Tendō Threesome
- Anime Addventure 12924: Lemon Flu: Foursome Fun!!!!
- Anime Addventure 13206: Lemon Flu: Three Tendōs Go A-Riding
- Anime Addventure 13278: Lemon Flu: Nabikis Ride
- Anime Addventure 31199: Lust Dusted Senshi: Sisterly Love
- Anime Addventure 31688: Lemon Flu: Kasumis Wish
- Anime Addventure 96745: Psychic Vampire: Waiting. Fun. Feeding.
- Anime Addventure 108097: Faking It Games: Darkness Arrives, Bringing a Gift
- Anime Addventure 108222: Faking It Games: Getting Priorities Straight
- Anime Addventure 108371: Faking It Games: Big Finish
- Anime Addventure 116826: Restart: Akanes New Task
- Anime Addventure 168215: Nodokas D/Solution: Repressed Housewives are Always Lemon-Scented
- Complete Control 1
- Découverte du désir 2 {French}
- Diary of a Nerima Slut
- Hentai Adept 4: Lemon Spread
- Hot and Cold Running Ranma
- Lemonade Punch 1: Ranma Fever
- Nabikis Scheme 1
- No Control 2: The Bringer of Pain
- Orgy 2
- Playing with Water 3.1: Lemon Extract 1
- Playing with Water 4: Here Comes Ranma!
- Poor Dad
- Psionic Ranma 3
- Questionable Income 2
- Ranma Lets Fuck! 7
- Ranma Lets Fuck! 9: Backdoor
- Sodomizing the Tendōs (episode of Sodomy in Anime )
- The Firm Hands of the Gentle Sister
- Tip 1: Day One: Mistakes
- Unending BE 103204: KasumiPC: An Untimely Awakening
- Unending BE 152847: RanmaPC: The Catgirl Plague Begins...
- Unending BE 204882: The Tendō Cows: Kasumi Joins
- Unending BE 204918: Tendō Cows: A Mooving Scene
- Unending BE 208121: Magical Haremgirl Akane: Recruitment Drive
- Unending BE 237734: AkanePC no More NabikiPC?
- Unending BE 241064: RanmaPC: The Tendō Heir
- Unending BE 351725: Doll Voodoo: Together Pleasure
- Unending BE 364150: Doll Play: Wanting Playmates
- Video Girl 2: In the Bath and Kitchen
- Yu-Gi-Oh-Ji! (Prince of Games) 9: Quantity over Quality
- + Kasumi-futanari
- Playing with Water 3: Stuck in the Middle with You Two
- Playing with Water 3.2: Lemon Extract 2
- Playing with Water 4: Here Comes Ranma!
- Playing with Water 4.1: Lemon Extract 1
- The Bitter Lemon
- + Kasumi-otoko
- Anime Addventure 122106: Akanes Worst Nightmare: For in that sleep... what dreams may come... shall give us pause.
- + Kin
- Diary of a Nerima Slut
- + Kodachi
- Anime Addventure 24887: Lemon Flu The Saturn Variant: Dormancy Broken
- Anime Addventure 47060: Lust Dust: Lost Together
- Black and Blue 1
- Desperation 1: Ties Broken and Made 1: Loves Choice
- Diary of a Nerima Slut
- Dojo Raider! 3: Comfortable
- Ecchi Ranma Hentai RPG 1: Thread 1
- Ecchi Ranma Hentai RPG 2 {unfinished}
- Laid 2: Remembering
- Married, with Scouts 2: The Tangled Ribbons of the Heart
- Married, with Scouts 3: The Delicate Sound of Blue Thunder
- The Honeymoon Hentai Chapters 2 (side-story of Nabiki ½: A Very Scary Thought )
- The Honeymoon Hentai Chapters 3 (side-story of Nabiki ½: A Very Scary Thought )
- The Honeymoon Hentai Chapters 13 (side-story of Nabiki ½: A Very Scary Thought )
- The Honeymoon Hentai Chapters 14 (side-story of Nabiki ½: A Very Scary Thought )
- The Honeymoon Hentai Chapters 16 (side-story of Nabiki ½: A Very Scary Thought )
- Orgy 1
- Orgy 2
- Orgy 3
- Porn World! 6: Mommas dont let your girls grow up to be Ninja...
- Porn World! 7: Re-Galled by the Manufacturer
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 9: End
- Turnabout: Anything Goes Carnal Arts, BDSM Style (sequel to The House of Affection )
- Tip 3: Day Three: Options
- Tip 6: Day Six: Hangover
- Unending BE 88841: Kunō is more perverted than Ash? Oh my!
- Unending BE 93189: Akane vs. Lillith & Kodachi & Pia &...
- Unending BE 127321: Nabunny: Kodachis Domination
- Unending BE 325392: Taken Red: Trio
- + Konatsu
- Orgy 1
- Orgy 2
- + Kunō Kōchō
- Fūrinkan Hentai 3: Thread 3 {unfinished}
- Gratuity 3
- Offerings
- Orgy 3
- Ranma Hentai 3: Reconciliación {Spanish}
- Trading Places 1
- Unending BE 322102: Dust Red: Teachers Pet
- + Kurasu 1-F
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 16: Thread 6
- + Linlin
- Psionic Ranma 3
- + Mariko
- Unending BE 339715: NtLD: Dolls or Clones?
- + Mikado
- Diary of a Nerima Slut
- Orgy 2
- + Mon Lon
- Pangea: The Land That Time Ignored 7: Village of the Dumb (side-story of Ranma and Nabiki: A Tale of Two Wallets )
- + Mousse
- Orgy 1
- Orgy 3
- Ranma Hentai Round Robin
- RanmaX Hentai RPG 5: Thread 3 {unfinished}
- Trading Places 1
- + Mousse-onna
- Nullification 4: Epilogue
- + Nabiki
- Addicted to Love 5.5
- Anime Addventure 991: Milking
- Anime Addventure 10032: Dark Stalker Akane 8336: Bonding
- Anime Addventure 12646: Lemon Flu: Tender Tendō Threesome
- Anime Addventure 12924: Lemon Flu: Foursome Fun!!!!
- Anime Addventure 13206: Lemon Flu: Three Tendōs Go A-Riding
- Anime Addventure 14741: New Days: Nabi-kinky Love
- Anime Addventure 34974: Sexpet Nabiki: Naughty Kittens and Spanking Skunks
- Anime Addventure 36136: New Days: Bedroom Battle II
- Anime Addventure 36139: Here Comes Kasumi: The Video Nasty
- Anime Addventure 36160: New Days: Fuck Fu
- Anime Addventure 37159: Sexlord Ranma: Nabikis Justice, Ranmas Due
- Anime Addventure 58502: Fight! Sexy Amazon Hulk-chan!: Sexy Amazon, Indeed!
- Anime Addventure 78651: Ranma Does Nerima: Sisterly Conflict (and Resolution)
- Anime Addventure 78767: The Gamma Gals: Hulk-chan and Cum Together at Last
- Anime Addventure 79306: Ranma Does Nerima: Resolution Leads to... Conflict!
- Anime Addventure 79402: Ranma Does Nerima: Foursome Is an Even Number
- Anime Addventure 79690: Ranma Does Nerima: Always Listen to Your Sisters
- Anime Addventure 81041: Ranma Does Nerima: Now Just Add Mom to the Mix...
- Anime Addventure 81789: Ranma Does Nerima: After a Short Digression, Back to the Main Story
- Anime Addventure 82163: Ranma Does Nerima: Returning the Favor
- Anime Addventure 82196: Ranma Does Nerima: Collision Imminent!
- Anime Addventure 96336: Persuading Nabiki: Akane Joins In
- Anime Addventure 107202: Faking It Games: Tickling Out Marss Secrets
- Anime Addventure 107939: Faking It Games: Girl Talk
- Anime Addventure 116826: Restart: Akanes New Task
- Anime Addventure 162175: Chained World: Sexual Showing
- Anime Addventure 194867: Broken 4th Wall / MPC-OS v1.0: Ow... Ow... Ow...
- Anime/Manga Hentai Family RPG 2: Thread 1
- Anime/Manga Hentai Family RPG 2: Thread 3
- Anime/Manga Hentai Family RPG 5: Thread 2 {unfinished}
- Choose Your Own Adventure! 6
- Complete Control 1
- Hentai Adept 4: Lemon Spread
- Hot and Cold Running Ranma
- La Blue... Ranma?!? 1: What a Way to Start the Day...
- Lemonade Punch 1: Ranma Fever
- Like Squid for Enema
- Merry Christmas, Akane
- Moments of Fire and Desire
- My Ranma Movie 2
- Orgy 1
- Playing with Water 3: Stuck in the Middle with You Two
- Playing with Water 3.1: Lemon Extract 1
- Playing with Water 4: Here Comes Ranma!
- Poor Dad
- Questionable Income 1
- Ranma ½ Lemon Flavored 3: The Tape
- Ranma Hentai RPG and Fiction 4: Thread 1 {unfinished}
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 15: Thread 4
- Ranma Sutra 4: Sticks and Stones
- Ranmaneos 1 {Spanish}
- A Night of Delights 2 (side-story of Realities Squared )
- Sodomizing the Tendōs (episode of Sodomy in Anime )
- Un petit lemon de Pelops 3: La Concupiscence de Ranma II {French}
- Un petit lemon de Pelops 4: À lhopital {French}
- Unending BE 101343: NerimaPC: Nabikis Life as a Pet
- Unending BE 102092: NerimaPC: Three Tendōs A-Purring
- Unending BE 102150: NerimaPC: Kitty at School and at Home
- Unending BE 102266: NerimaPC: Nabiki Confronts Akane
- Unending BE 102928: KasumiPC: Ryōga Porks the Catgirls
- Unending BE 103107: KasumiPC: Stray Thoughts About Dr. Tōfū
- Unending BE 150426: RanmaPC: Nabiki Triumphant
- Unending BE 152416: RanmaPC: A Helpful Kasumi
- Unending BE 204532: New Nabiki & Akane: Meet the Cows
- Unending BE 205376: RanmaPC: A Little Familial Enjoyment
- Unending BE 208121: Magical Haremgirl Akane: Recruitment Drive
- Unending BE 215086: AkanePC: Kitty Sandwich
- Unending BE 241064: RanmaPC: The Tendō Heir
- Unending BE 351725: Doll Voodoo: Together Pleasure
- Unending BE 357075: Doll Voodoo: Parental Guidance Discouraged
- Unending BE 363923: Doll Play: Droid Games
- Unending BE 364142: Doll Play: Droid Dolls
- Unending BE 364150: Doll Play: Wanting Playmates
- Unending BE 436781: Nabikis Turn
- Video Girl 3: Trouble
- Yet Another Ranma Lemon 1: A new boy from China? Lets have sex!
- Yu-Gi-Oh-Ji! (Prince of Games) 9: Quantity over Quality
- + Nabiki-futanari
- Anime Addventure 156455: Hentai Akane: Curses and Fun in the Bathroom
- The Bitter Lemon
- + Nabiki-otoko
- Playing with Water 3: Stuck in the Middle with You Two
- Playing with Water 3.1: Lemon Extract 1
- Playing with Water 4: Here Comes Ranma!
- Playing with Water 4.1: Lemon Extract 1
- + Natsume
- Anime Addventure 16773: Sexpet Nabiki: A Complete Set of Tendōs
- + Nodoka
- Anime Addventure 38629: Ranmas NOT a Eunuch?: Taming Akane
- Anime Addventure 102936: Ranmas NOT a Eunuch?: Misty Delight
- Anime Hentai High School Akane
- Orgy 3
- Pink Lemonade 2: Nodoka the Queen: The Furo Follies
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 11: Thread 1
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 12: Thread 1
- Really Twisted
- Tip 2: Day Two: Harem Talk
- Unending BE 153242: RanmaPC: Akane vs. Nodoka?
- Unending BE 426953: Akane Ambushed
- Werewolf Claws and Vampire Fangs 7
- + Orochi-onna
- An Akane to Pleasure
- + Pansuto-Tarō
- Akane raptada por Pantimedias Taro {Spanish}
- Orgy 2
- Orgy 3
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 7: Thread 2
- + Niu-Hō-Man-Mao-Ren
- Akane raptada por Pantimedias Taro {Spanish}
- + Patoratsyu
- Ranmas Anything Goes Hentai RPG 2: Thread 1
- + Ranko
- A Different Viewpoint: Curses and Demons 2
- A Different Viewpoint: Curses and Demons 4
- Behind the Scenes of Ranma ½ 1
- Lemonade Punch 5.2: My Bright-Eyed Girl 2
- Of Love and What Remains
- Ranko, Abandoned No More
- Rankos Curse a Love Story 4: Wash That Man Right out of My Hair
- Ranma Hentai RPG and Fiction 1: Thread 1
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 6
- Tables Turned 2: Akane
- Trial by Fire 13: Open Your Heart
- TWISTED The Board Game
- Unending BE 426953: Akane Ambushed
- + Ranko-otoko
- Not Ranma ½ 2: Lemon Tea
- + Yoiko
- Unending BE 426953: Akane Ambushed
- + Ranma-kun
- A Continuation Gone Too Far 1
- A Different Viewpoint: Curses and Demons 4
- A Different Viewpoint: Curses and Demons 19
- A Different Viewpoint 19.5 (side-story of A Different Viewpoint )
- A Different Viewpoint: Curses and Demons 36
- A First Time for Everything
- Ranmas Women {unfinished} (side-story of A Guy, a Girl, Another Girl, Another... )
- Interlude (side-story of A Lesson in Love )
- A Mothers Secret Revealed
- A Night of Love
- A Romp in the Park 4: Tears and Giggles
- A Romp in the Park 5: Rainshowers!
- A Romp in the Park 6: Confessions
- A Romp in the Park 7: A Kiss
- A Romp in the Park 8: Another Kiss (or More)
- A Romp in the Park 9: Teaser
- A Romp in the Park 10: Foursome?
- A Romp in the Park 15: Anything Goes!
- A Romp in the Park 17: Weird, But Good
- A Romp in the Park II 1: Foreplay
- A Romp in the Park II 2: Self-Discipline
- A Romp in the Park II 3: Boys Night Out II
- A Romp in the Park II 4: Girl Pile
- A Tail to Remember 8
- After the Chaos 2: The Solution to All Problems and Their Love
- After the Chaos 3: The Honeymoon
- Aishiteru {Spanish}
- Akane and Yuka Visit the Pillow Factory
- Akane Has Ranma in Her POWER
- Akane Makes Dessert
- Akane, My Love 3: The Passion and Love
- Akane the Dominatrix! 7: Tongue-Tied Ranma
- Akanes Bitch 2: Persuasion
- Akanes Unforgettable Evening
- Alla fine dei tempi supplementari 13: Il vero amore {Italian}
- Amazons of Love 1: The Weddings of Saotome Ranma
- An Awkward Position
- Anime Addventure 10362: Furries 4 U: Orgy at the Tendō Dōjō?!
- Anime Addventure 12816: Lemon Flu: Red Haze of Passion
- Anime Addventure 12924: Lemon Flu: Foursome Fun!!!!
- Anime Addventure 14741: New Days: Nabi-kinky Love
- Anime Addventure 28585: Lust Dust: Red Passion
- Anime Addventure 36136: New Days: Bedroom Battle II
- Anime Addventure 36160: New Days: Fuck Fu
- Anime Addventure 36737: Master PC for Idiots: Tendō Furo Threesome
- Anime Addventure 37159: Sexlord Ranma: Nabikis Justice, Ranmas Due
- Anime Addventure 38629: Ranmas NOT a Eunuch?: Taming Akane
- Anime Addventure 58153: Tendō Pets: Accepting the Pets
- Anime Addventure 61184: Lamp of Lakash: Cats and Horses
- Anime Addventure 63704: Fight! Sexy Amazon Hulk-chan!: ... Perchance to Dream
- Anime Addventure 66871: Masters Way: Red Surprise
- Anime Addventure 67550: Fight! Sexy Amazon Hulk-chan!: Oral Fun for Hulk-chan Means Bad News for Ranma
- Anime Addventure 67551: Fight! Sexy Amazon Hulk-chan!: They Had to Be Good for SOMETHING...
- Anime Addventure 79402: Ranma Does Nerima: Foursome Is an Even Number
- Anime Addventure 79690: Ranma Does Nerima: Always Listen to Your Sisters
- Anime Addventure 80399: Ranma Does Nerima: Mother Knows Best!
- Anime Addventure 86066: Text-Based ½ DK: Wake-up Call
- Anime Addventure 86197: Text-Based ½ DK: Waiting Words
- Anime Addventure 86990: Ranma Does Nerima: Ranmas Pride Triumphs over Everything! (What a Surprise!)
- Anime Addventure 87173: Ranma Does Nerima: Ranmas Pride Makes Him the Alpha Male
- Anime Addventure 88550: Ranma Does Nerima: The Alpha Male, Obviously, Makes Many Difficult Decisions
- Anime Addventure 91880: Text-Based ½ DK: Petting Red
- Anime Addventure 93999: Fight! Sexy Amazon Hulk-chan!: Feels like the Very First Time
- Anime Addventure 96745: Psychic Vampire: Waiting. Fun. Feeding.
- Anime Addventure 96747: Psychic Vampire: Waking Perspective
- Anime Addventure 105601: Faking It: Making Up Is Hard, If Youre Lucky
- Anime Addventure 110062: Chained World: Special Clauses
- Anime Addventure 115145: Masters Way: Fire Burn
- Anime Addventure 119497: Masters Way: Joining for Bed
- Anime Addventure 132799: Fooled: From Foul Play to Foreplay
- Anime Addventure 133808: Fooled: Bare Petals Cheating Rose
- Anime Addventure 133982: Fooled: Beating the Rap Akane Gets Away with a Few Slaps on the Butt
- Anime Addventure 135939: Fooled: Figuring Out her Kinks and Angles
- Anime Addventure 137220: Masters Way: Quiet, but Still Physical
- Anime Addventure 140861: Fooled: Kasumi Listens in Suspension
- Anime Addventure 144758: Psychic Vampire: Offered Rides
- Anime Addventure 144930: Psychic Vampire: Near Things
- Anime Addventure 149392: Masters Way: Closet Coupling
- Anime Addventure 150558: Ranma, the Naïve Succubus: But its not always good, clean, wholesome, man-on-top, get-it-over-with-quick; sometimes its bizarre!
- Anime Addventure 152427: Masters Way: In Need of Relief
- Anime Addventure 153253: Lemon Flu: Ride of Captain Scarlet
- Anime Addventure 154179: Chained World: Slave Management
- Anime Addventure 159053: Masters Way, Pranks and Perversions: Getting That Annoying Tickle Scratched
- Anime Addventure 161136: Masters Way: Describing Desires....
- Anime Addventure 165029: Fooled: Fooling Herself
- Anime Addventure 168215: Nodokas D/Solution: Repressed Housewives are Always Lemon-Scented
- Anime Addventure 193315: Broken 4th Wall / MPC-OS v1.0: A Farewell to Arms
- Anime Addventure 193763: Broken 4th Wall / MPC-OS v1.0: Something Else Happens
- Anime Addventure 204203: Demon Touch: The Sisters Room
- Anime Hentai High School Akane
- Anime Hentai High School Ranma 5 {unfinished}
- Anime Hentai High School Ranma 6 {unfinished}
- Aquella noche {Spanish}
- Aquello que me diste {Spanish}
- Are They REAL?
- Backfired
- Beautiful Liar 2
- Before Marriage
- Bliss 3
- Bliss 6
- Body Lotion
- Box of Manhood 1
- Cabin Fever
- Call of the Night
- Call of the Night 2: The Second Time Around
- Camping 1: First Night
- Camping 2: Second Night
- Camping 3: Third Night
- Camping 4: Fourth Night
- Cant Resist a Challenge!
- Nuestro pequeño juego {Spanish} (prologue of Celos )
- Charlottes Web 6: Practice Makes Perfect!
- Choose Your Own Adventure! 7
- Circle Sky 4: A Hard Days Night
- Clarity and the Results
- Comes the Cold Dragon 8
- Comes the Cold Dragon 13.2
- Complete Control 1
- Consolation (MSTing)
- Couch Trips: Book 1 6: Wearing the Face She Keeps by the Door
- Couch Trips: Book 2 20: Sleeping Arrangements
- Could It Happen?
- Der ersehnte Blick! {German}
- Deseo carnal {Spanish}
- Después 2: Sinceridad y sentimientos {Spanish}
- Después 6: Reunión familiar... y otras cosillas... {Spanish}
- Découverte du désir 2 {French}
- Die Nacht, in der ein langer Kampf zwei Sieger fand {German}
- Divine Intervention 3: ... In the Meantime, Part II
- Do You Remember...? 4: Reunited
- Do You Remember...? 6: Nanniichuan
- Through a Glass Wall (side-story of Do You Remember...? )
- Do You Remember...? 15: Remember Love
- Do You Remember...? 16: Affairs of the Heart
- Do You Remember...? 17: Retribution
- Do You Remember...? 19: The Executioner
- Dont Call Me Kawaiikunee!
- Duty 2
- Earth-Shattering
- Ecchi Ranma Hentai RPG 2 {unfinished}
- Eine Nacht allein {German}
- El Baile {Spanish}
- El Castigo de Ranma {Spanish}
- El Regalo {Spanish}
- Embarassment Is... Getting Caught
- First Time for Everything (side-story of Equal Romance )
- Exploring Nerima 1: A First Time for Everything
- Fantasias de otoño {Spanish}
- Father Figure 3: Total Eclipse of the Heart
- Father Figure 5: Parts Unknown
- Fin de semana en la isla del amor 3: La Comfesión de Ranma {Spanish}
- For Better or for (Even) Worse 1
- For Better or for (Even) Worse 2
- For Whom the Bells Toll
- Forever
- Forgiveness Is the Key to... Happiness... Among Other Things
- Fortunes Fool 4
- Furrventure 3028: Ranmas REAL Close Encounter...
- Fulfillment: A Life Well Lived
- Fun at the Amusement Park 1
- Fun at the Amusement Park 2
- Fun in the Bathroom
- Genma esta charlando con Ranma sobre su madre {Spanish}
- Getting It On 1: The Playground
- Going to China?
- Good Plan Gone Bad
- Hacer el... amor... {Spanish}
- Happy Licking
- Havent We Done This Before?
- Hearts or Diamonds? 6: Chastity
- Heat 1
- Hentai RPG Adventures Shampoo 2
- Heritage 13
- Homemade Viagra or The Trouble with IInazuke 6: Epilogue
- Hot Summer Night
- Hot Water for Ranma
- Hot Wax on a Cold Winter Afternoon
- Ich danke dir für alles! {German}
- Ich liebe dich... {German}
- Ill Be Your Fiancée! 2: Like Moths to an Alternative Flame
- Ill Met by Starlight 12: The Tempest
- Im There Within You 1: Fire from Heaven
- In Heat 1: Engagement
- Incriminating Evidences 1: Does It Use Double As or D Cells?
- Incriminating Evidences 3: Whip Me! Beat Me! Make Me Yours!
- Innocence Lost
- It Could Happen
- It Really Happened
- It Wasnt a Dream?! (lemon version of It Wasnt a Dream?! )
- Its 11:00
- Junk
- Kareshi, Ichūnōnna 2
- Killing Me Softly 3: Melting the Ice
- Killing Me Softly 5: Hear Me Roar
- Killing Me Softly 7: How About Change?
- Kodak Moments 6
- La Blue Ukyō (Shikima Okonomiyaki) 3
- La Chica de mi vida 3 {Spanish}
- La Poción {Spanish}
- La Primera vez 3: La Primera vez {Spanish}
- Learning from Mistakes
- Leche {Spanish}
- Lemon Pie: Slices of Passion and Fantasy 1: The First Slice: All Tied Up with No Place to Go
- Lemon Pie: Slices of Passion and Fantasy 2: The Second Slice: Of Fevered Summer Dreams
- Lemon Spamfic
- Lemonade
- Lemon Sherbet 6: Too Many Generals Spoil The...
- Lemonade Punch 1: Ranma Fever
- Lemonade Punch 2: Hinakos Lesson
- Lemonade Punch 5.1: My Bright-Eyed Girl 1
- Lemonade Punch 5.2: My Bright-Eyed Girl 2
- Long Days, Hard Nights
- Love Begins at the Carnival
- Love Blooms! 1: Ranma and Akane {unfinished}
- Love Hurts (MSTing)
- Edgy Feelings (side-story of Loveletters from the Edge )
- Master PC ½ 4: Passionate Red
- Master PC ½ 6: Seduction of a Student
- Maybe Thats the Problem, Then... 2: When Shes Right, Shes Right
- Maybe Thats the Problem, Then... 3: Lemons Can Be Just as Sweet
- Meiyo Ai Soshite Nikushimi 1: The Step Beyond 1: Atonement
- Merry Christmas, Akane
- Modeling Job
- Moments of Lust and Love
- Moonlight on Your Skin: Theme and Variations
- Mounting a Protest
- Mythos 8: Castles Built in the Air
- Nabikis Scheme 1
- Neko Love 9: Honor or Lust?
- Neko Love 11: Two Cats and One Idiot
- Neko Love 15: Gimme Some Loving!
- Neko-Ken Is out of the Bag! 1: The Cat Is Out
- Neko-Ken Is out of the Bag! 3: A Cat in the Mountains
- Neko-Ken Is out of the Bag! 4: The Fist of Anger
- Neko-Ken Is out of the Bag! 5: First Steps
- Neko-Ken Is out of the Bag! 6: No More Secrets
- Neko-Ken Is out of the Bag! 9: Planning for the Future
- Neko-Ken Is out of the Bag! 11: Hentai Dream
- Nabiki, Ranma, and Akane (side-story of Nekophobia )
- Never Buy the Unknown 2: Akane and Ranma Get It
- Physical Bonding (side-story of New Challenges )
- newRanma 8: Dreaming
- newRanma 20: Living
- No Control 1: The Beginning of the End of Ranma Saotome
- Not a Dream
- Of Loose Gi and Lost Focuses {unfinished}
- Offerings
- One Really F*cked Up Party
- One Scoop or Two? 4: When the Lights Go Down
- One Scoop or Two? 5: Akanes Dream
- One Scoop or Two? 7: Prayer at the Shrine Answered
- One Scoop or Two? 8: The Morning After or Take Two
- One Word 4: Tormented
- Orgy 1
- Orgy 2
- Orgy 3
- Out in the Open: Ranma and Akanes Retreat (Authors Cut) (lemon version of Out in the Open: Ranma and Akanes Retreat )
- Owned
- Party of Surprises {teaser}
- Passion Spice...?
- Picnic for Three
- Pink Lemonade 1: Akane the Queen: Nine Inches of Passion Spice
- Pink Lemonade 3: Konatsu the Queen: The Nerima Boys Club
- Playing with Water 4: Here Comes Ranma!
- Playing with Water 4.1: Lemon Extract 1
- Dealing a New Hand (episode of Playtime for Puddles )
- Plot?! We Dont Need No Stinkin Plot!
- Potion
- Willfull Punishment (sequel to Proper Punishment )
- Psionic Ranma 2
- Psionic Ranma 3
- Puppy Love
- Ranma .05 1.1: Cold Night and a Warm Heart
- Ranma .05 2.1: Accidents Happen
- Ranma .05 2.4: The Best of Times
- Ranma .05 3.1: The Slice of Life
- Ranma 1/1
- Ranma ½ Lemon Flavored 2: Of Fingers and Chocolates
- Ranma ½ Problems Solved 2: The Lion Blast, the Old Witch, and the Wardrobe
- Ranma ½ ×2 ×4 4 {French}
- Ranma ½ ×2 ×4 5 {French}
- Ranma ½ ×2 ×4 6 {French}
- Undying Love (side-story of Ranma 2096 )
- Chasing the Wind 9: Lemon Addendum (side-story of Ranma Goes to War )
- Ranma Hentai Round Robin
- Ranma Hentai RPG and Fiction 4: Thread 1 {unfinished}
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 7: Start
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 10: Thread 2
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 12: End
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 15: Thread 2
- Ranma Lets Fuck! 1
- Ranma Lets Fuck! 2
- Ranma Lets Fuck! 3
- Ranma Lets Fuck! 5
- Ranma Lets Fuck! 9: Backdoor
- Ranma machts mit Akane {German}
- Ranma, Master of Kyōjitsu 6: Squatting Pussy, Invisible Cock
- Ranma Nibun no Ichi 1: The Wedding
- Ranma Nibun no Ichi 2: University
- Ranma Nibun no Ichi 5: Forget Me Not
- Ranma Nibun no Ichi 6: Too Much Wedded Bliss???
- Ranma Nibun no Ichi 9: H Is for Hinako
- Ranma no Ryū {unfinished}
- ¿Ranma romantico? {Spanish}
- Ranma: Sextacular 3
- Ranma Sutra 4: Sticks and Stones
- Ranma Whats Next?
- Ranmaneos 1 {Spanish}
- Ranmaneos 2 {Spanish}
- Ranmas Apartment 3: Guises
- Ranmas Birthday!!
- Ranmas Honeymoon
- RanmaX Hentai RPG 3: Start
- Really Twisted
- Rei Rei Nibunnoichi 1: First Night
- Rejected 1: Sunday, Ultimate Rejection
- Rejected 9: Second Monday, Yang
- Resolution 10: The Bath
- Resolution 21: Partners
- Ascension (episode of Resurrection )
- Fantasy Life (side-story of Return of the Instant Nanniichuan )
- Revenge
- Revival (of Love) (side-story of Revival )
- Rock n Roll ½ 1: Hot for Teacher
- Romantic Getaway
- Ronzoo? Or Ranma?
- Ryōga Gets Carried Away
- Ryōga Hentai 1: Thread 1 {unfinished}
- Ryōga: Lost No More
- Ryōgas Surprise
- Secret Photos
- Secret Rendez-Vous
- Secreto de Dos {Spanish}
- Secretos {Spanish}
- Secretos 2 {Spanish}
- Secretos de la Luna 2 {Spanish}
- Seduction
- Seduction of Ataru 1: Ukyōs Secret Technique!
- Sensual Discoveries
- Shes Just like Lightning
- Shock Value
- Show You Something Better
- Sibling Rivalry 3: Kawaiikunee, Iroke ga Nee
- Sibling Rivalry 6: The Truth Comes Out
- BEHAVE! (episode of Sleepless in Nerima )
- Back to Business (episode of Sleepless in Nerima )
- Sleepwalking
- So Thats What Its Like
- Sodomizing the Tendōs (episode of Sodomy in Anime )
- Split Personalities 5
- Spring of Drowned Vampire 1: First Time Together
- Spring of Drowned Vampire 2: Betrayal & Confusion
- Spring of Drowned Vampire 5: Almost Human
- Stranded 7
- Subterraneo
- Succubuss Kiss 5
- Tables Turned 2: Akane
- Tables Turned 3: Nabiki and Kasumi
- Tables Turned 11: Akane, Nabiki, Asuza and Kodachi Iterative
- Take Off Your Clothes 5: Love in Vain
- Tales of Ranma and Ranko 4: Our Wedding Day 5
- Tender Tendō Tushies 4: Perverting Tomboys
- Tender Tushies 5A (side-story of Tender Tendō Tushies )
- Tenmeiran 3
- Tension
- The Absolutely Worst Ranma ½ Lemon Ever
- The Best Darn Lemon Pie You Ever Ate
- The Clan 16: Healing
- The Curse Only Goes Up (It Likes to Be on Top) 1
- The Curse Only Goes Up (It Likes to Be on Top) 13: Final Fucks
- Bits & Tits (epilogue of The Curse Only Goes Up (It Likes to Be on Top) )
- The End of Akanes Rope
- Turnabout: Anything Goes Carnal Arts, BDSM Style (sequel to The House of Affection )
- Kasumis Room (side-story of The Insanity Continues )
- Breaking in the Kitchen (side-story of The Insanity Continues )
- Nabikis Territory (side-story of The Insanity Continues )
- Naked, Alone, and Nowhere to Go (side-story of The Insanity Continues )
- The Making and the Breaking
- The Neko-Ken
- The Nerima Shuffle 2: The Insanity Begins
- The Partys Over 4
- The Perverted Oni 1: The Demon Unleashed... err... Which One? {3rd draft}
- Least Sword Lemon (side-story of The Phoenix Prince Saga )
- The Price of Passion {1st draft}
- The Red Light at the End of the Universe
- The Sacred Chinese Amazon Mind Control Technique 2
- The Saotome Gambit 26
- The Terrible Tendō Trio
- The Wedding Night
- They Call Him Mr. Happy! 1: Ill hump, and Ill pump, and Ill blow...
- Three of a Kind 1
- Three of a Kind 2
- Three Souls, One Heart 9
- Threesome Fun
- Those Tears Are Pearls (episode of Thy Outward Part )
- Tip 8: Day Eight: Aftermath
- To Decide Who Is Worthy...
- To Dream
- To the Last Drop
- To the World and Back 1: From China with Love 1: Light
- Training
- Training Trip
- True Path 2: Jusenkyō
- True Path 3: The Big Plan
- Why Dont You Try Me for Real Some Time? (episode of Try Me for Real )
- Twister of Fate 1: Sun Up
- Twister of Fate 3: Thunder
- Twister of Fate 5: Midday
- Two Types of Liars 3 {1st draft}
- Un petit lemon de Pelops 2: La Concupiscence de Ranma I {French}
- Un petit lemon de Pelops 3: La Concupiscence de Ranma II {French}
- Un petit lemon de Pelops 6: Une matinée ordinaire {French}
- Un sueño hecho realidad 2: Un dulce despertar {Spanish}
- Una tarde cualquiera {Spanish}
- Une journée inoubliable pour Ranma {French}
- Unending BE 118500: RanmaPC: Akane Gets Her Wish
- Unending BE 169005: Akane Finally Gets a REAL Match
- Unending BE 181825: RanmaPC: Weeding the Black Rose
- Unending BE 205376: RanmaPC: A Little Familial Enjoyment
- Unending BE 209108: Demonic Intervention: Ranma Victorious!
- Unending BE 209672: RanmaPC: Red Passion
- Unending BE 214077: Ranmas Petting Zoo? Resistance Is Useless!
- Unending BE 280013: Ranmas Army: Programming and Imprint Complete
- Unending BE 312767: NtLD: Usagi Makes Three
- Unending BE 314646: Red Secret: Questions
- Unending BE 314654: Red Slave: Acceptance
- Unending BE 315179: Ranma Restart: Secret Games
- Unending BE 322421: Ranmas Slaves: Bath Time
- Unending BE 337812: NtLD: Street Cheerleader II
- Unending BE 340003: LRH Jump and Hump
- Unending BE 348796: Doll Voodoo: Bedroom Games
- Unending BE 348840: Doll Voodoo: Dressing Up
- Unending BE 349962: Doll Voodoo: Just Desserts
- Unending BE 351725: Doll Voodoo: Together Pleasure
- Unending BE 354946: Doll Play: Game Playing
- Unending BE 357075: Doll Voodoo: Parental Guidance Discouraged
- Unending BE 357113: Doll Play: Next Level
- Unending BE 357216: Doll Play: Old Games Are the Best, Arent They?
- Unending BE 358179: Doll Voodoo: Planning Pleasure
- Unending BE 358304: Doll Play: Secret Games
- Unending BE 359455: Doll Voodoo: Opening Entertainment
- Unending BE 359598: Doll Voodoo: Just a Quick Update
- Unending BE 359878: Doll Play: Posing Again
- Unending BE 361086: Doll Voodoo: A Little Play
- Unending BE 361188: Doll Voodoo: Everything As It Was?
- Unending BE 363923: Doll Play: Droid Games
- Unending BE 364142: Doll Play: Droid Dolls
- Unending BE 415202: Store Property: Trying Things
- Unending BE 420735: Store Property: Taking Chances
- Unending BE 434759: Horse Property: In Private
- Vacation
- Video Girl 2: In the Bath and Kitchen
- Video Girl 3: Trouble
- Video Girl 6: The American and the Chinese, Part 3
- Warm
- Warming Their Marriage Bed
- Watching Is Fun, Participating Is Better
- Werewolf Claws and Vampire Fangs 1: Descent into the Dark
- Werewolf Claws and Vampire Fangs 2: Twilights Edge
- Werewolf Claws and Vampire Fangs 6
- What Kind of Spice Is This?
- What Price Love 1
- Where Were You?
- While You Were Gone (a Pitcher of LEMONade)
- Ranma in Control! (side-story of Whole New World )
- Whoremonger: Book II 1
- Wicked Man Pills The Second Chapter (sequel to Wicked Man Pills )
- Wistful Dreams
- Working Up a Lather
- Worth It 3
- Wounded 9
- Wounded 10
- Youd Least Expect
- Yu-Gi-Oh-Ji! (Prince of Games) 8: A Night Out
- Yu-Gi-Oh-Ji! (Prince of Games) 9: Quantity over Quality
- + Ranma-futanari
- Experiment
- One Scoop or Two? 5: Akanes Dream
- Unending BE 101849: NerimaPC: Shampoo Gets Some Loving
- Unending BE 101872: Nerima PC: Jim Breaks Loose!
- + Ranma-chan
- A Different Viewpoint 19.5 (side-story of A Different Viewpoint )
- A Romp in the Park 6: Confessions
- Burlesque: A Ten Yen Tale (episode of A Tale of Ten Yen )
- Akane the Dominatrix! 4: Ranmas Plan....
- Akane the Dominatrix! 5: All Tied Up!
- Ambush ½ 1: Switching Sides
- An Akane to Pleasure
- Anime Addventure 197: Hot Time on the Old Roof Tonight...
- Anime Addventure 11723: Red Rover: Bitch in Heat
- Anime Addventure 11806: Red Rover: Twos Company, Threes a Ménage
- Anime Addventure 12373: Red Rover: Over the Lips and Past the Gums, Watch out Ranma, Here I Cum
- Anime Addventure 13469: Lemon Flu: Wild Red
- Anime Addventure 20061: The Tendō Brothel: Training Begins
- Anime Addventure 22296: The Galatea Syndrome The Nerima Situation: Disaster! Did Someone Get to Akane Before Ranma?!
- Anime Addventure 47060: Lust Dust: Lost Together
- Anime Addventure 47336: Faking It: The Fiancées Use Ranma-chan
- Anime Addventure 123990: Prisoner of the Iron Mask: The Mistress vs. the Maid
- Anime Addventure 126738: Prisoner of the Iron Mask: Chastisement
- Anime Addventure 126917: Prisoner of the Iron Mask: Beating the Girls
- Anime Addventure 129918: Prisoner of the Iron Mask: Icy-Hot Tortures
- Anime Addventure 136163: Fooled: Fully Tricking Out All Their Kinks
- Anime Addventure 138172: Fooled: Free Lesbian Peep-Show
- Anime Addventure 205375: Red Rover: Stiffed
- Anime/Manga Hentai Family RPG 8
- Autumn Storm
- Cabin Fever
- Camping 1: First Night
- Camping 2: Second Night
- Cant Resist a Challenge!
- Choose Your Own Adventure! 5
- Clarity and the Results
- Come Sail Away
- Comes the Cold Dragon 2
- Comes the Cold Dragon 4
- Comes the Cold Dragon 13.2
- Couch Trips: Book 1 6: Wearing the Face She Keeps by the Door
- Couch Trips: Book 1 9: Dress Up
- Couch Trips: Book 4 14: Dinner Dates
- Couch Trips: Book 6 10: Making Up for Lost Time
- Desires
- Divine Intervention 3: ... In the Meantime, Part II
- Ecchi Ranma Hentai RPG 1: Thread 1
- El Juego de cartas de Nabiki {Spanish}
- Experiment
- Exploring Nerima 2: How the Other Type Does It
- The Other Side of Life (prelude to Flesh and Blood )
- For Better or for (Even) Worse 2
- Fun at the Amusement Park 2
- Fun in the Bathroom
- Fūrinkan Hentai 3: Thread 3 {unfinished}
- Heat 2: Turning the Table
- Hentai RPG Adventures Shampoo 2
- Hot and Cold Running Ranma
- Ill Be Your Fiancée! 1: WHOS a PERVERT?!
- Ill Be Your Fiancée! 2: Like Moths to an Alternative Flame
- Incriminating Evidences 3: Whip Me! Beat Me! Make Me Yours!
- Kinky Punishment 1: Slick and Lick
- Kodak Moments 4
- La Blue Ukyō (Shikima Okonomiyaki) 3
- La Blue... Ranma?!? 1: What a Way to Start the Day...
- La Blue... Ranma?!? 2: The Visit to Dr. Tōfūs
- La Pildora 3 {Spanish}
- Unofficial Lemon Sherbert Side Story: Shampoo (side-story of Lemon Sherbet )
- Lemonade Punch 1: Ranma Fever
- Lets Talk
- Lost Innocence 4: Revealed
- Midnight Is the Time for Playing
- Miss/Fortune 2: Story
- Mistletoe 2: Eggnog and Secrets
- Moments of Lust and Love
- Moonlight on Your Skin: Theme and Variations
- My Ranma Movie 2
- Neko Love 1: Unwelcomed Attention
- Neko Love 5: Director Nabiki
- Neko Love 10: Demon Nightstalker of Nerima
- Neko-Ken Is out of the Bag! 3: A Cat in the Mountains
- Neko-Ken Is out of the Bag! 11: Hentai Dream
- Never Buy the Unknown 2: Akane and Ranma Get It
- newRanma 20: Living
- No Control 1: The Beginning of the End of Ranma Saotome
- No Control 2: The Bringer of Pain
- One Scoop or Two? 8: The Morning After or Take Two
- Only Two Thousand Yen!
- Orgy 1
- Orgy 2
- Orgy 3
- Picnic for Three
- Pink Lemonade 2: Nodoka the Queen: The Furo Follies
- Pink Lemonade 3: Konatsu the Queen: The Nerima Boys Club
- Mistresss Punishment (sequel to Proper Punishment )
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 1 {unfinished}
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 3: Thread 1 {unfinished}
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 20
- Ranma ½ Lemon Flavored 2: Of Fingers and Chocolates
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 7: Start
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 7: End
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 9: End
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 10: Thread 2
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 13 {unfinished}
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 16: Thread 6
- Ranma Lets Fuck! 4
- Ranma, Master of Kyōjitsu 4: The Challenge of the Three Oysters
- Ranma Nibun no Ichi 1: The Wedding
- Ranma Nibun no Ichi 7: A Mothers Love
- Ranmas Apartment 3: Guises
- Rejected 10: Second Monday, Yin
- Fantasy Life (side-story of Return of the Instant Nanniichuan )
- Riding the Wooden Pony
- Rock n Roll ½ 4: Love Hurts
- Ryōga Hentai 5 {unfinished}
- Ryōga: Lost No More
- Whatever Happened to Claire 4 (spin-off from Sailor Moon Season 745 )
- Secret Photos
- Shock Value
- Show You Something Better
- Special Dreams
- Take Off Your Clothes 5: Love in Vain
- Tender Tushies 5A (side-story of Tender Tendō Tushies )
- The Accidental Goddess 5: Be It Ever so Humble...
- Indiscriminate Grappling (side-story of The Insanity Continues )
- The Lust Virus 5: Ranma 1/3 or The Case of the Masturbating Panda
- The Perverted Oni 1: The Demon Unleashed {2nd draft}
- The Perverted Oni 1: The Demon Unleashed {1st draft}
- The Perverted Oni 1: The Demon Unleashed... err... Which One? {3rd draft}
- The Power of Dreams 4
- The Shikima Interface 3: Mother and Daughter
- The Shikima Interface 4.2: School Daze 2
- The Shikima Interface 7: The Search, Part One
- The Spring of Drowned Thief 11: Violent Mood Swings
- The Spring of Drowned Thief 21: Couldnt Stop Dreaming About Her
- Threesome Fun
- Tip 1: Day One: Mistakes
- Tip 4: Day Four: Permanence
- Trading Places 1
- Training
- Trial by Fire 13: Open Your Heart
- Two Types of Liars 3 {1st draft}
- Ukyōs Hentai Okonomiyaki {unfinished}
- Una tarde cualquiera {Spanish}
- Unending BE 102446: NerimaPC: Kunō Cums on the Kitties
- Unending BE 102928: KasumiPC: Ryōga Porks the Catgirls
- Unending BE 103107: KasumiPC: Stray Thoughts About Dr. Tōfū
- Unending BE 103204: KasumiPC: An Untimely Awakening
- Unending BE 111399: KunōPC: Kunō Grabs the Laptop
- Unending BE 195778: RanmaPC: Milkmaid
- Unending BE 206098: PW-Ryōga: Tomboy Thrashing Time
- Unending BE 208108: PW-Ryōga: Advancing the plot
- Unending BE 209551: Demonic Aftermath: A Wish for Ranma
- Unending BE 242931: Hentai Plant: Pleasure and Seeds
- Unending BE 244679: Tendō Style Sexcraft: In the Dojo...
- Unending BE 359549: The Empress Ranma Begins Her Dynasty
- Unending BE 359874: Drow Makeover: Wake Up to a Change
- Unending BE 423143: Store Property: Pair
- Unending BE 423294: Store Property: Dedicated Lovers
- Unending BE 424367: Store Property: Up Through the Barriers Silkily
- Unending BE 426953: Akane Ambushed
- Ranmas Sexual Nightmare (episode of Warming Their Marriage Bed )
- Werewolf Claws and Vampire Fangs 7
- What Price Love 1
- Where Were You?
- Working Up a Lather
- + Ryōga
- A Real Pig (side-story of A Real Man )
- An Akane to Pleasure
- Anime Addventure 10032: Dark Stalker Akane 8336: Bonding
- Anime Addventure 11806: Red Rover: Twos Company, Threes a Ménage
- Anime Addventure 12717: Akanes Descent: Death was just the start, the true horror begins now!
- Anime Addventure 13469: Lemon Flu: Wild Red
- Anime Addventure 47060: Lust Dust: Lost Together
- Anime Addventure 101805: Masters Way: Material Girl Dreams
- Bedtime Stories 1: Rubber P-chan, Youre the One That Makes Bathtime so Much Fun...
- Betrayal of the Okonomiyaki!
- Bracelet of Desire 2
- Complete Control 5
- Diary of a Nerima Slut
- Divine Intervention 3: ... In the Meantime, Part II
- Father Figure 5: Parts Unknown
- Gratuity 1
- Incriminating Evidences 3: Whip Me! Beat Me! Make Me Yours!
- Kareshi, Ichūnōnna 2
- La Chica de mi vida 3 {Spanish}
- La Poción {Spanish}
- Lemon Sherbet 5: Whole Lotta Moaning Going On / Akane Really Loves P-chan
- Lost and Lust
- Edgy Feelings (side-story of Loveletters from the Edge )
- Matchmaker 3: Akanes Lost Heart
- Moonlights Gift
- My P-chan
- The Honeymoon Hentai Chapters 3 (side-story of Nabiki ½: A Very Scary Thought )
- The Honeymoon Hentai Chapters 7 (side-story of Nabiki ½: A Very Scary Thought )
- The Honeymoon Hentai Chapters 12 (side-story of Nabiki ½: A Very Scary Thought )
- The Honeymoon Hentai Chapters 13 (side-story of Nabiki ½: A Very Scary Thought )
- The Honeymoon Hentai Chapters 16 (side-story of Nabiki ½: A Very Scary Thought )
- Orgy 1
- Orgy 2
- Orgy 3
- Passion Is in the Air
- Plot?! We Dont Need No Stinkin Plot!
- Private Messages
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 3: Thread 1 {unfinished}
- Ranma ½ the Next Generation Hentai RPG 14: Thread 2
- Ranma Hentai Round Robin
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 3
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 7: Start
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 7: Thread 1
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 7: End
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 12: End
- Ranma Lets Fuck! 6
- Ranma Lust 1
- RanmaX Hentai RPG 5: Thread 3 {unfinished}
- Ryorgazmo
- Ryōga Gets Carried Away
- Ryōga Hentai 4 {unfinished}
- Ryōga Hentai 5 {unfinished}
- Ryōga: Lost No More
- Sibling Rivalry 1: An American Breakfast
- Tender Tushies 5A (side-story of Tender Tendō Tushies )
- Improper Fun and Frolic (episode of The Game )
- The Price of Passion 1
- The Ryōga and Akane Lemon 2
- The Shikima Interface 5.1: Consequences 1
- The Spring of Drowned Thief 16: An Emergency Stop
- Three of a Kind 1
- Three of a Kind 2
- Top Ten Rejected Lines
- Ukyōs Hentai Okonomiyaki {unfinished}
- Un grave castigo 3 {Spanish}
- Un petit lemon de Pelops 6: Une matinée ordinaire {French}
- Unending BE 102928: KasumiPC: Ryōga Porks the Catgirls
- Unending BE 110841: PW: Akane in the Woods
- Unending BE 191074: PW: The Reluctant Master
- Unending BE 206108: PW-Ryōga: Taming the Tomboy
- Unending BE 247255: RND: Meanwhile, out at the Campsite
- Unending BE 314566: Red Secret: Lower Red
- Unending BE 314580: Red Secret: Three Gates
- Unending BE 426953: Akane Ambushed
- Untitled
- Virgin 1
- + P-chan
- A Real Pig (side-story of A Real Man )
- Cant Resist a Challenge!
- Découverte du désir 1 {French}
- Divine Intervention 3: ... In the Meantime, Part II
- Lessons {unfinished}
- More Horrible Fanfiction...
- My P-chan
- Not a Dream
- One Night at the Tendō Dōjō
- The Happiest Bride
- The Ryōga and Akane Lemon 1
- Too Far
- Un grave castigo 3 {Spanish}
- Un grave castigo 7 {Spanish}
- Unconnected Scenes
- Unending BE 150676: Akane Deals Out Fitting Vengeance (Sides, Shes a Pussy-Ruled Girl)
- Watching Is Fun, Participating Is Better
- + Ryōga-onna
- Anime Addventure 144864: Animal Crackers: Muffling P-chan
- Edgy Feelings (side-story of Loveletters from the Edge )
- + Ryū
- Orgy 3
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 11: Thread 1
- + Sasuke
- Diary of a Nerima Slut
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 9: End
- + Sayuri
- Anime Addventure 52004: Kitty Senshi: Heavy Petting
- Anime Addventure 87173: Ranma Does Nerima: Ranmas Pride Makes Him the Alpha Male
- Anime Addventure 88550: Ranma Does Nerima: The Alpha Male, Obviously, Makes Many Difficult Decisions
- Anime Addventure 90166: Ranma Does Nerima: That Is One Lucky Closet!
- Diary of a Nerima Slut
- Unending BE 242959: Tentacle Ranma: Thats What Shikimas Friends Are For...
- Unending BE 412132: Store Property: Play Display
- + Shampoo
- A Scene to Believe...
- Akane, Wo Ai Ni
- Ambush ½ 1: Switching Sides
- Ambush ½ 2: Scarlet and Lavender
- Ambush ½ 3: Fun and Games
- Anime Addventure 1297: Faking It: Things Arent What They Look Like...
- Anime Addventure 16509: Sexpet Nabiki: White Tiger
- Anime Addventure 29406: Shampoos Wives: Red Mountain
- Anime Addventure 47060: Lust Dust: Lost Together
- Anime Addventure 59610: Fight! Sexy Amazon Hulk-chan!: Shell- um, Blanket Game
- Anime Addventure 61426: Fight! Sexy Amazon Hulk-chan!: Dont Stop, Juggy-Naut!
- Anime Addventure 61762: Fight! Sexy Amazon Hulk-chan!: Hulk-chan Is the HORNIEST One There Is!
- Anime Hentai High School Ranma 5 {unfinished}
- Anime/Manga Hentai Family RPG 8
- Before Marriage
- Cookies from Shampoo
- For Better or for (Even) Worse 1
- Fūrinkan Hentai 3: Thread 3 {unfinished}
- Getting Together 1: One Night at the Tendō Dōjō
- Getting Together 2: The Morning After
- Hentai RPG Adventures Shampoo 2
- It Really Happened
- Midnight Is the Time for Playing
- Not a Dream
- Odd Outcome 1: Akane
- Orgy 1
- Orgy 2
- Orgy 3
- Pets
- Picnic for Three
- Porn World! 4: The Fourth Helping
- Ranko, Abandoned No More
- Ranma .05 1.2: Being a Good Wife
- I Thought We Were Rivals (side-story of Ranma .05 )
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 1 {unfinished}
- A Night of Delights 3 (side-story of Realities Squared )
- Revenge
- Ryorgazmo
- Seduction
- Shock Value
- So Thats What Its Like
- The Fighting Girls Lemon Mega Mix 8: A Matter of Differing Powers 1
- The Lust Virus 5: Ranma 1/3 or The Case of the Masturbating Panda
- The Lust Virus: (Blackheart745s Version) 1: Infecting Ranmas World
- The Power of Dreams 2
- The Power of Dreams 3
- The Power of Dreams 4
- The Road Not Traveled 1 (side-story of The Road Not Traveled )
- Threesome Fun
- Tip 6: Day Six: Hangover
- Twisted Ranma: Bad Bracelet 1: The Bracelet of Xealos
- Unending BE 81700: Shampoos Seduction!
- Unending BE 81706: Akanes Harem: Akanes New Kitty-Kat
- Unending BE 101849: NerimaPC: Shampoo Gets Some Loving
- Unending BE 103080: KasumiPC: The Doctor Is In
- Unending BE 103107: KasumiPC: Stray Thoughts About Dr. Tōfū
- Unending BE 241676: Ranmas Pet Catgirls: Kasumi Gets What She Wants and Shampoo Gets More Than She Bargained For
- Unending BE 292402: ANDFR: The Inauguration Party of the Pet Owners Club
- Unending BE 321994: Ranmas Slaves: Sharing Time
- Unending BE 326304: Taken Red: Seizing
- Unending BE 327478: Taken Red: Quartet
- Watching Is Fun, Participating Is Better
- Why Akane and Shampoo Hate Each Other
- Working Up a Lather
- + Shampoo-futanari
- Anime/Manga Hentai Family RPG 8
- + Shinnosuke
- An Akane to Pleasure
- Lemonade
- + Sōun
- Anime Addventure 141222: Psychic Vampire: Legacy of Ruin
- Anime Addventure 141383: Psychic Vampire: Good Breeding Gone Bad
- Diary of a Nerima Slut
- La Pildora 3 {Spanish}
- Orgy 3
- Psionic Ranma 3
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 15: Thread 4
- Un petit lemon de Pelops 1: Désir familial {French}
- Un petit lemon de Pelops 5: Rendez-vous {French}
- Unending BE 128623: NerimaPC: Akanes New Duties
- Unending BE 423851: Store Property: Emotional Desire
- Unending BE 426162: Store Property: Payment Plan
- + Tatewaki
- Anime Addventure 12717: Akanes Descent: Death was just the start, the true horror begins now!
- Anime Addventure 132787: Astartes Blessing: Feel the Lust! Tokyo Is the City of Passion
- Body Lotion
- Bracelet of Desire 2
- But How Does She REALLY Feel?
- Desperation 1: Ties Broken and Made 1: Loves Choice
- Diary of a Nerima Slut
- Dojo Raider! 3: Comfortable
- Fragmentation 3
- My Ranma Movie 1
- Orgy 1
- Orgy 3
- Ranma Hentai 3: Reconciliación {Spanish}
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 9: End
- Ranma Lust 1
- Ranma: Sextacular 5
- Ryorgazmo
- Ryōga Hentai 4 {unfinished}
- Special Dreams
- The House of Affection
- Turnabout: Anything Goes Carnal Arts, BDSM Style (sequel to The House of Affection )
- Trading Places 1
- Unending BE 102446: NerimaPC: Kunō Cums on the Kitties
- Unending BE 128623: NerimaPC: Akanes New Duties
- Unending BE 241863: Tentacle Ranma: First Victim(?), Kasumi
- Unending BE 349250: RanPC: Amazon Akane
- + Tōfū
- Anime Addventure 12717: Akanes Descent: Death was just the start, the true horror begins now!
- Anime Addventure 122106: Akanes Worst Nightmare: For in that sleep... what dreams may come... shall give us pause.
- Anime Addventure 178388: Akanes Wish: Firm and Supple, Akane Observes
- Camping 1: First Night
- Orgy 1
- Orgy 2
- Orgy 3
- Un petit lemon de Pelops 4: À lhopital {French}
- Unending BE 103080: KasumiPC: The Doctor Is In
- Unending BE 103107: KasumiPC: Stray Thoughts About Dr. Tōfū
- + Tōma
- Changed History
- + Tsubasa
- Gratuity 6
- Incriminating Evidences 5: Dip Baby Dip!
- + Ukyō
- A Different Viewpoint: Curses and Demons 14
- A Scene to Believe...
- Addicted to Love 4
- Anime Addventure 59610: Fight! Sexy Amazon Hulk-chan!: Shell- um, Blanket Game
- Anime Addventure 62155: Fight! Sexy Amazon Hulk-chan!: Naughty Hulk-chan! Mama Spank!
- Anime Addventure 62462: Fight! Sexy Amazon Hulk-chan!: Yes! Yes! Oral Sex!
- Anime Addventure 62464: Fight! Sexy Amazon Hulk-chan!: Secrets Revealed!
- Couch Trips: Book 2 20: Sleeping Arrangements
- Couch Trips: Book 7 2: Of Musk and Men
- Female Fiancées Fun
- Hentai RPG Adventures Shampoo 2
- La Blue Ukyō (Shikima Okonomiyaki) 3
- Lemonade Punch 3: A Tad Too Much
- Lemonade Punch 4: Passion Fever Nightmare
- Long Days, Hard Nights
- Midnight Is the Time for Playing
- One Mistake After Another 1: Fiancée Get-Together
- Orgy 1
- Orgy 2
- Orgy 3
- Plot?! We Dont Need No Stinkin Plot!
- Porn World! 4: The Fourth Helping
- Psionic Ranma 3
- Ranko, Abandoned No More
- How to Make an Okonomiyaki (side-story of Ranma and Nabiki: A Tale of Two Wallets )
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 7: End
- Ranma Lets Fuck! 8: Lunchtime
- Ranmas Quest for His Manhood 3: The Quest Begins
- Seduction of Ataru 1: Ukyōs Secret Technique!
- The Curse Only Goes Up (It Likes to Be on Top) 10: Stretching the Truth
- Improper Fun and Frolic (episode of The Game )
- The Lust Virus: (Blackheart745s Version) 1: Infecting Ranmas World
- The Power of Dreams 1
- The Power of Dreams 3
- The Power of Dreams 4
- The Road Not Traveled 1 (side-story of The Road Not Traveled )
- Threesome Fun
- Tip 1: Day One: Mistakes
- Tip 4: Day Four: Permanence
- Tip 6: Day Six: Hangover
- Unending BE 186840: RanmaPC: Dog and Cow Havin Fun
- Unending BE 208121: Magical Haremgirl Akane: Recruitment Drive
- Unending BE 242961: Tentacle Ranma: Medical Emergency
- Unending BE 292872: ANDFR: A New Species for Ran
- Unending BE 322531: Ranmas Slaves: Discussion Time
- Unending BE 324763: Taken Red: Snatching
- Unending BE 324897: Taken Red: Pleasure
- Unending BE 324972: Taken Red: Third
- Unending BE 356906: Doll Voodoo: Welcoming Embrace
- Unending BE 358240: Doll Voodoo: Reuniting the Dolls
- Unending BE 359455: Doll Voodoo: Opening Entertainment
- Unending BE 361188: Doll Voodoo: Everything As It Was?
- Unending BE 364150: Doll Play: Wanting Playmates
- Unending BE 423959: Store Property: Cognitive Dissonance and Glomping
- Unending BE 424083: Store Property: Ukyō, the Alpha Male
- Unending BE 426171: Personal Property: Taken Home
- Unending BE 427466: Personal Property: Fetish, a First-Time Imprint
- Unending BE 434765: Personal Property: Time For A Check
- Unending BE 438026: Personal Property: Intimate Use
- Unending BE 439628: Personal Property: Fear of Being Caught
- + Ukyō-otoko
- Couch Trips: Book 6 10: Making Up for Lost Time
- How to Make an Okonomiyaki (side-story of Ranma and Nabiki: A Tale of Two Wallets )
- + Yuka
- Anime Addventure 52004: Kitty Senshi: Heavy Petting
- Anime Addventure 87173: Ranma Does Nerima: Ranmas Pride Makes Him the Alpha Male
- Anime Addventure 88550: Ranma Does Nerima: The Alpha Male, Obviously, Makes Many Difficult Decisions
- Anime Addventure 90166: Ranma Does Nerima: That Is One Lucky Closet!
- Diary of a Nerima Slut
- Orgy 3
- Playing with Ranma 15: Overwhelming Lust
- Playing with Ranma 16: Akane Snaps!
- Tip 2: Day Two: Harem Talk
- Un pésimo remedio 1 {Spanish}
- Unending BE 242959: Tentacle Ranma: Thats What Shikimas Friends Are For...
- Unending BE 412132: Store Property: Play Display
- + others...
- A Different Viewpoint: Curses and Demons 27
- A Romp in the Park 13: The Point of No Return
- A Romp in the Park 14: Not-So-Guilty Pleasures
- A Romp in the Park II 4: Girl Pile
- Akane and Ami Together! 1: House Guest
- Akane and Ami Together! 2: Cleaning Up
- Akane and Ami Together! 3: Bedtime
- Anime Addventure 991: Milking
- Anime Addventure 34625: Red Rover: Akane Comes Home
- Anime Addventure 36286: Great Will: Ranma: Princess of All Sluts
- Anime Addventure 71257: Fight! Sexy Amazon Hulk-chan!: Well, It Certainly Took Long Enough, Didnt
- Anime Addventure 77251: Fight! Sexy Amazon Hulk-chan!: The Rescue Is Here! But Wholl Rescue Hulk-chan?
- Anime Addventure 78315: Fight! Sexy Amazon Hulk-chan!: Memo to Self: Need More Catch Phrases
- Anime Addventure 85528: Ranma Does Nerima: Gang Bang Akane
- Anime Addventure 92645: Akanes Worst Nightmare: Look, Nancy, Ive built the perfect time machine.
- Anime Addventure 99912: Plutos Rampage: Dark Senshi: Hope...
- Anime Addventure 148827: Fighting Girl Trainer Ranma: Bare in the Woods
- Anime Addventure 174463: ID4: Akane, Naked In Tube
- Anime Addventure 176628: Nodokas Solution Horror House: Making Things Happen
- Anime Addventure 177993: Akanes Wish: Between Wet and Hard
- Anime Hentai High School Ranma 5 {unfinished}
- Bliss 3
- Body Lotion
- Diary of a Nerima Slut
- Gaijin in Nerima!
- Yet More Gaijin in Nerima! (episode of Gaijin in Nerima! )
- Tender Mercies (side-story of GRIT )
- It Really Happened
- La Blue Ukyō (Shikima Okonomiyaki) 1
- La Blue Ukyō (Shikima Okonomiyaki) 2
- La Blue Ukyō (Shikima Okonomiyaki) 3
- La Blue Ukyō (Shikima Okonomiyaki) 5
- Lemonade Punch 5.2: My Bright-Eyed Girl 2
- Like Squid for Enema
- Mr. Crossover
- Nabiki ½: A Very Scary Thought 22
- The Honeymoon Hentai Chapters 2 (side-story of Nabiki ½: A Very Scary Thought )
- The Honeymoon Hentai Chapters 13 (side-story of Nabiki ½: A Very Scary Thought )
- The Honeymoon Hentai Chapters 14 (side-story of Nabiki ½: A Very Scary Thought )
- Never Buy the Unknown 1: Akane Gets It
- Never Buy the Unknown 2: Akane and Ranma Get It
- Playing with Ranma 16: Akane Snaps!
- Dealing a New Hand (episode of Playtime for Puddles )
- Psionic Ranma 3
- Ranma ½ the Next Generation Hentai RPG 7: Thread 4
- Ranma and Nabiki: A Tale of Two Wallets 100
- Ranma, Master of Kyōjitsu 3: The Three Sisters
- Ranmas Quest for His Manhood 3: The Quest Begins
- Ranmas Quest for His Manhood 4: The Quest Gets Sticky
- Ryōga: Lost No More
- Shampoos Revenge
- Succubuss Kiss 5
- The Clan 16: Healing
- The Fighting Girls Lemon Mega Mix 8: A Matter of Differing Powers 1
- The Power of Dreams 3
- The Shikima Interface 6.1: Marital Arts 1
- The Amazon, the Tomboy, and the Kunōichi (side-story of Those Who Hunt Ninjas )
- Twister of Fate 2: Rainfall
- Un grave castigo 4 {Spanish}
- Unending BE 86695: PW: Jim & Rick & Akane
- Unending BE 86840: Jim & Rick Defeat Akane!
- Unending BE 88841: Kunō is more perverted than Ash? Oh my!
- Unending BE 93189: Akane vs. Lillith & Kodachi & Pia &...
- Unending BE 100382: PW: Akane vs. Ash?
- Unending BE 100482: PW: What Goes Around, Cums Around
- Unending BE 104291: Ranmas Pride: Now Makoto Really Gets Introduced
- Unending BE 114221: PW: Akane vs. Ash
- Unending BE 203529: Taken Red: Meeting
- Unending BE 203547: RanmaPC: Akane the School Prostitute
- Unending BE 204532: New Nabiki & Akane: Meet the Cows
- Unending BE 206098: PW-Ryōga: Tomboy Thrashing Time
- Unending BE 208108: PW-Ryōga: Advancing the plot
- Unending BE 208677: Demonic Intervention: Thank You, Mr. Pavlov
- Unending BE 241528: Hentai Plant: Ranma-chan to the Rescue... ERK!
- Unending BE 242830: Hentai Plant: Helpless Tomboys
- Unending BE 242931: Hentai Plant: Pleasure and Seeds
- Unending BE 324054: Taken Red: Shell
- Unending BE 326037: Sensidhe: Akane Submits
- Unending BE 362155: Eternity Cube: The Catgirl That Got the Cream
- Unending BE 410989: Store Property: Viewing Playthings
- Unending BE 422743: Store Property: Other Half
- Unending BE 423035: Private Property: Brought Home
- Unending BE 426625: Store Property: A Husbands Shopping Experience
- Unending BE 426953: Akane Ambushed
- Unending BE 436781: Nabikis Turn
- Unending BE 446462: Public Property: Akane, Super Sex Star Aimi
- Unending BE 452961: Store Property: Minded Use
- Wild Horse & Pokégirls 9: Pokébattle 101
- Akane-otoko
- Anime Addventure 291: Whos Got the Harem Now...
- Trading Places 1
- + Akari
- Ryōga: Lost No More
- + Kodachi
- Anime Addventure 291: Whos Got the Harem Now...
- Body Lotion
- Dojo Raider! 5: Three Men and a Little Lady
- + Mousse
- Orgy 3
- + Nabiki
- Anime Addventure 4830: Zeuss Ball: Payback Time
- Anime Addventure 4846: Zeuss Ball: Double Payback Time
- Anime Addventure 108456: Akane-kun: Let Sister Have a Good Look at You
- Orgy 3
- The Curse Only Goes Up (It Likes to Be on Top) 10: Stretching the Truth
- Trading Places 1
- Trading Places 2
- Unending BE 234940: Party at Ucchans: Enter the Ice Queen, NOT!
- + Ranko
- Ranma Hentai RPG and Fiction 1: Thread 1
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 6
- + Ranko-futanari
- Unending BE 234952: Party at Ucchans: One Less Ranma, One More??
- + Ranma-kun
- Couch Trips: Book 5 5: Birth of a Black Rose
- Ranma no Hentai!!
- Ryōga: Lost No More
- + Ranma-chan
- Anime Addventure 4850: Zeuss Ball: Ranma, prepare to have your world rocked!!
- The Wedding Night (side-story of Ascending Changes )
- Body Lotion
- Clarity and the Results
- Couch Trips: Book 3 3: Function Follows Form
- Duty 3
- Home Coming
- Intimations
- Lemon by Night {unfinished} (side-story of Let the Curtain Fall )
- Lets Talk
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 7: End
- Ryōga: Lost No More
- The Curse Only Goes Up (It Likes to Be on Top) 13: Final Fucks
- The Shikima Interface 1: Ranmas Bad Day
- The Shikima Interface 4.1: School Daze 1
- The Shikima Interface 4.2: School Daze 2
- The Shikima Interface 6.1: Marital Arts 1
- The Shikima Interface 7: The Search, Part One
- Too Much to Resist
- Training
- Werewolf Claws and Vampire Fangs 1: Descent into the Dark
- Werewolf Claws and Vampire Fangs 2: Twilights Edge
- Werewolf Claws and Vampire Fangs 3: Moons Rising
- Werewolf Claws and Vampire Fangs 5: Mornings Approach
- Werewolf Claws and Vampire Fangs 6
- Werewolf Claws and Vampire Fangs 7
- Werewolf Claws and Vampire Fangs 8
- + Ryōga-onna
- Reflections 43: Echoes of Rejection
- Ryōga: Lost No More
- + Sasuke
- Body Lotion
- + Sayuri
- Anime Addventure 291: Whos Got the Harem Now...
- + Shampoo
- Anime Addventure 4854: Zeuss Ball: I wont forget this fight.
- Anime Addventure 4860: Zeuss Ball: Akanes Conquest
- + Shampoo-otoko
- Orgy 3
- + Tatewaki-onna
- Dojo Raider! 5: Three Men and a Little Lady
- + Ukyō
- Couch Trips: Book 3 3: Function Follows Form
- Couch Trips: Book 5 5: Birth of a Black Rose
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 7: End
- The Shikima Interface 4.2: School Daze 2
- The Shikima Interface 6.1: Marital Arts 1
- The Shikima Interface 8: Family, Got to Love Them
- Trading Places 1
- Unending BE 221105: UkyōPC: Unexpected Side Effects of Testosterone?
- Unending BE 221475: UkyōPC: Party at Ucchans: The Guest List
- Unending BE 221482: UkyōPC: Party at Ucchans: The Appetizer
- Unending BE 242098: UcchanPC: Getting to Know Kaneda
- + Ukyō-otoko
- Orgy 3
- + Yuka
- Anime Addventure 291: Whos Got the Harem Now...
- + others...
- The Amazon, the Tomboy, and the Kunōichi (side-story of Those Who Hunt Ninjas )