Ahhh, it seems Kasumi has taken a student on isn't that nice?  So what ofthe others though, I wonder if they have any forbidden secrets to share.

The Women of Nerima: Scene 02
By: KoalaKiller
(Revised version, 1.1)
Proof-reader: JIM BADER

Strolling out of her last class of the afternoon, Nabiki Tendo headed out in search of her latest vict--er---customers that she had picked for the daily roundup.

Walking down the halls, her sharp eyes scanned the many departing students that like her, were heading downtown or home after a boring day at their whackjob of a High School.  As she went by many small groups she would stop for a moment and collect any yen that was owned to her.

Though she usually had no problems with the simple bets and loans, sometimes there would be a trouble maker that wouldn't cough up what was rightfully hers.  In these cases Nabiki would use her influence to spread some nastyrumor around the campus, and the stiffs usually would cave in by a week or so after their reputations were crashed into fine glass particles.

Once all her business was done on school grounds, Nabiki was finally able to leave the rundown place that had seen more battles then many a war film would ever see.  Looking at her watch,  Nabiki sighed out loud as she realised that she had misjudged how long it would take to finish what she needed doing and wondered if her silent partner would be overly upset with her for being somewhat late to their meeting this afternoon.

Increasing her pace, the Tendou middle sister moved down the streets.  Weaving her way around oncoming objects and people, after five minutes of power walking she arrived at her regular meeting place.

Ignoring the 'Closed' sign that was placed in front of Ucchan's, the young woman entered the darkened room that today would remain closed for the next hour or two, depending on what Ukyo's mood was.

Treading lightly, Nabik'si good eyesight noted that Ukyo wasn't in the dining room area, making her sigh in relief as she started to move towards the grill in a more casual manner.  Though before she could reach it, however, she suddenly felt something wiz pass her left ear and thereafter a sharp noise hit the wall in front of her.

Spinning around, she was surprised to see her silent

partner standing there, Battle-spatula in hand and a scowl on her pretty features.

"Your're late, Tendou."  She stated as she moved towards the older girl like a stalking predator within her own domain.

"Umm, sorry about that, Uky-" she muttered out in a very not-so-Nabiki way, which sadly sparked Ukyo's temper more as the okonomiyaki chef came to stand directly in front of the Tendou girl, who flinched under the hot gaze.

"You should know better then that to use my first name during our meetings, Tendou!"  Roughly using her free hand, Ukyo grabbed the front of Nabiki's shirt and pulled her close to her so their eyes would only be inches away.

"Sorry, sorry, I forgot Kuonji-san!" is whispered as she felt the hot

breath of the other girl.  Grunting, Ukyo pushed the other girl back as she started to circle her like a wounded animal that was being cornered by wild dogs.

"Well Tendou, you know what happens when you're late, rip those clothes off NOW!" she snarled into Nabiki's ear, scaring the moneylender and making her fumble with the buttons.

Shaking her head in wonder, Ukyo sometimes marveled at why the pathetic girl crumpled when ordered to do a simple task.  After a few moments, Ukyo put her battle-spatula on a nearby table and with a quick motion, grabbed the front of Nabiki's shirt and ripped it clean off while taking the bra with it, letting the ruined fabric flutter to the floor.  Now standing topless, Nabiki trembled in both fear and anger as she saw her ruined shirt on the floor, and berated herself for wearing it to the meeting knowing that the

possibility of losing it was a good 50/50.

Looking up at the other girl, Nabiki soon cringed at seeing Ukyo withdraw one of the throwing spatulas she carried and gave Nabiki a nasty grin.

"Well Tendou, as I said before, its your fault you're in this situation, if you hadn't fooled up with your accounts, you wouldn't owe me anything." Stepping forward, the Chef lightly chuckled to herself, "and I guess having you as my personal partner is all the repayment I really need." she raised the Kitchen tool up to Nabiki's left breast, and rubbed the underside of it against her now harden nipple.  Silently cursing herself for finding this pleasurable after losing her shirt, Nabiki had to bite back a moan as Ukyo pressed the tool into the breast with more force.

Withdrawing a second spatula, Ukyo skilful hands battered Nabiki's bosom like batter, lightly slapping them at times while other times rubbing the cool surface up and down the sides of her perky mounds.

Suddenly, Nabiki was taken out of her semi-bliss by a more painful slap on both of her nipples.  Biting down on a hiss of pain, fully knowing that if she did cry out that she would just receive another unpleasant tap.

Moving a step back, Ukyo nodded at seeing that Nabiki was well stimulated and placed the 2 spatulas on a nearby table and then picked up her battle-type.

"You know the drill, take off the skirt and bend over the table with face pressed down.

Cringing at the thought, Nabiki turned around and removed the other remaining clothing, including her panties and shoes.  Bending over, she moved her head to the side and rested her cheek on the cold table while her arms remained at her sides.  Watching with keen eyes, Ukyo lets her eyes roam over the other girl's cute little butt with a wicked expression before bringing her battle-spatula up.

Feeling the cool surface of the metal press down on her shapely backside, Nabiki squeezed her eyes shut as her tormentor rubbed the deadly weapon's head over each cheek, tapping them a few times like testing out the cold water at the beach.

A sudden stinging sensation shot through her not long after as the cool metal made a loud slapping noise against her bare skin.  Trying to keep from crying out in pain, Nabiki bit down on her bottom lip as her other cheek received the same whack.  This punishment soon continued after a few moments as the Tendou girl shuddered under the smacks that rained down on her now

very tender butt.  Unable to help herself, small sobs starts to part from her lips as another volley of whacks continued, making her jerk forward while she wished that the repeated blows would stop soon.

Time seemed to burr in Nabiki's mind as she let her pain show from the spanking that she was receiving.  She had not realised though that the punishment had stopped, she just continued to shake where she was bent over, ignoring her stiffen nipples and just let herself go while the tears came flowing like fountains.

She was finally aware of someone leaning over her, that a shushing sound she could hear from her left ear, and the feeling of someone rubbing something onto her raw bottom.

"Now, now, no more tears Tendou-san, the punishment for today is over and I hope we don't have to do this again for some time."  She heard Ukyo's soothing voice, so much different from the harsh tones from earlier and now hearing the gentle voice she started to calm down.  Soon, she was able to enjoy the gentle fingers as they rubbed some kind of cream on her backside and couldn't help herself sighing out in pleasure.

Chuckling to herself, Ukyo sometimes wondered if Nabiki secretly loved being spanked like that, wanting to be treated like a bad little girl that had done something very wicked and mean.  So enduring the harsh and uncaring strikes to her bottom thinking that she deserved it but once over she would be able to enjoy the gentle fingers and tones of her tormentor.

"There now, all done Miss Tendou." stepping back, she let the other girl upright herself, noting that she had been careful in not inflicting serious damage as Nabiki seemed to be recovering nicely and that cream seemed to be helping numb the pain.

"So I think we can move on to the more pleasant part of the meeting for today," removing her weapons, leaving her only in her school uniform, she continued, "now for the next part I'll hand it over to you."

Nodding at the secret command, she stepped up to the other girl and started to remove Ukyo's clothing.  It didn't take long before both young women stood naked in the closed restaurant.  Giving the Tendou sister a nod, she let the older girl's hands roam over her front, while the Chef enjoyed the feeling of contact and feeling of contact and building lust inside of her ignire.

Ukyo soon grabbed the exploring hands, pulling them away before swinging the other girl over her shoulder.  Being carried like this always brought a thrill to Nabiki.  Having one of Nerima's great Martial Artists control her in this fashion gave her the most interesting pleasure.  Once inside Ukyo's room, Nabiki found herself being dumped onto the bed and soon straddled by the Chef.  Feeling the wetness dripping onto her stomach from Ukyo's pussy, Nabiki reached up and started to fondle the Tendou girl's breasts while Ukyo's strong hands reached down and grasped hers, giving her the same amount of attention before they entered the last part of the meeting.

She groaned in pleasure as she felt Nabiki's hands mold and fondle her bosom, rubbing and pinching her nipples while setting Ukyo's loing on fire with the desperate need of release.

So, halting their exploration of each others twin peaks, Ukyo rolled off of Nabiki and pointed towards a cup of water on a nearby table.

"You know what to do, though you will be surprised this time at the results."  Seeing the confused look of the other girl, she just shrugged and waited for Nabiki to do as she was instructed.

Standing up while ignoring the aching in her own rock hard nipples, Nabiki went to the cup and picked it up, empting it over her head and felt new sensations run through her upon contact.

Ukyo watched with keen eyes as the girl in front of her suddenly changed from a beautiful young woman, to a tall, half-human half-cat male.  Nodding at the change with approval, Ukyo sat on the side of the bed as she examined Nabiki's new look.

"Though we don't get along well at times, Shampoo the other day had suggested that if I wanted to really experiment with Instant Jusenkyo waters that I bought through her, I should try mixing them together and see what comes up."

Nabiki just blinked in surprised as the interesting sensations running through her.  True, she had used the Male brand before, but when Nabik felt something odd from her lower back, he looked over his shoulder at his behind to discover a newly formed tail that currently was whooshing back and forth in his present excitement.

Ukyo, meanwhile, was busy inspecting the latest 'equipment' upgrade and nodded with lust filled eyes at the slightly larger than normal male member. as she saw the slightly larger member then a normal male's.  Taking a firm grasp of it with her hands caused Nabiki to turn his head around with a gasp of pleasure, letting Ukyo stroke the pole as he moaned and groaned with the urge to release becoming all that much stronger.

Seeing that she had her Nabiki all ready and at attention, she moved back onto the bed while keeping Nabiki's newly formed member in hand and soon she had the humanoid cat-type male looming over her body, ready to dive into her for much needed release that they had been waiting for all afternoon.

Knowing what to do, though this time he had to be careful with his new claws, he positioned himself above Ukyo's lower entrance and slid inside with ease, noting how the larger member fit in cozy within Ukyo's silky smooth sheath.

Placing his hands on either side of Ukyo's head, Nabiki filled Ukyo up to the hilt, enjoying the sounds of pleasure that were flowing from the Chef's lips.  Moving slowly up and down, the Tendo cat-boy began to pace his thrusts as he got more accustomed to his new body, adjusting to the increase of strength so as not to harm his smaller human lover.

It didn't take long to set a good pace as they both began to ram into one another, feeling their mutual orgasm build inside them both as they came closer to a climax.

Minutes soon passed, and now grunting loudly, Nabiki could feel his much needed release was near the edge, only a step away from his grasp.  As well, Ukyo could feel herself starting to lose it, sensing the coming orgasm was right there ready to be accepted.

With a howl, Nabiki finally thrust one last time into his lover as he started to shuddered in delight with his hot seed shooting into the human woman beneath him.  Feeling his tail go stiff as well, Nabiki lost himself in the incredible feelings and nearly ripped the sheets on the bed apart with his sharp claws.

Ukyo, meanwhile, was shuddering below him, feeling herself clinch onto his large member with a death grip as the great pleasure of being filled to the brim with his hot juices made her wish this experience with the Tendou tomcat poised above her could continue like this for hours.  She had long ago closed her eyes as the sensation rippled through her and made all the pain and frustrations go away for a while, and again she felt a feeling of completion wash over her young mind as she shuddered in response and felt her body tense all over until at last the tide ebbed and she came back down to normal.

Soon, both came down off their highs as Nabiki fell down beside his lover, breathing hard after experiencing one of his best orgasms to date.  Seeing Ukyo starting to relax besides him, he let his urges go and gathered the smaller human into his furry arms and started to purr in content as he too, for once, felt strangely complete.  After awhile, Ukyo pulled her head back from the soft fur of Nabiki's cat form and spoke softly to her cross-gendered lover,

"So, how are you feeling, Nabiki?"  With the meeting over with, Ukyo had moved back to first names.

"I'm feeling pretty good now, I guess." The older boy natural purred out, looking down at the girl in his now powerful arms.

"Thats good, I hope I didn't upset or really hurt you earlier, but I." she trailed off, closing her eyes as she thought for a few moments, "I just can't help myself at times, its like there is two sides to me that sometimes fight for control.'

"I know, Ukyo, I've grown use to it."  Nabiki continued to purr, wishing that these feelings would continue on and not end with the next hour or so.

"But still, I shouldn't take my frustration and pain on you.  Ranchan's failure to decide his bride and these bloody last ten years have warped me somewhat and at times I just find giving out pain is better then giving out pleasure."

Rubbing his cheek against Ukyo's, Nabiki continued to hold the smaller person with care and said, "I don't care, I'm just sick of the loneliness and all I want is this feeling I'm experiencing right now."

Nodding to that, Ukyo moved her head again so that it was resting under Nabiki's furry chin and dozed off, enjoying the contact with the cat-boy while it lasted.


Author's Notes:

Well, here is the second scene done.  I hope you hentais out there enjoyed it.  I would like to give Jim Bader a BIG thanks and a half for the nice work with the proof reading, since this wouldn't be as good without him.  The third part should be out tomorrow or Friday(I go my Aussie time), just having a few problems with what I have planned.

Now with seeing what the Moneylender and The okonomiyaki-one gets up to in their spare time, lets see how twisted Kodachi can really be, or is she really just misunderstood.?

C&C please!!!!