The Two Faced Angel
Ranma 1/2 doesn't belong to me, never has and never will...I have no clue who it belongs to at the moment but I know it belongs to somebody so I can't claim their characters as my own...unless I want to be thrown into the pool of drowned mouse or something of the sort. So just that you know, this is an Free For All Procudtion, which means I'm making ANY profit off this story so just shut up and enjoy the story with your lemonaid.
Oh, if you haven't guessed by now, this is an lemon. So if you're under 17 years old, I suggest you RUN! RUN LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDED ON IT AND NEVER LOOK BACK! Otherwise, sit back and enjoy this story like an breath of freash air.
Now with that said and done, on with the show.
Let's roll Charlee!
An mysterious female figure gives the thumbs up before reaching in her pocket for what looks like either an cordless mouse or an strange grey egg. She presses an button and an portal opens before us. Then with on step into the portal, we find ourselves in the story at hand...
You can now find my fanart at
Fractured Art Forms
Part 2: Only at Night
AJ Angelique
Ranma made her way to the bathroom for a nice long hot bath. It had been another long day of school, training, and trying to understand Akane. It was four days after Angelina had taken up aprenticship under his father and amazed everyone by how quickly she caught up to his and Akane's skills in the past few days. Also when they clued her in on his secret, she didn't freak or ask a lot of questions...she just acted as if it were an everyday thing and even took her out cloths shopping one day for an outfit to wear when all her other cloths were in the wash. Something nice but boyish. So they got her a pair of blue jeans, shirt, and denim overjacket with a ball cap and sneaks...which she payed for!
"You sure you want to do this?" Ranma asked as Angelina gave the cashier cash for the cloths.
"Hell ya, we're friends now. Besides, consider this an early birthday gift," Angelina said with a smile. Ranma frowned at that memory as she pulled back the bathroom door. Angelina was a werid secrative girl who didn't talk about who as is or where she came from. You could count on her to be where she's suposee to be during the day but at night she vanished like the wind...except tongiht.
Ranma was home alone with Ryouga, who was hiding somewheres in his pig form, and Angelina...or what looked like Angelina. Everyone else was out doing one thing or another and the only way Akane had gone out was because Angelina showed to babysit P-Chan and "protect" him from Ranma. Even though she was offened, she took this blessing in disguise with silent thanks to be alone for once...well, kind of. The moment everyone was gone, Ranma annouced that she was going to take a bath and Angelina gave an 'ok' as he went down the hall to grab his night cloths and stuff he would need for the bath.
Now here she is, alone in the bathroom drawing a nice hot bath. Just when Ranma got the water the way she wanted, she sensed a presence behind her and before she could react the intruder wraped their arms around her while pressing their chest onto her back...their female chest?
"Angelina?" Ranma asked, almost stamering as she asked the simple question.
"Yes, it's me," Angelina said from behind him with a innocent grin.
"Gezze, you nearly scared me half to death..." Ranma started but was cut off by Angelina comeing around in front of him and kissing him gently on the lips. Ranma jumped back in shock only to back into the tub as a pain went through her back.
"Are you alright?" Angelina asked, surprised by Ranma's reaction.
"Yes, what the hell do you think you're doing?" Ranma asked as she rubbed her sore spot.
"What does it look like?" Angelina asked seductivly as she placed her hands on the rim of the tub and trapped Ranma as her eyes grew wide.
"You're a lesbian?" Ranma gasped and Angelina nodded slowly.
"I'm bisexual," Angelina said before she leaned in to kiss Ranma again with the same gentle kiss. She wasn't as surprised this time and actually was begining to enjoy this kiss when it slowly changed to a hungry kiss. Ranma opened her mouth to gasp only to have Angelina's tounge invade her mouth, gently exploring the unexplored territory. As the shock began to melt away, Ranma began to tentivlly move her tounge to meet Angelina's and explore her mouth just like she did. Angelina secrectlly smiled at this as she slowly removed her right hand from the rim of the tub and trailed it down Ranma's body to her right breast where she began to play with the nipple. The sudden sensations Ranma got from this made her stop the kiss.
"Shhh, you might as well learn now...before you get married," Angelina said with a wink as she continued to gently play with the nipple, causing it to errect.
"Isn't this considered rape?" Ranma asked.
"What do you think?" Angelina asked. Ranma was about to answer when Angelina leaned in again. She kissed Ranma on the lips and trailed more of these kissed down her neck and chest to the other breast where she began to tease the other nipple with light kisses and her tounge. Ranma's breath began to quicken at the wave of new sensations and emtoions as Angelina suckled on nipple and hand teased the other. Even though she was embarrassed to be in this situation, found this all strangly curious which kept Ranma from protesting any furthur.
Angelina smiled once more as she trailed her right hand lightly down Ranma's body to her sex where her feather light fingers teased the area around her curls before finally letting them selves inside to tease her clit and tickle her vagina. Then just when Ranma thought she couldn't stand it any more, Angelina's lips left her breast and trailed kissed down to her moist sex where she began to tease it with her playful tounge and lips. Then before Ranma knew what was happening, her body began to shudder as white sparkles began to appear in her eyes. Angelina quickly licked up every drop of Ranma's essence, careful to not let any of it drop to the floor.
"Wow! What was that?" Ranma asked stunned as she began to catch her breath.
"That my dear girl, was an orgasim," Angelina said as she wipped her mouth like the back of her hand and went back to an upright kneeling position. Angelina looks up at Ranma, glad that she was able to show her this pleasure in this form.
"There's more you know," Angelina said, her voice changing slightly as flecks of purple began to appear in her green eyes. Ranma looked up at this confussed.
"I know, but how...unless you happen to have a dildo or something," Ranma said with a light laughter that stopped as she watched Angelina's eyes change from green to purple.
"As a matter of fact, I have something more stimulating than that," Angelique said and glanced behind Ranma. She looked up to see Ryouga standing in the tub...nude. Ranma gasped and moved to do something only to be stopped by Ryouga swiftly jumping out of the tub and taking Angelique's place as she moved back and watched Ryouga pick up where she left off with a dark grin. For while Angelina was only interested in girl type Ranma, Angelique was interested in seeing just Ryouga would fair with her like this...
Ryouga started off by surprising Ranma with a hungry kiss before fondleing her sex, checking to see who slick things were. Finding that the way was very slick, he proceded to press his condomed sex into hers ever so slowly to get her use to the new object. Naturally, he found her hymen intact and proceded to break it with a single thrust that made Ranma shout in pain. Angelique quietly licked her lips as she took in this pain as if it were air or candy.
'Do you have to eat that stuff?' Angelina asked from the back of her head.
'I'm a Child of Darkness, what do expect?' Angelique asked.
'Table manners?' Angelina asked sarcasticlly and Angelique rolled her eyes before turning back to see that Ryouga was already gliding his member in and out of Ranma's now blood tinged vagina. Angelique can sense the pleasure building inside of both of them untill it explods into a full orgasim as the two groan out loud in their release. Angelique takes a taste of this, wrinkling her nose a bit like she had just tasted confectionary sugar.
"I would say my work here is done," Angelique said with a grin as she gracefully stood up and spun on heel to leave the room and get into some cloths so she could hit the town and cause some chaos before leaving this realm.
But before she is even able to take one step out of the room, Angelique is grabbed from behind by a now male Ranma.
"Not before I thank you for the lesson, Angelique," Ranma said, whirling around and throwing her into the tub full of warm water. Angelique fell into the tub and proceeded to splash some of it out on the floor. Angelique looked up with anger in her eyes as she got ready to get out of the tub only to have her arms pinned behind herself by Ryouga.
"Et tu Ryouga?" Angelique asked as she looked at him over her shoulder.
"Turn about is fair play," he simply said as Ranma stepped in the tub, now wearing a condom as well.
'Well, at least they're using protection,' Angelina said thoughtfully from the back of Angelique's head as Ranma proceded to enter her vagina, moistened from teaching Ranma and watching Ryouga have his way with Ranma earlier. Ranma was surprised to find that Angelique wasn't a virgin as Ryouga took this moment to place his sex in her virgin ass. Angelina hissed with pain but didn't fact she dind't know how to. The pain passed as the boys began to ride her, and even though Angelique tried to fight it the pleasure began to build in her body as it washes over her senses ad began to make he dizzy. What seemed like forever but was actually only minuets, the three came together in one great explosion of sense and light.
The guys pulled themselves from Angelique and sat down in the tub to rest as she stumbled out and made her way to the door.
'This is the last time I carter to one of your whims like that,' Angelique thought as cloths appeared on her body.
'Ah come on, admit it. You had fun, didn't you?' Angelina replied playfully as Angelique walked out into the hallway and opened a portal to Domestique.
"If that's what you like to call fun, I hate to find out what you call not fun," Angelique said aloud and walked into the protal, leaving everyone in the Ranma 1/2 realm with memories and mysteries...