From: Jenn the Ice Raptoress To: Subject: [RRyaoi] {fic} The Game (1/1) Date: Tuesday, August 10, 1999 7:42 PM From: "Jenn the Ice Raptoress" Helps if I attach the story, no? Sorry, I'm just so worked up about it that I'm not thinking straight. Warning and Disclaimer in previous post, though the story might arrive before that post does, so be careful. Of course, its a little late to say that now that you're already reading this. I'll just say this - - LEMON. And they're not mine. Oh, and its a bit lengthy. Sorry about that. I got carried away. _______________________________________________ ~ The Game ~ Ranma stood in the entryway, a rather annoyed scowl on his otherwise handsome young face. Leaning against a wall facing the door, arms crossed over his chest, his dark blue eyes glared once more at a clock which hung on the opposite wall, ticking the minutes away. Distantly, Ranma could hear the sound of rain hitting the roof and an occasional rumble of thunder. "Damn it all," he muttered, recognizing his agitation. "Where the hell is he this time?" Further up the hall which led to the rest of the spacious house, a door opened and Tatewaki Kuno's tall form stepped out. He smiled in a rather condescending and superior manner that Ranma simply hated, stepping forward and glancing at the same clock the other martial artist had just glared at. "Ah," Kuno purred, a twinkle in his eyes. "I see the blighter hast not yet arrived." Ranma sighed, shifting his position a bit. "He'll be here." "Hmm. Yes, of course. Because of the unanticipated precipitation, I will suffer him another quarter of an hour, but if he hast not shown by that time, you will have to forfeit," Kuno smiled. "Again." "I ain't forfeiting," Ranma grumbled. "He'll be here." "Certainly, Saotome." Kuno chuckled lightly and retreated back up the hallway, disappearing through the door he had originally stepped out from. Ranma rolled his eyes and resumed his wait, impatience growing with each passing moment. He began to tap his foot in rhythm with the ticking seconds, but quickly realized what he was doing and stopped, very irritated. A few minutes of silence later, he was pacing up and down the entry, kicking his foot idly with each step he took. At last there was a small scrapping sound at the door. Ranma hurried to open it, knowing exactly what to expect. A small black piglet huddled in a small wet heap at his feet, looking up at him, large-eyed pleading expression on his little snouted face. With an exasperated sigh, Ranma picked the creature up by the bandana he wore and gave him a rather rough shake, as he brought him inside and shut the door again. "I told you not to leave the dojo," Ranma frowned, holding the pig up to eye level. "We almost had to forfeit again because of you." The little pig bwee'd unhappily and cringed just a bit in Ranma's grasp. "Alright, alright. I'll deal with you later. C'mon, Kuno's waiting. You've been gone two days, are you up to this? Not too tired are you?" He didn't bother waiting for answers, but simply dropped the pig into the fold of his arms and headed for the doorway Kuno had exited through. "You better not be. I intend to win tonight, got that?" A small burbling sound came from the pig. "Don't get sassy with me, Mr. P," Ranma frowned, not liking the tone he'd been answered in. They made their way quickly through the large elegant dwelling towards the bathhouse. The warm humid air clung to them they moment they stepped in, and there was an heaviness to the room that wasn't normally present, as rain pattered off the glass roof and the darkness of night clung close outside. Kuno, sitting cross-legged beside the warm waters in his usual dark blue samurai garb, looked up at their entrance. He seemed first disappointed at seeing the black piglet in Ranma's arms, then smiled. "Excellent," he chuckled dryly. "The little ruffian made it." "Told ya," Ranma grinned, skirting around the jungle of plants and decorative rocks to stop beside Kuno. "Hi Mousse," he nodded a greeting to the young Chinese boy who was relaxing in the warm waters, long dark hair fanning out under his head, slender nude body floating easily. Mousse opened his blue eyes and squinted at the person who'd spoken to him without the usual benefit of his glasses. All he saw was a blur of black hair and red shirt, but he recognized the voice easily enough. "Ranma," he acknowledged. "Shall we begin?" Kuno asked, standing. "Right, let's get to it." Ranma unceremoniously tossed the piglet into the pool. Seconds later, Ryoga surfaced, coughing and shaking water out of his hair. With a gentle smile, Mousse raised a hand to shield himself from the droplets that Ryoga tossed around, putting his feet down and moving to stand beside the other young man. "Got caught in the rain?" Mousse asked. "Yeah," Ryoga nodded, wiping the water from his eyes. "Sorry I'm late." "Its all right." "Quiet," Kuno ordered sharply, then turned to Ranma, immediately all business. "I will allow you to pronounce the parameters of our sport this evening, Saotome. In the water?" The pig-tailed boy considered for a moment, fixing his eyes on Ryoga's slim nude form. "Nah," he decided. "In the game room." Ryoga and Mousse exchanged looks, then both climbed obligingly out of the pool and stood dripping beside Ranma and Kuno respectively. Mousse took a moment to wring the excess water out of his waist-length tresses, but Ryoga simply stood, fixing his soft brown eyes on Ranma's face. "Very well," Kuno nodded. "Restraints?" Ranma glanced darkly at Ryoga. This was a tricky one, because he knew being restrained excited the Lost Boy a great deal, which lessened their chances of winning. But . . . Ryoga -had- been late and -had- left the dojo after being told not to. The extra handicap of the restraints would be a good object lesson, forcing Ryoga to work that much harder to win. "Yep," Ranma replied. "But only for Ryoga. Not Mousse." Ryoga paled considerably, understanding exactly what Ranma was doing. Kuno raised an eyebrow. "Are you certain, Saotome?" he asked, also aware of how Ryoga operated under restraints. "Yeah," Ranma directed a wicked smile at Ryoga. There was a cool light in his eyes however, a silent signal that told Ryoga in no uncertain terms that he had better win the game, despite being handicapped. The Lost Boy fidgeted uncomfortably, a warm blush spreading over his face. "Ranma - - " he began hesitantly. "Shut up," Ranma cut him off, then returned his attention back to Kuno. "I can assume gags also?" the kendoist surmised. "No, not tonight. I know you like that, Tatchi, but I prefer to hear their little noises." Ranma smirked brightly first at Mousse, then at Ryoga. "Its cute." Both boys blushed in response to that remark, but especially Mousse. He knew that he was the more vocal of the two. "Two out of three?" Kuno continued, brushing his bangs out of his eyes. Ranma looked at Ryoga again. "No. Just once." The Lost Boy's eyes widened fearfully. Once? In restraints? He understood that Ranma was subtly punishing him for being late, but he wasn't sure if he could handle what was expected of him. Two out of three would have given him a much better chance, but Ranma knew that. He was expecting Ryoga to win regardless, and was going to make him work for it. "Ran - - " "Didn't I just tell you to shut up?" Ranma frowned at him. Ryoga immediately cast his eyes down. Kuno chuckled. "You are demanding too much of the boy, methinks, Saotome." "Nah," Ranma flipped his hand dismissively. "I know he can do it, cuz he knows what'll happen if he don't." "Verily. Though our comrade Mikado could not attend this evening, I have nonetheless made a wager with him on the outcome. Would you care to join him in his folly, my friend?" Ranma blinked, then smiled. "Sure Tatchi. Whatcha wanna bet?" Kuno smirked devilishly. "Perchance Mikado's customary wager?" "You're on. And if Mousse wins, I'll try not to hit you quite so hard when you challenge me at school on Monday." Ranma held out his hand. "Done," Kuno agreed, placing his hand in Ranma's. They shook firmly. "Let us commence." The four boys proceeded to cut through the back area of the warm bath, Kuno and Ranma leading with Mousse and Ryoga trailing behind, the Lost Boy helping the other around obstacles that were difficult for him to see. A single door led to one of many hallways in the Kuno home, however this particular corridor was locked, and Tatewaki was the only member of his family who possessed a key. He produced it from somewhere within his robes and opened the door. The hall marked the way to another door which was also locked, but quickly opened. Ranma flicked on the light as he stepped in, then took a moment to adjust the dimmer so that the lighting wouldn't be too stark. From somewhere outside, a rumble of thunder shook the house, causing many of the articles which adorned the walls to swing. As soon as they were all in, Kuno shut the door, giving Mousse's bare rear a light swat for lagging behind as he locked it. The 'playroom' consisted of mostly a large low bed, covered with a myriad of differently colored pillows and partially hidden behind multiple layers of sheer hanging drapes. The center area of the bed was close to floor level, but on either side were higher pallets, also comfortably cushioned. On the walls hung a wide variety of various straps, whips, manacles and other wicked looking items, and at the head of the bed sat a small table covered with several different types of lube and massage oils. Ranma gave Ryoga a hard look and snapped his fingers, gesturing towards the middle of the bed. "Now. On your stomach," he ordered. Ryoga mutely nodded and did as instructed, easing himself down onto the bed. Mousse sat beside him leaning back on one of the larger body pillows. "Music?" Kuno asked, moving to the stereo which was simply one part of a large and elaborate entertainment system that covered nearly one wall, and included several VCRs, a DVD player and a very large screen television. Speakers were hung in strategic places around the room. Ranma strolled casually along the opposite wall, looking speculatively at the various straps and bindings to chose from, acutely aware that Ryoga was watching his every move intently. "Yeah," he agreed. "But its Mousse's turn to chose." Kuno flicked on the stereo and glanced at the young Amazon boy. "Koibito?" Mousse rolled onto his side and squinted in Kuno's general direction. He thought about it for a moment, then decided. "Erasure, the 'Wild!' album, tracks 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, and 11." Kuno nodded and proceeded to program the CD changer. On the bed, Ryoga propped his head up and frowned at his companion. "Erasure again? C'mon Mousse. I like 'Piano Song', but the rest of their stuff all sounds alike." "It does not," Mousse protested. "Yes it does. I think they only actually have one or two real songs. They just keep remixing them, over and over." "Ryoga," Ranma shot him a glance. "Shut up. Head down." The Lost Boy tensed at the sound of his name, then did as he was told, lowering his head down onto a pillow. He did turn so that he could see what Ranma was doing, but that was all right with the other young man. The first strains of 'Blue Savannah' slid smoothly from the speakers, and Kuno adjusted the volume so that it wasn't too loud, then made his way to the bed, loosening the top of his samurai robes. "Make haste, Saotome," he requested. "Right," Ranma bit his lower lip as he tried to decide which bondage implement he wanted to restrain Ryoga with. His blue eyes sparkled as they fell over all the different choices; gleaming silver chains, shiny leather, heavy black iron . . . damn! Kuno had such a nice selection, much better than the few things Ranma managed to keep hidden away at home. His gaze fell on a tight latex fully mummifying suit, and he had to push down the pleasant memory of the last time he'd subjected Ryoga to that. The suit completely restrained, covering the body from neck to toe, leaving only the genitals exposed, and Ranma knew that Ryoga loved wearing it. He was sorely tempted to pull it down, but resisted. That would get the Lost Boy too excited too quickly, and that was counter-productive. It was better to keep things simple right now. They could play around more later. He finally chose a tight pair of metal binders, and a couple of clips attached to each other by a length of sterling silver chain, and brought the items back to the bed. Kuno had settled on his raised pallet, Mousse sitting in front of him, and the kendoist was lovingly running a brush through the Amazon's long shining hair. They both watched with interest as Ranma straddled Ryoga's back, pulling his arms around to the small of his back, where he used the manacles to secure the Lost Boy's wrists tightly together. Even through the material of his pants, Ranma could feel Ryoga's body flush beneath him. He leaned forward and nuzzled his nose against the side of the bound boy's head, sniffing a soft breath of air into his ear. Ryoga shivered. "Control yourself, Ryo-kun," Ranma breathed gently. "I don't want to have to punish you again." Ryoga swallowed hard, already starting to look a bit nervous and sweaty. Kuno chuckled. "That is hardly a threat, Saotome." "Please Tatchi," Ranma smirked as he got off Ryoga's back and roughly turned the boy over. Because his hands were bound behind him, his back automatically arched, and he tipped his chin up, shutting his eyes. "I don't punish Ryoga the same way you punish Mousse. He'd like that too much." Mousse blushed prettily. Ranma ran a hand down Ryoga's front, then walked his fingers around the boy's nipples, which perked obligingly. He bent down and placed a gentle kiss on the right one, then attached one of the small clamps to the little dark pink bud. The serrated edges bit tightly into Ryoga's sensitive nipple and the boy jerked at the feel, a slight whine escaping his throat. With a crafty smile, Ranma repeated the action on the left nipple, then gave the chain between the two a gentle yank. Ryoga tensed, drawing a breath in through his teeth. Already he was starting to get an erection, his body squirming just a bit in response to the stimuli. "Ran-sama . . . " he whispered, raising his head enough to fix a pleading look on the boy in control of his body. "That's too much . . . I can't . . . " "Of course you can," Ranma ordered cheerfully. He leaned down and let his face hover above Ryoga for a long moment, capturing those nervous brown eyes with his own steady blue ones. He held the look just long enough for Ryoga to start squirming, then swooped down and caught the boy's mouth with a deep kiss, grinding in hard, tongue invading immediately. Ryoga latched onto the kiss with a bit of desperation, a soft moan coming from his throat, body shifting uncomfortably. His cock stiffened more and he arched up further to meet Ranma fully. But Ranma pulled back, leaving the kiss incomplete. He smiled sweetly for Ryoga, brushing his bangs back, then got to his knees, flipping a cocky look towards Mousse. "All yours, Mousse. I even gave you a head start." "Not really," Mousse said breathlessly, looking almost as flushed and aroused as Ryoga did. The pig-tailed boy laughed, standing up to step over Ryoga and slide onto the raised pallet opposite Kuno. He lounged back on his side, propping up against the pillows, then nodded to Tatewaki. The kendoist returned the nod, then leaned down to Mousse, stroking his hair lovingly. "The moment is at hand, Koibito. The ruffian hast stamina, but your techniques are incomparably superior and you are well aware of his weaknesses. Proceed." Mousse nodded and slid from Kuno's pallet, onto his hands and knees. First he took a moment to retrieve a bottle from the table of lubes and oils, squinting closely at the label to make sure it was the one he wanted, then he crawled over to Ryoga. He was glad that he couldn't clearly see the other bound up, because that would have excited him far too fast as well. As it was, he was already getting hard just thinking about what he wanted to do. It seemed that, the more they played this game, the harder it became to control himself. Trying to still his mind, Mousse set the bottle down and leaned over Ryoga to take up the kiss that Ranma had left off. He knew that Ryoga loved kissing, it was one of his serious turn-ons, so he didn't just dive into it as Ranma had. He let his lips brush very gently against the Lost Boy's, barely touching at first, so that Ryoga had to strain up in his need to find a full kiss. Mousse didn't give it to him. He simply teased, letting each little peck come just slightly closer to being a real kiss, but not allowing Ryoga to catch his lips fully. The boy whined softly, his large brown eyes rimmed with need, but Mousse just smiled. Not being able to get what he wanted was an even greater turn-on for the Lost Boy. "Cruel," Ranma grinned from above, clearly enjoying the show. Mousse moved his light feather-soft kisses down Ryoga's chin and neck, never fully making contact, but making sure he felt each touch nonetheless. By the time he reached Ryoga's neck, the boy was trembling hard, his body temperature rising wildly. Mousse took advantage of that, using his tongue to create random wet spots around Ryoga's clamped nipples, then blowing over them gently. The sensation of the evaporating moisture caused Ryoga to shiver uncontrollably, and he squirmed, moaning with each puff of air. His erection was hardening rapidly. "No . . . no . . . " Ryoga begged softly. Mousse tugged on the chain between his nipples, delighting in the sudden flush of heat that traveled the length of Ryoga's body to concentrate itself in his loins. The Lost Boy was always so much fun to torture, but doing so was exciting for Mousse as well. Sweat began to bead on his forehead as he subconsciously reached down and brushed a hand over his own erection. "Mousse," Kuno reprimanded sharply. Touching the genitals, either his own or Ryoga's, was strictly forbidden at this point in the game. The Amazon boy immediately jerked his hand away from his cock and tried to get his mind back on Ryoga. Gritting his teeth with determination, he straddled his bound plaything, letting his erection rest on Ryoga's stomach, and grabbed the bottle he had brought with him. Ryoga panted softly as Mousse flipped the top open and squeezed some of the red-orange gel into his hands. He rubbed them together and felt the spicy warmth that the massage oil produced tingle his skin. The scent of oranges and cloves filled the air. This was Mousse's forte. He had been well-trained by his Amazon sisters in the techniques of massage, and it was a weapon that he had used successfully against Ryoga in the past. The Lost Boy was always sure to positively melt under the ministrations of Mousse's skilled fingers, and this time was no exception. As the Amazon worked the warming oil into the muscles of his shoulders, neck and chest, Ryoga shut his eyes tightly to hold back tears of ecstacy and conviction. The liquid warmth seeped into him mercilessly, igniting him at the same time as it relaxed him, and Mousse's hands knew just how to kneed his muscles for maximum arousal. Ryoga loved it, hated it. As Mousse's long hair brushed lightly over his body, heightening both his awareness and his hard-on, Ryoga arched and moved in hopeless madness, stomach constricting tightly as he tried not to give in to his own excitement. The massage, the heat and the tight hold on his nipples was almost too much. Ryoga's cock was now stiff and straight, filled with more heat and blood than he would have ever thought possible. He bit his lower lip, trying to hold it all in. The Lost Boy struggled a bit against his bonds, purposely moving as much as he could against Mousse's cock and balls, hoping to bring the Amazon to the same point of arousal. Mousse's low groan and an abrupt end to his massage let Ryoga know that his squirming had done the trick. He continued the fluid movements, and was rewarded by the Amazon's continued moans and noises. Mousse couldn't help arching his back and pushing his hips forward just a bit as Ryoga's smooth nicely slim body rubbed against his erection and the underside of his balls. In retaliation, he leaned down and nibbled the flesh around Ryoga's clamped nipples, tugging the chain rhythmically as he did so. Ryoga yelped softly, and a bit of pre-cum dribbled from the end of his cock, slowly spiraling down its length. Up on his pallet, Kuno sat looking rather flushed, but otherwise unaffected, hands tucked deeply into the sleeves of his robes. He raised his eyes and looked across the bed at Ranma, who wasn't nearly so composed. The pig-tailed boy had his hand shoved deep into his pants to fondle his own hard-on and was staring hotly at Ryoga. "Saotome," Kuno called softly. Ranma looked up, appearing annoyed by the distraction. "What?" "I believe the time hast arrived . . . " Annoyance vanished quickly in favor of a lecherous grin. "Oh yes . . . " "Very well then. Mousse, final technique." Both of the boys on the lower part of the bed gasped in equal parts fear and anticipation. Mousse took a moment to attack Ryoga's lips hard with a heated kiss, hoping to push the boy over the edge before they had to resort to the final technique that Kuno had ordered. Ryoga's hips bucked, but he managed to maintain, though a long whimper escaped his throat. "Now, Mousse," Kuno ordered, sounding a bit sharper. Reluctantly, Mousse pulled out of the kiss. He ran his hands all over Ryoga's body as he shifted position, still hoping to get the boy off before he had to move into the final technique. It wasn't that Mousse didn't like the tactic, in fact he liked it -too- much and that was the problem. Ryoga was much better at it than he was, and it was going to be extremely difficult to keep a hold on his control. Trying to catch his breath, Mousse slowly maneuvered himself around, staying tight to Ryoga's body, until he was facing the boy's cock and balls. His own genitals hung over Ryoga's face and the Lost Boy wasted no time, his mouth closing around the Amazon's slender but long cock immediately. Mousse sighed audibly as the warmth of Ryoga's tongue and mouth fitted themselves around his member, and the boy began to suck. By the Ancestors! No one could suck like Ryoga could! Mousse whined, his entire body going tense and taunt. It took him a few crucial seconds to remember that he could be doing the same thing to Ryoga, and he had the benefit of being able to use his hands. Laying his chest against the boy's stomach, Mousse gripped Ryoga's cock tightly in his right hand and rolled his balls in his left, inciting a severe jerk and sharp bite from the Lost Boy. Mousse shivered violently at the sensation of Ryoga's fangs nipping into his sensitive flesh and nearly came off right then and there. Luckily, he was able to catch himself in time, and Ryoga tasted only a few drops of starchy pre-cum in his mouth. "Kami! Almost!" Ranma breathed. "Indeed," Kuno loosened his robes a little more to escape the heat that he was generating. Mousse tightened his hold on Ryoga's cock and edged forward to run his tongue over the tip, all around the wet little hole at the top. Another one of Ryoga's turn-ons, however exploiting such things was dangerous at this point. Though the bound boy's penis spasmed in response, he retaliated by drawing Mousse's cock deeper into his mouth, creating as much suction as he possibly could. The Amazon groaned pitifully around his own mouthful, as it felt as if Ryoga was forcing the cum out of him with a powerful vacuum. It was almost too much. In a last ditch effort, Mousse wormed his index finger down between Ryoga's ass cheeks and inserted it just barely into the puckered opening he soon encountered. The Lost Boy jerked abruptly, nearly losing his suction on Mousse's cock. The Amazon knew better than to plunge his finger in deeply, it was the light teasing touches that drove Ryoga the most crazy. Indeed, Ryoga was now squirming desperately, trying to entice Mousse into going deeper, his cock throbbing with a sudden influx of heat under the Chinese boy's lips. Mousse was almost certain that Ryoga was about to go over the edge, and increased his own mouth work, lapping at the shiny drops of pre-cum that were oozing over his tongue. Gently he worked his finger around the Lost boy's sphincter, delighting in how Ryoga pitched and bucked. Soon . . . he'd lose it any second now . . . Ryoga paused for a moment, took a deep breath through his nose, and used his fangs to carefully but firmly nibble along the length of Mousse's cock. The Amazon jerked, startled, barely able to recover before Ryoga clamped mouth suction around him again and drew as deeply as he could, sucking Mousse like a straw with something stuck in the bottom. Mousse cried out, losing his own concentration. He gripped Ryoga's cock hard, tensing as his body pumped out of his control and he climaxed suddenly, white frothy cum spilling into Ryoga's mouth and down his chin. The Lost Boy continued his merciless sucking as Mousse pumped into his throat, swallowing down as much as he could. "Yes!" Ranma whooped as soon as Mousse lost it, punching a fist into the air. He hopped down from the pallet immediately, pulling his shirt off over his head as he did and tossing it aside. Quickly, he squirmed out of his pants, revealing his own hard-on, grinning rather lustfully down at Ryoga's sticky face. "You win, Saotome," Kuno admitted in a begrudging tone, though he didn't look too unhappy about it. Shedding his robes, Tatewaki also slid from his perch. He was as aroused as Ranma, his powerful cock nearly erect with excitement. Carefully wrapping his hands around Mousse's mid-section, the kendoist easily lifted the Chinese boy off of Ryoga. Mousse tried to maintain a hold on the Lost Boy's cock, even as he was pulled away. "I'm sorry," he pleaded with Kuno. "Let me get him off, please?" "No way, Mousse, he's mine tonight," Ranma smiled, eyes twinkling at Ryoga, who was too busy panting and fighting to maintain himself to really take notice. He whined in a helpless painful manner as Ranma roughly rolled him onto his stomach, and knelt over his upper back. "You owe me first, though, Tatchi," Ranma reminded Kuno. The tall young man smirked slightly. "Very well, Saotome," he agreed and set Mousse down on his back so that the top of his head was just brushing Ryoga's. Kuno knelt over the two boys, positioning himself so that his large cock was over Mousse's face. Mousse knew what to do. As Ryoga had done with his earlier, the Amazon quickly wrapped his mouth around Kuno's impressive member and began to suck, reaching up to knead at his balls and inner thighs. Kuno took a moment to look rather blissful, until Ranma reminded him once again of their bet. Rocking on his hands and knees, Kuno leaned forward and drew Ranma's offered cock into his own mouth, licking and nibbling up its length. Ranma shut his eyes, resting his hands on Ryoga's back behind and beneath him for support. "Oh Kami, yes," he groaned throatily. "Mikado's gonna love it when ya do this to him." Kuno smiled around his mouthful. Ryoga had a very bad view of what was going on directly above him, since he was on his stomach, but could hear everything perfectly. He wiggled beneath Ranma, again whining softly. His erection, now pressed tightly into the pillows beneath him, was still distressing him, and his muscles were pulled tight in an effort to keep himself contained. The sounds from Kuno's sucking and Mousse's little involuntary noises were torturous, as he was being purposely left out of the fun and he knew it. That was the worst kind of turn-on. "Ran-sama . . . " he pleaded, his voice slightly muffled by the pillow beneath his head. "Maintain, Ryo-kun," Ranma ordered, tilting his head back with pleasure as Kuno worked to get him good and hard. "Please Ran-sama . . . " "Ryoga," the pig-tailed boy reprimanded sharply. Kuno left off his sucking for just long enough to look up at Ranma, amusement dancing in his eyes. "You are a sadistic taskmaster, Saotome." He licked at his lips, then purred lowly as Mousse hit a particularly sensitive spot on his thigh. "You just get sucking," Ranma sneered at him good-naturedly. Ryoga shut his eyes, close to tears from the effort of holding himself back, his body shaking beyond his control. Even though the noises and the movements above him were driving him crazy, he would do everything in his power to keep from cumming until Ranma gave him the okay, because that was what Ranma expected, and Ryoga knew better than to cross him. Growling lowly, Ryoga tore into the pillow beneath his head, ripping at it with his teeth. He heard Ranma laugh breathlessly above him. "All right, Kuno," Ranma said, feeling himself nearly reaching the point of no return. He bucked his hips to get the kendoist's attention. "That's good enough. The rest is Ryoga's." Kuno nodded, eyes bright, as he removed his mouth from Ranma's rock-hard cock and sat back on Mousse. "As you wish Saotome," he smiled, and skillfully slid himself down the length of Mousse's body to trap his lover with a kiss. Ranma took no more notice of them. Wrapping a hand around his erection, breathing hard through his gritted teeth, he reached over with his other hand and grabbed a bottle of lube from the table. He remained in place on Ryoga's back as he worked to grease his cock up good, letting the sweet-smelling clear gel mingle with the heat of his excitement. He could feel Ryoga quivering him beneath him in anticipation and smiled at the thought. As soon as he was nicely slick, he repositioned himself on his knees behind the Lost Boy and forcibly hiked his hips up. "Hold on, Ryo-kun," he ordered in response to the boy's pleading moan, using his finger and some of the lube to work into his partner's pretty pink little hole. Ryoga bucked, crying out with the effort of holding back, tears finally breaking fully and soaking into the pillow he'd torn apart. He couldn't support himself very well with his hands bound, but that didn't matter. Nothing mattered except for what his Ran-sama was doing, the feel of his slim fingers flicking in and out of his ass as he lubed the boy up. Ryoga settled down onto his knees, to relive some of the pressure in his neck, forehead pressed into the pillows. Ranma allowed that, with a fond loving smile that Ryoga was in no position to see. From the other side of the bed, Mousse was yipping in rhythm with Kuno's firm powerful thrusts into his own ass, braced beneath the kendoist on hands and knees. Ranma loomed over Ryoga, using one hand to guide himself into the Lost Boy's heated tight depths. He eased in, feeling his bound partner opening up for him, loving the sensation of the play of Ryoga's inner muscles. As soon as he was in fully, he paused, settling into the feel and letting Ryoga get used to the fullness, though Ranma knew that he could have done anything at this point and the Lost Boy wouldn't have cared a whit. Still, he wanted Ryoga to enjoy this, as reward for winning the game this evening, despite his handicaps. Ranma leaned down over Ryoga, gripping his hips with firm sure fingers. "Ready, lover?" he breathed. Ryoga nodded as best as he could, slick with sweat and shaking violently. Ranma began slowly, guiding Ryoga's hips and moving his own in a sure steady rhythm that was designed to stimulate and entice. But poor Ryoga was already stimulated enough. He pressed back against Ranma in desperation, begging with small breathless incoherent words. Ranma obliged him, increasing his pace faster until he was literally driving Ryoga into the bed with the force of his thrusts. Kuno had finished off on Mousse and now held the smaller Chinese boy in his lap, stroking his hair like one would stroke a cat, while they both watched Ranma take Ryoga. Before too long, Mousse was wiggling in Tatewaki's embrace, finding himself aroused again from Ryoga's hoarse cries of pleasure/pain. Ranma worked himself repeated into Ryoga until he could stand it no longer. He tensed, his cock pulsing of its own accord with impending climax. Pressing himself tightly into and against his partner, Ranma reached beneath them and grabbed Ryoga's stiff aching member at last, wrapping his sure fingers around it and yanking hard. That was the absolute last straw for the Lost Boy. The touch of his Ran-sama was too much and he spasmed, white cum shooting out of him like a geyser, right on time with Ranma's own shattering point. The two came together, Ranma deep within his Ryoga's depths, and the bound boy within the pig-tailed boy's hands. They echoed each other as they cried out with the wonderful feel of release. Moments later, Ranma was holding an unbound Ryoga in his arms, the Lost Boy's arms wrapped around his neck and face pressed against his bare chest. Ranma was willing to cuddle him for a little while, giving him time to build his strength back up before the customary round two of the game. "You did very good, Ryo-kun," Ranma purred comfortingly, stroking the boy's silky skin with the tips of his fingers. "But I think I'm still gonna have to punish you. You got a little mouthy with me." Ryoga curled closer. "I'm sorry," he lisped softly. Playing idly with Mousse's semi-erection, Kuno looked up. "Perchance you will disclose to me exactly how you discipline your little wild boy, Saotome?" "Sure," Ranma shrugged, his eyes twinkling with a mischievous light. "Its usually one of two things. Either I make him challenge me in some public place and then soundly whomp the snot outta him. Or," he paused dramatically. "I force him to eat Akane's cooking." The Lost Boy shivered a bit. Tatewaki winced sympathetically. "I am certain that could be considered cruel and unusual," he commented then nodded sagely. "But it appears to be an effective training method. Are you up for round two, Saotome?" "Yeah. Let's get at it." "Restraints?" "For both. Its always so much fun to watch them squirm around. And I think I'll use that body suit on Ryoga this time." --------------------------------------------- Jenn the Ice Raptoress --------------------------------------------------------------------- ICQ #37639161 Bishounen Mailing List! For info: Sanctum of Silver-haired Megalomaniacs: Ranma and Ryoga Page: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ryoga: "Don't think I've forgotten about those panties you put on my head." Ranma: "Are you -still- thinking about that?" --------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ---------------------------- ONElist users: YOU can win a $100 gift certificate to Check out the FRIENDS & FAMILY program to find out how. For details, go to ------------------------------------------------------------------------ life, liberty, and love for all Archive at or