Turn Around, Look At Me By S. Mark Gunther The wind blew gently across the sky as Mousse stood in front of the large bedroom window. He could feel the warmth across his shoulders as he looked out over the Nerima skyline. The stars began to twinkle as they made their debut on their celestial stage and Mousse couldn't help but feel a little misty-hearted at the sight. A comet began its race across the sky and it reminded Mousse of the life he was now leading. Racing alone. The times had changed in Nerima, and Mousse felt his mind wandering over the changes he had to be witness to. Ranma and Akane had married. Their fights now were ones of marital bliss, not friendly hate. Ukyou had shacked up with Ryouga and Gosunkugi and their restaurant was doing better than ever as a result. Nabiki and Kuno had begun a long and torrid relationship in the halls of their school. In less than 4 months, their first child was going to be a product of that union. And even Kasumi found love, as she fell for Mikado and began to date him. But even the love that had saturated the scene in which he lived could not rise his spirits as he watched his greatest love pass away. Shampoo found that she could not live with the shame of being an unmarried, defeated Amazon princess, so she decided to leave the entire world she knew to find herself. Cologne couldn't stop her, and Mousse was merely a body in her path as she barrelled out of his life. It had been 2 months since she had left, and every day she was gone was a day he felt freer from her spell. But being free came with a heavy price for him. For nights he came up to the window and stared at the sky as he tried to make sense of his life. Why was he so cursed to be in love with someone who didn't love him? Why couldn't he move on? He had seen people in the city look at him in desire, even affection. But it felt to him as if it were nothing more than glances at someone who didn't understand. Time felt as if it was standing still, and he desperately wanted to go somewhere. "Mousse?" A gentle voice called from behind him. He turned around and looked at the face of the man he had been living with for the past month. The man he had been involved with for so long. He looked into the eyes of the first person he ever knew to care about him. it was as if he looked into the soul he had been wishing for for so long; a dream he didn't want to wake up from, but one he didn't want to fully fall into for fear of falling out for good. "Ichiro." "Are you ok?" Ichiro Tofu asked as he came closer to the young boy. "You've been here a long time..." "Aren't I always, Ichi?" Mousse sighed as he looked back out the window into the night sky. "I need you..." Letting his feet pad across the floor, Ichiro gently wrapped his arms around Mousse's body and drew him closer to his chest. The time slowed as they embraced in full sight of Kami and all his followers. Nothing seemed to matter except for the moment that they were in together. It all seemed to fall away as they cuddled in the warmth of the house. "Ichi, I still miss her so much. She was my first true love, and she's gone. I can't see anyone but her, and yet..." Mousse sighed as he leaned into Ichiro's chest. "You love me...I know." "Yes." "Mousse-Chan, I told you when you came here, that I would be your friend first and your lover after. I still feel that way. And I'm going to be there for you, no matter what." Ichiro sighed, kissing Mousse softly on the forehead. He knew that the long road to loving someone again was hard, for he was traveling it after losing Kasumi Tendo due to his own shortcomings. It was what made him go to Mousse. Better to cry with someone who you care about than cry alone. "It's going to take time, but I'll be here. If you'll be here for me..." "You will??" Mousse asked. His eyes were littered with happy tears as he buried his head in his lover's chest. "You mean it??" "Always," Ichiro answered. He felt Mousse's lips with a fingertip, and drew a smile as his reward. For a long moment they simply gazed deep into each other's eyes, trying to find the love that had brought them together in the first place. Stars twinkled, winds blew slowly, and the pair didn't care. It was all about them now. "Ichiro, let's go inside to the couch. I need to tell you something..." Mousse said softly as he walked to the stairwell. Ichiro followed right behind and the pair made their way through the crowded house/clinic to the small couch that now occupied the front room. Mousse had brought it in after he had moved in and it had been invaluable in the doctor's practice as a place to wait. Now, with the soft lighting in the room playing off the shallow walls, a strange feeling of love pervaded every nook and cranny therein. Mousse sat down and took Ichiro's hand as he sat down on his cushion. His slender fingers slid across Ichi's palm as he produced a box from his sleeve and placed it in Ichiro's hand. "Ichi, I can't do this without you. And I'm not going to love anyone without a commitment. So....will you marry me?" Ichiro gasped as he opened the box and saw a small gold band with his characters inscribed on the top. He lifted the ring and slipped it on his finger, all the while being watched by Mousse's ardent and hopeful eyes. "Mousse...do you mean it?? For real??" "Turn around. Look at me." Mousse gently lifted his lover's chin and smiled into his eyes. the floodgates finally opened in both their hearts and they began to cry and kiss each other as their embrace sealed their love for all time. The most splendid moment they had ever shared was felt as they came together, and as Ichiro pulled away he smiled the smile of true love. "I love you Mousse-Chan. forever and always." "Wo Ai Ni, Ichi-sama. Till the end of time."