"Good morning." The taller of the two stretched and yawned. "What time is it?" "Mmblgrm..." Kassandra looked out her window at the amount of light on the ground. "Oh, no! We should be about and doing chores!" "Oh... bother... Zzzz." "Dear one, you aren't Second Wife yet, so I wouldn't rest on laurels that don't exist." Kassandra's tone was chiding, but also gentle and caring, as were most words from her mouth. Llana, however, absorbed the message into her sleep-fogged mind, lay dozing for an additional five seconds, and then abruptly sat up in bed, her eyes wide. "AAAAHHH!" She hopped off the bed, ran to the door, flung it open, and dashed out. Kassandra blinked as the door hit the wall, rebounded, and then shut. She slumped. "Clothes first, Llana." Llana almost fell down the stairs into the living area, saw no one, heard noises from the back of the house, and then stumbled down a narrow hallway that opened onto a large, walled backyard. "CH-CHORES! GOTTA DO CHORES!! WHERE?!" she belted out, and stood... flushed with breasts heaving. The persons already present stopped their activities and gawked. "EEK! I'msorryI'mlateI'llneverdoitagain... Ah... What do you want me to do?" "AAH!" Snapping out of his daze, Ranma turned around and covered his eyes. "I didn't see nothin'! Honest!!" Shiimaya fell to the ground in laughter, and Kalweyn merely grinned. Llana took Ranma's behavior badly. "Wha--? You... You think I'm UGLY!!" She collapsed to her knees, bawling; all of her mental faculties were not, in point of fact, quite awake yet. She felt a robe fall over her shoulders, and with watering eyes, looked up at the strained expression on Kassandra's face. "Dear one, he doesn't think you're ugly; you ran out without any clothes on." Llana digested that for a second, and then blushed over her entire body. "I really did it that time, didn't I?" Smiling more easily, the older girl said, "Well, at least it was entertaining for the rest." "Oh, no," Llana muttered, burying her face in her hands, but Shiimaya had walked up and gathered her in a hug, still chuckling the while. "Llana, dear, that was... very amusing. Ranma's a bit of a stuffed shirt over some things, like public nudity. We'll have to work on that, hey?" Shiimaya winked at Llana, who blushed a little redder. "I am NOT a stuffed shirt! You KNOW why!" Ranma called without turning around. "Uh... Is she decent?" "Yes, Dear. You can look now," Shiimaya answered wryly. Ranma looked quickly over his shoulder and then forward again. He processed the image, and then haltingly turned all of him around. "Uh... mornin'." "Ranma," Shiimaya said between snorts of laughter, "you saw BOTH of them without ANY clothes at the Mutt camp!" He drew himself up in indignation. "THAT was different. We were in a fight!" Kalweyn slid down her staff to land on her rump. Ranma wilted. "Well... we were." Llana had joined in the laughter with that, but Ranma continued, "Besides, after what Kalweyn was talking about with... her..." He let the thought hang in the air. "You have a point," Shiimaya conceded, smiling at him with an unreadable expression. Ranma worried on that, but Shiimaya shooed the other two women into the house, leaving Kalweyn to continue their session with her mate. "Since I have lost all of my dignity by falling on my bottom, I think I shall gain it back in small measure by some instructive sparring with you, hey?" Kalweyn suppressed her laughter at his reaction. Gulping audibly, Ranma brought his wooden practice swords to bear, the slightest of tremors blurring the tips. "Ready when you are." "Somehow... I doubt that." *Gulp!* -----=====<<<<< O >>>>>=====----- TOTEMS A Ranma 1/2 Fantasy by Cabbit Blue Ranma 1/2 is the property of Takahashi Rumiko, Shonen Sunday Comics, Shogakukan, Fuji, and Kitty TV in Japan. It is distributed in the United States by Viz Communications, Inc. A grateful byline for "Totems" must go to T.H. Tiger for his important and extensive filling in of the world-mechanics behind my initial and shallower idea. -----=====<<<<< O >>>>>=====----- CHAPTER THE SECOND - HISTORY LESSONS Suitably dressed and with her hair pulled into a pony-tailed riot of fiery curls, Llana returned to the dining room, still embarrassed over her unintentional free show. "Mistress, is this all right?" "Llana, just call me Shiimaya, okay? None of this 'Mistress' business. That goes for you too, Kassandra." "Yes, Mis-- Shiimaya," Llana corrected herself. "You honor me," Kassandra said, inclining her head. She straightened to see Shiimaya giving her an appraising look. "What?" "Nothing," Shiimaya said quickly and airily, and changed to a more businesslike tone. "Very well. Chores, hey? Breakfast is late, this morning, thanks to Great-grandmother's training session... and a couple of sleepyheads." Both girls were abashed. "Shii--" "Mistr--" "BUT, no matter. We shall go forth and tame the wild meats and vegetables of pantry and larder!" Shiimaya strode grandly into the kitchen, leaving the other two to stare. Shiimaya's head poked out of the doorway, and she winked. "Let's cook!" Relieved and snickering, Kassandra and Llana bustled in after her. "Kassandra, you mentioned yesterday that you had talents in the home. Does that include kitchens?" "Yes, especially so." "Good," Shiimaya said. "Mine are, er, accounted as fairly good, but if you're an expert, then take charge." In truth, Shiimaya was an accomplished cook. With Kalweyn's decades of experience at hand, few wouldn't be, but she was interested in seeing Kassandra in a leadership role, especially if it became possible to offer Kassandra the position of Third Wife, a role to which she seemed almost born. Of course, Shiimaya must needs wait for Kalweyn to divulge what knowledge she'd gleaned from her late studies before making any offers. "Very well," Kassandra mused. "Let's see... What are Ranma's tastes in food?" "That it be edible," Shiimaya deadpanned, then brightened. "He does love good food, though. He'll eat virtually anything you put before him and in large amounts. I have no idea where it goes," she finished, shaking her head dramatically. The others snickered. "I see," Kassandra said. "In my family, we had eggs prepared various ways, sausages or steaks, depending on what was on hand, breads, and... Mother's Secret Soup." Shiimaya and Llana raised an eyebrow. "Secret Soup?" the former asked. Kassandra winked. "You'll love it." "Did I ever have that?" Llana asked, scratching her head. "I don't know. You weren't... often along when your family would come to visit." "... Yeah..." Llana's mood grayed a little, and Kassandra and Shiimaya traded grim, knowing glances. Shiimaya took Llana's arm. "Now, now, none of that! You and I are going to crack a few eggshells!" Llana smiled, and all was right with the world. "Sure!" Kassandra mused as she watched Shiimaya and Llana interact like old friends... like lovers. The preparation of the morning meal proceeded apace, deftly choreographed by Kassandra. Very quickly, nearly all of the food was ready to be served except for the Secret Soup, which Kassandra was currently stirring and intermittently tasting. In the interim, Shiimaya was doing a quick visual inventory of the larder, and was coming up mildly unsatisfied. "I think the three of us are going to the market, today. We're running short on a few things." She turned her head to see Llana looking over her shoulder. Shiimaya had yet to descend from her days-long naughty streak, and she pushed her chest out and up. It was probably her high from being pregnant, although she had yet to *feel* it in herself. "See anything you like, Llana, dear?" The redhead's eyes had been almost immediately drawn to Shiimaya's breasts, and Shiimaya noted with some satisfaction that the girl was swallowing back her saliva almost constantly. Of course, Shiimaya was no longer immune to Llana's charms, either, if she ever were. Chagrinned, she swallowed back the juices flowing in her own mouth. The purple-haired beauty moved forward and kissed the lips of the lovely sunset-haired girl. Hearing a thump behind her, Kassandra looked up from her soup and turned to see a tangle of limbs disappearing into the walk-in pantry. Smiling, she shook her head and returned to her cooking. -----=====----- Kassandra and a thoroughly disheveled Shiimaya and Llana were setting the table when Ranma walked in, sporting a few new bruises. Shiimaya walked up and fussed over him in true wifely fashion, embarrassing him to no end but pleasing him all the same. Kalweyn entered, staff in hand, and rubbing her arm. "Lucky hit, Ranma. I won't go so easy on you next time." "EASY?!" Ranma shouted. "When are you ever EASY?! ... LUCKY?! That was all SKILL, Kalweyn!" Chuckling, Kalweyn hopped onto her chair. "Bask in it while you can, future Son-in-Law. Pure luck." "Huh! And an opening, tiny and small, but big enough to slip a sword point through, hey?" Kalweyn glared at him, and then laughed. "Maybeeee. I'll never tell." "Oh, go on!" Smiling, Ranma sat down, and then looked curiously at the bowl of soup in front of him. "This is new." "Kassandra's recipe: Mother's Secret Soup," Shiimaya heavily intoned. Kassandra swatted her on the arm as she passed by. Ranma picked up his spoon, but put it right back down, feeling the weight of suddenly watchful eyes. Kalweyn smirked at him. "Better." Rolling his eyes, Ranma put one elbow on the table and waited for the rest to be seated. "A woman likes to see her hard work be appreciated, and it IS hard work, even if done with love in the heart," the old woman instructed. "Remember the love that was put into it when eating. Perhaps that will slow you down a fraction." To Kalweyn's surprise, Ranma was thinking about it, evidenced by the study he was giving the bowl in front of him. Perhaps Jinn's influence was wearing thin. Kalweyn knew, however, that Ranma's father was likely to put in an appearance sooner or later, disinheritance aside, and that it wouldn't be fun... for anyone. Ranma's stomach began to loudly complain at the lateness of the meal, and the women mercifully seated themselves, knowing smiles adorning their lovely faces. However, Ranma found himself the focus of Kassandra's ever so slightly pensive gaze. "Try the soup, Ranma," Shiimaya said for Kassandra, who wouldn't have dared under the circumstances. "Sure." He picked up his spoon, stopped and looked around to see if anyone would object, then dipped it into the dusky red liquid. Putting the overflowing spoonful into his mouth, his eyes got a little wide, then a little wider yet, then completely wide. He reluctantly swallowed. "It's... It's... GREAT! Man, one flavor hits, then another and another... What's IN this? Man!" Kassandra let out the breath she'd been holding, and Shiimaya reached over and patted her on the arm. Kalweyn took a sip of hers and went through the same symptoms as Ranma. "My word, child. I've never tasted anything like it. My compliments." "You are certainly eating *that* slowly enough, Dear," Shiimaya pointed out to Ranma, smiling. "It's like a parade in your mouth! What's IN this?!" "I have no idea," Shiimaya said. "Kassandra was very secretive about what she put in, keeping us busy with other things." She winked at the elder girl, who, despite her normally demure exterior, was grinning broadly. "It's a secret," Kassandra said. "Otherwise, it wouldn't be Mother's Secret Soup, would it?" "I guess you're right about that!" Ranma proclaimed. "Just, er, keep makin' it... Man!" *Slurp!* "It's a hit!" Llana proclaimed. "Oh, no! Now the rest of the food will taste awful." "Don't worry, Llana, dear," Shiimaya said archly. "We may be eating the soup slowly, but the rest will disappear just as-- Ranma?" The only man at the table had stopped before his soup was finished and stared at Kassandra. He caught himself. "Sorry." He looked at the puzzled expression on Kalweyn's face, and said, "What you told me about love goin' into it. Does, ah, she, er... you know?" "Does she love you?" Kalweyn finished for him. "I don't know! Ask her and find out!" Ranma jumped, and looked at Kassandra. "Do you, ah... Well, do you?" "Love you?" Kassandra said querulously. "I don't really know you that well, yet." She was flustered and started neatening the placement of dishes around her. "Besides, it doesn't matter whether I might or would; I'm not Totem strong--" "Ah," Kalweyn interrupted, "that is probably... not true." "WHAT?!" Kassandra had half risen from her chair, and she sat back down slowly. "I'm sorry. What do you mean?" "Well... Hmmm." Kalweyn thought for a moment, then hopped onto her staff and pogoed out of the front door. "Where is she going?" Kassandra asked. The rest shrugged. Ten minutes later, Kalweyn pogoed back in, a sickly potted plant in her hand. She hopped over and placed the plant in front of Kassandra, who sat there blinking at it. "I must apologize for taking so long, but all the plants around the house are doing suspiciously well, all of a sudden, and I had to borrow a neighbor's. Now, child, what do you see?" Still blinking, Kassandra said, "A dying potted rose. Why?" "What's wrong with it?" Tentatively, Kassandra poked a finger in the dirt. "Dry. Needs water." Kalweyn merely nodded, and Kassandra looked at her for a moment before reaching for her glass and pouring half of it into the pot. "Now what?" "You tell me. I honestly know not how this works, but I have seen the results. Look into the plant, try to find its life." Dubious, Kassandra bent her concentration on the foot-high plant. There were no blossoms; just a bit of scraggly vine clinging to a wire stuck into the dirt. It had three leaves, barely green. A gentle soul by nature, Kassandra couldn't abide mistreatment of anything, even seemingly insensitive plants. If it was living, it deserved respect. Well... she would probably make an exception for Mutts. She shivered. "Hmmm, not too good." She ran a finger along one of the leaves. She'd always filled her life with plants and other little friends. Even though her previous house had had mice, they never seemed to bother the food. Kassandra felt sorry for them, and usually left grains and small leftovers for them where no one would find it. Yes, the leaf looked better, and the other two were coming round. A little love went a long way. She missed her plants and her little friends that visited, the mice, the birds, the squirrels; even the cranky old raccoon that raided the neighbor's trash was her friend. Well, maybe she'd make new ones here. She helped the rose by curling it around it's support. Blooms were heavy on such a small plant. It obediently stayed where she put it. "There! That's better." She looked at Kalweyn. "What was the point of this?" Kalweyn's mouth worked a couple of times, then she held up her hand. "Without looking at it, describe the plant I brought in." "Oh. Well, it was brownish green with three leaves, and about a foot high." "Did it have any blooms?" "Blooms? How could it? It was dying." By only pointing, Kalweyn indicated that she should look at the plant. Kassandra did, and jumped. A riot of green confronted her. Leaves literally burst from the single strong stalk. Sitting proudly at the apex was a large, deep red rose, its sweet perfume carrying on the movement of air in the room. "Ah... What...?" "You did this." "But..." Kassandra looked around at the wonder in the eyes of the others around the table. "That's so NEAT, Kassandra! Did you know your eyes were glowing green? How did you do that?" Llana asked. "I, er, I'm not... sure." The young woman was a little frightened by the revelation sitting in front of her. Gingerly, Kalweyn picked up the rose and took it to the window, setting in the sun. She returned to her seat, and looked at Kassandra. "I couldn't help but notice the jade snakeheads on the thong you braid into your hair. Where did it come from?" Kassandra fingered the translucent green stones, wondering about the switch in topics. The morning had turned surreal and confusing very quickly. "This? It was my mother's, and her mother's before that. I really don't know how far back it goes." "Tell me about your family. Did they always live in Mountain's End?" "Nooo... In fact, I think we moved there when I was but a toddler." "I don't suppose, then, that you remember anything about where you came from before or anything about the trip. What did your parents say of your previous home?" "They *never* spoke of it, and wouldn't tell me why. And I just have... vague impressions of the trip. Sky everywhere. A big sky. Nothing in the way of it... Sorry, that's all. Oh, and being hungry. I've never quite forgotten how hungry I was. It's a wonder my growth wasn't stunted." "Isn't it just," Kalweyn said cryptically. "A lot of sky, nothing in the way. What does that suggest? Anyone?" "Very high up?" Shiimaya proffered. "Flying?" Llana shook her head, unsatisfied with her answer. They were quiet for a short while, Kalweyn keeping her peace, until Ranma said, "Flat... The Outlands." "Very good, Ranma. You might be worth my time, after all." Ranma made a face at her, and Kalweyn chuckled. "Never fear. I wouldn't have let you near Shiimaya if I hadn't thought so since day one." She ignored the startled look on his face and turned back to Kassandra. "Your hair ornament is an important clue, but let's continue eating while I allow myself the luxury of expounding on ancient history." Tentatively returning to the meal, everyone listened as Kalweyn alternately nibbled and lectured. "The Fall of the Ancients... It was over six thousand years ago that it occurred. No one living knows what happened to them, nor is it recorded in anything extant. It is a mystery that will likely never be solved. "However, what happened afterwards is part of our daily life. Animal traits began migrating into humans. No one knows how, or perhaps only the Ice Dragons and the Phoenixes know; only a word remains: 'Riato Veers', although I doubt that an Ancient would even recognize it, it has probably been changed so much by our own tongue. As to what it is or was, who knows..." She paused to eat a few bites. "The next bit that is important is the coming of the Ice Dragons and the Phoenixes. Again, no one living knows their origins, and they are remarkably circumspect on the topic." She smiled to herself, musing over some past event. "But we will skip over that, other than to say that they worked some solution that ended up as the Totems. "Ah, the Totems. A lot of history there, much not commonly known. There were a number of Totems that died out for one reason or another. The rest lived on, although in one case, I would rather they had not." "Mutts," Ranma spat. "Quite, or rather, Dog Totem." "Dog? What's that?" Llana asked. "A creature that no longer exists. I do not know why. They were relatives of the Great Wolves, as hard as that may be to believe, but they have since moved into the stuff of legends." "Relatives?" Ranma said. "Hmmm, that may be why the Great Wolves hate Mutts so much. Like losing a family member, and having it replaced with... that!" "Again, quite. An interesting notion. Next time I have opportunity to speak with a Wolf Totem member, I'll put it to them." Kalweyn rubbed her chin. "Yes, very interesting, indeed." She shrugged. "At any rate, Dogs were, at one time, as common as dirt, or so the histories say, and I suspect their sheer numbers caused too much of their trait to pass into receptive humans, carrying the Totem too far. They ended up being half-dog half- man... Well, I'm not concerned here with Mutt origins." "And all other Totems that aren't represented today died out?" Shiimaya asked. "All but one." Kalweyn pointedly did not look at Kassandra. "One Totem existed well after the others faded away, but they were different from most other Totems. The Totems we are familiar with are creatures of the wind or that run on four legs, excepting the Ice Dragon and Phoenix Totems, of course." She nodded to Ranma and Llana, then laughed. "Before they worked their solution, even they became contributors to those humans they spent time around. My understanding is that it embarrasses them somewhat." Both Ranma and Llana looked uncertain at that piece of news, but Kalweyn plowed on. "No, the Totem with which we are concerned existed in the Hundred Valleys at least a thousand years after the Reclamation. They did not die out. They were... driven out." While not certain, Kassandra had a suspicion that Kalweyn had been speaking about her Totem, whatever it was. Looking across the room at the rose glowing in the sunlight, she couldn't imagine what could have happened. Did not everyone want to see things alive and well? "Driven out?!" Ranma was aghast. "A Totem?!" He knew, as did everyone, that each Totem, like the animal it represented, had a place in the weave of life. To actively drive out one was courting disaster of a kind to make him shudder. "Yes, and most unfortunate for us as well as them." "Great-grandmother, I cannot imagine such a thing. Were they so bad?" "Nothing of the sort, Shiimaya! They were... different from other Totems." "How?" Kassandra finally asked, her voice echoing unnaturally in the room. Kalweyn's eyes softened. "They were special, my lost and found youngling. They had gifts utterly unlike those of the other Totems, gifts of the mind. They could heal, for one, and the healing was not terribly specific to thing or kind. Animals, plants... men. It made no difference." The gathered young people blinked several times. "Driven out for THAT?!" Ranma cried, visibly agitated. Such a thing went against everything he'd been taught. Sighing, Kalweyn looked, for a second, older than her hundred- plus years. "Part of the history, scant as it is, says that many tried to bend this Totem to their wills, such gifts being attractive to those of greedy natures. Perhaps being 'driven' out means they left to avoid those that would use them. That has the nasty ring of truth, but that is not all that is said in the histories. "It is written that for a time, say, fifteen-hundred years or so after the Reclamation, the old religions of the Ancients still held powerful sway over the people. It also seems that the Ancients were terribly flawed in that respect, as many of their religions often embraced intolerance. "The animal of the particular Totem in question... the animal of Kassandra's Totem, was, in one of these forgotten religions that held many followers in thrall, associated often with evil." Kassandra's sharp intake of breath brought everyone's attention, and her subsequent tears caused both Shiimaya and Llana to quickly rise and embrace the weeping Kassandra. "No!" Llana said. "Kassandra is the sweetest, most wonderful person I know! No!" "I would have to have words with the followers of this... 'religion'." Shiimaya said the word like it was evil incarnate. "And so would I," Kalweyn seconded, and Ranma nodded in accord. The discussion stopped for the time being, and Shiimaya and Llana escorted Kassandra, half-carrying her, into the bathing room. "Feeling better?" Shiimaya asked. Kassandra, leaning against her for support, nodded weakly. Llana sat on the other side, resting a concerned hand on Kassandra's back. A knock at the entrance interrupted them, and Shiimaya called for Ranma to come in, the sound of the knock occurring high enough on the door to give away the caller. The door swung open, and Ranma walked in. "Everbody decent?" he quipped, eliciting shaky giggles from the trio of young women. He stepped up, centering himself on Kassandra. She looked up at him, and he mentally winced at her puffy eyes and runny nose, but he put that aside. "Stand," he said quietly, although laden with a slight, calculated tinge of authority. Shakily, hesitantly, Kassandra got to her feet. "Wait--" Shiimaya's hand on Llana's shoulder caused her to stop her protest, and Shiimaya's emphatic shake of the head kept her silent. "Kassandra." Ranma held out his arms, and she, almost as tall as he, blinked at him. "But... I..." "But nothing." He stretched his arms out a little further, and Kassandra collapsed against him. She didn't burst into tears, but rather, she almost completely relaxed. Always independent and a little distant from most, Kassandra found being in his arms to be one of the singular events of her recent life. There was something... right about it. She'd never felt safer. Sighing again, she snuggled a little deeper into his embrace. Ranma raised his eyebrows slightly, but looked at Shiimaya. "Did you...?" He inclined his head towards Llana, who blushed. Shiimaya nodded. Ranma looked down at Kassandra, still glued to him, and then looked back at Shiimaya. With the upper hand on Kassandra's back, he held out three fingers, further defining his unspoken question. Shiimaya nodded vigorously. She then poked Llana on the arm, pointed at Kassandra, and held up three fingers in a question. Llana beamed, and nodded most vigorously. Ranma smirked at them, and in synchrony, they stuck their tongues out at him. He almost lost it to laughter, but he eased Kassandra out of the embrace and put his hand under her chin, raising her flushed face to the light. "Ranma, I didn't mean to--" "Hush. No apologies. You did nothing wrong." She nodded, but he didn't allow her to lower her head. "Since Shiimaya has put the question to Llana, I suppose it's fair that I put it to you." He gazed deep into her hazel eyes, momentarily fascinated by the weave of green and brown in her widening orbs, then said, "Kassandra, when the time is right, will you consent to be my Third Wife and Mistress of the Hearth?" Kassandra's mouth worked soundlessly. For one of the few times in her life, she was completely flummoxed. "M-Me?" she squeaked, sounding terribly like Llana in her moment. "But... But I'm not... That is, I couldn't..." "Yes, you are, and yes, you can. That was some of the strongest Totem magik I have ever seen. It was..." He appeared to roll several words silently on his tongue, then said, "It was magnificent." Shiimaya shook her head in amused pride; Ranma could be insensitive at times, but when he shined, the stars ducked their heads in shame. "But..." Kassandra said. "No buts. Shall I get to one knee? A bit out of date, but..." Kassandra snerked, an indelicate but utterly endearing sound, so unexpected from the normally composed young woman. "Kassandra," Ranma continued, "I'll wait for you to answer, if you so wish." Her mouth worked a couple of times, but stopped, then, "YES! Oh, Goddess, YES!" She tried to huddle into his embrace again, but he was having none of it. He lifted her head again and kissed her searchingly, and she melted into his arms, her own arms rising along his back and pulling him closer. Shiimaya glanced at Llana, a little concerned that as future Second Wife, she would be the third to be kissed, but Llana was staring dreamily up at Ranma and Kassandra, hearts throbbing in her eyes. Shiimaya snerked herself, a thin, reedy type of snort, then put a hand over her mouth. The kissing pair finally broke, and Kassandra was flushed red and breathing heavily. "Oh... my." Shiimaya stood and hugged Kassandra from the side. "It only gets better... Trust me on this." "Oh! Myyy... Better?" "Oh, Kassandra! Congratulations! This so GREAT!!" Llana was jumping up and down. Shiimaya caught Ranma's attention. "I think someone still has yet to get hers." She rolled her eyes towards Llana. Ranma made a small "O" with his mouth, and tried to figure out how to get past the enthusiastic girl's jumping. He finally gave up and waited. "Llana," Kassandra snerked. "I think Ranma is trying to get your attention." "Huh?" She stared up at Ranma. "What?" "Um..." He scratched the back of his head. "Well, you're the, er, only one I, uh, haven't... Ahem! I haven't kissed." "Oh." Llana blushed and looked down. Ranma aped her, and the two of them stood there, toeing the ground. "What the hell is this?" Shiimaya said, laughing. "Lla-NA! You're... You're bashful all of a sudden?!" "Hey! It's hard to set the mood," Llana complained. Ranma just laughed weakly. "Oh, brother." She and Kassandra retired to the other side of the room, watching Ranma and Llana make several false starts. Shiimaya didn't know whether to cry or laugh. She turned to see Kassandra's reaction to the scene, but the taller girl had her head down. "Kassandra?" Shiimaya whispered. "I... I don't know. I feel... dirty all of a sudden. No, not dirty... Unworthy, perhaps." "Unworthy?" Shiimaya blinked. After bringing a dying plant back to full health, unworthy? "I don't understand." "What if... What if I am evil?" "Ah-- Ah-- Nonsense!" Shiimaya almost shouted. Llana and Ranma snapped away from each other, staring at Shiimaya. "Heh. Sorry. Go ahead." She waved at them before turning back to Kassandra. "Now you listen here, Kassandra, dearest one. If you're evil, then I'm the devil himself! I will have none of that talk. It is wrong!" With her still down, she said, "Yes, Mistress." "Oh, Kassandra... Look at me." Kassandra lifted her head a little, and looked out from under her eyelashes. "I'm not your mistress or your master. I want to be your wife. Now, kiss me, you fool." A ghost of a smile tweaked the corners of her mouth, and she parted her lips as Shiimaya rose on her toes to meet her in a kiss. Their arms went around each other, and the kiss deepened, tongues playing. Shiimaya sneaked her hand under Kassandra's skirt, and played with her sex before plunging two fingers in and out. Kassandra moaned into the other's mouth, her body sagging. Shiimaya broke the kiss and smirked. "No, Kassandra, dear," Shiimaya said with a giggle, "if anyone is evil here, it's me. I have complete control over you. All I have to do is this..." She added a third finger, and Kassandra's eyes closed. "Or this..." She sped up. Kassandra's eyes snapped open, the emerald glow burning, and Shiimaya felt the older girl's sex shift around her fingers, drawing the entire hand in. Wide-eyed, Shiimaya allowed it to happen, and she was shortly stroking in and out almost up to her elbow. "OH! MISTRESS!!" Kassandra came quickly, clamping down on Shiimaya's arm like the squeeze of a python, sucking her arm in as far as it would go. The glow from her eyes pulsed around the room, and Shiimaya looked over her shoulder to see that Ranma and Llana had indeed been kissing, but broke off because of Kassandra's cry. They, too, watched the waves of green wash over the room and themselves. Feeling a tug, Shiimaya turned back to Kassandra just as her elbow disappeared into the taller girl's demanding body. Kassandra was still in her orgasm, and the pulsing of her eyes was speeding up. "Um, Ranma?" Shiimaya said. "SOOO FUUULLL!" Ranma and Llana walked up. "Um..." he offered. "Llana won't hurt you, Mis-- Shiimaya. Trust her." "Very well," the Tiger woman said. She was halfway to her shoulder joint when Kassandra screeched at the peak of the agonizingly long orgasm. A final burst of green fire washed over the room and disappeared into the wood and stone. In the dining area, Kalweyn stopped in mid-sip of her water as a powerful band of green light sped over the surfaces of the room. "What are they DOING in there?!" However, her attention was immediately on her arm, where Ranma had rather forcefully tagged her with the point of one of his practice swords. The pain simply disappeared, like the pop of a bubble. She raised the sleeve, and before her eyes, the bruise faded to yellow, and then disappeared entirely. "My word..." Kassandra's body sagged off of Shiimaya's arm, and the former lay on the floor, cooing to herself. "Mistresssss... You're in control... Wonderful fingers..." Shiimaya looked at her slickly wet arm. "Fingers?!" Ranma and Llana burst into laughter, and Kassandra jumped, looked down at herself, squeaked, and rose, quickly putting her clothing to rights while blushing completely. "Did something happen?" she quietly asked. Raising an eyebrow, Shiimaya said, "No troubles with her for you, Ranma." "Nooo, none at all." He chuckled weakly, and scratched the back of his head. Llana snerked. The four of them walked back into the dining area. Kalweyn had already finished, and was perched on the newel at the bottom of the stairway, puffing her pipe and thinking, looking like nothing so much as a wise owl, blinking and considering those around her. "Ah! Eat up before it gets completely cold." Of them all, Kassandra fell to the meal, suddenly ravenous. Kalweyn chuckled as the rest sat down and proceeded to polish off the remaining food. Ranma noticed Llana staring at him with easily imagined hearts in her eyes, then she gave Shiimaya and Kassandra the same look in turn. He chuckled and reached for one of the three small sausages left on the platter. His chopsticks clicked against Llana's, and they regarded one another. Llana cocked an eyebrow, and Ranma's lowered. "En garde," he said. "Ready," she replied. Llana wasn't in his class, but he kept it slow, enjoying the play and the little bit of tongue peeking out of the corner of Llana's mouth. Just to make sure she understood whom the man of the house was, his chopsticks blurred, and he held the sausage of contention between the tips, smirked, and then popped it into his mouth. "Oooo! En garde," she said. "Ready." Two pair of chopsticks headed for the second sausage, there was a flash of light, and Ranma pulled back the burned-off nubs, blinking. Llana popped the second sausage, somewhat singed, into her mouth. Shiimaya tipped out of her chair, laughing, and Kassandra hid her smile behind her hand, her eyes dancing in mirth. "That'll teach you, sonny." Kalweyn looked like a smug old owl now. "Hmmm," he noised. Llana picked up the third and last sausage, "I'll share," and placed it between her teeth. Ranma eagerly leaned forward, and they met in a kiss, biting through the sausage and parting. Ranma chewed noisily. "What I always dreamed of: a sausage kiss." Kassandra snerked, Shiimaya howled, and Llana laughed, then beat her chest, coughing. Kalweyn surveyed the youngsters around the table below her, smiling and well satisfied. This was going to be an exceptional family. -----=====----- Table cleanup was interrupted by a knock at the door. "I'll get it," Ranma called. He quickly strode the short distance to the entry, and opened the door. "Hey, Ranma!" "RIAN!" Ranma disappeared through the doorway, but the women inside could her the slapping of hands on backs. Ranma reappeared, followed by a mountain of a man. His head barely cleared the door header, and his shoulders fit neatly through the opening. He carried an eight-foot quarterstaff, the ends shod with iron. A large bandage encircled his left bicep. He, in turn, was followed by a petite girl, long brown hair flowing freely with two pale streaks at the temples. Her features were delicate, almost elfin, but the pale, almost white eyes, were startling, and were a sure indicator of her Totem. A bow was slung across her body, and a full quiver of arrows rode on her back. "Rian!" Shiimaya bounded up and slammed into him with a hug. "Good to see you, you old Bear." "Hey, Shiimaya..." *Sniff.* "Ranma, you old fox, you!" Shiimaya leaned back and broke the embrace, looking up and nodding happily. "I'm pregnant." "Congratulations, you two. And I missed the wedding! RAN-MAAA!!" Rian growled. Ranma waved his hands frantically. "No, NOOO. This weekend." Rian relaxed and smiled. "Well, that's fine, then!" "And I DO need a Best Man." "Done! Oh, pardon me." Rian gently ushered the girl to in front of him. "May I present Kahree Wolf Totem. I've asked her to be First Wife, and she has consented." The household greeted her warmly, although Shiimaya crushed her in a hug. "Don't be afraid to take a board to Rian," she said conspiratorially. "It won't hurt him a bit." "Hey!" "Err, thank you," Kahree said uncertainly. Shiimaya stepped away, and Kahree regarded her for a moment before stepping forward and placing a hand just below Shiimaya's left shoulder. Kahree opened her eyes and moved to Ranma, repeating the gesture. Finished with him, she gazed at the others in the room, lingering slightly on Kalweyn, still perched on the newel post, and then returned to regard Shiimaya and Ranma. "You are Wolf-friends, both." She bowed. "I am honored and pleased that my husband-to-be has such fine acquaintances. May your trails be clear and straight, and the hunting good." Minding their manners, Shiimaya and Ranma returned the bow. "May your trail be clear, and the hunting good," they repeated, aware of Wolf Totem protocol. It was one of the few Totems that had such formalized manners. Kahree walked to a point underneath Kalweyn. "You are Wolf- friend, also, but you are long from the pack." "It's been thirty years since I last laid eyes on a Great Wolf." She inclined her head. "May your trail be clear and the hunting good, Kahree Wolf Totem." Kahree returned the greeting, then seemed to completely relax. "How very nice to meet all of you!" she chirped, and then bounced back to Rian's side. Everyone except Kalweyn boggled at the change in demeanor. "Greetings are *very* formal for Kahree," Rian said by way of explanation. "Are you and your mate hungry, Rian?" Kalweyn asked, hopping down from perch and landing, riding her staff. "Well..." The thought of food was enough to produce a sizable roar from his midsection. Kahree bopped him on the arm. "Sorry," he said, "I can wait until I get home." "Nonsense. I suspect the girls are thinking of a trip to market anyway, and I can clean out some things. Sit yourself down. Won't be a few minutes. You youngsters visit." Kalweyn disappeared into the kitchen, and the sound of pots rattling and a knife chopping at fantastic speed echoed out into the dining room a minute later. Once everyone was seated, Shiimaya asked Rian, "How did you two meet?" "I was north of the village, tracking a Mutt trail, when I heard a commotion ahead of me." He looked at Kahree. "I am on a Searching Journey." "What's that?" Llana interrupted. Kahree nodded. "Pack members sometimes feel the need to search, although they do not know for what until they find it. I was attacked by three Mutts, and didn't have time to draw my bow. I had to fend them off with a knife." She produced a wicked-looking weapon, the blade about twenty-five centimeters long with a serrated back edge. She flipped it expertly in her hand a couple of times, and it disappeared from view with a flourish. Rian coughed. "She's pretty damn good with it, too. We practiced with sticks a couple of times, but she's small enough to slip right under your guard and spill your guts." Kahree giggled, and Rian blushed. "It wasn't your guts I spilled, husband-to-be, it was your trousers. And I was quite pleased." "KAHREE!" Rian was flaming red, and the table erupted in laughter. Llana blink-blinked. "As big as he is, I'm sure you were." "Llana!" Kassandra chided. More laughter followed Llana's frank appraisal. Rian wanted to crawl under the table, but Kahree hugged his arm, eliciting a grimace of pain. "Oh, dear. I'm sorry, Rian. We should have someone see to that. It may not be serious, but it could get infected." "What happened?" Ranma asked. "Um, Kahree, continue your story. It's in there." Kahree nodded. "As I was saying, I had to fend the Mutts off with my knife, but I was getting tired, and Mutts don't tire easily. Then I heard this crashing in the brush. I suspected it was more Mutts, and I thought I was done for. And then... And then..." Her eyes went dreamy. "And then this beautiful man broke through and charged. The ground thundered under his feet. His staff was like the Hand of the Goddess. And then--" The crowd at the table was smirking at Rian, although Llana had hearts in her eyes again, and Rian, thoroughly embarrassed, but secretly pleased, interrupted. "And then the third one jumped me and clamped its jaws on my arm." Shiimaya got to her feet. "Let me get my kit." She was halfway to the hall that led to her room, when Kassandra, biting her lip, spoke. "May... May I try?" Shiimaya stopped, and turned around. "Yes, Kassandra, I think you should. It would be excellent practice. Let me get Great- grandmother. She will want to observe this." She strode into the kitchen, and returned shortly, following Kalweyn out. Kassandra, still seated, looked at the old woman and received a nod. She looked next at Ranma, who smiled and nodded also. Kassandra felt better, and rose, moving around to Rian's injured arm. "What's going on?" Rian asked. "Shush," Kalweyn said. "I think you are about to see some real Totem magik, sonny." The centenarian grinned enigmatically. Rian shrugged and watched Kassandra undo his bandage. Once removed, a nasty set of bite marks were revealed, the upper set having sliced the skin into ribbons. Kassandra blanched and stared. "Just do like the plant, dear," Kalweyn coached. "Feel what needs to be done." "Yes, Elder." Steeling her determination, Kassandra placed her fingertips on the angry, abused flesh, stuffing down her nausea. She felt around for a moment, but nothing seemed to be happening. "I think you are used to greenery in your mind, and muscle and skin is confusing you. I would suggest trying to imagine the damaged area whole." "Thank you, Elder. I will try." Kassandra concentrated, seeing the arm undamaged in her mind's eye. It was a thick arm, the muscle massive and prone to stretch the skin that covered it when flexing. The smooth skin would ride the ripples and the cords, keeping the blood in and disease out. As she caressed the wounds, a brief green glow sputtered then died out. Rian jumped, and Kahree's eyes grew wide, and she began muttering to herself. Her brow furrowing, Kassandra's concentration increased, and the green glow sputtered again, and then sang into life, twin verdant stars, translucent and soothing. Her hands built a glow, and incredulous, Rian watched and felt the flesh move and knit under the direction of the woman's caressing fingers, the slices in the skin pull shut as fingertips danced, and the angry red of incipient infection fade under the verdant onslaught. Everyone that lived in the house grinned, expecting the demonstration to be over, but Kassandra's hands began to roam away from the healed wound, and a frown appeared on her face. "Something is wrong," she said hollowly. "I feel pain." Her fingers skittered onto his back, and she abruptly pushed him forward. A little frightened, he obeyed, slumping across the table. Kassandra's hands ran up and down his spine, slowly centering on his lumbar area. "Rian?" Ranma asked. "I don't know... Unless... Remember that fall off the cliff when we were kids?" "Oh, yeah." "Well, that old Wolf Totem woman said it could give me trouble someday. That's the only thing I can think of, and it has been paining me lately. Not bad, though." "Hmmm," Ranma said. Kassandra stopped and placed both palms against the small of his back. Her eyes began to pulse and the rate accelerated until she gave off a small cry. Rian gasped and cringed as a spherical pulse of green light moved away from her hands and then collapsed inward. Rian cried out, and then blinked. Kassandra stumbled away, the green dying out in both her hands and eyes, and she began to fall to the ground. Everyone rose instantly, but Kahree was already there, gently holding her. "Oh... my..." Kassandra said. "That was... tiring. Is everything all right?" Fanning her face, she looked up at the faces hovering over her. "What did you see or feel, child?" Since she was the shortest, Kalweyn's face was closest. "I... I felt the pain. I followed it, and... and I felt... a straining. The bone was weak... And I could see it breaking, slicing through the spine." Horrified, she put her hand to her mouth, tears collecting in her eyes. "I crippled him!" "No, you did not!" Rian's face was furthest away, but his smile burned past the rest. "I think you fixed it. I *had* been having some pain, but I think you prevented me becoming paralyzed. I... I don't know what to say. What Totem are you? I've never heard of such a thing." "I have," Kahree said, her voice even more serious than when she first greeted them. She helped Kassandra to her feet, and Llana and Shiimaya quickly hugged her arms. Ranma rested his hands on her shoulders. Kahree knelt before Kassandra and placed her forehead briefly against the insteps of the other girl's feet. She rose, and spoke. "The Pack's memories are long and old, and long have we watched and waited for your return, Snake Sister. You are Snake Totem, and the Weave of Life is complete once again. The River of Changes gave us our gifts, and the waters have settled and flow smoothly. The trail is clear. "Long did the Pack watch over our Snake Brothers and Sisters, and the ache of your departure is an old pain that can now start to heal. Know this; the Pack will always stay near, and you need but lift a finger and we will be there." Kahree's face cleared and she smiled. "We should meet with the Great Wolves as soon as possible. They will want to know you and spread the memory of your scent among them." Kassandra's hand fluttered in front of her face. "Oh, my. Oh, my. Oh, dear..." Kahree rose and started to pat Kassandra's hand, but she looked at Shiimaya again, and then at Llana, and finally at Ranma. She turned and looked down at Kalweyn, frowning again. "Elder, you do know the Totem Prophecies, do you not?" Kalweyn started. "Goddess, I haven't heard mention of that in ages. They've almost been forgotten. Why do you ask?" Kahree smiled a feral smile. "The Pack has not forgotten." She looked at Shiimaya. "You are obviously Tiger Totem, yes?" Shiimaya nodded, and Kahree looked at Llana. "And you?" "Phoenix Totem, or so I'm told." "Demonstrate." Blinking, Llana held out her delicate hand, concentrated, and a gout of flame rose to the ceiling, leaving a black smudge. Llana squeaked and said, "Um, sorry." "Child, we *must* work on control, and soon, I think." Kalweyn smiled to let her know she wasn't angry. "Only Phoenix Totem lives with fire. You are Phoenix," Kahree said. Llana nodded seriously. Kahree looked at Ranma. "And you?" "Ice Dragon." "Demonstrate." "Errr, I'll try. It's not quite as impressive as Llana's." Llana blushed. Ranma held out his hand and thought for a moment, but he couldn't make anything happen. "It is said that you must decide on the area you want to affect and pull the heat from it," Kalweyn said, and then turned to Kahree. "We haven't had time to work on this since we found out for certain that he is Ice Dragon." Kahree nodded, and went back to studying Ranma. He looked around, and spied the pitcher of water on the table. He walked over and picked it up, sloshing the contents around. Satisfied, he sat the pitcher down and held his hand over the opening, concentrating. The pitcher exploded with soft bang, but the crockery shards didn't do more than scoot across the table. A steaming disk of ice sat in the remains of the pitcher. Kahree walked over and made to touch it, but Kalweyn warned her off. "I wouldn't, child. It looks cold enough to freeze your skin." Kahree pulled her hand back, considered for a second, then picked a glass of water, pouring the contents onto the ice. The water froze on contact and traveled up the stream, leaving a curved spike. The glass had emptied just in time to avoid freezing, itself. "*Very* cold," Kahree said, then grinned. She surveyed the group and then said, "Is there another?" "Another?" Ranma asked. "Another what?" Rian asked, scratching his head. Kahree gave her love a suffering glance. "Another *wife*." "There's only Shiimaya, Kahree," Rian said. "Uh... well..." Ranma stammered. Rian looked at him. "Well WHAT?!" "I guess I've been kinda rude--" Shiimaya cleared her throat. "*We've* been kinda rude. Rian, this is Llana Phoenix Totem. Shiimaya asked her, and I very much agreed, to be Second Wife." Ranma kissed Llana on the forehead, then put his hand on Kassandra's shoulder. "This is Kassandra... Snake Totem, and I asked her, and Shiimaya very much agreed, to be Third Wife. Not all at once, mind, but, er, over time. Girls, this is my best friend in the world, Rian Bear Totem." "Hello, Rian. Very nice to meet you," Kassandra said. "Hi!" Llana chirped "Very nice to meet you both. If you'll both pardon me, Ahem. RAAAN-MAAA! How dare you practically have a Triangle already! C'mere!" "URK!" Rian put him in a headlock and rubbed his fist over his prisoner's hair. "HEY! LEGGO, YA BIG OX!" "That's Bear, sonny, and don't forget it." "I'm gonna freeze yer butt, if ya don't let go!" Rian felt a cold draft, "Yipe!" and jumped away. Ranma straightened his collar. "Hmph! That'll learn ya... OX!" "BEAR!" "OX!" "BEAR!" "O--" "All RIGHT!" Shiimaya yelled, her fists down at her sides. "You two can be such KIDS when you get together! Oooo!" "You're missing Bear Totem," Kahree broke in. Everyone else blinked at her. "What, honey?" Rian asked. "For the Totem Prophecies. Fourth Wife should be Bear Totem." Rian, Ranma, and Shiimaya all looked at one another, sharing the same thought. "Ahem," Ranma cleared his throat, "I know OF one, but that, er, didn't work out." "Hmmm," Kahree noised. "Perhaps it isn't the Prophecies after all." "What are the Prophecies, Kahree?" Llana asked. The Wolf girl smiled and said, "They are foretellings of a great enemy to come, and the signs to look for. They center around a Square of Powerful Totems, and the Return of our Snake Brothers and Sisters. I think I will recite the corollary verses first. The main verse of the Prophecy will make more sense, in as much as it ever does. It's a bit... opaque." Kalweyn snorted. "Opaque? Try unintelligible, as I recall." "Quite. Ahem, the Corollary Verses are in three sets: Singles, Doubles, and Triples. The singles are thus: "Colors of Dawn, Symbol of Old. Tiger Roars, Dragon's Gold. Colors of Sun, Maiden of Return. Phoenix Sings, Dragon's Urn. Colors of Sea, Health of the Square. Snake Smiles, Dragon's Mare. Colors of Earth, Voice of Thunder. Bear Falls, Dragon's Plunder. Colors of Ice, Castle's Throne. Dragon Hoards, Their Hearts to Own. "And there is a standalone couplet for Wolf Totem: "Colors of Dark, Nightfall's Bard. Wolf Shields Snake, Dragon's Guard." "Oh, my, I never thought of myself as a mare..." Embarrassed, Kassandra fanned her face. Shiimaya snerked, and then slapped her hand over her mouth. "My brother did that after he came back from a trip, and in no time, everyone in the family was doing it," Kassandra informed. "Oh, no," Shiimaya groaned, "I'm doomed." "Dragon's Urn? Why am I an Urn? I don't get it." Shiimaya leaned over and whispered in Llana's ear for a few seconds. "Receptacle? For what?" Another whispered session, and Llana turned bright red. Ranma followed suit, having understood the allusion. Rian slapped him on the back and laughed. Ranma brushed his embarrassment off, and rubbed his chin. "Bear falls..." "Weird," Rian echoed. "Next are the Doubles: Dragon and Tiger, First Love Born. Rain in the Clouds, Kiss in the Morn. Ranma and Shiimaya looked at each other, love clear in their faces. Dragon and Phoenix, Face to Face. Mirror of Love, Trading Place. Llana and Ranma both scratched their heads. Dragon and Snake, Meet and Coil. Two or Five, Heartbreak's Foil. Kassandra and Ranma didn't have to interpret 'Coil'. They smiled at each other. Dragon and Bear, Love is Far. Bear comes Last, Herself at War. "Boy, that sure sounds like Alexa," Ranma mused. Rian nodded. "And last are the Triplets: Dragon, Bear, and Snake; Family Stones. Love's Foundation, Joyful's Bones. There was no real response to the first couplet. Dragon, Snake, and Phoenix; Wishes to Make. Dragon Saved, His to Take. Llana and Kassandra looked at each other, and then at Ranma, who blushed in turn. Dragon, Tiger, and Bear; Oil and Water. Bear has Fallen, Tiger's to Barter. "There's the Fallen Bear, again," Ranma hummed. "Tiger's to Barter?" Shiimaya whispered to Ranma, who shrugged. Dragon, Tiger, and Phoenix; Destined to Mate. End of Beginning, Hand of Fate. Ranma, Shiimaya, and Llana all had cold chills from the last couplet. "I think it just as well we are *not* the Square foretold in the Prophecies," Shiimaya opined. No one disagreed with her, although Kalweyn had narrowed her eyes, deep in thought. Come on, Kassandra. Maybe we need to leave them alone so they can have one little kiss." "Are you sure that's wise?" "Ranma, is she...?" "No." "It's safe." Shiimaya shooed Kassandra out of the bathing room. Ranma wasn't certain whether he was just insulted or not, but decided to chew on it at another time. "So, uh, how do ya wanna do this?" Llana asked, still trying to bore through the plank under her toe. "Well..." Ranma took a moment to realize just how much shorter she was than him. He sat down on the bench. "I, er, guess just do what comes, ahem, naturally." Llana giggled. "'Comes' naturally?" she teased. "Ah, aheh, not that it 'comes' any other way, I suppose." "You're funny." "Um... thanks?" "So..." "So..." "..." "..." Ranma was starting to fidget, and Llana decided the mood wasn't going to get any better. She jumped on him, straddling him, and kissed him with a great deal of energy. Ranma's eyes were the size of saucers, but they slowly closed as the redhead worked her own brand of magik on him. Llana had gone from okay to incredibly horny in only five seconds of liplock. She squirmed on his lap, rubbing her breasts up and down his chest. Ranma felt himself swiftly hardening. "How long do you think he'll last?" "... Five minutes," Kassandra said. "Until what? Runs out screaming or screws her brains out?" Shiimaya snerked again, and slapped her hand over her mouth as Kassandra looked at her in surprise. "My older brother did that, and it wasn't any time before I'd picked it up. Oh, and the, ah, latter option." Shiimaya tried to shift gears, and then the light dawned. "Ah." "Are you all right with this?" Looking back at the door to the bathing room, she said, "Yes... and no... and yes." "Hmmm." "Yes, because she's going to be Second Wife. No, because he hasn't even married his First Wife, ahem! Yes, because I feel like the four of us are married already." "Ah. Thank you, Shiimaya. I feel the same... Well, almost the same. I still don't think it has sunk in." "... And yes, a fourth time, because you and I are going upstairs to *sink* it in. They can join us when they feel like it. Then maybe we'll both get a turn, hey? Great-grandmother!" Shiimaya called out to the dining room, dragging a surprised Kassandra up the stairs. "Take your meal. I'm afraid we'll have to finish the history lessons later!" Kalweyn snorted. "Horny young... Well, you were that way once. Don't begrudge them their youth." She dug into her food with gusto as the upstairs bedroom door slammed shut. "Llana, I, er... Oh, boy." Ranma was looking into a pair of glowing amber eyes, and he could he feel his own Totem magik starting to respond. Llana was having none of his ruminations, and she pulled her dress off in one motion, which turned out to be the only thing she was wearing, and then brought his mouth to suckle at her breast. It was large, pert, and creamy white. Ranma made love to it, heart and soul. "AH! MMM!" She ran her hands through his hair, arching her back to press her breast more firmly to his mouth. Ranma's hands began moving over her body, and her compact form made for easy reach of everything. Fingering her slit from around her buttocks, Ranma switched his mouth to the other breast while Llana groaned and ground her sex against his hand. Ranma slipped a finger into her channel, and Llana clenched her vaginal muscles, trying to draw more in. He added another finger, and she finally had enough. "R-Ranma, I need it. Please, oh, Goddess, I need it!" "I need it, too. You're so beautiful, Llana." "Oh, Ranma." He bent down and suckled at her breast again, and she sighed, but squirmed against his still invading hand. "Oh! Oh, more! Mmm!" She reached down between them and fondled his penis through his trousers. "No more waiting. I can stand it. Just... fuck me, Ranma. Please! OH!" He stood, holding her off the ground with one arm. He undid the cord on his trousers, and they fell to his ankles. He stepped out of them, and sat back down on the bench. His penis was hard and captured between their stomachs. Llana reached down and caressed its smooth, hard length. "Oh, it's so... BIG. That's not going to fit!" Chuckling in embarrassment, Ranma said, "Ah, I think it'll work okay." "Well... Oh! I can't stand it!" Placing her knees on the bench, she raised herself against him, but her legs were too short. "Let me help," Ranma offered. Placing his hands on her waist, he lifted Llana readily into the air. "Ah, you're going to have to guide it. I can't hold you up one-handed." Llana giggled and reached down for a third time, running her hands up and down his length as she positioned him to enter her. "Oh, I'm... a little scared," she confessed, biting her lip. "I wouldn't hurt you for anything, Llana. If it hurts, we'll stop right away, and you'll be fine." Still biting her lip, she nodded, and Ranma slowly lowered her. She gasped as the head of his penis entered her channel and pushed into her body, spreading her petals wide. "NNN!! OH! So biiig. MMM! OH! What...?" "That's, um, your virginity... I think. Are you sure you want to do this now? We can wait..." "NO! Errr, no. Forgive me for saying so, but I want to stake my claim NOW! This... You are like a dream come true for me, one I thought would only ever be a dream." Ranma blushed, as much from the strain of having to hold her up as from his embarrassment. "Llana," he chided softly, "if Shiimaya heard you say that, I'd never hear the end of it." She pecked him on the lips. "Then it'll be out little secret, dreamboat." "Err, okay, ahem. This may hurt at first, so I'm going to get through it quickly." Placing her hands on his shoulders, Llana nodded, then said, "Did Shiimaya's hurt?" "Um, she lost hers a long time ago because of training. Apparently, it can work itself loose." "Oh." "Ready." "I... Yes, I am." She gasped more in surprise as he let her drop halfway to his lap, but the sting and the tearing sensation she felt told her that he had sundered her hymen. She was now a woman; no longer a maiden. The thought brought a few tears to her eyes, but when she looked into Ranma's concerned, silver-flecked cerulean blues, she had no regrets whatsoever. "I am Llana Ph-Phoenix Totem. Take me, Ranma Ice Dragon Totem. Make me yours, for now and always." Her voice had cracked a little and was thick with emotion. Ranma nodded once, his eyes starting to glow a faint water blue. "I make you mine, Llana Phoenix Totem. You will be my treasure, my woman... I... I..." His eyes flared as he said, "I will KILL any man who comes between us!" Llana squeaked in surprise and a little fear, but something in his words resonated deep in her psyche, and the echoes filtered to the surface. Briefly, she had the sensation of flight without moving, huge wings pushing at the air, tumbling through the air in a mating dance as old as the stars. The amber glow in her own eyes had faded out during their conversation, but it returned in force, and a change washed over her demeanor. "I am YOUR treasure, Ranma Ice Dragon! Hoard me! Keep me safe! Use me!! TAKE ME!!!" she screeched. Growling, Ranma lowered her the rest of the way, Llana gasping as the inches slid into her body. "OH! MM! NN! YESSSS!" As Llana began to move her body up and down, tendrils of heated air writhed away from the redhead, creating strings of distortion that slowly billowed around the room. Ranma snorted as he began to thrust in time to meet her, fans of frost washing over the wall against his back. Llana captured his mouth again, and they kissed, tongues intertwining as they made love. Her breasts bounced with their movement, dragging her hot, harden nipples across his cool chest, stimulating her further. Her first orgasm was upon her quickly, and she broke the kiss, moaning with her head thrown back and her eyes rolling up into her head and back down. Ranma wasn't close yet, so he continued thrusting, beginning Llana's build again.