Everyone seemed to think "Just Desserts" needed a sequel, and I was only too happy to comply. ^_^ This is probably going to need a sequel too, huh?


Seconds, Anyone?

He laid there, watching his lover sleep. Long eyelashes fluttered against Mousse's cheeks as he dreamed on, his breath low and even. Ranma reached a hand out and ran it through the thick strands covering the pillow and his love's shoulder like a blanket. He smiled to himself and held a lock of the hair under his nose, breathing in the wonderfully familiar scent. He scooted his head closer, rubbing noses with his sleeping amazon.

Mousse abruptly made an unhappy noise and rolled over, smacking Ranma in the face so hard he fell off the other side of the bed.

Ah, his love was so beautiful.

Well, since he was wide awake now, Ranma decided to get dressed. He stretched his legs, still sore from the super-marathon run with Akane the day before. She eventually realized she couldn't catch up, Ranma having so much more practice at running away, so she headed home instead. He had decided it would be best to lay low for a while and avoid a confrontation until people had cooled off somewhat, Muumuu-chan not really having any say in the matter, but seeming agreeable nonetheless.

Ranma grimaced as he imagined Soun's tears, Genma's raging by means of picket line, Ukyo heating her spatula especially for a certain crevice of Ranma's, and Shampoo...She was a real worry- being the only one who would even think to take her anger of rejection out on Mousse. It takes two to tango, but Ranma was grateful she would be the only one not zeroed in on Ranma as their source of anguish. He could handle Shampoo.

The two had rented the tiny shack for a while, not knowing how long it would be before everyone had 'cooled off somewhat.' The smell of the dinner Ranma had blundered through last night was still heavy in the air, making Ranma hungry, so he decided to go pick up breakfast as he slipped his shoes on.

Mousse mumbled in his sleep and rolled over, cuddling seductively with Ranma's pillow. Turning green with envy, Ranma left before he couldn't fight the impulse to leap back into bed.

As if he had the energy to do anything *but* cuddle. As undeniably sexy and horny as Mousse was, Ranma was worn down by worry- though he'd never show it. What if Shampoo ever did get the guts to harm his Mousse? Should he worry about others following suit? Would anything so far change what he and Mousse had?

His head hurt from thinking so much, so he just put his feet on autopilot and cleared his head off all but one thought- yesterday before Akane showed up.

Ohhh yeah.

He walked quite some way before he even noticed.


What a pleasant dream Mousse was having. It was nonsensical in that way that dreams are, but he understood what Ranma was preparing to do, and that was enough for him. Amazing how having sex once could just open floodgates to hormones he hadn't even known he had.

Moaning outloud, Mousse rolled over again, stretching and smiling as he felt the delicious tug between his legs. Unknowingly, his hand crawled down his belly and slid under the top of his pants. He slipped the tip of his tongue out to wet his lips, panting, as 'Ranma' touched him. Moaning again, he pulled his hand back out, wiping sweat from his face. Gods, he was so hot...why did Ranma have to tease him so?

He rolled over again, sweat making his pants stick to his legs in a decidedly uncomfortable manner. He frowned and tried to kick off the sheets or whatever it was. Damn, he was *hot!* Swallowing hard, Mousse coughed, suddenly short of breath. Dream Ranma melted away like wax and left him confused in his nonsense surroundings. A loud crash caused him to bolt upright in bed.

Everything was on fire.

His sleep fogged and chokong brain screamed at him to get out. Stumbling, he fell out of bed and laid there.


That burning smell made him a little hungry until he realized it wasn't a barbeque. At least, none he had ever been to caused that much smoke- well, until someone accidentally set the house on fire. Eyes popping wide open, Ranma ran towards the smoke and the way he had come.

In a matter of minutes he was back at the little three room house where they had spent the night. Heedless of fire and smoke, he kicked the door down and ran inside. He shielded his face from the flames and called out to Mousse, eyes searching for him. His lungs felt like they were going to burst. Slowly walking forward, he kicked something soft. Reaching down, he felt Mousse's bare chest. Like a mother whose child is trapped under a car, Ranma's pain dissolved and he picked Mousse up- fireman style- and ran out of the building.

Several yards away, he laid the boy on the ground. He was blackened and unconsious, but breathing slowly. Ranma took off his shirt and wrapped Mousse up in it, cradling him and brushing his ashy hair out of his face. His powerful advesary, his strong amazon looked so small and helpless he wanted to cry.

Sirens broke through his haze as firetrucks arrived on the scene. After a few minutes the fire was out, the little house gutted. Not really a dramatic ending, except that they wouldn't get their deposit back now. As the trucks pulled away- Ranma had to shoo off a few workers, assuring them they were fine- Ranma stood and began to head for the Nekohanten. He needed some good old ancient remedies, and he was going to get them, no matter what. Plus, he had a little visit to pay.


Shampoo at least had the decency to wipe that silly smile off her face when she saw them.


With angrily narrowed eyes, Ranma pushed past her and carried Mousse into the back room, setting him down carefully. As he guessed, Cologne hopped in shortly. After looking over Ranma's ruffled state and Mousse's more serious one, she set to mixing bad smelling things from cloudy little bottles into a big pot, asking no questions.

''Cause she already knows what's happened...'

Ranma waited patiently for the brew to boil, holding Mousse's head in his lap. Shampoo stood just inside the doorway, watching, until the bell rang. After a nod from Cologne, she left to tend to the customers.

"Oh, is you, Violent Mallet Girl..."

Cologe took a bowl of the foul smelling concotion and started to dab Mousse's burns. Finally growing impatient, Ranma punched the floor and glared at the shrivelled old matriarch.

"Why don't you tell me what happened, future son-in-law."

"You already know, ya old mummy monkey." He ground out between his teeth.

A little shocked, she looked up at Ranma, but regained her composure and finished tending to Mousse. Getting out another bottle and another bowl, she handed them to Ranma.

"He needs to drink the entire bottle. And I don't know what you mean." Ranma held Mousse up and slowly served him the potion as Cologne talked. "I can only assume there was some sort of fire, but I don't see why you'd point your finger at me. We've been here all morning."

Ranma stopped and looked at Cologne, confused.

"Make him finish drinking that. He should be fine by tomorrow, though a little dehydrated. He just needs rest and a lot of fluids. Here." She poured another bowl and handed it to Ranma. "You need this too. It'll help your throat." With that, she hopped back up on her staff and left the kitchen.

Still confused, Ranma slowly drank, keeping his eyes on Mousse.

'She says 'they' were here. So...Shampoo didn't set the fire? Then...'

"Two order ramen for Violent Girl and Lost Boy."


"So *I* said-"


Akane and Ryoga turned their heads to see Ranma in the kitchen doorway, glaring.

"Ranma! What-"

"How could you Akane!?"

"What? What are you talking about?"

"I know it was you, Akane. What, couldn't handle being rejected by me so you decided to get rid of me? Knowing the amazons would be blamed?"

With her own angry glare Akane got up and walked over to Ranma, giving Ryoga a hand-signal to stay put. Grabbing Ranma by the sleeve she led him to the backdoor. Once outside, she pushed Ranma up against the wall.

"Oh yeah, Ranma, you figured me all out. You sure got *my* number, what with me being so in *love* with you!" Ranma scratched the back of his head.


"God, I can't believe you Ranma! You think I'd sink so low as to try and kill you because you're having an affair with Mousse?? I don't *care,* Ranma!!" Akane sighed and backed up, crossing her arms. "I didn't tell anybody. I figured if you were serious about this you'd have to tell everyone yourself. I wasn't going to relieve you of *that* job."

Ranma stood dumbfounded.

"Then if *you* didn't tell anybody..."

"Man, you are soooo screwed, Saotome." Ryoga jibed from inside the restaraunt.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you it's not polite to eavesdrop!?"


"Oh shit."

Ranma bolted down the alley way, bonbori wielding Shampoo close behind.

"Ranma is such a creep..." Akane groused as the two disappeared from sight. "What exactly was that about anyway?"

Ryoga turned his attention back to her, holding the door open for her.

"Uh, I dunno. I heard there was some fire. An oven was left on. Maybe that was it?"


AN: Definately a sequel...I screwed you all out of a lemon!!
Ranma:  >_<,
Mousse: -_- Uh, don't say 'screwed' in that context again...
Ranma: ::sob:: But he was so horny...::wah::