From: (Christopher Jones)

Ranma 1/2 is the property of Rumiko Takahashi and Shogakukan.

While this fanfic is not explicit, it contains mature, sexual
subject matter. Do not read this if discussion of this kind
of material offends or disturbs you.

               Return of the Instant Nannichuan

                     a Ranma 1/2 Fanfic
                    by Christopher Jones

        So it's come to this. Here I am, with my girl body
sittin' on the bed in a lace teddy and thigh-highs, while
Akane's down the hall in the bathroom with a packet of
instant nannichaun and a bucket of cold water.
        My 'un-cute' fiancee is about to *really* get
masculine, just so she can 'see what it's like'.
        I wonder if it's worth it, sometimes. I mean, the
first couple times we did it, it was great. It was me, her,
and nobody else.
        Now that it's been a few years, it's still as good,
it's just... different... sometimes. Who knew that Akane
liked to *experiment*?
        It's funny when I think about it. Here we are, me and
her been engaged for five years now, and our dads're still
tryin' to get us hitched about once a week. I don't think
that they know what we've been up to for that last three
years, or else they would see that trying to get us married
is pretty pointless.
        If nothing else, we've been holding off just to make
'em sweat. We know we're gonna end up married, Kasumi and
Nabiki both know. Lord help 'em, Ryouga and Ukyou know.
You'd think that Pop and Tendou would get the hint.

        I hear a male yelp come from the bathroom. Sounds like
Akane really did take the plunge. I laugh as I remember the
first time she did something *different*.
        We'd been sleepin' together since a few months after
that mess with Saffron. We just got out of school for the
summer, so I figured I'd take her up in the woods for a
trainin' trip for about a week. She really did need to work
on her coordination, and it would be *really* nice to get
away from the old men for a week. We could be together
without worrying about getting caught and having to get
married the next day.
        We hiked up into this little valley. It was pretty
close to the same place we stayed when Ryouga was working on
the Bakusai-Tenketsu. No P-chan or Cologne this time,
        It's pretty country, and it was nice and warm, so by
about dusk we were gettin' pretty serious. Akane was down to
her bra and panties and I was wearin' my shorts, so all the
sudden, she got up and told me she'd be right back. She went
into the tent and came back out with a couple hair scarves.
        I'm thinking, 'great, she wants to play with my hair
again'. But no, she sat back down next to me and said "Tie
me up."
        'Tie me up'? I didn't get it at first, but she really
did want me to. I did, and she seemed to enjoy it, so I
didn't think that much about it.
        We did it a few more times on that trip, and once or
twice after we got home.
        Then one day, Akane came in with a pair of police-
handcuffs and wanted me to do the same thing. I told her
that I was afraid they would cut her and she shouldn't use
em. She insisted, and in the end, we wound up usin' em. It
was a little funny, but it was fun.
        It didn't happen very often, but after that, Akane
would be wantin' to try somethin' new. The variety was
pretty nice, and some of the things were pretty fun.
        This one time, she came up with this intricate little
game, where I was a bad guy and had to keep her from getting
rescued. It was a little weird, but for once, *I* got to be
the guy who kidnapped Akane.
        Poor guy, that was when Ryouga found out we were in
the same bed. He thought Akane really was kidnapped from the
fake note she made up for the game. Once he caught up with
us, Akane spilled the beans.
        For some reason, We haven't seen P-chan since. Heh,
heh, must have run away or somethin'!
        I hear this thump-thump-thump comin down the hall.
Good thing Nabiki's out for the night, or we'd be buying
negatives for the next month.
        From the way the foot-steps sound, I figure Akane
weighs about one-fifty now.
        The door opens, and I try to lay back and look 'sexy'.
I figure I have about as much a chance as Akane does of
bein' masculine.
        She... He comes in. Just kinda stands there for a
minute holing his hands together like a gi-... Well, you
        "How do I look?" Akane jumps at *his* voice. Poor kid.
Still, very *visibly* excited. And built too. Akane's like,
a hunk or somethin'. She's about as tall as her dad, now,
'cept her soulders are a *lot* wider. To be honest, she's
better built than I usually am.
        Face is mostly the same, except it's a guy's face now.
Same eyes. Akane told me that that was the important part.
        Still, *he's* still got Akane's hair style. It really
is a girl's hairstyle, and it just looks kinda goofy on this
six-foot hunky guy.
        "Stupid Tomboy, can't even do your hair right! Come
here and let me fix it."
        She comes over and sits on the bed next to me. I take
a hair tie and pull her hair back into a little bit of a
pony-tail, so it looks more like a guy's hair.
        "There. Now look in a mirror."
        She does, and it kinda makes her go funny in the face.
Kinda surprised at those muscles, I guess. She looks me in
the eyes, and I remember what she said. "It's the eye's that
are important. So long as I can see them, its still you. I'm
still with Ranma."
        It was when she finally worked up to saying that she
wanted to do it girl-girl. I knew it was coming, so I kinda
got used to the idea. Akane liked to experiment, and I
wanted her to be happy. At the last minute, I chickened out.
        I got it into my head that Akane wanted it this way,
so it wouldn't be *me* she was doing it with any more. I
felt like she was trying to cheat on me. That's when she
told me. She said she loved me. It wasn't for my body, but
for who I was and the way I was there for her.
        It was kinda mushy, but I told her how I felt, and
things went along pretty nicely. I told her that I was still
worried about her feeling like she was with somebody else,
and she said the bit about the eyes.
        "It's the eye's that are important. So long as I can
see them, its still you. I'm still with Ranma. Ranma who
just told me he loved me."
        It was weird at first, but it felt good. Whoever said
that a guy doesn't feel as much as a girl was telling the
truth! As a guy, I came once each time we did it, but as a
girl, I couldn't count how many times we both came. It
was... REALLY... different, but it felt like heaven, and
Akane was so happy she cried.
        After that, she was all over me, all the time, guy or
girl. We even did it inside the university once, Both ways.
        Ucchan caught on, and was pretty quiet about it. Me
and Ryouga got to be pretty good freinds once he got over
Akane. Cologne *finally* gave up and dragged Shampoo kicking
and screaming back to China. Poor girl had *no* idea. I felt
really sorry for her. Mousse was going back with 'em, but he
stopped by first to congratulate us.
        He said he knew that we weren't gonna get married
anytime soon, but that he would probably not be able to get
back to Japan for the wedding no matter what, since his
student visa expired. He said he was gonna give us an early
wedding present, instead.
        So he pulled out this crate, and it was full of these
little packets. They looked like seed packets, but they're
labled in Chinese.
        "The instant-Nannichaun powder" Akane said. She
figured it out before I did.
        "I use it when ever I want to go swimming, or when I
have a bunch of ramen deliveries and I know its going to be
raining. It only works once, or for about an hour, if you
stay in the water, but usually that's enough time to get an
umbrella." We talked for a little bit, but Mousse wanted to
catch the sea-breeze out when it got dark.
        I didn't use them very much. I felt like I had to save
'em for an emergency, but there wasn't much that happened
that I couldn't use both my forms pretty well for. I finally
got to go swimming as a guy, but it wasn't much different
from the other way. Heh, kept lookin' for my bikini top every
time I dove in.
        Mostly, after the novelty wore off, I put 'em away and
didn't think much about 'em.
        Then, Akane was going through my closet, looking for
torn clothes to practice sewing on when she found the box
        She couldn't get the idea out of her head.

        So here I am , as a girl and wrapped around this guy,
my fiancee, and we're about to do lord knows what, just
because Akane likes to experiment.
        I like girls *all* the time, even when I am one, but
seeing Akane like this... With these broad shoulders that I
just can't seem to keep my hands off of... This wide back
that's really nice to wrap my arms around... Oh, God, that
cute little butt...

        Maybe... Maybe I like to experiment, too.

Notes: For those who don't know, Shampoo once offered Ranma
a packet of Instant 'Spring of Drowned Man' in return for a
date. This happened in the 'Dojo Destroyer' story. Ranma and 
Genma both thought it was permanent, but of course it was not.

I would like to thank all those on the FFML who helped out and
commented on this fic, and I would like to publicly apologize 
to Marissa Price for confusing her with Krista Perry. Gomen.

C&C and Flames to:
Chris Jones            
The Hamster House of Animation
The Ranma 1/2 Gallery  
What do you mean, 'The water heater's broken again'???