Ranma's Ecstasy


YAAAY!!! Chapter two!!  I realize the stories I write may be poorly written, but I'm just in it for the sex- haha, but actually I do try to incorporate a plot, even if it is OOC.  ok, a thanks to my FIRST EVER REVIEWERS ON THIS ACCOUNT!!! WOO-HOO!!!!

there are some crossovers from X/1999- you should read it if you havn't! ITS SO GOOD!!!!

I do, btw, use proper English (at least I try to) and no shorthand in my stories ^^

Very1nsane  :  Thanks for the review!  Yeah, Ranma is pretty OOC as many other characters will be.but that's the fun of it all!  (fanFICTION!)  I'm glad your curious to see what happens ^-^  Thanks for the review!

MO:  Yes, it is rather odd isn't it?  But plenty of yaoi is soon to come- (maybe not in this chap but hopefully the next one.)  believe me, yaoi is my fav thing in the world!! it's coming!!  Thanks for the review!

ok, no time to thank everyone else individually, but thanks for all the reviews!!!  except for the ones who didn't like it, but.ok.yeah.  Well, I tolld ya this fic is messed up, so U SHOODNT HAV RED IT!!! ok, um, yeah LOL I meant homophobic, not homosexual HAHA, yeah, ok.  but actually this story was going to be yoai.  but people like yuri it seems..so ill write this chap and then you can say w/e u wanta about wat stuff shood happen and...stuff.  And I KNOW THIS IS  A REALLY CORNY FIC SO . yeah.  I KNOW there are way too many coincidences and stupid things to ever really happen, but I find it sexy, so.SHUT UP.  ok, um, ok.

also, sorry shampoo fans, I had to make her talk normally, or else people may have thot I make too many typos.

Well, nothing more to say here...ON WITH THE SHOW!!!!  ("the show must go oooooon!"- the dude in moulin rouge,  a good movie!!)  ok sry

and sorry about the late/short updates.I hav school and parents!!

Also, I kno this story is very unrealistic lol

and Sora is short for Sorata (when you meet him)


"Raaaaaaaaaaanma, wake uuuuuuup!"

"Chiaki, don't scare me like that!"  Ranma awoke with a start. "Oooh,"  Her pussy was sore from last night's actions.

"Are you still up to picking up a guy at the mall?  I told my friend Shampoo she could meet us there."

"Shampoo..Chinese Shampoo??"

"Yeah!  Do you know her?" Asked Chiaki.


"Cool!" exclaimed Chiaki.  "She's bi.  I guess we can't call each other straight..or gay, in your case..after last night, huh?"  She winked. Ranma thought about it.  "Anyway, Shampoo is pretty slutty, as you may know.  She wanted to do a three-some with you and a guy, she thinks you're cute as a girl."  Ranma blushed furiously.

"So, you mean do a three-some with us and another guy?"  Ranma asked.

"Yeah, I actually have some things I need to buy," Chiaki replied.


"Well, my mom's ready to take us, so hurry up and get dressed."

"What time is it??"


"Wow.can we eat at the mall?"

"Of course," replied Chiaki.  "After all, what better way to get a guys attention?  It's the perfect excuse to lick you fingers a lot."  She grinned and went outside.


"Bye, mom!  Thanks for the ride!"  Chiaki and Ranma jumped out of the car .  "Now all we have to do is find- SHAMPOO!!!!! OVER HERE!!!!"  Chiaki yelled and waved maniacally at Shampoo, who was at the other side of the parking lot.  Ranma turned around and pretended to be reading a sign so no one would think she was hanging out with the weird girl jumping around yelling the name of a hair care product.  Shampoo ran over.

"Hi, guys.  Ranma- teehee," she giggled, looking forward to "getting to know her better".

"Let's go to the food court, I'm STARVING," suggested Chiaki.

At the food court.

The three girls all sat down at a table in the food court.  They had all gotten Sbaros baked ziti.

"Mmm, this so good!"  Shampoo said.  Chiaki agreed.

"So, have you seen any cute guys yet?"  Chiaki asked, sitting down opposite Ranma and Shampoo (she had been getting straws).  Ranma was drooling.  Chiaki looked behind her and quickly moved to sit next to Ranma, so that the three of the girls were n one side of the table, facing another table, on which two boys were sitting, facing them.  (a/n: ok, I think that's the worst sentence I've ever written..).  The two boys were very HOT AND SEXY, (crossover- they're Sorata and Subaru from X/1999).

"They're GORGEOUS!"  Ranma exclaimed.  Chiaki and Shampoo nodded in agreement.

"Well, it's time to start using our womanly charm," Chiaki advised smiling.  "I think my shopping cat wait."  Shampoo giggled.  The three of them started eating, getting some red sauce on their fingers.

"Oh, I am so messy!"  Shampoo said loudly.  Sorata looked up from his conversation as Shampoo caught his eye and slowly licked her finger.  "This stuff too good to waste,"  Shampoo said to Ranma, though keeping her eyes glued to Sorata's.  She then looked over to Ranma.  "Ranma, you have red sauce on your cheek!"  She said.

"I do?!"  Ranma said embarrassed.  She reached for a napkin, when Chiaki jabbed her in the ribs.

"You're really new at this, aren't you?"  She whispered.

At the other table, Sorata nudged Subaru.

"Check out those hot babes sitting over there!"  He said.

"Daaamn," Subaru said under his breath.

"Hey, I think that Chinese chick is into me," he bragged.

Other table:

"Ranma, you still have sauce on your cheek," Shampoo said seductively, this time looking at Subaru.  She leaned towards Ranma sticking out her tongue and slowly licked the side of her face clean. Ranma giggled and looked at the two boys.  Then she leaned over to Chiaki and said,

"Don't you think it's hot in here?  They really need air conditioning."  She slowly peeled off her sweatshirt to reveal a rather revealing tube top.  Shook her hair and picked up a banana from her try. Shampoo took it from her and slowly unpeeled it.  She then stuck into her mouth and slowly revolved it in her mouth.

"Mmm, that looks good, Shampoo," said Chiaki. Then her cell phone rang.  "Shit!"  She exclaimed under her breath.  "You guys handle this without me, I gotta go- sorry!!!!"  With that she ran off.  Ranma would have been extremely nervous with her leaving, but luckily the experienced Shampoo was still there.  Shampoo slowly licked the length of the banana looking directly at Sorata, who was mesmerized.  Then Ranma took it from her and stuck nearly the whole thing in her mouth, and swallowed half in one gulp.  Then somwthing unexpected happened, and a third boy joined Sorata and Subaru.

"Yo, Fuuma," Sorata said.  "Check out the girls across from us- I think we might be able to get some action from 'em, if you know what I mean."

"Really?  But I've never seen them before!  How do you know they would-"

"Just shut up and look at them, you virgin,"  Subaru said.  "Hey, you're a virgin, too, Sora.haha!"

"Hey!"  He shot back.  "Just because you fucked that girl when you were drunk like THREE MONTHS AGO doesn't mean you're better than us." Subaru gave him a skeptical look.

"Dude, I'm like getting a hard."  Fuuma said.  Both Subaru and Sorata glanced down at Fuuma's crotch in hope of seeing a bulge for a split second and looked away before he noticed.  They were disappointed, however- his jacket was on his lap.  Though the three of them had never said it, they all had secretly imagined what it would be like to fuck another guy.  And the three of them were mad sexy guys.  (a/n- lol, im having too much fun.. -_-;;)

"Dude, where'd the third girl go?"  Asked Sorata,

"She had to leave," replied Subaru.

"Aw, damn!  Now there are only 2 of them and 3 of us." said Sora.

"Do you think they'd do a five-some?"  Asked Fuuma.

"Yeah we should!!!!"  Sora answered a little to excitedly.  "I mean, if it's the only way we'd all be included, I guess.." he finished.

"You guys," Subaru said.  "You don't even know if they'd do ANYTHING with you at all.  Maybe they're just playing."  Just then, Ranma and Shampoo got up and walked past their table.

"Oh, Shampoo., I have to wash my hands now!"  Ranma said.

"Aww, it seems such a waste to when you're not even that dirty . . . .  yet."  She looked over and stared directly at Fuuma, smiling seductively.

"I'll help you get dirty!!!"  Sorata burst out.

"Sora you dork!"  Subaru whispered, sure that the girls would leave now.  Shampoo giggled.

"What a nice offer of you, me and my friend would love to get to know you three better," she said.  She said this while bending down, and ended the statement by licking the side of his face.  She then took his hand and placed it on her breast, satisfied to see a slight movement go on in his pants.  "Come on," she beckoned, standing up.

"To where?"  Asked Fuuma.

"I've always wanted to have sex in a bathroom, I've jerked off about that!!"  Exclaimed Sora.  There was an akward silence while everyone thought of how it would be a turn-on in a strange way.

"Well, my uncle does own this complex . . . I have the keys to open this one bathroom I know of.  It's a men's, and its in perfect working order exept it has no stall doors or walls or anything, they're putting new ones in next week.  We could go there and be uninterrupted.  Plus, it has heated toilet seats and floor."

"Wooooooah!  Said Fuuma.

"Let's go," said Ranma excitedly, grabbing Subaru (who was closest) and giving him a quick French.

Shampoo took out the keys, and opened the door.  Everyone filed in and then she shut it.  "Ranma and I do have one thing to ask,"  Shampoo started.  "And no, we're not going to charge you," she added at the look on Sora's face.  "We want you guys to do stuff with each other, too.  you don't have to fuck, unless you're into that, but . . . so as much as you can- it's sexy."

"I will if they will," said Fuuma.  The two agreed.  Shampoo hugged Fuuma, saying "you I love," while slowly sliding her hands down his pants to grab his boner through his pants.  He was thick, she thought, as he moaned with anticipation.


Weeeeeeeeeeeeell, waddaya think?  REVIEW!!!!!! MUA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!! ok, ttyl yall!  (eew I hate all things western no offense any cowboy/conrty fans out thar)