Story © Theodoric of York |
Illustrations © Anime19792 |
Ukyo watched Akane enter her restraint carrying a backpack. She studied this new Akane carefully. Ever since she had won the battle of wills with Shampoo this new Akane had a new confident, predatory feel to her. It startled everybody what Akane did to Shampoo and now Akane was parading around in the same swimsuit that Shampoo had become. It was creepy. Even Nabiki seemed creeped out by her. At least it seemed so for they were never seen together.
Still this was a restraint and she was a paying customer. Ukyo asked, What can I do for you, Sugar?
Akane just said. I have not seen you at the festivities at the Dojo. It is almost if you are avoiding us?
Ukyo answered, Honey I have a restaurant to run. I do not have time for such frivolities.
Akane said, Then I guess you have not heard?
Ukyo asked, Heard what?
Akane answered, Ranma and Kasumi ran off together.
Ukyo exclaimed, No! It cant be! They were not even an item!
Akane answered, Yea, Im going to find them. I was wondering if you would like to join me.
Ukyo answered, No thanks. I still have a restaurant to run. She was quite interested in going to find the pair but not with Akane.
Akane said, In that case I have something to show you. She whipped off the Akane head. Ukyo stared dumbfounded as Akane morphed into Nabiki. That was all Nabiki needed; using the martial arts skills she had gained from her thralls she struck and cold cocked the surprised Ukyo. Ukyo slammed against the back wall and slumped onto the floor, unconscious. Nabiki, using the acrobatic skills she had absorbed from Shampoo, was on top of her at once. She quickly gagged and hogtied the girl.
Then she walked over to her pack and took out a sign. The sign said Closed. Out of business. She walked over the door, dropped the shades over the windows and placed the sign over to doorknob of the door. Finally she locked it.
Now she had time to do things right. She found a backpack filled it with stuff that Ukyo might take if she had gone on a trip. She turned to the struggling girl and said, Just tying up some lose ends.
Nabiki then walked over to Ukyo and picked her up. She carried her to a counter. Slowly she began to cut away Ukyos shirt. Next to go was her undergarment that cradled her breasts. They popped out. Nabiki licked her lips but concentrated on cutting away Ukyos remaining clothing. Soon Ukyo was lying on her side, nude, still struggling. Nabiki said, You know you look just like a side of beef right now.
She started taking packages and bottles out of her pack. She said, I guess it is time to prepare you. She carried the girl inside Ukyos apartment. Ukyo was placed on her back inside a sink. With a scrub brush she started to scrub the still struggling girl. Nabiki scolded the girl, Stop making things difficult. As a cook and a restraint owner you should know better than anyone importance of cleanliness. Nabiki left her shivering in the sink as she disappeared into the kitchen. She was gone for quite some time before she returned. Then she carried the girl into the kitchen and flopped the girl onto her back, on a cutting board she prepared. She took a bottle of spiced oil and started to poor it on the girl. Methodically Nabiki began to massage the oil into the skin of Ukyo. She stared to add in liquids, herbs and spices and unknown powders.
Gradually Ukyos skin became more pliable as it took on the consistency of bread Dough. Ukyo realized that all she could do to resist was jiggle in her bounds. Nabiki released one of her legs. She folded it at the knee, rose it up and pressed it against Ukyo, chest, the leg pressed against her abdomen and then began to sink into her body Ukyos body began to become more round as it took in the added mass of the leg. Her toes were the last to sink into the body. Nabiki repeated the process with the other leg. When she had finished Ukyo was a roly-poly paraplegic.
Nabiki then stared on Ukyos arms; She pressed the limbs into the side of the ball of dough. She then rounded off Ukyos shoulders. Next she rolled Ukyos mass so that her head stood strait up, bobbing over the shuttering blob that used to be her body. There was fear in her eyes as she made muffled pleas through her gage. Nabiki merely said, Bye-Bye Ukyo! and began to press her head down. First her neck disappeared into the dough and then her chin. Ukyos muffled cries stopped as her mouth sank underneath the surface go the globule.
Then Nabiki stopped. Ukyo looked on in horror when Nabiki reached into the mass. Nabiki searched around for a while before she found what she was looking for; Nabiki pulled out the ball-gag. Nabiki said, No need for this any more. The she continued to press Ukyos head down. Nabiki watched Ukyos ears submerge, then her eyes and finally her forehead. When the last patch of black slid underneath the surface of the glob and was consumed all that was left of the original girl was a pair of carefully maintained breasts thrusting out of the ball and a pair of pussy lips underneath them.
Nabiki searched around until she found a large plastic container to store and carry the glob. She washed and dried the container as the fully breasted glob quivered beside her. Finally she picked up the large breasted ball and plopped it into the container, tits up. The shaking nipples pressed against the lid of the container as Nabiki sealed the container. The object that once was Ukyo was now ready to transport.
Next Nabiki morphed into her Akane form. She packed away all her gear and Ukyo. She left a message that Ukyo had gone to look for Ranma, grabbed both packs, Ukyos giant specula and headed for the Kuno mansion.
Kuno was delighted to see that Akane had come to visit him. He readily agreed to allow her the use of Kodachis extensive cooking facilities. Kodachi was not so excited. Nabiki could tell there would be a confrontation and that would be good. Kodachis homemaking skills were legendary. Properly enthralled she would make a more than an adequate replacement for Kasumi.
When the pair were alone together in the kitchen Kodachi began to lord over Akane and how she planned make whatever expense it took to find her beloved Ranma Salitone. That was another good reason to harvest this bitch. She just opened Ukyos container and let the quivering ball of dough fall onto the counter.
Kodatchi starred at the object, trying to comprehend what foodstuff it was. She poked a tit experimentally while asking what it was. Nabiki answered that it was Ukyo. Kodachi asked, "You mean the okonomiyaki girl made this?" How did you....? She looked up to see a fist slamming into her vitals. Kodachi went down like a ton of bricks.
Nabiki went to work, cutting away Kodachis apron and frilly dress.
Kodachi was wearing her leotard underneath and whole hosts of secrete weapons, including the acrobatics ribbon she used so effectively to entrap people. Next Nabiki began to peal away the leotard underneath, watching the liberated boobies and buns pop free.
By the time Kodatchi began to regain consciousness she was effetely bound and gagged in her own ribbon. She was in a sink as Nabiki was scrubbing her clean. Unlike Ukyo she seemed to be getting excited by what was taking place. The harder Nabiki scrubbed the more her captive seemed to like it. She was struggling in her bonds but not to escape but only to bring on her own pleasure. She was actually offering her own breasts and cunt to be scrubbed. Whenever possible Kodatchi looked at the ball and boobs that Ukyo had become. There was a hopeful, longing look in her eyes. When she looked at the glob her nipples grew erect and her sex moist. When Nabiki told her that was indeed Ukyo and such would be her fate also her breathing became quicker. Nabiki could swear that this strange girl was being turned on by the prospect. When Nabiki informed her that she planned to then cook the both of them Kodatchi showed all the signs of coming. As Nabiki started to rub the powers and oils Kodachi jumped at her touch, whimpering excitedly.
When it came time to kneed Kodachi limbs into her body the bound girl did not resist. Instead she cooperated in submerging her limbs into her body. Her face seemed in ecstasy as Nabiki submerged her head into the growing ball of dough. Soon all that was left of Kodachi Kuno was a second globe of dough, almost identical to the first one.
Nabiki toyed with turning the ball that once was Kodachi into a loaf of bread. After all it appeared to be what Kodachi so desired. As she picked up the ball and placed in a pan she realized it would be so easy to do, but it would such a waste. Nabiki remembered that old saying, Give a man a fish you feed hum for a day, teach a man to fish you feed hum for a lifetime. As loaf of bread Kodachi, no matter how good, could only feed Nabiki once. Therefore a loaf of bread was not to be Kodachis fate.
Instead Nabiki carefully removed out of her pack a small object, wrapped in black silk. She unwrapped the silk. It was a tiny, black, latex figurine. Inside the figurine was some of Nabikis blood and hair. Carved in the figurine were the letters G A N G E R. Nabiki next plunged her hand into the ball of dough that used to be Kodachi. It took a while but she managed to pull out the ribbon that she bound Kodachi with.
Then she carefully managed to wrap the figurine with the ribbon, sealing it a series of knots and bows. Then she carefully inserted the bundle onto the ball again. Then she placed the pan in a huge oven. Kodachi started to cook.
Nabiki retrieved a second figurine from her pack. The main difference between this one and the earlier one was this one was blue and it had the letters D O P P L E etched in it. She placed the figurine on the top of the still quivering dough ball that had been Ukyo. Using Ukyos spatula she pressed the figurine into the dough. She had hoped to insert the spatula into Ukyo but the damn thing was too big. Then Nabiki realized that all the spatula needed to do was touch the figurine. She pressed the spatula onto the ball. Then she shoved the pan with the dough ball and the specula into a second oven. Ukyo started to cook.
All there was to do now was to wait. She decided to find Kuno and get a tour of her future residence. Kuno was delighted to show Akane around the residence and read her overblown poetry. More than once he proposed to her. Later she relaxed around the bond fire of the latest Ranma piņata. Finally she checked her watch and managed to extricate herself from his grouping hands. Kodachi was done.
She returned to the Kitchen. She opened the door to the oven. Inside was a shiny black sphere with a pair of round, half globe breasts, the nipples pointing upward. In line with the valley between the breasts was a pair of protruding sex lips. Taking a pair of oven mitts Nabiki lifted the pan out of the oven and then tipping the pan over. The ball slid out of the pan fell to the floor and bounced. Kodachi was done.
Nabiki studied full-breasted globe until Ukyo was ready. Nabiki said, Ganger, bring me Dopple. Up until this point the sphere had remained motionless. Now it began twist, stretch and morph. Slowly it took the shape of Kodachi in a fetal position. She slowly straitened out on the floor as she stretched her arms, legs and body. Finally she walked over to oven that Ukyo had been placed in. Ignoring the heat she opened the door, reached inside, tossed the specula aside she picked up the bright blue, full-busted globe inside. Then the rubber being walked over to Nabiki, silently knelt down and presented the ball to Nabiki as an offering.
Nabiki reached out to those two piping hot boobies. The pair of orbs radiated heat but they grew had in her hands. Ukyo was done too.
Nabiki gathered up her stuff, left a note explaining that Kuno was too much for and she as going to become a nun, and snuck out of the house with her two new morphable rubber golems.
Over the next few days Nabiki tried out her new slaves. Ganger proved to be a real treasure. She had all the skills and abilities that Kodachi had, plus she was loyal, loving and cuddly. She could change shape into practically any household or object or animal Nabiki wanted.
Dopple could morph as well as Ganger, and was just as loving, loyal and cuddly as Ganger. But she did not appear to have any of the skills that Ukyo had. Granger rapidly became Nabikis personal servant, cook and maid while Nabiki amused herself teaching Dopple some amusing tricks. Dopple quickly settled into being a Nabikis all-purpose pet.
Eventually Nabiki figured out why Dopple was so stunted in her abilities. It was discover while Ganger up some French cuisine using Ukyos spatula. No matter what food the spatula was used upon it ending up looking like an erotic representation of Ukyo. Closer examination of the specula revealed that Ukyos nude image had been imposed on the specula. On one side there was the image on her front lying if she was imitating a spatula. On the other side was the same image but from her rear. It appeared that Ukyo and the specula had merged and become one.
Ukyo was content. She had never been happier that in her mastery of okonomiyaki and now she could put herself even more into her passion. She soon discovered that she could feel herself within the foodstuffs she was restructuring into images of herself and she was delicious.
Ganger worshiped her Mistress. Following orders and serving the mistress was bliss.
Dopple on the other hand bided her time. She would serve the mistress loyally. She could do no less. She was bound to the Mistress, to serve her thus. But if the Mistress should fall she would be there to take her place for the skills, personality and abilities that had been captured in Dopple was not that of Ukyo but of Nabiki Tendo. It was best that the Mistress not know. It was best just to act the role of the dumb pet, biding her time, waiting for the Mistress to make another mistake.
Story © Theodoric of York |
Illustrations © Anime19792 |