"Ukyou's First Day" python224@yahoo.com Started:02/02/02 Last update: ---- "Ukyou's First Day" by Python Ranma startled to semi-consciousness when something warm and soft brushed against him. He tried to open his eyes in vain as morning sunlight basked his bedroom in the Tendou dojo. His eyelids were only half-opened when he gave up and shut them closed. He turned and pushed non-chalantly thinking the mass of warmth and softness was some fragment of his imagination, a dream perhaps that he could brush aside in order to get a bit more sleep before it was finally time to rise. Ranma had his back turned to the intruder as it crept closer and embraced him. Through the silk of his pyjama top, Ranma felt two pointy nipples dig gently in his upper back. "Kasumi..." He thought. The Tendou sister had taken a habit of crawling up in his bed before breakfast. With Akane up and gone early to her fashion studio, Ranma remained sleeping in their king size bed for at least one more hour before he rose and prepared for the day ahead. Kasumi took advantage of the fact that her baby sister was gone to steal a few minutes with Ranma and practice the latest libido technique she had read in her women's magazines. Truly, Kasumi would be the perfect little housewife. Ranma turned and grinned while he forced his eyes opened despite the morning light. Kasumi was wrapped in bedsheets and looked slightly peeved and disappointed at Ranma's initial reaction. After all, thought Ranma, there was probably the kind of woman who wasn't used to being pushed aside like some cold dish. "I just thought you might want to know that breakfast is ready" she said with a pout. She lowered the sheet to reveal her large buxom and seductively shrugged her shoulders. "I also thought you might know that I am ready for you to take me as well". As she said the last sentence, all trace of disappointment left her face and Ranma was struck by how sexually tempting Kasumi could make herself look when she wished. Her bedroom eyes promised only wantonnes and her full curvy lips promised a softness of the most pleasuring type. Everytime Kasumi crept in his bed, it was different. Sometimes, she didn't bother to get undressed at all, while other times she kept only her bra and panties. Sometimes she wore a long nightie with nothing else but on this specific morning, Ranma could feel Kasumi was completely naked as he felt the softness of her voluptuous legs as she rubbed them together in anticipation of their love-making. "So what's on the menu?" asked Ranma as he wrapped his arm around her slim waist and pulled her close to him in a posessive manner. She whispered: "First a testicule massage followed by a fast jerk-off, this will be accompanied with a robust fellatio until your sack is emptied... " she paused and breathed in his ear "down my troat... " At this she reached under the covers and gently squeezed his scrotum through the fabric of his pants. Ranma didn't hesitate and lied on his back while Kasumi climbed up and let her breasts swing and heave over his mouth. Ranma nibbled and chewed at the one inch nipples while Kasumi held her weigth with one hand and frantically undid his top with the other. Ranma paused to take his arms out of the sleeves and when he was done Kasumi suddenly put all her weight down on her chest and smothered him with her assets, as if to make up for the few seconds of nibbling and suckling Ranma had missed. She used her feet to yank his pyjama trousers off and crept down to his erect member. She knealt and jerked him with her right hand while she cupped his balls with the left. Each stroke was given with perfection. "You like it huh Ranma-kun? You like when I crawl in your bed while my baby sister is out?" "Hm-hmmm" answered Ranma positively through clenched teeth. "Put it in your mouth, Kasumi-chan!" he begged, "be a good little housewife and suck on it like your life depends on it!" At that, Kasumi slowed down her stroking in a teasing manner. "But I'm not your wife Ranma-kun, I can do what I want to you! In fact you should be more grateful next time I climb... " "AHHH Yes! That's good!" Ranma yelled intentionally, "Put it in your mouth Kasumi!" "Shh! Quiet!" She laughed "I don't want our parents to find out about..." "AHHH!!" Kasumi tried to cover his mouth with her hands but Ranma bit and turned away, screaming obscenely and begging for her fellate him. Soon Kasumi realized she had no choice, shrugged and took him in. Ranma quiet down and Kasumi took him and out, taking care to lash her tongue at the foreskin under his head. "You know I love you Kasumi, don't you, your the best cock tease in Nerima!" Kasumi continued her diligent work but looked up with interest. Her eyes were asking "Is it ture? Do you really mean it?" "Of course!" answered Ranma as if reading her mind, "And no one sucks a cock like Kasumi Tendou, I'm going to miss you when you settle down Kasumi!" Kasumi sort of knew that Ranma thought she was the best. After all, he always moaned louder and came more when it was her mouth that was around his bird. Akane enjoyed pleasuring her man orally and had a lot of heart but Kasumi had experience on her side. She had studied all the tricks and had praticed intensively since the age of 15 when her baby sister was only figuring out her own feeling for Ranma. As for Nabiki... well Nabiki was Nabiki. There was no sacrifice in Nabiki's work, if you were good to her, she was good to you. It was an eye for an eye. Which is healthy in a relationship, thought Kasumi, but can be a real turn down at times. Nabiki still had a lot to learn from the intricacies of bedplay. Ranma moaned louder and arched his back and Kasumi snapped out of her reverie. She stroked him faster and took him deep as he burst down her troat. Kasumi swallowed gush after gush, taking care to breath in through Ranma's contraction as to prevent interupting the operation. This made her gasp at interval with Ranma's bursts and for a good fifteen seconds the only sound heard was Kasumi's low hmps hmps. When she was down, Kasumi let him stay in her and rubbed his thighs langourously while Ranma tried to relax every muscle in his body. -=-=- Ukyou Kuonji jumped below the shower. Today was finally the day she would start working for Ranma's production company. It was Akane that had initialy convinced her to make her move to television. At first, Ukyou had been reluctant to accept. She confided in Akane and admitted that, with her shy nature, she felt more comfortable posing for fashion catalogs and didn't feel confident enough in her acting skills to co-star in television productions. Akane had insisted, saying that "acting skills aren't too important in Ranma's business" and that with her "killer frame" Ukyou would be sure to take the attention away from her lines. Besides, thought Ukyou, it was Ranma's business. "Hmmm, would I pass on a chance to please Ranma?" said Ukyou aloud as she sat and poured hot water on herself. Ukyou had come to realize that her infatuation for Ranma was in fact a deep respect for the youth who had accepted her as a friend even after she had admitted her strong feelings for him. She respected his strenght and his debonnaire attitude and wished she possessed more of his confidence in times of incertainties. She stood in front of the bathroom mirror and put her chin up in confidence. "This is great, I can't believe I'll be an actress, and I used to be the shyest girl!" she thought. She looked herself in the mirror and was glad that she looked perfect for her debut. Her long hair reached all the way to her lower back now and her legs and tummy had lost all the baby fat that had made her seemed so young as a teenager. Her breasts and ass were tight and full and her freakled face sported high cheekbones and a pair of sensuous lips that could make any boy's head turn. She slid in the tub and thought more about Ranma and how she wanted to look perfect for him on this day. After all, wasn't he the first man she had slept with? She remembered their first sexual experience 5 years before. She had fallen in love with Yuuichi, a boy from Nabiki's class who had turned out to be a player. They had only been going out for three weeks when she had found him embracing another girl in the locker room. The pain had been too much for Ukyou to take, it had been a serious blow to her already fragile self-esteem. She had run home crying and stayed in bed for two days feeling it would probably be better if her life came to an end until Ranma came and made love to her. Their first time had been clumsy and frantic, and Ukyou flushed in embarassment at her performance but it was Ranma's words, whipered in her ears while they mated that had healed her wounds: "Don't give up Ukyou! You know you deserve better, don't you? You're the sweetest little girl I know" "Yes!" she thought, "today will be perfect" She stepped out of the tub and wrapped a towel around herself. When she was dry, she walked to her room and opened her wardrobe. Akane had told her that she had to wear something sexy and revealing. Ukyou would have to make a selection from her fashion garments. She chose thin transparent knee socks and a one piece summer dress with no sleeves and a low cut. She had always thought it was a bit too revealing but it would have to do. As she zipped the back, she strained to bring the fabric together as her breasts squeezed and protested against the tug. "I haven't worn this since last spring! Have my breasts grown larger since then?" She thought "I don't want to end up looking like Shampoo!" Her breasts balooned from the pressure and at least a third of them could be below her neckline with the white lace of her bra sticking out out here and there. She quickly unzipped herself, removed the bra and zipped herself again. "This will have to go!" She said as she threw the 38C bra on her bed. Removing her bra had done almost nothing to reduce the pressure on her chest but at least the outline of her bra couldn't be seen over the fabric anymore. Embarassed at her own assets, Ukyou put a shall around her bare shoulders, picked up her handbag and fixed her make-up. Before she left she shrugged and said "A what the hell, I'm a star now!" and removed her shall, outrageously exposing her shoulders and the portion of her breasts that peeked over her dress. On the way to Ranma's studio every boy turned to stare at the striking figure and more than one wished he could wedge his thing between the beautiful tits that were propped for display like fresh fruits at the local market. -=-=- Ranma hurried out of the Tendo bathroom. He didn't want to be late especially on the day Ukyou started. He wanted to arrive at the studio at least an hour before shooting so he can evaluate what Ukyou had to offer. He had only seen model shots Akane had provided and wanted to make sure Ukyou looked perfect. In the corridor to his room he bumped into a sleepy-looking Nabiki. "Hai, sumimasen" he apologized. "Nabiki-chan! I haven't seen you around the studio lately!" Ranma remembered the first days of production when Nabiki used to hang out around the set and exchange plaisantries with himself and Kasumi. "Ranma, I've been so busy lately!" She stiffled a yawn, "do you have any idea how much paper work I have? Running a video production company isn't so easy, especially one that can't afford to attract too much attention..." She felt a shiver and crossed her arms over her stomach. Ranma noticed Nabiki was only wearing her night shirt and assumed she was on her way to the bathroom. "... huh yeah" stuttered Ranma obviously distracted by Nabiki's over-exposed legs. "Well Ukyou is dropping by today, she'll be starring with Kyuuchiro." "Please go easy on Ukyou Ranma, did Akane really tell her what kind of movies we make?" "Yeah, Nabiki I'm sure she did! You know Ukyou, she acts shy but it's just for sure, I bet she just can't wait to take her clothes off!" "If you say so... why don't you ever drop by the office anymore Ranma?" "Huh... well I've been busy too!" admitted Ranma. He omitted to mention that lately he had been getting plenty of action from Kasumi and Akane after work and that he didn't especially feel the need to visit Nabiki for a little "evening nap". "Please try to come by" said Nabiki. She made a show of stretching while Ranma probed her body from head to toes. Nabiki was the smallest of the Tendou sisters. Despite her small breasts and thin waist her curves were all at the right places. While she stretched, the hem of her night shirt was pulled and almost could almost the lips of her sex which Nabiki liked to shave. Ranma had asked why she shaved her pubic area and Nabiki had admitted that her shorn pussy lips derived more sexual pleasure. Ranma believed it; Nabiki was also the loudest of the three Tendou sisters. When they fornicated secretly at the Tendou household, Ranma would sometimes have to gag her or cover Nabiki's face with a pillow rather than have the entire house woken up by Nabiki's depraved cries. "Well I have to go! I'm running late, I'll see you around I guess" Nabiki said as she headed for the bathroom. Ranma resumed his way down the hall and stopped in his tracks. "Hey, maybe I can watch Nabiki strip before I go!" he thought to himself. He turned and headed for the bathroom. He realized he was in luck as Nabiki had neglected to close the door completely and Ranma could see inside the bathroom from his position in the hall. Nabiki was facing away from the door and slowly sliding her night shirt off her petite frame. From his angle Ranma could see her bare back and her cute little bum. Ranma could see the edge of her shaved cunt bellow her buttocks and wished he could walk in and stick his salami inside his fiance's sister. He felt a warm feeling flush down his groin and reflexively gripped his engorged member in his right hand. Accidentally he brushed the door with his elbow. It opened slightly and creaked. Nabiki straightened and froze like a prey animal listening for sounds of a predator. She half turned her head sideways and noticed Ranma from the corner of her eye when she decided to play along. She set her feet apart and straightened her legs while she leaned over the tub and innocently hummed a tuned, feigning ignorance. This little game excited Ranma to no end and he stroked his penis faster. Nabiki wiggled her cute butt, turned and rubbed her small hands all over her tight body. She sat on the edge of the tub and moaned while she brought her small tits together. She was making a show of licking her lips when Ranma decided he had to give in. His sack was throbbing and his only wish was to enter and shove his penis in the little slut's mouth. He groaned and suddenly pushed the door opened. Nabiki yelped in surprise, --- more to come later, also mistakes will be corrected when ch 2 is complete