Warning: NC-17/Hentai

this story contains mature themes and should not be read by children or the sensitive.  This story is intentionally very dark.


The characters of Ranma 1/2 are the property of Takahashi Rumiko and Viz Video.

An idea germinated from the story 'Pop Goes The Ranma' by Rann Aridorn


Nabiki's Expansion or Why Mr. Panda Plays with a Tire
Chapter: Light

Mousse and Shampoo rode along with a slowly deflating Nabiki carried between them.  The Nekohanten was the target for today.  Nabiki felt the wind on her skin and the propane flowing out of the pinholes Mousse had put in her.  She felt drained by the lack of pressure within her.  Against that, she had the hope that the Amazons would be more merciful than Genma, even if they simply interrogated and killed her, that would be a mercy.

Once they arrived at the Nekohanten, she suffered another terror.  Mousse carefully cut a piece out of her back.  If she hadn't already been out of gas, the pain and horror of the cutting would have been too much.

Taking her to a washroom, Shampoo poured warm soapy water through a funnel, and into her through the new hole cut in her.  Nabiki felt a little more relaxed.  Without gas, she had no choice but to be completely relaxed.  Shampoo kept adding water through the funnel and the hole in her shoulder blade.  Then Shampoo carefully worked the soapy water around Nabiki, rubbing on the outside, to rub the inner surface together, Okaaay, am I glad she can't hear me, Nabiki moaned silently, I bet she has no idea how she's turning me on.

Shampoo silently completed the wash and poured out the water after blowing some air into her.  The water ran out first and Shampoo poured in clean water before Nabiki could deflate much.  Again Shampoo silently worked the water around, but with a gentleness that surprised Nabiki.  If you approached Ranma this way, Nabiki thought, You'd be way ahead of the game.

Finally, Shampoo again blew into Nabiki's shoulder, then let the rinse water drain out.

What are you so mad about? Nabiki thought to Shampoo who seemed at once incredibly grim and surprisingly gentle.  Shampoo silently carried the slack Nabiki to the main room, laying Nabiki across a line of chairs with her arms around Nabiki's chest, holding Nabiki's shoulder near her mouth.  She blew into the wound in Nabiki's shoulder, slowly inflating her.  Shampoo's warm breath drove away the depression and emptiness that accompanied a lack of internal pressure.  It wasn't just a lack of gas that had Nabiki's head lolling, but Shampoo's soft lips against her skin, and breathing life back into her.  Shampoo plugged the hole with her finger when she drew breath.

"I'm not that fragile," Nabiki told her softly, "You can blow harder, but I do like how you're doing it."

"Shampoo do it then," Shampoo said, then blew in, "Elder Cologne will see you," she said seriously.

"I'm afraid I can't walk yet," Nabiki replied.

"She comes," Shampoo said, then breathed more warm air in, more warm breath into her.

Nabiki settled into the Amazon's arms, and Shampoo replied with a slight tightening of her grip.  This might all be a trick, Nabiki thought muzzily as the soporific effect of breath into her lowered her defenses.  Not enough that she missed the change in Shampoo's demeanor as the woman walked in.

Incredibly tall, buxom, narrow waist and wide flaring hips, long muscular legs.  She's got to be 2 meters tall, Nabiki thought, Although she looks like she stepped out of a hentai doujinshi of a superhero comic.  The hair was what drew her eye.  Her hair is nearly the same color as Shampoo's, Nabiki thought, and nearly lost her train of thought as Shampoo breathed into her again.  Nabiki let the gentle tide wash away her fears as it swept away her reason.  The slow flow, the intimacy, and the secure embrace all struggled to ease the memory of Genma's abusive handling.  Quietly proving that someone did care, cared enough to come into danger to rescue her, cared enough to make her clean and safe, cared enough to stay with her when she was leaking, expiring.  With her soft exhales, Shampoo replaced the life-giving air as it was bleeding away.  Nabiki desperately wished she could turn around and show the Amazon just how much she appreciated the treatment she'd gotten from her.

When I'm repaired, I'm going to get her alone and give her a reason for heavy breathing! Nabiki thought, she forced herself to concentrate on the woman.

"Cologne?" Nabiki couldn't hide her amazement.

"Very good," Cologne's raspy voice had been replaced by a very clear contralto, "It seems someone caught me unawares."

"Genma told me he planned to use the mask on Shampoo and Ukyo to . . . well, so they won't be competing for Ranma's head."

"Shampoo never give up on Airen!!" Shampoo declared, then blew into Nabiki's shoulder.

Even angry you don't match Genma, Nabiki thought gratefully.  Shampoo nearly had her fully inflated, not all stretched out like Genma favored.  The pinholes still let the air flow out, with Shampoo replacing it.  I could stay like this forever, she thought, Although it could also be a trick, Cologne should now know the effect this is having on me.

"Don't underestimate him.  He's found a very effective . . . way . . . "  I can't just say it, Nabiki thought, she covered her face, she felt herself crying, even through the wonderful feeling of breath coming in and slipping out, it couldn't take away the pain and humiliation.

"Tell us, we can protect you," Cologne said firmly, "I have paid for underestimating him.  It will not happen again."

Nabiki nodded.  She began relating her story, of the first encounter in the bathroom.  She'd meant to hold back the most embarrassing bits, but once she began, she couldn't stop.  Anger and outrage fueled her telling, it all came spilling out, the terror of the battle between Ukyo and Shampoo, the danger at Dr. Tofu's, the `discipline` and degradation by Genma, and the refilling with propane.  It didn't matter to her if anyone was listening as she related every outrage, the awful crawling helplessness, what she'd offered to avoid more pain, what she'd given up to live longer, that nothing stopped or distracted him.  Her voice got softer as she spoke of what she thought was the cause, what Genma had told her was the cause and the threats he had made about all the other women.

When she finished, she was barely speaking above a whisper, she hung her head.  She felt awful, wrung out and empty, but she also felt a little cleaner.  I bet they hate me more, Nabiki thought, Another weak, outlander woman, they would have fought to the death.  I wouldn't be surprised if they threw me out.  Look at them, neither are saying a thing.

She sagged further, she knew that she was contemptible and polluted.  Why did I tell them all that, they'll hate me, more than they already do.  Push her, and 'Mercenary Girl' collapses.  She closed her eyes and slumped further, she would welcome death.

"Shampoo," Cologne said gently, "You are neglecting our guest."

"But great-grandmother . . . she say -"

"You are neglecting our guest."

She's figured out inflating me is a sexual act, Nabiki thought bitterly, That's why she stopped.  That's why I deflated so much.

Cologne said something to Shampoo in Chinese, in a stern but amused voice.  "You can get more flies with honey than you can with vinegar," Cologne said as she lifted Nabiki's chin, "You are safe here.  There is such a thing as an unwinnable battle.  Perhaps with your help, we can win the war and rescue the others.  Ranma and Kasumi included."

Nabiki couldn't nod, she felt too cold and empty to move, as if the world had lost all consequence.

Cologne hadn't liked lying to Tendo after Genma had perpetrated such a betrayal of Nabiki's trust, but 'Mercenary Girl' could teach Shampoo many lessons, and they would need allies.  Cologne knew she could never return home.  A single Musk arrow, or worse a Phoenixi fire arrow would be instantly fatal.  She'd ordered Shampoo to seduce Tendo, to gently `play` with her.  Besides, my great granddaughter needs to relearn how to be subtle, set an ambush, Cologne thought.

If I remain here, I will have to change the dynamic, Miss Tendo will be very helpful.  Cologne thought, I will visit the good doctor, to keep him and young Mousse occupied.  I know that Genma will not break in.  She smiled at the unpleasant surprise Genma would receive if he tried to enter the Nekohanten without her leave.  She had been more shocked at that surprise than her own transformation.

Nabiki worried that Shampoo would refill her desultorily, as her duty would require.  Part of that was the terrible loneliness that came from lack of internal mass.  Another part was the rocky relations she'd always had with the Amazons in general, and Shampoo in particular.

She was delightfully surprised as Shampoo put her lips to the hole in her shoulder, and she felt the smile Shampoo formed.  Shampoo exhaled across a large area, letting her breath tickle Nabiki's skin before it entered her body.  The flow was even slower and more gentle than it had been before, barely faster than the pinholes were letting it out.

Shampoo breathed in through her nose and exhaled through her mouth, tickling Nabiki's skin.  Nabiki whimpered slightly at the warm enchantment entering her.  When Shampoo plugged the hole with her tongue and wriggled it, it took Nabiki by surprise, she couldn't control herself, she squealed with surprise and delight, she squirmed and giggled in the Amazon's strong arms.  This time Shampoo took a deep breath and blew in as hard as she could.

At least she's not doing that when I'm full, Nabiki thought as increasing fullness brought an increasing sense of well-being.  Soon Nabiki could sit up on her own.  Shampoo moved her so Nabiki was in front of her, Shampoo still kept her sturdy arms around the steadily filling out Nabiki.

"Shampoo stop when Mercenary Girl no challenge for Shampoo," she teased.

"I am a Tendo, I can survive even that indignity," Nabiki replied fiercely.  As a reply, Shampoo stuck her tongue in the shoulder hole and wriggled it around until Nabiki dissolved in hysterics.  Only Shampoo's strong arms kept her from falling to the floor.  Shampoo filled Nabiki to her normal inflation, as she had been that first morning.

"Thank you," Nabiki said gratefully.  I never realized how good it feels.  Being my old size is nice, but it feels so cold and empty, she thought.

"Shampoo make you a little more?" she asked.

"Make me fat?" Nabiki smirked, "Oh woe is me!  I must be strong."

The Amazon giggled as she held Nabiki tightly against her and took her deepest breath yet.

Nabiki felt Shampoo rubbing against her.  Mmmm, feels nice, Shampoo `inflating` against me like that, kind of . . . provocative, Nabiki thought, as Shampoo's body slid over Nabiki's, her arms tightening over Nabiki's waist.  Nabiki snuggled back against the swelling Amazon.

Then Shampoo exhaled, blowing slowly.  "I'mm mmmeeelltttiinngg," Nabiki moaned.  It doooeeessss ffeeelll ssoo goooddd, Nabiki thought languidly as she slowly felt the pressure inside her increase, without the savagery and destructive ends Genma had sought, And Shampoo feels like she's deflating.  As Shampoo's chest shrank, her grip around Nabiki's waist slackened and her head lolled against Nabiki's back.  She felt the rate of inflation begin dropping, Shampoo drawing in on herself with the continued effort.  Nabiki enjoyed the erotic euphoria as she slowly increased in pressure and Shampoo struggled to force every last bit of breath into her.  I may leave a nozzle installed there, Nabiki thought as Shampoo's breath slackened, and her grip dropped away, as if the last of her air was flowing out of Shampoo-Balloon.  Nabiki leaned her head back and moaned huskily at the euphoria of being filled and the sensitivity of her stretched skin feeling every move and detail of the Shampoo's body pressed against hers.  Suddenly fervor was gone.

You minx! Nabiki thought as Shampoo inhaled deeply, smiling into Nabiki's back, greedily sucking out the air she'd struggled so hard to put in.  Shampoo now inflated as Nabiki deflated.  Her bulging body sliding over Nabiki's contracting one.

Nabiki suddenly threw her head back, shouting joyously as the force of the orgasm shook her entire body. As the tidal wave quit shaking her, Nabiki slumped forward as if she'd suddenly deflated.  Only Shampoo's efforts kept her from being a truly deflating heap on the floor.  Despite that, she was only a little below her normal inflation, she felt as if there were no gas in there at all.  Not the crawling emptiness, she just felt a satisfied limpness.  Only the feeling of the steadily inflating Amazon warned her more was coming.

Shampoo again deflated herself to inflate Nabiki just past her usual inflation, stretching her and thus sensitizing her skin to an incredible degree.  She pressed against Shampoo as the Amazon `reinflated` herself, feeling her skin sliding over the air within, feeling her clothes running against her skin, feeling the tightness of her own clothes rubbing against certain sensitive bits.  I wish she'd just keep inflating me, Nabiki entertained her naughty thoughts, Let me feel myself bursting out of my clothes.

Instead of exhaling into Nabiki, Shampoo exhaled over her back, sticking her finger over Nabiki's hole as she tried to force every bit of air out of her lungs, before refilling them with the same vigor.  The `warm breeze` bedeviled Nabiki mercilessly, she squirmed and giggled at this relentless tickling.

"You wouldn't," Nabiki threatened.  Shampoo's only reply was to cover Nabiki's back and shoulder with captivating bursts of hot breath, setting Nabiki squirming with delight.  Shampoo tightened her one-armed grip, then removed her hand from plugging the hole to massaging Nabiki's lush belly, running her fingers under the tight clothes, while exhaling deeply into Nabiki, stretching and expanding her, tautening her skin to be teased as her clothes began to bite into her.  Shampoo teased her by releasing one button on Nabiki's blouse as her bust swelled against its confines.  Then another.  Nabiki moaned at the feeling of expansion against the dwindling restrains.  Another button, a fourth, all the while Shampoo was blowing into her, stretching out the time of the inflation.  The last button gave up before Shampoo could release it.  Her overflowing bra was straining against the inexorable pressure Nabiki breasts and Shampoo's breath set against it.  The fingers of Shampoo's free hand continued their dance over Nabiki's susceptible, bare skin.  "Vicious, evil, Amazon too too nasty, obstacles are for killing, Mercenary Girl too too obstacle, so Shampoo killing," Nabiki sighed as the pressure within warred with the restraint of her clothes.  Each shift or stretch sent a tremor through her.  "Oh woe is me," Nabiki continued in a tone of misery, "Go pop and Shampoo wear my skin as too too kinky negligee for wedding night with Ranma."

Shampoo laughed, sending another kind of pleasurable tremor through Nabiki, then hiccuped turned her head away from Nabiki's shoulder and started coughing violently.  Nabiki took the deflation as an opportunity to slip out of her shorts and panties, and to unhook her bra.  I'd like to experience what bursting out of these would feel like, she thought as she turned and slapped the Amazon on the back, But not when I only have a few changes of clothes.  Nabiki reached around her back and covered the hole herself.

"Vicious, evil, Nabiki too too nasty," Shampoo gasped between coughs as they lessened in intensity and frequency, "Try to kill Shampoo.  Shampoo get too too delicious revenge!"

"You don't look so fearsome, more like a drowned cat," Nabiki told her, "Besides, all you have to do is wait, and I'll expire without you doing anything.  You have my life completely in your hands."  Nabiki turned so she faced Shampoo, leaning her body against the Amazon, without being overstretched, her bare skin was less sensitive, but she could feel the Amazon's heartbeat, feel the warmth of her breasts, her breath.  "You could threaten me, force me to do what you wanted," she murmured into the Amazon's ear.  She felt the warmth spreading through the girl, not all of it was the flush of anger that colored her cheeks.

"You know what Shampoo want," Shampoo said tightly.

Nabiki rubbed her breasts against Shampoo's, she felt the girl's nipples stiffen through her clothes.  She concentrated on her firm nipples, running her own over Shampoo's.  "Is that all you want?  Is there nothing I can offer instead?"

"Nabiki talk to much!" Shampoo insisted, as she turned Nabiki around and removed her finger so she could blow into her, "Too much hot air.  Blow up like balloon."  Shampoo's deep exhales began stretching and inflaming her skin again, allowing Shampoo's fingers to dance across Nabiki's body, teasing and tantalizing her with the feather-like touches.

Nabiki was soon practically yipping with pleasure with each touch on her vulnerable skin, especially her aureole and nipples, each stroke brought another occasion of exhilaration to her nearly overloaded brain.  She felt her natural defenses fall away, she'd practically given Shampoo the keys to the castle, and she hadn't betrayed Nabiki, it left her free to enjoy and give voice to the pleasure the Amazon was lavishing on her.

"Foul fiend!  Do as you will, I shall never surrender my chocolate!" Nabiki moaned insistently, in her best Kuno impersonation.  Oh what a mistake! she thought desperately, as Shampoo began laughing into her.  In an instant she was shaking in sync with Shampoo, feeling the girl's body rubbing on her skin.  A moment later she was shaking for another reason, as the rapid expansion/contraction brought her to climax again.

Before she could fully recover, Shampoo blew deeply into her.  Something's different, Nabiki managed to piece the thought together from where Nirvana had taken her reason, She took off her clothes.  Nabiki was feeling Shampoo's bare skin sliding over her own skin, the feeling of the deflating Amazon shrinking against her bare back, against her responsive and bulging skin.  The Amazon's caresses became languid as more breath flowed out of her and into Nabiki who felt greater elation and potency by the moment.  Then Shampoo began sucking it all in, expanding as Nabiki shrank, both rubbing tightly against each other proved too much.  She screamed and writhed joyously as Shampoo kept her pressed tightly against her.  You are evil!!! Nabiki thought in the transitory moment of clarity between waves of inflation and deflation, as Shampoo gasped for breath and wriggled her tongue promiscuously in Nabiki's shoulder hole.

Finally, despite Shampoo's continued attention, Nabiki couldn't react any more.  "Please," Nabiki breathed, "No more."

"No . . . like?" Shampoo asked worriedly.

Worried . . . for me? Nabiki thought through the pleasant though exhausted haze.  "Shampoo too too much good for Mercenary Girl," Nabiki breathed.

"Rest," Shampoo commanded, gathering Nabiki in her arms, exhaling gently into her.

Nabiki leaned back and let a warm lethargy steal over her.  She felt Shampoo's soft curves and hard muscles as she lay back against her.  She could feel the Amazon's flushed skin warming hers.  At least she's getting something out of it too, Nabiki thought muzzily, just enjoying the ethereal rhythm of the Amazon breathing in through her nose, out through her mouth into Nabiki, the feel of her heartbeat against her skin.  Letting the lovely pressure slowly build.

Shampoo was having severe pressure issues of her own.  She'd never felt this way, and she'd always hoped she'd feel it first about her Airen on their wedding night.  She had tried to ignore the feeling of pressure and constriction in her loins as she `seduced` Nabiki.

I thought great-grandmother was crazy, Shampoo thought, I never liked `Mercenary Girl`, and now she's just a big balloon that acts alive.  She sighed into Nabiki, which made the other girl shiver with pleasure, further tightening Shampoo, Ohh, I think I'm the one about to burst!  I thought, 'I'm no seducer, if I were, wouldn't I have Ranma already'?  She knew she'd had no luck, so she was direct, that was her way.  And it fails miserably, she thought, sighing again, Nabiki shivered against her.

Shampoo gritted her teeth.  Not enough, she thought, Like climbing a mountain, there is the summit, but it cannot be reached.

"Are you okay?" Nabiki asked softly, almost a sigh of her own.  Shampoo shook her head, smiled maliciously and sighed into Nabiki.  Shampoo watched the other girl's eyes flutter as her back arched against Shampoo, the perfectly smooth, slippery skin rubbing against her nipples and hardening them further and tightening Shampoo's insides until she wanted the scream or cry for relief.

Maybe I'll ask Mercenary Girl, this isn't the girl I knew . . . and hated, she thought, And she's not just a big balloon.  She's warm and alive, and being with me makes her happy.  She signed into Nabiki again, setting off more shivers in her, and elevating Shampoo towards the mountain top, but infuriatingly not there yet.

Shampoo put her finger in the hole so she could speak, she had deliberately overinflated Nabiki so they could talk freely for awhile.  "Shampoo . . . Shampoo doesn't know what to say.  Why is Shampoo here, why is Nabiki here?  Why isn't Shampoo in home with Airen?"  She ran her fingers over Nabiki's still puffed out belly, so like a pregnancy, it made Shampoo both sad and jealous, because what she desired was her own swelling of life within her, put there by her Airen, her beloved Ranma.  Her caresses across Nabiki's belly and breasts let her know the Shampoo did enjoy where she was right now.  The dreamy look on the normally difficult girl gave Shampoo so many conflicting emotions.

I succeeded at the Elder's tasks, I learn something about not being grabbed and not grabbing.  But this is not right, it's so incomplete, painfully incomplete, she thought.  Nabiki suddenly turned around to face her, dislodging Shampoo's finger.  The loud hissing shattered Shampoo's reverie.  She reached over Nabiki's shoulder for the hole, a hole the Amazons had cut in her.

"Leave it," Nabiki said casually, catching Shampoo's flailing hand, "Leave it."

Shampoo's eyes were wide, the girl was visibly shrinking, she didn't have much time, but Shampoo couldn't get her hands closer to the hole, when she applied her strength, she simply pushed Nabiki away.

"I can't betray my family, even after all that's happened, after all Genma did to me.  We still need Ranma.  The land, the dojo and the art is all we have, all we are.  Without Ranma, we lose it all," Nabiki's voice was softening, even as her body did.  "I cannot let you take Ranma away.  My family would die.  If that makes me 'an obstacle for killing' - "  Nabiki released her grip on Shampoo's wrists and dropped limply to the floor, she lacked the rigidity to stand, or even sit up.  "Then so be it," she said, almost too softly for Shampoo to hear as she flattened out.  "I enjoy - " the rest was lost.

Shampoo immediately pounced on the deflating girl.  Damn you Tendo! she thought as she puffed furiously into the girl, I wanted your advice, or an audience, not your life!  As she puffed, blowing much harder and faster than she had before, she became dizzy and she saw spots before her eyes.  Part of it was her anger, a bigger part was her own frustration and lack of release.  It had been building mercilessly since before Nabiki first cried out at her peak.  But all she'd felt was more tightening, like she was in a wringer, twisted and stretched inside.

Nabiki climaxed . . . I brought her to climax, Shampoo considered, which only made her angrier and more frustrated.  As the inflation increased, Nabiki began to move, first shaking her head 'no', then she began struggling, blows from her arms and backward headbutts began raining down.  It was all Shampoo could do to keep from laughing at her.  Like being attacked by balloons, she thought, No skill, no force.  She grabbed around Nabiki's shoulders and under her breasts, being weak didn't make her any easier to hang onto, the squeaking of Nabiki's rubber membrane against her skin gave the one-sided wrestling match an erotic edge.  She knew that continuing to inflate Nabiki was counterproductive, it made the rubber girl stronger.  I will not surrender, Shampoo vowed while blowing into Nabiki's shoulder.

When Nabiki gained enough inflation/strength to begin kicking, Shampoo changed her grip, clenching Nabiki's arms to her sides and sitting on one leg, the other leg refused to be corralled.  Shampoo moved her head to be out of range of Nabiki's backwards headbutts.  Shampoo calmed her anger and continued her process of slow inflation that Nabiki said she enjoyed, hoping it would have a calming effect on the girl.

Shampoo didn't mind the struggling.  Nabiki's very much the fighter, when her family is involved, she thought.  She also was enjoying overpowering the girl, she'd wanted to fight this girl, but neither could really compete in the other's arena.  But in this odd contest, the odds were more even, Shampoo's strength and skill against Nabiki's desperate cunning and slipperiness, as well as the limitation neither was really trying to hurt the other.  She could hurt Nabiki, but it seemed like cheating.  Got the arms, avoiding the head, the legs are still trouble, she thought as Nabiki kicked and struggled, even the leg Shampoo sat on was being yanked back and forth as its expansion pressed Shampoo up.  Especially when it presses so naughtily there, Shampoo thought as she tried to uncross her eyes as the smooth, slippery, rubberlike leg slid over her privates.  Nabiki abruptly changed tactics, instead of kicking uselessly with her free leg, she planted it on the ground and shoved.  While Shampoo was trying to regain her balance, without releasing anything, Nabiki sawed her trapped leg back and forth to get it loose.

For Shampoo the world seemed to stop, she felt her expression glaze as all sound but her own frantically beating heart fell away.  She could practically feel the shockwave stalking towards her brain as it set her entire body trembling with its passage.

No!  NO!  NO!!! Shampoo thought desperately.  "Cheater!" she shouted into Nabiki as she involuntarily clamped her in a glomp that would have broken even Ranma in half.  Nabiki's still convulsing leg ballooned enormously.  When the second shockwave arrived at Shampoo's brain, Shampoo was elsewhere.

Nabiki wasn't sure what snapped her out of her desperation.  Having Shampoo suddenly freeze up, scream her head off into her, give a clinch that suddenly gave Nabiki a head the size of a beachball, or seeing Shampoo fall over in the dead faint.  Nabiki reached over her shoulder and plugged the leak.

I will not let them use me against my family, Nabiki thought, But I can't let her die either, and I don't think she's breathing.

It was awkward maneuvering so Shampoo's mouth covered the hole that Nabiki had plugged, while Nabiki's other hand held Shampoo's head tight against it.  Nabiki let loose a burst of air, then sealed the hole and let Shampoo exhale.  She repeated the process until Shampoo coughed and began breathing on her own.  I guess I shouldn't have kicked her so hard, Nabiki thought as she stepped away.  She glanced at her arm as it bent over and down her back.  I guess when it comes down to it, I really don't want to die, she thought, But I might have no choice.  She crouched down to look at Shampoo's odd, vacant, wide-eyed expression.  Blissful, off playing with the kamis? Nabiki asked herself silently, Or did you save a turtle and are only now getting back from his magical island?

Nabiki saw Shampoo's gaze fall on her, Nabiki smiled, Shampoo returned a very unsettling smile.  Before Nabiki could dodge, Shampoo flipped Nabiki over on her stomach, pinned her arms and legs with her own and began puffing air into Nabiki.

Well, it's nice to know she noticed how deflated I am, Nabiki thought.  "Shampoo?"

Puff.  Gasp.  Puff.  Gasp.


Puff.  Gasp.  Puff.  Gasp.

"Earth to Shampoo!" Nabiki shouted.  The constant in/out of air as Shampoo huffed, then left the hole open while she gasped in another breath, then repeated, was having a deleterious effect on Nabiki's thinking, so was the deflating/inflating Amazon clamped around her.  She wanted to do nothing more than lie there and luxuriate in the experience.  Nabiki felt the hardwood floor sliding across her skin as she expanded.  I'm glad I'm naked, or my clothes would be cutting into me, she thought, It might be interesting to try busting out all over, but not right now.  "Shampoo, that's enough, I'm full!" she shouted at the Amazon who was shifting her grip on the rapidly expanding girl.

Okay, I'm way more than full, but not in danger yet.  What's gotten into her? Nabiki wondered about Shampoo the Big Bad Wolf, Huffing and puffing to blow my mind out.  Well, a little shock treatment.  Nabiki's legs could barely reach the floor past her belly, but she could still reach the ground with her arms.  She shoved up as hard as she could, rocking back on her round belly to near vertical.  Shampoo still clung like a limpet.  Then Nabiki began to fall, directly on her overinflated breasts.  I wonder what it would feel like, she wondered as her descent built up speed, Inside one of those dies that stamp out car bodies.  Then tons of pressure pumped into me as I expanded into every crevice of the die, only the weight of the metal and the hydraulic rams to keep me from exploding.  She smirked just before she hit.  What a pervert I've become, she thought as she hit breasts first, collapsing them and sending a blast of pressure through her and hopefully into Shampoo.

"Mrfergl!" Nabiki said authoritatively.  Forgot how sensitive my nipples were, especially stretched out like that, she thought, I hope this gets to Shampoo before I lose it.

By the fourth bounce, Nabiki had shut her eyes and gritted her teeth.  By the eighth, Shampoo had slowed her blowing, but Nabiki couldn't reach the floor to stop.  By the twelfth, Nabiki was having to concentrate on anything except what that wonderful bouncing was doing, and what the sudden pressure surges were doing to her love canal.  The desperate struggling of the slowly breathing Shampoo to hold her position, didn't help either, as interesting bits of the Amazon rubbed and clenched against Nabiki's hypersensitive skin.

Garbage trucks, kittens.  "Shampoo don't rub me that way!Ranma - bad thought - Kuno!  Kodachi Kuno's laugh, as she bounces away.  No, bad thought, Nabiki fought desperately to stay focused, Tatewaki's poetry.  Ukyo's Okonomiyaki.  Akane's rice ball - as it bounces away.  Nabiki let out a shriek of adulation and despair as the effect of the orgasm rippled all through her entire rubbery body.  I came thinking about Akane's cooking, Nabiki thought forlornly, I'll never have sex again.  She couldn't catch Shampoo as the girl slid off her and onto the floor.  Nor could Nabiki reach the hole to plug it, she checked to see Shampoo was breathing and her heart was beating.

Once she'd done that, she managed, with both arms, to drag her finger to the hole and shove it in.  That took a great deal of effort since her finger was now larger than the hole.  Normally I wouldn't want to stay looking like a modern-day Hindenburg, but until Shampoo wakes up, I've only got the gas inside me, she thought as she plopped down, then sprang up with a yelp.  Don't drop on your nether regions, she chided herself, Until you know what part of you is landing first.

She landed on her belly this time and fell forward into a perfect, albeit embarrassing, three-point landing.  She bounced several more times, which she ignored by doing the times tables in her head and remembering who was on which denomination yen bills.  It was almost enough.  Even money can't save me, she thought as she drifted down from the ceiling where her contortion had bounced her.

This time she got her feet under her to make a less intimate contact with the floor.  She glanced at Shampoo who had curled up into a ball and was repeating something over and over again in rapidfire Chinese.

I doubt even Kasumi would understand that, Nabiki thought, I can tell it's the same thing, but not much else.  Nabiki rolled onto her back and grasped Shampoo's hand.  "Shampoo, wake up," she said.  She tugged at the Amazon's arm and got no response.

Cold water - NO! she thought, imagining the result of Shampoo-neko's claws on her swollen-to-translucency belly.  She sat up partially and tugged on the Amazon's collar.  "Come on, just a little movement."  With a good deal of tugging and cajoling she managed to get Shampoo up on her round belly.  Shampoo curled up on the soft warm surface almost exactly as if she were in cat form.  Nabiki watched her belly slowly deflate, forming a nest for the chanting girl.  When Nabiki could reach her, Nabiki stroked her hair, and saw the tears.

"Shampoo, I'm fine, you didn't hurt me," she said.  Apologizing and placating are not my best skills, Nabiki thought.  "I'm sorry if I scared you.  I'm fine," she said.  She shook her head and left the girl alone, curled into a near fetal position, sinking slowly into Nabiki's belly as air oozed out through the pinholes.  Nabiki adjusted her position, trying to put her shoulders flat on the floor to buy more time by pressing the holes to the wooden floor.  As the walls of the nest sank away, Shampoo began to rouse herself.  Nabiki had time to watch how she flattened out as the gas escaped, and Shampoo's weight kept the pressure up.  She was down to half her usual volume and was feeling very relaxed and mellow.  Even her impending death didn't bother her, as long as it crept up on her and she had a warm body to share her last moments of life with.  The feeling of emptiness and cold that had accompanied earlier deflations to that point hadn't even occurred.

"Hello," Nabiki said lazily, content to let herself simply go.  Shampoo scrambled off her, got her finger out and began blowing.  "Easy," Nabiki chided drunkenly, "Easy, I'm not gone."

Shampoo slowed her desperate inflation, breathing steadily into Nabiki.  "What were you saying?" Nabiki asked, she didn't know if it was prudent, but in her current state, she wouldn't have feared an erupting volcano or a hat pin.

"Is nothing!" Shampoo assured her, but Nabiki felt the tears running down the Amazon's cheeks and onto her own back, leaving tickling little trails.

I bet Shampoo doesn't think it's funny.  'Nothing', huh? Nabiki thought, smirked.  "I heard what you were saying.  I'll simply ask Elder Cologne," Nabiki said, once again the master blackmailer, "And there's nothing you can do to loosen my tongue."

"Nothing?" Shampoo asked so sweetly it couldn't be anything except a challenge to a duel.

"Never," Nabiki said haughtily, tossing her hair, knowing the Amazon could never resist the open defiance.

"Maybe we see if it unscrew," Shampoo said in a sweet but malevolent tone.

Nabiki hid a smile.  I'm glad you're feeling better, she thought, And don't be too confident, I've discovered a few tricks myself.

The Amazon wrapped her arms around Nabiki so there was no chance for her to escape.  Shampoo's mouth covered the hole, then she said into Nabiki.  "Try clockwise."  Then Shampoo's tongue made circles in the hole which sent Nabiki shrieking with delight.  "Talk!"


"Anticlockwise!" Shampoo said.

Nabiki was afraid she'd go mad.  But she still remembered her plan, she managed to stand up.  Only to have Shampoo pull her back down, but Nabiki had folded her leg so it was under Shampoo.  "I've got you now!" Nabiki shouted triumphantly, through her frenzied giggling.  "Balloon Girl Ultimate Attack!  HMMMMM!"

Shampoo's tongue stopped as she realized her `danger` as Nabiki pressed them both into the corner.  Her entire body was vibrating and Shampoo was pressed tightly against it.

Shampoo abandoned her tongue tickle torture for breathing in and sucking out lungfuls of air.  All she did was make the leg trapped under her expand and contract, which hurt her cause significantly.

"That only works when I'm fully inflated," Nabiki exulted and went back to humming as loudly as she could.  But rather than trying Nabiki's suggestion, Nabiki felt the girl unwrap her arms and plug the hole with her finger.  Nabiki felt the other girl practically wilt.  Nabiki turned around as quickly as she could without dislodging Shampoo's finger.  She was stunned by the sight and the Amazon in tears.

"No more, no play no more, no fun."  Shampoo pulled her legs up against her chest.

"Shampoo, I - "

"Only want boy," Shampoo said miserably, "That what Shampoo say.  Over and over."  Shampoo drew her legs and head tightly against her.

Nabiki covered her mouth with her hands.  "Shampoo . . . I'm so sorry, I didn't know.  I . . . I . . . I thought you'd say something.  I thought the Amazons didn't care about those things."

Shampoo shook her head.  "Amazon take love where found.  That right word, take."

"You mean . . . ?"  Nabiki couldn't comprehend how anyone could rape an Amazon, and survive.

"No, not like that.  Shampoo wish to learn special techniques.  Shampoo's mother want others to learn.  Shampoo offered to learn sword technique, and other technique.  Teacher very wise, very beautiful, Shampoo happy to take deal."  When she continued, her voice was softer, "Teacher was not gentle.  Not sword, not . . . what we play at.  'No right or caning.'  Shampoo much inexperienced, much caning, be clumsy sword and . . . clumsy self."

Nabiki gathered the girl into her arms.  The embrace was as intense as the others but not as strong, she could feel the tremors passing through Shampoo.  "Was great honor to learn, but Shampoo want man, man not like teacher, get strong so no one can be stronger.  But then outsider girl - " she paused and stared at Nabiki, there was an intensity in those tear-filled eyes.

"Very beautiful," Shampoo breathed wistfully, "But no, only man.  Shampoo fight, Shampoo lose, Shampoo kill . . . Shampoo fail.  Is boy."  She smiled, "Even more beautiful.  Great warrior, but . . . after all Shampoo do, he still nice to Shampoo."  Shampoo looked into Nabiki's eyes.  "Shampoo must have Ranma too."

I bet you don't fully understand why either, Nabiki thought, It may have been `an honor` but it was still humiliating and hurtful.  "He'll never return to China with you, he's too proud to be treated as an Amazon male, and he's too proud to ever accept ever being second at anything."

The girl sighed, deflated.  "Shampoo know, still hope for miracle."  She smiled.  "Violent Pervert Girl hit by bus."

"Or 'Kitchen Destroyer' eats her own cooking," Nabiki added, getting Shampoo to laugh, "Shampoo, with what Genma did . . . there will be changes.  Big changes.  Maybe a miracle."

"How?" Shampoo asked, sighed, "Shampoo give word.  Shampoo will protect you from Genma.  Even if Ranma doesn't . . . "  She bowed her head.

Nabiki pulled Shampoo's finger out of her shoulder.  Shampoo's shocked expression softened as Nabiki plugged it herself.  With her free hand, Nabiki pulled Shampoo atop her as she laid down.

"How do I -?" Shampoo stammered.

"There are other valves," Nabiki told her as she flattened out slightly under Shampoo, due to the girl's weight and her own lack of internal pressure.  Shampoo's eyes widened.  "Not there."  Nabiki pulled Shampoo to her, then kissed her gently.

Shampoo put her hands on Nabiki's throat and breathed into her mouth.  Shampoo felt the air flow through, she smiled and lay her head on Nabiki's breasts, she slowly started running a finger over Nabiki's nipple, idly circling.

"No fair," Nabiki said.

"World not fair," Shampoo said, she curled up, very catlike, and snuggled into Nabiki.  Nabiki stroked Shampoo's hair as she snuggled on her belly.  That feels so nice, Nabiki thought.

Shampoo tilted her head up.  "Firmer bed."

"Minx!" Nabiki said, accepting the air, the love gift of breath, freely and eagerly given.  The body warming her flesh, made her sure she was safe.

A telephone handset lifted on the floor above the two slumbering girls.

"Dr. Tofu's clinic," came the voice from the other end.

"Elder Cologne," the woman's voice said quietly, so as not to alert or disturb the other two.

"Elder Cologne," came the reply.

"You can head back, although don't hurry.  They seem to be enjoying each other."

"And you watched them as they `enjoyed` each other," Cologne castigated.

"Two young, beautiful women, so desperate and enthusiastic.  I was supposed to be guarding them," she replied.

"You're as big a pervert as Happosai ever was!" Cologne accused with a laugh and cut the connection.

Cologne arrived ahead of Dr. Tofu and Mousse, she lamented the loss of her `traditional` pogoing on her walking stick.  She'd tried it on the way over to the good doctor's office, and landed half a kilometer beyond.  She called to the two men that the girls were waiting for them, alerting the girls that their time of intimate privacy was at an end.  She found the girls, hastily redressed, Shampoo sitting on the first of a line of chairs, Nabiki in Shampoo's lap, lounging along the rest of them.  Cologne knew the lethargy that gripped both girls was very real.

Ah, to be young and in love again, Cologne thought, Ha, with this body, I'm better than I was when I was young, for love anyway.  "It's good to see you resting quietly," Cologne said, then stared at them as they became more and more nervous.  "Mousse, please stand guard outside.  Genma slipped past you once."

"And you," he mumbled as he went outside.

"He's been so good lately, we need to find him a decent bride," Cologne said, she ignored Shampoo's terrified glance at her.

"How about Ukyo, she's going to need cheering up, or clearing up, pretty soon," young Miss Tendo offered.

Cologne nodded.  Love potions always end in disaster, I wonder if Miss Tendo has any ideas on that score? Cologne thought.

"Nabiki," Dr. Tofu said gravely, "I wish to apologize for nearly injuring you. I had no idea you were an . . . you were as fragile as you were."

"It was more frightening than anything," Nabiki replied, "Please put it out of your mind."  She bowed, and he returned it.

"In the meantime, let me patch you."  He started forward.

"Can it wait?" Nabiki asked, "I'd like to have something installed there."

"No, it can't wait, but I can prepare what you want and locate it there later," Tofu replied, "I discovered that you, and Elder Cologne presumably, are a protein-based plastic, like rubber or casein-based glues."  He removed a c-clamp and two pieces of smooth white plastic.

"Oh Doctor!  How kinky!" Nabiki teased, squealing coquettishly, to little effect on the doctor, who applied the patch, held it in place with one piece of plastic, put the other on Nabiki's chest then clamped them together.

"The glue will dry and be good as new in two hours, but just to be sure, don't take the clamp off for four.  The plastic is Teflon, so the glue shouldn't stick to it."

"Thanks."  Nabiki stared at the appliance pinching her shoulder.

Cologne watched the young doctor kneel so he was at eye level with Nabiki.

"I cut that piece into quarters when Mousse brought it in.  The piece I replaced was one of those quarters."

"But, it's the same size," Nabiki said with amazement.

"Actually, it's a bit larger," Tofu replied, "Two other pieces I sectioned up to test how the material reacted to ordinary solvents, from soapy water, to gasoline, to acetone, alcohol, even some acids.  It's tougher against all of them than regular skin.  But I'd avoid prolonged exposure to strong solvents, acids and especially bases.  Get some on you, wash it off quickly and you should be fine."

Miss Tendo relaxed at that, Shampoo smiled, which pleased Cologne even more.

"The last piece . . . " the doctor began, keeping his voice in check and his emotions in check, "Considering what's happened to Elder Cologne, and that it wasn't what was making her so furious.  I used a rape test kit on that third . . . I think you know what I found."

Miss Tendo nodded slowly.  "Your own tests prove I'm not human.  What would be the charge?  Destruction of property?  Lewd behavior?  No," she said firmly, "I won't do that.  It's enough there is proof.  I will need to talk sense to Nodoka later."

"Nodoka?" the doctor matched Cologne's perplexity.

"You know who is going to get the blame, and the dishonor.  Either for doing it, or for not stopping it," Nabiki said firmly.

Cracks in that resolve, Miss Tendo, Cologne noted, but silently approved, Protecting the boy's family's honor from a real threat to it. Who would have thought?  Cologne watched the good doctor glance around.  So that's what Tofu seething with rage looks like, Cologne thought, Yet, he knows she speaks the truth, he just doesn't want to accept it.

"Yes, I agree.  I'll do it," he said forlornly.  He sighed, changed the subject.  "The piece I made the patch with, once I knew it was protein-based, I soaked it in a high protein liquid, and it grew."

"Well I'll be damned, the panda was right," Nabiki said, she explained, "He poured about a half-liter of milk into me, he must have known it would heal the . . . it really help me heal."

"He was probably guessing," Cologne lied, "Even a blind monkey can find a banana occasionally."  It also explains his casual brutality.  He knew he could fix his new toy, she fumed silently, And how he could unlock the box the mask was in.  Was Nabiki his first target?  Or was Son-in-law, or was that all a cover so he could move against me?

"I may be jumping the gun with this," Tofu said, "But it may mean you can still have children."

Interesting, that she'd be so pleasantly shocked, and hopeful from that, Cologne thought as she regarded Nabiki's open-mouthed expression.

"That goes for you too Elder," the doctor told her.

"That secret Amazon fly-catch method," Shampoo explained to Nabiki, "Very much protein is fly."

Cologne closed her mouth with a snap.

"Like I said, I'm guessing," the doctor added hastily.

"See, Nabiki-chan, you can have Airen's babies," Shampoo said happily, hugging Nabiki.

"Or yours," the doctor amended.

"It's good to see you can teach Nabiki our fly-catching technique Shampoo," Cologne said.

"If the technique works, it would work for male or female sex cells."

"Why didn't . . . ?" Nabiki asked, then fell silent, leaning into Shampoo's arms.

"Because you didn't want it to, and didn't make the preparations which though simple are quite elaborate."

"Oh," Nabiki said, before she fainted.

Nabiki was aware of the voices first.  Cologne, Dr. Tofu, Mousse and one I don't recognize, a woman like Cologne, she thought.  "How long was I out?" she asked as she reached up and removed the cloth from her forehead.  She saw Cologne, Dr. Tofu and Mousse, but not the source of the last voice.  "Sorry for scaring everybody."

"Sorry for scaring you," Cologne said, "I must admit I was quite shocked by the doctor's theories.  Quite shocked."

"They're more guesses than theories," Tofu said nervously.

Shampoo knelt beside Nabiki, the concerned look on her face seemed out of place, at least directed at 'Mercenary Girl.'

"Sorry I scared you," Nabiki repeated.  I'm going soft, apologizing without being asked or paid.  I'm losing my edge, she thought.

"You Shampoo's responsibility.  You die, I die," Shampoo said soberly, "I die, Ranma marry Violent Pervert Girl or Spatula Girl."  She clasped her hands and looked plaintive.  "Oh is too too tragic a fate for Airen.  So you stay alive, or Shampoo kill you . . . twice."

"Oh, blow me up?" Nabiki asked archly.

"No, fill you up with fizzy water, ice cold, then set you outside.  Heat up fizzy water bubbles all go out of fizzy water.  Swell and swell.  Is why called soda pop."

Nabiki glared at the Amazon.

"Or maybe tell Kitchen Destroyer you give Shampoo all secrets in making her too too special cooking, she hit Mercenary Balloon so hard you go up and up.  Less air outside, more air inside.  Kitchen Destroyer call it Balloon payment as Mercenary Girl's assets expand until . . . that why called popfly."

"You - are - not - helping," Nabiki said icily.  Even joking about getting popped makes me very nervous, Nabiki didn't tell the others.

"Actually, getting popped might not be fatal," Doctor Tofu said, a little too innocently and distractedly, "As long as you still had some extra mass in you.  You are self-repairing."

"Can we please change the subject?" Nabiki shouted as she retreated across the room to sit on a stool at the counter.  "It's not funny, or amusing.  I notice you didn't like it either, Elder Cologne."

"I was wondering who taught my great granddaughter to tell such awful puns, and an appropriate punishment.  I suspect I shouldn't have left you alone together."

"Oh, Mercenary Girl very bad influence on Shampoo," Shampoo purred as she took the stool next to Nabiki.

Nabiki frowned at her which caused an evilly-smiling Shampoo to lean close.  "Punish?  Maybe?  Tell Airen how tickles Nabiki, no more money from Ranma, he only promise not to tickle," she whispered, "Maybe Shampoo just . . . "  She smiled broadly, wickedly.  "Just let Mercenary Girl think."

Nabiki's reply was made moot as cold water spilled on her and Shampoo.  Nabiki listened to the furious cat caught within Shampoo's clothes that had fallen into her lap.

"NO CLAWS!  NO CLAWS!  NO CLAWS!" Nabiki raved as terror gripped her.  What will she do to get loose?  To escape?  Tear through the clothes and me?! she regarded in fear, she felt Shampoo-neko freeze, despite sliding down Nabiki's leg.  Nabiki fought the fear back as she caught Shampoo and held her up off her legs.  Brilliant, screaming at a frightened cat, Nabiki castigated herself, Why don't you just throw yourself on a hot stove and get it over with?

She carefully extracted Shampoo-neko from the clothes.  The cursed girl looked even more frightened than Nabiki had been.  "I'm sorry Shampoo," she told the cat as she laid her on her shoulder and began stroking the damp fur, trying to soothe herself and the cat.  "Let's forget all the popping jokes.  It's not funny, at least it's not funny to me, it just makes me very nervous."

Shampoo-neko reached out a paw and stroked Nabiki's cheek, claws retracted.

"Okay, I get the message, but it's going to take awhile before I can deal with that . . . after what Genma did, what he threatened . . . it stops being funny."

Shampoo purred.  Nabiki instantly removed the buzzing cat from her shoulder.  "And none of that either," Nabiki scolded.

"Mew?" Shampoo said virtuously.

Oh, you know very well what you were doing, you furry vibrator, Nabiki silently accused, and glanced around to find some hot water.

Shampoo walked out of the bath.  She felt wonderful, and she felt awful.  Blowing up Nabiki . . . And the other things we did, she added, I need to work out those muscles.  Or 'I walk too too funny'.  She headed towards her bed.  It had been a long day.  Sleep good, rest, Elder's on guard.  I wonder why the air I breathed out of Merce - Nabiki . . . it tasted so good, it felt so good inside me.  Like home after a thunderstorm, like being all warm in blankets after big, hot meal on a chilly winter day.  Clear and pure, and somehow specially warm and full of energy.  Her muscles still reminded her of the abuse they had taken.  It's the only reason I can still walk at all, she thought, she hadn't brought up how stiff and sore she was to Elder Cologne, she'd have to admit what she and Nabiki had done.  Not ready to talk about that, not ready to defend Nabiki from a jealous Mousse.  Tomorrow, she thought tiredly as she groaned and entered her room, Tomorrow.  She lay down on her mattress, it was as firm as she liked it and already warm - "Mattress - firm - warm -?" came to her, "Nabiki?"

"Yes," Nabiki's voice from beneath the sheet sounded strange, "I figured after putting you to all the trouble, I could at least give you a good night's sleep, and some nice dreams."

"Shampoo so tired, too too tired to play more," Shampoo said, as she looked under the sheet at the talking mattress, "Where head?"

"I pushed it inside, my breasts too, nice and flat, sort of."

Shampoo pulled away the rest of the sheet and looked, it was Nabiki's headless torso and the concave impressions below the shoulder.  "How . . . why?" Shampoo asked.

"Water, instead of air, and I deliberately underfilled myself, then squeezed out all the excess air.  It's an experiment, but I thought you'd enjoy it."

Shampoo arranged herself so her breasts went into the two hollows in Nabiki's chest, feeling the warm water around her bosoms.  Then she arranged her pillow, while Nabiki pulled the sheet and blanket over both of them, then enclosed Shampoo within her arms.

"Any thinking on how both get what want, and let Airen keep honor?" Shampoo asked sleepily.

"After the Elder suggested she couldn't return to China, a lot of possibilities opened up," Nabiki said.  The vibrations of her voice through the bed drew Shampoo deeper into sleep.  A thought intruded and she fought the respite.  "Oh, when Shampoo breathe in Nabiki, Shampoo feel better, stronger.  Maybe nothing, maybe something.  Big strong, big . . . feeling fully wellness mind, body and soul.  What is word?"

"I think you described it just fine," Nabiki said, stroking Shampoo's back and hair, lulling Shampoo to sleep.

"Sing song," Shampoo said, "Sing make baby sleep song."


"Please," Shampoo added dreamily.

"What we used to sing to Akane, she didn't understand it, but she loved it."  She began singing in English, " 'If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the morning, I'd hammer in the evening . . . "

"And that is the terrible truth I have discovered," Genma told his audience at the Tendo dinner table.

"Oh . . . my," Kasumi said, covering her mouth in horror.

"My son, so manly facing such a monster alone," Nodoka added.

Soun only grimly nodded.

"She never had me fooled for an instant!" Akane proclaimed proudly.

"You thought she wanted your fiance as a boyfriend," Genma gently corrected her, "Not as a meal."

"Why would someone send such a thing to my son?" Nodoka asked, turning the sword in her lap over and over, clearly showing her nervousness.

"Perhaps part of an invasion."  Genma, you clever old dog, he thought.  "He would be our most powerful warrior."

"He can fight," Akane added darkly, "But he got caught by her early."

"Is that why you rolled her up and put her in the freezer?" Kasumi asked.

Think, he told himself as he tried not to look shocked at her discernment.  "I had hoped there might be a way to save her from this vampiric curse," he said sadly, bowed his head, "I could not slay what had taken the image of my friend's daughter, not while there was a chance it was really her, and not an impersonator."

"OH poor Nabiki!  Her spirit bound to that thing!" Soun wailed tearfully into the microphone he held in his hand, drenching with tears everyone outside the spotlight that suddenly shone on him.

Genma let his impulse to take the spotlight war with his inward glee, he projected outward stoicism.  They'll never believe her now, he thought.

"What do we do?" Kasumi asked, "If she escaped from being frozen, how can we stop her?"  She smiled.  "Maybe I can talk with her, convince her to stop eating people."

"Happosai was hardly a person," Akane muttered.

"Temper, Akane.  He was a guest in this house," Kasumi said, "May his soul rest easy."  She clapped her hands in prayer.  The others bowed their heads.

"So there's no way to save her?" Akane piped up.

Genma paused melodramatically, let the pause drag.  "No."  He bowed his head.  Watch all the downcast faces, there is resolution, he thought, I'll just have to see what happens.

Shampoo didn't want to wake up, despite knowing she had seriously overslept.  Her `mattress` still held her in an embrace, and she'd dreampt endlessly of her mother's embrace when she was so young.  I could always explain that I was continuing with my task to seduce Nabiki, Shampoo thought.  As Shampoo began to rise, Nabiki gripped her tightly.

"Come on, just five more minutes."

"You not asleep," Shampoo accused.

"That doesn't mean I want this to end," Nabiki countered, then peeled her arms off Shampoo and put them on the floor, "I'm stuck on you."

Shampoo tried to rise.  "Nabiki, let go."  Every place where Shampoo's skin was against Nabiki's they were stuck together.  "Maybe wear pajamas next time," Shampoo suggested as she slowly peeled them apart.

"I - was - wearing a sheet you will remember," Nabiki reminded her.  The vibrations of her voice were having a strange effect on the one part Shampoo hadn't been able to get lose, her breasts.

Like wearing a warm, vibrating bra, Shampoo thought, I'll suggest it to Mercenary Girl, she'll sell lots.  She inserted a finger between Nabiki's inside out breast and her own.

Her `mattress` suddenly shook and grappled her with arms and legs.  "That tickles!" Nabiki insisted between giggles.

Shampoo frowned.  "Oh, now Shampoo get blackmail stuff on Ice Queen, when it not useful anymore."  She had to wait while Nabiki quit giggling, then she freed her other breast and was immediately set upon by Nabiki, who had mastered the Amazon glomp most satisfactorily.

Peeling herself loose again set Nabiki moaning.  It was less fun for Shampoo.  Nice to see Nabiki enjoys it, Shampoo thought.  Shampoo hastily donned a shirt and panties.  If the Elder is not calling me lazy, then maybe Nabiki and I are to stay here, she thought, But I don't want to get stuck again.  It was not pleasant peeling loose.  I don't need or want waxing.

"Uh, Shampoo?" Nabiki sounded uncertain, "I'm stuck."

"What stuck?" Shampoo asked, "How stuck?"  Shampoo watched the girl reach into the space between her shoulders.

"I can't pull my head out."

"Then you Kitchen Destroyer's sister, that certain," Shampoo muttered.

"What did you say?" Nabiki asked.

"Shampoo want to know what Shampoo do for her?" she replied.

"Well, squeeze me real hard, real fast."

"Nabiki bad liar, Shampoo happy to hug Nabiki, no need make story telling."

"I'm serious," Nabiki said severely.

"Oh, yes, Shampoo understand."  Her arms encircled Nabiki and she crushed down, hard and fast.  The girl's entire body wobbled, but her head remained inside.

"Uh, more, maybe use your arms and legs."

"Maybe use your arms and legs too," Shampoo suggested.


Shampoo carefully folded Nabiki's legs against her back.  "Arms at sides."

"Oh, I see, squeeze the arms, legs and torso."

"No," Shampoo said firmly, "Squeeze arms and legs and belly, not tear Nabiki."

"The torso is . . . " Nabiki said.  Shampoo saw Nabiki notice her 'too too innocent' expression.  "Okay, score one for the Amazon, you got me."

"Yes," Shampoo said as she lay down and clasped her arms and legs around Nabiki's body, "Shampoo does."  She squeezed as fast as she could.  Besides creating some interesting waves and getting punched in the face and shoulder as Nabiki's breasts turned out, nothing.

"I've seen you do more for Ranma," Nabiki accused.

It would be your fate for me to leave your inside out head in there, Shampoo fumed silently as she braced herself and squeezed as hard as she could.  The loud, wet 'pop' and the eerie noises Nabiki started making unnerved Shampoo.  She hadn't bulged Nabiki's head out, she searched for the leak, starting with the shoulders and working down.

She found no leak, or anything out of the ordinary on a body, but quite unexpected on a female.

"What this?" Shampoo asked.  On a boy, the answer's easy, Shampoo thought of the tube between Nabiki's legs.

"That's my . . . I call it my love canal because, well because that's what it is, not a vagina, a womb or anything else."

"It go inside?" Shampoo asked.

"Yes," Nabiki replied.  Shampoo started to push it back when Nabiki nearly crushed the life out of her, making a keening cry like a wounded animal.  Shampoo pulled her hand away instantly, the last thing she wanted was to hurt this girl who'd already been so badly victimized already.

"Is Nabiki all right?  Shampoo no - "

Nabiki rose up and then lay against Shampoo.  "Hmmm, give a girl a little warning."  She seeped over Shampoo like warm honey, giving Shampoo little caresses and pinches as she moved.

Shampoo shivered in delight as Nabiki touched and caressed her.  "Okay, not fair," Shampoo breathed, "Too sneaky, too much.  Shampoo must fight back."

"You'll lose," Nabiki assured her amid a cloud of touches, caresses and rubs.

"Ul - Ultimate Am-AHH-Amamazon Sub-AHH- No do that!  Summit - Submit Hold!" Shampoo whispered between gasps at what Nabiki was doing to her.  She took the love canal in both hands and squeezed, slowly but with her full strength.  Shampoo heard the sudden quiet, followed by the unearthly wailing from Nabiki, as a look of bliss suffused Nabiki's face.  Shampoo wasn't through.  She alternated gripping tightly with one hand and caressing with the fingers of her other hand, sending oscillating waves of pressure and caresses into Nabiki.  She considered running her tongue along the nipples of Nabiki's breasts.  She had something else to prove to her partner.  I'm not as stupid as 'Shampoo sound', she thought as she leaned over the hole where Nabiki's inward curved head was.  "You tell Shampoo Swiss account numbers, yes?"  From Nabiki's more than one way inside-out expression, she isn't even aware she's on Earth, Shampoo thought happily.  "Grand Caymans's accounts then?" Shampoo asked, "Oh, then Shampoo give up."  She quit squeezing and caressing, releasing Nabiki's love canal.

"No," Nabiki moaned softly, "I'll talk, I'll talk, just don't stop."

Shampoo continued for several minutes, then considered the unfairness that Nabiki was having all the fun.  She considered squeezing Nabiki between her legs until she was pressed tightly against her sex, so Nabiki's tremors wouldn't be wasted.  Then she had an even better idea.  Shampoo released Nabiki and stepped away.

"Please," Nabiki whined plaintively.

"Patience," Shampoo reassured her as she poured some water on herself.  And it'll help with her cat fear, Shampoo-neko considered then ran over to Nabiki's extended love canal.

She carefully pounced and hugged it as tightly as she could to her furry body, while she flickered her tail in and out to tickle every bit.  Shampoo was glad Nabiki simply moaned and lay still.  Otherwise, just trying to hold on would be hard, Shampoo-neko thought as she reached to tip of the love canal, taking a good look at it for later, then flickered her tongue over the end will all the speed of a cat.

Nabiki gasped but couldn't scream.  With all her little twitches, she was sending vibrations through her entire rubbery body.

Ooo, so nice for pussy, Shampoo thought as she began purring, intensifying the tremors going through Nabiki.  Hold on, hold on! she demanded of herself as she felt a terrible pressure building in her, This is why Nabiki's so terrified of popping!  No!  I will not pop, I will not give up!

Shampoo-neko yowled in release, then fell limp.  Shampoo all popped inside, she thought mockingly, All gone, no more Shampoo.  She rested there for a while, then slowly moved forward a little so she could lap more slowly at the valve, sending such wonderful tremors through Nabiki and back into her, keeping Shampoo languorous.

Press harder maybe? Shampoo-neko thought, then a jet of moisture hit her in the face and she landed on her head.  "Just like mens," Shampoo said, looked around as she realized she wasn't in her cursed form anymore, she was back.  "Water wasn't hot enough!" she said in amazement.  Nabiki made a noise and extended her arms towards Shampoo.  Shampoo popped Nabiki's love canal back inside, eliciting a languid moan from Nabiki.  Pressure, Shampoo thought as she knelt between Nabiki's thighs and began blowing air into her, watching the bubbles trickle through the water-filled girl.

"Sham - pagne!" Nabiki chirped drunkenly.  Shampoo kept blowing, watched in satisfaction as Nabiki's breasts expanded, she continued to blow.  The head will go soon, she thought, Mine maybe, I'm getting dizzy.  Shampoo enjoyed Nabiki's low moans, and her legs gripping and rubbing against her clearly showing Nabiki enjoyed Shampoo's attentions.

Cologne glanced at the other equally buxom figure seated in her room.  "They certainly are enthusiastic."  The figure shifted uncomfortably.  "Trouble?" Cologne asked.  I'm barely hanging on just listening to them, Cologne thought through her outward mask of serenity, We must be much more highly sensitized.

"How is Mousse handling this?"

If that boy had any brains, he'd be in there handling both of them, Cologne thought.  "He'd better not be handling himself," she said, enjoying her companion's wince.  "I sent him to guard Miss Kuonji."  After he simply stood out there listening for ten minutes, Cologne thought disgustedly, Get a spine, or we'll decide for you.  "Genma would love to simplify all his problems with that mask."

"No, he wants a harem," Cologne's companion said darkly, "I listened to Miss Tendo's tale very well, he wouldn't dare try that with either of us, but Shampoo, Miss Kuonji?  He'd give Kodachi and Shampoo to Akane as toys, to break or humiliate, and I do mean break, not burst."

Cologne smiled, her companion smirked as Nabiki and Shampoo cried out together.

"You can never go home again, neither can I," her companion said.

"You could," Cologne teased, distracted by the image of bursting in on the girls and . . . instructing them in advanced techniques.  Thoughts of that fine young doctor, Mousse . . . she considered, trying to master her thoughts, Soun Tendo, Raaaannnnmaaa!  "NO!"

"No what?" her companion asked.

"What do you know about Soun?"

"He lost his wife, and misses her terribly."

"A good woman?"

"Not from an Amazon perspective, too 'soft', but she could cook and clean up a storm . . . that isn't what you wanted to know.  Kasumi and Nabiki are just pale shadows.  Gentleness and such cunning, you'd never win, but she'd make you think you had, and you'd be so happy she was happy that you were happy."  The woman smiled at Cologne.  "You could never do that."

Cologne frowned.

Shampoo leaned against her, as they walked down the stairs to the common room.  I'm not in much better shape, Nabiki thought muzzily, as she carefully picked her way down the stairs, Once I get to the main room, I can sit down.  She was filled to the shoulders with water, the rest was air.  Occasionally a bubble would tickle its way up her inner surface and join the air above.  It was all Nabiki could do to keep from giggling at the touch.  Or killing my new `friend`, I should have never mentioned it to her, Nabiki thought while remembering the Amazon happily shaking her until she'd been practically filled with suds, And all those bubbles popping inside me, or crawling up inside me, and through it all, Shampoo laughing even harder than I was.  I may kill her, on general principles.  If she even mentions adding soap next time, I will kill her.  The Ice Queen of Furinken and the most feared girl in Nerima does not sit in a corner begging not to be touched, while giggling like a loon.

She considered the other thing Shampoo had said last night.  She told me the air inside me made her feel good.  If the water was able to change her back, then it might be able to make her feel better, it might even cure disease.  Think of all the money I could make!  The thought of thousands of high-denomination yen bills cascading over her sensitive skin whisked Nabiki's anger far away in a moment.

"Mercenary Girl only love money!" Shampoo wailed.

Daddy your Master of Useless Histrionics title is in mortal jeopardy, Nabiki thought.  "Don't be ridiculous Sham-chan."  Nabiki turned and stoked the wailing Amazon's chin.  "I only tell it that to get it into bed."  Shampoo frowned which made Nabiki smile.  I feel safe here, she thought, I want to be here, with her, she added guiltily.  Genma's attacks and her inability to respond to them with anything except surrender had shocked her.  The Ice Queen is terrified, practically out of existence.  I'm as big a fraud as my father, as big a hypocrite as Genma.  Invincible, Unflappable, and then the first time someone turns around and actually hurts me, I collapse.

"I think you need to return home, if only to collect your things," Cologne said, "I called Kasumi and asked her to send Ranma, he'll meet you on the way, so will Mousse.  I doubt Genma would allow you to simply walk in and denounce him."

"Do I . . . have to?" Nabiki felt very small and very frightened, she tried to think of any way to avoid that fate.

"Ranma, Shampoo and Mousse will be there to support you," Cologne soothed, Nabiki was still concentrating on the punishment and humiliation Genma had heaped on her.  And would again once I'm in his clutches, she silently added.

He broke me, she thought, And I still haven't `healed` completely.  She worried she'd crumble when confronted.  That's the part that really terrifies me, she thought, That someone could have absolute power over me.

"I go," Shampoo said fiercely, drawing her bonbori.  For a moment, Nabiki was more afraid of Shampoo than Genma.  Then Shampoo flashed her a smile, not looking fierce but looking cute, Nabiki relaxed.

"Okay," Nabiki said quietly, "I'll go."  She glanced at Cologne.  "I noticed you aren't going."

"For much the same reason you are afraid," Cologne admitted, "Except he would kill me.  And - " She pulled on her skin.  "I am much thinner than you.  I love my life as much as you love yours," she added.

Nabiki walked out with Shampoo at right flank rear.  Nabiki had kept her size at her pretransformation build, it made the very conservative dress she wore fit correctly.  She didn't like the feel of being filled with water, air felt better, more . . . airy.  But, she could see the advantage, if Genma ripped her, it would be easier to stay in shape than with air.  She'd only lose the water above the wound.  With air, she'd lose it all.

Mousse joined them quickly, and the trio marched along.  Nabiki remembered the `pillow` talk with Shampoo.  'Which woman does Ranma respect?' she'd asked Shampoo.

Shampoo had looked so cute thinking hard.  'Kasumi,' Shampoo had realized.

'Do you think acting more like Kasumi would be useful?' Nabiki had asked.  Lying there, Shampoo had been so deliciously kissably confused.

Calm down Nabiki, making out in the middle of the street would be counterproductive, she reminded herself.  'Restraint,' she'd told Shampoo, 'Try to act as Kasumi would, and watch the change.'

Then Shampoo caught sight of Ranma walking towards them.  "Airen!" Shampoo bubbled.

Nabiki caught her arm.  "Remember?" she asked.

Shampoo nodded.  "Restraint."  Then she charged straight at Ranma.

Nabiki saw Mousse's grimace.  "Watch Ranma's mistakes, and learn from them," she urged, sounding wise and in control, she also got a firm grip on his arm.

Mousse adjusted his glasses, glanced at her for a moment, then stared, studying Shampoo's approach and Ranma's reaction.

There is Ranma's terror, Nabiki thought as she too analyzed, Slow down, Sham-chan.

Shampoo did, instead of the usual glomp, Shampoo caught just Ranma's hands, dancing around him and laughing delightedly, but only holding his fingers.

Well, it's a start, Nabiki thought.  "What did he do wrong?" Nabiki asked Mousse.

"He didn't hug her back," Mousse said in a barely controlled fury.

"Wrong," Nabiki said to shock him out of it, "Do you think he likes being hugged?" Nabiki asked.  Something I'll have to help cure, she thought of draping herself Shampoo-like all over Ranma.

"How could he not?" Mousse asked, unable to deal with the impossibility.

"Perhaps he doesn't.  Perhaps he has been hurt by the - "

"He is not you," Mousse said, smiled, "The Elder can't keep everything from me, and the doctor became incensed after doing the test.  The kit was well labeled, and so was the results card.  It clearly said it was to detect the evidence and preserve it.  I'm not completely stupid."

"Then think of what Genma could do to a helpless child over ten years," Nabiki commanded coldly.  Mousse shivered.  Well, at least he's human, Nabiki thought.

Shampoo and Ranma walked towards them, Shampoo would catch his hand, laugh then release it before he could react or object.  Ranma simply looked dejected.

You aren't guilty of anything except being fooled, just like the rest of us, she wanted to tell Ranma.  Mousse is going to be a problem, Nabiki thought, looked around for Ukyo, There she is, watching with a 'if-looks-could-kill' expression, better -

"Nabiki!" Ranma shouted and charged.  Before he could reach her, something sharp pierced her shoulder and sliced her open across the chest above her armpits.  She saw the sky moving over her head then the ground becoming the sky.

He cut my head off! she thought as she stumbled back, No, not clean through.  She caught a light pole behind her, lowering herself slowly as her face was mashed between her body and the steel pole.  The air had rushed out on the first cut.  If I can stay upright, I can keep the water inside, she thought urgently, shifting slightly so she could move her head.  Ukyo stared at her open-mouthed.  "Ukyo!  Go help Ranma!" she shouted.  That's just weird, she thought.  Suddenly cold water rained down on all of them, the outraged cry of a cat, a duck and a girl, told her Ranma was fighting alone.

"Ukyo stay away, I can't see him!" Ranma's girl's voice sounded, then she danced into view, launched a series of left-handed punches.  Her right arm was folded tightly against her side, the normal red of her shirt was discolored.

Blood, Nabiki realized.  "Ukyo!  Use your secret Bread Technique!" Nabiki shouted, hoping to distract Genma.  Please get it.  Please get it, please get it, she willed Ukyo to understand.

Ukyo charged with a scream drawing two flour bombs, she stopped some 15 meters away from the battle Ranma was waging against her invisible foe.

It worked! Nabiki thought as Ranma suddenly connected, there was the sound of snapping metal, then the sound of snapping bones as dozens of Ranma's punches landed.  A streetlight pole suddenly bent and Ukyo released her two flour bombs at it, as a broken katana rang on the street.  The now flour-marked Genma-panda retreated, with Ukyo and Ranma in pursuit.

Nabiki's eyes were drawn to the red stain on the snapped in two, Saotome `honor` katana.  "Shampoo!  Mousse!" she called harshly, finally getting the Amazons' attention, "Ranma is wounded, stay clear of the fight, but bring him back to me as soon as it's over, or he falls.  Mousse, you'll help her, or Cologne will be serving pressed duck a la truck tonight instead of ramen.  Do you both understand?"

Cat and duck nodded and Nabiki leaned over, spilling some of the water inside her on them.  "GO!" she said to the restored pair as she pulled herself upright.  She was feeling lightheaded.  Ranma's hurt, badly, because of me.  She found that bothered her worse than her own injury.  Being turned into a sex toy like this is only embarrassing, not fatal.  A little glue, a little time and I'll be back to normal, she thought as she tried to look around, without extra air or water in her head, she found she could turn it to a surprising degree.  Several long moments later, here came Shampoo with Ranma in her arms.  The little redhead seemed smaller, more fragile.  Of course Ukyo is on her tail, Nabiki wondered if things would ever change.

"Bring back my Ran-chan!" Ukyo insisted as Shampoo landed.

"If he dies, I'll cut him in half and you can each have half!" Nabiki shouted at them.  Please, let Shampoo be right about this, she thought.  "Put him in," she ordered Shampoo looked confused, then positioned Ranma over the still open Nabiki.

Ukyo's spatula suddenly blocked the way.  "You are going to eat him!" Ukyo said with horror, "Akane was right!"

"Akane?!" Nabiki shouted, "The same Akane who's proclaimed you must drug your Okonomiyaki, because that's the only reason Ranma would want to spend time with you?  That Akane?  Who can't tell her delusions from reality even after they've bitten her?  The Akane who believes both of you have had wild sex with Ranma, sometimes together, on multiple occasions?" Nabiki was screaming in fury at them now, "That Akane?!  Good source."

Shampoo kicked the baker's peel aside and lowered Ranma into the pool of water within Nabiki.  She staggered slightly as he changed back to a boy.

"Where's Mousse?" Nabiki asked lightheadedly.

"Shampoo tell Mousse Panda-man plan to make Shampoo and Spatula-Girl rubber girls to play with and pop.  Mousse so mad, he chase Panda-man to moon without stop."

"He was going to - what?" Ukyo asked, her furious expression and white-knuckle grip told Nabiki that Ukyo had heard correctly.

"You heard.  He was going to get you out of Akane's way by changing you into this, and then raping you until you popped," Nabiki said as she felt Ranma scraping along inside of her.  "Help me stand up."

"Is not going to fit," Shampoo said.

"Well stretch me, I ain't weak!" Nabiki snapped.

"All that . . . blood," Ukyo breathed.

"HEY!" Nabiki shouted, her anger returned, "Help us or go pick out a funeral kimono!  He's dying."  The words descended on her.  "He's dying," she repeated.  She could practically taste the blood in the water, even as it slopped over her sides.  She could smell it within her.  Shampoo and Ukyo stood her up and pulled her over Ranma, like an ill-fitting wet suit.  Once he was inside, they flopped her head and shoulders over and fitted his head within hers.

"Lucky your head is bigger than his," Ukyo commented.

Gallows humor, Nabiki thought, she found she could not speak, although she could still move.  Ranma breathed through her mouth.  But only when I `breathe`! she realized, He's hurt bad.  She sealed the wound tightly against her inside skin and felt the blood flow out of the wound stop.  This ought to tickle like anything, she thought, But add the smell of blood, and I guess nothing's funny.

She walked awkwardly.  Ukyo immediately took off after the Panda, Shampoo stayed at Nabiki's side.

Please Ranma, hold on, hold on.  Please let this work.  Please, please, please! she prayed to whatever gods were listening.

The door to her home was as daunting a challenge as any Nabiki had ever faced.  I have no idea what the Panda told the others, she thought, Or what they believed.  And I can't talk to defend myself.  She glanced at Shampoo as they approached.

Shampoo simply opened the door.  "Hello the house!" she called happily.

Nabiki merely shook her head and kept breathing.  She could feel Ranma's heartbeat within her, it was steady, but too slow for her peace of mind.  He also seemed to be sucking the heat right out of her.  Please hang on, I'll stop moving, and you can rest soon, she thought to her still-living cargo.

"How dare you come back here!" Akane confronted them right in the entryway.

"Nabiki is not the enemy," Shampoo said as she stepped between Akane and Nabiki.

Please don't tell her who's in here! Nabiki wanted to warn Shampoo.

Shampoo smiled at Akane, her usual 'For Ranma' smile.  "And what Panda-man lie to you about?" Shampoo put in an extra-cutesy tone.

"He confessed to us that - that - that vampire seduced him!  I heard the squeaking, I even saw her seduce Ranma," Akane replied triumphantly, "That pervert enjoyed it, because he denied that anything happened.  But I saw the look on his face."

Nabiki thought she'd been dipped in liquid helium, she felt so suddenly and completely cold.  She heard, she stood by and listened, and she did nothing?  WHY? the thought whirled around her like a maelstrom.  Anger, fear, resentment, despair all shook her.  She felt Shampoo's hands around her arms, holding her up as her knees buckled.  She felt Ranma beneath her skin, a thin layer of her own substance separating them.

"I see she got to you too," Akane added.

"You believed Panda-man?  After all he do, to you, to Spatula-Girl, to own wife?" Shampoo asked with a huge smile on her face, "After all, you believe?"  Then Shampoo did something extraordinarily cruel, she laughed, an infectious, joyous laugh that seemed to light the entire room.  Nabiki felt herself smiling just being near it.  Akane shifted nervously.  Shampoo took the opportunity and half-pushed/half-carried Nabiki past her.  "She not want to hurt Nabiki, she not able to believe truth: that Ranma love others, that she cowardice," Shampoo breathed in Nabiki's ear, "Remember who you are depended on."

Thank you, Nabiki thought as she patted Shampoo's hand.  In the main room, Kasumi was kneeling next to Nodoka, holding an ice bag on the side of the older woman's face, covering one eye.

"Nabiki-chan," Kasumi said uncertainly.

She's afraid of me too? Nabiki thought sadly, while pointing at her throat, indicating she couldn't speak, As if the slash clear through my dress didn't give a big enough hint.

"What happen to Ranma's mother?" Shampoo asked.

'Ranma' and not 'Airen'? Nabiki thought, She does learn.

Nodoka pushed the ice pack away, revealing a black eye and a massive bruise.  "He demanded the honor blade, I - requested - an explanation," Nodoka said proudly.

Pride's all you have left, Nabiki thought, Isn't it?  He's hit you before, but not recently, that's why you let him take Ranma away.  Sacrifice your child, for your own well-being.  She found her respect for the Saotome matriarch had diminished considerably.

"His next demand was no less forceful, but involved no words," she said, staring hatefully at Nabiki, "He needed it to slay the demon - you - who had bewitched my son."

"I not bewitched Ranma," Shampoo said, "Genma arranged all fiancees except this one, Ranma choose that one himself, maybe accident, but maybe not."

"So you are the Chinese one.  Akane has said so much about you."

I'll bet, Nabiki thought, turned and glared at Akane, who practically wilted.

Shampoo only smiled benignly, although her knuckles whitened on the parcel she carried.  "You must tell about what she say, Shampoo feel like laughing long and hard, and she can thank Akane later."

With a roofing beam, a bag of salt and a cleaver, Nabiki thought, and smmmmillledd at Akane, who suddenly looked like she'd eaten too much of her own cooking.

"She said you intended to be my son's mistress," Nodoka said, "And have many children," Nodoka added dreamily.

"After he married Nabiki-chan, yes," Shampoo added happily, but she still hadn't lost the white knuckle grip.  Akane went from vertical to horizontal with a minimum of fuss.  Nabiki briefly considered following, then Shampoo turned to her.

"Much to talk about.  Nabiki to lie down.  Shampoo soon watch over Nabiki."

Nabiki nodded, stepped over, not on, Akane as she headed towards the stairs.  She hoped the Amazon didn't do something foolish.  The crash of steel when Nabiki was halfway up the stairs halted her.

"You no think Ranma manly?" Shampoo shouted, the broken Saotome honor blade on the table, Shampoo was nose-to-nose with a very frightened Nodoka.  "Even if he a girl he more manly than most mens!" Shampoo said darkly, "If he no good for you - "  She grabbed the broken blade and broke it in half again.  "Shampoo take!  Then not you decision.  Formal challenge: fix sword, get bokken or get shinai, you chose, Shampoo challenge."  Then Nodoka responded, by cowering.  "Then you lost all."  Shampoo snapped her fingers under Nodoka's nose and marched across the dining room in high dudgeon, and up the stairs to Nabiki.  "Mercenary Girl good teacher," Shampoo said too quietly for anyone else to hear.  "But who mistress and who wife, and how teach girl-Ranma to have fun?"

You keep shocking me like that, Nabiki thought as she tried to get her knees to work again, And you'll have to carry me upstairs.

Once they were in Nabiki's room, Shampoo became more solicitous, checking the repaired seam, helping her lie down and trying to make both her and Ranma as comfortable as possible.  "Ranma okay?" she asked worriedly.

Nabiki nodded.  Although that's not completely true, his heart beat is slower, but I'm breathing as deeply as I can, so he'll breathe deeply, like an iron lung, she thought, I can't `taste` blood.  But did he bleed out?  Is he healing?  I wish I knew for sure.  We should have gone to Tofu's and done this so he could monitor, but it's too late for that.  She closed her eyes and rested.  She no longer needed sleep, but complete relaxation was still possible.  As she `slept` drifting in and out of nothingness, she felt Ranma's breathing, his beating heart, an occasional complaint from his stomach that he'd missed a meal, but little else.  She waited secure in the guardianship of Shampoo, and the fervent hope that Ranma would recover.

Ranma woke, feeling a tightness all around him, a strange brown tint to everything around him.  He glanced down at the very feminine bulges, grabbed the cup of tea Shampoo had just set down as he sat up.  Dousing himself, nothing changed as the tea soaked into the sheets.

"I'm stuck as a girl!" he shouted, confused by his male-sounding voice.

"You stuck in a girl, Nabiki," Shampoo replied, giggling at his predicament.

He felt something slither over his face as he reached up without intending too and touched Nabiki's growing frown.

"Nabiki ate me!"

His own fist, encased in Nabiki's skin, punched him in the head.  That wasn't like Akane's or my punches, he thought, It must be Nabiki.

"Nabiki heal you, Panda man cut you," Shampoo explained, "Anyway to save, put you in Nabiki.  Seal wounds."

"Huh?" Ranma said, and Nabiki smacked both their foreheads.

"Something about air, water, Ranma, inside Nabiki makes better," Shampoo said, "Understand?"

"Not really."

"And people call Shampoo dumb," she muttered, "You dying, now you healed, you understand that?"


"Nabiki did that, you understand that?"

"But how?"  Which earned him a slap upside the head by Nabiki.  I need to anticipate and counter those, he thought.

"You understand that - it - happen?" Shampoo asked.


"We no know why, only what we tell."

"So how do I get out, and what's that in my mouth?"

"In mouth, Nabiki's throat, for air.  How out, crawl through."

Ranma lay back down.  "I'm going back to sleep.  This is all a dream.  Akane made her 'octopus-balls-without- octopus' again, and I'm dreaming."

"Yes, sleep.  Oh, watching sleep very beautiful.  Now know that an Amazon can have multiple spouse?"

Ranma closed his eyes and tried to think of anything else.  Last time it was giant lobsters wearing tuxedos, with the Tokyo Tower chasing them around beating them with a giant carrot, he thought, Why couldn't I have a normal dream like that?

Nabiki felt Ranma stirring within her again, there was an incredible thrill to it.  She wanted to keep him in there.  A life, strong and healthy, within her, better than water or air.  But he'd never stand for it, she admitted to herself, Maybe just have him sleep in there.  Maybe Shampoo too, she thought wistfully.

"Ranma awake again," Shampoo said brightly.

He covered Nabiki's face with her hands, he was stronger, so she couldn't stop him.  "It isn't a dream."

"No, it not," Shampoo replied, "Shampoo have much important talk to have with Nabiki."

Has to be me, I never noticed her leave, or anyone else come in, Nabiki thought, Except there's tea there, maybe Kasumi wrote her a note.  Sure enough.

Shampoo raised a piece of paper.  "Concern's Tendo-Saotome agreement.  Akane say 'Baka-Pervert, son of pervert, student of pervert - ' she study Happosai's art too, she not?  'I - would - not - marry - that -' what this word?"

You don't need to know, Nabiki thought the description harsh, even by the 'Akane-when-angry' standard, I can feel him trembling, I wish I could tell him that the rest of us don't believe one word of it, when she cools down, neither will Akane.  She wrapped her arms around him and herself, hugging tightly.

"Ah well, Akane not marry Ranma unless, 'Cubs win Series, Hell freeze over and pigs fly all same day.'"

"If she ever finds out about P-chan, that's one of three," Ranma muttered almost silently.  Nabiki thought she was the only one who heard.

" 'Ranma must marry or take as mistress' that for you Nabiki.  'Tendo family, teach in Tendo Dojo.'  Note signed 'Soun Tendo and Nodoka Saotome'.  Since Elder Cologne explain what Panda-man really do to Nabiki, they leave arrangements to us.  Now Shampoo need to talk to Nabiki, since Kasumi love Doctor, how best deal with fiances and fiancees.  And Ranma no listen, and Ranma hold down Nabiki.  Shampoo guarantee she no like what she hear and Nabiki and Ranma too too delicate condition for fight with Shampoo."

Good grief!  What else is there on that note.  If Kasumi brought it in, with her tiny handwriting, she could have the entire Tale of Genji on it.

"How am I supposed to not hear when I'm inside?"

"Is easy," Shampoo said with a broad smile, "Hum, real loud."

NO! Nabiki silently shouted while shaking her head.

"Hey, Nab-chan's really not happy," Ranma warned.

"She guard Ranma, she think we sneak up on Ranma and take.  No, we decide what we offer, then present to Ranma and discuss, all can win, all can enjoy."

"What about Ukyo and Mousse?"

"That part of it," Shampoo said, "But private."

Nabiki kept silently screaming 'NO!' while shaking her head.  Ranma started humming, she felt the vibration through her entire body.

"Louder," Shampoo commanded.

"How do I know when to stop?" Ranma asked.

Don't start! she thought, A few more moments of that and I'll never uncross my eyes.

"Shampoo tap stomach."  She patted Nabiki's stomach three times.  "Now hum!"

Ranma started humming, and all that was real to Nabiki were the vibrations.

"Loud!" Shampoo commanded, "Higher, like Shampoo's voice."

Ranma adjusted, and hit some resonance point, increasing the effect a hundredfold.  She could feel herself, and vibrations focusing on certain parts.  I'm going to shake apart, I'm going to shatter!  I'm going to shake apart, I'm going to shatter! she thought over and over, I'm going to strangle that smiling Amazon with her own entrails and going to - AHHHHH!

"Louder, you little mouse-girl afraid of make noise?!" Shampoo shouted over the cacophony.

Ranma didn't know what they were discussing, but Nab-chan used every trick in the book to get loose, And it's pretty clear she doesn't like what Shampoo is saying, Ranma thought as he hummed, I just wish whatever's down there would quit poking and rubbing me, it's . . . well it really doesn't hurt, but Nab-chan would be furious if I did that while I was in here.  I just wish it didn't feel . . . so awful nice.

"I can't believe you tricked me that way!" Ranma shouted furiously as he climbed through Nabiki's mouth.

Given a choice between cutting me open again, going out the bottom, or the top, Nabiki thought, Figures he'd take the least romantic, the least birth like option.

"What part?" Shampoo asked, "That Shampoo did, or that Shampoo could?"

"All of it!" Ranma added.

"But Ranma's mother worried he not manly.  So we can tell, 'Ranma drive women to ecstasy, just with voice', it not just Shampoo."  She stepped close, took his head in her hands.  "Call Shampoo bimbo, say you hate Shampoo's ramen, Shampoo's self, just speak."

Nabiki could feel Ranma's blush spreading everywhere, it distracted her from the worry of being this overstretched and possibly tearing.  Okay, I'll have to raise my estimate of her mind by about 40 IQ points, Nabiki thought, At least when it comes to getting Ranma.

"My mom's here?!"

Shampoo let out a sound that was as much a squeal as a moan, while rubbing her thighs together and hugging herself in a provocative little dance.  Nabiki silently snickered at Ranma's instant embarrassment, and felt the heat his body radiated suddenly increase again.

Also another little readjustment, Nabiki thought, He's not the eunuch some people seem to think he is.

"Of course, Shampoo challenge, she forfeit, no longer can order death of Ranma.  Also Elder not go back to China because Panda-man get her too.  Ranma not have to wait tables, is very important make many Amazons and train them, Nekohanten tribe of Amazon.  Give girl and boy Ranma something to do," Shampoo said happily, "Not worry, Nabiki be part of tribe, also teach at Tendo Dojo, have training hall in family use for Amazons too."

Ranma started and failed to say something three times, finally he gave up.

Probably thinking about `servicing` the old ghoul, Nabiki thought, Is he in for a surprise, a couple of them.

"Important thing, life/death important," Shampoo said, having completely dropped all the cutesy bits, "You climb out of Nabiki, Nabiki empty.  Nabiki empty, Nabiki die.  Too cold, too empty, too too lonely world to survive.  In hot crowd in room, if nothing inside, die of cold of lonely, terrible alone death.  You refill."

"How?" Ranma asked in a small frightened voice, he was only up to his knees in her.

"Air, water, not propane, coins, bills, anything."

"I mean how much?  I . . . I don't want to do what my . . . what Genma did," he said shamefully.

"When enough, she can move and speak, she tell.  Remember cat pit?" Shampoo paused to let Ranma shudder before she continued, "Being empty worse.  No technique to learn to escape, no sound, no claws, just cuts all darkness and death."

Ranma shuddered again as Shampoo turned and left.  Ranma continued to wriggle out of Nabiki.  Then he quickly checked himself over while his feet were still inside her mouth.

If this isn't a metaphor, I don't know what is, she thought, Good that he's taking Shampoo's warning very seriously, then Nabiki realized as she felt her mouth and throat shrinking back to their original size, He is terrified of being alone too.  Nabiki wanted to smack herself in the head.  Score two for the Amazon.  I'm slipping.  She glanced at Ranma's sudden embarrassment at her nakedness.  He pulled a sheet up to her shoulders before he pulled his feet out, turned and began to blow.  She felt his warm breath flow through her recently overstretched throat and into her, filling her slowly, tenderly.  He's gentle, like Shampoo, she thought, I like that.  Then he pulled his mouth away to inhale, and she began to hiss and deflate.  He panicked and covered her mouth tightly with his hand, squashing her head flat.  All she could do was glare at him.  Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth! she wished she could tell him, but she couldn't even hear her own voice, It's a standard breathing technique, yes it will take longer -

Ranma covered her mouth with his, and blew.  In time, when he pulled back to breathe, she was filled enough she could wiggle her nose at him.

"Oh, I'm a dunce, right," Ranma said and began breathing in through his nose and out through his mouth.  When she could, she wrapped her arms around his neck, incidentally dislodging the sheet that covered her chest.  Oh, hyperventilate, it feels soooo good, she thought as she pulled herself towards him, blocking his view of her breasts by pressing them tightly against his chest.  Not enough strength to wriggle, she thought, nearly exhausted by the little effort she'd made, Too bad, but he does have a thing for helpless females, and I'm pretty helpless right now.  She noted that his breathing was still a little erratic, but more controlled.

"Don't worry," she said as he breathed in, "The valve will reset when I'm properly inflated, and we can talk, just speak into me."

"Are you cold?  Uh . . . I . . . poke out . . . like that when I'm cold."

"A little, but I poke out like this all the time now," she told him, then hastily added, "The cold is inside, blankets won't help, just body heat and breath."

"You mean get into bed with you?" he asked in fright.

Bingo, she thought, but hid her smile.  "If you're afraid, I will survive without it."

"I . . . ain't . . . afraid," Ranma said, but he was shaking.

And not from rage, probably in fear of getting caught, she thought.  "Then just hold me," she offered as a compromise.  He eagerly took it, enfolding her in his warm arms, both the heat and the compassionate emotions that went with it.

Two buxom women, stared at the unfolding of their scheme, they looked like they'd stepped out of an X-rated Superhero comic, both because of their bodies and their clothing.  The more buxom, she would have insisted, wore a black gi that seemed more to tantalize then conceal; the other, with 'the narrower waist and rounder hips' she would have countered, wore the traditional garb of an Amazon Elder, albeit a much smaller Amazon Elder.  Like a good story, it covered what was necessary, and it was brief enough to be interesting.  Like the black gi, it also looked on the verge of giving up the ghost at any moment.

"He makes a most interesting balloon," the Amazon Elder said.  The panda, now a very pretty female panda balloon, had been inflated to the point that the black portions were light gray, and the stars could clearly be seen through the light areas.

"What will you do, Cologne?" the gi-wearer asked warmly.

"Change the world here," Cologne answered, "And you Happosai?"

"Right now I'm wishing we could kill him twice," the once panty thief of Nerima said, "I liked breasts - "

"Now you have the most wonderful set I've ever seen, perky full and firm, without losing their softness and sensitivity," Cologne said with an absolutely straight face, completely untouched by the look of fury and revulsion that couldn't twist her companion's face enough to eliminate its breathtaking beauty, "The urges are getting to you, aren't they?" Cologne teased.  I know, my old friend and enemy.  My own urges are becoming difficult.  "Soun seems so sad," she said, then shook her head, ignored the stare and smirk from Happosai.

"He's waking up," Happosai said to change the subject to less dangerous ground.

We both want to watch his stages of realization, Cologne thought of Genma as the panda realized he'd been transformed.

"Growf," Genma said in an alarmed tone.  "GROWRAHHR!" she added a moment later.  The panda tried to hold up a sign.

Probably to demand an explanation or offer some weaseling apology, Cologne thought nastily, But we cut off your arms and legs, and tied off the wounds.  We had to give young Tofu some samples to work on.

"Growf!" Genma said pleadingly.

"Cur, doest thou comprehend the consequence of saturating rubber with liquid oxygen," young Tatewaki spake as he stepped forward, carrying a tire, "I bring your favorite toy.  It alone remains loyal, all your other toys have turned against you."  The boy held up the tire, shaking with rage at what he'd overheard of events.

Genma growled and rolled forward to bite or crush the boy.

Young Tatewaki is playing his part to perfection, Cologne considered the scene as she moved to the slit trench, We let him `overhear` the actions of the sorcerer Genma, including the charm on one Tatewaki Kuno that made him infatuated with the 'pigtailed goddess' to tear at the heart of the `tidy` Akane Tendo.  Getting him to help was more an exercise in holding back an elemental force than in encouraging cooperation.  Cologne dropped into the slit trench as Tatewaki slid the tire over the panda's head like a blindfold, then the swordsman sprinted away.  Genma howled in terror.

"He smelled the gasoline the tire is soaked in," Happosai said as she crouched at the bottom of the trench.  Cologne ducked as soon as Shampoo released the fire arrow, she knew it would hit the tire despite anything the panda tried. Both women heard the roar of fear, Cologne glanced up to see the panda-balloon, the flaming tire at the top, lurch upright for a moment.  Then the flames began consuming the oxygen-saturated rubber.  The panda exploded, consumed completely by the flames.

The pair climbed out of the slip trenches they had sheltered in, they saw that Shampoo and Tatewaki were likewise escaping their own shelters.  The roar of the explosion echoed across a surprisingly quiet Nerima.

"I must fly to my true beloved's heart, to buoy her up on wings of this joyous news," Tatewaki said.

"Yes, go tell tiresome tigress," Shampoo replied while rolling her eyes.

"Fierce tigress," young Kuno said.

"That not what Shampoo say, future brother-in-law?" Shampoo asked him with a confused tone and expression.

With a smile of utter rapture at the prospect, the young man was off, he also dashed away.

"What did Akane ever do to you," Happosai asked, rather unhappily, "To make her Kuno's intended?"

"What she do, what she fail to do," Shampoo said, "Most evil thing Shampoo allowed to do to her, want to make her think she deep in love with Kuno . . . Kodachi Kuno.  She hates mens, is logical."

Cologne chuckled.  "I suspect Nabiki is having an influence on my impressionable great granddaughter."  When she learned Akane had stood by while Nabiki was assaulted, Cologne thought, I'm surprised that Shampoo didn't kill her.  But this is an acceptable alternative.  The trio headed down the hill.  She saw that Nabiki and Ranma awaited them, the petite redhead curled up asleep on Nabiki's belly.  Cologne felt a terrible dread.  No, things were going so well, she thought.

"She showed up about an hour after," Nabiki replied in response to Cologne's stricken expression, then indicated the pipes sticking out of the ground.  "I left them alone down there, after they woke up and I dumped the love potion down the pipe.  Waited, then dumped the glow stick so they could see each other.  Ranma showed up about an hour after that."

"We dig them up?" Shampoo asked.

"They were . . . extremely busy last time I checked, half an hour ago," Nabiki said, stroked Ranma's hair, "Poor thing cried herself to sleep."  Nabiki held up the canister of sleep powder that Happosai and Cologne had used on Ukyo and Mousse, respectively.

"They were . . . ?" Happosai asked, "Even I'm not that flexible."

Cologne decided not to ask.

"And stamina, they've been at it since a little while after I dropped the glowstick."

"Maybe all bored?" Shampoo suggested.

"Dirty rotten trick," Ranma murmured from her perch, then froze when she realized exactly where she was.

"I put you there," Nabiki told her, "You were just sooo cuuute!"

"You rather happy as house-husband and waitress in restaurant?" Shampoo asked innocently.

Ranma grasped anything that changed the subject.  "Well, no."

"And you make sure Spatula Girl know you not happy?" Shampoo asked.

Ranma squirmed off Nabiki and out of her grip, but said nothing.

"So, without you she miserable, with you she miserable.  How make her happiness overflow bad?" Shampoo asked, "Still have friend, now have devoted husband she love.  Oh have devoted husband."  Shampoo shook her head.

"What about Mousse?" Ranma demanded.

"Oh!" Shampoo said thoughtfully, "If I know you want Mousse too . . . oh, Shampoo fool, could have solved so much early!  Woe is Shampoo!"

Ranma turned about half the colors in the rainbow and was working up to striped, when Nabiki interrupted.  "Whoa is right, slow up or you're going to give our Wild Horse a heart attack."

"You told her to say all that!" Ranma realized.

Caught, Cologne thought as Nabiki knelt before Ranma and gathered her in, burying her face in Ranma's stomach.

"Can you ever forgive me?" Nabiki wailed, "I just wanted you ha - happy!"

Ranma was completely off-guard.  Nabiki stood, then gathered Ranma in for a kiss, long and passionate, while her hands roamed across the redhead's back and behind.

He's so stiff, Cologne thought, They'll have to work on that.  Get the stiffness to stay where it belongs.

Nabiki released the redhead and asked, "Do you still hate me?"  From Ranma's waxen, blank expression, the sometime-girl wasn't even sure she was still on the Earth.

The group started digging.  The cries from below of 'Release Ukyo-sama!' and 'Let Mousse-chan out!' brought smiles to the faces of the diggers.

"Ugh, manual labor," Nabiki said, pausing to check the shovel's handle for splinters, "Can't I just blackmail them into digging themselves out?"

"The drum was supposed to be proof against that," Cologne said.  They soon reached the plastic outer drum.  They broke through the concrete inner liner and opened the inner steel drum itself.

"Well it seems a nuclear waste container is good for something," Happi-the-bouncy said as Mousse and Ukyo stood up and hastily released each others hands to rearrange their clothes, before returning to holding the others hand.

"Elder you will - "Mousse began in fury.

"Silence!" Cologne said coldly, "You will return to pick up your things, then you will leave the Nekohanten tonight."

Mousse's angry outburst was quelled by a hurried whisper from Ukyo.

Better they find their own solutions, Cologne thought, But they still need a guiding hand.

"Very well," Mousse said as he and Ukyo walked away, hand-in-hand.

"Uc-chan," Ranma shouted as she stepped forward, "I can help."

"Certainly, Saotome," Mousse said, "She's got a lot of dirty dishes to wash."

Ranma blanched and stepped back, retreating behind Nabiki a moment later.

Ukyo stared in confusion at Mousse.  "He hates doing dishes," Mousse explained quietly.

I bet only Ukyo and I heard that, Cologne thought as she considered all the times she'd had `Ranko` as a waitress, If only I'd known!

"So, do you like Okonomiyaki?" Ukyo asked shyly.

"Yes, but I think we can expand the menu," Mousse offered.

"What's wrong with just Okonomiyaki?" Ukyo shouted as she drew her baker's peel."It was just a suggestion!" Mousse shouted, at the baker's peel, "Why are you so offended?"

The subject of the response used the recipient of the response to bat him clear out of sight through the night sky.

Ranma winced, "I thought that potion was supposed to grant 'Love Eternal and Absolute',"

"Ranma m'boy," Happosai said as she laid a hand on the other girl's shoulder.  "All that means is that they'll forgive each other for these spats, not that she'll take an insult to her cooking lying down."

"Also, they'll want what is best for both of them," Cologne added, "Not that those desires are going to be exactly the same.  They'll still fight over those different visions, and understand that the other is arguing out of love."

"Oh," Ranma said.

"Well, at least now I know who's been peeking through my recipes," Cologne said, staring daggers at Shampoo.  I had hoped you were interested in Great Grandmother's favorite, eccentric hobby.

Shampoo was too busy looking longingly at Ranma and Nabiki.

Well, there's two problems dealt with, Cologne thought.

"Did you really have to lie to Kuno about all that stuff?" Ranma asked.

"All I told him was that with you affianced to me and Shampoo, Akane was free to make her own choices," Nabiki said.

"You knew what he'll think that means!" Ranma countered.

"Airen," Shampoo said softly, kissing the redhead on the forehead, "You happy her call you pervert, hit you no reason?"

"No, but she didn't mean anything by it."

Well, now we know his delusion, Cologne thought as she signaled Happosai to step back and let the trio deal with this, We can offer our wisdom, but like Tatewaki, it must fit within their own frameworks.

"So, now you can just be friend to her, no wedding, no marriage, beat up Stick Boy just because you nice boy, not defend fiancee, not to protect own `prop-er-ty`.  Maybe she happier that way."

"You're leaving out that she sat listening while Nabiki was . . . " Ranma fell silent, realizing she'd stuck her foot in her mouth badly.  She glanced at Nabiki who was hanging her head.  "I just thought it was revenge."

"It might be.  But the revenge is mine, and when Ryoga shows up - " Nabiki admitted.

Shampoo covered her mouth to stifle her giggles.  Cologne caught herself smiling.  Yes, I wonder what `Mercenary Girl` has in mind for `Pig-boy`, she wondered, Whatever it is, the new dynamic will continue to make things interesting.  Cologne considered her own course of action.  "You three will return to the Nekohanten.  I need to speak with the adults at the Tendo's."

"Oh!  Much training, endurance mind and body training," Shampoo said, almost dripping enthusiasm, "But must leave Ranma out."

"Hey, I'm tough," Ranma countered.

"Yes, but boy," Shampoo said, "Manly man.  Training only for womans.  Woman among womens only, soft, gentle.  Ranma cannot be."

"I . . . " Ranma froze in mid-countertirade.

You've got him off-balance.  Tip him over, Cologne thought, Perhaps I should have gotten Nabiki to the village, we desperately needed new blood.  So she would have turned us into the new Hong Kong, we've survived worse.

"Shampoo," Nabiki said timidly, "No.  I'm sorry, but I'm not ready for that.  I . . . " she sighed, lowered her head, "It's too soon and I - "

"Trust Shampoo, is not what you think, is not what we already do," Shampoo implored Nabiki.

"Yes, I trust you," Nabiki admitted, "But why only women?"

"You see," Shampoo returned to her bubbly smile.  "I still say, Ranma no good at this.  So he no can do.  Is not man's way.  And cannot truly be woman."

Ranma was practically vibrating with indecision.

On one hand he can't back down from a challenge, on the other, Cologne thought, He can hardly do something that only a 'woman among womens' could succeed at.

"There's nothing about martial arts I can't do!" Ranma shouted.

"Is not martial arts," Shampoo countered smoothly, "Is all gentleness.  Can Ranma do?  Shampoo doubts it."

"He can, he just needs practice.  He's just not very good at it," Nabiki said, coming to Ranma's defense, and dragging him in.

Shampoo threw up her hands.  "Shampoo outvoted.  Okay, Ranma can train with us."

"You got that right," Ranma exulted, gave Nabiki a quick smile.

Shampoo got nose to nose with Ranma, glaring at the redhead.  "Just remember.  Shampoo too too much better, when Ranma embarrass her self, no tears about fail!" Shampoo said.

Great granddaughter, just what do you have in mind? Cologne thought, And Nabiki, just what have you been teaching her?  I'm almost tempted to stay and watch, but they should have their privacy, and . . . I have other plans.

Shampoo was right, Nabiki thought muzzily through the inflation euphoria.  The `training` was simple: Hold tight to Nabiki, take the deepest breath you could, and blow all you could into Nabiki, strongly at first, more gently as inflation increased.  Nabiki suspected there was more, but right now, she was in no condition to analyze.  She was well past translucency and was approaching colorless transparency, all slowly, gently.  The pressure was deliciously intense, and was slowly rising.  Ranma, of course, balked at filling me through my love canal, Nabiki remembered, Then I got too big with Ranma lying atop me as I filled.  Now I'm lying on Ranma's chest, her arms wrapped around my shoulders and her legs wrapped around as much of my waist as she can.  She craned her neck to accept the breath Ranma offered, Offered not forced, she thought happily, And Ranma had been so unwilling to let go, changing grips to hold me, now her arms can barely hold my shoulders.  I wonder what's next.  The way I feel, even if they started talking about popping me, I wouldn't care.  She smiled at Shampoo as she felt the little redhead pressed against her back and reinflating herself, to deflate in a moment as she blew into Nabiki.  For her part, Nabiki felt too marvelous for words.

Suddenly Ranma stopped.  Ranma! Nabiki wanted to protest, then she felt herself.  As full as she was, as wonderful as the warmth and pressure felt, even a little more and she'd begin feeling the tearing that Genma had inflicted on her with his overinflation.  Instead, she felt light, airy, and incredibly fulfilled at the same time.  She just wanted to float in her body forever.

"Very good," Shampoo told Ranma, "You know when to stop.  But can you hold?"

"Hold?" Ranma sounded dizzy.

Poor thing, all that probably had her seeing spots, Nabiki thought.

"Shampoo have helper Nabiki recognize," Shampoo said triumphantly, holding up the U-shaped `gaijin's chopsticks.`

"NO!  You wouldn't!" Nabiki exclaimed, but she couldn't move to escape or defend herself, only her knowledge of Ranma and Shampoo's character kept terror away, private embarrassment she could live with.

"Ranma no can do, so Shampoo do.  Ranma hold, you not squirt like rocket."  Shampoo walked around Nabiki's immense transparent body.  Nabiki watched through her own body as Shampoo knelt at her love canal and began gingerly wriggling the plastic implement in.  Nabiki couldn't control herself.  Ranma held on even more tightly as Nabiki rolled over her squealing.  So tightly inflated and stretched, Shampoo could have just breathed on her and would have sent Nabiki into ecstasy.  Nabiki felt Ranma press herself against her, the erotic combination of straining hard muscles and yielding soft curves pressing and rubbing against her was provocative enough, but the Amazon's seemingly indolent attempt to open the valve at the base of her love canal drove her mad.

"You're doing that on purpose!" Nabiki shouted as the object crept forward, so tantalizingly slowly towards its goal.  The anticipation makes it worse! she thought.  Nabiki longed to feel the air rushing out of her, the abandonment of everything for that sensation.  I should . . . no, I can't pop myself, she thought.  "You are cruel Shampoo!" she shouted at the Amazon keeping her on the edge of Nirvana, but never letting her in.  Nabiki begged and pleaded for her to hurry, to stop being so pitiless.

"Shampoo cruel, no, this pity-free," she said smiling, and began pulling them out oh, so slowly.  The cheep of plastic on rubber sent shivers through Nabiki.

     "No!  Please!  NO!  Don't!  Stop!  Please don't pull it owowowout!" Nabiki begged.

"You tell Ranma it not hurt!" Shampoo said, tapping it back in a bit.

"Yes!  Yes!  Push it in!  Faster, faster it's so good!" she shouted.

"Tell how feels," Shampoo ordered.

"So hard, so smooth," Nabiki panted, desperately trying to explain bliss beyond her imaginings, "All air inside, rushing out is so fantastic.  The squeak as they go in."

"Nabiki like squeak?" Shampoo said, "How nice Shampoo have warm water glass, how sad Ranma have nothing to make wet rubber squeak.  Shampoo win again!"

"NOOOO!!!" Nabiki screamed as she felt Shampoo's wet finger squeaking along her massive inner thigh while she gently tapped the chopsticks in with her other hand.  She barely heard Ranma licking her finger before she drew a squeaking finger over her shoulders.  "NOOOOOTTT FAIIRR!" Nabiki shrieked in response.

"Swiss account numbers?" Shampoo asked, increasing the squeaking rate, and pulling the chopsticks out to tap them in again.

"NEVER!" Nabiki called through ecstasy.

"Grand Caymans!" Ranma said, making her squeaks longer and slower.

"You can't break me!" she wailed loudly.

Finally, the hiss became the siren song of Nirvana as Nabiki abandoned herself to that exquisite feeling of flow, knowing the other two would not let her deflate completely.