Title: Kareshi, Ichuunoonna
Author: Hentai Tenshi
Warnings: Lots o pure lemon candy! Sweet and sour, its all here! Both yaoi and hetero... youll see ~_^ Two-somes and three-somes galore!
Rating: R for graphic sex!
Disclaimer: I dont own Ranma ½.
Ranma walked into the bathroom, sighing heavily. As of late, he had been changing into a girl to control his raging hormones, only to find them again in his female body. She stripped off her clothing and slid the door open, sighing again as she entered. She sat on the stool and poured a bucket of cold water over her body.
Everything seemed to set off her imagination and her raging hormones. She shivered as she thought of the latest development. She had been training in the dojo, as boy type Ranma, when he saw Ryouga outside on the lawn, he was naked from the waist up and was sweaty from his own training. The sun lit the drops of sweat on his chest and made them glisten like diamonds in the light. Ranma had felt the now all too familiar tightening in his groin. He growled audibly. What the hell was he doing getting turned on by the other martial artist? He was a guy! Ranma had scowled as Ryouga turned to him with a questioning look. Before Ryouga could notice his erection, he had turned and hurriedly grabbed a glass of cold water and upended it over his head.
The sudden change from boy to girl had sent his female body into shudders of release and she moaned out loud as she fell to her knees, shuddering. Ryouga entered the room and seeing her shuddering, placed a hand on Ranmas shoulder.
Are you okay Ranma? He asked her.
Ranmas body lit on fire at the simple touch and she had jumped up and ran into the house, making a b-line for the bathroom.
So here she was, musing on her predicament. What was she going to do? If as a guy she was attracted to Ryouga, did that make her gay? But she was also attracted to him as a girl, as he was Akane in both bodies. Did that mean she was bi? Ranma was very confused. Her thoughts turned again to the droplets of sweat covering Ryougas powerful chest and she moaned. Her hands began to move without consult from her brain. She spread her knees as a hand brushed between them. She began to rub her clit as her other hand played with her full breasts.
Ranmas thoughts played back over the fights they had had and all the times she had seen him naked in the tub. The thought of Ryougas powerful frame over hers made her moan out loud. So deep was she in her fantasy that she didnt notice that she was being watched.
Ryouga shrugged off Ranmas reaction as some weird Ranma thing. He was very moody as of late and tended to change into his female form more often. Ryouga did a few more kanas and then sighed, looking up into the lowering sunset. He decided to go inside and take a bath before P-Chan returned to Akane. The thought of cuddling against her ample breasts as she slept made him smile.
He stripped outside the door and heard muffled noises inside. He figured it was Ranma since he had passed the rest of the Tendo family and Genma on his way up the stairs. They had all said an absent hello to him as he had passed. They were all intently watching some new soap opera on television. Akanes father had even been sniffling into a tissue.
Seeing Ranma in either girl or boy form was nothing new to him, since they had been in the bath several times together already, but the sight that awaited him as he entered the room made his eyes widen and his nose start to bleed.
There on the stool, legs spread open wide, and her head thrown back, was girl-type Ranma, she was rubbing her clit feverishly and pinching her nipples. Low moans escaped her throat and her knees shook. He watched as she moved her hand lower to dip her fingers inside herself as she bit her lip.
Ryouga whimpered at the site and startled Ranma from her ministrations. She shrieked and jumped into the tub of hot water. He peeked at Ryouga, the water just below his chin.
What are you doing here? He asked, eyes wide and face flushed. Ryouga wiped the blood from his nose with the back of his hand.
Obviously not for the same reasons you are, Ryouga couldnt help but grin. He had caught Ranma doing something deliciously naughty.
Ranma blushed even darker red and looked away as he realized his eyes were slowly making their way down Ryougas shoulders and chest to his If at all possible, Ranmas blush deepened. He would have left if he wasnt hard once again.
Looks like Ranma has a little hentai in him after all, Ryouga grinned as he slipped into the tub. He had not missed Ranmas eyes slowly appraising him. His grin became a smirk as he leaned close to Ranma and whispered, Got a little problem you cant get one of your fiancés to help you with?
Ryougas question was answered with a fist to his face. Ranma stood in front of him, blushing profusely and looking to the side.
Dont talk about them!
Ryouga smiled and then gasped as he saw Ranmas hard member in front of his face. He was very tempted to just reach up and touch Ranma lightly, just to see how he would react. Ryouga had long been an admirer of Ranmas body, both as female and male, why else would he stick around and constantly want to fight him? All the fights he invoked from Ranma were simple ploys to get the other martial artist to get closer, to touch him, in anyway he could. He could never even hope that Ranma liked him in that way, so instead Ryouga made him angry, trying to get him to fight. Akane was just a way to forget his feelings for Ranma and try to convince himself that he wasnt attracted to the other man. The truth was, he had always had a thing for Ranma.
He did enjoy sleeping next to her at night, snuggling her soft body, but he knew that he would never be more than P-Chan to her, so he tried to be content with what little he got from her. Every morning though, he would make his way to the bathroom and feverishly take care of his erection as thoughts of his two obsessions danced naked through his mind.
Ranma quickly sat down in the tub, his hands clasped over his hardness, trying to hide it. He looked at Ryouga then and saw the desire fill the other mans eyes. He wasnt sure what to think about what was happening. The silence felt as thick as the steam in the air.
Ryouga finally cleared his throat, finally breaking the silence. He decided then, that there really was nothing to loose. If Ranma rejected him, then he would most likely just beat on him and send him away as P-Chan to squeal down the hallway as Ranma ran after him.
Ryouga slid forward carefully in the water and let a light kiss brush Ranmas lips. The other boy blinked in surprise, then moaned as Ryouga deepened the kiss. He teased Ranmas lips with his tongue. Ranma gasped and Ryouga took that moment to dive his tongue into Ranmas mouth.
His hands still clenched in his lap, Ranma was shocked at Ryougas advance, but as his tongue entered Ranmas mouth, his stiffened spine began to loosen. He sighed against Ryougas lips and began to kiss him back. His hands lifted in the water and set lightly against Ryougas chest.
Ryouga pulled away breathlessly and looked deep into Ranmas eyes. They were half lidded and heavy with desire. Ryouga smiled. Perhaps he had some attraction to him after all. He took Ranmas hand and leaned back in the tub, sitting back and setting Ranma on his lap. Ranma struggled a bit.
Whats wrong? Ryouga asked with a small frown.
Im a guy! I cant do it like this. Ranma shook his head but was unable to remove himself from Ryougas lap. The hardness between Ryougas legs pressed against his muscled stomach and made Ranma grow even harder. Ryouga grinned.
Fine then, He said as he helped Ranma out of the tub. He grabbed the bucket on the floor and turned the icy water over Ranmas head, being sure not to douse himself in the process.
What was that for? Girl-type Ranma sputtered. Her breasts heaved with her breath and Ryouga looked down at her appreciatively.
Now you arent a guy. Ryouga said simply and knelt before the quivering Ranma. His tongue flicked out and licked the cold water from her stomach and breasts. Ranma groaned and swayed slightly, grabbing his hair to keep herself steady. Ryouga grinned against her skin and began to suck a pert pink nipple into his mouth.
Ranma had had many fantasies as of late about this very thing, but her imagination had not done the sensations justice. As Ryouga sucked on her breasts, one at a time, Ranma thought she would scream out loud from the feelings coursing through her body. She bit her lip and groaned deeply. Ryougas hand slipped down her trim stomach and between her legs. He rubbed her lightly, smiling against her breast as she moaned and her hands went to his shoulders as her knees gave out.
Ryouga caught her swiftly around the waist with one hand and lowered her to the floor. He began to dip his fingers into her slowly, fanning them out as he entered her warmth, wiggling them a bit to gauge her reaction. He was very pleased with the loud moan that escaped her lips.
Are you a virgin Ranma? He asked as the question suddenly entered his mind.
Baka, she breathed. I am as a girl. She lightly batted him on top of the head then threw her own back as he kissed down her body and licked her pelvic bone. He parted her thighs and ventured lower. He buried his face in the tight red curls covering her womanhood and licked lightly at the flesh beneath. His efforts were rewarded as her thighs tightened around his head and she groaned again.
Ranmas delicate female fingers played in his hair as he licked and nibbled at her sensitive flesh. She felt a heat building in her groin, spreading itself across her stomach and breasts. She convulsed as her orgasm wracked her body. She almost shrieked with the sensations. This was much different than masturbation, she thought dazedly.
Ryouga climbed up her body and positioned himself between her legs. Ranma looked shyly at him, her arms wrapping around his shoulders. He had been with virgins before, so she knew this was going to hurt. She tensed in anticipation of the pain. Ryouga smiled gently at her and set the head of his cock against her wetness. He slowly began to enter her, careful not to loose control and hurt her.
He threw his head back as Ranma, deciding to take matters into her own hands and get the pain over with, thrust hard up into him. They both groaned as she tightened around him as the pain momentarily overtook her.
Ryouga waited a moment then slowly began to move within her. He leaned down and kissed and nibbled at her breasts, licking them, sucking the nipple into his mouth and then turning his attention to the other. Ranma gasped as the pain began to turn to something much more pleasant. Electric shocks ran through her body with his every thrust.
She began to move with him then, raising her slender hips from the tiled floor to meet his hard ones. She wrapped her thighs around him, locking her ankles at his back. She moaned against his hair and licked at his ears as he brought his head back up to level with hers. They kissed passionately as the fire within them both grew. They stoked the flames the only way they knew how, with the pumping of their hips, the friction of their bodies.
Ryouga groaned. He felt he could take no more when suddenly Ranma tightened around him and her whole body went stiff. She arched her back off the floor, slamming her hips demandingly into his as she was overtaken with pleasure. He growled deep in his throat, barring his fangs and bit into the soft flesh of her neck as he savagely thrust into her one last time. The convulsing of her heated cavern milking the seed from his body.
They both went limp, falling to the floor with a thud. Breathing heavily, they kissed and nibbled at each others flesh until their breathing finally evened out. Ryouga pulled away form her and watched as the beautiful redhead continued to shake with her pleasure.
When her convulsions finally stopped, she was startled again by a splash of hot water.
What the- He yelled at Ryouga. His only answer was a grin as he was pushed back onto the floor. Ryouga began to kiss him again as his length was taken in Ryougas strong hands. Ryouga teased his cock with his fingertips, gently nudging his balls with the other hand. He reached up and taking Ranmas hand in his own, brought it into contact with his own once again hard member and groaned against his lips as Ranma squeezed his manhood in his hands.
Ranma had never had sex with a man before, but he knew what he liked, and that is what he now did to Ryouga. With one hand, he began to pump Ryougas cock gently, with the other, he shyly pressed a finger to his ass, rubbing gently. Ryouga moaned against his lips and deepened the kiss. The thought never occurred to him before to touch Ryouga, the sensations that Ryouga had enticed from his female body had drove him literally to distraction.
Ranma shifted then, turning so Ryouga was on the bottom. Ryouga looked at him questionably, pulling away from the kiss with panting breathes.
If we are going to do this as guys, then I want top. When Im a girl, you can be on top all you want. Ranma smiled against his lips. He leaned down to lay feathery kisses along Ryougas throat and chest. He stopped when he found the hard little nubs on his chest and lightly flicked at them with his tongue, nipping them with his teeth. Ryougas gasp of pleasure made Ranmas smile widen to an evil grin. He worked his way down Ryougas body until his cock was before his lips.
Ranma paused, not sure what to do next, the fantasies that had played through his mind the past few months began to tease his mind and he licked lightly at Ryougas erection. Ryouga groaned and bucked his hips towards Ranmas face. Ranma took Ryougas cock in his hand and began to pump the base as his tongue experimentally licked the tip and length.
He watched Ryougas reaction carefully, satisfied at the results of his ministrations, he took the tip into his mouth and was surprised and delighted to taste himself as well as Ryouga there. The taste hardened his body even more. He moaned against Ryougas manhood and began to suck lightly. He ran his lips up and down the hard length of Ryouga cock, his head bobbing up and down as his hand kept pace.
Ryouga buried his hands into Ranmas hair, pulling at the braid and pumping his hips up into his face. Ranma stilled his hips with one hand as the other still pumped his manhood. With a loud grunt, Ryouga broke from Ranmas grasp and thrust his hips upward as he came in Ranmas mouth. Ranma continued to pump him as he took only the tip in his mouth, sucking down all of Ryougas juices.
Satisfied that he had it all, he swallowed most of it, leaving a little in his mouth. He looked at Ryouga and smiled, pulling the other man to his hands and knees. Ranma leaned forward and placed his hands on Ryougas tight ass. His tongue flicked out of his mouth, Ryougas juice still on it as Ranma ran it lightly across Ryougas puckered muscles.
Ryouga groaned and involuntarily leaned his hips back for more. Ranma held his hips secure, keeping him from moving. Ranma suddenly realized that he had no idea what to do. He leaned forward over Ryougas back and kissed him, pushing Ryougas own seed into his mouth with a thrust of his tongue. Ryouga eagerly sucked on Ranmas tongue, reveling in the taste.
I dont know what to do, Ranma confessed, pulling from the kiss breathlessly. He looked deeply into Ryougas eyes. Ryouga smiled sweetly.
You have to loosen me up with your fingers. Use what is already there as lube. He said softly with a light kiss to Ranmas lips. Ranma nodded and kissed him back as his fingers began to rub lightly against Ryougas opening. He slowly pressed the opening with a fingertip and Ryouga pushed his hips back against his hand.
Ranma pushed in a finger, pulling it almost out and then thrusting it back in. Ryouga began to breath deeply, his eyes closed, hips matching Ranmas rhythm. Two fingers, then three entered Ryougas body until he was begging Ranma to fuck him. Ranma grinned wickedly and kissed Ryouga hard once again on the lips.
One hand still pumping in and out of Ryouga, the other went to his mouth. Ranma lathered spit on his hand and rubbed it around his aching hardness. He groaned as he squeezed the saliva onto his length. He positioned himself behind Ryouga and removed his fingers, placing the head of his cock in their place.
Ranma began to press forward. His face screwed up in a mixture of pleasure and pain. He pushed a little more, slowly, trying not to rush or hurt Ryouga. Ryouga growled and bared his fangs, looking over his shoulder with heavy lids to watch Ranma enter him.
Not being able to take it any longer, they both thrust hard at the same time, burying Ranmas length deep within Ryougas tight heat. Ranma stopped breathing. This was tighter and hotter than any girl he had ever been with! He groaned and grabbed Ryougas hips as the other man began to move around him, thrusting himself off and onto Ranmas cock.
Ranmas grip on Ryougas hips tightened and pulled the other man almost off of him, then savagely thrust himself in with a pull of Ryougas hips. They began their dance, slowly, savagely, then quickened as their orgasms built. Ryouga reached between his legs and began to jerk and pull on his own cock as Ranma fucked him hard from behind.
The waves of ecstasy overtook them both and they almost howled at the pleasure of it. Ranma collapsed on top of Ryougas back, breathing heavily. Ryouga turned slightly to take Ranmas lips in a passionate kiss.
Someday, I will have to do that to you, Ryouga grinned against the other mans lips. Ranma chuckled and they disentangled themselves and lay on the cool floor until their breathing slowed. They kissed again passionately and climbed into the tub to get cleaned off, but only after much more kissing and groping.
Akane slid the door closed quickly and quietly as Ranma fell on top of Ryouga. She had seen most of what had happened. She had seen Ryouga fuck girl type Ranma then splash her with hot water, only to have boy type Ranma then fuck Ryouga. She was confused, but more than a little turned on by the sight. The scene had fascinated her, watching as the two finally sculpted bodies moved and writhed together had made her legs quiver and her sex grow moist. She had wanted to join them. Hell, she still did! She heard a distinct splashing as the two entered the tub.
She smiled wickedly to herself as her womanhood began to throb with need. She had always been attracted to them both, and it was obvious that at least one of them were not gay. Her grin smile widened into a grin as she quickly stripped herself of her clothing and slid open the door.
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