{These characters are not property of me. I would never attempt to claim them as my own. This story may not be used without my permission, and may not be used to make money in any way, shape or form. Characters and certain situations were created by Rumiko Takahashi, so don't try any funny stuff!}

by Lara Bartram

"Nabiki, we need to talk with you."

Nabiki looked over at Ranma, and noted that he was holding Akane's hand. This was interesting. "Sure, how may I be of service for a low family rate?"

"Not here. Let's go out to the dojo."

Nabiki looked at Ranma, a small, unconcerned smile on her face. "If that's what you want." But Ranma only looked back at her with serious determination. And when she looked at Akane, her little sister was looking worriedly at the floor. Something was up.

The trio went to the dojo with Nabiki feeling at unease about the whole thing. The look on Akane's face was enough to tell her that this was something serious of Ranma's devising, but that Akane agreed.

"So what is it you want?" Nabiki asked when they were inside. There was no point in playing around.

"We want you to stop," Ranma said darkly.

"Stop? Stop what?" Nabiki asked innocently.

"Don't give us that crap, Nabiki. You know exactly what we mean. We're tired of all this junk you dump on us. Right, Akane?"

Akane nodded meekly.

"We're going to give you a choice, Nabiki. No bargaining." Ranma waited a moment for his words to sink in. "No bargaining."

"So spill it, Ranma. If it's so important..."

"If you don't help us with this, we'll kick you out," Akane blurted out.

Nabiki stared at Akane. "What are you talking about?"

Ranma spoke this time. "What we mean is that we're... we're gonna get married." He straightened unconsciously. "And if you're not gonna help us, then..."

"You're going to kick me out of the house? Yeah, right."

"We will. The house and dojo are ours. If you cause trouble, even indirectly, then we will make you move out." Ranma wasn't playing any longer. This had gone on far too long.

"Right. You own the house and dojo. And this happened when? After you hypnotized me and commanded that I wouldn't remember any of what happened? Give me a break." Nabiki snorted in disgust.

"Dad did it. Kasumi helped." Akane's voice was surprisingly quiet.

Nabiki narrowed her eyes and looked at the two. "He wouldn't..."

Ranma nodded. "He did as soon as we told him we'd get married EVENTUALLY. Kasumi helped convince him of everything. So now..." Ranma grinned, something Nabiki didn't like at all. "You shape up, or you ship out."

Nabiki shrugged. "So what. I could move out now if I wanted. I don't need to..."

"Then do it. If you're not going to help, then go. We'll have enough trouble without you being around." The tone of Ranma's voice left no question to whether he was serious or not.

Nabiki stared at first Ranma, then Akane. It was true. She could have moved out if she really wanted to. But she didn't want to. It was that simple. And Ranma and Akane knew it. They both knew she was bluffing.

"That's what I thought," Ranma said when she didn't answer. "You're either a help or a hurt, and I think we'd both really appreciate it if you were a help.

"I'll give it to you straight so you know right out in the open. If our wedding, when it occurs, is disturbed at all, we will hold you responsible, and you will be officially cut off."

Akane looked up at Nabiki for a moment, before finding something more interesting on the floor.

"I don't believe this," Nabiki said.

"Believe it. You think we sound desperate? We are. This is gettin' just too insane. Even for me."

Nabiki looked at Ranma and could see, really see that he was completely serious. She gave the tiniest of nods.


This wasn't really something she had wanted to do. It was far from anything remotely pleasant. In fact, it was probably the last thing she wanted to do, but... The sooner she did this, the easier it would end. She hoped.

Imagine, her little sister and her jockhead fiance blackmailing HER. It had been previously unthinkable, but then... They had used her truly single weak point against her: home. The nerve of the two.

And yet, they had done it, and they had been surprisingly forceful about it. Well, maybe, just maybe, the two would make it after all. If they were finally getting a little backbone, then the sky was their limit. With her help.

First on her short list... Kuno. She turned to the small group of girls gathered around her, waiting for instructions. "I'be got business with Kuno to take care of. Everyone's got the afternoon off."

They all looked at her strangely, the odd, maybe even not G-rated thoughts running through their minds about Nabiki.

She rolled her eyes. "It's... a gift. For Akane. And Ranma." They were still looking at her strangely. "They're going to, you know, tie the knot soon."

They all said "ohhh" simultaneously and nodded their heads.

"Good. Now if you'll excuse me..." Nabiki walked off and heard the silent whispers behind her. Well, they could think what they wanted, but the rumor mill was under her ultimate control and no single rumor could last for long.


And that put her where she was standing at the moment. This wouldn't be easy, but she was sure she could do it. It would just take persistence and patience. Unfortunately, those were things she had very small amounts of when it came to Kuno.

And so there she was, standing in front of the door to the kendo equipment shed on her own time after school and hating it. Instead of prolonging the agony, Nabiki silently opened the door without knocking.

Her normal derisive greeting died on her lips when she saw Kuno. He had his back to the door, and to the two giant posters of his "loves". He appeared to be in silent meditation, but Nabiki got the feeling that there was something very wrong.

Instead of saying anything, she stood and watched him, wondering if he would realize she was there. That was when she heard him, mumbling very faintly under his breath. Stepping closer, being as quiet as she could, Nabiki listened.

"...must love them... I must love them... I _must_ love them..." he said over and over again.

Nabiki looked at the two posters. He was actually forcing himself to be in love with them? That was insane for even the Kuno family. That was also when she spotted a crumpled up piece of paper on the floor.

She picked it up and saw that it wasn't a piece of paper, but a picture. Smoothing it out, looking briefly at Kuno's back to make sure he was still in meditation, Nabiki then looked at the picture.

It was a picture from a regular camera, standard sized print, little blurry, but not too bad. She wondered where it had come from because surely Kuno wouldn't have taken it. If he had any thought to use a camera, he would have surely been snapping hundreds of rolls of Akane and Ranma.

Besides, this looked like something someone from another school would have taken. It was of the kendo team practicing, one particular person in fact. Nabiki smiled a little. It was one of the better looking guys at Furinkan in mid-swing.

His body was turned, gi pulled open just a little, chest shining with sweat barely revealed. It was quite flattering actually, a good action photo. She could have done better, of course, but still.

Nabiki's smile disappeared to be replaced by a frown. There was something very wrong here.

Suddenly, Kuno's head snapped up, though he still didn't seem to realize she was there. "I love them," he said aloud. "I DO love them. I am physically and sexually attracted to them."

This declaration brought Nabiki up short. This was just too strange. "Kuno, what the hell are you talking about?" Nabiki asked loudly, surprising the kendo captain.

He turned quickly and looked at her, looking like s startled rabbit. "I... uh... And just what do you think you're doing here?" he asked even more loudly as he recovered. "What business do you have?"

"Don't give me that. I want to know just what you're doing."

Kuno matched Nabiki's indignant glare. "It is of no concern to you! I am simply..." That was when he noticed the picture she was holding, and for a single moment, something that looked like guilt washed across his face. "That is NOT your property!" He snatched the picture from her hand as he turned around.

"Whatever, but I want to know..."

"It's none of your business!"

"Everything at this school is my business."

"This isn't! Get out! Leave me alone!" Kuno yelled uncharacteristically.

Nabiki saw the look of absolute fury on his face, the way his hands clenched, and for a heartbeat, she thought he was going to hit her. Instead, he roughly shoved her toward the door.

"Get out, get out, get out!" he yelled and pushed her out, then slammed the door in her face.

Nabiki looked at the door in confusion, then turned and walked away. This would require more investigation.


Each day after that, Nabiki watched and waited. As big a fool she thought Kuno was, he was good enough to keep whatever he was hiding a secret. It was only a matter of luck that she discovered anything at all.

It was Sunday, and that was a day she usually reserved as an off day. Appointments only. So it was luck, good or bad makes no difference, that she was out and at the high school.

One of her more infrequent informers, one that liked to remain nameless and faceless to the rest of the school, apparently had some juicy information on one of the haughtier classmates of Nabiki. A girl Nabiki wouldn't have minded paying some yen for some dirt on.

It was there, waiting for her business partner, that Nabiki heard the noise. Not an unusual noise really, except for the fact that it was a Sunday. Such noises weren't heard on Sundays. Except this Sunday.

Nabiki walked quietly to the practice room and peered in the windows. There she saw them. The two figures in the empty room, one going through the kendo forms, the other observing.

The observer was Kuno, no doubt about it. He seemed to be giving a private lesson this Sunday. And his student was... It was the same person in the picture, Kensuke Motoki.

Nabiki knew Kensuke, mostly by face alone. He was a competent member of the kendo team, a year younger, but pleasant enough to look at. He looked young, younger than he was, but fresh and determined. It was plain to see that he was another kendo nut, just as Kuno was, and that he'd probably been practicing since he was big enough to hold a bokken.

So just like all the silly martial artists and the serious jocks, Kensuke had a body worthy of... photo... taking.

Nabiki almost smashed her nose against the glass to see what was going on.


Kensuke was sweating. He had never pushed himself so hard, but then, he had never had Kuno-sempai personally overseeing a practice session with only him. If the other members of the kendo team thought after school practice was hard, this would have been their worst nightmare.

"Hold, Motoki-kun. You appear in need of a rest," Kuno said, bokken resting on his shoulder.

Kensuke paused, breathing heavily. "Yes. I never realized how intensive a one-on-one practice could be." He sat down cross-legged on the floor with his bokken across his legs. "How did you manage it, Kuno-sempai?"

"I think we can dispense with the formalities now, eh, Kensuke?" Kuno asked in a friendly manner no one else had ever witnessed before.

Kensuke nodded in agreement. "Of course, Tatewaki." Tatewaki was Kensuke's friend, but that had nothing to do with him being on the kendo team. He had worked just as hard, maybe harder than the others to get on the team, and the two were never friendly in practice.

Practice was practice, and there was no room for goofing off or friendship there. There was only time for practicing and perfecting kendo.

Kensuke flipped some sweaty strands of hair from his eyes and chuckled. His personal history with Tatewaki Kuno was a bit of a strange one and it wasn't exactly something everyone knew about. He never tried to keep it a secret that they were friends, but most people just assumed that Tatewaki had no friends, and that if he did, they would never be underclassmen.

Kensuke knew that, somewhere inside Tatewaki, those comments hurt. And Kensuke himself was somewhat offended by them.


Tatewaki watched Kensuke with his practiced gaze. He had turned it many a time on the other members of the kendo team, but this time...

He refused to believe that he could be so shallow to establish a friendship just because... "I can see the improvement. Your forms are looking better than previously," he said seriously. "Continue, and," Tatewaki allowed a small smile, "you may surpass even me. At least, you shall be the new captain after I graduate."

Kensuke grinned and nodded. Friend or no, that was quite a compliment. Tatewaki's ego had this way of ballooning out of control, but there were enough times that Kensuke saw the regular side of him, the person that wasn't the captain of the kendo team. There were enough of these times that Kensuke knew Tatewaki really meant those compliments. "Thanks."

Tatewaki nodded. His eyes wandered from Kensuke's to the window with the sun shining through, over to a drop of sweat running down Kensuke's neck. He watched that droplet of moisture travel down the skin, follow the curve of muscle and tendon, slip down the front of Kensuke's throat and travel down.

Tatewaki felt his mouth go dry watching that drop of Kensuke's combined efforts and talents run down into the open V of the gi he was wearing. Over the collar bone and slipping down the Kensuke's chest, and disappearing into the material of his outfit.


Dragging his eyes away from Kensuke's chest, Tatewaki almost fearfully looked into his eyes. "Kensuke, I..." He stopped when he saw the way the younger man was looking at him.

"Is this why I'm here?" he asked, a hint of anger entering his voice.

"What? I wouldn't..."

"I thought I could count on you to help me get better. Is this just a game to you?" Now it wasn't anger, but hurt.

"No! I... I am here to help you practice."

"Because you..."

"Because you asked me to!" He stood, swiftly, his muscles tense. "I agreed to help you train outside of team practice hours because you asked me, because you wanted to. My only ulterior motives are to see that you get good enough... good enough to defeat me one day." Tatewaki almost pouted then.

"If... if you don't believe me, then..." Tatewaki looked at the door. "You can go. I won't stop you. I've only tried, more than I have at anything else, to be your friend. That's what really matters to me."

Kensuke looked up at who he had thought was his friend. "I don't appreciate being toyed with. I'll be at practice Monday, Kuno-sempai." He stood and walked away, leaving Tatewaki alone.


Nabiki hadn't heard what was said, but it hadn't appeared to have been very good. She ran around to the side of the building and waited for Kensuke to exit and leave school grounds.

When she returned to the window, Kuno was still standing in the middle of the room, his head down.


The week rolled by. Day after day, things seemed so very normal on the surface. Nabiki continued with her efforts to discover the truth behind what was going on with Kuno and Motoki. If she had even an inkling of the fact that something was going before, after Sunday, there was absolutely nothing.

She peeked in on the kendo practices every day, checking that she wasn't missing anything, and unfortunately, she wasn't. Though just maybe, things weren't the same as they were before. Not that she could really tell since kendo wasn't anything she really cared about.

This was even something she didn't trust to her assistants; this was only something she could do herself. She was probably the only one that would believe it when it actually came to a head.


Saturday morning, and Nabiki watched from the corner of one eye as Kensuke casually walked up to Kuno's locker and slipped a note in. She then turned her attention back to the young man she had been demanding payment from.

The next day, if that note was what she thought it was, she'd be back watching the the practice room.


Kuno opened the door and entered the room slowly. He felt like he was about to be ambushed, and in a way, he knew he was being set up for something.

What waited for him was something that had haunted him for a month. Haunted, tortured him because he knew that's all it was when... Kensuke was there, practicing with a fury Kuno didn't know he had. "Kensuke," Kuno said.

Kensuke appeared not to have heard him and continued to practice. The only indication that he might have heard Kuno was that his movements were taking him in Kuno's direction.

Kuno could only watch, his eyes drawn to the the blurring of the blade as Kensuke moved it so precisely. Back and forth, up and down, waving hypnotically closer toward him. He thought that maybe he should move, but he just couldn't. He trusted Kensuke implicitly. With his life even. He would wait.

With surprising suddenness, Kensuke stopped his practice, dropping his bokken to the floor. He looked at Kuno, the sweat decorating his skin once again. "Why? Why did you do it, Kuno-sempai? Was it a test?"

"Do what? I never tested..."

"Because if it was a test, I failed. Miserably. There, I admit it. Now you can kick me off the team with a clear conscience." Kensuke looked disgustedly at Kuno, his arms dangling limply at his sides.

"What test? I would never kick you off the team." He was taken aback by the fire in Kensuke's eyes though. Kuno had no idea what Kensuke was talking about in fact.

"Your little 'test' last week." Kensuke strode indignantly at Kuno, forcing him back. "So haven't you told the others yet? Waiting for just the right time so everyone can have a laugh?" Kensuke was really pushing back Kuno. They never touched, but a few more moments and Kuno's back was against a wall.

"So you were right. Whatever you think you're going to do, just save it because I'll quit. Some friend you turned out to be." He snarled at Kuno, then turned to leave. Kensuke couldn't believe how shallow...

The light touch of Kuno's hand on his shoulder spun him faster than any force could have. He shoved Kuno hard, really angry at the person he had once respected. "Don't touch me! I thought you were my friend!" he yelled.

"I am, Kensuke," Kuno answered quietly.

"I went through life without friends before. I don't need you to pretend to be my friend then backstab me. If you want me to be a coward, I won't be! I'll fight you to stay on the team!" Kensuke stumbled back to find the bokken he had dropped.

"No, don't do that." Kuno followed with his hand extended. His words were falling on deaf ears though, and Kensuke would not believe him. "Please, Kensuke, just listen to me."

Kensuke tried to shove Kuno away, but his hand was grabbed and he was pulled back. He hit Kuno's body and was held fast by him.

"Do not strike at me," Kuno warned softly.

Kensuke struggled, his anger and frustration and feelings of betrayal running from his body to leave him weak.

Slowly turning the underclassmen, watching for any more threats of violence from him, Kuno looked at Kensuke. "There was no test; 'twas only a moment of weakness on my part. Don't think I was... mocking you or your efforts. I would never do such a thing to you.

"You are my friend, one that I appreciate as a person and a swordsman. Don't believe I would ever treat you such disrespect." It was in another moment of weakness that Kuno brought his finger to Kensuke's cheek and stroked it lightly. Could this be a dream? It had to be. That was the only way this whole thing could be taking place.

"I... I don't believe you, Tatewaki," Kensuke replied softly, then pulled away and fled the building.

Sighing in defeat, Kuno retrieved Kensuke's bokken and left. It would be a long, miserable walk home.


Nabiki had watched it all. She had sure seen something that looked very intriguing, but not being able to hear what was being said put a severe damper on things. This was something she had to be sure about. If only for her personal records, this was just something she had to know. And if it was true... why.


Monday, Nabiki expected to confront Kuno, in private, about what had happened. Yet, Kuno hadn't been seen in school at all that day, and going over to his house with such delicate questions was not going to happen.

Then she would wait. He couldn't drop out of school forever. When Kuno returned, she would be waiting for him. These mysteries simply couldn't go unsolved.

"Hey, Motoki," she said absently as he walked past her.

His eyes did not waver from forward.

"How's it going with Kuno-chan?" she asked, equally as absently.

The look on his solemn face never changed. Not a blink, no wince, no hesitation.

Nabiki watched him go, slightly disappointed that things couldn't be done the easy way. The slightest signal would have told her what she wanted to know, but Motoki was a rock, a lot more in control of himself than Kuno.

She could wait.


It was three days. Thursday was the day Kuno finally returned to school, even more serious than before if it was at all possible.

Nabiki intercepted him in the morning before class. "I've got something I need to talk to you about," she said in her most business-like tone. If she was too casual, Kuno would would simply believe this was one of their normal transactions, and this most certainly was not.

"Not today," he said simply.

Nabiki nodded. "Today. But in private."

"No more pictures. I have no need..."

"It's not about pictures. It's about your friend."

Nabiki got a reaction, all right, but it still didn't say much about what was going on between the two. "Kensuke?" Kuno asked, looking at her quizically.

Nodding again, Nabiki said, "After school today."

Kuno realized he didn't have much of a choice.


"Do you think it's wise that we're in here? After all, won't the other members of the team need to use this?" Nabiki asked as they stood in the equipment shed.

Kuno only shook his head. "They know better when I am in here."

"Oh." Then conversation ended. Nabiki expected Kuno to start asking what this inconvenience was all about and what it was she wanted, but he kept silent.

Clearing her throat a little, Nabiki went right for the kill. "I saw you Sunday."


"With Motoki."

And finally, a reaction. Kuno's eyes narrowed. "Your point?"

"One thing, only one thing: what is really going on with you two?"

Kuno snorted, a frown appearing. "More information you can spread around the school."

This time, it was Nabiki's turn to shake her head. "No. I decided that this, for really the first time, I needed to know. For myself, and only myself. I need to know why. For Ranma and Akane."

Kuno looked guiltily for a moment at the posters on the wall, then turned his back to everything. "I wondered, as much as two years ago, why, when all the other boys chased after your sister, I did not feel the same toward her.

"The others flocked to her, like she was some sort of siren, and I... I only watched, wondering what it was they saw in her. I cared only for kendo and the comraderie of the other members of the team. No girl held my interest." Kuno paused and clasped his hands behind his back.

"Tell me, Nabiki Tendo, what would you say if I said to you one day, 'I'm not sure if I'm interested in girls. Allow me to feel you up to see if I like it'? What would you say to that?"

Nabiki was stunned speechless.

"As I thought. That was my dilemma for two years. Until your sister and the pig-tailed girl."

"You mean Ranma."

"Do not mention his name here. He is to be... reviled as the pig-tailed girl is to be adored." Kuno's voice was hesitant though. Those words sounded very hollow, very false to him.

"So you don't know about Ranma and the pig-tailed girl?" Nabiki asked, having the most bizarre conversation of her life.

"Only that in some way they are soulmates. There is a connection between them that I... that I wish to have some day in my life."

He still didn't get it. This was getting harder and harder to believe.

"Whatever you saw yesterday," Kuno said, turning, "it means nothing. It means nothing because nothing will come of it. No matter how much I..." He stopped, catching himself before revealing too much.

"Go on. Would giving you my word that this would stop at me help?"

Kuno looked at her for a moment, then nodded. "It would."

"Then I promise. Whatever you tell me now will not go any farther than myself." Nabiki even held up her right hand.

Kuno considered her for a moment, then continued speaking. "Kensuke is my best friend, my only friend. He was right. I was manipulating him because I wanted to be near him more. But I... I didn't want to hurt him, scare him away. I never meant for him to think I was making fun of him, or for him to even know about... me."

"What about you?"

Looking at her then, misery and sorrow in his eyes, Kuno spoke quietly. "For over a year now, I have come to realize that I prefer company of men."

"You're... gay?" This was a new one.

Kuno gave the smallest nod.

A hundred thoughts swirled in Nabiki's head. What had happened Sunday had raised suspicions, but actually hearing him say it, admit to it was quite different. And so many things didn't add up. "But what about..."

He held up his hand to quiet her. "I... I love Kensuke. As a friend. Something more. But how can I ever tell him? I will appear a monster, a freak of nature. I could never allow this to spread through the school."

"Did you ever stop to consider that maybe he'd understand?" Nabiki answered solemnly.

Kuno shook his head. "I am too cowardly to even take the chance that he would not."

"But... he's already upset at you, isn't he? How can telling him make things any worse?" And why was she giving this sort of advice? And for free, no less.

"As I have said, I am a coward. The situation makes me miserable, but I am terrified of..."

Nabiki finished his sentence. "Rejection. Well, you've got to do whatever you think you can, but now, I have some questions that I think deserve answers."

Kuno sighed. "I will do my best."

"Good. So why are you chasing after my sister and Ra... the pig-tailed girl?" Nabiki asked critically.

"It is the only thing I know how. I have chased girls before, fruitless endeavors that accomplish nothing but embarrassment for myself. Whether it was rejection by them or my own failing to finally find interest in them, I do not know. Your sister was almost a given, unfortunately.

"She was desired by every male student, so how could I not be? Would I not be suspected of being... different if I refused to pursue her in as equally an enthusiastic manner?

"And the pig-tailed girl..." He sighed almost wistfully. "That I can not explain. For a time, she roused feelings in me that I thought no woman or girl could. I threw myself into the pursuit of her because I thought it might be my only chance at a normal relationship. But Saotome was always there, and I was jealous. Of them both."

Nabiki's eyebrows raised. "Both of them? You mean... Ranma?"

"Only superficially. Now, I'm afraid my feelings have cooled toward the both of them, but I continue in my efforts, hoping that I can change myself somehow.

"Please do not inform Ranma of this. He is a..." This was hard. He'd never talked like this to anyone. "I do find him... attractive, but that is all. His personality is..."

"Yeah, I can understand that perfectly," Nabiki added. "But that still doesn't explain why you pulled all this crap. You know you were torturing them?"

"As I said, I am a coward. The minor expense of their discomfort and my... beatings maintained the facade of me being an extremely over-amorous suitor. My true passions are kept hidden, and they shall stay that way from now on. I suppose, as repayment for keeping this quiet, I could... stop. People think so little of me, giving up on my two 'loves' probably would make no difference."

"So you put them through hell just so the school would think you were interested, overly interested, in girls? That is such a bunch of bullshit." The magnitude of selfishness that took was overwhelming.

"It is the truth. You have no idea how it made me feel to be such a source of indirect ridicule. Even if I hid it, anything said felt like it was directed at me personally with the sole purpose of hurting me. I could never let anyone know I was affected." Kuno had always hated the locker room before and after P.E. class. The other boys were so... uncouth and demeaning.

Nabiki was shaking her head though. "Your stupidity really doesn't know any bounds, does it?" she asked nastily.

Kuno shrugged. "No more than my fear does. Nevertheless, I shall cease my activities, if only because I no longer feel that the effort of waking up in the morning is worth it. Good day to you, Nabiki Tendo. I am afraid our paths shall no longer cross the way they used to."

With that said, he left the equipment shed, shoulders slumped and his head down.


"I took care of Kuno for you."

"Oh? And how's that?"

Nabiki shrugged, heading up the stairs to her room. "He found better things to keep himself busy with," she replied.

Once in her room, she flopped on her bed and pulled out a little file crate from under her bed. She pulled out a manila folder with 'Kuno' on the tab and opened it. It wasn't that full, but she hadn't had to do all that much work.

She pulled a picture from where she had safely hidden it in her outfit and looked at it. A mischievous grin spreading across her face, she put the picture in the folder and closed it. This would stay her little secret for as long as it stayed Kuno's. The picture was too priceless anyway.

~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~

No, trailing someone was not really Nabiki's strong suit. She normally left that to the others, but then, Kuno wasn't exactly a hard person to follow discreetly. He just never seemed to notice anyone was there.

Then again, it was luck that she knew to follow him anyway. That was a bit unsettling as Nabiki never used luck to get what she wanted. It was always a combination of skill and know-how and maybe a dash of ruthlessness. That was made her as good as she was... or at least thought she was.

So it had been undeniable luck when she had seen Kuno slip a note into Motoki's locker. And if things went as normal, she knew what would happen. There was no room for error though, so Nabiki made the effort to follow Kuno and see just what would happen. And she brought her camera. Just in case.

She wasn't disappointed when she followed him to the school and he made a direct line for the practice room. This was just what she was waiting for; if only her listening equipment hadn't been so bulky.

So at the window, with camera poised, Nabiki waited.


"I have answered your challenge," Kensuke said, looking at Kuno. "You plan on testing my worthiness for the team again, Kuno-sempai?" His voice wasn't angry, but definitely distant.

"Kensuke, if you truly wish to fight me, then I am giving you that chance. This is not a spar, this is not a challenge; this is a fight." Kuno's eyes narrowed. "This is a fight because this is what you want." He brought his bokken up in the ready position.

Kensuke regarded him evenly, then brought his up as well. "A fight. Then so be it."

As they moved and fought one another, Kuno spoke, feeling strangely at ease within the situation of the battle. "Whatever I did, I never meant to... embarrass or... hurt you." He blocked a vicious overhead blow.

"I've never been so betrayed by someone I thought was a friend," Kensuke replied, suddenly put on the defensive by Kuno.

"I never betrayed you. I'm still your friend," Kuno answered, pushing the attack. "I am sorry for this misunderstanding between us, but..." Kuno hissed in pain as a strike got through his defense and struck his leg.

He backed up, blocking and dodging as Kensuke attacker ferociously. "Please, Kensuke... listen to me." Kuno's leg was throbbing. He couldn't remember the last time he had been struck so painfully.

"I did not mean to..." Kuno turned his full attention to guarding as Kensuke upped the speed and skill of his attacks. There was one thing he could do, and it appeared to be the right thing to defuse the situation.

Kuno suddenly stepped forward, inside Kensuke's attack, and with a clumsy attempt, one foot behind Kensuke's, tripped the younger man.

A look of surprise registered on Kensuke's face before the two of them topple to the floor. he was quick to rise though, and before Kuno could sit up, Kensuke was sitting on his chest, and raining blows down upon him.

"How could you do this to me?" Kensuke asked through gritted teeth. There were tears slowly running down his cheeks. "I trusted you! You were my friend! I HATE YOU!"

Kuno managed to grab each of Kensuke's wrists, and with the unstable position he was in, flipped Kensuke over and pinned him down. Holding his arms down and staring at him, Kuno could fully see the anguish Kensuke was in over what had happened.

Pouting, tears still in his eyes, Kensuke glared at Kuno, then turned his head away. "I hate you. I hate you. I hate you."

"Kensuke. My friend. I don't hate you. I think I have the courage now to say it. Kensuke, I... I love you. I've been in love with you the entire year." Kuno could almost feel the emotion explode in his chest. That was what he had been waiting to say, and now that he had, it was like a weight lifted off his entire body.

Kensuke turned to stare at him, mouth agape. He held that look for a few moments, then it slowly changed to anger again. "Another test? You want to hear me say it? You want proof? Is that it?" he asked angrily.

Instead of saying anything, Kuno lowered his head quickly and cut off Kensuke's further tirade by kissing him. He could feel Kensuke's body beneath him freeze up with the contact, and broke the contact between their mouths.


That was an action shot Nabiki didn't think she would ever top. That was enough for her though, not really wanting to get involved further in Kuno's love life. Well... She took a few more pictures for posterity then retreated from the window.


"If you need further proof that this is not a test of your character, it is of a nature I am not ready to explore yet. Do you believe me now?" Kuno asked, looking at a very stunned Kensuke. He had a small smile on his face.

"Kuno-sempai," Kensuke said in an astonished voice. "Tatewaki, I..."

"Please, tell me you understand. If you don't... want me, I'll accept that, but just tell me that you understand," Tatewaki pleaded.

Kensuke nodded. "I do now. I'm sorry I was so quick to judge before. I just never thought that you..."

"My act was convincing to everyone but myself. I regret it; it's done more harm than good."

"Tatewaki, can you... get off my arms?"

"Forgive me." Tatewaki released his friend's arms then started to stand, but Kensuke stopped him.

"Tatewaki, I... I won't refuse you. If you really meant what you said." His hand rested gently on Tatewaki's. "If you really meant it."

"I did. You are my friend, and I love you like that. But I feel more than that for you as well. You are not simply a good friend, but a good person. I appreciate that about you. It's also one of the things that has made me grow more and more attracted to you. You are intelligent and funny, and if I had to choose the most well-rounded person I know, it would be you." Kuno looked at him seriously and swallowed hard.

"The only thing I did not care for about you was that you were, and still are, far too handsome, and intimidated me so. It was only now that I could truly come to grips with the way I felt about you. And now, when I say the words, I can say them without fear of rejection?"

Kensuke nodded and smiled.

~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~

Nabiki put the folder away, then tucked the crate back under her bed. Maybe she'd sell that picture back to them as a keepsake some time in the future. If they lasted, of course.

But then, they were practically made for each other.


Updated 10-11-98