Disclaimer- Takahashi Rumiko owns them, I'm simply tying them to each
others' bed and having my wicked way with them.
Warnings- PWP, Lemon, Angst
Now, you're all more than welcome (in fact, encouraged) to read all
four endings, but I just wanted to warn you to not just read one after
the other and wonder at the lack of continuity. Each ending picks up where
the first chapter left off. However, each ending has a different pairing,
Kuno, Ranma, Ryoga, and Dr. Tofu.
This is the RANMA ending.
Ending number 2 of 4, and I'm having the time of my life.
A Choice of Love
"You want me to what?"
"Please, Ranma!" Mousse's eyes pleaded with him. Ranma scoffed and turned his head, arms crossed, only to see Akane glaring at him.
"What?" He asked defensively.
"Ranma, you're such a jerk! Can't you help a friend out?"
"Huh, what friend. I don't see any friends here..."
As Mousse leaned away, head bowed, Ranma felt guilt settle into the pit of his stomach. Sighing and scratching the back of his head, he looked nervously at the ceiling. "Why don't you ask the old freak yourself?"
"Because he won't help me for free, and I'm not about to volunteer my services in what I know will turn out to be a panty raid. But you," Mousse leaned forward across the table again. "You have no shame, so-"
"Watch it, pal!" Ranma fumed, shaking a fist at the Amazon boy.
"Well it's the truth, Ranma. You're such a pervert anyway..."
At a glare from Ranma, Akane sighed and stood up. "Whatever. I suppose it's none of my business..."
"You got that right." Ranma mumbled under his breath, just before Akane's teacup smashed into his face.
"BUT," She continued as she left the dining room. "I would think you of all people would understand how hard it is to need help and having no one to turn to."
Mousse nodded emphatically, eyes trained onto Ranma as he scoffed and turned away again. Alone, there was a long moment of silence, where Mousse fidgeted and fought tears and the urge to beg.
"Look," Ranma began, going slow so as not to be misunderstood. "Do you really want that freak's help? I mean, when has he ever come through for anyone?" 'And the consequence of me having to wear a bra has nothing to do with it...'
"But-but..." Mousse's eyes watered for a moment before he broke down, slamming his head onto the table- causing Ranma to jump back in surprise- and started sobbing. "I ha-have nowhere else to-to gooooo!!" He broke off into more sobs, and that ball of guilt in Ranma's gut multiplied.
Walking over and placing a comforting hand on Mousse's shoulder, Ranma smiled down at Mousse. "Look, I'll talk the old guy into talking with you. But I'm not making any promises, okay?"
Mousse nodded, a goofy grin pasting itself onto his face as he stood up so fast Ranma nearly fell over. "Alright, just tell me what to do!"
"First of all, calm down! Sheesh..." Ranma lead Mousse down the hall to Happosai's room.
'I figure, he's as old as Cologne, maybe older, and he loves getting the old goat's goat, so he's gotta help me!' Mousse thought optimistically as he followed Ranma into the large room, strewn with panties and bras and other lacy things that made Mousse blush.
"Just wait here." Ranma ordered, and Mousse sat in one of the few areas on the floor not covered with undergarments to wait. After sparing a look over his shoulder at the distraught boy wearing such a hopeful face, Ranma left, shutting the door behind him.
In all honesty, Ranma was torn. Sure, Mousse would be way better off without Shampoo in his life, and without her, he would have one less rival. But then he'd leave himself more open to attacks by foaming-at-the-mouth-Shampoo. But then again, Mousse was so brokenhearted, and he hated seeing anyone cry- let alone a martial artist. The guy was weak at heart, so what could he do? He would help, he decided, no matter what it took. Mousse was something like a friend- a good one when women and curses weren't involved. Maybe this would allow them a chance to become closer, since this act of goodwill showed without a shadow of a doubt that he wasn't as interested in Shampoo as she was him.
'Akane knowing that will help a great deal too.'
Jumping over the gate and running towards the school, Ranma was more
determined than ever to help Mousse.
Mousse sat and waited for a very long time, trying hard to not look at anything unmentionable. The old guy was a lot more perverted than he had ever imagined. There was enough here to start a whole chain of panty stores! Finally deciding this could be a long wait and that he was in danger of getting a nosebleed, Mousse carefully cleared a spot with his sleeve and laid down, closing his watery eyes.
'What if he can't help me? Or won't? Oh, I don't even want to think
about that. For thirteen years I've known nothing but my love for Shampoo...
what will I do without that? I'd die for sure.' Feeling depressed again,
Mousse cleared his mind and drifted off to sleep. 'I don't even want to
imagine that Ranma may very well play me false...' Mousse slept fitfully,
plagued by dreams of Ranma and Shampoo being married, with him left out
in the cold to help Happosai steal panties.
"EWW!! Get away from me, you pervert!!"
"Ah! Somebody stop him!"
"Get back here, you old pervert!"
"Hahaha! Ladies, a pleasure as always! What a haul, what a haul! HAHAH-OOF!" Happosai rubbed his head and looked up at Ranma with an accusing glare, quickly turned tearful. "Ranma-" He got no further as the horde of angry girls caught up with him and pounded him into the ground. Once they were satisfied he had received justice, they all left, exclaiming how gross he was, while carting off their pilfered undies.
Happosai groaned and coughed as Ranma hauled him up by his collar, holding him at eye level. "Old man, we need to have a talk."
"Hack, cough. What about, you little ingrate!? Hack!"
"I need... I-I... I need... to..."
"Yes?" Seeing Ranma balk caught Happi's interest, and he glared closely at the boy. "What do you need?"
"I... I..." Ranma squeezed his eyes shut, growling to himself. 'Why can't I do it?' He opened his eyes in surprise as Happi jerked himself loose, landing on top of the school gate.
"Spit it out, if you've got somethin' to say! What, don't you trust me?" He put on an innocent expression that Ranma didn't buy for a second.
"As if, you creep." Sighing again, thinking of poor brokenhearted Mousse, crying his eyes out, he tried again. "I... I need to know if you have any cure for a potion that erases one's love for another." 'There, not quite asking for a favor...'
Happi hummed to himself, cupping his chin and thinking, gazing at passing clouds. "Let's see, let's see... I seem to remember using a potion like that a few times in my life..."
Ranma perked up, a large smile on his face. 'Jackpot! Mousse, you're as good as new!'
"A few lovelies were so intent on marrying me, that I couldn't get any work done. And of course, it would be a shame for me to tie myself to just one woman, so-" Ranma's fist collided with his head.
"Quit foolin' around! Just tell me how to reverse it!"
"Heh. Why should I tell you anything, you little brat!?"
"Because if you don't, you might just wake up one day to find your 'collection' gone!"
Momentarily balked, Happi humphed. "You don't scare me, you little pip-squeak."
"Fine!" Ranma jumped off the fence and looked hard at his clenched fist. "If you do... then... then I'll..."
"Yes, you'll what?" Happi was practically foaming at the mouth, rubbing his greedy little hands together.
"I'll... I will..." 'Think of Mousse, think of Mousse, think!' "I'll wear a bra." He ground out, barely heard by Happi, but his ears were finely tuned to the 'b' word. With a jubilant whoop, Happi bounded down and whipped one out, presenting it to Ranma. Grabbing Happi by the back of his shirt, Ranma held him at eye level. "After you tell me the cure!"
"Sniff." Happi's eyes watered, big and puppy like. "You promise?"
"I... I promise." Ranma growled, leveling a serious look at Happosai.
"Very well! The cure is" Ranma's eyes grew huge and he leaned forward, so as not to miss a word. "The cure is: There is no cure!" Happi laughed as Ranma face-vaulted. "Now, if you'll just slip this on. Wait, I'll go get some cold water, then-AHHH!" Ranma's foot sent Happi sailing into the horizon.
"You promiiiiiised." He wailed as he disappeared from view.
Breathing heavy, Ranma shook with rage. 'That old freak, he didn't tell me anything! And now Mousse...' A vision of Mousse standing on a bridge with tears in his eyes, looking thin and pale crossed his mind. He started when Mousse jumped over the side, Ranma calling after him and reaching for him, but it was too late.
Shivering to clear the unpleasant thought, Ranma walked slowly back home. What was he going to tell Mousse? He'd had his hopes up so high...
'He'll just have to learn that there's more to life than Shampoo.'
'But it'll be a hard lesson... I don't know if he can do it.'
'He has to, he has no choice.'
'He might do something drastic. I'll have to help- to ensure that he gets through this okay.'
'That's what friends are for. And it's about time I started acting like one.'
More dreary thoughts of how Mousse would react when he told him there
was no hope crossed his mind, and he groaned. This was not going to be
Ranma slowly opened the door to Happi's showroom, almost tripping over Mousse's sleeping form. Catching himself just in time, Ranma sat down next to Mousse, having no problem with kicking undergarments out of his way. He sat and watched as Mousse breathed even and deep, trying to figure out the best way to break it to him.
'Say Mousse, ya know... there are plenty of fish in the sea!'
'Mousse, maybe if you...'
'I think you should just find someone else...'
'Mousse, there's no cure.'
"What?" Startled, Ranma looked focused on Mousse as he sat up, looking half-dead and so fragile. "What do you mean, 'There's no cure'!?"
'Uh oh, said it out loud!'
"You said you'd help me!" Mousse cried, tears gathering at the corners of his eyes.
"I said I'd try! There's nothing I can do, the pervert said there's nothing anyone can do!" 'Oh god, he's going to cry again.' "Mousse-" Ranma watched as Mousse's poor state deteriorated until he was just a puddle of discontent, shaking his head and pounding his fists on the floor, denying the truth. "Mousse, you... you don't have to go through this! There is another way..."
Mousse looked up, too emotionally exhausted to get his hopes up again. "You mean, you think he's lying? That there's really a cure out there, somewhere?"
Saddened, Ranma shook his head. "No, I don't think so. I don't think, given the circumstances, that he would lie. But, there is some way to get over this."
"No, NO! You didn't even try, did you!?" Mousse sobbed and shook his head, and Ranma grabbed Mousse's shoulders to prevent him from leaving.
'In this state, he's bound to do something drastic!'
"If I can't love Shampoo, I don't want any woman! I can't love without her! I can't live not loving her!" He broke down, and Ranma pulled him close to his chest, patting his fall of black hair.
"..." Ranma was at a loss, wanting to say something to comfort him, and knowing anything that came out of his mouth would only make matters worse. So, he leaned down and kissed Mousse instead.
Startled, Mousse lifted his head, staring at Ranma with wide eyes. Reaching a hand to his mouth, Mousse touched his lips in disbelief. Ranma, a little shocked himself, leaned forward again, kissing Mousse's soft cheek, then the other. Mousse gasped at each contact, but didn't try to pull away.
"What I wanted to say was... You don't have to... I mean, there's more to love and life than what you think Shampoo could give you. There's more..." 'And I'm going to show you...' Ranma leaned in one final time, taking Mousse's mouth, open with shock, and sliding his tongue inside, drawing on the warmth.
With a moan, Mousse closed his teary eyes, easing into the grip and melting against Ranma's chest. Like it or not, Mousse couldn't deny that this felt good, and his body seemed to agree. Ranma continued the slow kiss, exploring his friend's mouth, for many long minutes. His hands trailed up Mousse's arms to rest on either side of Mousse's flushed face. He gently wiped the tear streaks from his cheeks as he lowered his head to kiss Mousse's neck, stopping at the neck of his robe.
Gently easing Mousse onto his back, Ranma ran his hands down the length of Mousse's body, slipping under the slits on the side and taking hold of his blue pants. Gently sliding them down, Ranma kissed each inch of exposed, creamy skin, until he reached his ankles. Sucking on the bones of his ankle, Ranma slipped off his lover's pants, massaging his thighs and calves. Mousse moaned, still wanting desperately to fight it, but feeling to good to do anything about it.
Moving up, Ranma cast a glance at Mousse's flushed, tear-stained face, before sliding his head underneath the front of his robe. Mousse's eyes flew open and his back arched as Ranma's wet tongue traced his sex from base to tip, bringing it to full hardness. Burying his long fingers in Ranma's hair, Mousse gasped and panted as his head was sucked into Ranma's mouth. Turning his head to the side with a loud moan, Mousse spread his thighs wider, in what Ranma took as an invitation.
'That's it, Mousse.' Ranma thought as he licked and sucked the tip of Mousse's erection, tasting precome. 'Take what I'm offering- a second chance.' Closing his eyes as Mousse's moans fueled his own arousal, Ranma took Mousse's entire length into his mouth. 'Let me make you feel good, Mousse... please...'
Pulling off, Ranma lowered his head to Mousse's balls, biting the inside of each thigh gently before sucking the sac into his mouth, nibbling gently. Sliding even further lower, he licked Mousse's entrance, prodding at the tight ring of muscle with his fingers. Licking each digit as it slid further inside, Ranma pressed three fingers into Mousse's body, massaging the muscle until it loosened. Mousse was going wild. Afraid someone might hear, Ranma sat up, reaching for Mousse's collar and undoing each clasp slowly. When the last was undone, he removed the red sash and slid the white fabric open, baring his lover's flawless skin to the cool air and his hungry gaze. Leaning down, Ranma took a rosy nipple between his teeth, rolling it and lashing the trapped tip with his tongue. Letting go, he blew on it until Mousse cried out, then did the same to the other.
Licking a trail up Mousse's sternum to his collar bones, then to his neck and ears, Ranma undid his own shirt clasps, throwing the garment behind him. Moving up higher, Ranma crushed Mousse's lips under his own, and Mousse's hands traveled down his neck, to rest on his back, holding him close.
"Gods, you're beautiful..." Ranma gasped between kisses, causing Mousse to moan and whine.
Mousse angled his head to nibble on Ranma's ear lobe. "So are you."
With a grunt, Ranma sat up and positioned himself between Mousse's thighs. Sliding his pants off and discarding them as well, Ranma leveled his hard, thick shaft to Mousse's hole, before snapping his hips forward, sinking completely into Mousse. The searing sensation of entrance took Mousse's breath away and he thrashed, arching his back. Ranma, meanwhile, had begun to rock, then slide in and out very slowly. Pain being replaced with unbelievable pleasure, Mousse rocked back, hooking one long leg around Ranma's waist, pulling him in deeper. Back still arched, Mousse moaned as Ranma hit a special place inside him with each maddeningly slow thrust.
A sheen of sweat covered Ranma's skin as his hands roved over Mousse's abdomen and legs, thrusting gently and slowly. Ranma's body demanded he pound into Mousse's willing body, but he refrained, deriving as much raw pleasure from Mousse's tight, hot, and eager body as he did from Mousse's delicious moans and expressions. Holding himself in check, Ranma kept his pace steady until Mousse reached down and grabbed his bobbing, neglected cock, and began to rub and pull in rhythm to Ranma's motions.
The sight sent Ranma over the edge of his control, and he leaned down, taking Mousse's panting mouth in his own, sucking hard on the soft lips as he thrust with wild abandon, lifting Mousse's body off the floor with each withdraw, and slamming him back down with each impact. Ranma's tight sac hitting Mousse's ass with a sensational slap sent an orgasm racing through his body. Hitting home hard a few more times, Ranma's seed spilled, coating Mousse's insides and leaking down his cheeks. An instant later, Mousse came hard in his hand, seed shooting all over Ranma's face and chest, and his insides clenched Ranma, as his entire body trembled with the aftershocks.
Ranma continued to rock gently as he rode the waves, and Mousse's thigh against his back grew limp and weak, and slipped from his body. The movement made Ranma arch his back as a gasp escaped him before he collapsed ontop of Mousse's chest. Breathing heavy, Ranma looked up at Mousse's face as Mousse panted, mouth wide open, eyes clenched shut. He looked so erotic even now, and Ranma forced himself to pull out before his body demanded another round. Licking salty semen from his lips, Ranma crashed beside Mousse, looking into his face while he recovered. Turning to face Ranma, Mousse looked at awe at his friend as Ranma leaned in for a slow kiss.
'Who knew having friends would feel so great?' Ranma mused as the kiss continued.
"R-Ranma..." Mousse gasped before rolling onto his side and wrapping his arms around Ranma's neck. Pulling them closer together, Mousse kissed Ranma. "Why... why did you-" Ranma silenced him with another kiss.
"Because a friend in need is a friend indeed, and I was only too happy to help out." His smile faded and he looked into Mousse's expressive slate-gray eyes. "And I wanted to show you that you don't need Shampoo to make you happy."
"But why you? I mean, you're engaged... Doesn't that put me right back where I was?"
Ranma shrugged. "Only if you have feelings for me." He realized he'd said something wrong as Mousse turned away, curling into a ball. Shame and guilt bombarded him again, along with longing. He didn't want to see Mousse so sad and lonely. "Mousse, I... I feel for you too. It's just... I don't know how deep these feelings go..." Mousse didn't stir, except for a sniffle. Sliding closer to his back, hot, sweaty and with white robe sticking to his skin, Ranma wrapped his arms around his waist, spooning in behind him, getting turned on by the feel of Mousse's ass pressed against his thighs and groin. Trying to keep this serious, Ranma inched his head forward and kissed the back of Mousse's neck. "But I'm willing to find out, if you are."
Finally getting a reaction, Mousse turned his head, searching Ranma's eyes for confirmation.
"I mean it, Mousse." Ranma kissed the tip of his nose. "I've never really felt like this before. I don't think I would have gone so far to help anyone else..."
Mousse smiled hesitantly, sniffling again. "But why me? I'm just a hopeless, crybaby who can't see straight and couldn't win a fight to save my life."
Ranma chuckled and squeezed him tight. "I guess I have a lot more to teach you than I thought." With a mischievous smirk, Ranma pulled Mousse's body ontop of him then to the other side, pinning him. Mousse, giggling and smirking in return, rolled Ranma as well, pinning him. The two rolled around on the floor for several minutes, touching teasingly and kissing, until the door opened and they froze, Ranma pinning Mousse on his back. Ranma looked to the door, a bra on his head impeding his view.
"KACK! A-HACK! Oh Ranma!" Happosai wheezed, clutching his chest. "SOB! How could you, wah-hah! My collection! My room! My BRA!!! WAAHHHH!!!"
Ranma smiled crookedly. "Well, I said I'd wear a bra!"
Ping- Well?
Ranma- Okay, all is forgiven.
Ping- Happi, I only tolerate you because your voice is the same as
Anubis', so don't tempt me.
::Happi thinks::- Boy, what chicks I could get if I had his body, too!