Disclaimer- Takahashi Rumiko owns them, I'm simply tying them to each
others' bed and having my wicked way with them.
Warnings- PWP, Lemon, Angst, Drag
Now, you're all more than welcome (in fact, encouraged) to read all
four endings, but I just wanted to warn you to not just read one after
the other and wonder at the lack of continuity. Each ending picks up where
the first chapter left off. However, each ending has a different pairing,
Kuno, Ranma, Ryoga, and Dr. Tofu.
This is the KUNO ending.
Ending number 1 of 4.
A Choice of Love
"Master Kuno, you have a visitor."
"Thank you Sasuke." Kuno answered gravely from his lotus position on his floor. Opening his eyes, he got a simply idiotic expression. 'Ah, is it my fair Akane Tendo come to profess her undying love to me?'
"Oh, upper-classman Kuno!"
"Yes, my beloved?"
"I-I-I-" Akane blushed and turned away.
Kuno took her hands, and the two locked gazes. "Do not feel ashamed, for love is nothing to be ashamed of!"
"Oh, upper-classman Kuno... I do love you!"
'Or perhaps it is my lovely Pig-tailed Girl come to offer herself as my bride!'
"Oh, upper-classman Kuno!"
"Yes, my darling?"
"I-I-I-" Pig-tailed girl blushed and turned away.
"Stop looking like that, it creeps me out!"
Kuno shook his head, snapping out of his daydream. Looking at who was his visitor, his mood fouled and he turned away, pouting, one eye on his sword. "Oh, it's you. What do want?"
"Uh..." Mousse kneeled on the floor, looking at his hands as they pulled at his red sash. "I, uh, came to ask a favor of you..."
"BAH!" Kuno burst out in a not very humorous laugh. "Why should I do anything for you, scoundrel!? Now leave my home before I lose my patience!"
"Wait!" Mousse reached a hand out, grabbing Kuno's arm in a desperate grip. Kuno, barely containing himself, scowled down at him. "Please," Mousse continued. "I am not without something to repay you!"
'Feh. What could this knave possible offer me that I, Tatewaki Kuno, age seventeen, aka Blue Thunder of Furinkan High, do not already possess? Well, perhaps I shall hear him out...'
"Very well. I'm listening."
Blinking back unshed tears, Mousse smiled hugely and released his arm, settling himself back into his seat. "It's like this-"
"No no no! Tell me what you offer me! Then I shall see if I am interested enough to listen to your babble." 'Though I doubt I will...' Kuno thought.
"Oh, o-okay. If you help me with my problem, you'll have more time with the Pig-tailed Girl, uninterrupted." Mousse waited, watching for any signs of interest and was immediately rewarded as Kuno shrieked in delight, posing in that way that made Mousse uncomfortable.
"My Pig-tailed goddess? But how!?" Kuno lunged for Mousse, gripping his collar tight while the surprised Amazon squirmed.
"Uh, well, see, if you don't help me, Shampoo will be around more-"
"What does that bimbo have to do with the Pig-tailed Girl?"
Mousse felt a stab of panic as that demeaning statement didn't enrage him as it should have. "Well, I won't be around to keep her... occupied, and you know how she and Ranma Saotome are always getting in the way of you and the Pig-tailed Girl."
"But..." Kuno thought, "If that wretched Amazon is hanging around Ranma, then he won't be around my dearest Akane Tendo!" He got that look again and Mousse was forced to kick him off.
Once Kuno had landed- on his head- Mousse realized what he had done and rushed over to his side, helping to settle him more comfortably. He nearly fell over with shock as Kuno lay on his back, deliberating, seemingly unaffected by his impact with the floor.
"Spend more time with the Pig-tailed Girl, or Akane Tendo..." Kuno rubbed his chin, feeling the helplessness he always felt when trying to come to that decision. "Akane Tendo. Pig-tailed Girl. Akane Tendo. Pig-tailed Girl. Akane-"
"Would you just make up your mind already!?" Mousse grabbed his collar and yelled in his face, once again loosing control of his frustration.
Kuno glared at him as he laughed nervously, straightening his mussed robes. Growling once, Kuno sat up and pushed Mousse away from him.
"Very well. As per out agreement, I shall listen to your trouble. Then, I shall make my decision."
Deliriously happy, Mousse latched onto one of Kuno's hands and held it close, wearing a look that gave Kuno the creeps.
"Really!? You'll listen!?"
"Arg, I said I would, now GET OFF!"
Jumping away before he blew his chance, Mousse sat down once again. Kuno stopped glaring once he noticed the defeated posture of the Amazon boy. Shoulders slumped and head bowed, Mousse began to tell his tale of woe. By the time he had finished, he looked up to see Kuno's contemplative expression.
"Yours is truly a sad tale, and I am moved. But," Kuno continued, deflating Mousse just as he was getting hopeful. "What use can I be? I am not cupid!"
"No, but your sister is. I mean, she has potions and things. She must have something that can help me!" Mousse held himself in check before he was in danger of growing overzealous again. Kuno hummed to himself as he rubbed his chin, looking out the window, thinking.
"While true, my twisted sister might be of aid... Why should I trouble myself to ask a favor of her? Better yet, why don't you inquire of her services yourself?"
"I-I have nothing to offer her in return."
"But what if she does not contain the knowledge of which you seek?"
"That's a chance I'm willing to take."
Kuno turned from the window and saw the determination in his visitors eyes. A wicked seed planted itself in Kuno's mind and took root. "But I will have to offer something in return for my sister's aid, in your stead, and that will simply not do."
Mousse lunged again, but Kuno simply looked imperiously down at the pleading boy clutching at his legs.
"Please, I'm willing to do anything!"
"Hmm... More uninterrupted time with my dear Pig-tailed Girl, as well as a personal favor?"
Mousse nodded emphatically.
"And you're willing to do anything?"
"Anything!" Mousse whispered with fierce conviction. Waiting a little longer and stewing in the suspense of the moment, Kuno finally patted Mousse's head.
"Very well, I accept your humble plea for help- wah!" Mousse glomped onto his head.
"Thank you thank you thank you! Youwont'tbesorry,justyouwait!You'llsee,I'llbethebestat-at...uh, what do I have to do, anyway?"
Kuno smirked evilly.
"Ah, and there's the rub." Pulling himself free, Kuno looked dead into Mousse's bespectacled eyes, the malicious look never leaving his face. "You must be my personal servant."
All the duties Mousse thought that would entail crossed his mind, as images of Mousse in Sasuke's clothing and hiding out, taking photos, cooking, and doing laundry came to mind. Deciding that wasn't really all that different from what he normally did (and would allow him to be away from that old ghoul), Mousse nodded.
"For how long?"
"Until I feel you have adequately repaid me."
"Fair enough." Mousse nodded again, extending his hand. "Deal."
"Ha!" Kuno took his hand in a firm grip. "Deal! You start immediately." Kuno turned from the beaming Mousse, and rummaged through an old trunk stashed in the corner. "And I have a uniform for you, as well."
Mousse nodded, flashbacks of his head on Sasuke's body returning. Kuno turned and held something out to him that he decided was definitely not what Sasuke wore. Looking at the bundle of black garments, Mousse shrugged and took them.
"You may change in there." Kuno pointed to another door, snickering as soon as Mousse had left the room. 'And now for the humiliation to begin!' He laughed to himself and waited for Mousse to emerge in his new 'uniform.' He didn't have to wait long, and Mousse opened the door, shutting it quickly behind him, before facing Kuno, his face burning with embarrassment.
"And what exactly is the purpose of me wearing this!?"
"Not a whole lot..." Kuno groused as he looked at his servant. He was supposed to look ridiculous, not gorgeous! If Kuno didn't know better, he'd say the tall, long haired and long legged person standing across the room wearing a French Maid outfit was really a very lovely woman. Lovely, no- beautiful. Not an ounce of fat to be seen anywhere, and Kuno forced his eyes away when he caught himself following those impossibly long legs all the way up to the lacy fringe peaking out from the hem of the black skirt. The fishnet stockings and the lacy white garter belt didn't help matters any.
Finding this very uncomfortable and very not funny, Mousse crossed his arms and pouted, turning his head away with a swish of his hair and his bouncy, high cut skirt, which allowed Kuno an even better view, even though he was certain that he wasn't really looking.
'My god, could any boy ever look this beautiful?' Visions of the Pig-tailed Girl in the same outfit crossed his mind,* then replaced by Akane Tendo. 'Even the vision of my two lovelies doesn't quite meet this level of-' He dared not to finish that thought, before he painted himself into a corner. But the fact that the vision standing across from him was actually a male and his personal servant to boot, made him mad with heat.
'I wonder what exactly he meant by 'anything'..." Kuno mused as he imagined all the possibilities.
-Kuno walking through the park with a disguised Mousse clinging onto his arm, striking awe and humility in all men who passed him, and want and jealousy in all women who passed. Akane Tendo and the Pig-tailed Girl were driven to tears, begging for him to take him back.
-Kuno throwing a grand party, with everyone there, with Mousse in a breathtaking ball gown, swirling him/her across the dance floor. Men turned their head in shame that they could never be as powerful and fortunate as the great Tatewaki Kuno, while the ladies all pressed forward, hoping to gain his favor. Akane Tendo and the Pig-tailed Girl were again driven to tears, begging for him to dance with them next.
Coming out of his reverie, Kuno wondered at why his visions didn't end with him cuddling either the Pig-tailed Girl or Akane Tendo, but Mousse. 'Well, I wouldn't deny I feel jaded and a little resentful that they insist on denying the emotions that flow through us. But, could I really feel attraction to someone other than them?' Visions of Nabiki Tendo, Azusa, and a few other girls flashed through his mind and he nodded in agreement. Yes, he could. But love? No.
Finally focusing on the room, Kuno panicked when he saw Mousse wasn't at the door anymore, but calmed as he saw him seated on the floor. He smiled again. 'Anything, willing to do anything... I never get to work on my wooing... He's so pretty... And it's not like it's love, or anything. Besides, I won't go too far. Just enough to have a little workout and some fun.'
"Mousse, come here."
Looking up a moment before obeying, Mousse crawled over to kneel in front of his new master. Making eye contact, Mousse decided he really didn't like that look.
"Mousse, you shall aid me in perfecting my technique to woo Akane Tendo and the Pig-tailed Girl."
'Oh GOD what does he mean?'
"To begin, give me your hands."
Hesitating until Kuno gave him a dark look, Mousse finally reached his hands out and Kuno held them, bringing them to his mouth and kissing each finger, knuckle, palm, back of the hand, all the way up to the wrist. Red faced and oddly tingly, Mousse watched, fascinated, as Kuno slipped the tip of his tongue out to trace gently along the vein in his wrist, before biting it quickly with perfect white teeth. Mousse gasped at the sensation, and Kuno continued on, licking, nipping, and kissing the sensitive flesh on the underside of his arms.
By the time Kuno made it to the insides of his elbows, alternating bites between the two, Mousse's mind was a haze of never before felt sensations, and couldn't protest, even if he had wanted to.
Kuno's mind, on the other hand, was buzzing away, a mile a minute. Yes, this was nice. No, he didn't need to imagine it was one of his dearest ladies. Yes, he should stop now before he went too far. No, his body didn't seem to be minding.
Holding both of Mousse's wrists in one hand, Kuno slipped the other behind, grabbing Mousse by the waist and pulling him closer, as he began to nibble on the long, slender neck. Mousse's head fell back and his eyes slid shut as Kuno made his way slowly from one ear to the other. The arm around his waist shifted as Kuno's hand ran gently over the back of his thighs, the fingers slipping past the garter belt and into the stockings, massaging his bare flesh.
Mousse tried to make his mind alert, to realize what he was doing, that Shampoo- aw hell, he didn't care about Shampoo no matter how hard he tried! Kuno felt the same, as all thoughts of Akane Tendo and the Pig-tailed Girl fled his mind, to be overridden by the smell, taste, and feel of the quivering body he held in his arms. Sliding his hand up higher, Kuno felt the lacy edge of Mousse's panties and slipped just barely inside. Mousse moaned and jerked at the contact, and Kuno squeezed the flesh hard, pulling their bodies even closer together as he slipped his tongue in Mousse's ear.
Kuno released Mousse's wrists in favor of gripping his slave's rear, kneading them and grinding their hips together, awash in the pleasure as his erection rubbed against Mousse's. Kuno slid his mouth to suck on Mousse's chin before working his way up to suck on soft lips, parted with panting. Slanting his mouth over the welcome heat, Kuno pushed his tongue inside, roving around the slick, hot interior, memorizing the taste. Mousse moaned as his hands clutched at Kuno's shirt, his mind too numb to figure out any other place to put them.
The moan sent vibrations down Kuno's tongue, and he sucked hard, biting on Mousse's tongue as his hands slid up and up, rubbing languidly beneath the dress, along Mousse's bare sides and ribs, before resting on his nipples and tugging each playfully. Mousse threw his head back and gasped, and Kuno took that opportunity to flip his dress up, digging his teeth into the soft flesh surrounding the pink, hardened nubs. As he rolled and tasted one nipple, the other trapped between his fingers, Mousse bucked and moaned, his hip digging into Kuno's rampant hard-on. With a groan of his own, Kuno released his prize and flipped Mousse over onto his hands and knees while he continued to taste him, licking and biting a trail down one of his sides, up the other, then back down the small of his back.
Mousse rested his hot cheek against the cool floor, breathing heavy and stunned by how pleasurable this was. As Kuno bit down on his underwear and started to peel them off, he almost cried out. His erection free and knees trapped by the thin white garment, Mousse dug at the floor with his finger to keep them off his weeping sex.
A sudden, sharp slap to his rear jerked his head off the floor and back. As he gasped, eyes wide and on the ceiling, another blow followed on the other cheek and he cried out, unable to keep it in. Kuno bent down and licked languidly along each digit of the red hand prints, sucking in the center of the palm shaped marks. Holding Mousse's thighs apart, his hands slid up the backs of his thighs to push his flesh apart. The normally hidden skin now exposed to cool air sent shivers down Mousse's spine, and he whined as his hands twisted in his hair, his forehead resting on the floor.
Kuno slipped his mouth to the slit, licking his way down until he reached the hidden opening, which quivered harder than the body trapped beneath him. He teased the hole for a while before moving down to nibble on Mousse's sac. Mousse gasped and squirmed, and Kuno licked more fervently, sucking it into his mouth and rolling it around. His mind blasted the fact that this was a very unfeminine part of his lover's anatomy, and that learning to please this portion wouldn't help him with his girls at all. Urged on by the pitiful moans and squirming, Kuno sucked hard and bit down, reveling in the whimper and the taste and feel of the satiny skin against his tongue.
'Screw them, this is for me!' Kuno thought selfishly as he trailed back up to the red rosebud and, wetting his fingers with spit, he slid one inside. Mousse cried out loudly and tried to get away, but Kuno held his hips in place with a strong arm, and pushed the finger in deeper, moving it around until Mousse's unhappy cries turned into pleased ones. Removing his hand and wetting it again, Kuno pulled his pants down and off and slickened his red, angry shaft. Panting with need as hard as Mousse was, Kuno leaned over Mousse's back, nipping at the back of his neck. Sliding his other hand around Mousse's front, he grasped the hard cock in his hand and gave it an experimental tug. The incomprehensible blathering urged him on, and he pushed his hips forward until the head of his cock slipped past the tight ring of muscle.
Mousse clenched his watery eyes tight, trying to ignore the pain and tears. Kuno began massaging and pulling at his sex, and Mousse, driven by teenage hormones, collapsed onto his face, hands reaching up to meet with Kuno's. With three hands now pulling on his engorged shaft, Mousse barely felt the pain of Kuno sliding in to the hilt. Kuno froze for a moment, reveling in the hot tightness surrounding his pulsing length before he pulled out slowly and rammed back in. The side of Mousse's face slid across the floor from the force of the impact, and as something inside him was lit on fire, he thrust back happily, pulling fiercely on his cock.
Encouraged, Kuno continued pumping his hips, each landing harder than the last. With such unimaginable pleasure beneath him, it didn't take long for Kuno to feel his orgasm nearing. Determined not to be the first to come, he pumped Mousse's shaft harder and harder, his hand becoming slick with precome. Mousse moaned and whined as he thrust back, lost in the sea of feelings and trying vainly to stay there. It didn't seem like five minutes before Mousse felt his balls tighten, and a fire in his gut traveled down, wrapping around his spine and his thighs before being milked from his body by Kuno's fist. Legs trembling and voice going hoarse from screaming, Mousse continued to thrust his hips back as Kuno picked up the pace, pumping his hips hard and fast, his hand still moving in time with Mousse's spent organ.
Feeling Mousse's muscles tighten to an almost impossible level, Kuno shot his seed into his lovers shaking body, Mousse's name on his lips as he gasped and thrust several more times, riding out the waves of pleasure. His pleasure increased as Mousse cried out weakly, his semen spilling again, spattering his hand, Mousse's chest, dress, and the floor. The tight ring of muscle clutched again and Kuno saw spots before his eyes as his shaft was completely trapped. Hips held immobile, Kuno rested his weight on Mousse's back, breathing in the scent of heated, sated flesh. Mousse's thighs slid out from under him, leaving him pinned, spread eagle on his belly with Kuno still atop and inside him.
Mousse panted and shuddered as Kuno pulled his hand out from under his body. Using his clean hand, Kuno stroked the long tendrils of hair from Mousse's face, idly licking his soiled hand clean. Finally feeling Mousse's body relax, Kuno slipped his spent sex from the hot sheath and lay down beside Mousse, gathering the limp, damp body to his chest. Now that sleep tugged on his mind and exhaustion pulled his body down, Kuno realized what he had done.
'Taken advantage of another, a boy no less. And... I liked it. I liked it a lot.' Kuno sighed, rolling his head to the side to bury his nose in the fall of inky hair of his lover. 'But what did Mousse think? I didn't exactly ask permission. Talk about taking things too far!' He slipped off to sleep before he could continue the monologue.
Mousse watched Kuno sleep, his even, steady breath lulling him to sleep
as well. 'He just... we just...' Mousse closed his eyes and shuddered,
the pain of his body and heart returning. I've wronged Shampoo, and I don't
care. I've wronged Kuno, and... it hurts. I hope he can forgive me. Oh,
if only I had-' Falling deep into despair, Mousse didn't know that he had
fallen asleep.
Kuno slid out from beneath Mousse's sleeping form, watching carefully and holding his breath until he was sure he wouldn't wake. After all that he had put the poor boy through, Kuno had decided to go immediately to his sister to ask for help, and allow Mousse to return to the life he wanted. Kuno couldn't help but feel saddened by that. He had taken advantage of Mousse's love for another- there was no love there, and no way to undo what he had done. As he dressed and straightened up, he wished there was something he could do to right what he had done wrong.
Knocking on Kodachi's door, Kuno finished making himself look like he hadn't just fucked a sexy boy in drag into his floorboards. As Kodachi opened her door, wearing a richly colored kimono and an arched eyebrow, he guessed he wasn't entirely successful.
"Do come in, brother dear."
Kuno nodded and did so, closing the door behind him.
When Mousse woke up, he was alone. And cold. He felt even more depressed now than before. What was he going to tell Shampoo? How was he going to react around Kuno? How could he get that one perfect afternoon out of his mind? 'Hardly perfect,' Mousse thought sullenly as he got to his feet, walking sorely to the side room to change his clothes. 'An alliance has been ruined, and I've dug myself into a deeper pit, where now I feel for two people that I can't love.' Sighing in defeat, Mousse returned to Kuno's room and began cleaning up the mess, blushing as he remembered how wonderful making the mess had felt.
Mousse had long since finished cleaning when Kuno and Kodachi returned. Kodachi handed a bottle to a very worn out looking Kuno. Both taking a seat, Kuno presented the small pink bottle to Mousse, who slowly, unsure, took it. Once the cool porcelain was in his hands, he looked at it closely with astonishment.
"And this... will cure my problem?" He whispered in awe.
Kuno nodded shortly while Kodachi impatiently eyed her brother and drummed her fingers on the floor.
"And I feel you have been here long enough. The debt has been repaid. You may go now."
Mousse looked at Kuno through his ultra-thick glasses, the thick lenses hiding the hurt in his eyes. 'It's for the best. And I really shouldn't be surprised. I mean,... it didn't mean anything more to him than payment for his services. He sees me as nothing but a whore...' Bowing his head, both in hurt and thanks, Mousse stood. "Thank you." It was so much more and yet so much less than what he wanted to say.
Bottle in hand and officially dismissed, Mousse left the room, seating himself on the porch. As the sun rose and sparked a reflection off the small pink bottle Mousse held, he felt the same disappointment as before- he wasn't nearly as happy as he should be. Setting the bottle onto his lap, he sighed. He'd fallen right into Cologne's trap and he knew it.
He loved someone else now.
But he had to take the potion! This would allow him to return to being spurned by Shampoo in all the most painful ways and leave Kuno behind as nothing more than a memory. The idea, in his current state, of Shampoo beating him then latching onto Ranma didn't appeal to him at all, while the thought of Kuno, touching him- no, that wasn't right. It was all just a memory now. The memory of someone who would never love him anyway. No one had ever treated him that way, made him feel so wanted, so needed, so- all in his head. It didn't matter if that act of affection, as he saw it, meant so much to him.
'Damned if I do, damned if I don't.'
Tears pricked at his eyes and he blinked hard, clearing them. He looked
over his shoulder at the closed door separating him and his lover just
as well as all the emotions- or lack thereof- keeping them apart. He wished,
for the door to open. For Kuno to burst out of his room and sweep him into
his arms, professing undying love to him. He sat for several minutes, watching,
waiting- and nothing happened. Fighting back more tears, he turned his
gaze away. Lifting the bottle, he uncorked it, brought it to his lips,
and drank.
"Well, brother dear, my half of the bargain is complete. Now, pay up!" Kodachi held out her hand, starting when she saw the depressed look on her big brother's face. "Why, what's the matter?"
"'Tis nothing." 'Only a broken heart. How could this game become so real, so emotional for me? How could I have begun to love that which I helped into the arms of another? Oh, I am the fool of fools. And such feelings do not aid me in my dark hour. For Mousse could never love me, not when he possesses the power to love that which he chooses. And I... I must love my Akane Tendo and Pig-tailed Girl. In light of recent events; in comparison to the inner and outer beauty of Mousse, all his determination, self-sacrifice, and his ability to love so unadulterated- indeed, they do pale in comparison. Oh, woe is me!' Kuno punched himself in the head, startling Kodachi into falling back, sprawling on the floor.
"Indeed, brother dear, I fear for your sanity! Why don't you just pay me so I can leave?!"
Distractedly, Kuno reached into his robes and took out a large handful of pictures, purchased from Nabiki Tendo. It was the epitome of embarrassment to ask the evil girl for pictures of Ranma Saotome. He had her believing it was so he could know his opponent and better to beat him- that is, until he picked out all the pictures with the least amount of clothing therein. Shamed beyond belief, with Nabiki Tendo laughing at his heels, Kuno had paid his twisted sister's price. Handing over the wretched photos, Kuno watched with disinterest as Kodachi tittered and 'ooh'ed and 'ahhh'ed over each one.
His thoughts turned to Mousse. How he would chase after that Amazon woman until the day he died, never knowing true love or pleasure. How he ached to mean something more to him, as he himself felt more. He was confused by the feeling- after all, they'd only slept together. But he felt an underlying connection between them. Like Mousse could understand him completely, and be totally understood in return. That, given the chance, they could give each other what they'd always searched for. But it was not to be, he knew. Just as depression was about to drive Kuno to leave the room, the outside door swished open, sending pictures floating through the air, and Kodachi scrambled to catch them all. Once all were safely in her hands, she turned and glared at the intruder.
Mousse stood there, sunrise to his back, eyes burning visibly from behind his thick glasses. Kuno had never been so turned on in his life. Keeping a cool, neutral expression, he was about to inquire as to the sudden entrance when Mousse lifted the pink potion bottle, and crushed it in his hand.
Both Kuno's startled, they began to edge their way to the far wall. Mousse followed them, one step forward for each edge back, until their backs were to the wall.
"You!" Mousse pointed an accusing finger at Kodachi. "This-this... grrrr, this was nothing more than a common aphrodisiac!!"
His words sinking in, Kodachi tittered in delight. "Oh, but my dear boy, that is what you wanted, was it not? My brother told me you lost your ability to love your Shampoo, so I thought-"
"Madness, woman! Did you not listen to anything else I was telling you! Were you thinking of nothing but your payment!?" Kuno and Mousse started closing in on Kodachi, who, with a screeching laugh, ran past Mousse and out the open door, slamming it behind her. Through the door, she gloated.
"A deal's a deal, gentlemen. Perhaps next time you will word your request more carefully. AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!" They saw her silhouette take off, out of sight.
"What next time?" Mousse asked sarcastically as he sank to the floor, head bowed. "Now I'm stuck between what I can't love, and what can't love me." He grimaced and squeezed his legs together tighter. Something told him he was going to be very uncomfortable for a very long time.
"What do you mean, Mousse? 'What I can't love' can only be Shampoo... But what does 'what can't love me' refer to?" Kuno hopeful, touched Mousse's chin until he faced him, his eyes watery and full of shame.
It was barely a whisper, but Kuno heard it and it was enough. He pulled Mousse as close as he could, tucking his head underneath his chin, rubbing soothing circles on his back.
"Never before have I heard such a sweet word. For I, too, must confess my feelings for you. But I never thought... I never dreamed-" Kuno was cut off by a strangled groan from below. Arching a brow, Kuno titled Mousse's head so that he could look into his eyes, sliding his glasses onto the top of his head.
Mousse's face was flushed, his eyes half closed, and Kuno almost laughed. 'Guess those circles weren't nearly as soothing as I thought.'
Mousse slid his arms around Kuno's neck, holding himself up as he looked hard at his love, so close that he didn't need his glasses to see the handsome face and the emotion reflected back.
With a chuckle, Kuno ran his lips lightly across Mousse's temple. "That must have been quite some potion. You drank it all- how long will you be needing my attentions?"
Mousse pressed the length of his body more closely to Kuno's, breathing hotly against his mouth. "Forever."
Kuno's eyes slid shut and a moan escaped him as he leaned the final inch forward, capturing Mousse's soft, passion swollen lips in his own, nibbling on the tender flesh as his large hands mapped the delicate body pressed so sweetly against him. More moans filled the air, and Kuno settled his lover comfortably on his bed. Looking up at the two pictures above his bed, he reached up and turned them around, so only the backs faced him.
'Forgive me, my dears, but it seems it was not meant to be.'
Returning his attention to his eager lover beneath him, Kuno found the
happiness he had so long been denied, and Mousse found the love he had
lost, returned tenfold in Kuno's arms.
* Betcha' thought I was going to say he knew the Pig-tailed Girl really
was a boy, didn't ya?
Ping- Oi, I liked that one! ^_^
Kuno- I have no complaints! ^_^
Mousse- This potion hasn't worn off yet! ^_^
Ping- There was going to be BDSM, but I fell out of the mood.
Mousse- X_X Thank you thank you thank you!!
Kuno- Drats! Foiled again!
Ping- Who said it was gonna be Mousse?
Kuno- X_X Thank you thank you thank you!!