{These characters, except for that of Ryuuji, are not property of me. I would never attempt to claim them as my own. This story may not be used without my permission, and may not be used to make money in any way, shape or form. Characters and certain situations were created by Rumiko Takahashi, so don't try any funny stuff!}
by Lara Bartram
"Yes, Mom."
"I want you to sleep in here every night."
"OK, Mom."
He didn't sound very sincere. I didn't want him to do it just because I wanted him to; I wanted him to want it. "Is that all?"
He stared at me with that flat gaze. I wanted him so bad right then. "Yeah."
"Ryu-chan, if you don't want to, just say it."
"No, Mom. I want to."
I wasn't convinced and it didn't seem like he was either. "I'll see you tonight, Ryu-chan. Have a nice day."
"OK, Mom. You too."
So I left and didn't feel very good about the day. I wish he wasn't so afraid to tell me how he feels; he still doesn't feel this is an equal partnership. He's still holding on to his father and it's hurting him.
Don't get me wrong. I loved his father like no other man, but he's gone and there's nothing that will bring him back. A lot of people would think that what I did was sick and wrong. I would have said the same thing a year ago, but all things change. I'm not proud, but I had (and still do) sexual desires like anyone. It just so happened that it was Ryu-chan I wanted to take care of those desires ever since his father died.
So what's wrong with crying? Am I not allowed to? I still love my husband and always will. Ryu-chan will never take his place, no one will. It's just that we provide each other with the things we need; just like a family should. I just wish I could get Ryu-chan to loosen up and stop hurting.
Maybe it's time to let him act like a real man. He is a legal adult now, it's time to let him take some responsibility. It'll be tough on me, but I think I can hold off for a while. Maybe then, Ryu-chan will realize...
It's been three weeks. Three weeks without sweet Ryu-chan in my arms, without him between my legs, without him moaning beneath me. Shit, I shouldn't be saying this. It's getting me all horny. And I've got to hold off, to make Ryu-chan take the initiative.
Maybe tonight... I can always hope. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have... something to take care of.
So what's wrong if I'm smiling? Yeah, he did it last night, and let me tell you: it was fabulous. I think he understands now; he seemed a lot happier this morning than he has in a long time. And that makes me happy.
How? What are you, a pervert? Well, I suppose I'll tell you... For a small fee.
It had been a hard day. The business I'm in is rough on a 44 year old woman. So when I got home, I kicked off my shoes and dumped all my stuff by the door. There were noises coming from the kitchen, which I assumed Ryu-chan was making.
"I'm home," I called.
"There will be some dinner in a few minutes," he replied.
Ryu-chan was excellent at everything he applied himself to. He could cook like Kasumi if he really wanted to. I always assumed he liked to cook, he did it so well and he never complained about it.
I went into the dining room to take a seat at the table, but it was clear. I looked towards the kitchen to see what he had planned; sometimes he liked to play little games and have some really strange food ready.
"Ryu-chan, what are you..."
He walked out of the kitchen, cutting my words off.
"Mom, why don't you go upstairs and change? You've got to be uncomfortable still in your work clothes. The food should be ready by the time you're done."
His voice was strangely mischievous. "OK, Ryu-chan. I'll go change. Anything specific you want me to wear?"
"Whatever you want. I don't care."
Not the response I was hoping for. I went upstairs and into my bedroom, that I wished was our bedroom, and sat on my bed, that I wished was our bed, and felt crappy all over. But that's a dangerous thing to let myself fall into, so I quickly put a stop to it.
I got up and went to the dresser. He didn't care... That made me feel like shit. He just thought I wanted to screw him every night; he didn't realize how much I really needed him. I pulled out some shorts and a sweatshirt; I didn't plan on going anywhere.
I looked at the clock. 6:15. Another day, another million yen. And tomorrow would be the same. How could Ryu-chan not realize how important he was to me?
I started to leave when Ryu-chan appeared in my door. He was carrying a tray and he was wearing the cutest pair of soccer shorts a mother could ever ask for, and nothing else. They sagged and hugged in all the right places, leaving just enough to the imagination...
"Sit down, Mom."
"OK, Ryu-chan." I sat down on the end of the bed.
He walked up and sat down next to me, setting the tray on the bed next to him. "Are you hungry?" he asked.
I nodded, feeling like I was going to drown in his eyes.
"Here, have some of this." He held a fork out near my mouth.
I took his offering, without looking at it; it was strawberry cheesecake. When did he ever learn to make cheesecake?
"Do you like it?"
Did I detect doubt in his voice? Was he actually seeking my approval? I finished the bite and nodded. "It's excellent."
He visibly relaxed. "I'm glad." He reached over to the tray again. "Try this." He had something between his fingers.
It was some sort of raspberry and chocolate pastry. All the time I ate, I was looking in his eyes and I could see the spark... The spark I had always dreamed of. "Ryu-chan, when did you..."
"Don't talk, Mom. Just relax. Let me take care of you."
"I thought that was my line," I said, smiling at him.
"Not tonight. Now lay down... if you don't mind."
"I don't mind." I laid back on the bed and watched him. He most definitely had something in mind.
He never moved from his spot, but began to massage my feet. "How was work?" he asked.
"Just fine. And how was your day?"
"OK. I saw grandpa after school."
"How was he?" He moved up to massage my calves.
"Good. I was surprised. He was really active."
"That's good to hear." I had closed my eyes and was enjoying his skillful hands. I could feel him lightly hitting all the... extracurricular pressure points, and I could feel my body responding.
"Mom. Why did you..." His voice was hesitant. "Why did you stop?"
"Stop what, Ryu-chan?"
"Why did you stop... with me? Did you find someone else? Did you find a new man to replace me? Am I too young?"
His hands had stopped. So he was worried if I had found a new love. "No, Ryu-chan. You're still the only man for me."
There was a noise and I opened my eyes. Ryu-chan had his head down and was gripping my legs. His shoulders were shaking. It looked like he was crying.
"Ohh, Mom." He WAS crying. "I thought you didn't love me any more. I... I thought you would make me leave..."
I immediately sat up and tried to pull him to me. "No, Ryu-chan, no. I won't ever make you leave. And I won't ever stop loving you. Come here."
He crawled up my body and hung his head over my shoulder. He was shaking badly and trying hard to not cry. He wasn't succeeding.
"Shh... It's OK, baby. You've got nothing to be scared of," I said then kissed his neck. "You'll always be by my side."
That seemed to help and he settled down. "Mom, I don't ever want that to happen again. I don't ever want to feel that way; I don't ever want to think you don't love me..."
I kissed his neck again. "You won't Ryu-chan. Just remember that I will always love you, no matter what."
We held each other like that for I don't know how long, but it was so nice and comforting. I kept kissing his neck, and soon, he turned his head and met me.
They started out slow and tender, but very soon his nakedness and my wanton desires turned them into something dirtier.
Suddenly, he pulled away and looked at me.
"What's wrong, Ryu-chan?"
"Nothing. I want you to take your clothes off, Mom."
"Ryu-chan!" He had sounded so authoritative, like he was actually ordering me.
"Take your clothes off, Mom."
"Is that an order?"
"Yes, Mom. Now do it." Not harsh but commanding. He expected me to do it.
Ryu-chan got off me and I sat up. I took my clothes off, not fast, but I didn't give a show either.
Ryu-chan wasn't much for romance, he had never learned how, so when I was naked he told me to lay down. I figured he was just going to use me the way I had used him for so long and be done with it. I couldn't complain, I deserved it.
"Close your eyes, Mom."
"Close your eyes, Mom, or I'll have to use a blindfold."
A blindfold? I knew he had something out of the ordinary planned then. I closed my eyes and resisted the overwhelming urge to peek.
He got off the bed and there was a rustling sound. I hoped it was him taking his shorts off. Then he got back on the bed and straddled my body. I could feel he had taken his shorts off, and was sitting on my stomach.
"Are you still hungry, Mom?" His voice was quiet and loving.
"Yes, Ryu-chan. I haven't eaten since lunch."
"Then open your mouth so I can feed you, Mom."
I had a pretty good idea where this was going. Like I said, he's not the most romantic thing. So I opened my mouth and waited for the inevitable.
As I expected, he moved up my body until his knees were tucked into my armpits. He lifted his weight off me, then slowly, a bit hesitantly, I could feel him try to work his tool in my mouth. I heard his hands on the wall above me, and he finally got the head in.
"Suck me off, Mom."
I took hold of the back of his thighs and, without hesitation, took his entire length in my mouth. He jerked his hips a little, never having experienced a blow job before.
I worked my fingers into the meat of his legs, worked my tongue along the bottom of his shaft and sucked on him. I could hear him breathing heavy and every so often he would buck his hips.
I forced his hips back, letting my tongue play along his cock as it emerged from my mouth. I slid my hands up and grabbed his ass, squeezing it, then pulled him forward.
I engulfed him to the hilt, and my nose was filled with his clean, healthy musk. I sucked gently and bobbed my head, getting him with my teeth and the roof of my mouth, while my tongue swirled all around him.
He gasped and jerked his hips back. With only the head in my mouth, I could taste his pre-cum and knew he was almost done for. I set my tongue to work on his extra sensitive head as his whole body began to quiver.
I moved my hands down a little so my fingertips were in the junction between his butt and his thighs. I pulled him forward slowly and tried to suck him into my mouth. He moaned tremulously and thrust his hips forward, driving his cock in until it hit the back of my throat.
I started on one of the more advanced techniques for sucking a dick and actually tried to swallow him whole. The sensation was too much for him and without a word, he shot his load down my throat.
I swallowed it completely and licked him clean as he withdrew. I hoped he got everything he wanted; he was fairly inexperienced, other than the basic stuff he got from me.
He got off my chest and laid down in the bed next to me. I watched him shrink back to limpness and lay there like he was a corpse.
"So, Ryu-chan, was it everything you hoped for?" I asked teasingly.
He nodded and opened his eyes slowly. "M... Mom. That was awesome."
I smirked. Nothing I've ever done has been described as awesome. "Now, Ryu-chan, what about you? Are you hungry?"
He sat up, his hair a mess, though I don't know how. "Yeah, Mom, but I want to start with dessert." He reached down to the end of the bed and pulled the tray towards him. I was annoyed until he got a spoonful of strawberries and juice and dropped it on my chest...
Trust me. My son has quite an imagination. His father was never that imaginative... but his father had me to do all the thinking for him.
Later, after we made love, and I don't mean just hot, steamy sex like some people believe making love is... After we made love like we never had before... I do mean never. With Ryu-chan finally understanding what I wanted from him (his heart) and able to come to terms with his father's death (something he had never let go of), he gave himself fully to me. And I gave myself to him. We consummated our new relationship last night. Each of us put our entire soul into it... And after we took a bath (in our bathroom), and got ready for bed (in our bedroom), we both laid down (in our bed) in each other's arms.
At that moment, I didn't care if he was my son, my husband, my father, my brother, a complete stranger... All that mattered was that he loved me.
All I could think was how much I loved him and how happy I was that it wasn't all a dream. And when I woke up this morning, and he was still holding me... I knew everything would be all right.