{These characters are not property of me, except for that of Ryuuji. I would never attempt to claim them as my own. This story may not be used without my permission, and may not be used to make money in any way, shape or form. Characters and certain situations were created by Rumiko Takahashi, so don't try any funny stuff!}  

A Mother's Love

by Lara Bartram

Ryuuji opened his eyes slowly. The morning light was irritatingly bright on his sleep sensitized eyes. He rolled over and peered at his clock. 9:30 am. He bolted upright. "Shit!" Late for school, not good news.

He started to get out of bed when he noticed he was naked. That's when it all came back to him. His mother the night before, he had... And there he was without any clothes on at all. What a fabulous way to start the day. "Damn it!" He looked around his futon, but his pajamas were gone, along with the clothes he had worn the day before.

He got out of bed and went to get clean clothes from his dresser on the other side of the room. He opened the top drawer which contained his underwear, socks and shorts, and pulled out his uniform socks and some underwear. It was all white, it was all cotton, which one made no difference.

His clean uniform was hanging up on his closet door, pressed to perfect every crease. He took down his pants and shirt, leaving the hangar behind. He stepped one foot inside his underwear when his door opened and his mother walked in.

"Mom!" He struggled to pull his underwear on the rest of the way as quickly as possible.

She looked at him, smiling. "It's nothing I haven't seen before, Ryu-chan. Don't be such a baby." She watched him pull on his briefs, then his pants, his face red the entire time.

"I washed your pajamas. They're clean if you want to wear them again tonight."

Ryuuji felt his stomach flip-flop. '...try again another night...' "Um, thanks."

"I called in for you today too. I figured you had a hard day yesterday and could use a break." She smiled innocently at him.

He stopped buttoning up his shirt and looked at her. She was holding his pajamas under her arm and had his robe in her hand. Where had she gotten his robe?

"Come on, Ryu-chan. Take your uniform off, you don't want to wrinkle it. Then we can have some breakfast."

He nodded, his neck stiff and his head heavy. He started unbuttoning what he had just done up. He concentrated on his fingers, feeling her eyes on him. He put the shirt back on its hangar then removed his pants. She was right; she had seen it all before and she wasn't going to leave him alone again. He hung his pants up and took the robe from her hand.

He put it on, then closed it up as much as possible, tying the belt in a tight granny knot. Smiling sickly at his mother, he started to walk past her to get breakfast.

"No, no. You're doing it all wrong, Ryu-chan." She stood in front of him and began to open the robe, loosening it until it was open in the front, his chest bare. She stepped back and admired him. "That looks nice..." She went to put her hand on his chest, but he flinched at her touch. Still too soon.

"Come on, breakfast is ready. I know how men need their breakfast," she said, acting as if nothing had happened. She walked out of his room.

Men? Since when was he a man? She was equating his 17th birthday with some sort of miraculous maturing process. Or maybe it was... No! He couldn't think about that, it wasn't right. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply, trying to regain his composure. She would see it as a sign of weakness if he acted like a frightened rabbit all day. He had to act strong, he had to project independence and confidence, even if he didn't feel any of it.

He closed the robe, enough to feel secure but left enough showing to keep his mother from trying to open it again. He looked once at the pajamas she had left on his bed, how innocent they looked. He had felt innocent at one time... two days ago...


The day was agony. His mother took every chance to touch him, from a simple touch on the hand to rubbing his back. The robe didn't hide anything, for him or her. He could feel every touch, every caress, and he knew she could feel every detail of his body through it.

She didn't allow him to put on any clothes, always telling him how comfortable the robe was and that his normal clothes would ruin his day off. And of course, he couldn't go against what she said.

His aunt had come over at one point, causing him to hide in his room. Who knew what she would do if she saw him in the robe. She'd probably say how much he looked like his father then he'd see that funny look in his mothers eyes.

Currently, he was sitting across from his mother, eating dinner. It had been less than 30 minutes before that that he realized the next day was the beginning of a short school vacation. His mother had worked in an extra day to have him at home. The prospect of what might happen in the next three days, and nights, scared him to his very core.

He ate slowly, chewing his food thoroughly before taking another bite. He looked down at his bowl and nowhere else. Maybe, just maybe, his mother was actually being nice because she wanted him to be happy. Maybe she called in for him so he could relax and recharge himself for an extra day. He needed it, and the vacation itself couldn't have come at a better time except for one thing. One small thing...


That night, he had actually managed to make himself put on some clothes and go out. He didn't actually go anywhere, just to the park. He sat under some trees, listening to the night sounds, until very late. He estimated that he had been there for over four hours, but he couldn't remember anything about the passing time. It was as if only 20 minutes had gone by.

He raised himself. Four hours. He would be in trouble when he got home. Even if she had called him a man, his mother still kept a very short leash on him, and she didn't like it when he disobeyed curfew. His curfew had always been 10 PM, which had seemed fair at one time. But now, he couldn't stay out late enough. He never wanted to return to his bed, covered in black, like it was covered with decay. Like HE was covered with decay.

No choice. He returned to his house, looking at the darkened windows. Maybe he could get some sleep. Punishment the next day would be worth even a few hours of sleep. He opened the door as quietly as he could, removing his shoes and tiptoeing around. Just as long as his mother didn't wake up.

He made it upstairs and opened his door, freezing like a statue when it made a tiny squeak. He waited and listened. No sound. He opened the door a little more and slipped in. He should have known better.

She was waiting for him.

"Ryu-chan, why are you coming back so late?" Her voice drifted out of the darkness.

"Mom... I just lost track of time." He stood absolutely still, his hand still on the door.

"Your curfew was three hours ago. How did you lose track of time for three hours?" He heard her rise from his bed, could make out her form walking to him. "You weren't with that slut again, were you?"

"No, Mom! I was by myself in the park!"

"Are you sure you weren't with that girl?"

"Yes! I was alone! I didn't see anyone, I swear it!" Panic gripped him, but he couldn't move his feet.

"Well, alright. But you'll have to be punished."

Ryuuji almost cried right there. He could feel the tears forming. It was all so wrong! But it had felt so good... He just couldn't fight his mother. Wrong, all wrong! Rotten inside, that's how he felt. But there was a tickle, a whisper at the back of his mind, something that wouldn't be quiet, that insisted it be heard. Something that said how good it felt to have her touch him and that she could make him feel even better. Something that said that it was his mother and she would take care of him, like any mother would. Something that said not to fight it, fighting would only make it worse and doing what she wanted would make him feel good...

"Please don't punish me. I'm sorry, I'll never do it again!" Stop fighting, it'll be so much easier, so much better. Fighting will only make her angry...

"Stop whining, Ryu-chan. You broke your curfew, disobeyed me, and now you have to be punished for it. You know you have to be back by 10 and you didn't come back until 1. And you weren't with anyone to be distracted." She was standing right in front of him. "I know you're sorry, but I just can't let it slide. If I give you an inch, you'll take a mile. I know you that well." But she knew him so much better, too.

Just give in. Ryuuji opened his mouth to protest. "Yes, I know. I'm sorry." Wait a minute, that's not what he wanted to say. He was supposed to deny it, deny the voice in his head, deny his memories of the simple physical pleasure...

"Good. I'm glad you understand. Now you just get ready for bed and I'll deal with you later." She put her hand to his cheek, then walked out of his room.

Ryuuji sank to the floor. This wasn't really happening to him, it was some sick dream. He'd wake up, laugh at his erection then get ready for school. He looked at his bed, able to see the dark outline of the pajamas on his white blanket. It wasn't a dream and he wouldn't wake up. He sat and stared at his bed until his mother came back a few minutes later.

"Why aren't you in your pajamas? I thought I gave you plenty of time. Get up off the floor and change."

"I'm sorry, Mom. I'll change right away." Stay on the floor. What's she going to do? Force you? You're stronger than she is. You don't have to! He stood and began to remove his clothes, unmindful of his mother standing behind him. Once completely nude, he put on the pajamas, only buttoning the bottom two buttons. He turned to face his mother.

"Good. Now you just get into bed and think about what you've done. Maybe then you'll see how you were wrong."

"Yes, Mom." He crawled across the bed, working his way under the covers, and lay staring at the ceiling. What the hell's wrong? This is not how either of you should be acting? Don't let her do this to you!

He rolled to his side, staring at the small clock, its hands glowing dimly. Then, he did cry, just a little. The tears sliding down his face and staining his pillow. But what good did it do? She wouldn't care if he cried, it only seemed to make him feel worse anyway. It's just not fair! Why can't I stop her? Why can't I stop myself? He buried his face in the pillow, breathing heavily through his nose.


"Ryu-chan? Wake up."

Someone was shaking his shoulder. He tried to shrug it off.

"Wake up, Ryu-chan."

Ryu-chan? Oh no, his mother. "Mom?" He asked, his voice slurred.

"Yes, Ryu-chan. It's me. I wanted to apologize for getting so harsh with you. I realize that you need your space as a man, but I can't help but worry about you."

"Huh? Oh, that's OK. I'm just tired..." He buried his face back in the pillow.

"I'm sorry, Ryu-chan."

He mumbled into his pillow, exhausted and needing sleep.

"I'm sorry, Ryu-chan." She lifted the covers and got into his bed. He was still mostly asleep and didn't stir. She pulled his shoulder, removing his face from the pillow. He was so handsome, he deserved so much more than that girl. He had so much to live for. She couldn't understand why he insisted in hanging around girls that were so dirty.

"Damn it, Ryuuji. Wake up." Her mood had changed in an instant. "You wake up now before I get very upset."

"What, Mom?" He thought that this one night he could get sleep. It looked like it was not to be. He couldn't control the irritation in his voice. "I'm trying to sleep."

"I guess you should have thought of that before you stayed out so late. Now roll over so I can see your face."

He rolled over to his other side and looked at her. He couldn't see her face real well, but what he could see scared him. It was a mistake to speak when he wasn't under complete control. "I... I'm sorry, Mom. I was just tired... That's all."

"As you should be, but it's too late for that." She undid his buttons roughly, still angry. "Don't make this harder on yourself than it needs to be. Both of us can get something out of this if you just cooperate."

He nodded weakly, his mouth suddenly dry.

She looked at him for a moment then leaned up and kissed him hard. He tried to pull back, surprised by her aggressiveness, but she continued to lean on him. She wrapped her arms around him and rolled back, pulling him on top of her.

He struggled momentarily, his rational mind screaming at him. But that soothing whisper soon drowned out all his other thoughts. How nice it would be to just accept it and enjoy the feeling. His mother knew him better than anyone else after all and she loved him. Who else could say that they loved him more than his mother? That seemed to drive out all protestations.

He braced himself on his arms and began to take in the feel of her body beneath his. She was wearing something different than the night before, it was softer and smoother, it felt good against his chest. Her arms loosened then, not needing to grab and hold him securely.

He couldn't bring himself to do anything other than let her have her way with him and enjoy the sensations, his mind still revolted at that thought. It was one thing doing... that stuff... because she told him to, and something completely different doing it because he wanted to. So he let her kiss him, let her feel him and he didn't resist.

It did feel kind of nice to have a warm body next to his, comforting, he had to admit it. He didn't feel as scared any more. He was still frightened, but not to the level he had been. And his brain had shut out the confusion entirely. It made everything easier if he just stopped thinking and let it all happen.

The hands on his clock hit 2:30 am.


He opened his eyes, the sun streaming in his window once again. He looked at the clock. 9:30 am. "Shit!" He bolted upright.

"Come back to bed, Ryu-chan..." A sleepy voice from his bed.

He looked over at the origin of the voice. He could see the top of his mothers head, the rest of her covered by his blanket. One of her hands drooped tiredly over his leg. Not again! His rational mind, now back in control, yelled at him. What had he been thinking last night? Just letting her do what she wanted to him? What the hell is wrong?

He lifted the blanket carefully. He was still in his pajamas, the bottoms at least, and she was still in her nightie. That provided him a little comfort. He pulled at the waistband of his bottoms and looked in them. No, no sticky mess. That was another comfort. He couldn't really remember what had happened, but they weren't naked and that made him feel a little better.

He started to get out of his bed when her hand grabbed him tightly. "Come back to bed..." Sleepy but still commanding.

He slid down into the bed and attempted to relax. It wasn't working. His skin felt suddenly cold so he pulled the blanket up around his neck. His mother chose that moment to snuggle up to him, putting her arm across his stomach.

He wished the ceiling was a little more picturesque.


He spent the day doing chores. It was his punishment for being rude to his mother. He washed every surface downstairs, windows, tables, counters,

he cleaned out the closets, he washed the dishes, he cleaned the kitchen until it sparkled. He cleaned the bathrooms, swept and vacuumed under everything, made all the beds, did laundry and even made lunch.

He sat on the edge of his futon, run down. His back hurt from all the lifting and sweeping and his hands were dried out from all the cleaning. His shirt had sweat stains all over it, partially from exertion, partially from being so close to his mother all day. At least she had allowed him to get dressed.

"Ryu-chan? Can you go to the store?" His mother, calling him from downstairs.

He pushed himself up, off the bed and trudged down the stairs. He had to hold on to the railing to keep himself from toppling over. Getting outside would be a nice change from being stuck inside (with his mother). She was waiting for him and gave him a short list.

"Hurry back with that stuff." She patted him on the back and went back to the kitchen.

"I will, Mom." He left the house and headed for the store, the list clutched tightly in his hand. If he lost the list, who knows what she would make him do the next day (that night).

The sunny skies and warm weather considerably brightened his mood. He actually cheered up as he walked and arrived at the store in a somewhat pleasant mood. They had stopped going to the quaint outdoor market a few years ago. It just hadn't been economical or convenient when there was a supermarket so close by.

He stepped through the automatic doors and looked at the list. First item: milk. Second item: soap. Third item: hand lotion. Fourth item: aww geez. Why did she make him buy that stuff? Fifth item: baby oil? Sixth item: huh? Scented candles? Why scented? Seventh item... Ryuuji thought he was going to pass out in the store. Condoms.


He walked home, with his bag of groceries, in a daze. He had bought every item in the list, the person ringing him up giving him strange looks. But he didn't notice how they looked at him, he could only look at that seventh item...

What would she need those for? Did she meet a man or something? He knew but he didn't want to know... There was some sanity saving mechanism in his brain that stopped him from thinking about why his mother wanted them.

The sun had disappeared behind dark clouds as he approached his home. Getting rained on was the one thing he did not need at the moment. It started to sprinkle a bit and forced him to jog the rest of the way.

He burst through the front door just as the clouds opened up, pouring rain, thunder and lightning. "I'm back," he called, removing his shoes. He shook his head, flinging small water droplets out of his hair.

"Can you bring that stuff into the kitchen?"

He walked to the kitchen, noticing how dark it had grown in only a matter of minutes. It looked the storm would be sticking around for a while too. He set the bag on the counter and waited for his mother to tell him what to do.

"Thank you. I'm all done with you today, you can do whatever you want. And I want to thank you for helping out around the house today, Ryu-chan." She looked at him, nothing but sincerity on her face.

"It's no problem, Mom." At that moment, he believed her, believed that she grateful for his help around the house and nothing more.

"Dinner will be ready in an hour or so. I expect you to be here." He could do whatever he wanted as long as he listened to his mother.

"Yes, Mom. I'll just go listen to some CDs." He left the kitchen and headed to his room.


Dinner had, surprisingly, been a pleasant experience. The storm raging outside had given the house a rather cozy feel with the lights on. Dinner had been a very simple soup and seafood salad. Ryuuji ate as much as he was given and even had room left for some sakura-mochi. They weren't the best, it was a bit off-season, but it was a nice treat.

He looked at the empty bowls in front of him and stifled a belch. "That was good."

"I'm glad." A crack of thunder shook the house. "I'll clean up the dishes, don't you worry about it." His mother stood and started picking up the bowls and their napkins.

"I ate most of it, I should help." He lifted his own bowl before his mother could reach it. He smiled at her and felt something strange in his stomach when she smiled back. For the first time in long while, he felt relaxed and even a little happy. He had no clue as to why either.

They cleaned up their dishes in a comfortable silence. Now if only his father would come home, everything would be back to normal... Ryuuji sighed heavily.

"What's wrong, Ryu-chan?"

"I miss Dad." He threw away the napkins.

"So do I. But now we have each other, don't we?"

Ryuuji's pleasant mood went crashing right into the ground. He had thought the funny feeling earlier had been happiness, but no. It had been horror. He was getting complacent with his mother, not fighting the awful personal interludes... "Yes, we have each other." Oh no. That must have sounded like a come on. His eyes got wide for a moment and his heart rate increased.

She set down a bowl she had picked up and hugged him. Just a plain, old hug. Nothing groping or sexual about it. He froze then put his arms around her anyway out of habit and held her. He was frightened that he had done that without any effort. He was being programmed slowly to be his mother's... He had to stop himself from throwing her to the floor.

She pulled away from him, her eyes a bit moist. She hadn't cried for her dead husband in a while and she had no one to help her deal with it. Her sisters were too far removed from her life to help, Ryuuji was the only one who understood what it was like. "Thank you, Ryu-chan. I needed that."

Ryuuji nodded and smiled. It felt fake on his face, but his mother seemed to take it at face value. "I'll just head up to bed now." It wasn't that late, but he needed to just sit by himself. Thinking about things was something he wanted to stay away from though. He didn't want to ponder or consider or wonder... He just wanted to sit in silence.


The storm hadn't let up. It was still raining like it was a hurricane and the thunder and lightning went off every few seconds. Ryuuji sat in his room with just his reading light on and tried to meditate. He wasn't sure exactly how it was done, but he cleared his mind of everything and just relaxed. It worked for a little while.

Another house shaking crash of thunder broke his concentration though. He watched his light flicker for a moment, then he was plunged into darkness. He stood slowly, knowing his room well enough to get to the door. Opening it, was just like opening a doorway to the darkest depths of the ocean. There was no light.

He stepped into the hall, his hand on the wall. He walked slowly until he was at the top of the stairs and stopped. From the bottom of the stairs was a light, his mother had a candle. He could smell it where he was; it was one of the candles he had bought. She appeared at the bottom of the stairs, holding the thick candle. It would last for hours, until the power came back on or morning arrived.

He watched her come up the stairs and light another of the candles, holding it out to him. "Here. This will work until the power comes back on."

He took the candle. "Thanks, Mom."

"No, thank you. If you hadn't gone to the store, we wouldn't be standing here right now."

What was that supposed to mean? Standing where? At the top of the stairs? In the flickering candlelight? Amongst the malformed shadows? "It was no problem. But, uh, I'll think I'll head to bed now." He faked a small yawn. "I'm awfully tired." Not again, that could be mistaken as some sort of invitation...

He walked to his room before he could say anything else, the candles painting crazy shadows on the walls. He made a quick detour to the bathroom before going to his room though, some things just couldn't wait.

He emerged from the bathroom, refreshed. The hall was empty, his mother apparently having gone to bed. He didn't really like the candle. The scent, while nice, was just too strong and heady while he was carrying it. He went to his room, holding the candle as far away from his face as possible. The first thing he saw when he opened the door to his room were the pajamas laying on his bed.

He lost his breath and clutched the door frame. He didn't think he would ever recover his breath, his heart thudding in his chest. He let go of the frame and walked to the bed. Upon closer inspection, he saw that they were only the bottoms. His throat tightened up and he sat on his futon. He set the candle next to his clock.

Why? Why him? He asked himself that question more times a day than he cared to remember, and each night he waited. He waited for his mother to visit him. He had resigned himself to her actions, she wouldn't be stopped. Especially when she knew the object of her desires was powerless against her.

He took off his clothes, his chest still tight, but his eyes downcast. He grabbed the pajamas and put them on, not caring if his mother slept in his bed that night. He just didn't care anymore. If she laid against him and put her hands on his bare chest, then he would lay still, act dead, like he felt.

He got under the covers but didn't dare blow out the candle. He fell asleep to the sound of thunder crashing outside and lightning flashing through his shades.


It was another burst of thunder, shaking the house. Ryuuji was roused from his sleep. He had been having a bad dream about his father and his heart was beating fast. His breath was short and he hadn't opened his eyes to see where he was. He didn't want to find himself still in that dream. He didn't realize how much worse the waking world could get.

He opened his eyes, taking in the sight of the candle. It seemed awfully bright in his room for just one candle. He opened his eyes wider, looking at that half of his room. On his dresser there were two more candles, flickering slightly. Something was not equating in his brain. He had gone to bed with one candle and was waking up with three...

He rolled over to see his mother sitting in his bed. There was another candle on the other table and another on his bookcase. She was smiling at him gently. She wasn't in lingerie, she wasn't in a nightie, she wasn't in anything. Ryuuji's mouth dropped open and he tried to scramble out of the bed. Her hand on his arm stopped him.

"Stay, Ryu-chan." She was still smiling but it wasn't so gentle.

"But, Mom, you're..."

"I'm here for you, Ryu-chan. You're my son, you're a man... I think it's about time you learned that." Her voice was quiet and rational.

"But I know that... I don't want to..."

"Don't worry about it. You just let me do the work and then when you get the hang of it, you can try it too."

Oh dear God. The hang of it? "But I can't..."

"You can, Ryu-chan. You started with that slut and now you're going to finish... the right way." She lifted the bottle of baby oil while she held onto his arm. "This might be a little cold at first." She turned the bottle over above his chest and let the oil dribble out.

It was cold and Ryuuji hissed at the touch of the liquid. He tried to pull away, he should have been able to break her grip, but he couldn't. She set down the bottle and rubbed his chest, smearing the oil around. He tried to pull away again, but it seemed his strength was draining away. It was like her hand was drawing all his energy out, leaving him powerless.

"Don't fight it, Ryu-chan. I know you want it."

He closed his eyes and tried to break her grip one last time. Because, God help him, he did. "Mom, it's just not right..." One last battle. Losing this one meant losing so much more...

"It's not right for me to love my son? It's not right for me to take care of you?" She shook her head. "It's just what we both need." Her hand moved down, smearing oil on his stomach. She leaned over and kissed him, her hand moving lower, working her fingers into the waistband of his pajamas.

Ryuuji tried to jerk his hips back, but there just wasn't any place left for him to go. He was about to roll off the bed when her grip tightened. She had stopped kissing him and was looking into his eyes. Her gaze held him.

"Don't do this to yourself. Just do whatever comes naturally." She leaned over and was talking in his ear. "We'll have so much fun and you'll feel so good." She nibbled on his ear. "Don't you trust your mother?"

Ryuuji swallowed hard. His breathing was ragged and he was so hard, he thought he was losing consciousness. He closed his eyes and let his head fall back when she started kissing behind his ear. "I... I... trust you..." That was it. He had given in, there was no turning back. But it felt so good.

With his admission, spoken and otherwise, her hand went fully into his pajamas. She caressed his length, knowing that he was finally hers. Mind, body and soul. But she wasn't sure how fast to go. Should she do it right away? It had been some long months without any physical pleasure. Or should she take it a slower? Maybe Ryuuji would learn to appreciate it then. He might even learn to like it.

She picked up the bottle of oil again and squeezed more all over his chest, then discarded it. She would build him up to the brink and then do it. Even if she didn't get her own orgasm, to have him do his again would be worth her time. He was so adorable when he called out 'Mom'.

She removed her hand from his cock and laid on top of him. The oil made a deliciously slippery layer between them as Ryuuji put his hands on his mothers back. She kissed him again and forced her tongue into his mouth. He wasn't so scared and actually was able to hesitantly use his tongue in return.

One of his hands moved down her back to rest on her rear, squeezing, digging his fingers into the soft skin. His mother squirmed on top of him, using the oil, and smearing it around with her body. Ryuuji moaned into the kiss as his mothers breasts were flattened against his skin and moved around. He could feel her nipples, hard pebbles, press into his skin. It was the most erotic thing he had ever experienced.

Her hands were on the sides of his chest, her thumbs gripping his pectoral muscle. She had gone from simply moving around to grinding herself against him. He felt the brush of her pelvis and pubic hair on his stomach, periodically her feet would caress his legs. Then her inner thigh would rub against his cock and almost cause him to spurt into the air.

His mother kissed down his neck, back to his ear. "Almost, Ryu-chan. Almost," she whispered. She had to watch him carefully to know when he was ready. She didn't want him going off early.

He moaned again, writhing in pleasurable agony beneath her. How could he have ever thought that his mother was wrong? She knew exactly what to do to him to the point he wanted to cry out. "Mommm... Please..." He gasped for breath as she slid down his body to press his cock against her slit.

She attacked his Adam's apple before whispering. "If that's what you want, Ryu-chan..."

He groaned in response. It wasn't what he wanted, he didn't want his mother. But he was ready for a soapy washcloth by then and just wanted to complete the deed that had been started. He gyrated his hips, trying to find some relief and made his mother inhale sharply.

She forced herself to get off his body and reach for one of the condoms. He had bought a box of nine, always the economist. It was the best deal of the three available sizes. She opened the small packet and removed the latex ring. She looked at his upright length, seeing it was longer and thicker than his fathers; she smiled.

She put the condom on him, watching him quiver and shake the entire time. "Oh, my handsome Ryu-chan... What would I do without you?" She straddled his chest, stroking his cheek. Sliding backwards, she watched his facial expression change from ecstasy to longing. He let out a loud moan as he felt her sex dragged down his stomach.

His mother sat up on her knees, waiting to descend on him. "Are you ready, Ryu-chan?" She had one hand on him, pointing him up to her opening.

He could only groan in response, his hands gripping anything they came into contact with.

Slowly, she lowered herself onto him, his girth sliding into her a centimeter at a time. Ryuuji had almost started to hyperventilate, his breathing rapid and shallow. Only when she had taken him as far as she could did his breathing regulate.

"Do whatever comes naturally, Ryu-chan," she said before she started to move on him. She started with slow, sure movements until Ryuuji began to practically buck his hips. She sped up, trying to control his overly violent actions without killing his desire. She had nothing to worry about.

He soon found his own rhythm and switched from fast and chaotic to quick and powerful. One hand gripped the edge of his futon while the other had a handful of sheet. His only thoughts were of the immense pleasure assaulting him and how to make it better, how to really get fucked.

"Come on, Ryu-chan. Just a little harder..." His mother had her back arched and her head thrown back, gasping at the ceiling. She had underestimated how nice it would be and found herself much closer to orgasm than she anticipated. "Fuck me harder, Ryu-chan," she groaned.

"Harder... Mom," he responded, not really listening to what she said, or caring what he said. He could only concentrate on the immense build up in his body, focused on his groin. So close, he was so close... He kept pumping, grinding away. So close, just a little more...

She knew he didn't care about how he was making her feel, but he was doing it all right. For his first real time, he was hitting every spot, every area, rubbing and twisting at just the right times. Not as experienced, but just as good as his fa... She moaned, long and loud, every muscle in her body simultaneously locked as her orgasm washed over her. She put her hands on his thighs just to have something to hold on to and balance herself.

The hold on his cock suddenly tightened. He didn't know exactly what had happened but it felt real good, so he kept going. And it helped a lot too. He felt it start as a dribble then finish as a flood. He lifted his hips as much as he could, trying to drive himself deeper into his mother, grunting with the effort.

It was so much more complete than the other night. Her encompassing warmth, and her body next to his. The contact of bare skin, the scent of the candles wafting through the room, the rumble of thunder around them...

Ryuuji dropped his hips back to the bed. His hands released the sheets and futon and he relaxed in a spread eagle position. His mother rolled off him and removed the spent condom. Spent? It was overdrawn. She tossed it in the trash, then got out of the bed and blew out all the candles except for one.

She slid back under the blanket then, and laid on top of Ryuuji's arm. He mumbled something unintelligible, already mostly sleep. He rolled towards her and put his other arm over her, keeping her in a light embrace. She pulled up the blanket, covering them, and snuggled against his bare body.

It felt nice to have a bed partner again that would hold her through the night and do what she wanted. It felt nice to have the arms of a man surround her naked body, to love her and protect her against the cruelness of the world...

Updated 7-19-97