Wild Horses & Pokegirls
Chapter 12: Pokebattles 102

There's some pokegirl pics up on http://www.geocities.com/studio_vanir/

WARNING: NC-17. At least. There are elements which will disturb me and i'm
writing this, for crying out loud.

DISCLAIMER: Various elements from this come from Greyman and a few other
erotic (or at least NC-17) Addventure writers on the web, Nintendo,
R.Takahashi/Viz, and other writers. This story was born of frustration that
on that addventure there was an idea but all it was was a boinkfest when it
could be fleshed out and become something more. Hence the "pokegirls"
setting to differentiate it from the "pokewomon" setting, sort of an
illegitimate daughter of the other.

There's now a pokewoman forum at:

He'd gotten a call from Ryouga and had used Tweety to find his cousin's

Once there he'd left to call the local hospital and then return. In that
time, Ryouga had wandered off.

Now with the sirens finally getting closer, and having done everything *he*
could do without a Megami or similar healing-talent, Jim considered the

Trauma Team was the first thought, but eventually rejected. Not only were
the two Tamers alive, but those two thieves typically used technological
items copied from Sukebe's War.

A pokegirl with superstrength, maybe an Amachamp, had to have been used.
That tree had been toppled through brute strength and there was nothing to
indicate a bulldozer or similar machine. TT would have blasted through the
trunk, leaving burn marks.

The damage to the two victims also indicated huge amount of strength, but
precisely applied like an Amazonchan. Maybe a hybrid? Though those usually
only came out of someone's lab and were strictly one shot deals.

Possibly one of the Legendary pokegirls, though Jim was reluctant to play
that card unless all other possibilities were exhausted.

Before he'd become a semi-independent agent of Cologne, Jim had been a
police officer. The footwork was usually handled by Jennies or other
pokegirls. That left detective work to the humans.

Careful not to disturb evidence or move anything, Jim examined all the
details he could.

One of the sayings in Johto was "You know you're knee deep in the kim-chi
when..." This was one of those times. A bootprint driven deep in the soft
ground near the tree was one clue, and Jim dropped a neon yellow "spot coin"
onto the area.

Neither of the victims had boots like this. The guy in the robes was wearing
slippers like they did on the... Hey! Jim recognized this clown! This was
Mousse, a Tamer who kept challenging up at the Amazon-chan preserve trying
to get some hair soap or something. He'd seen him once, apparently trying to
rape one of the support posts for the challenge log.

The other guy was wearing sneakers. No boots. Ryouga wore boots but these
were of a slightly smaller foot.

The sirens stopped just as the ambulance and a motorcycle driving Jenny
crested a rise. Jim flagged the other boot prints and went to go confer.

Jim at least knew that Ryouga (wherever he was) was safe. Ryouga's Blood
Gifts made him tough enough to fight an Amachamp.


"Hah! Now I have you, Ranma Saotome!" Tarou dropped from the branches of a
tree, noting that the individual he was dropping on had leapt out of the
way. Ranma was supposed to be a fighter, this guy had the right build and
had the right reflexes, therefore this was Ranma with a haircut.

"Who are you calling Ranma Saotome?!" Ryouga dropped into a defensive
stance, looking at the crater this guy had just punched in the trail's

"Vixxen?!" Akane's ears went up. Ranma? Where? She still had to rescue her

"A Vixxen wearing a martial arts gi?" Tarou blinked. A Vixxen wasn't on the
list he'd been given.

Ryouga repeated his question. "Who are you calling Ranma Saotome?"

"Oh shut up," Tarou said disgustingly, bringing up a ki blast and slamming
the kid into the brush on the side of the trail. "Damn, what do I have to do
to get a decent fight around here?"

"Vix xen vix okay?" Akane asked the shrubs. Then startled as she realized
she had gotten a normal word out again!

The brush erupted in a spray of leaves as Ryouga leapt forward. This guy was
even more of a jerk than Ranma! (He hadn't thought that possible.) "Ask and
you shall receive, pretty boy!"


Nabiki's head snapped up as a flash of yellow passed nearby, interrupting
her morning shower for something far more pressing.

In a pokegirl, even a smart and educated pokegirl like Nabiki, there were
certain overriding sets of behavior. The need to get Tamed, for example,
though it really wasn't as strong as it was generally thought to be.
Particularly when a psychic bond existed between a pokegirl and a favored
Tamer. Nabiki could satisfy the requirement of being Tamed by doing it once
a week. However there were psychosomatic effects and there was also
*wanting* to get Tamed regularly.

In the same vein there were certain behavioral patterns that had been proven
to develop within certain types of pokegirl. Cat type pokegirls, as another
example, tended to groom themselves when nervous or trying to look
uninterested in the proceedings. They also chased birds and mice and were in
turn chased by dog-types operating under the same sort of compulsory

While she could be calmly rational in a variety of situations, her judgement
went fuzzy when certain instincts took precedence over that rational part of
her mind.

Nabiki scampered up a tree to try and *catch that damn tweety bird!*

This time she was ready, she'd pounce high and when the Pidgy tried to fly
up, she'd grab it! Cue evil laugh.

Said Pidgy felt the branch shake, heard the evil laugh, and waited for the
Cheshire to begin her pounce before she dropped off the branch then spread
wings to glide away.

Nabiki realized she was sixty feet up and clutching air.
"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!" *THWAM!* She looked beneath her. "Oh! Ranma! You saved

"...no problem... ouch."

The Pidgy circled up and said in her cute little lisp a phrase that revealed
she wasn't Feral. "I towt I saw a putty cat! I DEED! I DEED saw a putty

Nabiki growled from her position atop Ranma. That tweety bird was making fun
of her?! HER?!

"Hey putty cat, put some panties on will ya?" Twittering a laugh, the Pidgy
flew off to leave a fuming Nabiki and hurting slightly Ranma behind her.

"I'll get that tweety bird if it's the last thing I do!" Nabiki declared,
standing up and taking a righteous declaration pose.

"Can you get off me?" Ranma thought this a quite reasonable request.


Ukyo heard the racket outside but was not ready to get up quite yet. It had
been a long and exhausting night. Still half asleep, she reached out to
click her pokedex to the List display.

#1: Nymph (Alpha), Nymph
#2: Maggie, Magpie
#3: Lufa, Amazonlee
#4: Ranko Saotome, Tigress

Eyes returning to half-lidded, she cuddled up against the furry chest next
to her. Not exactly what she had been planning, but it *did* carry a certain
degree of satisfaction.

"Rrrrrr? Ucchannnn? Wharrr?"

Ukyo licked her lips, then leaned over her newly acquired Tigress. "Now,
now, Ranchan. Your Tamer needs her breakfast right now."

The native former Ranma Saotome arched her back, coming awake fully as Ukyo
made skillful use of her tongue. "I..."

Ukyo moved up for a kiss in which her tongue dueled with that of her
Tigress, then moved over to one ear. "And if you're very good, I *may*
consider letting you be my Alpha..."



Akane circled around the two, a little impressed on some level. If she *had*
to have a Tamer (and as a Vixxen she recognized this as likely) then at
least he wasn't some wimp.

Tarou grinned as Ryouga slid backwards from blocking his kick. "You know,
you're not bad."

Ryouga grimaced. Every time this other guy hit him it was like being hit by
a feral Amachamp. He had no doubt that this was the guy who'd knocked over
those trees and hurt those two Tamers. "You're not exactly a pushover

"Pity," said Tarou moving forward into a clench, "I don't get enough
sparring partners. But I can't leave any witnesses behind."

"Huh! HEY!" Ryouga squirmed as the grip shifted and he was suddenly being
lifted into the air.

Tarou threw the boy with all his considerable strength, exulting in the
genetic enhancements he'd been given. This boy would have been serious
competition prior to them, but *with* the enhancements there could be no

Akane tracked the flight of her Tamer and scampered after him,
subconsciously dropping to a crouch and using her tail to balance. She knew
enough about the duties of an Alpha, and the safety of her Tamer was a
primary consideration. *After* he was safe she could come back and beat this
guy silly, and then...

Akane leapt into the lake, only realizing as she prepared to hit the water
that: a) she couldn't swim; b) she was a Fire type and water was deadly.

The surface of the lake went still for a few moments before Ryouga emerged,
dragging his unconscious Vixxen.


There were a number of camping spots on the various trails and paths that
wandered through the Buggy Woods between Viridian and Pallet. These had been
used for centuries now by various Tamers, Researchers, and the occasional
normal person who simply lacked funds for a vehicle or bus ticket.

Those who were a little more affluent and not on a Taming Journey had
campsites themselves. Decorated usually with the now-universal sign of a
Snorlass to indicate a Hotel or Rest Area, these were frequently used as
meeting places for people who didn't care to use the more expensive in-city
hotels. Usually these small areas had a rental office where you could rent a
tent or lean-to.

They were also used as "neutral ground" for people meeting from very
different areas, or who didn't like the frequent habit of League flunkies
managing the various in-city hotels. Some businessmen would use these areas
to discuss mergers and acquisitions where prying eyes and snooping ears
weren't common.

The same with people who just didn't like the League. Or who had pets that
they didn't want to leave in a kennel. Or just wanted to have a friendly
argument without people nosing in their business.

"I disagree," said Ed to Hung. "My Goth has had all her shots and their
reputation is really *way* offline."

Hung, a member of the Edo League, shrugged. "Like the pokedexes are *that*
accurate. Still, the books tend to be a bit better in that regard." He
motioned his Kitten closer. "By the way, have any of you updated your pet's
collar lately?"

"Has there been an improvement in capture technology?" Phillip asked,
curious. He hadn't heard anything but it was usually thieves who developed
the latest tweak, then the authorities would feverishly work to develop a
counter. It wasn't that often that this sort of thing occurred, and you
could usually get the anti-capture upgrade within a week. His own pet, a
Titmouse, moved up against him as she grew nervous about the possibility of
being captured by "evil bad mens".

"Nah, just an upswing in the number of attempted thefts." Ed nodded towards
where Natasha watched the darkness, her back to the campfire where it
wouldn't interfere with her darkvision. "The Team Rocket wannabe groups seem
to have been getting more active lately."

"Not to mention the actual Team Rocket seems to be hiring younger members,"
put in Tony's Drow. Despite Drow and Goth and some of the others not being
"typical" approved pets, the Very Near Humans were generally thought
acceptable and could get away with things the less human-looking could. She
adjusted her glasses and looked over the group, turning her nose up slightly
at the Merrowl in their presence. "You'd think they were recruiting from the
grade schools nowadays."

"That's so, oh, thanks Minako," agreed Shade as he took a cup of hot
chocolate from his Shieldmaiden. He looked at the cup askance for a moment,
but Minako had recently gotten to the point where she could mix instant
drinks and boil water without a disaster occurring. "That's so typical. Kids
just want to make it rich and fast, and decide the life of a pokegirl thief
is easy..."

Kenko's Merrowl ("Fluffy" - she'd already been named when he'd acquired her,
or she'd acquired him) sniffed the air and made a warning hiss as the fur
along her back began rising.

That brought everyone else's pets up to alert status and effectively killed
the conversation.

"What is it, Fluffy?" asked Kenko after a minute had passed.

"Not surrre," growled the Merrowl, her fangs showing but her ears at full
extension. "Smell human mainly but other scent all mix in."

Dave reached out and shook his A-bra awake.

Tony made a gesture and his Drow Starsha put her glasses and book away, the
spellcaster preparing for battle.

Wood began creaking and then broke, a tree falling in a rush of darkness
towards the campsite.

The air shimmered briefly as Minako blocked it with a forcewall. Her cooking
might be a flag for HAZMAT teams, and her efforts at cleaning a room might
inspire calls to disaster relief agencies, but she was *very* competent at
producing forceshields.

"Hmmmm," came a voice out of the darkness, "a Shieldmaiden. The others are
common and of no consequence..."

There was a number of growls and hisses to *that* statement. They might be
pampered pets but they had some degree of pride after all!

Starsha hmmphed and rose to her (considerable especially for a Drow) height,
preparing a Fireball for this idiot. Though it was somewhat worrisome as
this boy emerging from the shadows had one hand extended as if that had been
all he'd needed to fell the tree. None of the other pets (as far as she
knew) were particularly combat trained or battle experienced.

A young boy walked out of the woods with a snort. "Yeah, and what are you
gonna do about it?"


The incipient fight was cut off as a boy in a tan shirt, accompanied by a
Vixxen wearing the top half of a martial arts gi, decided to cut in and
renew his battle with the boy in the dragonscale shirt.

Tarou staggered back. These idiots with their pets were of no consequence.
This boy was enough of a problem. He turned with a sneer and ran, putting
some space between him and the campsite.

"You can't get away!" Ryouga charged forward, Akane at his heels.

At what he deemed a suitable distance, Tarou turned and faced the boy.
"Behold my true power, fang-boy. Take with you to the underworld that you're
the first to die before Tarou's full power. MONSTER OUT!"

Ryouga felt a sickening drop of the stomach as the guy transformed, like a
Griffon or similar metamorph, into what could only be a combat form. Fifteen
feet tall, thickly muscled, with wings and a horned head of a bull. "This
*could* be a problem."


Jim had chosen a campsite a little out of the way. No large trees nearby,
though a lot of smaller foliage. Small restroom area with a side building
for showers. Working hot water - always handy.

Sakura gathered the wood, then began a fire while Perfume unpacked the tent
and got everything ready for cooking. A simple enough arrangement. A flutter
of wings brought his attention to "Tweety" returning.

"Boss," chirped Tweety, "I towt I taw a cat's putty."

"That's nice," said Jim, opening the door to the Necessary. "Anything I need
to know immediately."

"Other than there's a wild pokegirl sneakin' up on the camp?" Tweety thought
about it. "Nah."

Jim looked back at the Pidgy. While most wild pokegirls would present
themselves to a passing Tamer they found interesting, camps were a no-no.
"She's through the scent-barriers?" There were barriers of "bad smell" and
things like Buzz-B-Gone to repel wild pokegirls, usually a sonic fence as
well. High pitched sound was something no pokegirl liked though it didn't
actually hurt anyone.

Tweety glanced up from where she'd been watching Sakura. "Almost. You've got

Jim blinked. "Okay. Let Sakura and Perfume know. *Quietly.* I'll be right

Perfume listened to Tweety's whisper as she was laying out clothing to air,
then nodded.

Vixxen listened to the Pidgy, and as this was protecting the Master's
property - did not get into a verbal battle with the upstart birdgirl.

Jim had just exited the restroom when he got a glimpse of pink flesh darting
towards the tent.


Michiru felt feverish and oddly bloated, and worse. It was like being a
radio that drifted on and off station. Her mind had a tendency to go fuzzy
and feverishly hot would swap places with deep chills and back again. Nausea
would replace itself with desperate hunger only to return to where the mere
thought of food would cause her to go into dry heaves.

She knew what it was of course. Anyone who worked with pokegirls knew the
symptoms. Threshold.

Haruka had gone to try and find medication. And clothes. She'd tried to grab
a large leaf to use in the meantime, but it had turned out to be attached to
a wild Plant-type. Being chased by that outraged pokegirl and getting
blasted with several pollen attacks hadn't helped. Haruka had been sure she
could sneak in and find some medicine, and get back without being noticed.

However, the Tamer that had passed her hiding spot on the trail obviously
took *very* good care of his pokegirls. That Amazonchan was wearing an
embroidered silk minidress and the Vixxen's fur shone like spun silver. A
Tamer who was *that* careful with his pokegirls would have medicines on hand
for emergencies.

Seeing the bathroom had an Occupied sign, and both of the pokegirls visible,
Michiru snuck forward. The Amazonchan was occupied with the dinner, the
Vixxen was tending the fire. There was a Pidgy apparently fascinated by
their work. Perfect. She eased around the wall of the large tent, trying to
ignore her stomach's attempts to turn itself inside out. All she had to do
was get into the tent and find the medkit.

Michiru was tackled before she realized that the Vixxen was moving.

Looking up into that muzzle of sharp teeth, Michiru didn't need Threshold to
give her a panic attack. She was quite aware that her hair and nails being
aqua-colored made her look like a pokegirl and that she likely even
registered as such now to a pokedex. As a wild pokegirl who had trespassed,
they could do any number of things to her...

Panic rose up within her and the terrible cold broke forth, a wave of water
erupting from her chest that swept the formerly grinning foxgirl up into the
air before she slammed unconscious onto the ground. Water beat fire.

Michiru snarled, her mind in tatters as her humanity seemed to gutter like a
candle in a wind. This was a fight and she had to defeat those who her
opposed her.


Perfume saw the pain in the girl's face overwhelm any trace of intelligence.
She leapt through the water spray and pounced, knocking the girl over and
pinning her quickly.

The girl in question snarled and snapped and struggled, seeming to get even
wilder as she did so.

"She's gone Feral, whoever she was," said Jim as he walked up. "Guess you'll
have to Tame her."

"This not time for half measures," growled Perfume back at her Tamer. "You
read the damn entry on Milktit under Taming Tips. She de-stable because not
Tamed proper by male. (Unf!) Not know what water type this one is but do you
really want to take chance she not Bisexual or Hetero in orientation?"

Jim winced. Yes, he *had* technically known that some pokegirls were
strictly heterosexual in orientation. Most merely preferred one sort of
partner or another, but some just *couldn't* respond to a particular gender
of Tamer. Milktit had turned out to be one of those. Considering how
obviously aroused this Feral was becoming, he didn't think this would be the
case here but pulling out his pokedex to scan her likely wouldn't do more
than waste time.

"Hold her steady," requested Jim, as he grabbed up some restraints. This
would be tricky enough and that Sakura still hadn't moved was an unneeded
distraction. This Water type looked like she wasn't experienced or focussed
enough to use her major attacks, but there were plenty of dead Tamers who
had made assumptions like that.


Pet owners were slowly becoming more prevelant as there hadn't been any
disasters since the Rebellion. They weren't uncommon, at least one person in
twenty had a Titmouse or something similar. Some had even evolved their
Titmouse to Mousewife.

They were still considered odd by the League and most Tamers would shake
their heads and make disparaging remarks about such "abuse" of pokegirls by
not making them fight regularly.

There were a number of training and taming methodologies available, and
*pampering* was looked down on by all the professionals. With the exception
of Ash, Ranma, and a few others.

What pet owners knew was that a little love and affection might spoil some
pokegirls, but the remainder would quickly respond to what they knew was a
good thing and became *very* loyal and affectionate in return. There were
plenty of Tamers who might have a battle-hardened and experienced team that
would follow him (or her) into a suicide mission, but put them in a
noncombat situation and they'd be lost.

Pets, particularly those raised and owned by owners who were interested less
in League recommendations than by affection and curiosity, could exhibit a
surprising facility for complicated and independent actions.

As Ryouga was knocked back through the trunk of a tree, Minako's eyes
narrowed. "FORCEWALL!" *Shiiiinnngg!*

Tarou slammed into the wall and bounced, not ready for it.

An A-bra teleported in, grabbed Ryouga, and teleported out.

The monster looked around for his opponent. Akane saw her opportunity.
Taking a deep breath, she channelled elemental flame in a torrent towards
her opponent. Anything Goes meant taking whatever weapons you had, so this
was okay.

Tarou bellowed as the flame washed over him, then contemptuously snapped a
quick punch out to throw the Vixxen into the underbrush.

The A-bra flicked in, grabbed the Vixxen, then vanished again.

Minako winced as the beast's eyes passed over her, but Starsha's
Invisibility spell seemed to hold.

Tarou began sniffing the air. Someone was still here.

Minako saw that mouth open and instead of a bull's head with bull's teeth,
the teeth revealed looked more pirahna like. She yelped as she felt an arm
touch her, but it was the A-bra again and they teleported away immediately.

Tarou charged the slight sound but couldn't find anything, he bellowed in
rage. He had to find Saotome quickly now. Otherwise Gendo would be using
*him* for Threshold experiments.


Ranma was considering how to tame Rei.

Icemaidens were often named Rei or Yuki or Snowy or something else similar.
Tradition, Ash had said. There had been a famous Icemaiden named Rei who had
been part of a winning harem a few decades ago, and the name had become
popular then. Much as the other names from that pre-Sukebe manga a few years
back, or some of the other fairly popular names like Sakura or one of the
other Japanese girl names.

That wasn't the problem.

The problem was that she was an Icemaiden. An attempt to kiss her had
yielded absolutely no results. Likewise attempting to massage her breasts
had revealed that she had absolutely no reaction to anything he did. There
had been a slight problem in that his tongue had felt frozen and a few
moments of trying to cuddle had ended up with him needing to go off and get
something hot to drink just to deal with a bad case of the shivers.

Rei requesting to put her clothes back on in the same emotionless voice
merely lent a subtle underscore to the problem.

He was Ranma Saotome and he would *not* be beaten. He just kinda didn't know
how to go about this battle.

"Problem?" Kasumi asked from where she was sitting next to the campfire,
stirring some sort of stew.

Nabiki looked up as well, though she was keeping an eye out for that spying
tweety bird.

"I'm supposed to 'tame' Rei but I'm havin' a little difficulty," confessed
Ranma. "She doesn't react or nothin' it's like..."

"Making love to a corpse," suggested Nabiki. Was that a flash of yellow? No,
just a leaf. "You're not the only Tamer who has trouble warming up to an

"What do they do?" Ranma thought of it as some special technique he could

Nabiki held out a hand and after a moment Ranma put his pokedex in her

Kasumi spooned out a hot bowlful of stew for Ranma.

"Click here and here, and there, and Taming Tips comes up," pointed out

"Oh my, what does it say about Griffons?" asked Kasumi, now curious.

"Hmmmm," hmmmed Nabiki. She hadn't thought about that angle. She'd have to
borrow that pokedex and check on the entry for Cheshires herself. "Method
one for Icemaidens. Use a hot bath to warm her up."

"That could work," said Ranma, instantly enthusiastic. If the water was warm
enough, it would counteract the chill she seemed to eminate.

"The downside is that heat weakens Icemaidens and they can pass out from
complications." Nabiki kept reading. "Method #2: Tools and protective gear.
The problem here is that without flesh to flesh contact, the chances for
even a lesser bond developing is lessened unless the Tamer has some psychic

Ranma had winced at the idea of Rei fainting during the Taming, and this
second method seemed to be a lot of problems without all the benefits. "Uh
huh. Any more?"

Nabiki page downed the display. "Method #3: Icemaidens are Bisexual so using
a bonded Ice type pokegirl to tame her..."

"I don't have an Ice type," concluded Ranma. Then he brightened slightly.
"But Nabiki, you've got that Teleport and stuff. Maybe *you* could tame

Everyone present was treated to the rare sight of Nabiki falling backwards
off her section of log.

"...no." Nabiki said from her new position. "I don't handle cold that well."

Ranma looked at Kasumi who silently edged back slightly. The reluctant Tamer
frowned. "So how do I arrange a hot bath anyway?"

Kasumi's ears flicked back and she stood up, looking down the trail that led
to the campsite. A young man of about twenty was being led by an Eva towards
their camp. "Oh my: guests."


Beneath the Viridian Gym were several layers of tunnel. Like everything to
do with Gendo Giovanni and his clan, there were layers of secrecy, false
leads, and traps involved.

Gendo took the elevator down all the way to what some wag among his
ancestors had deemed "Terminal Dogma" - but was actually known as
"Containment Room Alpha" where he kept Her.

Three hundred years ago, Sukebe had unleashed his troop pokegirls, but he'd
also unleashed thirteen very special creations. Those deemed Legendary

Standing outside the cryogenic vaults that kept Her sleeping, Gendo found
that coming here gave him a certain perspective.

He didn't even know which one it was. One of his ancestors had placed Her
here for safekeeping and as a trump card. Dispose of him and the horror
within would be unleashed.

Gendo had made an educated guess, based on the size of the vault and the
layers of protection. In which case he had the "pick of the litter" stowed
away and kept so frozen that not even a stray neuron would fire.

The Legendary pokegirl known as Typhonna. A pokegirl who had been targetted
by nuclear weapons in the days of such things, three hundred feet tall and
who had destroyed entire land masses as she passed. The master of gravity
and fury of the storm. Nuclears had only slowed her down as she had advanced
from whatever this "Mediterranean" had been through some place called
"Europe" and eventually on to some odd empire called the "United States".
Finally it had been noted that cold and being kept from water weakened

She'd eventually vanished without a trace. Gendo was clever enough to figure
out the rest though.

Typhonna had been weakened and injured by the continual attacks and had gone
to ground to recover. One of the Giovanni predecessors had found the
slumbering giant and had built these layers of cryogenic chamber around the
sleeper rather than do anything that might rouse her.

Though there had been public outcry against the sciences due to Sukebe,
Giovanni knew a few things from researching old records. According to those,
Typhonna could control the weather and had been able to do many things with
gravity. Her "final attack" - one that had crushed much of what was now the
Crescent League, had been to create something called a "micro black hole."

Gendo looked at the frosted panes of glass and thick metal that seperated
him from what lay within. Yes, it helped get him some perspective to look at
this - the triumph of man over a primal rage with godlike power.


Persona glanced at the Griffon pouring tea and experienced an odd moment of
jealousy. Neither his Amachop nor his Eva could do something that
complicated without something going wrong.

"So, what is it you needed?" Ranma flopped down on one of the half-buried
logs positioned as seats around the firepit.

"There's this guy who fights like an Amazonchan but hits like an Amachamp,
beat the heck out of my Amachop, and was looking for a Tamer named 'Ranma
Saotome'," Persona explained.

Ukyo listened to this and came to the obvious conclusion. "They were after
my Tigress? Ranchan what the heck did your father do besides make trouble
for you?"

"Don't think that's it," said Persona. "He was looking for a human. Not the
Jusenkyo victim. I gotta be going, I just wanted to warn you all that this
guy had some pretty powerful Blood Gifts and was gunning for you."

Ranma wondered why anyone would be out to kill him.

"Some Team Rocket wannabe, you suppose?" Ash asked after a moment's
consideration. "They seem to get away with property damage and the like."

Everyone winced at that. It was *way* too likely.

"Well, whatever the case, I'd better be going. I did my part by letting you
know about this asshole," grumbled Persona. "My Amachop needs a Pokecenter
fast, and I want to avoid Viridick as much as possible."

"Why, trouble in Viridick?" Ash was curious, Viridick was one of the Gyms he
hadn't been to.

Persona began to say something, looked at the various pokegirls standing
around and shut his mouth again. "Look, my Eva Lynn was out of her pokeball
when we checked out the Gym there. You... don't want your pokegirls to see
what's in the lobby. Lynn still has nightmares."

Ash actually began to look angry instead of befuddled. "Trophies?"

Persona nodded, slung his pack, and started out on the trail again.

Ranma noted that his "little brother" might have some potential as a fighter
after all, he was putting out a fair battle-aura. "Problem?"

"No. There's nothing that can be done," Ash answered though he still looked
like he wanted to chew leather.


"Ryo Jones, pokegirl Watcher, level 16." The official looked him over. "A

"We've all got to start somewhere," Ryo replied.

The official nodded. "Truth. We'll just examine your Alpha now."

"Examine?" Ryo frowned. "That isn't normal."

"It's your pokeball," explained the official. "Looks like a defect in the
neural suppression software, we've just got to enhance it a bit."

Ryo frowned deeper but nodded. Anything they did could be undone.

"There we go," said the official, taking the pokeball cover off and changing
a setting slightly before repackaging it. "Now we'll just examine the Alpha.

"Hold it. Let me see that ID again," said Ryo, his Danger Sense going off.

"Uhm, we've got to hurry along, no point in keeping all these nice people...

Ryo flicked the false beard he'd just grabbed up in the air briefly. "Bad
disguises, corny dialogue. Which Team Rocket are you with?"

"The kind that's getting away with your Alpha," cried the un-official.
"Goth! Vampiric Drain!"


The Goth held her pose briefly before falling over.

A very tall Peekabu stepped up and cracked her knuckles. "Y'know, I was just
tailing this boy because I wanted to make sure Ami was OK. But now..."

"Now?" The Team Rocket member asked, inching his hand closer to another

"Hey boys and girls? Do you know what time it is?" Lita called back into the
crowd of infuriated Tamers who'd been in line for Pokeball Inspection.
"That's right, it's GOON SMACKING TIME!"

"Aaaaa! I'm allergic to personal violence," protested the Team Rocket
member. "LAMIA! Go!"

Ryo caught the ball in midair and held the clamshell shut.

*WHAM!* Lita used one punch to send the boy in official clothing into

"Simple, straightforward, to the point," said Ryo admiringly.

"Well, treat Ami right, will ya?" Lita sighed. She hated to see Ami go, but
from what she'd seen this guy wasn't a bad Tamer.

"Hey, who owns the Peekabu?"

Lita's eyes went wide as she realized that she was out in the open,
surrounded by Tamers who were all looking at her and ready to throw
pokeballs. "uh oh."

Ryo shrugged. "Mine, actually. Peekabu. Return."

"My name's Lita, y'know," said the pokegirl being turned into red light and
sucked inside a ball.

Ryo flipped the ball into a holster before anyone could notice the capture
light blinking and retrieved Ami's pokeball. "Oh well, let's get going, you
two." He could always turn the Peekabu loose later.


Another campsite. He paused, not wanting to run into another misidentified
group. "Hey! Do any of you know a Ranma Saotome?!"

"Yeah, which one did you want?" A redfurred Tigress stood up, ignoring the
shushing gestures from others around her. "I'm the original. Ya wanna make
something of it?"

The boy smirked and pointed to a runt of a boy. "Oh? Then *you* are the
other Ranma Saotome? I heard he was a real wimp!"

"Hey!" The other boy got up, ignoring the hiss from a nearby Cheshire.
"Whatta ya mean by that?"

Tarou grinned and punched his right fist into his left palm. "At last.


A-BRA, the psychic snoozer
TYPE: Very Near Human
ELEMENT: Psychic
DIET: Human style food
ROLE: A-bra are often found working in security or with administrators or
researchers. Their down time per day makes them less useful than the evolved
STRONG VS: Fighting, Poison
ATTACKS: Teleport, Telepathy, Danger Sense
EVOLVES: Ka-D-Bra, Alaka-wham
   Though she sleeps 18 hours a day, the A-Bra is a fairly useful pokegirl.
She can read minds, teleport, and has a danger sense. She is also quite
intelligent. Feral versions are very rare. It is more often find them at a
breeding center such as the famed Tendo Ranch.

GOTH, the nocturnal near-human pokegirl
TYPE: Very Near Human
DIET: Human style, though supplemented by insects and they prefer very
lightly cooked meat.
ROLE: often used in conjunction with Growlies and Hounds as security forces.
Sometimes found as pets. Like Ingenue they do not suffer quite the same
problems with going Feral without frequent Tamings, they just get very
morose and depressed.
LIBIDO: Normal
STRONG VS: Psychic, Poison
WEAK VS: Steel, Rock, Magic, Electric, Fire
ATTACKS: Spin Kick, Claw Swipe, Glare
EVOLVES: Vampira
ENHANCEMENTS: reinforced fingernails, high tolerance for poisons, 1.5x human
strength, darkvision. Has problems with direct sunlight. Altered digestive
   Goth are the most simple and straightforward of the various Dark types,
also the most common. Goth have pale skin with dark markings and patterns.
Most usually have a few tattoos or odd jewelry as decoration. Most also have
dark hair and the vast majority also have red eyes.

HOUND, the hunting dog
TYPE: Anthropomorph (canine) Humanoid
DIET: Meat with the occasional plant, an extreme fondness for pizza with
extra hot peppers has been noted in most members of the breed.
ROLE: Guard dog, faithful companion.
LIBIDO: Monthly.
STRONG VS: Cat types, Fighting, Psychic, Rock
WEAK VS: Steel, Fire, Megami, scent based attacks
ATTACKS: Bite, Howl, Pummel, Bulldozer
ENHANCEMENTS: 4x human strength. Canine anthropomorph with extremely
sensitive sense of smell. Good running speed and endurance.
   They are extremely sleek and most resemble the pre-Sukebe breed known as
Dobermans. Hounds are extremely valuable as pet/bodyguards in part because
they are big and powerful, but also because a Hound withstood the death of
her beloved Tamer and both chemical and physical torture for a week under
the Limbec Pirates while they tried to get her to turn on her Master's
family. While the Hound died, her endurance and refusal to be turned has
become public knowledge and as a result the breed is considered loyal to a
fault. Even groups like Team Rocket know better than to try and steal a
Hound and try to turn her loyalties. Despite this, Hounds generally do not
make good teammates for a wandering Tamer as they are very territorial.

ICEMAIDEN, the frigid pokegirl
TYPE: Very Near Human
DIET: Vegetarian
ROLE: Sometimes a pet, often found working in cold environments.
LIBIDO: Very low. Not usually subject to typical Feral problems, more often
a craving that leads to distraction.
STRONG VS: Water, Fighting
WEAK VS: Fire, Steel
ATTACKS: Cold Snap, Heat Drain, Kick, Punch, Ice Barrier
EVOLVES: Yuki-onna (Edo League), Snow Queen (evolution mechanism uncertain)
ENHANCEMENTS: Elemental Affinity: Ice, immune to nonmagical cold
One of the last types supposedly developed by Sukebe in the War, these
coldly logical females saw which way the war was going and surrendered en
masse in return for certain considerations. Like the Amazonchan, there is an
Icemaiden Preserve though this is located in icebound lands far to the
They are very much like human women in many respects, though their body
temperature is far lower than a human's and they have trouble operating in
high temperatures. It takes a very special Tamer to be able to engage their
emotions, but those who do find Icemaidens can become quite friendly though
they never lose their cool demeanor.

MERROWL, the feline pokegirl
TYPE: Anthropomorph (feline) Humanoid
DIET: prefers fish, chicken, milk, and rice. Usually finds finer brands of
pokechow acceptable.
ROLE: Frequently found as pets, though not as common as the more humanlike
Kitten. Doesn't get as much education due to a humanocentric bias.
LIBIDO: Monthly
STRONG VS: Birds & Mice
WEAK VS: Ghost, Rock
ATTACKS: Bite, Scratch, Slash
EVOLVES: Purrsian
ENHANCEMENTS: Feline anthropomorph. Functional claws, nightvision, enhanced
senses of smell and hearing, enhanced agility. Fingers are not as dextrous
as human equivelant.
   Merrowl are not the most powerful or elegant pokegirls, but they are
fairly common and have their share of supporters. They are low-maintenence
and fairly prideful, not great orators but when they do choose to speak
their owners are apt to listen.

Professor's Notes:___

COLLARS: Originally designed into collars, these bands lock into place and
require the Master's thumbprint to open. They carry an identity tag and
identifaction chip as well as the latest anti-capture technology. Normally a
pokegirl who has been captured cannot be caught by another pokeball, however
there have been instances where modified or defective pokeballs have been
able to capture those who are subdued. The anti-capture protocols of a
collar, if active with the ident of the owner, interrupt this process. The
Collar also idents the pokegirl's name and owner if someone scans that
pokegirl with a pokedex. Collars are often used by those who own pokegirl
pets, but due to the problems of transfer/trade they are generally not used
by Tamers and looked down at as being unprofessional by that group.
Pokegirls with collars often preen or flaunt their collars in front of other
pokegirls as a symbol of status.

IDENT-CHIPS: An implanted chipset that performs much the same function as a
collar. These are only used if the Tamer wants to keep that particular
pokegirl for life. If a collar is also used, there is no cumulative effect.
Most of those with ident-chips will want to keep their collar too, as it is
a visible indicator of status and the pokegirl's worth to her owner/tamer.

BONDING: Due to pokegirl biology, pokegirls normally bond to a particular
Tamer. Those manifesting this common bond regard him (or her) as the pack
leader and often defer to that Tamer. This most common bond is a simple
physical one, and is referred to as an Alpha bond.
__More powerful and with more longterm effects are the much rarer psychic
Bonding that can occur between those Tamers (or pet owners) with High
Empathy ratings. It is also dangerous, as there can be a psychic backlash
from injuries or death of one affecting the other through the link. The
psychic bond usually cannot be broken and so the tradability and combat
usefulness of the pokegirl is much reduced. For typing purposes this has
been classified a Delta class bond.
__Far rarer and much less sought is Recognition. When this occurs it usually
means the Tamer must retire. The bond is psychic to some extent, but far
stronger than a Bonding. Those who have experienced it describe it as their
souls being connected, as if the other somehow makes them complete. So far
no study has determined how deep the effect goes though it is quite strong.
Psychics have been able to pick up on the link between two who share
Recognition quite easily.

HISTORY: Following the release of the pokegirls and Sukebe's War, various
nations found themselves in serious problems. Their lines of communication
cut, supply lines likewise imperiled, and in the late 20th-early 21st
century very few communities were "an island unto themselves." Add to this
the problems caused by the lumbering titans that were some of the Legendary
level pokegirls such as Typhoon and Infernus, Moltits and Articunt, Storm
Gail and Mountaintide. National governments were dividing into smaller
segments and some with their own pokegirls were realizing that they had the
power of a tank or infantry squad under their own command. The League
started out with a group of Tamers who took control of a small area in what
used to be the United States (now no longer united or even states). The
First Council ended up policing the Americanadian continent, and seized
power from those they declared to be part of the problem. Others followed
their example, coalitions of Tamers with diverse and powerful pokegirls
either annexing or eliminating those rogue elements that were further
destabilizing things.
TODAY: There are still regional governments and offices, holdovers from
pre-Sukebe times, but these are largely figureheads who are at the beck and
call of the regional League. Each League is a particular geographical area
that seeks to set policies, though each League also interfaces with all the
others to some extent. Each member of a League's Council is composed of Gym
Leaders and League Officials. Usually the various Councils can then be
seperated into factions and cliques within their groupings.

COLOGNE: An ancient of the Amazonchan who evolved to Herochan ages ago. Some
say that she *is* the first Amazonchan, and her own comments about her age
seem to back this up. All Amazonchan refer to her as Great-Grandmother or by
other similar terms. Cologne is a member of the Rainbow League Council and
her Gym is found in the Amazonchan Preserve. Jim Bader (analogue of the
fanfic author of the same name) is one of her personal agents. She is not a
Legendary, merely one of the originals, if her claims to age can be taken