Chapter 8: Wild Horse & Pokegirls, a story by Metroanime with feedback &
scenes frm Tonyloco and Jim Bader.
There's some pokegirl pics up on
WARNING: This is a fic that has silly moments and plotlines, but is set in a
dark world and explores concepts dealing with the darker side of human
nature. It also is *not* recommended for the young, rated NC-17 or something
or like that. There are elements which will disturb me, the writer, for
crying out loud.
DISCLAIMER: The character of N-Ranma (Native Ranma) is based on the manga
characterization of Ranma (with adjustments for growing up in this setting),
while Ranma (the one from another world) is based on the anime. Various
elements from this come from Greyman and a few other erotic (or at least
adult-oriented) Addventure writers on the web, Nintendo, R.Takahashi/Viz,
and other writers.
Pokedex entry: "While most of the general public may have a pet pokegirl, or
even have one taken as concubine, there are only five basic League
professions specializing in pokegirls. Tamers, the most common, may have up
to six pokegirls in their harem. Tamers are essentially field operators and
adventurers whose job is to tame and train pokegirls in order to help keep
the cities safe. Researchers usually have only a few pokegirls, scientists
whose duty is to further the understanding of pokegirls and their abilities.
Watchers are usually restricted to a harem of four, and mix the duties of
the Tamer and the Researcher. Finally come the Healers and other support
personnel who work at Pokecenters. Finally there are Breeders, who maintain
ranches where Domesticated pokegirls can be raised and formerly human women
can come to terms with their new roles."
Ranma was very uncertain about this, but it had needed to be done.
It hadn't taken very long before he had come to one single inescapable
This native version of himself was an asshole.
The Tigress sulked in her cage, snarling slightly at the imposter. She
couldn't see why this Professor couldn't do some "late night movie mad
scientist" sort of thing and switch their minds. This other guy was in *her*
rightful body, and if this cheap imitation had to spend the rest of his life
as a pokegirl - better him than the REAL Ranma.
That N-Ranma had said this aloud didn't do wonders for Ranma's sense of well
being. Or trying to empathize with his native self's plight.
"Well, if you *do* return back to normal," began Ranma.
"Ain't no *if*," N-Ranma growled. "None of this is my fault anyway. Stupid
Oyaji. He just *had* to go to Jusenkyo Toxic Spell Dump. Well, I'll beat
this yet. Ranma Saotome don't lose!"
"What I was sayin' was that you should be taking an Alpha from the Tendo
Ranch instead of Ash."
N-Ranma's sneer increased. "Oh yeah, like I'd do that. Anything Goes
PokeMastery don't go by no rules like that. Whatever is needed to win is OK
within the style, so no Domesticated pokegirls and no set Alpha. If ya need
to rely on a single pokegirl as your Alpha, ya ain't usin' the style. Though
a Griffon is pretty tough. Maybe I'd just take her from ya and train her ta
be a bit tougher. Didn't seem to have much killer instinct."
"Well," Ranma frowned at the amount of hostility coming off his other self,
"she seems nice."
"NICE?!" N-Ranma spat, which fried when it passed between the energized
bars. "Nice ain't got no place in PokeMastery. Yeesh, whatta loser *you*
are. I gotta get outta here and turn back."
"Hey, they're friends of mine!" Ranma blurted this out, then realized it was
true. He'd come to think of Kasumi and Nabiki as friends. How this had
happened, he wasn't sure. They were nice to him though, so he'd be nice
"Friends? With pokegirls?" N-Ranma dropped the sneer in astonishment "Ya
gotta be kidding! That's the lamest thing I've ever heard. Just like that
wuss so-called 'brother' of mine."
Ranma nodded absently and wondered if other people saw *him* like this.
Arrogant, prideful, abrasive, an idiot with a violent temper?
"Yeah," N-Ranma said, getting up and beginning to stalk around the inside of
her cage. "That wussy was in here. He wants to be 'friends with his
pokegirls with his pokegirls and help them reach their full potential'.
Whatta load of crap!"
"Uhm," Ranma had thought of something, "now that you *are* a pokegirl, I'd
expect you to be a little more uhm..."
"I AIN'T NO POKEGIRL! I AM A GUY!" N-Ranma yelled and tried to pry open the
bars. After the smoke cleared, she growled and started getting up. Or at
least tried. Coordination seemed a bit off.
"Well, you look like some kinda girl," the Ranma who had never been cursed
at Jusenkyo said without much empathy. "And the Professor said he couldn't
turn you back."
"He lied," slurred N-Ranma. "There's gotta be a way."
"No. I didn't," said the Professor, walking into the room. "Do you think no
one's tried to reverse Threshold or genetic reconstruction before? Sukebe
might have been able to do it, but most of his equipment and notes were lost
and no one since him has been able to do half of what he had been capable
"Liar," repeated N-Ranma, still a little subdued.
"You said someone's tried?" Ranma had caught that. "What happened?"
"Genetic instability leading to fullscale cellular breakdown," said the
Professor. He noticed that Ranma looked completely lost. "They melted down
into goo."
"Eeeewwwwww," summed up Ranma quite succintly. N-Ranma didn't look too
pleased with the picture either.
"We've just recently gotten to the point where we can accelerate Threshold.
I myself *am* the leading Researcher in pokegirl genetech, and have a
reasonable chance of being able to transform a pokegirl across types using
genetic samples." The Professor was proud of his advances, and rightfully
so. Since he'd gotten off that damn island all those years ago, he'd made
vast strides in advancing science. Though some of the things going on with
that Skipper and his "Little Buddy" had unnerved him. "Give me another fifty
years of progress, and I *might* be able to reverse a Jusenkyo
N-Ranma slammed the bars again, and was again zapped quite severely.
"Oh by the way, Ranma," the Professor said as he watched smoke curling off
the redfurred Tigress, "I came in here to let you know that Nabiki is
looking for you. She seems to feel you need to give her equal attention with
Ranma gulped.
Professor Stroak nodded at nothing in particular. "Now, Ranma, I understand
you haven't been a Tamer long, but you should never show favoritism among
your harem without good reason."
scene by Jim Bader
"Master...a word with you in private?"
"Eh?" Ranma turned to see his Alpha standing there beside him, "What's up,
Nabiki? What're you...Hey!?" he gasped as he found himself being drawn
along as Nabiki took him by the hand and gently-but-very-insistently herded
him over towards a particular chamber.
"You helped Kasumi evolve, Master," Nabiki said by way of terse explanation,
"But Nabiki is your Alpha, and I want to evolve too."
"Now?" Ranma almost squeaked in panic, "But..."
Ash shook his head and just sighed, "Some guys got all the luck..."
His half-brother's cryptic comment closed off as Nabiki all but slammed the
door behind them, and suddenly it occurred to Ranma that he was alone in the
room with the Pokegirl whom he had only just known for a couple of days
being asked to perform a **service** for her that involved a liberal amount
of sex, and he had yet to even get a decent meal since doing the same thing
with her older (and much gentler) sister! He swallowed on a thick lump that
formed within his throat and tried to think of something intelligent to say
on this subject, but all he could come up with was a nervous, "Ahhh..."
His half-formed comment died in his throat as Nabiki turned and pressed his
back against the wall, putting her arms around his neck and leaning forward
so that her perky breasts were pressed against his chest, having already
shed her halter. She was looking him in the eyes with their noses only
inches apart and she had that sultry **look** about her the matched the purr
in her throat that reminded him so much of a terrifying animal he found so
intimidating. Feeling more than a little bit like a mouse being eyed like a
meal by his Alpha, he could only swallow past the lump in his throat as his
body became aware that she was only wearing her panties...and nothing else
besides this!
"Master," she cooed in an affectionate tone that she somehow rolled off her
tongue like she was caressing each syllable, "You do want to Tame me some
more, don't you? Nabiki is so much in need of being tamed, and you wouldn't
want her to go Feral on you, now would you?"
"Ah...hah?" Ranma responded, a large portion of his mind being absorbed into
the fact that her knobby little nipples were poking him through his shirt, a
clear sign of heightened arousal according to those scrolls he had memorized
concerning Pokegirl behavior when seeking the affections of their owners.
"Don't you want to Tame your Nabiki?" she somehow managed to pout while
leering (which is not as easy as it sounds, but somehow she managed it with
an art that was surely inborn), "Don't you want her to evolve and reach the
next level?"
"Ah...ah...ah..." Ranma mentally cudgeled himself and managed to get the
word out, "Sure..."
"Goooooooood," she fully leered this time, revealing her fangs to him as her
catlike Kitten qualities became even more readily apparent, "Then how would
you like me to be Tamed...Master? There are so many options to
choose...surely you have a favorite one to use on your Nabiki?"
Ranma was certain that his heartbeat was loud enough to be mistaken for a
drum as he considered what she was offering, realizing that they were in a
room that was stocked with all manner of "play equipment" that was intended
to help a Tamer with the somewhat arduous task of pleasing his Pokegirls.
It was also equipped with all sorts of protective devices to help stave off
some of the **consequences** that attended the Taming of special types of
Pokegirls, everything from lightning rods to gas masks to heavy devices used
to restrain Pokegirls whose strength went beyond the merely superhuman.
To his mind the place was a well-stocked high-tech torture chamber, but he
sensed that Nabiki would not have mind being put into some of the various
devices. About the only thing that kept the place looking more like a
recreational room was the fact that it was much cleaner than a dungeon, was
fairly well lit like one, and it boasted a wall-sized mirror array that gave
one a full view of everything else in the room, including Nabiki's rather
well-shaped hourglass backside...
Of course he had no way of knowing that there was an observation booth on
the other side, or that an impressive array of scientific equipment was
being employed to record this particular "Taming" session. After all, the
Professor was a research specialist in the field of Pokegirl behavior, and
studying the means by which certain types could be Tamed and Evolved to new
levels was certainly well within the parameters of a viable and legitimate
institute such as this...
His brief contemplation of his surroundings came to an abrupt halt as
Nabiki---taking his question as an invitation to start things out---grabbed
Ranma firmly by the shirt and hauled him down onto the nearby mat, somehow
contriving to get him flat on his backside while she straddled him and
started undoing the wooden pegs on his shirt, baring his chest to her hands
as she purred aloud with unmistakable hunger.
"Now, Master," she all but drooled, "You can do for me what you did for
Though she phrased the words in the manner of a request, Ranma somehow felt
as though it were more of a command to perform, and as he struggled to
remember the lessons that had been on the family scrolls on Pokegirl Taming,
some dormant portion of his mind woke up again, stretched out its paws and
smiled, sensing a female in heat and in need of his affections...
Shampoo settled into place just beyond the mirror, watching avidly and not
without a certain degree of anticipation. This was *her* Tamer, after all.
Shampoo held her hand up to refuse it. Only Usagi would bring popcorn to
watch a Taming. Or Lina. Or...
The purplehaired Amazonchan reconsidered. She was getting hungry just
watching this.
It was easier this time around for Ranma to put into practice what he had
learned through reading the scrolls and applying them to Kasumi. The moves
seemed more natural this time, he had a better idea what to watch out for,
and when he did something right he could better read his Pokegirl's
expressions and responses to gauge the effectiveness of what he was doing.
With Nabiki it was also substantially different from when he had been
exploring Kasumi's physical responses. Kasumi had been a passive-receptive
partner but Nabiki was more aggressive and overt in her demands on being
pleasured, and with a fully kittenish receptiveness to the joys of Pokegirl
Taming there was no putting her off, no half-way shortcuts for staving her
off while he figured out what to do next, and no hesitation permitted in his
approach to giving her the sort of Taming session that he knew she was
And she was definitely taking the lead in the early part of this Taming
session, showing initiative by peeling off his clothing with such urgency
that she nearly tore the fabric of his shirt and trousers. There was no
mistaking her intentions as she started rubbing her body up and down the
length of his body, her mouth pressing warmly against his while she rubbed
her legs against his, her inner thigh fairly stroking against his thighs
while her perky breasts were pressing up against his chest, compelling his
hands to find and knead their supple consistency as his mind reacted with
pleasant surprise at feeling such a warm and intimate contact.
For a young man in prime physical condition and with fairly healthy
instincts, Ranma was discovering a side of himself that he never had
previously accessed. Being a fairly lonely boy without true friends in the
world, the amount of attention and affection being plied upon him over the
past few days was something of a blinding revelation. With Kasumi he had
felt a tenderness that he had never known before...the gentle Pokegirl was
warm, caring and giving, a generous soul who seemed more like a beloved big
sister than a genetically modified sex slave or humanoid cat-person. It was
easy being with her and he had learned a lot about himself from pleasuring
her, not least of which was a certain pride in the accomplishment of her
With Nabiki, however, there was more of a raw animal attraction, felt as
much on her part as his own, and Taming her was like a new kind of martial
arts sparring with the goal being to give back as good as he got (if not
just holding on for dear life as pummeling her into submission was
DEFINITELY NOT an option!). The fact that it was a very **interesting**
kind of "sparring" match made it all the more exciting, and the way in which
Nabiki plied her body over his gave him plenty of clues on what he had to do
to keep her happy. To be certain her body was VERY interesting to the
touch, and the more he ran his hands over her tawny hide the greater was
their level of mutual excitement. If anything it was as much of a struggle
to hold her back as it was to turn her on as it was plain that Nabiki's
enthusiasm brooked no delays or excuses in her pursuit of the ultimate
Taming experience.
So it was that he found himself with his back pressed up against the wall
and Nabiki pressing her body up against his with a desire that was
unmistakable, and as she pressed her lips and tongue against his flesh he
found his own desire was awakening swiftly, though he was content to let her
take the initiative as she seemed to have a very good idea of what she was
doing. As she slipped down to her knees he found that he could deny her
nothing, yet when she started to play with his own genitalia he nearly made
an exception.
"Please, Master," she purred with her paw-like hands cuddling his "balls and
shaft" as the latter hardened to full arousal, "Relax and let your Nabiki
show you how good she is at taking care of her Master."
Despite his reluctance to go this far with the Pokegirl, he found that
Nabiki was irresistible in more than one sense of the word. In fact she
hardly paused between making her request to going into action in
demonstrating her intentions, plying her tongue and lips to the most
sensitive area of a man's anatomy and causing Ranma to arch his back and
roll up his eyes as his knees bent slightly and he gasped aloud in disbelief
and amazement. The feeling of her raspy tongue against his skin was
unbelievable, and the press of her soft lips was enough to make him yield to
her persuasion as Nabiki taught him a new way to take pleasure out of
"Taming" a Pokegirl (even though it seemed to be him who was being "Tamed"
by this demonstration).
Nabiki had an instinctive and intuitive sense of what was pleasing to her
Master, having sampled him directly the previous "Taming" session, but added
to this was some extensive research of her own gleaned from various online
sources, which was why she intended to experiment and "feel her way around"
to see which methods might be the most useful for helping her Master to
overcome the shyness that masked the Tomcat that she sensed was within him.
The oral means of stimulating a Tamer was highly recommended by those
Pokegirls who often tried it in a Taming session, and Nabiki already had
strong indication that this was the right way of "persuading" her Ranma that
he could take his delights of her with the strength of a hard, erect member
fit for a proper "Taming." The one problem with this methods was---of
course---the fact that her Kittenish fangs prevented her from taking him in
all the way past her lips, and she very much doubted that biting him down
there would be the right way of enflaming his interest.
Of course she could not have known the effect that her "tongue-bath" of his
stiffening member would have on another part of his mind, which---at that
moment---was fully awakening in Ranma, the sleeping Tomcat that Nabiki was
very much trying to bring out from hibernation. That part welled up in the
back of Ranma's mind and saw right past the numb surprise that had
immobilized his consciousness to see the intent of HIS kitten to take a
dominant position in pleasuring her Master. This aggressive side that
lurked in the recesses of Ranma's mind decided to take over, giving a
pleasurable grin of his own that left the rest of him in bewilderment as
Ranma found another spirit taking over his actions. He did not feel as if
this **other** Ranma were some kind of foreign invader and so he did not
react defensively against this surge of aggressive male hormones, being much
to surprised upon discovering this "animal side" to his nature, and so he
watched with fascination as his other side took over, fully intending to
assert himself as he would do in a legitimate sparring match.
So Nabiki was quite surprised when her Master touched her face and bade her
to desist in her attempts at gaining his interest, and then she looked up in
amazement as she saw the pleasurable lust and casual assertiveness that she
had been hoping to enflame cause the handsome features of her Tamer take on
a very cat-like aspect that sent a thrill through her body and caused her to
instantly and instinctively yield to the touch of his hands. The next thing
she knew she was being rolled onto her back as her Master fell atop her and
straddled her with hands and mouth working to turn the tables on the
Pokegirl. There was neither rush nor haste to his actions, simply a strong
and insistent sense of his being in charge and expecting her to acknowledge
this fact. His hands moved with confidence to find and stimulate her
pleasure centers and she reacted accordingly with a surprised mew of
delight, promising that much, much more was in the offing, to which point
Nabiki instantly yielded and allowed him to take control of this aspect of
the process of her "Taming."
The He-Cat in Ranma was truly aroused now and fully aware that he had an
attractive and desirable Kitten within his paws, one who urged him to "Tame"
her with the palpable scent of her body, the responses she made to his
caressing of her skin, the way he nuzzled her earlobes and elicited a
throaty purr of hearty approval. She was desirable and in heat, and he was
very much aware of his own body's need to possess her, so he went to work
with an ease and cockiness that was born of his own prowess, the certain
knowledge that he was in control of the situation and that she was willing
to let him be on top in this stage of their affairs. Her tail was moving in
accordance to his actions as he nuzzled and fondled her where and when it
seemed appropriate, in no great hurry to get to the crux of the matter as he
fully intended to enjoy each moment of his exploration of her altogether
desirable body.
For the rational part of Ranma---who felt almost like a passenger in his own
body at this aspect---it was the first time that he had been aware while
under the influence of the Neko, and it was a pretty eye-opening experience
to see, feel and smell the body of the warm and willing Pokegirl whom he was
pleasuring and dominating, coupled with an amazement at the way her growing
excitement speeded up her pulse and made her body feel warmer and more
sensitive than ever. His own pulse was quickening as his mouth behaved with
a mind of its own, taking a nipple between his lips and suckling a breast
like a hungry baby, savoring the taste in his mouth while his other hand was
molding and teasing her other breast and further stimulate the Pokegirl into
a state of increasing arousal.
By the time Neko-Ranma had brought his mouth down to explore the loins of
the squealing Kitten the intellectual side of Ranma had catalogued quite an
impressive store of newfound information concerning what Taming was really
all about, and just why it was that Nabiki was enjoying this with such wild
abandon. This was where his animal side was truly at home, and when he
tongued her clitoris it caused such a thrashing motion of animal noises from
his Kitten that it seemed as if she were about to scream in agony rather
than delight and approval. That she evidently wanted even more than this
became apparent from the way she gazed with pleading eyes to her Master,
urging him with mewing noises to continue his treatment, to which the Tomcat
within Ranma easily consented.
By this point his male organ was fully erect and ready to go to work, and
Ranma was done with preparing his Kitten for the act of consummation. With
only a pause to position himself for the act of copulation, he lifted the
Pokegirl's hips to give him a better angle for entry, then pushed his way
into her as she arched her back and gave a sharp cry that was not so much of
pain as it was for satisfaction that her Master was really and truly within
From there on it was a furious riding session with the He-Cat within Ranma
fully in charge, and Nabiki offering no argument on this matter. Neko Ranma
knew his stuff and was aware that he was giving his Kitten exactly what she
wanted and deserved, and the fact that she was taking pleasure from the act
pleased him immensely and made him feel like a more powerful and confident
Tamer. This was something the rest of his conscious mind recognized and
committed to memory, along with the complex emotions that were swelling up
within him as he felt a bond being strengthened between him and his Alpha.
Nabiki was no longer the terrifying and mystifying half-human creature that
had been perplexing him for the past couple of she was HIS woman,
and with a rush of Testosterone he felt himself rising up like a volcano at
this simple realization.
Nabiki was delighted beyond words, and quite a bit beyond rational thought
herself as she delighted in having her Master ride her like the "Wild
Stallion" that was his namesake. She wrapped her legs around his body and
hooked her feet together to further encourage him to go in deep and long
with more powerful thrusting motion, all the while feeling the rush of her
own hormones surging through her body as she prepared to experience a
powerful climax. When a splash of something wet shot into her loins it was
the key that she finally needed to relent, and then her mind went white as
her body reacted with a clenching and unclenching of vascular and genital
musculature, and then her entire world went into overdrive as a surge of
energy awoke within her very being...
For the Tomcat within Ranma the sense that his Pokegirl was glowing came as
less of a surprise than a curiosity, but it was secondary to the pleasure he
was experiencing planting his seed inside her loins, fulfilling the goal of
every wild beast to procreate with his female. The differences between them
were immaterial next to the fact that she belonged to him, and by taking her
in this manner he affirmed his right of possession, like marking his
territory and declaring before others that he owned her and would tolerate
no one else getting near his Poke-woman.
Of course, as the languor started to take over following his immensely
satisfying climax, his awareness that something was changing in the girl
whom he currently straddled. This brought the conscious awareness of his
mind to the foreground as Ranma remembered what happened to Kasumi, which
prompted him to ask, "Nabiki...are you all right...?"
To his surprise she grinned hugely, the glow surrounding her causing her
eyes to light up from within, and then to his further dismay she reached up
and rolled him over, straddling him as the animal side within her nature
took control, for in no way was she done with being Tamed in this particular
session, even as her body began to change in accordance to her much-desired
The word went out in the Professor's report to the League.
:Tamer Ranma Saotome evolved a Domesticated Kitten to Griffin, her sister to
Cheshire. Despite that he has only undergone two Taming sessions with each.:
Only a few miles away, Jim had just gotten a newsfax from the dispenser at
the Rest Area, then decided he needed to get to a Pokecenter and contact HQ.
Ranma had struck him as being clueless, so maybe he was using the illegal
pokeball modchips without realizing WHY they had been made illegal?
In New Pork, Ataru Moroboshi got a familiar glint in his eye. "Lum! Do you
know what this means? A Griffin! Soon to be *my* Griffin!" Lum merely rolled
her eyes. Ataru might be her darling Master but he was still an idiot.
In the Buggy Wood, Shinji Ikari winced and tried to be a spineless little
ball as Asuka ranted and raved about what a useless little weenie SHE had
gotten stuck with, when apparently there was a much better Tamer not too far
"Hmmm," hmmmed Mikado Sanzennin from his chair in the Juuban Pokecenter. "A
Griffin and a Cheshire? Clearly I need to find this Ranma and liberate his
pokegirls, in my quest to screw 1000 pokegirls! Oh, and Azusa? Put the
tanuki sculpture down."
"So if we swipes this Griffin and present her to the Boss, we'll be livin'
on Easy Street! Nyuk nyuk nyuk!"
Ranma staggered a little as *something* touched him in a different way than
just a physical manner. However he'd gone through this with Kasumi before,
and with the two of them in a vaguely remembered session previously.
The touch was of his Alpha's psyche, her mind and soul "bonding" to him.
He'd been curious (trans: panicked) and had used his pokedex to figure out
what it was. High empathy Tamers often developed this with their lead
His mind, his soul. Her mind, her soul. A bit of each touching or linking
with the other, which is why they called it a bonding. It was said only the
best of Tamers could do it. Good to see there was something besides martial
arts he could do. Heh.
Ranma's martial artist talents continued to build a database. Kasumi had
responded best to a gentle strong approach, slow kisses, and especially
tonguing that area of her collarbone. Nabiki seemed to *really* like little
nibbles along the throat where the pulse was the strongest.
Now that Nabiki was in the (literal) afterglow, Ranma's mind catalogued the
differences in the bonding between the two. Kasumi had a different feel to
her, gentle and warm like a relaxing bath. Nabiki had a warmth to her as
well, but the currents were stronger and shifted about. There was also a
flavor of mischief lacking in Kasumi but present in Nabiki.
The martial artist Tamer grabbed one of those handy "Stamina+" drinks while
watching Nabiki evolve. These things were something he wanted to take back
when he got home. Like a "Pocari Sweat" or "Aquarius" rehydrating drink, but
it also had a considerable kick that drove the cobwebs out of his mind and
let some strength seep back into his frame.
Which was good, because Nabiki looked like she wanted to finish.
Ranma staggered a little. Even with as much stamina as he had, Nabiki's
"enthusiasm" had been a bit overwhelming. And kind of freaky. And, well, he
wasn't exactly comfortable with this "Taming" stuff.
The familiar noise caught Ranma's attention and he wandered towards the
doorframe. The sight brought a smile and almost a tear to his eye.
Someone was practicing the martial arts. At last, something he KNEW!
Something he was familiar with.
Ranma blinked rapidly. THAT had been a chi attack, and not one he knew. A
special technique? One that he did NOT know? A ranged attack with focussed
chi extending the force of your punch? A fairly strong punch from the way
this girl was throwing training dummies and strike-bags around on their
The vaguely familiar purple-haired girl settled back and went into another
stance, focussing and standing before a training dummy.
"Gatling Punch!"
Ranma nodded. A speed technique where she was striking faster than the
normal eye could follow. Even to Ranma that was a blur. Another technique he
HAD to learn.
A barely visible flick of her head was the only indication he had that the
girl knew he was there. She was completely focussed on her practice,
Nabiki leaned against a wall and yawned as she stretched. "Mas... Ranma.
That's Shampoo. She's your third pokegirl. Unlike myself or Kasumi, she's a
Reminded that this wasn't a *human* girl (though the hair color had been a
clue), Ranma pulled out his pokedex.
[Amazonchan. The hardhitting pokegirl. Very Near Human. Rivalry exists with
Amazonlee and Amachop types as to who is the best Fighting Type. Amazonchan
have special dietary considerations.]
Ranma's attention flitted to a strange detail. "What's that mean, 'Very Near
Nabiki grimaced briefly, she wanted to take a nap and recharge, but this too
was the duty of an Alpha. "Pokegirls are typed by several different factors.
Kasumi and I are 'Near Human' and 'Animorph' - which means we mostly look
human and we have some characteristics like our ears and tails which are
reminiscent of an animal. In our case, the extinct species known as 'cats'
though Kasumi also has some 'bird' qualities and not all bird species went
extinct during the War or that plague a century later."
Other than flinching at the "c" word, Ranma just nodded and continued to
watch as the Amazonchan went through a graceful series of moves.
Nabiki wasn't sure Ranma was still listening but continued anyway. "Shampoo
is a 'Very Near Human' like Akane and that Tomboy Misty that your brother
Ash has. Meaning she has no animal qualities, and except for a few minor
visual cues could pass for human. They've got much less problems with going
Feral as they don't have the animal nature trying to take over. A 'Humanoid'
and 'Animorph' means that the pokegirl has less human qualities, maybe half
human like a Merrowl or Eva. A Persian or something like that looks more
animal than human."
Another nod from Ranma as he watched Shampoo flow through a very graceful
set of leaps and kicks. Nothing unfamiliar there. When was she going to get
back to the chi attacks?
"It's made a little more complicated when you get to half-humans. We have
odd talents, often, but aren't as strong in a narrow specialty like a Feral
is. Makoto, for example. She's a Peekaboo, but she's over two feet taller
than is typical for a Peekaboo. She's also more human looking, and she's
studied fighting with something other than electric attacks. Her
thundershock isn't going to be as powerful as the one Ash's Peekaboo has, so
it sort of balances out." Privately, Nabiki felt that it wasn't much of a
balance. Feralborn were a LOT stronger, usually, but could usually be taken
down fairly quickly by an experienced Tamer with a few pokegirls. Tactics
and intelligence could overcome raw strength, and did so on a regular basis.
"I wonder if she'd like to spar," Ranma said aloud.
Nabiki's nose twitched and her eyes narrowed. Ranma's close attention to the
Amazonchan had not gone unnoticed. "I'm sure she'd be *most* happy to
"Great!" Ranma smiled. At last, something he was familiar with! Sparring.
Even if it was with a girl. Pokegirl. Whatever.
Shampoo had been aware of the boy watching her from the start, and had
quickly demonstrated what she considered her strengths. Speed, agility,
acrobatic techniques, fighting skills, her Comet Punch and Gatling Punch
techniques. Strength, of course, though all Amazonchan tended to be strong.
That she was physically attractive was something she had a few doubts about.
She didn't have soft silky fur like an Eva, wasn't as flexible as a Naga,
not as cute and cuddly as most Kittens tended to be. She lacked the, well,
jiggle of a Jigglyslut or the inhuman grace of a Elfgirl or the heavy
firepower of a Dragongirl.
Amazonchans were actually not uncommon. So she *also* lacked the allure of
some of the more exotic types. While her strength was enough that she
expected to have to be immobilized during Taming, she lacked the dangerous
qualities that attracted the sort of Tamer that liked that aspect.
So Shampoo had been amused (and somewhat reassured) by Ranma's watching her
from the doorway.
His approach was carefully monitored, and she broke off her attack to bow
slightly. Was this it? Her first Taming? Would she be bonded like Kasumi and
Nabiki had been? Would she be *evolved* like those two? Shampoo had mixed
feelings on THAT score.
"Uhm, hi," the guy who Nabiki had stated would be her Tamer acted a little
self conscious.
Shampoo thought it odd considering what he'd done with Nabiki and Kasumi.
She would have expected the usual Tamer cockiness, though he deserved some
of that due to managing to get both evolved in such a short time. "Ni hao."
A traditional Amazonchan greeting. She'd spent enough time on the Preserve
to know such basics.
"Uhm," the boy said, fidgeting a lot. "Do you mind if we spar?"
Shampoo had never facefaulted before. She came up rubbing her nose. "Excuse
"Spar, you know. Like fighting?" The boy looked a little confused. "An old
sensei once told me that sparring was like a real fight, except for the last
inch. That's not what Oyaji felt, but then I keep getting the impression
that Oyaji might not have known as much as he should."
Shampoo cocked her head as she regarded the Tamer. She was quite aware of
his other-world origin, and wasn't sure where she fit into his frame of
reference. It was definitely a PLUS in her book that he was asking her to do
things as opposed to demanding them. Still, a human fighting HER? And he'd
seen her going through the motions. Was he patronizing her? That would be a
definite MINUS. She took her fighting skills seriously and couldn't see how
a human could keep up.
"Uhm, are you okay?"
Shampoo nodded and settled back into a ready stance. She'd just go lightly,
show this human how badly he was outclassed, and that would settle this
matter. Once he had respect for her skills, they could work out everything
Nabiki continued to use her Fade technique as she watched. As long as she
didn't move, it was almost impossible to see her.
Ranma was quickly becoming annoyed from Shampoo NOT taking him seriously as
an opponent. However, it was easily fixed.
"C'mon, is that the best you can do?" Dodge, weave. "You ain't much, are
ya?" Jump, twist. "You manuever like a cow." Duck, dodgers. "Slow poke!"
Shampoo began going all out. Which actually made Ranma a lot happier. She
was *still* a bit slow.
"Comet Punch!" *WHAM!*
Nabiki almost ran forward on seeing a full strength Comet Punch smash into
Ranma's head. Then she gasped when her Tamer threw it off.
"Now *that* is more like it," said Ranma with a grin.
"What?! What you do?! You CRAZY! You try to get killed then get Shampoo
'retrained'?!" Shampoo was shaking. Nabiki measured as being half fear and
half anger.
"Nah," Ranma flicked his pigtail back and spat a little blood. "But now ya
know I ain't one of these 'never fought a battle himself' guys like ya got
around here. So, ya gonna fight me for real now?"
Shampoo blinked, then started to shake again. This time she erupted in
laughter and it took her a few moments to stop. Finally wiping tears away,
the Amazonchan faced her Tamer again. "Okay, Ranma, but you no hold back
either. We fight for real, yes?"
Ranma smiled back. "Yes!"
Nabiki snuck off, mainly to get a first aid kit. Quite obviously it would be
needed, and likely for *both* of those idiots. Well, "an Alpha must fill
many roles" or something like that.
Perfume had not reacted well to the interruption.
Vixxen (Sakura) had *especially* not been happy about getting all heated up
and then having to deal with some rival Tamer.
"Why does everyone keep mistaking me for this 'Ranma Saotome' when I don't
even remotely look like him?" Jim complained to no one in particular. He
clicked open his pokedex, tapped List and looked at what he had.
[Perfume, Amazonchan, Domesticated; Sakura, Vixxen, Semi-Domesticated;
Donna, Domina, Feralborn; Naga, Naga, Feralborn; Akane, ???, Domesticated.
Warning genetic flux is currently unstable.]
Perfume looked up from where she'd pounded the Tamer. "Look, Master. In
addition to Harpi and a Youma, he had a Hag and a Psidyke."
Looking at the overweight Tamer laid out on the dirt, Jim came to a
conclusion. "So he's a specialist in ugly pokegirls. Takes all kinds I
"By League Rules, you get to take one," pointed out Perfume.
Jim made a face. "Why would I want to?"
Perfume looked over the list and shrugged. "You can trade for something
better in town."
Ranma was again discovering that different pokegirls liked different
approaches, they reacted slightly different, and they had different needs.
Nabiki went wild with bites, particularly on the neck. Kasumi had screamed
at gentle tongue and sucking along the collarbone.
Shampoo, the fierce fighting Amazonchan, moaned and twisted uncontrollably
as Ranma used the tool he'd chosen for this encounter.
An ice cube.
Shampoo had been insistant on the use of one of the devices in the Taming
Room, and Ranma watched one of the gauges with a certain degree of awe. The
Hydraulic Restraint System was a gadget that had all sorts of buttons and
levers and dials, but at its most basic use could restrain a pokegirl
without injuring her.
So, as Ranma used the ice cube to lightly brush nipples, then paint a trail
southwards past Shampoo's belly button, he raised an eyebrow at the gauge
shooting up to 3.2 tons of force.
When he stroked the fine purple hairs of her maidenhood, the gauge briefly
struck 3.6 before returning to 500 pounds, where it mainly stayed put.
"You no tease Shampoo. Just get to it." Shampoo's voice was growly, but her
expression was irritated.
Ranma had come to view these as martial arts since the family scrolls had
ended up in his possession. Giving your opponent pleasure until they
screamed (or yowled in Nabiki's case) and succumbed was a different goal
than simply beating the snot out of them, or in the case of formal matches -
a matter of points. Ranma reacted to this different match by applying the
philosophy he'd had to life-and-death matches. Simply put: Ranma Saotome
doesn't lose.
In this case, the martial/marital arts manuevers he'd used against the
softer domestics weren't as effective. Which meant...
Pressure points were found and stimulated, and when he accidently struck a
bit hard, the pokegirl made an agreeable noise. Method of attack located,
applying new tactic.
Ranma now slapped the areas that drew the most reaction, and in a moment of
insight tapped a control that elevated Shampoo's posterior. Then he spanked
"YAaaaa!" This was followed by rapidfire and very inventive cursing. Ranma
almost stopped when he noticed that the *physical* signs were at odds with
the reaction. Juices were dribbling from the Amazonchan's exposed sex, and
were now running over his target area. Now that he knew for certain he was
on the correct path, he continued his assault. Except that he spanked other
areas as well besides the pokegirl's bottom.
In a way this was (obvious to Ranma) all martial arts training. Speed and
precision, and most definitely endurance. Oh boy was this endurance
DITTO, the copycat pokegirl
TYPE: Near human metamorph
DIET: Liquid. Due to digestive problems, Dittos have trouble eating solid
ROLE: A very adaptable pokegirl, unfortunately not many are known to exist.
LIBIDO: Average (with seasonal peaks)
WEAK VS: Rock, Psychic
ATTACKS: Transform
ENHANCEMENTS: shapeshifting
Ditto is a rare pokegirl with a single powerful ability. She can transform
into a number of other forms, duplicating the abilities of other pokegirls.
It is more common for the Ditto to partially transform, changing her legs to
a Mermaid's tail for swimming, or manifesting an Angel's wings for flight,
or changing a hand into a Warcat's claw. Ditto full body transformations can
only manage a range of 75% to 125% of her usual mass. The smaller the mass
changed, the greater the control the Ditto has over the end result.
Ditto are also vulnerable to sonic attacks. The most peculiar problem of
Dittos is that when in their season, their drive to mate with a male that
they have a psychic bond with is irresistable and frantic. If there is no
such male, the Ditto must be forcibly restrained or she will bond with any
suitable male.