Chapter 7: Wild Horse & Pokegirls, a story by Metroanime with feedback &
scenes frm Tonyloco and Jim Bader.
Balancing Combat & Support roles
WARNING: This is a fic that has silly moments and plotlines, but is set in a
dark world and explores concepts dealing with the darker side of human
nature. It also is *not* recommended for the young, rated NC-17 or something
or like that. There are elements which will disturb me, the writer, for
crying out loud.
DISCLAIMER: Various elements from this come from Greyman and a few other
erotic (or at least adult-oriented) Addventure writers on the web, Nintendo,
R.Takahashi/Viz, and other writers.
Pokedex entry: "Tamers are allowed six pokegirls as their 'on hand' harem,
though excess can be rotated to storage and back. It is therefore required
that the Tamer balance combat and support roles. Feralborn are stronger,
Domesticated pokegirls are more intelligent and have a wider range of
skills. The average Tamer maintains at least one slot for a Domesticated
noncombatant, but one with skills that can assist the Tamer in day-to-day
it's a whole new world we live in
pokegirl johto
everyone wants to be a master
everybody wants to get their thrill,
everybody wants to get there faster,
going up to the top of the hill,
each time you try,
gotta get just a little bit better,
each step you take,
just one step up the ladder.
it's a whole new world we live in,
it's a whole new place to be,
it's a whole new life,
and a brand new attitude,
but you still gotta catch em all,
be the best that you can be.
pokegirl johto
it's a whole new world we live in,
pokegirl johto.
note: it's amazing how the same lyrics for any of the pokemon songs take on
entirely new meanings in this fic, ain't it?
He'd looked for the Saotome crest on his travels. He'd looked for the "black
horse running" (the horse being one of the legendary animals had become
extinct since the War, sort of like a ponytaur but with an animalistic head
and neck) that was the pennant denoting Genma Saotome. He'd looked for any
sign of *Ranma* Saotome.
There had been a report of the two being killed in some place called
Jusenkyo. Research had eventually turned out that it was in the Nichieju
(Joketsuzoku) Preserve area. He had not been able to investigate, the
Amazonchan patrols being sufficient to discourage that. Being caught meant
that his secret would become known, and that would not do at all.
Now having moved through the area at high speed, looking for some indication
of her target, he had found himself at a town and spent the night in a
Pokecenter. The search had been as exhausting as it had been fruitless.
However, a Pokecenter had been chosen for more than clean sheets and safety
from roaming nocturnal pokegirls. There were computers and reference tools
at Pokecenters.
He put in his name, rewarded with a line of text.
:Welcome, Ukyo Kuonji
:Your Tamer Level: 31
:State nature of inquiry:
Ukyo quickly entered "Ranma+Saotome" as her search terms.
:Recent data found. _3_ Articles. Read now?
Ukyo clicked "Y" and quickly scanned the articles. One was sufficiently
startling that he couldn't keep his transformation up briefly. The second
and third articles were merely corroborations of the problems detailed in
the first.
Vengeance was to be denied? NOT the Ranma who had left the Kuonji encampment
all that time ago? Merely some interloper from a parallel world? One who
apparently had become a Tamer just to find a niche before returning to his
own universe, if that was even possible?
Ukyo held one of her hands up and looked at the delicate, fine boned, soft,
pink skin. With a thought, it shifted, becoming a long metallic looking
scythe. Then shifting to a spatula shape before returning to normal. All her
fantasies, her plans of vengeance, and her hopes. All gone, there had been
no word of the original Ranma since the report that the two Saotome Tamers
had perished at Jusenkyo.
Conclusion: HER Ranma was gone.
Genma had promised her father. Ranma would take Ukyo along on his
apprenticeship journey. When they were old enough, she would be his Alpha -
a bonded pokegirl. Useful, adaptable, a Domesticated but all the more handy
for that. She could keep the Feralborn in line, manage the resources, and
cook pretty dang well for someone who had the typical digestion problems of
her Breed. Well, almost. She could handle some foods, as long as she took
digestive enzymes with her meals.
Instead there was only this Ranma from a parallel world. Just a replacement.
Ukyo shifted back to male as soon as the earlier change registered, a smile
fitting into place. HE would have to go meet this new Ranma and see what was
going on. Maybe it was just some plot of Genma. Maybe it was just some
Or maybe this new Ranma could use an Alpha.
"All done, Master," Perfume said as she finished re-tying the knots around
the fool Tamer who had attacked them *twice* without provocation, "he no be
getting loose from that anytime soon."
"Good," said Jim as he examined the confiscated belongings of the idiot
Tamer, "Just make sure you keep his mouth tightly gagged. Listening to him
rant was giving me a headache."
"Perfume agrees, Master," his Alpha said as she straightened up and dusted
off her hands, "the less heard out of this one the better."
"Hmm," Jim said as he examined the three Pokeballs found in the possession
of the Tamer, "a Dominatrix, a Naga, and a Licktongue. Under Salvage Rules,
from unprovoked attacks and his loss, one of these is automatically mine.
However, if I prove he's mentally incompetent to be a Tamer, then I can grab
all of 'em. Though I don't know about these, especially the Dom. She sounded
like a real loony...I figure any girl he's touched is gonna need special
handling to re-Tame. I'd say we're looking at a real handful, and sure a lot
more trouble than I'd like to take on at the moment."
Perfume regarded her Master with a surprisingly frank expression, even for
an Amazonchan. "Would you rather trade them in for better stock, Master?
There may be some Traders at Martial Beach Tournament. Very common types -
may be better to leave them with Humane Society."
"I'm thinking about it," Jim replied, examining the balls he held in greater
detail. "Might be more humane than leaving these girls in his keeping. They
let anybody be a Tamer these days," he sniffed with no little irony in his
expression. "You'd think the League would insist on better standards..."
Perfume---who was still wearing her work overalls (and nothing else beneath
it - naturally)---approached her Master and said, "They let you into the
League, on a provisional basis, Master, for which Perfume is... very glad."
"Heh, true enough," Jim sniffed, then smiled as he put the balls away in
their storage container, turning to regard his Alpha with open affection,
"You did good, Per-chan, I'm proud of the way you and Vixxen handled
yourselves. You took those clowns down without doing any of them serious
damage, even though I'm sure you were tempted with Motor-mouth Thunderhead
over there. Good thing he wasn't expecting you to be better with your tonfas
than he was with that bokken of his." Who'd have guessed someone that
idiotic looking to have a Bloodgift? Toughness from the way he'd recovered
from being slammed into the ground like that.
Perfume fairly shivered with delight at being praised, the pink-haired
Pokegirl cozening up beside her Master to receive an affectionate caress of
his hand as he ran his fingers through her silken tresses, causing her to
purr with contentment as she pressed her voluptuous body even closer up
against him.
"Master," she sighed, "Perfume is happy to protect you. Will you need
anything else from me before we pack our things and continue our journey?"
"Hmmm," Jim nuzzled the top of the Pokegirl's head, enjoying the scent of
her body as he found himself becoming aroused by her womanly presence, "I
think we may have some time left in the morning to get in a little Taming,
if you have no objections."
It was strangely comical and yet sadly poignant the way Perfume all but
squealed in delight at the mere suggestion of another Taming, which gave Jim
a twinge of regret that he was effectively taking advantage of the trick of
biological science that had been cruelly engineered into the girl's
Perfume was almost pitiably easy to please, and yet she was a good woman who
deserved any praise or attention he might lavish upon her. She was a very
good Alpha, competent, reliable, loyal to a fault and not at all afraid of
speaking her mind when she thought her Master needed to hear a different
opinion. He valued her as much as a friend and companion as he did as his
Alpha, and there was no question at all that he had definite strong feelings
regarding her. Taming her was more a sincere pleasure than some tiresome
duty, and he needed the excuse of doing it as a "reward" for her good
behavior about as much he needed to find religion.
In truth Jim felt that all Pokegirls should have rights and be respected by
their Tamers. He despised bullies who took advantage of their Pokegirls or
mistreated them by allowing them to go "semi-Feral." He knew some types were
dangerous by themselves and that Tamers served a necessary function in
helping to control the potential threat they posed to the general public,
but that was no reason for members of his elite profession to abuse their
trust by treating their Pokegirls badly. Why even be a Tamer if you were
unwilling to perform for their benefit in order to help them retain their
intelligence and curb their behavior from the sort of excess he had just
seen amply demonstrated by this poor example of a Tamer?
And---of course---Jim would have been less than honest if he denied that the
job of "Taming" his Pokegirls lacked certain...compensations, a prime
example of which was Perfume herself. By any measure she was a stunning
beauty with a body that was toned, trimmed and taut in all the right places,
nicely rounded and well-padded in just the right places. Of course he found
her sexually attractive, that was an advantage to Taming her, but he also
knew her as a person and found her **very** attractive on the inside. He
knew that he had lucked out in catching her and making her his Alpha,
because if he had to search long and hard for such a girl he knew that he
would have been searching a long time without finding her equal.
Just then the semi-nude Vixxen came up alongside him and rubbed her body
against his leg like some affectionate girl-shaped pet, and with an
eagerness almost the match for what Perfume was displaying, only much more
blatant in its implications.
"Vixxen do good too, Master," she said happily, "You Tame Vixxen too? Vixxen
needs a good taming!"
Again Jim felt slightly conflicted about the slavish attitude of the Feral
Pokegirl but it was still better than the wild one he'd caught. Many
pokegirls were born wild without language skills or any of the benefits of
civilization. Catching them and Taming them was a primary duty of a Tamer.
He'd been teaching the Vixxen (and was still struggling with a suitable name
for her - he was musing over 'Vivica' right now) some language skills, but
she'd never be able to read or write and she'd never be truly proficient in
language because she'd raised herself in the wild. Most tools and trappings
of civilization she was also quite clumsy with, but like all Feralborn
pokegirls she was stronger than a Domesticated one. And sometimes (like in a
pokebattle) strength mattered.
Still, she was loving and affectionate in her own way, and unquestionably
loyal to him for all that she was more than a little insistent that she get
in more than her fair share of regular "Taming." No question but that she
was good in bed and could be counted on to perform simple tasks and
assignments, and she was certainly pleasing to the eye and a fun companion
who could in many ways was fun to be around. She carried her own weight
without complaint and was just as quick to turn her flame breath on anyone
who threatened her Master... and yet he was also aware of a certain level of
competitive tension that existed between her and his Alpha. (Though they got
along better than either did with his Domina.) Perfume and Vixxen tolerated
each other on a purely social level, but he could often sense little ways in
which they were constantly trying to one-up one another, as if Perfume
suspected that the other Pokegirl was trying to undermine her place as his
Keeping them both in check required quite a bit of finesse on his part,
but---fortunately---Jim was nothing if not adept at keeping both girls in
line, usually by insisting on a "Threesome" during their Taming so that one
Pokegirl did not become excessively jealous of the attention devoted to the
other. True enough there had been some initial resistance on their part,
their personalities not being 100% on a line with one another...but once he
got things going into a furious Taming session their basic biology would
take over and both girls would forget all about their differences and go at
it like wildcats in heat...or like Pokegirls who were intent on taming one
another (which---coincidentally---Jim encouraged as it gave him a
much-needed break to get a second wind when Taming these wildcats got a
little too frenzied).
He reached down and patted her silky platinum hair and said, "Don't worry,
Vixxen, I wasn't about to forget you. You did good, just the same as
Perfume, which means you both deserve a good Taming session, provided two
can refrain from any scratching.
Perfume and Vixxen exchanged ready looks of equal neutrality, but Jim could
sense the flow of their rivalry turning unmistakably towards the Hentai side
of the Force, each one knowing how their Master preferred they play out
their dominance games in a "friendly" bit of foreplay, and knowing that the
sight of them going at it tended to excite him into a good, hard "Taming"
frenzy. As each girl nursed in herself the belief that she would be the one
who wound up dominating the other, the two of them automatically chorused
together, "Yes Master," with a firm hint of much fur-flying that was to
Early morning at Professor Stroak's.
The Professor was already up, checking on the pokeballs, making sure the
stasis fields were stable, maintenence on the various areas and machines
that made up his lab complex. Though he only had three pokegirls left of his
own (a Vaporita named Fresca, a Barbisaur named Ginger, and an Ingenue named
Mary Ann) he still had to work on the storage of those pokeballs for the
Tamers he was sponsoring.
A brief note in his morning e-mail indicated that Tatewaki Kuno had lost two
of his pokegirls to a Tamer named Jim Bader in combat matches under the
Spoils Of War clause in the Tamer's Handbook. There was also a request that
anyone who knew of a reason to declare Tatewaki Kuno mentally unstable
should respond to the sender's address.
As the Professor hadn't seen a less competent Tamer since that Gillian
fellow (or whatever his name had been), he quickly compressed and sent a
copy of last night's attack. That might do it.
Word down from the League was that Trauma Team had led the assault on the
Tendo Ranch, and had manipulated agents into assisting them. A high-up
within the League, Emma Tanaka, was reputedly in league with the criminals -
but then had been betrayed and killed by them after her usefulness was over.
Soun Tendo was already released and on his way to Professor Stroak's so that
he could be put up while his Ranch was rebuilt.
Professor Stroak flagged to Mary Ann that they would be having more visitors
Perfume moaned softly as she felt the caress of her Master's hands working
behind her earlobes, slowly moving down to trace the line of sensitive nerve
endings as her face and neck were also caressed with loving attention to her
needs as her Tamer studied her responses and gauged his own maneuvers
according to what seemed to work best at obtaining the desired responses.
Perfume shivered as her Master's hands moved down to affectionately rub her
smooth, unblemished, skin around her shoulders and collar bone, her
breathing coming in with little gasps each time he stimulated a new
pleasure-center as he helped relieve the stress upon her upper arms brought
about by the restraining harness that she was wearing. The space on her arms
above her elbows was contained on both sides by leather pads that pinned her
arms to her sides and prevented her from too much lateral movement.
This was a necessary precaution on behalf of her Tamer, who well knew the
Amazonchan's tremendous strength and knew better than to subject himself to
one of her hugs when she was in the throes of an arousal. An iron bar was
holding her elbows a fixed distance apart from one another and behind her
back, keeping her relatively motionless while Jim explored her naked body
and did his level best to inflame her ardor, knowing full well that she
could break his back without such necessary precautions.
During her initial Taming, she had nearly broken the steel bolts holding the
gear together, without intending to, of course. Perfume's strength in tests
was rated a 30. She could lift slightly over a ton in normal conditions (1.4
tons according to the latest Pokecenter testing.) Those bolts had been
replaced by special reinforced equipment, though with a quick release
mechanism that Perfume could activate herself by relaxing in a certain way
and then twisting to grab a handle.
Jim was being deliberately slow and methodical in working his way down to
the ample breasts of his Pokegirl. Far too many Tamers with more libido than
good sense would have just gone in and sated their own desires, but that was
not the purpose behind Taming. (Well, at least not Jim's purpose in such
activity.) Pokegirls had special needs, and no two girls were exactly alike,
so you had to watch and study what you were doing to get a proper feel for
what was and was not working, not that it was hard to determine in Perfume's
case since she had such a sensitive nervous system and absolutely no way of
faking it when she told you that she was enjoying everything that you were
In all truth he loved to run his hands over large, full, firm and perky
breasts, feeling the warmth of her skin, the delightful combination of
padding over muscle and the rich abundance of nerves to stimulate with both
hands. In next to no time her breasts were swelling with arousal, her
nipples becoming hard and pointy as her whole bosom perked up and she moaned
in loving approval. A woman's breasts, after all, were as sensitive as a
man's dick and just as errogenous when properly stimulated, so molding and
fondling these gorgeous globes of flesh was a special kind of delight to
which Jim would gladly have devoted hours were it not that he was becoming
as horny as she was.
He had "Tamed" a few human women who had been curious. He could judge the
differences between Pokegirls and human women, as well as what they had in
common, and in the case of Pokegirls like Perfume he knew that sincerity
counted as much as proficiency and talent. It was all in how you approached
the taming, and how the girl---or Pokegirl---responded to your efforts.
Perfume loved to have her breasts touched by her Master, but like all other
parts of a woman's body she only wanted it done a particular way, and a
wrong move could ruin the spell and turn pleasure into an ordeal, which
meant that it was a high-skilled area in his technique that Jim needed to
ply with attentiveness and devotion.
Pinching her nipples had to be done just a certain way and at the right
particular moment, right when Perfume was fully into a vigorous "chest
massage" and needed that extra added **thing** to help tip her over the edge
into generous and profuse groaning. It was at just such moments as this that
Jim felt the greatest satisfaction in her Taming, reading a Pokegirl's
desires as the best determination for how good he was as a Tamer. As long as
Perfume's already aroused state was driven to a heightened condition of
receptiveness it was safe to plunge on ahead and bring her around to the
next level as he began the next stage of Pokegirl foreplay.
Here things became a little more tricky as he ran his hands down her chest
to her tummy, then around her hips and upper groin before circling around
and avoiding her sex organs in favor of working the nerves along her inner
thighs, a necessary part of getting her motivated to yield with the rest of
her body. Her feet arched and pushed against the ground as her ankles were
held apart by a spreader-bar that was itself anchored to the ground by heavy
ropes that connected to tent pegs, all to insure that she did not use her
powerful limbs in such a way that she might inadvertently do harm to her
Tamer. Jim worked his hands along both thighs and lower legs, pausing around
her knees to gather himself before going in for the kill, bringing both
hands skillfully down along the nerves of her thighs as he zeroed in upon
her loins, at which point Perfume was groaning like crazy and in an almost
Feral state of sexual stimulation. By the time he was working his hands over
her clean-shaven mound and coaxing her labia petals to unfold he had Perfume
absolutely crazy with the need for her Taming. He tortured her by prolonging
the agony just a little bit more, working his hands over genitals and using
his fingers to explore her inner opening, then pressing them in deep to work
along the edge of her inner lining, sliding in deep as he probed around in
search of her Ginseng point, that special cluster of nerves that were
especially sensitive to physical stimulation.
At this point Perfume arched her back and gave a sharp intake as she came
with a sudden quivering sensation, a wave of pleasure that momentarily swept
over her body before she leaned back and sighed, the minor trembler having
done its work as Jim found his fingers were slick with pussy juices. He
smiled as he removed his hand from her groin and brought those fingers up to
Perfume's face so that she could sniff and inspect her own clear-but-milky
tasting juices, and she obediently began to lick and clean off his hand as
he encouraged her to do so. As anticipated, the taste of her own labia sent
Perfume into a new wave of arousal, and she pleaded with him verbally to
stop teasing her and get down to the more serious business of fucking. It
was one of very few requests that she ever made of him that Jim reluctantly
denied, wanting to stretch things out a little further by positioning his
body over hers, straddling her chest as he bent down and brought his face to
her groins with his tongue going to work in cleaning off her pussy.
Perfume loved this, naturally, and left him in no doubt of this situation
while he continued to sample her juices until fresh cum was ejaculated, and
even then he contented himself with drinking her down for a few minutes
longer, knowing all the while that Perfume was looking up at his own groin
and the **thing** that was dangling just out of reach of her face, the
swollen male member that was stiffening the longer he contented himself with
her pussy. She tried valiantly to get her mouth on the ball that was
tempting her like a sausage, but Jim knew better than to give in to the
temptation of stuffing her mouth with his own meat, wanting to conserve his
strength until the final moment when he would be thrusting it into her
The way lubricated, the moment finally at hand, Jim got up and repositioned
himself by placing his body into the dangerous space between two thighs that
could crush boulders like they were walnuts, trusting that the spreader bar
would hold as he got his loins into position, then pressed the head up firm
against her clitoris. He began to work the tip of his member up against the
nub of her sex until Perfume was almost berserk with the need of his rod,
and only then did he give into the temptation of inserting his plug into her
socket, pushing his manhood through the well-lubricated canal that was all
too willing to receive him.
Using gentle rocking motions at first, then moving with more vigor to create
friction by deepening contact, Jim started to ride his Pokegirl as she
gasped and groaned and pushed her feet against the ground in order to press
her own groin up more firmly against that of her Master. Jim rocked her
harder as he felt the steam of their mutual desire grow stronger, and soon
he was hammering away at her with the force of a piston, driving in as deep
as he could go to make her yield to him as he pumped her with ever growing
In truth he loved this Pokegirl so much that he would give to her the fruit
of his loins in order to see her face flush with the intensity of her own
intense ardor. Jim knew that he was a lucky man to have a vibrant girl like
this so willing and eager to please him, but it was a pity that he had to so
often restrain her for the sake of his own safety. Perfume was a wonderful
girl in every sense that he could name, and she knew the necessity of her
restraints and approved of them with tacit acceptance, yet still he was
under no illusions of how things would go if she were to be released while
in this overly excited state, that it would be she who would be doing the
Taming while he hung on for dear life and did his level best to Tame her.
For Perfume was not the kind of girl who yielded herself easily to either
force or persuasion. She had a very no-nonsense character and practical
mindset that accepted the need for regular Taming, but she would not have
yielded herself this completely to just any Tamer who sought to claim her.
She needed special handling from the onset, and it had taken many efforts of
trial and error to get it just right when Jim finally figured out how to
make her body sing to his caresses. Perfume was much, much stronger than
him, a vastly superior martial artist and quite clever after a fashion. If
he had tried to tame her in the wilds it would have been a very difficult
feat indeed. As it was he had gotten lucky, just as she had been careless in
underestimating him, and even then it had been her Elder who had been forced
to intervene in order to award to Jim the title of the victor.
Jim did not live under the delusion that he was the world's best lover, or
even the best Tamer that could be found in a hundred leagues radius. (All
philosophical arguments as to what constituted a good Tamer to the side.) He
was far less experienced than other Tamers, still a bit of a novice in the
art of being a Master and very much reliant on Perfume to cover up for his
own deficiencies. It was more like a partnership for the both of them that
each found mutually satisfactory, having discovered that they could be as
much like friends as a Master and Pokegirl could ever hope to be, and as
such she made for the perfect Alpha. Together they were much stronger than
either was apart, and that was entirely the way it should be in Jim's
estimation. That was why he worked so hard to make the Taming itself as
enjoyable as it could be for Perfume, who had discovered a streak of
submissiveness in her own nature to counterbalance her normally
self-assertive Amazonchan persona.
Jim did not mind a bit of bondage now and then, would freely admit to having
the inclinations of a Hentai, and did not subscribe to any philosophy that
held that abstinence was a virtue. If anything he rather enjoyed a healthy
appreciation of certain perversities under the old adage of, "Consensual
Behavior." If one party was not unfairly taking advantage of the other, then
the relationship itself was by definition a mutually beneficial thing, and
the more enjoyment that both sides could share in the act of Taming the
better. That being said, of course, he sincerely regretted that Perfume
needed any kind of restraints in order to be with her Master as he would
much rather prefer that their lovemaking be a matter between equals.
And---to put it mildly---Perfume was one heck of a lover, and more than
ready to give back as good as she was getting!
Odd to think that his earlier life experiences would bring him to this since
becoming a "Tamer" had not been his earlier career preference.
It had been a considerable surprise to Jim during school that he'd tested as
having a high Empathy rating, and even a Bloodgift - something human men
sometimes had if they had a Pokegirl ancestor. With the discovery that he
had the much envied Stamina gift, it was all but forced upon him that he'd
work with Pokegirls. Naturally, he'd chosen a field that could later give
him a chance at getting into the widest variety of other careers, just to
keep his life options open.
He'd spent three years in New Pork's Police Department (a city in the Johto
area - lots of stockyards) surrounded by what he still referred to as
dithering incompetents (when he was being polite) who relied entirely on
their Pokegirls and the occasional Jenny. He had found himself working with
a pair of Jennies, in fact, and trained in their martial arts system. He was
a "hands on" sort of person, after all, and relying completely on your Hound
or Kitten to catch a criminal had been against his basic nature.
After the death of his Pokegirl, a Hound he had named Scamp, he had left the
PD, even though he *did* want to cross paths with those Jennies again. They
were fun to be around once you once you cut through all that human/pokegirl
crap. (Jennies were generally regarded as mainly human anyway but actually
being friends with them had been considered almost scandalous.) Still, he
had found a certain enjoyment in the force, and had still not quite decided
exactly *what* he wanted to do with himself and the rest of his life.
A clue as to where the killers of his pokegirl had gone surfaced. A pair of
thieves who used an ultrasonic gun had set a trap. It had been meant as a
cop-killer flechette grenade. Scamp had somehow realized it was there, and
despite the nearly debilitating pain inflicted with a few shots of their
gun, had gone ahead into the building. She'd triggered a trap meant to kill
him. Yes, he had a score to settle with the "Sonic Thieves". He had ended up
pursuing them all the way to the Joketsuzoku Preserve.
They had found out, somehow, that he was on their tail and fled into the
most off limits, heavily patrolled area, hoping that he would be
intercepted. It didn't do them any good, but they'd guessed right.
Perfume---who served her people as Tribal Enforcer---had been quick to
corner him down and force his back up against the wall with the use of her
deadly tonfas. She had intended to hold him there until she could summon her
sisters to bring him before their tribal authorities, but in the time when
she was preparing to call for help Jim had acted desperately to attempt to
free himself from this awkward situation.
Trained as he was in the martial arts, his skills were vastly inferior to
her own despite his being able to hold his own against an Officer Jenny. At
best he was more dangerous than nine out of ten people who roamed the
streets of an average city, and much of what he knew was dirty fighting, not
altogether fancy. Taking down an opponent in a few quick maneuvers was what
he specialized in, operating under the philosophy used by most Security
people that any fight that lasts longer than a few seconds is likely to turn
out to be a disaster.
And so he took advantage of what he rightfully determined was a momentary
lapse in Perfume's defenses, the moment when she turned away to call for
help and made the mistake of believing him incapable of fighting back. Jim
knew he had only one chance and he took it, making use of his longer arms
and legs to aim not at her body---which she well knew how to protect---but
rather at the arm holding the Tonfa up to his neck and moving to disable,
hitting her wrist just right so that she lost her grip on her own weapon,
which freed him up to press in with this advantage.
It was a simple enough maneuver and---had she anticipated it---most likely
she would have had time enough to counter, but Jim had no intention of
allowing her that much time, and with both hands gripping her thumb and
wrist at a painful angle he was able to force Perfume to fall to her knees
as pain shot up her arm and momentarily incapacitated her. Jim followed this
up by bringing a hand down on her shoulder with just enough force that he
could have dislocated it had she not fallen obligingly forward and wound up
with her face in the dirt as he twisted her arm to prevent any likely
He half expected her to bend with the force and bring one foot into play,
but instead she cried out in pain as though he were ripping her arm entirely
out of its socket. Jim was so surprised at this that he nearly let go, but
before he could think of what to do next to rectify the matter several more
pokegirls arrived and each of them was leveling weapons. Seeing that
surrender was the better part of valor, Jim had no choice but to release his
grip upon the girl that he had disabled.
The next thing he knew he was indeed confronted by the Joketsuzoku council,
but---much to his amazement---rather than treat him like an enemy he was
addressed with respect by one particular Pokegirl far more ancient than the
rest. She asked him only a few probing questions before seeming to satisfy
herself on all the key points, and just like that they let him go...but with
one small provision.
Perfume, the girl whom he had defeated, was to go with him, and he was--- in
effect--- her brand new owner.
This was the beginning of Jim's new career. A little bit private detective
or security operative, he still had some contacts within the police
hierarchy back in Johto, and as an ex-cop enjoyed some perks afforded him by
local law enforcements as he traveled. Occasionally working as a Tamer did,
taking on odd assignments and duties as they came. Except that he was more a
League operative, working directly for the League itself, though this
generally was kept to himself, unless he needed to identify himself as one
of the Good Guys. Not readily apparent was that he was under Elder Cologne's
direct authority, and he was now given a dual-class assignment to work both
for the Pokegirl League and to help advance the interests of the Joketsuzoku
Council. Oddly enough there turned out to be no real conflict in these two
assignments, proving once and for all that you could indeed serve two
masters without betraying one for the other. It was the start of a very
strange adventure, but one where the price of service meant having to
regularly Tame his Pokegirl, a duty that Jim now performed as though it were
a whole new kind of religion.
In point of fact, he was just then making an offering at the church of
divine climax as he unloaded a load deep inside the canal of his beautiful
partner. It felt so good to just let go with her that when he finally
collapsed on top of her he was content to just moan and rub his face into
the warm valley formed by her "chest-pillows."
This was made especially dramatic by the odd "echo" caused by Perfume's
normally latent psychic aura reaching out at the moment of climax, renewing
the "bond" between them.
"Mmmmmmaaasterrr..." his Pokegirl sighed like a well-contented sex-kitten,
even if she was only pausing until they both could regain their second wind,
"That was fantastic..."
"Yes, you certainly were," Jim murmured as he happily rubbed his face
against her bosom, when he became dimly aware of a slight disturbance off to
the side with his clothing and belongings. No doubt his Vixxen was awakening
to the smell of sex in the air and wanted to get in on the action, at which
point this duet was about to become a vigorous threesome...
Jim activated the ball and a moment later the silver-haired Vixxen was
there, large as life and looking ready to party. Jim depressed the release
button on Perfume's harness to insure that the Feralborn Pokegirl didn't try
to take advantage of the relatively helpless state of his Alpha. Jim then
moved to a standing position and took the willowy Fox-girl in his arms so
that he could plant a kiss along the side of her cheek, moving down to her
throat so as to get her fully stimulated. His Vixxen seemed to melt into his
arms while Perfume looked on with only moderate jealousy in her expression,
watching as her Tamer set to work using hands and mouth to awaken the other
Pokegirl's easily enflamed ardor while moving down to give her the attention
she sought, causing Vixxen to make pleasant animal-like squeals of approval
while his hands moved ever lower, his mouth selecting one breast for some
explorative tongue-work.
Vixxen tossed back her head and gave a moan of sensual arousal, her mouth
betraying her non-human status by revealing a row of pointy, vicious looking
teeth (one reason why this form of Pokegirl was not ideal for giving head),
even as Jim encouraged her to stand on tip-toes while he dropped to his
knees and began lavishing attention on her silken fur-covered pussy.
Despite herself Perfume could not help but feel further aroused as she
watched her Master Tame her Pokegirl rival, alert to make sure that Vixxen
did not accidentally forget herself and use her claw-like nails to harm
their Master. She glanced briefly at the other Pokeballs in their Master's
keeping, wondering if she should make allowances to encourage her Master to
tame them very near in the future. After all, part of an Alpha's duty was to
insure that her Master's harem was well cared for and regularly Tamed.
Jealousy and possessiveness did not really factor into the deal, it was
simply a matter of keeping the harem in a state of relative bliss so that
their Master would not be troubled with too much Feral behavior. After all,
one Vixxen or Naga in their group should have been enough for any Tamer's
Her Master was now giving head to the vibrant Vixxen, who was standing on
her tip-toes and leaning her pelvis forward while using her hands to hold
his head in place as he tongued her vagina and teased her clitoris into full
feminine erection. Perfume coolly assessed her
Master's technique and judged by Vixxen's reactions that Jim was obtaining
the result that he was after. Still and all, it was dangerous to arouse too
much of a spark of passion when it came to Vixxens, and Perfume could feel
the heat radiating from the Pokegirl's aura the deeper their Master probed
and the closer she came to experiencing an orgasm.
Jim was also aware that Vixxen was heating up and had no intentions of
becoming a human candle when her passions were fully ignited, and so he
gauged by the heat on his tongue that his Foxy Pokegirl was close enough to
enjoy her own orgasm. Her bushy tail flicked back and forth like
silken strands of spun silver, her gasps and please for her Master's
treatment growing more intense by the minute as she felt her body.
At last Jim decided that the heat was getting too much for him, so he gave
off on tonguing his second and turned with an expectant look of his own in
his eyes. In a gentle, no-nonsense tone of command (meant not to enflame
anyone's jealousy so as to give impetus to what he was planning) "Per-chan,"
Jim indicated the aroused Vixxen, "Go to town. Work her over for me while I
watch, then we'll do this two-on-one...and maybe in a bit we could even
include Naga."
"Yes Master," Perfume replied without irony in her voice, resolved to put on
a good show for her Tamer as she knew how inspired Jim could be at the sight
of two Pokegirls going at it. Besides, she had a much higher heat tolerance,
and she did not fancy the idea of allowing her Master to burn his tongue
while stimulating Vixxen.
Besides, she took a bit of pride in her status as an Alpha, and if there was
not thing an Alpha was good for it was keeping other Pokegirls in line so
that their Master would be free to care for each of them in turn rather than
be mobbed and possibly damaged.
So it was she urged Vixxen to lay down by overpowering the Feral Pokegirl,
at which point Perfume climbed atop her and began to go to work giving
Vixxen a taste of Amazonchan foreplay. Jim smiled as he watched the skilled
Perfume use her touch-sensitivity to explore and find pleasure centers in
the other Pokegirl's body, giving Vixxen a taste of what it meant to play
with the pussy...
All at once a disturbance caused Jim to whirl around, his Pokegirls freezing
in the act of rubbing their pelvic areas against once another, and with a
faint groan of disgust he said, "It better not be that Kuno again or I'm
really gonna shove that stick of his where it don't shine
in the morning..."
James fell to the ground, exhausted beyond his ability to recover.
Considering that he'd just gotten out of his tent, this didn't bode well for
their ability to hike to the next town.
Persian and Jessie looked down on him and wondered exactly how many
pokegirls he could handle.
"Let's see, there's a Domina like myself," Jessie said, ticking off fingers.
"There's you, Persian, Licktongue, Naga, Skunky, that new Succubus -
"I'd say ol' James here has hit his limit," said Persian with a feline
smirk. "I ain't gonna be happy if he goes and gets more and *I* ain't gonna
be the one to get rotated to storage."
"Good point," agreed Jessie. "Obviously, since I'm the charming and sociable
brains of this outfit, *I* can't go to storage."
"Thath finn, buth ith not gonna be me effer," said Skunky in her usually
barely intelligible lisp. "Shtorage noth ammy funth."
"What did she say?" The former Merrowl asked, trying to decipher what the
Skunky was saying.
"Sssssss, Naga not want storage either. Ith dark and cold and not like it.
"Naga, when did you learn to talk?" Jessie was a little surprised at that.
"Well, whatever y'all want," said Lillith, "ah am the most powerful of
y'all, so sending me to storage would be a damn fool move. If'n them idjits
had gotten me a decent Taming, they'd have beaten the piss outta y'all.
Guess they didn't read the line about Sexual Preferences."
Jessie blinked, then as Alpha used James' pokedex to pull up the correct
line. [Succubus: though less strictly heterosexual than Kittens or some
other varieties of pokegirls, nor strictly lesbian like Starboobs or
Titacruel, Succubus' power level is recharged by bonding with a male Tamer.]
"You don't look that tough," said Persian, extending her claws. As an
animorph that was more feline than human in appearance, her claws were far
more functional than those of a Kitten.
Lillith slapped the clawed hand to the side and used the same arm to grab
Persian's neck and hoist her off the ground. Though she looked like an
almost-underage pale human, her strength was obvious. "Leech."
Jessie was wracked by indecision for a moment. Go to Persian's aid, or
placate what was a fairly strong pokegirl, waiting for her energy levels to
drop before dominating this new girl on the block?
Skunky and Naga didn't wait, pouncing on this upstart. Jessie plucked a rose
out of her belt and morphed it to a whip, seeing little choice in the matter
Lillith smiled.
Nabiki rapidly began figuring things out. Kasumi was now a Flying type, and
had air elemental abilities. Kiima was no longer needed on that regard,
though she was more combat oriented than Kasumi. So, another choice than
Kiima. The other elements available were Fire, Water, Magic, Psychic, Rock,
Fighting (which was already spoken for by Shampoo), Normal, Metal (a
subcategory of Rock in some opinions), and Shadow.
She was the Alpha (or at least one of the two, but obviously she was acting
the role currently) of Ranma, and therefore she had to go with what was best
for him and his purposes.
Oddly enough, getting him to Tame her and see if she could evolve *was* in
that category.
Now if she could just find out where he was hiding.
GRIFFON, the catbird pokegirl
TYPE: animorph, near human, feline/avian
DIET: human style foods, leaning towards carnivore
ROLE: rare pokegirl, a powerhouse used by elite Tamers
LIBIDO: Average
STRONG VS: Mouse types, Bug, Grass, Fighting
WEAK VS: Electric, Magic
ATTACKS: Feather Shuriken, Gust, Sabre Claw, Wing Buffet, Slice n' Dice
ENHANCEMENTS: flight, esper abilities (TK, Healing, Aura Sight, Mind
Shield), Enhanced Strength x 4 (20xhuman), enhanced hearing, nightvision,
toughness x2
EVOLVES: none known
Griffon is a very rare and powerful pokegirl. One of the more powerful types
developed by Sukebe during his Vengeance which was specifically designed
for anti-tank/anti-artillery use. There are less than half a dozen known
worldwide, the original species was hunted to extinction during the War and
the mechanism which results in a Griffon evolving is uncertain.
CHESHIRE, the mischievious cat
TYPE: animorph, near human, feline
ELEMENT: Psychic
DIET: human style foods
ROLE: spy/courier used in various League agencies
LIBIDO: Average/High
STRONG VS: Normal, Fighting
WEAK VS: Poison, Ghost, Flying
ATTACKS: Fade, Teleport, Scratch, Kitty Litter, Fury Swipes, Lick
ENHANCEMENTS: Psychic talents (Chameleon, Teleport, Aura Sight), Speed,
Enhanced Hearing, Nightvision, Flexibility
EVOLVES: none known, advanced stage of Kitten
Cheshire is a mischievious cat that can use Fade to blend in with her
surroundings, or can teleport short distances on her own and up to 20 pounds
of equipment. She is not a frontline fighter, despite her speed and ability
to inflict some damage with her claws. Cheshire is best suited to courier,
or as a spy. Cheshires normally have a rivalry with Kunoichi, as their area
of expertise is identical.
hi! this chapter went on a bit long, so it's wrapping up here before
Nabiki's evolution. And yes, next chapter returns to Ranmacentric.