Chapter 6: Wild Horses & Pokegirls
  Basic Maintenence

WARNING: This is a fic that has silly moments and plotlines, but is set in a
dark world and explores concepts dealing with the darker side of human
nature. It also is *not* recommended for the young, rated NC-17 or something
or like that. There are elements which will disturb me, the writer, for
crying out loud.

DISCLAIMER: Various elements from this come from Greyman and a few other
erotic (or at least adult-oriented) Addventure writers on the web, Nintendo,
R.Takahashi/Viz, and other writers.

"WHAT?!" Ash was rather startled by the revelation that a Snorlass and a
Tigress were somehow related to him. "But I don't have any relatives other
than my Mom!"

"In fact, Ranma here is the alternate dimensional version of your brother
Ranma," Professor Stroak said, quickly launching into an explanation of how
Ranma had been accidently transported to their world but was actually a
version of Ash's older brother Ranma. He finished with relating how Genma
and Ranma had visited the Toxic Spell Dump known as Jusenkyo.

"Hey, there was a Jusenkyo in *my* world too. It turned my... stupid Oyaji!"
Ranma clenched his teeth. If his father hadn't turned into a cat and caused
him to leave the site at a high speed he might have gotten cursed himself
like this native Ranma. "It turned Oyaji into a cat."

"Hmmm, well, that's probably why they call it a 'parallel world'," observed
the Professor.

"WAIT A COTTONTAIL PICKING MINUTE!" Ash yelled finally. "What brother

Professor Stroak sighed and sat back in his chair. "Ash, what do you know of
your father?"

"Uhm, I have a father?"

The Professor pulled out a remote control and clicked a button. A monitor
descended from the ceiling and displayed a family picture.

"That's Pops! And me when I was younger!" Ranma was amazed and a little
wistful at the sight. That would mean that was his *mom*!

"No, actually that's the Ranma and Genma Saotome of THIS world," said the
Professor. "A little over ten years ago, Genma registered his son as an
apprentice Tamer and began a long training journey. At least that was the
story he filed with the League. And now. For The Rest Of The Story."

"Psst, Master, if other Ranma look like you did, and Ranma's father look
like Master remember, then Ranma mother also look like that, yes?" Nabiki
was quick to point out something when her Master looked a little less
cheerful. Nabiki was rewarded by a quick smile and Ranma now obviously
memorizing the woman's appearance.

"Well put," said Professor Stroak. "Now, when Ash was born he was a bit of

"A runt," said Ash, filling in the blank. "Everybody's been beating on me,
insulting me, telling me I'm too short to amount to anything, much less a
Tamer. I SWORE that I would show them all and become a Harem Master!"

"Just so," said Professor, motioning for Ash to stop standing on the
furniture. When Ash complied he continued. "When Ash was born an underweight
and sickly child, Genma immediately declared that Nodoka had obviously been
cheating on him. I believe the exact phrase was 'no child of *mine* could be
this scrawny and weak' and he declared the marriage null and void, then left
with his eldest son on that journey that culminated in Jusenkyo."

The image changed to two pokegirls in seperate cages.

"So that means that the arrangement to have a Tendo be the Alpha of a
Saotome," mused Nabiki aloud, "should actually have fallen to Ash here.
Hmmm. I have just the thing."

"What?!" Ash, Ranma, and Professor Stroak all were startled.

Nabiki pulled a pokeball out of her backpack and tossed it to Ash. "This is
Akane, she's a Tomboy."

"Not another one," whined Ash. "I really don't want another Misty..."

"Actually, Ash, let's see if we can fix that," the Professor stood, smiling.
"I've been working on a project to transfigure a pokegirl. Let's see what we
can make out of that raw material."


James came to a complete stop. "I've got it."

Jessie frowned. "I hope it isn't catching."

"I'd like to catch some nice fish," said Merrowl as she looked out at the

"We're going about this entirely the wrong way," said James with an
enthusiasm he hadn't had in some time. "Look, when have we actually won our
few victories?"

Jessie thought about this, having trouble as their defeats were just so much
more memorable.

"There was the time we fought Botch and Cassidy!" Merrowl pointed out.

"Exactly. Each victory has had us playing the part of the 'good guys!'"
James said with a fond smile.

"So?" Jessie suddenly snarled as the idea crept in. "You don't mean go

"What a revolting development THAT would be. How would we explain that to
the Boss?" Merrowl was quick to point out that little problem. Being made
into a rug would not be cool.

"Aha!" James held up a finger and grinned, with an odd sparkle showing
dramatically on his teeth. "That we're protecting the reputation of Team
Rocket from these thugs, and that when we beat these copycats at their own
game, we swipe THEIR pokegirls."

Jessie blinked repeatedly. "Mein gott. That actually sounds like it has a
chance of working."

"James had a good idea?" Merrowl stared, fish forgotten for a moment. "Wow!
This could be my big chance to become Top Cat again!"

"Heh heh heh," chortled James. "And we'll make our big debut here at Martial
Beach. Look below us."

"Isn't that? Team Teenie Bopper?" Jessie managed to look disgusted. "They're
total wimps!"

James looked puzzled. "So? Why not start small and work our way up? Why are
you both staring at me?"

Jessie looked over at Merrowl as soon as she could stop staring. "Merrowl.
That nice Megami that healed James..."

"Ya mean the one with that engineering student?" Merrowl thought about that
encounter briefly. "Oh dear. You mean when she healed his head wound?"

"His brain might have started working," Jessie said, still feeling numb.

"Would you two mind? We've got a reputation to start building!" James hefted
a pokeball. "Skunky! Tackle Attack!"


The figures were in darkness, their faces hidden by the shadows. The
spotlight was on the accused.

Emma Tanaka, an old woman who had grown bitter and twisted with hate, nearly
wet her panties because she knew who they were anyway.

"You have overstepped your authority," said a woman's voice, frail with age.

Emma startled at that, then realized whose voice it was. "Cologne! What is a
pokegirl doing on the Council?!"

The old pokegirl laughed. "You fool. You know nothing."

"You needn't concern yourself with Cologne's presence. *You* are the one on
trial here, Tanaka." This was a deep gravelly voice.

Emma hadn't risen through the ranks in a definitely male-oriented society
without developing some intestinal fortitude. In order to rise to Division
Chief in such an organization as Pokegirl League Revenue & Acquisitions,
she'd had to be vicious at times and be able to feign concern at others.
"What trial? I have rights you know. What farce is this, anyway?"

"You should know that Soun Tendo did the League a great favor twenty years
ago," said a more weaselly voice, though male and human at least.

"I know about his turning Happosai over, and surrendering the Redshoe
Diaries." Emma waved it off. "That was then. And even with the private notes
of one of the researchers who first explored Sukebe's lab, you haven't
gotten much use out of it all."

"Irrelevant," said the gravelly voice. "The crimes you have committed
include interfering with a contract between the League and Soun Tendo. For
his assistance he was promised immunity and assistance in developing his
Ranch. You have killed kits as well as human children. What do you have to
say in your defense?"

Emma Tanaka considered ways she could protest this. She couldn't claim
ignorance. Perhaps sidestepping. "I was told that Trauma Team was involved
in this Ranch, my information came from a reliable source. You know as well
as I what orders are regarding their apprehension."

There was silence for a moment.

"Pathetic," said the gravelly voice.

"You might be interested to know that your 'reliable source' was
sufficiently horrified at your actions that even the evil Happosai broke his
silence to inform us of your involvement. Not that it was necessary by that
point." The weasel-voice hesitated for a moment. "It seems that his
legendary levels of perversion, some say evil, does not extend to children
of any species. How... unexpected."

"Could you actually trust such an individual? He's as bad as Sukebe ever
was!" Emma tried a different tack. "I planned on betraying him and bringing
him in along with Trauma Team."

"It's too late, Tanaka," said gravel-voice.

"Indeed," said the weasel. "I'm afraid that you, Tanaka-kun, were killed
during Trauma Team's raid on the Tendo Ranch, shortly after they
appropriated League equipment."

"What?!" Emma would have backed up but there was literally no place to run.

"Yes, a pity, isn't it," Cologne said with a tsk. "Well, Bruno, you've been
wanting to test out a theory regarding Jusenkyo ever since those two fools
decided to break in and use it as a training grounds, haven't you?"


"Uhm, so why are they in cages?" Ash wanted to know on seeing that his
brother (a Tigress) and his father (a Snorlass) were both not only caged,
but had automated defense turrets ready to slam a few thousand volts into
them. Not to mention automatic drug dispensers keeping them asleep.

"When they discovered that you had captured them, and that I didn't have the
means to restore them, they started fighting each other and were about to
destroy some of my equipment." The Professor shook his head as he adjusted
the settings on one control panel. "Some of this equipment is irreplaceable.
I'm still working on a way of arresting or reversing Threshold - when normal
girls suddenly find their latent pokeancestry coming to the fore, but I'm
still a long way from being able to stabilize the process."

"So, what's this do?" Ash asked, still eyeing where the pokegirls who had
apparently been relatives were resting.

"Misty has been requesting transformation to a Water pokegirl since the
first time you arrived." The Professor indicated where a sleeping nude
redhead floated in the first tank on the monitor. "By using Water evolution
stones in a solution, plus a timed series of injections, she should
metamorphosize into a Selkie."

"Should?" Ash didn't sound confident.

"Selkie is the seal pokegirl," explained Nabiki to. "She evolves into

"Yes, and as Misty's grandmother was a Boobgong, that is why Misty should
alter to that state once her genetic pattern has become adaptable."

"Should?" Ash repeated.

"Akane, on the other hand," indicated the Professor with a gesture towards
the second tube, "is a Tomboy and was born a Tomboy. More work is required
to infiltrate her genetic pattern using Jusenkyo extract and alter her. She
could end up a Titmouse, or a Psydyke, or even a Kitten. I understand her
mother was a Catgirl and that both Nabiki and Kasumi are Kittens, but that a
gene vector produced a Tomboy instead of a third Kitten."

Nabiki looked up from where she'd been reading a printout. "Master?"

"Call me Ranma, Nabiki. I don't like this Master stuff."

Since permission had been given in front of the local authority figure,
Nabiki didn't hesitate, other than to look vaguely pleased. "Ranma.
According to the decision from the League, out of the fifty-two I caught,
only two would be considered valid - rewards for quick thinking and saving
pokegirls in extremis."

"Aw, I don't care about that. You handle the details." Ranma had other
things on his mind that were more weighty.

Nabiki grinned and immediately decided which two pokegirls it would be, made
the appropriate marks, and handed the printout to the Professor.

The Professor saw which two it was, raised an eyebrow and allowed that the
choices were good ones. "Looks like you've got a fine Alpha, Ranma. I had my
doubts, but she seems to handle the managerial aspects fairly well."

Nabiki caught herself preening at the compliment and forcibly stopped

"Well, it will take awhile for the process to run, at least six hours and
mainly concerns Ash here. So we can decide what to do about your two
additional pokegirls, as well as those scrolls," the Professor said

"'Scrolls'?" Ranma and Ash said.

"Yes, scrolls containing the Saotome Secret Sacred Taming Techniques, of
course." The Professor shrugged. "Though which of you two will end up the
new heir is another question."


Team Rocket (the original) was used to a number of events.

Being blasted into the sky. Losing. Digging traps. Making elaborate plans
that ultimately failed to accomplish a darn thing. Getting pounded on. Yes,
in some ways, the original Team Rocket was a *very* experienced group.

Pounding their opponents into the dirt and then being congratulated by large
groups of spectators? It was almost unique.

"I haven't had this much fun since we made all them fake badges and
souveniers and sold 'em at that Stadium!" Merrowl said. "Though I feel kinda

Watching the glow build up around their adventuring companion, Jessie and
James gaped. True, they'd known Merrowl for quite some time, but she
*normally* was just sarcastic and remained in the background.

"Merrowl, you evolved!"

"Well, I'll be a Titfairy's Godmother," the former Merrowl looked at
herself. She was taller, less chunky, had body fat redistributed to her butt
and bust (all six of the latter), and her clawed fingers weren't the stubby
things she'd grown up with. "I'm a Persian! Dang, now I gotta get me one of
dose fancy dancer outfits."

"I suppose so," said James. "But just think, you've got a chance to learn
Hypnotic Dance, Pussywhip, and Cat Scratch Fever."

"Nobody in their right mind tries to use Pussywhip, much less relies on it
in a battle." Persian said with a sniff. "That's something I'd expect outta
some beginning Tamer, James. Oh sure, if ya can pull it off, there's a good
chance you can win da fight. Dat's a mighty big IF."

Jessie smirked. "Besides, whips are *my* province."

"So, according to League Salvage Law, we get to keep one of dese," said
Persian, looking over the four defeated pokegirls. "An almost underage
Succubus, a Squirtitty who's seen better days, a Harpi who looks kinda
diseased, and a Coolcat."

"The Coolcat's the most evolved, but I didn't like the look in her eye,"
suggested Jessie. "Obviously a Feralborn too, hissing and all like that."

Persian wasn't about to argue, being top cat in this outfit was hard enough
without adding a cat type.

Skunky began speaking, though her lisp was sufficiently heavy to make
understanding her difficult.

"What did she say?" Jessie always had trouble understanding Skunky.

"She's right, the Succubus seems the wisest choice," James said. "Despite
her apparently being so young. Lillith! I choose you!"

Lillith, being unconscious, didn't protest. Not that it would have done any


Ukyo Kuonji was a strong fighter. Ukyo Kuonji was an accomplished Tamer, who
had a Nymph, an Amazonlee, and a Magpie. Ukyo Kuonji was an acclaimed
okonomiyaki chef.

Ukyo Kuonji was running his butt off. "Aaaaa!"

"Ukyo-chan! Let me capture your heart! And other parts!"


Jim briefly looked up. A bishonen Tamer ran by, followed by a...

demented ice cream cone? With sprinkles? And a banana flopping around to the
side? What?!

"Jim-sama?" Perfume stared, blinking repeatedly.

"Oh good, you saw it too." Jim rubbed the back of his head. "For a minute
there I was afraid I was having exhaustion hallucinations."

Perfume looked thoughtful for a moment. "Must be 'Tsubasa Kurenai' - Perfume
has heard of him. He very strange Tamer. He's nuts for Dittos, Kunoichi,
Kitsune, and other illusion or shapeshifting pokegirls."

Jim's eyes narrowed a little as he caught a glimpse of the brightly colored
Tamer in the distance. "Hmmmm. I wonder why he was chasing that Tamer then."

"Maybe Tamer has a rare shapeshifting pokegirl," suggested Perfume.

Jim thought about it and decided that was the most likely thing. Well, at
least that was one less nut after *his* pokegirls. He didn't have a


Ranma had the scrolls, was studying them, and was obviously not really
understanding them. Other than pressure points were involved, massage
techniques, and apparently there was some kinda wrestling involved.

Ash was pacing around, he had three pokegirls undergoing experimental
treatments. Two Tomboys becoming something else and a Peekaboo learning to
speak. There was also the chance to meet a brother he'd never had, a brother
and a father he'd never known (and judging from what his mother had to say
when he'd called her, was better off) and at least tame the minotaura.

Nabiki held a pokeball in her hand. Kasumi had exhausted herself healing
Ranma. Though she'd never actually do it, to Kasumi at least, there was a
niggling little temptation to load her into the Taming Machine, hit Level 4,
and then be the uncontested Alpha of the pack. There were others from the
Ranch who wouldn't hesitate. There were others from the Ranch she wouldn't
hesitate to do it to. Not Kasumi though.

Instead Kasumi's pokeball was loaded for a healing cycle even as two others
were cycled out.

Finding a nice quiet place, Nabiki released the first of the two. Red light
flared and solidified into a pokegirl who stretched and yawned as if coming
out of a deep sleep. Then she realized where she was.

"It's okay, Shampoo. We got most of us out of there." Nabiki watched the
Amazonchan carefully.

Shampoo rubbed her head. "Shampoo tired out. Must have used transporter on
Shampoo. Always feel drained when that happen. How bad?"

Nabiki winced. She'd never completely gotten along with Shampoo, but they
also hadn't been as hostile as some of the other cliques. "We lost the
Brooding Chamber and the Nursery. The Exercise Room and the Greenhouse.
Twenty three missing. It looks like Ling Ling and Lung Lung didn't make it."

Shampoo said something unpleasant. "Still. Is better than Shampoo thought.
Rink & Pink? Beryl?"

"Not caught by either Ash OR Ranma. And we were the only ones doing any

Shampoo nodded. At least she wouldn't be sharing shelf space with THAT crew.
"So what is story, we gets moved to other Ranch or something?"

"Most of the Tendo Ranch is going to stay here for now, Professor Stroak's
lab." Nabiki searched Shampoo's face briefly.

"Shampoo hear a 'but' coming."

"Ranma gets to keep two of those he caught," said Nabiki.

Shampoo looked at Nabiki for a moment. "Ranma was cute guy that I saw
earlier, yes?"

"Yes," Nabiki agreed with that statement.

Another brief silence while Shampoo looked for a delicate way to put this.
"How is he..."

"Like a wild stallion physically, though he acted more like a big tomcat
with us."

Shampoo stared off into space, little smile forming. "That might work."
Shampoo lost the smile to look at Nabiki. "Not happy that Nabiki is Alpha."

"Deal with it," suggested Nabiki humorlessly. "Kiima is the other pokegirl
we're taking."

Shampoo made a face. She didn't get along with Kiima. "Why take stupid

"Because a Pidgy is a Flying type. Kiima has techniques like Wing Buffet,
Gust, and Feather Shuriken. Her strengths are the opposite of yours: you can
take on Rock types, and she's weak against Rock."

Shampoo sulked. She was clearly not happy about the situation.

"Don't worry," said Nabiki, "she won't be allowed to hurt you."

"Shampoo not afraid," objected Shampoo. "Shampoo just a little concerned
about sneaky backstabbing chicken girl."

"Which is why *I* am the one keeping an eye on her," suggested Nabiki with a
smirk. "Who better to keep an eye on a sneak?"

Shampoo actually managed a smirk at that herself. With that point addressed,
Shampoo went to the next concern. "Is he a good Tamer?"

"Yes, inexperienced, but he has a genuinely caring heart."

"That nice, but NOT what Shampoo asking."

"Unfortunately he went into some sort of mental fugue state, reverting to a
animal personality during his Taming of myself and Kasumi."

"So he's a real animal in bed?" Shampoo shrugged. "That not too bad. He go
crazy, that not too comforting."

Nabiki waggled her finger at Shampoo. "We're working on it, Kasumi's a psi,


The machines clicked over from Active To Passive. Nutrients continued to be
fed into the patients, as well as anti-shock medication to keep the massive
physical alterations from causing either of them to go into Feral Shock (a
temporary Feral state known to occur at traumatic events).

One of the patients fought off the medication that should have kept her
asleep, opened her eyes, and noticed she was restrained. Being a Girl Of
Action, she quickly began pulling that patches and tubes off her body, then
turned her attention to the plexglass walls of the tube.

Summoning up every bit of strength she had, Akane burst the seal on a panel
that was there for emergencies but was only supposed to be opened from the
outside. Gel poured out, and Akane ripped the air mask off in order to gulp
fresh air and clear some of the cobwebs from her head.

Vague memories of being pokeballed by Kasumi, then being thrown in here with
a promise that she'd no longer be a mere Tomboy (not that she really was,
all those pokedexes were lying) but something far more powerful. And with a
better figure, not that this was a primary concern. Akane frowned, not
seeing where she'd changed any.

She glanced disdainfully at the other nude pokegirl in the other tube.
Didn't look like it was working for whoever THAT was either.

Well, if she were here, then that might mean that her sisters were still
here. As well as that pervert Tamer. She would have to rescue her sisters,
and insist that this guy select another Alpha. Maybe Beryl or someone else
that could improve conditions at the Ranch by her absence.

So deciding, Akane set off to straighten this whole mess out.


Ranma was curious. These martial arts special manuevers ranged from
downright lame (Crouch Of The Wild Tigress: "Not tonight, I have a
headache?") to how could this actually work (Fluttering Tongue (?!)) to
bizarre (Succubus Kiss?). He'd been using chi techniques for some time, of
course. It was used to enhance your physical performance in ways ranging
from increasing your toughness to temporarily throwing off the effects of
fatigue. Using it in the manner described in these scrolls was a bit of a

He had to reward Kasumi, he owed her his life, and she apparently liked this
"Taming" stuff, though he'd never known the Nekoken could be used for
*that*. (Whatever *that* was, it apparently didn't involve fighting as he
couldn't picture Kasumi fighting him.)

"Uhm, Kasumi?" Ranma scratched the back of his head and tried to find a good
way of putting this.

"Yes, Ranma?" Kasumi looked up from her book ("Advanced Esper Combat For
Dummies") to smile at her Tamer. He was radiating nervous, grateful, and
several other emotions Kasumi wasn't experienced enough to read. It was
interesting how the bonding went both ways. She'd heard of it, but hadn't
had a chance to experience it previously. And it usually required a high
Empathy rating on the part of the Tamer. She'd leer at him, but the poor boy
was spooked enough already.

"Uhm, Kasumi, these special techniques. Uhm, I could use some help figurin'
them out."

Kasumi's smile grew more intense and her ears perked up. Ranma wanted to
reward her? Well, well, he was coming along nicely. And maybe she would be
soon herself. "Of course, Ranma. There's a Training Room next door."


Kasumi tried to ignore her Ranma looking off to the side and consulting a
scroll every so often. He was trying, and therefore she was making
allowances. Yes, he was clumsy and inexperienced, hesitant and unsure of
himself. He was showing little of the wild tomcat she'd experienced just the
previous night, though she could sense the beast within stirring slightly as
he continued.

She subtly guided him, slowly and carefully, correcting him ever so gently
as he sought to seduce her. While she had little experience herself in the
arts of sensual pleasure, Kasumi knew enough to teach him what worked for
her. And which therefore worked for Kittens and similar cat-types. Probably
near humans as well, and if Ranma ever ran into some pureline women, well,
he'd probably be able to use these very lessons to Tame them pretty well.

Her claws accidently popped out once when Ranma managed to work his tongue
just so over a sensitive patch just along her collarbone. This was taking a
lot of effort on Kasumi's part to remain emotionally distant as opposed to
simply clawing and biting in a passionate frenzy.

Though she was the gentle and kind Kitten, eldest of the three daughters of
the Catgirl Kimiko, and a mild mannered Domestic - it was well understood by
all concerned that ANY Catgirl could be a real wildcat in moments of

Kasumi tried to focus on something else to maintain a distance as Ranma
continued with his exploration of erotic pressure points. rrrRRRrrrrRRRR!
The slight chi charge he was giving off in those areas made her breathing
deep and ragged, and caused her to whimper and twitch in response. Part of
this might just be that she was bonded. Yes, that was a safe topic to think
about. OoooooooOOO! All pokegirls had rudimentry psi talents. During a
Taming, those talents opened (AAiiiiiiiEEEEE!) and a pokegirl tended to
imprint on her (shaaaaAAAAA!) Master. If the Master had a high Empathy
rating (mmmmfff!) this bonding went both ways to some extent. Aiyaaaaa. Both
she and Nabiki had bonded (oh yes! yes! yes! YES!) to Ranma during their
initial Taming (Aiyiyiyiyiyi!) so...

Kasumi stopped thinking at all at this point, having practically been driven
into a frenzy by a massage technique called "Edge Of Oblivion".

Ranma found another manuever and tried it. The Fluttering Tongue, it was
called. Minor chi charge along the tongue, and you used it on one of several
sites. First you kissed her on the mouth, then used it along the throat,
then this hollow along the collarbone, then...

Kasumi's eyes widened comically (not that anyone was watching her eyes at
the moment) and her claws began to dig into the tough material of the bed, a
silent scream making her mouth open in an oval. Her back arched and despite
the fact that her tail was not prehensile, it was making an effort to wrap
around her Tamer's leg.

Ranma tried to remember the scroll's instructions, keeping a running series
of notes from observations on what produced what reactions in Kasumi. This
was, in a sense, a martial arts contest. At least, that was how he viewed
the scrolls and therefore the special techniques. Instead of knocking
someone out, or beating them, you made them feel good. Which made him wonder
about the potential uses when he got back home. Then moved on to the final

Kasumi shrieked aloud, all pretense of guiding her Tamer gone as her own
high libido and low pleasure threshold (a wicked combination shared by an
unfortunately high number of pokegirls) combined with her own high
experience level to overwhelm what mental discipline and sheer effort of
will had been holding her back.

Ranma only noticed that Kasumi had just started glowing and it took him a
few moments to realize that This Means Something. Naturally, he panicked.


Ash was just coming from a disturbing interview with a Tigress when he was
nearly run over by Ranma. Now should he call Ranma 'brother' or was he a
rival Tamer or what?


"Oh?" Ash ignored the naked Ranma and looked around the corner into Taming
Room 3. Sure enough, Kasumi was glowing. Her form gradually solidified out
of the light. Now Kasumi had a light golden fur covering her skin, with a
slightly creamier color on her slight muzzle and splashed down her chest,
ending just below her belly button. Broad wings spread behind her back as
she clumsily tried to stand. "Oh wow. I've heard of some halfbreeds evolving
into a completely different pokegirl species, but I've never seen it. This
is great!"

Ranma stared wildly back and forth from Ash to Kasumi. Glowing like she was
about to combust or something was a good thing?

Ash flicked his pokedex open to show his brother how lucky he had gotten.

[Griffon : the winged cat pokegirl. This pokegirl is quite rare and
powerful. Her strength is in excess of 20x human, she is capable of flight
and has some psychic talents. Not suggested for beginning Tamers. Element:
Air. Attacks include Feather Shuriken, Sabre Claw, Cat's Tongue, and Gust.]

Kasumi caught sight of Ranma and started moving forward with a fair amount
of sultry, purring all the while.

"W-w-w-w-why's she acting like..." Ranma backed up, feeling some odd
conflict of arousal and raw fear. Both of which seemed to be originating
from his Catfist submerged personality.

Ash was making quite sure he never got in between Kasumi and Ranma. Tamer's
etiquette, plus a survival instinct. "Feral Shock. She's just evolved and it
was traumatic enough that her human mind is shut down. Don't forget, she's a
pokegirl. Which means that they're *almost* human, but have an inner nature
which isn't exactly like one of the guys. Don't worry, it'll pass in a few

"B-bu-bu-but, HEY!"

Ash watched as Kasumi dragged Ranma off and started grooming him. With her
tongue of course. Wow. Ranma was so lucky. If only Misty could turn out like

Then an explosion somewhere nearby managed to get everyone's attention.


Ranma ran forward, not running from Kasumi. No, absolutely not. It wasn't
like he was scared or nothing. No, it was because it was a martial artist's
duty to protect the weak and this might be the return of those Trauma Team
bozos. And he *really* wanted to introduce them to someone. Mr. U.R. Inpain,
to be exact.

Kasumi ran forward, on all fours, wings half spread. She still was mainly
going on instinct and was in "Feral" mode. Master running + Explosion =
Danger/Threat/Obstacle. Danger source was interrupting her getting in some
quality time with her Master. They would now face the Wrath Of Kasumi!

"Vaporita!" Professor Stroak's Vaporita was angry for the same reason as
Kasumi. Finally she gets some quality time and some idiot decided to attack
the place. Just wait until she got a chance to demonstrate her Water Fisting

Shampoo ran towards the interruption with Nabiki. This was her big chance to
prove that her fighting skills were nothing to be dismissed easily.

Nabiki ran with Shampoo. She might not be a combat oriented pokegirl, but
anyone who would attack a nursery was worthy of at least having all their
money stolen! Let Shampoo beat them into the ground, then she'd loot the

Peekaboo ran forward, she would prove that even though she was just a
Feralborn, she wasn't dumb or helpless. And there was a large number of
problems a properly placed Thunderbolt could solve.

Akane ran towards the sound, unaware of the changes continuing to build up
within her body. There was a chance for her to pound someone, and she was
sufficiently stressed that she was looking forward to the release.

"Are these fools the only ones who dare stand against the great Tatewaki
Kuno? Truly a pathetic lot."

Akane came to a screeching halt. "Kuno?!"

Standing in front of  a jagged hole in the outer wall, Tatewaki Kuno posed
with a sphere in one hand and his bokken in the other. "Ah, and the fair
Tomboy herself finally presents herself before her destined Tamer."

"Not a chance, Kuno," Akane growled and started forward. Pounding his
pokegirls had never given him a clue, maybe pounding the Tamer would work.

"Kodachi! Use your rose whip to weaken her will, then Dominate!" Kuno
gestured with his bokken.

Akane was almost to Kuno when a tendril-like whip wrapped around her throat,
the thorns injecting poison into her as she struggled to free herself. At
which point Kodachi pulled the whip closer to herself so that she could
begin her Dominate attack, staring into Akane's eyes as her fingers touched
and roughly fondled her helpless prey.

"Hold it right there!"

"Silence! Who dares to interrupt the greatest moment of triumph of the Blue
Thunder?" Kuno could barely spare any attention for intrusions, the scene
before him being such a major turn-on that he could barely notice how much
he was drooling.

"Ranma Saotome, of the Saotome School of Martial Arts!"

"Ash Ketchum, uhm, I guess of the Saotome School of Pokegirl Mastery!"



"Shampoo Tendo, Amazonchan!"

"Nabiki.... Oh my, Kasumi, you evolved to Griffon? That's going to change
the odds..." Nabiki got out her abacus and started figuring things out.

"...could everyone stop the obligatory introduction-and-pose scene..." Akane
gasped as she began succumbing to Kodachi's attack.

*CLANG!* A thrown bonbori managed a one point landing on Kodachi's head.
"Shampoo think that good idea. Besides, Shampoo no like Domina."

Picking herself up off the floor, Kodachi pulled out another rose and
morphed it into a whip. "How dare you manhandle the Black Rose, you
harridan? Clearly I need to teach you your proper place!"

"Peekaboo, Thundershock!"

Akane was still feeling the effects of the poison and the Dominate, but was
ready to pound Kodachi some for daring to try this yet again. She moved
forward and grabbed the Dominatrix by the neck.

"Yah!" Peekaboo remembered she was supposed to try talking every so often,
though it was easier just to go with 'peeka' or some equivelant. "Peeka...
do. THUNDERSHOCK!" *Zaaaaapppp!*

Kodachi's skeleton could be briefly seen in the flash, then she dropped, the
ashes of her rose whip scattering as she fell.

Akane, having unfortunately moved into the field of fire, dropped as well.

Kasumi growled and began to flap her wings, building up a wind which
increased in force with every beat.

Tatewaki saw his opportunity and took it, throwing the pokeball forward to
capture the fair Tomboy. At last! As the Heavens had decreed, Tatewaki Kuno
was triumphant.

"Raaagghhhh!" Kasumi sent a Gust attack towards this stupid Tamer.

"Peeka Thunder Attack!" Peekaboo exclaimed, sending lightning towards the

"Tiger Ball!" A newly arrived Tigress decided she might as well try out her

As he was swept away and became airborne, Kuno's mind seized up. That
redhaired Tigress! She must become HIS. Surely it was the Heaven's Destiny
that they meet. And that winged goddess must become part of his harem as
well. Only the best for the great Tatewaki Kuno.

Surely they were... oh dear. He was awfully high up. Hmmm. He didn't have
any flying type pokegirls. That meant that... oh dear.


Jim looked down at the small crater, caused by a flying idiot nearly landing
on Perfume as they tried to set up camp for the night. He was displeased.
Very displeased. And after they'd left this idiot tied to a tree at their
LAST campsite too.

Prying the pokeball from the Tamer's fingers, Jim checked his pokedex, then
linked it to his own group. [Type: Uncertain] meant any number of things,
and he'd have to investigate this later. For now though, other concerns

"Perfume. Tie this moron to a tree again, make sure the knots will hold him
this time. We don't want him interrupting tonight's Taming session, do we?"

Perfume visibly brightened. "No, that wouldn't do at all!"


Several hours later, not a creature was stirring, not even a Titmouse.

"So, Ami? What kind of Tamers are available?"

"Excluding these three," said a Jigglyslut. The pneumatic pink pokegirl
might literally be an airhead but she had this much sense. "Tatewaki Kuno,
Mikado Sanzennin, and Ataru Moroboshi? Don't think so."

"Likewise exclude Jim and Melvin," suggested a Sorceress. "Jim's not
inclined towards adding Domesticated pokegirls, and Melvin already has
decided not to pursue becoming a Tamer."

"That leaves Gary Stroak, Ukyo Kuonji, Mamoru Chiba, Graham Kemp, Ryo Jones,
and some guy named Tsubasa Kurenai." The Mareen (a water mouse named Ami)
flicked a control to exclude the five mentioned earlier.

"Exclude Kurenai and Kuonji from that group," advised the Sorceress. "I've a
feeling about those two."

Ami did so. "Gary Stroak - listed in the Professor's files as favoring high
level, strong, Feral, and powerful pokegirls. Exception: he has a
domestically inclined Kitten, but he hasn't bothered to name her or address
her as anything besides 'Kitten'."

No one said anything positive, so Ami toggled a large red X over Gary's
portrait and selected the next.

"Oooh, he's cute!" The Jigglyslut rubbed her hands together. "Though why
he's wearing a tuxedo on a beach kinda strikes ol' Jig as odd."

"Mamoru Chiba - an eccentric heir to a fortune over at Stone Town.
Apparently his family mines evolution stones. Fairly wealthy. Apparently
became a Tamer as just a whim, but is fairly good at it. Recently lost all
his pokegirls though - he was in Juuban Town when Trauma Team attacked the
Gym there." Ami flicked a switch.

"Why are all his pokegirls wearing cheerleader outfits?" Jigglyslut (whose
name was actually Jig) wanted to know. She preferred wearing as next to
nothing as she could.

"Combat uniforms," said Ami. "Some Tamers have been known to use a common
combat raiment, claims it helps build team spirit." Judging from the looks
she noted, she didn't "X" out Chiba's picture when she went to the next.

This guy was tall, massive, and looked kind of menacing. "Graham Kemp, aka
the Greyman. Hails from Down Under - Tangelo Island according to this.
Specializes in Magic types. He's got a Megami named Peorth as his Alpha."

"Pass," said Urd from where she was lurking. "I'm familiar with Peorth."

As Jig was obviously even more interested in this fellow than Mamoru, Ami
didn't "X" his portrait out either. "That leaves Ryo Jones. He's not even a
Tamer, actually. He's in the Professor's database as a Pokegirl Watcher. Shy
type apparently. Average looks. Hmmmm."

Jig waved her hand in front of Ami's face and noted the half-lidded eyes and
small smile. Even a Jigglyslut could look at the way she was eyeing the
Tamer's picture and come to the correct conclusion. "Looks like Ami has a
potential candidate."

"Guys," a Vaporita stuck her head up from a cot. "Keep it down, will ya?
It's been a long day."


SHIELDMAIDEN, the defensive pokegirl
TYPE: Human hybrid, does not occur in the wild or reproduce
ELEMENT: Psychic
DIET: human style food, with the exception of red meat
ROLE: bodyguards
LIBIDO: Average
ATTACKS: Reflect, Harden, Foresight, Telekinesis, Armor
ENHANCEMENTS: Psychic abilities, armored skin
As Shieldmaiden (aka Shield) is only found when a human and a Psychic type
pokegirl have a child, Shieldmaiden is rare though the numbers are slowly
climbing. Shieldmaiden is an extremely handy pokegirl to have around, her
abilities to produce forcefields and harden both her own armor and to Armor
her Tamer make Shieldmaiden much sought after.

INGENUE, the generalist pokegirl
TYPE: Very Near Human
DIET: human style foods, leaning towards vegetarian
ROLE: frequently domestics, salesgirls, factory workers
LIBIDO: Average
WEAK VS: Psychic, Poison, Domination
ATTACKS: Cheer, Dodge, Tackle
ENHANCEMENTS: toughness, speed
EVOLVES: Diva (normal), Damsel (Normal) Matron (evolved Damsel), Sidekick
(any elemental stone)
Human women have been known to go through Threshold without any apparent
change. Some of these, at least, have recently been proven to actually have
become Ingenue. Ingenue are one of the few types who have such a mild Feral
state that they were simply thought to be under a constant state of
distraction. Ingenue are not considered suitable for a Tamer's six active
slots due to a lack of powerful attacks or defenses. Sidekick, an
elementally evolved form, is somewhat more powerful and useful.
Some Bunnygirls evolve to Ingenue through stress, though the mechanism is
