The American and the Chinese. Part 2


Ranma and gang do not belong to me.

The idea for Video girl Ai also does not belong to me so don't sue me.

Characters from BGC, Pet shop of horrors and DOA do not belong to me.


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Ranma woke up with a start and sat up the blanket falling from his chest.

He looks around.

‘God it was all just a dream..... Wait a minute why am I naked??' he looks under the blanket to his horror he wasn't wearing anything.

“Oh shit.” He uses the blanket as a make shift towel and walks to the table where his clothes were there was a note on it. Ranma quickly got dressed and reads the note.


Come see me in the teacher's office when you wake.




Ranma shakes his head.

‘I'm dead I had sex with my sensei!'

Ranma quickly puts the blanket back on the bed and leaves the room and makes his way to the teacher's office.


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There D sat at her table.

Her mind racing ‘I had sex with one of my pupils.....' she looks around the office.

She was alone most of the other teachers were at their classes.

‘I am so perverted.... And on my first day too. If any of this get out I'll be.......' D face pales at the prospect that it would turn into a scandal and her career as a teacher was over before it even started.

‘But it was so enjoyable better then using my fingers....' D blushes as she remembers what she and Ranma had done in the dispensary bed.

Suddenly the door to the office opens and in comes Ranma.


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‘Wonder what does she wants.....' Ranma made his way to the teacher's office he looks at his watch. ‘Crap I still got PE......' Ranma groans.

As he enters the office he spots D sitting at her table.

He blushes as he remembered how good she looks naked.

His manhood began to stir again. He walks over to her table.

“Miss D you wanted to speak to me...” Ranma asks.

D was brought back to the real world by Ranma's voice.

“Oh you are here....” D blushed and tries not to look at him in the eye.

“Please come with me.” D stands up and walks to the small conference room.

As Ranma enters the room D looks around again and closes the door and locks it.

“Ranma do you know why I ask you here??” D asks sitting down opposite him.

“.......” Ranma gulps.

“Ermmmmm....” He was at a loss of words.

“Ranma I asks you here because I wanted to say that I am sorry about just now. I didn't know what came over me. You must think that I am a slut......” D said suddenly beginning to cry.

Ranma began to fluster up not knowing what to do he did the next best thing.

He kisses her in her mouth.

D's eye went wide at what Ranma was doing and tries to push him a way but he held on to her waist. Ranma kisses her passionately.

D felt herself melt in his arms.

She stops struggling and returns the kiss.

Ranma stops and looks at her “You are not a slut you are the most beautiful teacher I have ever seen. Ranma said the he kisses her again.

Ranma could feel his manhood stir as they kiss.

D's hand went down to his crotch.

“Oh you are hard again...” D said smiling at her new-found love.

“Ermmm heheh.” Ranma grins.

“But what about that girl who was with you....” D asks.

“Oh Kasumi she's staying with me 3 other girls are staying with me too.” Ranma said.

“.....” D looks at Ranma.

“Ummm they sort of share me heheheh...” Ranma said sheepishly hoping that she would not start to cry.

“I would like to meet them too.” D finally said after several minutes of silence.

“Sure how about you come over for dinner later.” Ranma said then kisses her again.

“That would be nice.” D said.

“I'll wait for you at the gate later.” Ranma said.

“All right then you better get to class then I'll see you later.” D said as she lets Ranma go.

“Bye see you later.” Ranma said then he ran off.

“Hmmmm this should be interesting.” D said to her self and went back to her table to continue on her work.




Ranma ran for his class and enters the classroom and changes into his PE kit and head out to the gym. At the gym Tina was taking the attendance of the pupils.

“Ranma Satome.” She calls out looking around waiting for an answer.

‘Hmmmm he's not here.' She was about to mark him absent went he came running in.

“I'm here!” Ranma shouts as he runs in. to join his class.

“Ah Mr Satome as punishment for being late 20 rounds around the track if you please.”

“What 20 rounds only??” Ranma said shaking his head and heads out to the track to do his punishment. “Huh?” Tina looks at the back of the fast disappearing Ranma.

“Sensei, Ranma is a Martial Artist. He can run several miles. 20 rounds is just a warm up for him.” One of the students said.

“Hmmm is that so let see if I can break him.” Tina said then she breaks up the class for their lesson. Tina had just finished the recent Dead or Alive competition and was looking out for a challenge.

She had wanted to become a movie star but she wasn't ready for the glitzy life style and the changes she had to change in her life.

She had to quit showbiz because a director had offered her a very indecent proposal sleep with him and he will make her the lead actress in his movie at a party her manager brought her to.

She broke his nuts and left the party and that was the last time she wanted to be a movie star.

Several model agencies tried to get her to model but she didn't accept their offer instead she became a Physical education teacher like her mother.

Her dad was so happy that he cried the whole day when she told him.

Tina shakes her head at the memories and wonder if she would meet with the other girls from the contest they were in Japan on holiday.

She walks to ward the track when she stops dead as Ranma jogs towards her.

“There finish anything else.” Ranma said as he wipes away the sweats on his fore head.

It was a hot day and his shirt was drench with his sweat.

Tina's eyebrows went up as she made out the muscular chest and muscles under his shirt.

“Sensei mind if I wring this.” Ranma asks as he pulls off his shirt and starts to squeeze on his shirt.

‘Oh god he has a good body for a 17 year old.' Tina starts to drool.

Lots of guy had tried to date her and try to sleep with her but she is very picky and so far none had caught her eye but Ranma was something else.

“Ahhh sensei can I go join the class now??” Ranma asks looking at Tina then blushing.

“Ahhh oh yes you can...” Tina quickly tries to regain her wits.

Ranma walks away into the gym and joins his classmates.

Ranma walks into the gym but the class had already broke up into teams and was starting to play games.

Ranma shook his head when one of them offered to let him into the team.

Ranma went to a corner and started to do his Katas.

‘Might as well get some work out got to stay in shape.' Ranma thought as he went through his katas. Tina was astonish at how graceful and powerful Ranma was as she watches him throw punches and kicks like he was doing a dance.

She recognises a few of the moves but after a few minutes she got lost.

‘This kid is good even better then some of the others.' Tina though she starts to drool as she notices his well built and toned body.

‘And he's a hunk too hmmm I wonder if I can get him to spar with me....' Tina continues to watch Ranma.

Soon class was over the other student all left for the showers and go home.

Ranma was still gong through his katas.

‘Man he's been going strong for 1 hour already he doesn't look tired out yet!' Tina was astonish he was doing very advance katas flipping around and dodging around as if he was fighting with some one. Finally he winds down he stands still and breathes heavily.

He looks at his watch.

“Crap I was off by 5 minutes!” Ranma berates himself he looks around and notices that he was the only one left.

Tina starts to clap and walks up to him.

“Hey that was great you are good.” Tina said.

“Thanks. I'm the best here.” Ranma said cockily as he uses his shirt to wipe away the perspiration on his face and body.

“How about you and me go a few rounds.” Tina said as she starts to take off her windbreaker and put on her gloves.

“Umm no offence sensei but I don't fight with girls.” Ranma said.

Tina looks at Ranma.

“Hmmm or are you just afraid that you might lose to a girl.” Tina taunts.

“WHAT!” Ranma said angrily.

“You want a fight you got one.” Ranma said as the two went into the boxing ring in the gym.

Tina warms herself up and gets herself ready.

Ranma went into a stance and watches Tina wondering what style she uses.

The two eye each other.

Ranma wanting to finish her off fast went at her with a right punch.

Tina sees her opening and grabs his arm and went into a hammerlock.

Ranma was taken aback and manages to break the hold.

“You do wrestling?” Ranma said as he backs away.

“Yeah my dad taught it to me.” Tina said smiling happy that she managed to get the first strike.

“Your dad don't happen to be Bass Armstrong.” Ranma asks as he starts to circle her.

“Yup he's my dad.” Tina said.

“The world heavy weight champion wrestler Bass Armstrong?” Ranma asks.

“Yup that's the guy. You a fan of his?” Tina asks as she watches Ranma.

“Nope just watch him fight he's good.” Ranma said.

“Oh is that so.” Tina asks not letting her guard down.

“Just want you to know my family art is call well known for grappling.” Ranma said.

“Oh is that so bring it on then.” Tina taunts.

Ranma smiles and went at her.

Ranma did a sweep kick intending to bring her down but she rolls away.

Tina flips up and did a dolphin upper cut.

Ranma dodges out of the way and grabs her arm intending to bring her down.

Tina tries to counter but the next thing she knows she was on the floor on her back with Ranma holding on to her arm and went into a cross arm lock.

His left leg on her neck and his right next to ample breasts.

Tina struggles to break free trying to use her free hand to hold on to the other hand not allowing Ranma to complete the lock.

Tina struggles to get up when she did she drags Ranma and slams him onto the corner post several times until he lets go.

“ That hurt!” Ranma said as he releases the hold and rolls away holding his head.

“Don't be a baby!” Tina taunts him.

Ranma went at her again but before he could reach her she pulls him away she grabs him from behind and executes a double back breaker.

Ranma's head was spinning went he tries to stand up.

He shakes his head.

“Well?” Tina smiles at Ranma.

“Now to get serious!” Ranma said suddenly disappearing from the ring.

“What the?” Tina looks around.

Suddenly she was hit all over punches hitting her body.

She tries to block the but to no avail.

They were too fast and strong.

But she manages to catch Ranma's hand as it suddenly slowed.

“Wait!” Ranma tries to say but it was too late Tina executes sky twister press her.

Ranma's eyes went wide as he sees her jumps into the air and comes crashing into him.

Air was knock from his body and he starts to tap on the mat to signal that he gives up.

Tina stands up happy that she had won jumping around.

Ranma almost nose bleeds all over the place when her big ample breasts were jumping all over as her top had shredded and her breasts were hanging out from the ruin top.

“What?” Tina asks as she stops and puts her hands to he hips looking at Ranma.

Ranma stands up and points to her chest.

Tina follows her hand and to her horror.

She tries to run out of the ring but she trips.

Ranma jumps to save her. When the dust settle Tina's breasts were on Ranma's face.

‘God I'm in heaven they are bigger the Kaumi and the other girls!' Ranma steal a feel as he helps her up.

He was now having a hard on as he helps her up he trip and lands on top of her.

‘Holy crap he's big down there too!' Tina could feel Ranma's hard on pressing on her thigh.

‘I'm getting hot.' Tina blushes as her breasts press on his hard chest.

Ranma looks at Tina eyes and slowly their lips met and they were kissing.

His hands going to her breasts squeezing them and pinching her nipples.

Tina moans

‘It's been so long...' Tina could feel herself get wet down there as Ranma starts to kiss and lick on her nipples.

Then suddenly he stops.

“Oh shit! I'm going to be late!” Ranma gets up and help Tina up.

“I'm sorry but I got to met some one.” Ranma said as he scratches the back of his head.

“What the hell excuse is that!!??” Tina asks angrily she was all horny and go and stop.

“Umm if you want you can come too.” Ranma said.

“Where!??” Tina asks ready to deck him.

“My house. I'll meet you at the gate. Ranma grabs his shirt and steals a kiss and was running full speed out of the gym.

“Huh?” Tina stood there a while the finally decides to do as she was told.

She went to the locker room to get change.








Waiting at the gate was D she was getting anxious, as there was no sign of Ranma.

Suddenly she spots Tina standing at the other end of the gate.

She smiles at her.

Tina waves back and went back to her waiting.

Soon Ranma runs out from the gate and looks around and spots the two teachers.

“What a coincidence.” Ranma waves the two to him.

“Come on lets go I'm going to be late for dinner.” Ranma said as he held both their hands dragging them along after him.

The two looks at each other then at Ranma then decide to follow.






Finally the three stand in front of the house.

“Come on in.” Ranma said as he opens the door and goes in.

“I'm back!” Ranma calls out.

Kasumi comes out wearing an apron only.

D and Tina's eye almost pop out at the way Kasumi was dressed.

“Oh my guest..... Mmmmm.....” She eyes the two licking her lips.

“Kasumi this is D and Tina my teachers from school.” Ranma introduces as he takes off his shoes.

“Oh that's nice. Nibiki, Akane and Sylvia will be a little bit late for dinner.” Kasumi said as she helps Ranma to put away his shoes.

“Oh my my dinner!” Kasumi scampers back into the kitchen.

D and Tina let out a sigh as they saw that Kasumi was wearing an extremely short skirt and a tube top behind the apron.

“Is she always dressed like that while cooking?” Tina asks as Ranma takes them into the living room. “Ermmmm.....” Ranma scratches his head.

D blushes as she remembers how scantly dressed Kasumi was during lunch break.

“Come on lets go into the living room.” Ranma said as he leads them into the living room.

Kasumi soon appears again this time carrying a tray of snacks and tea.

“Dinner will be ready in half an hour.” Kasumi announces as she puts the tray down.

She smiles at Tina lustfully her eyes glinting as she licks her lips.

‘Mmmmm what big breasts she has I certain they will tastes nice.' Kasumi thinks to herself as she leaves for the kitchen.

Tina shudders as she watches Kasumi walks back to the kitchen.

Ranma smiles at Tina.

“Don't worry about her she's very nice.” Ranma said as he tries to break the ice.

D was sipping on her tea as he watches Ranma talk to Tina.

‘She has a better body then me..... He'll never like me .....' D thought sadly as she watches the two shares a joke.

“Excuse me while I go change.” Ranma said as he gets up.

“Sure come back soon.” Tina said she was enjoying her self it's been a long time since she talks to someone about martial arts.

She picks up her drink and starts to sip on it.

She notices that D was sitting on a chair quietly and looking depressed.

After a moment D gets up and starts to walk away.

‘Wow she has a very slim body to fit in that.' Tina comments to herself as she admires the Qipao, which D was wearing.

‘She looks even better than Lei Fang in them.' She notices that D was heading toward the front door. Tina was curious that D was suddenly leaving.

She stands up and went after her.

“D where are you going....” Tina asks as D was putting on her shoes.

“I am out of place here. I should go.” D said sadly as she reaches for the door handle Tina reaches out and stops her.

“Tell me what is going on here. I'm curious about why you are here too.” Tina said as she held on to D's hand. D blushes and looks away from Tina.

“Well um .....” D stammers.

“Spit out all ready.” Tina said impatiently.

“Ranma and I had sex this afternoon in the infirmary.” D squeaks out.

“You and him what?” Tina was taken aback at what she just heard.

“I had sex with him....” D said this time even softer.

Tina shook her head in disbelief and looks at D.

“You are joking right?” Tina said shaking her head.

“No.....” D said as she starts to cry.

“Aww jeeze don't cry.” Tina said as she pulls D into her arms and hugs her.

She had a few lesbian relations while in the DOA tournaments and while she was an actress but this really takes the cake.

“Well Ranma came on to me while we were sparing.” Tina said still holding to D.

“He did.” D looks at Tina.

“Hmmmm that's Ranma for you so considerate and manly isn't he.” Kasumi said standing there looking at the two.

“Oh....” Tina lets D go her face flushed in embarrassment.

D too looks away.

“Well don't be shy about it Ranma's my lover and he's still has plenty to go around.” Kasumi said as she gathers the two and brings them back to the living room.

As they sat down.

“Ranma's your lover....” Tina asks she was shocked her student had a lover and just jump in the sack with a teacher and nearly got her in too.

“Ranma gives me lots of pleasure...” Kasumi said smiling.

“I'm sure he gave some of his love to you.” Kasumi said smiling at D now.

“How.... How did you know......” D stammers.

“Well you have all his marks on your neck.” Kasumi said giggling.

“Oh....” D brings her hand to her neck her face all red as a cherry.

“I have a few myself.” Kasumi said as she shows off the love bites on her neck.

“He's wild in bed....”

Tina said suddenly jealous that the two girls had their way with Ranma already.

“Oh would you like to have a go.” Kasumi asks smiling naughtily.

“Well I ....” Tina starts to blush.

“Tell me what happen. I am sure Ranma did something to attract your attention.” Kasumi said.

Tina looks at Kasumi then at D.

“You won't tell anyone would you.” Tina asks blushing.

“Of course not.” Kasumi said as she went in closer. D Follows suit wondering what Ranma had done to attract Tina's attention too.

“Well it all happen during gym class to day...” Tina began to relate what had happen during gym.






Kasumi was giggling and D was shocked.

Tina was blushing like a red tomato.

Just then Ranma comes down he was drying his hair with a towel.

“Hey Kasumi what are we having for dinner?” Ranma asks as he walks down from the stairs wearing only a pair of shorts.

“Oh we'll be having your favourite.” Kasumi said as she stood up and gave Ranma a kiss on his cheek. “I have to go to the kitchen to check on dinner.” As Kasumi went in she winks at the two girls.

Ranma puts away the towel his hair undone from the pigtail.

The two girls look at Ranma.

D swallows as she sees Ranma well built and toned body covered in drops of water.

Tina was keeping herself from drooling all over the place.

‘Wow he looks even better.' Tina thought to herself.

“You two want to take a bath the waters still hot.” Ranma said as he sits down in between the two.

D and Tina look at each other.

“Ummm..... We don't have anything to wear....” D said softly.

“Oh that's all right I can asks Kasumi to lend you some of the other girls clothing.” Ranma said smiling at the two.

“Yeah all right sure.” Tina said getting up and pulling D with her and heads up the stairs.

“It's the second door to your right.” Ranma calls out shaking his head and chuckling.

He then gets up and walks into the kitchen.





The two strip and went into the bathroom.

It was big enough for two people to bath comfortably.

Tina was peeking at D as they step into the bath.

‘Wow her skin is so white must be soft too not like mine.....' Tina thought to herself sadly.

D was trying her best to not run away as she went into the bath.

She made straight for the stool and sat down.

She grabs the showerhead and turns it on not noticing that it was on cold.

As the cold water splashes D she screams in shock.

Tina quickly turns the hot water tap on.

Soon the water was just right. D was shivering as she points the showerhead away from her.

“The water is fine now.” Tina said as she tests the water.

“Hey you guys all right in there??' Ranma calls out from behind the door.

“Yes we are D accidentally turned on the cold water.” Tina replies.

“Ok I'll leave the clothes here see you later.” Ranma said as he left.







Tina was having a hard time not looking at D's slim and pale skinned body.

D was blushing and covering herself as the two bath and made their way to the furo for a soak.

‘She's better looking then Lei Fang. Although her boobs are a little small......' Tina muses as she lets herself sink into the hot water.

‘Tina is so beautiful, so big not like me.....' D peeks at Tina as she lowers herself into the hot water. The two sat in the hot water in silence not knowing what to say to each other.

D stood up having soaked enough but she lost her balance and fell.

Tina instinctively reaches for her and grabs her before she injures herself.

Tina had her hands on D's small breasts as she held her in her haste to help her up she squeezes them making D moan.

Tina lowers herself and D back into the water.

She then starts to play with D's nipples, which went hard at her touch.

“Oh Tina what are you doing??” D moans.

Tina cuts her off by giving her a passionate kiss.

At first D was shocked but as Tina's tongue roams into hers and starts to wrestle with hers.

D's hands reached for Tina ample breasts and starts to knead on them pull on her nipples causing Tina to shudder.

Tina breaks off the kiss to the disappointment of D she whimpers as Tina took her hand away and went down towards D's almost hairless pussy.

She spreads it opens slowly letting her finger caress D's pussy.

She pinches D's clit causing D to jump and moan out in pleasure.

Then slowly she puts in one finger and slowly begins to finger fuck D's pussy.

“Oh yes.” D moans as she holds Tina's hand on her pussy.

Tina smiles and adds another finger in to work on her hot pussy.

Tina's other hand was playing and pinching on D's nipples.

“More please more.” D groans as she moves her hips in motion as Tina's plunging fingers.

Tina could feel D's body suddenly stiffen, letting out a shriek of ecstasy she came her body shuddering. Tina takes her fingers out of D and starts to lick on them.

“Mmmm. Nice.” Tina said as she savours the flavour of D's juices.

D lies on top of Tina catching her breath. Then sitting up.

“My turn.” D said as she pulls Tina up and out of the tub.

She takes some towels and spread them on the floor then push Tina down and made her lie there. She kisses Tina's large breasts massaging them as if they were large water balloons.

Then sucking on her nipple nibbling on them making Tina hold her on them.

D admires Tina's well-toned muscles she was almost toned as Ranma.

She runs her fingers down Tina's rock hard stomach then slowly towards her dripping pussy.

Tina gasps as D's finger spreads her pussy open then starts to tease her clit rubbing on the nub as if she was playing a guitar.

“Oh god...” Tina had her eyes closed savouring the delicate touch D was giver down there.

She was better then Lei Fang much better.

She arches her back as she comes, a clear liquid come squirting out of her pussy drenching D's hands. “Oh.” D brought the juice drench hand to her face.

“Mmmmm...” D moans as she licks a finger then starts to lick all her fingers clean of Tina's honey. Suddenly the door opens and standing there licking her lips was Kasumi.

“Oooo that looks delicious can I have some?” Kasumi coos as she walks over dropping her clothes.






Finally another chapter all done.


Thank you all for waiting so patiently for this chapter to come out.

Yes I know it took a while but I promise to be faster.

Anyone you want to see in this fic please mail me your suggestions.


Some of you must be wondering how Ranma can even stand after so much sex well don't forget he is after all the best.


Until next time!!