Ranma and gang do not belong to me.

The idea for Video girl Ai also does not belong to me so don't sue me.



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Chapter 1



Ranma was at a dilemma.

[Which one to take??] he scratches his head as he looks over the tapes again.

It was driving him crazy.

All of them look so hot.

“Ahem...” Ranma looks up the man was looking at him and smiling.

“So have you decided which one would you like to borrow??” He asks his hands behind his back. “Hmmmm it's so hard to decide they are all so hot.” Ranma said smiling too.

“Yes I agree. Why don't you take them all.” The man said.

“What? You mean it??” Ranma almost jump for joy.

“All right I'll take all three then.” Ranma said as he took out his wallet.

“That settles it here fill up this form.” The man hands Ranma a set of forms to fill up.

“So how much is it.” Ranma asks while he fills up the form.

“For you a special VIP price of 5000 yen for all three. And the return date is 30 days.” The man said. “Wow that's cheap.” Ranma didn't believe his luck.

“Here you go 5000 yen.” Ranma pull out the notes from his wallet.

And hands it to the man.

“Here is the membership card. It's a VIP one. No fee needed as you are my first customer.” The man said as he hands the card over to Ranma.

“Wow thanks a lot.” Ranma thanks as he takes the tapes, which are in a bag from the counter.

Then he went out the store in a hurry to get home and watch the tapes.

“Bye young man.” The man calls out after Ranma but he was in too much of a haste to have heard. “Young men.” The man smiles and starts to clean the counter.

As Ranma ran for his home he did not see the video shop disappearing as mysteriously as it appeared.



It was starting to rain.

Thunder and lightning flashed across the sky as he ran.

After a few minutes Ranma arrives at his house.

He quickly opens the door kicks off his shoes and ran up stairs to his room.

His parents were away on business and the whole house was his for the whole month.

Ranma threw his bag on to his bed and starts to take off his uniform.

In his boxers he took along the bag with the tapes and went to the entertainment room up stairs his room.

The room had a 42-inch plasma TV and an overhead projector.

“Crap where are the remotes??” Ranma looks around the room.

The room had been a present from his parents for doing so well in his exams last year.

His family was quite well off 3 Dojos open in Japan and another being open in America.

That's where his parents were they went there to finalize the finishing of the Dojo there.

Finally he found the remote and presses on it.

The room came alive as the TV switches on and the other equipment came on.

“Hmm I better go down to get some snacks.” Ranma ran down stairs and rummages the kitchen for his snacks and quickly ran up stairs again.

There were 3 video players to make it easier to watch videos continuously.

He pops the three tapes in Kasumi first then Nibiki lastly Akane.

“I am so going to have fun.” He gleefully plops himself on to a bean bag seat and presses the play button on the remote.

As the tape plays Ranma pours himself some soda and places next to him.

He leans back to enjoy the show when suddenly the phone started to ring.

“Shit!!” Ranma curses as he gets out of the beanbag.

He accidentally kicks the glass full of soda on to the remote.

“Ahh crap.” In his haste to clean up the mess he steps on the remote causing it to malfunction.

The other two-video players start to play.

“SHIT! SHIT! SHIT.” The phone kept on ringing.

He gives up cleaning his mess and ran down stairs to pick up the phone.

Unknown to him the spilt soda had flowed to the power cables on the floor.

Sparks starts to jump and the screen comes on with three images.

Suddenly as fate would have it a bolt of lightning struck the electrical pole casing a power surge.

All the electrical equipment starts to pop and suddenly there was a bright flash of light and three figures were thrown from the screen.

Then everything went dark.

Mean while Ranma was downstairs on the phone.

“Hello??” he answers. It was his mother.

“Ranma? Why did you are you doing??” his mother asks.

“Sorry mum there is a storm and it knocked out the power and I was up stairs bathing.” Ranma lied.

“I see that's good. Remember to behave all right I have put some money into your bank account don't spend it all.” His mother said.

“Yes mum. Can I get off the phone now I am all dripping wet.” He said as anxiously trying to get off the phone.

“All right then you be good see you in a month. I will call when I have the time.” his mother said.

“Yes mum love you lots. Bye.” He quickly puts down the phone.

He pulls open a drawer and takes out a flashlight.

“Just my luck looks like I got to wait to see the tapes. Oh shit the mess!!” He suddenly realized.

He ran up stairs.

And burst into the room suddenly tripping and sent flying into the room.

He hits his head hard on the floor and the torchlight had smashed into the wall and went out.

He gropes in the darkness his hand coming on to something soft he puts his head on it and passes out.




The next morning Ranma wakes up with a huge headache and a large bump on his forehead.

He looks around groggily.

[What the hell is this.] He looks at what he was squeezing.

“Holy shit!!” He exclaims and jumps back in surprise.

In the middle of the room were three girls all sprawled on the floor.

“How the hell did they get here.” He looks at them they were all nude and beautiful.

Ranma's manhood stirred from it's slumber as his eyes took everything in.

“Ooooooo.....” one of them started to stir and sits up.

“Where am I??” She asks looking around then suddenly seeing Ranma standing there with a raging hard on.

“What a sight to wake up too.” The girl coos and stretches herself.

Ranma almost fainted as he watches her breasts bounce as she lets down her arms.

“Hmmmm you look familiar....” Ranma said as he tried to control his body.

“Are you going to give me my breakfast.?” She asks as she gets up and steps over the other two girls to wards Ranma.

Ranma takes a step back and found himself up against the wall.

“Hello handsome.” She said as she puts her body against his.

Ranma was sweating now.

“My it's so hard and hot.” She exclaims as her hands reach into his boxers ranning her hand on his manhood.

She gives Ranma a kiss.

Ranma's eyes widen in shock as the girl's tongue invades his mouth.

Soon the two were kissing passionately their tongues playing with each other.

Soon they parted a thin line of saliva connected them.

“I must be dreaming.” Ranma mumbles.

“No you are not this is all real.” The girl said as she take his hands and put them on to her breasts. “Play with them.” She whispers into his ear.

Ranma happily oblige and starts to squeeze them and tease her nipples.

“Hmmm you got a very nice body.” She said as she frees one of her hands and starts to trace Ranma's hard chest.

“You must have good endurance then.” She asks teasingly.

“I have been training in martial arts since I was young.” Ranma said proudly.

“Ooooo a fighter. I like.” She teases and gasps as Ranma pinches her nipples.

“You ever seen a girls pussy before?” She asks lustily.

Ranma shook his head.

“No. How about I show you mine.” She said smiling then walks over to the beanbag and sits in it.

Then slowly spreading her legs wide.

Ranma's eyes went wide.

Her mount was hairless and was glistering.

“Come closer you can't see it from that far.” She teases Ranma.

Ranma swallowed and went closer. Ranma got on all fours and was having a full view of her pussy. “Like what you see.” She asks enjoying every minute.

Then she slowly spreads open her pussy lips and lets him see her treasure.

“God.....” Ranma gasps.

It was the first time he has gotten this close to a real one.

Sure he reads all those magazines but nothing beats the real thing.

“You want a taste?”

Ranma immediately nods his head.

“Well what are you waiting for?” She said opening her treasure wider.

She was already dripping wet as Ranma inches closer.

Her scent intoxicates him.

[God I am really going to do it.] Ranma inches closer and takes a lick.

The girl shudders as if she was electrocuted.

“Don't stop.” She pleads spreading her lips wider.

[Hmmmm tastes nice. So this is how girls taste like down there.] Ranma starts to lick.

His tongue going the full length of her pussy.

Then stopping to put his whole mouth over her pussy and starts to suck on her drawing her nectar into his mouth.

His tongue dove into her vagina.

“Ooooooo Yes yes that it don't stop.” The girl moans holding on to his head pushing him deeper in between her legs.

Suddenly her grip on his hair tightens.

She came like a flood filling Ranma's mouth with her juices.

Ranma hungrily gulps all of it down.

She pulls his up and starts to lick away the juices which around his mouth.

“Well how do I taste...” She asks smiling.

“You taste heavenly.” Ranma said wondering what was next.

“OOoooo feels like you want to fuck me.” She teases as she pulls his boxers down.

His cock was swollen hard.

“What a beautiful cock.” She purrs like a cat playing with a mouse.

“Come lover boy fuck me. Fuck me. Fill me with your cum.” She pulls Ranma to her and guiding his cock to her hot wet pussy.

Ranma eases the head of his cock into her.

“Ooooo god you are so big.” She gasps as Ranma slowly enters her.

When Ranma had his whole cock in her.

He looks at her not too sure of what to do next.

“This is your first time lover boy.” She asks.

“Yes.” Ranma manages to answer.

Trying not to come.

“Mmmmmm this makes it even better. Come don't be shy fuck me. Fuck me hard.” She said as she wraps her legs around his waist and starts to move.

Ranma starts to pump into her.

Each time he enters her deeply she squeals with ecstasy.

“Please harder harder.” She pleads. Ranma smiles and obliges.

He places her legs on his shoulders and plunges deep into her.

She moans with pleasure with each plunge.

Ranma also squeezes her breast as he enters her.

He quickens his pace as he feels a pressure starts to build.

“I'm going to come.....” Ranma said as he maintains his pace.

“Yes, yes come in me ....” She pleads she was also going to come for the 2nd time.

With a loud shriek she came.

Her vagina grips on to his cock making him come too, filling her up with his seed.

He then slump on her tired and sweat covered.

“That was intense.” Ranma manages to say.

Enjoying the lovemaking.

“Yes it was good.” The girl said.

“So you going to tell me who are you.” Ranma asks as he plays with her breast.

“Oh yes where are my manners. My name is Kasumi.” The girl said enjoying what Ranma was doing. “Hmmm Kasumi huh... What a nice name ... Hmmmmm...... Where have I heard that name before....” Ranma asks himself.

Then it struck him he got up and went over to the vedio player and took out the tapes boxes.

True enough the girl who he had sex with was the same as the one on the cover and the other two were also from the tapes.

“Holy crap.” Ranma said then faints.

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Finally another chapter up. Hope you guys all like it.

I know its earlier then the dateline.

Didn't want to disappoint you guys so I cut short the date line.

So people please R&R and tell me what else you want in the story.

PS Most of the female characters will turn up in the story so be patient so will other females from other stories will make a guest appearance. (Any comments or suggestion please feel free to tell me.)

Until the next chapter see you all then.