By Ron Hino
'Hey look! He forgot to put in a disclaimer! Sue him! Sue him! Su-'
Author: "There'll be no more of *that* nonsense, thank you!"
A lady walked the streets of Tokyo just an hour after sunset.
There was really no other term by which to call her. Her hair was coifed in
a traditionally acceptable manner. Her steps were small and ladylike, as
though she had too much dignity to appear in a rush. As it happened, she
wasn't really, but one could easily imagine her taking the same dainty steps
on her way out of a burning building. If she spoke to you, it would only be
in the most polite and feminine of speech forms, devoid of slang. She wore
a tasteful Kimono, finely made yet subtle, and very well cared for. One
would have to look very closely, in good light, to see the many places where
it had been expertly mended as age wore away at it. Only if you could see
those tiny marks of mending (which in the dimly lit street, you couldn't)
would you have any reason to suspect she was not a member of an ancient and
noble family. She was that too, of course (and carried the family honor
blade wherever she went, as she did now) but in modern times, noble heritage
and wealth did not necessarily go together.
Still, by her appearance and demeanor, you could take her to be nothing but
dignified lady. Too dignified and traditional to take a job as an office
lady, or anything of the sort. Hence her current poverty in the absence of
her husband. A woman's place (as she saw it) was to take care of (read:
rule with an iron will) the home. Securing an income was her husband's
responsibility. For her to take a job would be to insinuate that her
husband wasn't capable of taking care of her (He wasn't, as a matter of
fact, but it was the principle of the thing).
(Author's note: I'm sure by now you know who this is. Let's just pretend I
was a little more talented at foreshadowing.)
About the only thing that seemed out of place on this fine, elegant,
well-dressed lady was the area of Tokyo she was currently walking through.
Most ladies of means (or those who made an effort to appear to be) did not
go walking about some of the darker, dingier parts of the city after dark
unless they had a very VERY good reason for doing so, for reasons that would
soon be made evident.
"Well well boys, what do we have here?"
The lady spun quickly. Coming out of an alley were six muscular young men
dressed mostly in black leather. From the scars, tattoos, and knives they
carried, it was obvious they made their living on the shady side of the law.
One of the youngest, a short, mean-looking scrapper with a scowl that
seemed to have permanently etched itself in his features dashed forward,
putting a knife in her face.
"Give us yer money, bitch! Now!" Her hand moved slowly to the long bundle
across her back as she took a step back in fear.
The biggest of the lot, who looked to be in his mid-twenties, with a ring
piercing his bottom lip, stepped forward and thumped the eager runt on the
"Calm down, Kenji. And be more polite, we have a lady present." He said
mockingly. The others moved to surround her, knives drawn, but held lazily
at their sides for the moment. Not liking her odds if this degenerated into
violence, the lady slowly took her hands from the bundled sword, knowing she
would never have time to unwrap it and draw before she was stabbed.
"I'm afraid I'm not carrying enough money to make it worth your time to rob
me." She said in a smooth, haughty tone that didn't betray the nervousness
she felt.
The leader cocked his head, peering at her. "Might be worth our time after
all. Step back into the light." The light he spoke of came from a blue and
red neon sign next to a door in the alley. The sign openly advertised
services that she was fairly certain were not legal in Japan. Truly, she
was far from any place a lady should be.
She hesitantly stepped back until the sign illuminated her face, casting it
in a violet glow. The lead thug grunted and smiled.
"Just as I thought. You're younger than your nice manners suggest. Not a
bad looker neither."
She responded in the same mildly arrogant tone she had used before. "Why
thank you, young man. And might my fine looks be enough to convince you to
let me pass with what little money I have still in my purse?" She could see
by his scowl that her condescending tone was beginning to irritate the man.
He unfolded his arms and moved toward her, grasping her by her chin.
"They might at that." He growled. "But I think we're going to have to take
that arrogant attitude away from you before you go." He grinned unpleasantly
at her. "Think of it as a learning experience."
"What do you mean?" She asked quietly, though she knew very well what he
"I mean, 'My Lady' that me and the boys here are going to have ourselves
some fun at the expense of a pretty lady like yourself, until every one of
us is too tired to continue, or you pass out, whichever's first." He
growled, yanking her kimono roughly over her shoulders, his other hand
grasping the loose end of her obi, and shoving her away towards the others,
unraveling her at the same time. Oddly enough, her first thought was that
she hoped they had not put yet another tear in her old kimono, or she would
have to mend it again.
As she was roughly shoved from man to man, each grasped a layer, or article
of her carefully donned apparel. One slipped her outer kimono from her,
then another yanked off the inner layer, a third and forth tore away her bra
and panties. Finally, the very dizzy and disoriented lady stood in the
middle of the circle of thugs, wearing only the wooden geta sandals on her
stockinged feet.
She was still holding her head and trying to get the world to stop spinning
when the hands came. Her wrists were grabbed and pulled wide, as were her
legs. Other hands groped at her breasts, her bottom, one even began to poke
a finger into her sex. Two hands (which as her head cleared she could see
belonged to the leader) took her face and crushed her lips against his. His
tongue probed her mouth just as the man between her legs pulled her pussy
lips apart and began to assault her with his pierced tongue. She could feel
the smooth metal, warmed by the heat of his mouth, sliding over her most
intimate places. The hands on her full breasts squeezed them, and tweaked
at her nipples.
She reasoned that biting down on the tongue in her mouth would gain her very
little, and result only in a hard slap at best, the end of her life at
worst. She attempted to push his tongue out of her mouth with her own. She
didn't succeed, but the thug seemed to enjoy her reaction.
Her body was pulled forward, bent at the waist, and the leader's hands
tilted her head back. She opened her mouth to demand that they stop, but
his cock silenced her argument before it could taste the air. As his member
pushed itself into her throat, she could feel the first of them plunge into
her sex, now moist with her own juices and the spittle of the man who had
been licking her. She grunted, (daintily, somehow) around the cock in her
mouth each time the man behind her thrust forward.
After a short time of this, another man slipped beneath her, and the man in
her pussy pulled out and slowly pressed his moist cock into her ass. Once
he'd worked his way in to the hilt, he lowered her down, and the man beneath
her began fucking her pussy. She groaned as the man in her ass began to
move again, trying to relax her sphincter so that it would be easier on her.
By the time they were both pumping, she had given up any semblance of
control over her body, as the sensations built higher and higher. She came
once by the time the leader shot his load down her throat. She came again
after another man replaced him.
She felt the hands holding her wrists pull them toward the crotches of the
two men. She knew there was no hope of escape at this point, and the sooner
they were all worn out, the sooner she could get away. She wrapped her
hands around their members and began to stroke them.
Both men in her lower holes came at about the same time, and the infusion of
hot fluid brought her to the Clouds and the Rain yet again. They too
switched off and the ones she'd been masturbating plunged into her open
The cycle went on for over three hours. Men rested and regained their vigor
while the others used her body. Eventually, all of them lay panting on the
ground, exhausted from their endeavors.
The lady separated herself from them without a word, and wiped the semen
from herself with a hanky. She had to ring it out several times to
accomplish the task. She donned her Kimono again, carefully folding each
edge properly and wrapping the obi around herself with care. She undid her
messed hair and redid it perfectly with the aid of many years of practice.
When she was done, she looked as perfect as she had when she had first come
upon the gang of men.
She made her way around to the various piles where the men had thrown their
clothes. She extracted each wallet from each pair of jeans, took out all
the cash, and dropped the wallet back in the pile. By the time she'd
visited all six piles, she had quite a fair amount of money in her hand;
well over 100,000 yen.
"H-hey! What do you think you're doing!" The leader gasped, trying to come
to his feet. Some of the other men found the strength to lift their heads
as well as she put the money away in her purse.
She smiled at them. "Oh come now! You boys have had quite the time
tonight. Surely you don't think it unfair that I take a little something
for my trouble?"
"You some kinda whore?"
She frowned at the suggestion. "Not at all. However, I'm one of those
people who has a very good memory for faces. Why if I saw a man, or
several, in a very stressful situation, I could almost certainly pick him
out of a police lineup if asked. Tonight has been rather stressful for me.
I'd only wanted to go for an evening stroll, and look what happened to me
She let that subtle threat hand in the air for a minute.
"On the other hand, I do like to shop. It helps me forget all the stress of
my day. Perhaps I'll go shopping tomorrow." She spread apart the remains
of her torn panties. "I seem to be in need of some new underwear anyway."
She tossed the scrap of silk at the men's feet. As she turned to walk away,
she began unwrapping the long bundle she'd carried on her back.
The leader, red-faced and furious, forced his exhausted body to stand and
went to stop her. Once he came to about two metres from her, she suddenly
spun her body completely, her arm swinging something that reflected a flash
of the neon light back to his eyes. The slightest vibration in his lower
lip, where his lipring was, brought him to an abrupt and wary halt. Once
she stopped, he saw it was a well-made and very serviceable looking katana
in her hand. He looked down as best he could, and then pulled his lip out
to confirm what his eyes could barely see at that angle.
His lipring had been split.
There was not even a scratch on his actual lip, not two millimeters apart
from the small ring's edge.
He took a few steps back.
The Lady's smile was deceptively sweet, her voice smooth as velvet. "You
boys had quite a good time tonight. It was worth a little bit of money to
pay for it, wasn't it?"
The thug swallowed. "I suppose it was. Best fuck I think I've ever had in
fact, and I'd say so even without a sword pointed at me."
"Why thank you, young man. Have a good night then." She said as she slid
the katana back into its scabbard. She didn't wrap it up yet, but kept it
at the ready, until she was well away from the naked gang of men.
The runt, Kenji, quickly found his knife and prepared to throw it at her
back, but the leader caught his hand.
"Let her go, Kenji."
"But Boss! She's got our money!"
"Nothing wrong with paying for a good time." He said with a grin. "You
think you'd ever get a chance to screw a classy lady like that again?"
Kenji made a face as he grumbled. "Well no, probably not."
The leader nodded. "Like she said: It was worth it."
The Lady continued walking. It was getting later now, but she was still in
areas of the city best avoided after dark. There was no help for it though.
Now she was down by the docks. Here, goods were loaded on and off ships
by big, tough, rude sailors. Often, these goods were not entirely legal.
"Well well! Looky what we got's here! A fine Japanese lady, all out by her
lonesome. Think she might like some company, boys?"
As she put her hand daintily over her mouth and took a step back, she smiled
to herself.
Ranma walked with Akane out the gates of the school. It had been another
long day. Kunou had once again encountered his 'Pig-tailed-temptress', and
sometime after chasing her somewhere behind the school, he developed a big,
stupid grin on his face that stayed with him for the rest of the day.
Consequently, Akane had refused to speak to Ranma for the rest of the day.
Now, at day's end, she might forgive him, if he was nice and not acting like
a pervert. Ranma made sure he was nice; there wasn't much he could do about
the other.
Akane stopped when she noticed Ranma was no longer beside her. She turned
to see him only a few steps behind, looking back into the schoolyard.
"What is it, Ranma?"
Ranma nodded his head in the direction he was looking, then turned, and
continued to walk. Akane followed his nod to the small knot of Nabiki and
her cohorts by the big tree, before falling into stride behind him.
"How come Nabiki always stays late to talk with those girls? She doesn't
seem to belong to any clubs or anything after school, just meets with those
girls, every day, like clockwork."
Akane grumbled in embarrassment. Why couldn't Nabiki just get a part time
job? She made more money this way, that's why. The Tendo family had to
eat. She grudgingly decided she had to tell him. It might keep him from
being fleeced.
"Nabiki... runs a few minor 'businesses' within the school. Money lending,
gambling, maybe things like blackmail and extortion too, but I've never
wanted to ask. She keeps an open ear for new business opportunities. I
found out she was selling Kunou pictures of me at one point.
"Oh? Panty shots, or hidden cameras in the bathroom?"
"NO!" Akane snapped, then thought better of it. Nabiki probably would if
she thought she could get away with it. "Mostly shots of me practicing
martial arts, for Kunou to drool over."
"Well, that's not so bad, then. You look pretty impressive doing some of
those moves." Ranma said easily.
"Thanks." Akane beamed. It was rare that she got compliments of that
nature. Most people thought women martial artists were unfeminine. Ranma
was about the only one (Kunou didn't count) who seemed to think it made her
more desirable, rather than less. It was also rare that Ranma paid her a
compliment of a nature that didn't turn her face scarlet.
"Loan shark, and racketeering, huh?" Ranma turned and looked carefully back
at the group, still visible through the gates. He took note of how one held
her hands apart, saying something that sent the rest giggling. Somehow, he
doubted they were discussing interest rates.
The next day, it rained hard. Ranma took great care to keep himself under
his umbrella on the way to school. He also made a point of walking on the
ground, rather than fencetops where the wind was higher. All his caution
proved to be a waste as he walked past the old lady's house, catching a
spray of water from the side.
Ranma-chan sighed, and turned to look at the little old lady, today wrapped
up in a rain-slicker and rubber boots. Today, like everyday, she was
ladling water from her bucket onto the sidewalk. She was going to be at it
awhile, Ranma-chan suspected, as the heavy rain was filling the bucket with
water almost as fast as she ladled it out.
The sodden redhead crouched down beside the old woman with a sigh. "Hey
Granny, don't you think it's kinda silly to be washing the sidewalk while
it's raining? I mean, you're not going to get it any cleaner."
The old woman just smiled out of her rubber hood at the pretty young
redheaded girl, who had been a good-looking young man before.
Ranma-chan heaved a sigh, and stood to join Akane again, as they continued
on to school. The old woman was probably senile, or had a twisted sense of
As she walked through the gates, she glanced at Nabiki's meeting spot. They
were all there, and in the process of counting out money as best they could
while holding their umbrellas, and handing wads of bills to Nabiki.
Ranma-chan merely smiled to herself and caught up with Akane.
After school that day, Nabiki and her friends/employees were gathered about,
discussing who would see who tonight. Ai interrupted them by clearing her
throat, and looking pointedly over Nabiki's shoulder. They all turned to
see a young man walking toward the group, his face hidden under his
umbrella. It was still raining.
"You should know better than to talk to us now. If you want to make an
appointment, pass notes or see Nabiki away from school." Akemi called out
to him.
The boy came closer, and lifted his umbrella up a bit, so they could see his
"Saotome." Nabiki said slyly. "Fancy seeing you here. Tired of the cold
shoulder from my little sister?"
Ranma smiled easily. "Not at all. Just looking into something. Did you
know Akane thinks you do money lending and gambling here?"
"Of course. It wouldn't do to let the family know what my real business is.
They'd insist I stop, and then where would our rice come from, hmm?"
"I'm not criticizing. I was in the same business myself, after all. Which
is why I'm here. I could use a little spending money these days." Ranma
said with a grin.
Nabiki smirked back. "Oh ho! So that's what this is about. And why should
I hire you hmm? I have enough girls already."
Ranma smiled. "Ah, but I can put out to quite a wide demographic. Women
who like men," he tilted his umbrella to the side just long enough to change
form, causing several of the girls who didn't know him well to jump back,
"men who like women, and women who like women. I'm quite attractive in both
forms, and have, from my time working at The Dream of Jade, a great deal of
experience in the profession. I'm very good at what I do. I can also fill
services similar to a bouncer."
"What do you mean?"
"Say one of the girls here gets a really bad john, he hurts her, messes her
up a bit. What would you do then? If you go to the police, you get
yourself arrested for prostitution, plus the case probably wouldn't hold up
in court seeing as how she was paid and offered her body to him already.
You'd probably want to go the route of quiet vengeance. Who are you going
to get to beat them senseless? Akane? She'd want to know why, and if she
talked to him for any length of time, she might discover what you do for a
living. I can fill the role of intimidation and revenge if you need it, but
that's still the least of what I have to offer."
Nabiki nodded, as if considering it. "Well, we don't have much call for
girls looking for men. If they want one, there's plenty of free volunteers
in a high school."
Ranma-chan conceded the point.
"And like I said, I've got enough girls here for the straight, male clients
we get now. How do you feel about doing a guy, as a guy?"
Ranma-chan shuddered. "Tried it once. It didn't take. Of course, that
might have had something to do with the fact that he was one scary, sadistic
Elsewhere in Tokyo, Eiji, Madame Lao's mean-looking Japanese assistant
sneezed. He rubbed his nose and glared down at his list. Reiji Dojo, Saito
Dojo, Tendo Dojo, Tenshin Dojo... and the list went on. He'd check three
more tonight, then start again in the morning. This was taking forever.
Nabiki nodded. "Fair enough. Now there is some call for lesbians. We've
had to all but ignore those clients in the past because of the five of us,
there's only one who's willing to take part in that sort of thing." She
cast glares about at her employees. None of them would meet her eyes.
Ranma-chan took careful note of this.
"However," Nabiki continued, "Seeing as you're really a guy, you'd probably
disappoint the clients. Lesbians have higher standards. A guy doesn't know
a woman's body well enough to please her without his little meat stick."
Ranma-chan grinned at her. "Well, I have a woman's body, and I know how it
works. I've been told by lesbians of some experience that I'm very
talented. If I could prove that to you, would you hire me on?"
"Certainly. But how do you plan to-EEEK!"
In less than two seconds, Ranma-chan had dropped her umbrella, scooped up
Nabiki (who dropped her own in shock) and bounded away towards the nearly
empty school.
Sayuri blinked. "W-what's he going to do with Nabiki-sempai?"
Ai calmly picked up the two umbrellas, closed them, and leaned them against
the tree where Ranma would probably look for them later.
"Show her the time of her life, I imagine." She said lightly.
Much later, Nabiki would be embarrassed to realize that after the second
gut-wrenching leap Ranma-chan took with her in her arms on their way to the
school roof (reaching heights Nabiki was certain she could not survive a
fall from) she feinted dead away.
When she came slowly to, several sensations came one after the other,
bringing her gradually from unconsciousness. She was cold. She could feel
the rain on her skin. She was lying on some sort of mat. She could feel
the cold rain on ALL of her skin! She was naked!
Turning her head to the side, she blinked water from her eyes and saw that
she was indeed on one of the schools thin gym mats. Judging from the area
of the rooftop, she was on top of the clock tower of their school. She
hadn't even known it was possible to get up here. She remembered
Ranma-chan's mountain-goat-like bounds. Well, perhaps it was possible for
one person she knew, but how the hell was *Nabiki* supposed to get down?
Something warm touched her calf.
Nabiki snapped her head around to see Ranma-chan naked at her feet. The
pseudo-girl looked devastatingly sexy with her scarlet hair plastered to her
face in a sort of erotic disarray. The redhead grinned at her. The
rainwater got into Nabiki's eyes, and she had to blink several times to
clear them. Ranma-chan's hot tongue gave a sharp contrast to the cold of
the rain, making her feel each lick more intensely. As Ranma-chan slowly
trailed her tongue up Nabiki's leg, the older girl's eyes filled with water
again. She gave up trying to see through them and lay back with her eyes
The hot tongue explored her entire body, with torturous slowness.
Ranma-chan was avoiding Nabiki's more obvious erogenous zones, and finding
all the ones that most men never think of. Just the feel of that hot tongue
on the cold skin in the pit of her knee nearly brought Nabiki to climax by
itself. She'd never even known that being touched there was a turn-on for
her; no one had ever tried before. However, just before her pleasure
reached its peak, the hot tongue moved somewhere else. This sort of thing
continued for some time.
Just when Nabiki thought she was going to have to scream at Ranma-chan to
touch her tits, the redhead's wandering tongue trailed along the underside
of her left breast. Nabiki gasped. The hot tongue slowly circled around
each breast, and down the valley in between. When Ranma-chan finally
attacked a nipple, Nabiki arched her back off the gym mat cried out. The
tongue wandered away and down the front of her stomach. At first
disappointed that her nipple was being ignored, Nabiki thrilled with the
anticipation of where the tongue was headed now. However, the hot tongue
trailed back up her abdomen again and circled a breast once again. Nabiki
thought she would go insane! She was desperate!
"Oh GOD! Suck my tits Ranma! Please! Suck them NOW!" Nabiki screamed.
If she were not so mad with sexual frustration, she would have been
mortified to beg like this.
Nabiki still couldn't open her eyes, from the raining darkness came a
giggle, and the wonderful, wonderful tongue circled around to her other
nipple. The girl oft referred to as the Ice Queen of Furinkan High couldn't
believe how sensitive her body had become! She was going to come just from
having her tit sucked! But no, Ranma released her nipple just before Nabiki
could climax.
"GodDAMMIT Ranma!" Nabiki nearly sobbed in frustration.
"Where would you like it now?" Ranma-chan asked teasingly.
"In my pussy! Oh please lick my pussy Ranma-chan!" Nabiki panted.
The giggle came again. "Ok, but only because you asked so nicely!"
Nabiki felt her right leg lifted up, until her knee pressed against her
breast. Cold rain fell on new places, heightening her sensations.
Ranma-chan's tongue teased around her inner thighs before touching lightly
at Nabiki's outer lips. The older girl was biting into her bottom lip.
Gently, gradually, so as not to set Nabiki off too early, Ranma-chan
explored her pussy. A stroke of the tongue here, a dab there, a flick
nearly everywhere. The redhead never touched Nabiki's clit though. The
maddening sexual torture merely continued at a higher level, leaving Nabiki
all the more desperate to come.
"RANMA! Please Ranma, let me come! Make me COME!" She cried, no longer
the least bit shy about begging. Pride would have to take the back seat and
shut the hell up until Nabiki resolved the much more important matter of
achieving an orgasm, and one hell of a big one from the feel of the
Ranma-chan darted her tongue into Nabiki's vagina, fucking it like a
mini-cock. Nabiki screamed louder and louder, but she still wasn't there.
The tongue left for a moment.
"Really Nabiki? Do you really want me to make you come?" Ranma-chan teased
Ranma-chan giggled again. "Anything I want, huh?"
"Ok then Nabiki, what I really want..."
Though she couldn't see the redhead's face, Nabiki knew she was sporting a
huge grin.
"... is for you to scream for me, as loud as you can!" Ranma-chan said, as
she finally ducked her head back down and sucked *hard* on Nabiki's clit.
Nabiki awoke on a bench in the girls locker room, wrapped in a towel. She'd
blacked out completely from the most powerful orgasm she'd ever experienced
in her life.
"Oh! You're awake. Come over here then and get under a hot shower."
"Huh? Ranma?"
"Come on, up!" Ranma-chan gently prodded, taking Nabiki's hand and helping
her to her feet. "We were out in the rain for quite a while. If you don't
warm your body back up you'll get sick."
Nabiki allowed herself to be led into the showers, Ranma-chan following her
into a stall. When the water turned on, she gasped in pain at the heat of
it. She wanted to jump out, but Ranma held her in place. After a moment or
two, her skin warmed to match the water and it didn't hurt anymore. It felt
wonderful. She sighed happily.
"Feel better?"
Nabiki jumped at the deeper male voice. Of course Ranma was male; they were
standing together under a hot shower. She turned back and spared him a
top-to-bottom look. Very nice. Very nice indeed. When her eyes returned
to his face, he winked at her. Feeling uncharacteristically self-conscious,
she turned away and faced the shower.
Ranma picked up a bottle of shampoo and began to wash her hair for her.
"The nice thing about doing it in the rain, is that it washes all the sweat
(and *ahem* other fluids) from your body, so you don't have to wash it off
after. On the other hand, it can make a mess of your hair, especially here
in the city, where there's a bit of pollution or acid in the rain now and
Nabiki just stared at the wall as he slowly worked his fingers on her scalp.
The water hit her just above her breasts, cascading down the rest of her
"On the roof, I offered you anything you wanted."
"Oh, that."
"You could have asked for anything! My money, my business... you could even
have made me sleep with you whenever you wanted, for free. I would have
kept any promise too. I was totally in your power, helpless. How come you
didn't ask me for anything?"
Ranma paused a minute in washing her hair. "Why do you think I'd do
something like that to you?"
"Because anyone else would. They hate me here. Akane told you about me
being a loan shark, and a blackmailer. I do that too, you know, just to
keep up appearances while my prostitution business rakes in the profits.
Anyone else would have loved to have 'The Ice Queen' in that sort of
position. Anyone else would have taken advantage of it. Why didn't you?"
He turned her around and tilted her head back into the shower to rinse her
hair. She kept her eyes closed against any errant drips. He held her waist
with one hand while he ran the other through her hair, getting out the
"I would never do anything like that to you, Nabiki. You trusted me not to
when you let me take control of the encounter. I wouldn't betray that
trust, especially since I gather you don't let your guard down like that
very often. True?" He straightened her up.
Nabiki nodded silently, still not opening her eyes. "Do you think of me as
a whore?"
Ranma laughed. "Where did *that* come from? Remember what *I* did for a
living before I came here? And no you're not a whore. Neither am I." He
pulled her into the embrace she seemed to need. She pressed her face into
his broad chest and sniffled as she clutched him tightly. Ranma pondered
this. Where the hell had the strong, confident Nabiki gone? What exactly
had he done to her up on that roof? Whatever it was, it seemed her ego was
in need of some repair.
"You are a prostitute, Nabiki, and that's not a bad thing, no matter what
anyone tells you. If I had to choose, I'd rather you gave up the
racketeering and blackmailing and that sort of thing, and keep being a
prostitute. Do you know why? It's something Madame Lao said to me once.
She said that 'there are many ways to make a living in this world. You
could steal, you could fight as a soldier, and you could teach others to
fight.' She was talking about me at the time, and the way my life had been
going so far; what Pop had been teaching me to be. 'But all those things
hurt people, in one way or another. You'd be making it your life to bring
people pain. Prostitutes spend their lives bringing people comfort, and
that's something they can be proud of.'"
"I guess you can think of it that way."
"I do. Why do you think I'm so shameless?"
Nabiki giggled. "You *are* kind of uninhibited aren't you?"
"I think of it as spreading happiness wherever and whenever I can." Ranma
"Plus you get to get your rocks off."
"That's fun too."
They both laughed now. Nabiki hugged him again, pressing their naked bodies
together. She put her arms around her neck, her usual cocky grin back in
place. "Well Mr. Saotome, you've proven your ability to my... satisfaction.
I will happily take you on as one of my employees. Given your talent, you
may have your pick of any and all available clients (unless they request
someone specifically) work as much or as little as you like, and you may
refuse any client you wish for whatever reason. Welcome to the business."
"Glad to do my part." Ranma grinned back.
Nabiki suddenly leaned up and kissed him passionately. He met her tongue
and dueled for a long moment, until she broke away grinning. "You may also
sleep with your boss whenever you feel so inclined, free of charge."
"Oooh! Executive perks!" Ranma chuckled.
"You better believe it, handsome."
On the way home the two walked hand in hand (as long as no one was looking;
Nabiki had a reputation to protect). It had finally stopped raining, so
Ranma was still male. They were just in front of the house when a large man
in a suit stopped them.
"Excuse me, is this the Tendo... Why it's Little Red!"
Nabiki felt Ranma's hand clutch hers much tighter. A look to the black
haired boy's expression showed a face totally pale. The martial artist
turned slowly.
"Eiji..." he said with mounting dread.
A nasty grin split the tough, yakuza-type's face, splitting the scar that
ran down from his nose to his chin. "I haven't seen you in a *very* long
"Not long enough." Ranma muttered.
Nabiki was seeing a Ranma she had never seen before: absolutely terrified.
Knowing Ranma's impressive fighting skills, that meant this man was someone
she should be afraid of as well. Very afraid.
"Come along then. You know why I'm here. We're going to have lots of fun
on the long, long trip back to Hong Kong."
Ranma's fear burst into panicked frenzy. With a leap that Nabiki could
barely see, Ranma kicked Eiji in the face, throwing the big man back into a
wall with a grunt. As the thug tried to shake the dizziness out of his
head, Ranma rained blows rapidly and viciously against all the big man's
pressure points. He continued long after Eiji had lost consciousness.
Never did the pig-tailed-boy's eyes lose that wide look of fear.
"Ranma! Ranma stop! You've won!" Nabiki pulled on Ranma's arm to get him
off the thug's body. Ranma still looked scared. He grabbed her hand and
practically dragged her into the house. "Come on! I don't think he noticed
we were about to go in here! We don't want to be here when he wakes up."
"What the hell's going on?"
"Tell you later! MOVE!"
The next day, Ranma-chan sat at the living room table doing her homework
with Nabiki. They weren't in the same grade, of course, but they were
keeping each other company. Normally Ranma and Akane did homework together,
but Ranma (as a girl) had seen Dr. Tofu out watering the clinic's plants on
their way home from school, and loudly called out to ask him when they
should schedule her next physical. The poor doctor dropped his watering can
and turned beet red, unable to form any kind of an answer. Akane had
flattened Ranma with her schoolbag and stormed home in a huff. Ranma-chan
knew from experience that she'd calm down after a few hours, but for the
time being the girl wasn't in the mood to spend time with her. In the
meantime, Ranma was finding his newfound friendship with Nabiki (and that's
all it really was, close or no) to be quite comfortable, sort of like having
a dear older sister (that you fucked every now and then).
Nabiki finished a math problem swiftly and looked up at Ranma-chan. She
finished a small accounting spreadsheet (It was *good* to have an older
sister who knew money!) and looked up when she felt Nabiki's eyes on her.
"Ranma, what was it like, working at the Dream of Jade?"
Taking a short glance about for other ears, Ranma-chan leaned forward with a
smirk. "Looking for ways to improve your business?"
She grinned. "Always, but in this case it's mostly just simple curiosity."
Ranma-chan tapped her lip with a pencil. "Hmm... Where to begin...
Actually, I have something from there in my pack if you'd like to see it."
Akane came down just as Ranma-chan was plugging the tape into the VCR.
Daddy and Kasumi had gone out to 'visit family friends' again, as they
seemed to do frequently these days. Maybe having that disgusting beast
Genma Saotome visit after so long had prompted Daddy to look up old friends,
and see if there weren't any he could remember more fondly.
"So what's this, Ranma?" Nabiki asked. Akane sat down beside her sister
(who looked warily at her for a moment, then shrugged)
"It's a TV commercial Madame Lao had made for the Dream of Jade. I was the
star, so I kept a copy of it as a keepsake."
Akane made a face. "I thought China had strict laws on pornography and that
sort of thing. They really advertise whorehouses right on the TV?"
Ranma-chan sighed and held up fingers to count. "First, it's not a
whorehouse, it's a Pleasure House; much, much more tasteful and
sophisticated. Second, it's in Hong Kong, which is British territory, at
least for a couple more years until England's lease is up, so the laws
aren't any stricter than here. Third, pornography IS officially restricted
from public television, but the local cable companies have a couple channels
that aren't mentioned in the brochure. You have to know what to ask for and
they'll unlock the channels for you, while jacking your bill up 50% because
it's illegal." (1)
"Wow." Nabiki said. "You sure know a lot about it. I wonder if there's
anything like that here in Japan."
Akane looked sideways at her sister. "Why would you want to watch porno
anyway, Nabiki?" She deadpanned.
"Pointers." She and Ranma-chan answered simultaneously, each with a big
Akane hung her head. "He's corrupting my whole family..."
"Nonsense!" Nabiki snorted. "I've been teasing you since you were three.
It's not Ranma's fault you're an easy target."
"Now now..." Ranma-chan said, trying to avoid a spat between sisters. "Do
you two want to see my TV commercial or not?"
Nabiki grinned. "Definitely."
Akane sighed. "I guess. It's not too gross, is it?"
Ranma-chan shared a glance with Nabiki. "Nah, it's not hard-core or
anything. You might even get a kick out of it."
"Oh okay."
Ranma-chan pressed play.
A glamorous Chinese woman wearing a very tight Cheongsam(2) smiled sexily at
the viewer.
^Here at the luxurious Dream of Jade, our girls are nothing short of
incredible. It's all because of the extensive training they receive here.
We use the same principles as the Boy Scout movement(3).^
On the screen, two tough-looking male customers are arguing, apparently over
who was going to get a worried-looking Ranma-chan standing between them.
She then had an inspiration, and whispered into each man's ear. The men
blinked, then smiled, and all three entered the room.
^Sharing, sharing, sharing.^ Quoted the woman's voice.
Akane grimaced, but said nothing as they continued to watch the commercial.
The next scene was of Ranma-chan standing beside a door, ushering a long
line of men inside. Once they were all in, Ranma-chan followed, pausing to
wink at the camera before she closed the door. A close-up of a wall clock
showed the passage of nearly four hours. It then showed a very sweaty and
disheveled looking Ranma-chan standing triumphantly on top of a pile of nude
men, fist in the air. She was wearing only a very short bathrobe that
wasn't done up tightly enough to hide even the least bit of cleavage.
^Always do your best!^ The woman quoted this time.
Nabiki looked slyly at Ranma-chan. "Did you really do all those guys, or
was it a set-up for the commercial?"
"Not for the commercial, no." She paused to let what wasn't said sink in.
"This was just for show. Do you really think a worn-out naked guy is going
to voluntarily lie down on another naked guy... given that you can probably
assume by what we were doing that they're not gay?"
"You have a point." Nabiki conceded.
"I can't believe you!" Akane snapped.
"Oh hush! Look there's more." Ranma-chan said.
The scene showed Ranma-chan waiting expectedly on the bed, while the man
facing her in the foreground (who couldn't be seen above the waist) undid
his pants. Ranma-chan's eyes (not to mention the watching Akane and
Nabiki's) bugged out hugely as a huge dick about the size of her forearm
flopped out of his pants.
"Whoa." Was all Nabiki offered. Akane hadn't picked her jaw off the floor
The on-screen Ranma-chan looked fearful, but with an overdone act of having
a sudden thought, she reached under the bed and pulled out an jumbo-sized
jar of Vaseline, holding it up like she worked on the set of a game show,
smiling and displaying it.
^Always be prepared.^ the woman's voice quoted once more.
Nabiki snickered, Akane just held her head in her hands and groaned.
Ranma-chan grinned through it all.
The commercial concluded with the standard stuff like the location and
further promises of excellent, high-class service. (4)
Why right here? Because I hate it when authors stick them way at the bottom
of the chapter, forcing me to lose my place in reading, that's why! The
scene hasn't changed, and continues after the next line of dashes.
(1) I haven't the damnedest idea what the laws are or were in Hong Kong, or
the finer details of their Cable Television system. I'm taking a few
creative liberties here.
(2) Cheongsam: A style of tight Chinese dresses. They have the unique
ability to cover the female body from throat to ankle (not counting the slit
in the side, up to the hip in some cases) while hiding very little of her
figure. Shampoo has worn one on occasion when she dresses up for something.
(3) Lord Baden Powel's ghost is going to haunt me tonight...
(4) I forget what the mottoes for Ventures and Rovers are in the Boy Scout
movement (I included Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts, in that order, in case you
missed it). If someone will tell me I'll revise this and add more funny
scenes to the commercial.
"Why did you show me that?" Akane demanded.
Ranma-chan kept her cool. "Nabiki asked to see. A better question would be
'why did you stay and watch?'"
Nabiki grinned nastily at her younger sister. "Yes indeed! Are you really
so interested in Ranma's sexuality? Do you like the idea of watching her
get fucked, Akane?"
Glaring at her sister with eyes that seemed to be likely to melt steel,
Akane pondered who she would rather pound into the floorboards more:
Ranma-chan or Nabiki.
"You're BOTH perverts!" She snarled and stomped back up to her room.
Ranma-chan and Nabiki grinned at each other. They turned at the sound of
the front door, followed by Kasumi's "We're home!"
"Why don't you go ahead and use the bath first, father?" Kasumi asked
"Thank you Kasumi-chan, I'll do that." Soun Tendo answered. Ranma-chan and
Nabiki watched him walk past the living room down the hall to the bath.
"Haven't they been 'visiting family friends' a lot recently?" Nabiki
"I suppose." Ranma-chan whispered back. "Any idea who they're visiting?"
"Not a clue. I asked if he wanted me to come along once, but he just looked
nervous and said I wasn't old enough back then to know them. I got the
feeling he was hiding something."
"I'll see what I can find out." Ranma-chan promised. Always in search of
the interesting, Ranma-chan could be said to be as curious as a... well...
one of those awful C-things.
She walked over to Kasumi who was hanging up her father's jacket.
"You and your father seem to go out a lot these days." Ranma-chan asked
innocently. Kasumi froze for only a tiny fraction of a second, but
Ranma-chan had been watching for it.
"Oh yes!" Kasumi beamed, all innocence and sweetness. "I so rarely get out
of the house these days. Father has been very kind to notice how bored I
was getting."
Ranma-chan blinked. That was actually a very plausible explanation. Except
for that little hesitation, she might have bought it. She had noticed that
Kasumi worked very hard to keep the household running smoothly, and also
noticed that she rarely, if ever, got so much as a word of thanks. The
problem was that Kasumi did her job so well, and so consistently, that there
was never anything going wrong to be noticed. The level of domestic
excellence was so high in this house, that its occupants considered it
normal, and not worthy of note. Ranma, on the other hand, having spent most
of his life in run-down temples, tents, and cheap country inns, was often
awed by the results of Kasumi's handiwork. He made damn sure he (or she)
always thanked Kasumi for the food she made, and complimented it.
Occasionally this resulted in the rest of the Tendos agreeing with her,
which was not quite the same as a heartfelt compliment, but better than
Ranma-chan smiled and nodded. As Kasumi passed by her though, she noticed
something. She reached out and caught the older girl's arm.
"Ranma? What-" Kasumi trailed off as the redhead pulled her closer and took
a long sniff. The eldest Tendo daughter looked at her houseguest oddly.
Ranma usually showed better manners than that.
Ranma-chan let her go and smiled at her. "Pardon me. Just confirming
something." She said with a sly grin.
Kasumi frowned (inasmuch as the sweet girl was capable of doing so) in
confusion, and moved to pass Ranma-chan by.
The Redhead leaned close to whisper in her ear. "By the way Kasumi-chan,
the next time you go to visit my father, you might want to shower while
you're there. Your sisters might not be able to tell *who* you were doing
it with by scent like I can, but they could probably tell *what* you were
Ranma-chan grinned wider as Kasumi turned pale. She winked at the older
girl. "Don't worry, I won't say a word. I'm good at keeping secrets."
Kasumi looked nervously at Ranma-chan and smiled, nodding her thanks. She
then went to hurry her father along in the bathroom. If Ranma-chan was
right, she needed to get clean before either of her sisters noticed the
smell of a man on her.
Ranma-chan sat beside Nabiki once more.
Ranma-chan thought about what to say. She *had* promised, and she wasn't
sure how well Nabiki would take the idea anyway. She began to spin a tale.
"It's basically what they say, but your father's friend has a son about
Kasumi's age. He's not about to arrange any more marriages when the
continuation of the school's not involved, but there's nothing wrong with
him introducing Kasumi to a few eligible men. I think he's a bit worried
about her future; it's not like she goes out to dance clubs to meet guys, is
Nabiki snorted at the idea. "No, I guess not. So did you find out what
this guy's like? If he's going to be marrying Kasumi, I want to know more
about him."
Ranma-chan pursed her lips in thought. "From what she told me, I don't
think she really has any interest in marrying him, but he's really nice. I
think it's good that she finally has a friend her age to talk to, don't
"I suppose."
"She doesn't really have any friends, she just stays here and takes care of
the house. These evening trips are like a vacation for her, but because of
your father's intentions for introducing the two, she's pretty embarrassed
about the whole thing, even if she has a great time whenever they visit."
Nabiki chuckled. "That's my sister all right." With everything explained
and back to normal (relatively) Nabiki relaxed and returned to her homework.
"Where are you going, Ranma?" Akane asked the next evening, seeing her
quietly slipping on her shoes.
Thinking fast, Ranma-chan answered. "Well, you know I've been working for
Nabiki as sort of a part-time bouncer, right?" That was the cover story
Ranma and Nabiki had worked out to cover for any evenings Ranma would be out
visiting clients.
Akane's frown was suddenly in evidence.
"Hey, don't look at me like that! All her employees are just young girls.
If they have to do business across town after dark, they have might get
mugged or something. And just between you and me, sometimes her clients
aren't particularly happy with her service, know what I mean? If things get
ugly, they might hurt Nabiki's friends. I already told her I'm not going to
beat people up for refusing to pay her, but I can stop her friends from
getting hurt by some angry jerk."
Akane's glare softened. "I guess that's fine then, but why are you going as
a girl? Wouldn't you seem more intimidating as a guy?"
Ranma-chan cocked her head in thought. "True, but like I said, I'm not out
to beat people up, or make them think I'm going to either. Plus, the
violent types would be more likely to try something if all they see are two
girls. Nabiki wants to know who those people are, so she can avoid doing
business with them in the future... once their debts are cleared,
Akane blinked, then smiled. "Okay. I see now. It's very nice of you to
help my sister out like this."
Ranma-chan scratched her head sheepishly. "Well, it's not like I'm doing it
for free either. I need a bit of spending money, especially since I'm
basically freeloading here."
Akane waved that off. "Don't worry about it. Have a good time then. Be
"I will." Ranma-chan said as she dashed out the door. Damn, by now Kasumi
and Mr. Tendo had a considerable head start. She jumped to the roofs to see
if she could spot them. Ah, there they were! Kasumi was no martial artist,
so the pair weren't moving especially fast, just a normal-paced walk.
Ranma-chan could catch up to them easily. She jumped back down to the
ground. It was a lot easier to move silently on the lit street than the
dark rooftops.
Nabiki waited until Akane had gone upstairs before she made her move to the
door, not wanting to get held up with conversation like Ranma-chan had.
That was a pretty good story the redhead had told, but Nabiki hadn't asked
Ranma to guard anyone tonight, or to sleep with anyone for that matter. So
where could she be going?
Darting outside, Nabiki was lucky enough to catch the red shirt disappearing
around the corner. She sprinted to catch up. At the corner she stopped and
peaked carefully around in time to see Ranma-chan turn another corner. She
ran again. This continued for a short time until Ranma-chan slowed down a
bit and walked with a silent but normal pace. She seemed to be keeping to
the shadows wherever possible, watching ahead of her carefully.
Nabiki squinted in the dim light of the street. She could just barely see
two figures a great deal farther up the road. She pulled a small pair of
folding binoculars out of her purse (you never know what you might need when
you worked in the information business, as she still did from time to time).
Through them, she could see the silhouettes of the two people more
clearly. As the couple passed under a streetlight, the addition of colour
filled in the blanks for her: Daddy and Kasumi.
Now why would Ranma be secretly following Daddy and Kasumi? They were only
going to visit those family friends that Ranma had told her about...
That *Ranma* had told her about.
Hmm. Perhaps the little redhead was even better at making up stories than
she had given her credit for. Then again, with Genma as a father, it would
be hard *not* to pick up a talent for lying. Nabiki wavered between being
offended and the feeling that she had found a kindred spirit. She decided
to reserve that decision until she discovered where Daddy and Kasumi
*really* went at night, and why Ranma had to lie about it.
Uh oh! Daddy and Kasumi had turned a corner, and Ranma-chan was racing to
catch up, before they turned another corner and were lost. Ranma-chan could
run quite a bit faster than Nabiki, and if she decided to take to the roofs,
than any hope of following the beautiful martial artist was as good as gone.
At least Daddy and Kasumi didn't take a train to wherever they were going.
Getting on the train with them would be last-minute and risky. Ranma
could probably keep pace with it, or jump on top of the damn thing. Nabiki
resolved to try to learn some jumping techniques from Ranma at a later date.
For now, she had to hurry.
Ranma-chan smirked in the shadow of a building as Mr. Tendo and Kasumi
knocked at a door on the ground floor of one of the lower income apartment
complexes of the city. She smirked wider when Genma opened the door, and
ushered them in warmly. She'd wait a few minutes, to let them get started
before she crashed the party.
Nabiki was quite winded when she finally caught up to Ranma-chan, who was
leaning against a building smirking at a cheap two-story apartment building
across the street. Nabiki bit her lip to keep from crying out as a rat ran
over her foot. There went Ranma's potential-fiancé-for-Kasumi story. Daddy
would never seek out a husband for one of his daughters who lived in a near
slum like this (at least she sincerely hoped not!)
She waited in silence until Ranma-chan pushed off the wall and walked
casually up to the apartment. The redhead threw open the door and marched
in uninvited, closing the door behind her. Now, should Nabiki go right in
or do what Ranma-chan had apparently done and wait a while? No, better
still to move closer and see if she could hear voices before jumping into a
completely unknown situation. Or better yet, find a window around back...
Ranma-chan grinned as she saw pretty much what she expected to see. Kasumi
was sitting in her father's lap, his hands somewhere up her skirt. Genma
had a hand inside her blouse, and was fondling her breast while he kissed
her deeply. All three lovers jumped with a start when the door slammed
closed. They stared guiltily at Ranma-chan, and darted away from each
other. Several thickness' of blanket had been laid across the room like a
carpet, giving them both space to play and comfort to do it in.
"S-s-son!" Genma stuttered, immediately snatching his hand from Kasumi's
chest. "This, uh, isn't what it looks like!"
Ranma-chan grinned, and started to unbutton the ties on her shirt. "It
looks to me like a threesome. Anyone care to make it an foursome?" She
said as she tossed her shirt behind her dramatically, revealing her braless
chest for all to see.
Genma relaxed and grinned. "That's my boy! Er... girl."
Ranma-chan snorted. "If you don't know the difference, Pops, you can wait
your turn. Mr. Tendo?"
"Umm... well..." The Tendo patriarch stammered, not quite sure what to make
of this situation. His brain returned only the revelation that Ranma-chan
possessed a truly gorgeous pair of tits. He got a much closer look as
Ranma-chan knelt in front of him and pressed his face between the soft
globes. His better senses returning, Soun eagerly attacked a nipple with
his mouth. Ranma-chan shivered pleasantly.
Kasumi blinked in confusion for a few moments, then smiled. All was well;
the possibly ugly situation had found a fairly nice solution. More or less.
She briefly wished that Ranma-chan hadn't come, but squashed such an
inhospitable thought immediately, feeling ashamed for even having it. Ranma
was so nice.
Further contemplation was interrupted as Genma returned to her. "Well, my
dear? Shall we continue where we left off?"
Kasumi smiled invitingly at him, and wrapped her arms around his thick neck
as he kissed her again. She felt his hands undoing the zip at the back of
her dress, and her heart beat faster in the excitement of what was to come.
Ranma-chan had undone Soun's pants, and was busy deep-throating his cock,
running her tongue along the sensitive underside of the head each time she
pulled him out. The groaning Soun managed to turn her around as he lay on
his back. He quickly undid the tie about her waist and slid down her pants
and boxers.
Ranma-chan, frankly, had no objections to wearing female underwear, and had
done so on many occasions in the past, working at the Dream of Jade.
However, she had found that in the event of a sudden change of body, her
panties were suddenly asked to hold a lot more than they were ever designed
to. Especially since Ranma-chan's tastes in panties ran more along the
lines of sexy silk or satin, rather than the more stretchy and comfortable
cotton variety. Hence, unless there was someone she was trying to impress
for whatever reason, Ranma-chan stuck to boxers.
Soun grinned at the red-furred thing of beauty above him. The lips had been
shaved, leaving only a small triangle of red hair atop her pubis to show
anyone who looked that she was a natural redhead. He pulled her hips down
and began running his tongue along her labia.
Ranma-chan moaned happily around a thick cock, continuing her oral assault
on her one-day (perhaps) father-in-law. She varied her techniques
frequently, even humming occasionally, letting the vibrations of her throat
tickle his member.
Kasumi too (now down to her dainty white panties) was sucking a cock, though
she would never say it in such rude words. Her talented throat stretched
easily to accommodate Genma's rock-hard member, as she kneeled in front of
him while he sat on a floor cushion leaning against the wall. His hand held
her head loosely, having long ago learned that she could do better on her
own if he didn't force her.
Soun pushed Ranma-chan off him and sat up, pulling the eager redhead to sit
on his lap, facing him. He groaned as she lowered herself slowly onto his
hard cock, easing him slowly into her hot, tight passage. Once she was
sitting all the way down, she wrapped her arms around his neck and began
bouncing up and down on his shaft. He pushed her back and leaned down to
attack her beautiful tits again. They were at least as big as Kasumi's, but
had a firmer, perkier shape to them, pointing slightly forward as teenage
breasts often do, while Kasumi's had some time ago settled into their full,
womanly shape, no less beautiful. Ranma-chan giggled as his mustache
tickled her tits between licks.
Seeing his friend moving on, Genma extracted his member from its warm refuge
in search of another. Removing her panties, he lay Kasumi down on her side,
lifting one leg high in the air to rest against his shoulder. While not a
martial artist, Kasumi was certainly flexible, and the position proved no
problem as Genma straddled her lower leg and slipped himself into her
dripping pussy. She gasped out in short cries with each thrust, opening her
eyes occasionally to glance at her father with Ranma-chan in his lap.
Genma thrust harder and harder as he reached orgasm. Kasumi cried louder
and louder as she approached her own; her eyes locked on the image of her
father's member thrusting in and out of Ranma-chan's sweet hole. With a
loud yell, Genma came, bringing Kasumi over the edge with him. He had some
time ago confirmed with Soun that Kasumi was on the pill. Tendo might be
willing to have sex with his own daughter, but there was no way in hell he
was going to risk mutants being born into the family, especially with Kasumi
not having any man in her life who might take the blame.
For Ranma-chan, birth control was just a glass of hot water away. Soun
kissed her passionately as he spurted great gobs of hot cum into the
redhead's clenching pussy. Ranma-chan danced her tongue with his and moaned
into his mouth as she came with him.
Both couples slowly relaxed and separated as their breathing returned to
normal. All knew they were far from finished. Still, for the moment, the
men were limp and of little use. Ranma-chan smiled at Kasumi and giggled.
"Trade you?"
Kasumi smiled back and crawled over to her father. Without any cue, both
girls simultaneously took their new partners into their mouths, working them
back to hardness. Conditioned as they were to expect marathon sex, it
didn't take the men long to rise to the occasion.
Nabiki had been looking into windows for quite a while. It was hard to
judge exactly where on the flat face of the rear of the building the
apartment Ranma-chan had gone into existed. She had found a window she
suspected was the right washroom, but she couldn't see a thing. She moved
to the next window and looked into the main living room.
Nabiki Tendo almost feinted in shock.
There, in the middle of the room, was Genma Saotome, Ranma Saotome, Soun &
Kasumi Tendo, all engaged in a combination of carnal acts even the girl-pimp
had never seen the like of.
Genma had Ranma-chan on her hands and knees, and was fucking her from
behind. Daddy, HER Daddy, was fucking HER sister, HIS Daughter, in a
similar position as the two girls faced each other and bucked and moaned
against their partners. Nabiki could barely hear them cry out through the
thick glass. Genma pulled out and said something to Soun, who grinned back
at his friend and seemed to agree. The girls were breathing too heavily to
add their two cents, but Nabiki saw Ranma-chan begin to grin wider.
Soun pulled out as well, and the men stood the girls up, pressing them into
each other's arms. Each man then pulled his daughter's (or part-time
daughter's) hips back and guided his cock slowly into her body. The group
was aligned on a diagonal to Nabiki's line of sight, so she saw most of the
back of Kasumi and their father, and most of the front of the Saotomes.
From what she could see, it was not Kasumi's pussy Daddy had stuck himself
into. She had a near-perfect view as her own father slipped his thick cock
straight up Kasumi's ass!
Judging mostly by angles, the same was happening to Ranma-chan. Both girls
clutched each other as their sphincters were stretched wide. Ranma-chan was
the first to kiss Kasumi, who hesitated only a moment before returning the
passionate kiss with enthusiasm. Nabiki watched in shock as her older
sister's hands found the redhead's breasts and began to squeeze them gently.
Pausing occasionally to pinch and twist the nipples lightly. Ranma-chan
returned the favour, then reached down to Kasumi's hips and pulled them
together. She began rubbing her crotch into Kasumi's, grinding their clits
together as each were fucked up the ass.
Nabiki watched with wide eyes as all four came together in a massive,
screaming orgasm. As they slowed down and eventually slumped to the ground
in exhaustion, Nabiki realized two things:
1) Her father, Kasumi, and both Saotomes were all engaged in rampant,
incestuous sex. (and excepting Ranma, this had apparently been going on for
some time.)
2) Her pussy was absolutely drenched at what she had just seen. She forced
herself away from the window for a few minutes to think about this.
Ranma-chan had lain down beside Kasumi and was snuggled against the taller
"Mmmmm. That was great. You're not sorry I joined, are you Kasumi?"
There was again, that slight moment of hesitation, but it might have just
been her catching her breath. "No, most certainly not. That was wonderful
Ranma. Thank you. And you too Father, Mr. Saotome."
Ranma-chan grinned mischievously at Kasumi as she brought their noses
together. "Wanna do it again?"
Kasumi smiled. "Yes please." The smile slipped, just a bit. "But... No,
never mind."
Ranma-chan blinked. "What? What were you going to say?"
"It's nothing important. Forget I even asked. Lets just all have fun!"
Kasumi said cheerfully.
Ranma-chan wasn't buying it. She sat up and took both of Kasumi's hands in
"Kasumi... whatever it is, whatever you want, or don't want, it's okay.
We're your friends, your family, and your lovers. We want you to be happy
more than anything! If there's anything you'd like us to do, or anything
you'd rather we didn't, just tell us and we'll do everything we can to
please you."
"Ranma's right." Soun nodded seriously. "You're so kind to everyone else
around you, Kasumi, and you ask almost nothing in return. What you want is
important to us too, my beloved daughter."
"I'm with both of them all the way." Genma said solemnly. "I don't think
you realize how much everyone loves you, Kasumi. For one smile from you,
all of us would move the world. Anything you want, it's yours to ask."
Kasumi looked from pleading face to pleading face, her own scarlet with
embarrassment. "My goodness! It's certainly nothing that huge! And I
don't regret anything we've done here today, or any day before. I loved it,
and I want more, but..."
Ranma-chan leaned forward, smiling gently. "But?"
Kasumi turned her eyes down, staring at her hands shyly. "I was just
wondering... If... before we started again..."
Ranma-chan gently lifted Kasumi's face with a finger. "Kasumi, whatever it
is, you can tell us."
Kasumi smiled shyly. "I was wondering Ranma, could you... maybe... change
back into a man?"
Ranma-chan grinned. "Is that all? That's so easy, Kasumi. I was thinking
of doing that anyway." That much was a small, harmless lie. Ranma-chan had
expected to stay a girl for the evening, to balance out the genders in this
foursome. She had been worried Kasumi might get nervous with men coming at
her from all sides (to say nothing of her becoming exhausted ^_^) "You could
have said something if you didn't want to get too intimate with me as a
girl. I wouldn't have minded."
Kasumi shook her head. "It's not that I mind, not at all. It was very
nice. It's just... I want to try the male you now. Is that alright?"
Ranma-chan leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek. "Of course, Kasumi.
I'll go get myself some hot water. Pop?"
"Kitchen's this way, boy." Genma said, getting up.
When they were out of earshot, Ranma-chan asked her father something as she
ran the hot water tap for a moment, letting it heat up.
"So, Pop. You've been having sex with Kasumi for some time now. What can
you tell me about her preferences?"
Genma rubbed his chin in thought. "Well... in terms of techniques she's
pretty open-minded. She seems to enjoy giving pleasure, almost as much as
receiving it. She's very enthusiastic when sucking cock." Genma blinked.
"Oh, that reminds me. She doesn't like talking dirty, or being talked dirty
to. Not that you can't ask her to do anything, but you should avoid
profanity, and be polite about it... if that's at all possible."
"Great. Thanks Pop." The male Ranma said as the hot water he'd just poured
over himself dripped down his bear chest.
Watching the transformation like this, with a totally nude Ranma, Genma
couldn't help but look where change was most dramatic. Of course, once the
change was complete, he found himself staring at his son's limp penis. He
snatched his eyes away.
Ranma lifted an eyebrow. "Just so you don't get any ideas, I'm *not* into
gay sex. Okay?"
"I am NOT getting any ideas like that! NOT! Do you hear me boy?" Genma
Ranma snickered. "Just checking."
A red-faced and fuming Genma followed his son back into the living room.
"You're not checking me out back there, are you Pops?" Ranma teased.
"Shut UP, boy!" Genma growled. Ranma just chuckled.
Kasumi drank in the sight of a fully naked Ranma-kun. She blushed a bit as
she took in his lean, hard body. His thighs were still wet with what she
realized were their combined female juices.
(Author's note: Okay out there, whatever you do, do NOT think about what
other fluids are where. Do NOT! Do you hear me???? Ewwwwww!)
Her haze naturally drifted down to his semi-hard cock, which was slowly
thickening and rising from his leg as he gazed down at her. Kasumi smiled
hungrily and crawled forward on hands and knees to taste his member.
Without touching it with her hands, she licked and nibbled at his cock and
balls (which were as hairless as the smooth lips of Ranma's pussy as a
girl). Finally, she sat up on her knees and wrapped her arms around his
waist, squeezing his tight buttocks as she pulled, thrusting his member down
her throat. Rhythmically squeezing his behind and moaning in delight at her
new treat, Kasumi made a proper meal out of Ranma's cock. Soon her
considerable talents caused his knees to buckle, but she followed him down,
unwilling to relinquish her prize for even a moment.
"AH! K-Kasumi! I'm gonna cum!" Ranma warned. "I'm gonna- AH!" Kasumi
popped his meat-stick out of her mouth and took it in both hands, aiming it
at her open mouth as it shot forth gobs of cum onto her tongue. Her expert
ministrations cause Ranma's jets of semen to shoot to _enormous_ heights,
and she made a game of trying to catch them on her tongue like snowflakes.
Since she frequently missed, her face was soon splattered with Ranma's cum.
As the fount died down, she attacked his member again with her tongue,
licking up all that still dribbled out.
As Ranma lay on his back gasping for breath, Genma looked at his friend with
raised eyebrows.
"That daughter of yours is something else, Tendo. I've never seen any girl
suck a co- er... give blowjob like that!"
Tendo grinned proudly. "Yes, Kasumi is something special alright."
Ranma lay staring at the ceiling (where some shots had not come down from)
wondering if he'd just fired his intestinal tract out the end of his dick.
Granted, he'd had a great deal more sex as a girl than a guy (only once or
twice, now that he thought about it) but he'd never cum like that before.
Kasumi wasn't finish either. Pinching her fingers in the exact spots to
limit the outflow of blood that would allow his cock to soften, she also
massaged the head of his dick with her tongue to urge it to stand straight
again on it's own. Her efforts were rewarded, and when she had him fully
hard again, she pulled him into a sitting position, while lying back on the
floor with her legs spread wide.
"Make love to me Ranma!" She said softly. Ranma kissed her gently and
rubbed her tits in his larger male hands. She whimpered and bucked her hips
toward his. He chuckled. It seemed she'd had enough foreplay for the
evening. He slid his large cock into the moist folds of her hungry pussy.
She moaned and dug her fingernails into his shoulders as he began to pump
his hips back and forth in the age-old rhythm. After a minute of this,
Kasumi decided to add another instrument to the music.
She rolled him over so that he was on his back, with her on top. She broke
their long kiss and called to the men waiting at the sidelines with their
cocks in their hands. It was their intention to let this be a more or less
private and special moment between the two. Who knew, perhaps Akane would
not be the one to join the two clans forever in matrimony.
"Mr. Saotome!" Kasumi called. "Come here please! Take me from behind
again! Please let me feel you both in me!"
Genma looked at Soun, shrugged, and went to fill (hee hee) her request. As
Kasumi slowed her bucking for a moment, he slid himself up her backside,
causing her to moan at the pleasant stretch. She bit her lip as father and
son began to pump together into both her most intimate places. A moment
later, between gasps of great pleasure, she called out again.
"Father! MMM! Let me taste you, Father!"
Soun stepped in front of his daughter and fed her his meat without
hesitation. Kasumi was now in the happiest state she could possibly
imagine. Big cocks filled every hole she had! Three big cocks all for her!
All for Kasumi!
As Ranma watched her blissful face, even as her throat visibly stretched to
accommodate her father, he realized something about Kasumi's tastes that his
father had missed: Kasumi loved attention.
It was more than that, really. Kasumi adored being the centre of attention
in the room, to have everyone (the men in particular) pay attention only to
her. He reasoned it was probably because no one paid attention to her
anywhere else. As far as her family might normally be concerned, Kasumi was
almost as much a part of the household furnishings as a chair. She was
always in the background, but never the foreground. Akane was the heir to
the School, and always paid attention to, particularly by boys. Nabiki had
many friends and business contacts, as well as a strong shopping bug, and
every time she came home with bags full of very expensive clothes, she
certainly got all of her father's attention. That was who it was really
about, at least in the beginning; her father.
Their mother had died, and Soun paid attention only to his own grief.
Kasumi took care of everything. As time passed, needs or disobedience
required him to pay attention to Nabiki and Akane, while Kasumi took care of
them. No matter how hard Kasumi tried, she didn't gain any attention.
Indeed, the harder she tried, the less likely she was to stand out in
anyone's eyes, much less her father's. Oh certainly, when she was younger
her father had expounded with great delight when she mastered a recipe of
her mother's, but once she'd made it a few times, in an effort to hear that
praise again, he'd grown used to it and stopped bothering to compliment it.
Kasumi's gift and duty was to make everything good and normal. Only if she
failed (which she would never dare do) would she be noticed.
Ranma suddenly came to the very disturbing thought that Kasumi might have
begun sleeping with her father as a way to get his attention. He had
(obviously, by now) no moral objections to incest, as long as both parties
were willing and mature enough to make such a decision. But the idea that
Kasumi might have felt she needed to risk public humiliation and
ostracization just to feel her father's love, bothered Ranma on a very deep
emotional level. He couldn't think of anything he could do, other than show
Kasumi that he cared, pay her more attention, and encourage her family to do
the same.
He sincerely hoped that the passionate sex they were presently enjoying was
for its own sake, and not the desperate act of one starved for affection.
Well, either way, Kasumi was at present very much enjoying being at the
centre of three men's attention, and judging by her euphoric facial
expression, deliriously happy about doing what she was doing as she came
again and again.
Ranma raised his head to suckle her tits, giving her even more attention.
Then Nabiki walked in.
One look at her disapproving glare was like cold water on every man in the
room. Kasumi hadn't noticed her. All she noticed was the sudden friction
of all of her lovers pulling out of her at once, leaping away from her like
she was on fire; it sent her over the edge. Kasumi came hard with a small
cry, then slumped to the ground to moan happily in her afterglow, grinning
from ear to ear.
Nabiki turned her eyes from the Saotomes (Hmm, must try Ranma in that body
sometime soon) to the near-drooling Kasumi on the floor, to her cringing
father. She continued to glare at him, saying not a word as she walked
right into their midst.
"Well, now. Isn't this interesting." She said coldly. "The Saotomes I can
sort of understand, I've heard all about their rather... unusual
relationship. But you Daddy... I can't believe you'd sleep with your own
Soun gibbered and stammered incoherently, looking about ready to burst into
one of his famous crying fits at any minute, when he spotted something over
his middle daughter's shoulder.
Ranma, now behind Nabiki, had dragged his father aside and whispered
something into Genma's ear. The elder Saotome looked confused, but handed
over one of his wooden signs and a marker silently. Ranma quickly scrawled
a message and held it up for Soun.
[Don't cower! Take charge and be assertive!]
Soun blinked at the odd instructions, but they made more sense then what he
was currently doing. He steeled himself against his middle daughter's glare
and did his best.
"Ahem! Now Nabiki, I know you may not approve of this..."
"How brilliant of you." Nabiki snapped sarcastically.
Soun frowned. "Don't take that tone with me young lady! I'm still your
Nabiki's eyebrows went up. Daddy had more balls than she thought (or could
see, at the moment) if he was trying to pull that with her at a time like
Soun continued sternly. "Remember, daughter, that this is your father and
your older sister sitting here, and if the two of us choose to spend our
time this way, you really don't have any say in the matter."
"Oh really?" Nabiki countered. "What if I were to tell the neighbors, or
for that matter, the police?"
Soun faltered for a minute, but hastily written panda-signs gave him his
"Then our neighbors will shun the whole family with dishonor, including you,
may I add. Furthermore, if I were arrested, you would be without a legal
guardian. You would have to be sent off to a foster home somewhere, or
perhaps an orphanage. I don't think you really appreciate having a fine
family home such as ours. Given your age, the orphanage is more likely,
until you become a legal adult. Are you really prepared to suffer so, for
something as harmless as this? Kasumi and I both enjoy what we do together,
and with the Saotomes. No one is being abused here."
Nabiki faltered. Her mouth opened and closed as she was caught completely
off guard. What happened to her easily manipulated, wimp of a father?
Getting into the spirit of the act, Soun grinned nastily and read the next
sign without thinking.
"Besides, you didn't really come in here to stop us, did you?" Soun
blinked, not having the slightest clue what he (or rather Ranma) meant by
"W-what do you mean?" Nabiki asked nervously, trying hard to keep her stern
mask in place.
"He means this." Ranma chuckled, lifting up Nabiki's skirt for all to see.
"Your panties are drenched. Were you watching through the window and
playing with yourself Nabiki? Naughty girl!"
Nabiki yanked her skirt back down, her face scarlet. "I was NOT! They got
wet all by themselves! I mean... oh shit..." Her face burning with shame,
she turned away from all of them, leaning with her hands against the wall
and trying to think up a good explanation of why she was staring at her
feet. Soun and Genma chuckled at her. Even Kasumi was lucid now and
smiling smugly at her little sister.
Ranma's gentle hand touched her shoulder. "You don't have to be
embarrassed, Nabiki. Everyone here feels the same about it. Would you like
to join us?"
"I... No... What if I did?"
Ranma turned her around and smiled kindly. "Then none of us would be
laughing at you, or thinking less of you. Plus you get to scratch that itch
I know you're feeling right now." He said, blue eyes twinkling.
A scarlet Nabiki stared at her shoes a while longer. "Okay, but one
Nabiki turned to her father. "Daddy, Kasumi may be comfortable being your
lover, but I'm not."
Soun thought about it and nodded. "Fair enough."
Nabiki leaned close to whisper in Ranma's ear. "And could I have you
Ranma grinned. "No complaints here." He said as he leaned in and kissed
her deeply, fondling her firm breasts through her shirt.
(Earlier that evening)
Akane stepped out of the house. What was going on tonight? She'd wanted to
ask Nabiki something, but she wasn't upstairs. When she came down again,
she noticed Nabiki's shoes were gone from the entryway.
'That was odd. She usually says something before going out.'
It occurred to Akane that she was the only one left in the house. 'What on
Earth is going on? Kasumi and Daddy, Ranma, and now Nabiki...'
Each one had left right after the other, and only Kasumi and her father had
announced their departure. Akane's happening upon Ranma-chan as she headed
out the door was pure luck.
Coming to a decision, Akane dashed out the front door. Nabiki had left only
a moment ago...
She spotted her older sister a ways down the street, just turning a corner.
Akane rushed to catch up. Nabiki was definitely up to something, and
probably, so was that pervert Ranma!
Eyes in a dark alley watched Akane go.
Nabiki was on her hands and knees being fucked doggie-style by Ranma, her
tongue deep in Kasumi's pussy. Playing with her sister didn't freak her out
too badly. Maybe she'd give Daddy a try later. Her father was currently
enjoying Kasumi's talented mouth. Genma was the odd one out, pumping his
hard-on with his hand an waiting for an opportunity to insert (hee hee)
This was the scene upon which Akane opened the door.
"Oh... my... God." She muttered.
All five looked up guiltily.
"What... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?!" Akane shrieked. Nabiki decided
the odds were pretty much against Akane joining in as she had. "Daddy...
and Kasumi... Nabiki... and YOU!" She screamed at Ranma. "WHAT HAVE YOU
Ranma extracted himself and tried to calm Akane down. The fact that his
hard, sticky cock was pointing at her probably didn't help matters.
"Calm down Akane. It's not as bad as it seems..." He said carefully.
Akane cried.
Ranma scratched the back of his head. "Not really. They were already like
this before..."
A martial artist of Ranma's caliber could have easily caught Akane's hand as
she slapped him. He chose not to. The crack of her palm against his cheek
cut through the room.
"I hate you." Akane muttered softly through her tears. "I hate you ALL!
Ranma watched in misery, as the sobbing Akane ran from the room. As the
door slammed, Ranma sat down hard in the middle of the floor.
Kasumi looked at the door, her brow creased with worry. She turned
anxiously to Soun. "Father, we're not perverts, are we?"
Soun Tendo hung his head, and didn't answer.
Kasumi turned to her sister. "Nabiki? We're not, are we?" Nabiki only
frowned and rubbed the bridge of her nose. Tears began to form in Kasumi's
Desperately, Kasumi turned to Ranma for redemption. "Ranma?"
Ranma lifted his head and sighed, not looking at Kasumi, but willing to give
her an answer. "I've always been of the opinion, Kasumi, that anything
between consenting adults is okay. So long as no one is hurt by it, it's
"Well, that's fine then." Genma said, trying to bring the mood in the room
up. "All of us are consenting adults, and no one's been hurt by what we do,
For an answer, Ranma pointed to the door. "What do you think we just did to
Akane, Pop? We hurt her. Through our actions, she was hurt."
No one had any answer to that.
Ranma stood and began putting on his clothes. "I'm going to go try to talk
to her."
The others, the mood now deader than disco, morosely began doing the same.
Running through the streets in tears, Akane didn't see the large form until
she ran into it. With a little cry, she bounced off his solid chest and
landed on her bottom.
Cold eyes peered down on her, a mouth split into a cruel grin, separating
the long scar that ran from the man's nose to his chin.
"Akane Tendo, I presume?"
End of Chapter Three.
Author's Notes.
MWAHAAHAHAHA! Cliffhanger! I gleefully accept your hatred! Go on! Tell
me what a bastard I am!
Anyway, this took a while. Though I discovered nothing breaks writer's
block like an incredibly dull factory job where there's nothing to do with
the higher brain functions but let the imagination wander. I think the
reason they haven't fully automated that plant is that the robots got bored
and ran amuck. Humans are more desperate for their paycheck.
As for the 'disclaimer'... well, all I can say is that maybe I shouldn't be
writing at 3:30 in the morning. :P
Thanks to all of you who sent me your compliments, suggestions, and requests
to get my ass in gear in varying degrees of politeness. To be honest, I
usually don't follow suggestions, at least not exactly as they're given to
me, but they help stir my creative juices, so keep 'em coming.
Remember, the only good thing about a cliffhanger chapter is that the author
probably has at least some idea of where he (or she) is going to go with the
next chapter.
Or so I'd like you to think. ^_^
Ja na!
-Ron Hino.