Twister of Fate - 7: The Opening Act


Here is part 7 of Twister of fate. This story changed a lot over the course of it's run. But I don't own Ranma ˝. Nor my darling Jericho..sigh..


Ranma stood by her in the dark room, the water flouting around his bare feet. His fists where clenched into tight fists eyes cold and cloudy. Staring at the curled figure of a woman laying face down in the water. Strands of black hair flouting around as the hands and legs where spread apart.

He kneeled down by the body and turned the cold body over. Only all the skin on the face was gone leaving a broken in skeleton.

Ranma woke up sweat running down his body, turning he looked at Akane as she slept curled against him. The dream was weird and each one kept getting weirder. Sitting up he got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. Everything was perfect, everyone but mousse was gone. He was the eyes and ears for them.

Turning on the warm water he relaxed the night was ending he could feel it in his veins.

Akane woke up the area on the bed beside her was empty and she frowned. He was awake that lazy pervert was up! Stretching on the bed she smirked she wanted something to drink.

Time was ticking slowly as Ranma raced through the woods with Akane clinging to his hand. The sun was coming up he could feel it in his veins. The trees covered the sky making the night forever lasting. The rain continued harder now he wished he had a shirt. Stopping he pulled akane close to him as he shivered. He could hear her breath coming out in sort gasps. Her body soaked and shaking, he pulled her in closer. The sound of yelling could be heard in the distance behind them.

Closing his eyes he wondered why the hell this was happening. Akane wrapped her arms around his waist he could feel her heart beat. Shivering again he looked down at the top of Akane's head.

Ranma headed over to the bedroom again in shock as the sound of glass breaking. He raced over to the kitchen to see Akane surrounded by broken glass and staring at the window with horror.

Aries tried not to scream as the gatekeeper moved towards him. Shampoo and Ukyo tried to recover but shock was still stuck in their bodies. " Poor Ranma I should of known. After all you are so stubborn." Smirking he raised the sword and pointed it at Aries.

Ranma walked around the glass to Akane. She didn't even notice him standing by her. Until he lifted her up, she looked at him and wrapped her arms around his neck. He looked out the window rain was coming down so hard followed by bright lighting too far away to hear. All he could see was the dojo's shrine's light.

Aries crouched into a fighting position. His eyes flickering from all three in front of him, Ryoga was lost somewhere but he had a strange feeling he'd find Akane. "Try it you bastard you couldn't kill me the first ten times!"

Ranma pulled Akane away from him. Looking at her long and hard he felt his eyes water. She looked so helpless soaked and crying. He tried not to cry but his words where coming out choked. "Get as far away as you can from here Akane. I have to stay for the fight, I have to ensure we don't lose."

Akane looked at him shaking her head. "No..please don't go. I please!"

Grabbing him tightly by around the shoulders she began to cry. All the determination broke as he began to cry with her. The rain fell he didn't change but he wished so hard he knew how the hell to protect her.

Ranma looked at Akane as she clenched her hands on his shirt. " I saw shampoo Ranma only she wasn't a cat.she was cured!"

Ranma looked at Akane and stroked her hair softly. " where probably still asleep love. " He pulled her to him already mentally going through the all entrances and exits in the house.

Aries lunged to the left determined to take out the girls first. The gatekeeper struck with his sword. The mud and the rain plus the sudden scream from Ukyo brought some birds whom where in the tress to fly.

Mousse took each step carefully he had promised Aries. He had made a promise to the devil. All to save himself from witnessing the outcome of before.

Ranma raced to the ringing phone. Lifting it up his eyes widened as he dropped the phone. Akane came to stand behind him. "I was right wasn't I?" She whispered as she clenched her robe around her naked body.

"Mousse is dead Ukyo just saw Shampoo kill him as a duck in the rain."

"I want to go Ranma, we need to go as far away as we can from here!"

Ranma looked at her and nodded not knowing the person was still on the phone able to hear everything. "Shush, Akane I'll go pack you remain as far away from windows. I can't stand the thought of anything happening to you or my baby."

Mousse rubbed his throat. Looking to where the fight was in time to see Aries get thrown back by the gatekeeper. Then he heard Shampoo and Ukyo telling the gatekeeper to stay away from Ranma.

Ranma pushed Akane behind him he heard a twig snap. Ryoga looked at them both. From the tears to the glare from Ranma. "You'll die now Ranma." Was all Ryoga said as the thunder struck down hard.

Ranma looked uncomfortable as he grabbed the book from Akane's grasp. Each breath she took hurt him. Smiling at her he shook his head. "We can't risk taking this." Putting it back down on the table he kissed her forehead. Mousse came through the front door looking slightly scared and almost hateful.

Shampoo looked at Aries as she lunged at the gatekeeper. Ukyo followed her lead and began her attack on the gatekeeper. Mousse caught Aries attention and then began to head over to where he knew Akane would be linking his mind with Aries. Tears slipped down his face, this was the ultimate betrayal.

Akane looked at Ranma as he pushed her slowly to the side. "Run away now don't look back or head back. I'll find you." Akane nodded and raced off only to be stopped by a branch landing in front of her. Ryoga looked at her and smiled. "I want her here Ranma. I want her to see you die."

Ukyo dropped the phone after the words "my baby" where uttered. Him and Akane had been intimate. They would have a baby together and then she would lose him. Then she turned there was Shampoo smirking at her. "What you want Shampoo?"

Shampoo just smiled and sat down on one of the tables in the small shop. "I come to tell you Ranma no longer your fiancé."

"What the hell are you talking about?!" Ukyo hissed. "Shampoo offer cure to Ranma. Ranma no longer stay with Akane." Ukyo smirked at her, then looked at shampoo straight in the eye. "Ranma will stay with Akane since she is carrying his child." Shampoo's eyes widened and then she stood up and turned.

Akane looked at Mousse her hands covering her mouth as Ranma pushed her behind him. "Shampoo found out how to cure us." Mousse whispered looking at them. Tears slipping down his eyes. Ranma looked at Akane and then looked at Mousse. "Watch her while I pack up the stuff we're leaving and you're coming with us." Mousse just nodded. Looking at Akane he gave a small smile. She just stood there in shock if shampoo was cured there would be no way to stop her. She unconsciously put a hand on her stomach. " Mousse your neck?" Mousse looked at Akane and then hugged her to him. He knew she was pregnant and that Ranma wouldn't take the cure. Akane held on to Mousse listening to him cry. What Shampoo had done was kill his cursed form and in doing that started the ultimate betrayal.

Ranma looked at the bags over again he had to have taken everything with him. He double checked both their jackets some warm clothes and some cooler ones, cash from Nabiki's little <huge> stash, and their smaller one. Grabbing the bags he headed over to the hall. Mousse was crying on Akane's shoulder. He frowned sure he would have gotten jealous but Mousse wasn't interested in Akane. He was in love with Shampoo.

"Come on." Mousse looked up at Ranma and smiled a very sad smile. "I'll stay here. Shampoo will come here for you and once she notices you're gone she'll look for you. This way I can buy you time since you can't travel as fast as normal with a pregnant woman." Ranma looked at Mousse and nodded. "There is a sword collection under the third closet. It'll help you have a fighting chance." Mousse nodded and walked them to the back of the dojo. Ranma fixed the sword on his shoulder. Gripping Akane's hand he looked at Mousse and ran with Akane clinging to his hand.

Shampoo looked down at her hands, which had broken Ukyo's neck. She smirked she had far more graver death for Akane and her bastard child. Ranma would hate her for a while but soon he would forgive her. She closed the door behind her it was such a shame to her and Ukyo could have been great friends. She walked in the direction of the dojo.

Mousse looked at the swords and then shivered. He couldn't bring himself to hurt her; he couldn't bring himself to turning and betraying Ranma and Akane. He knew how it felt to be scared and running away. He climbed up the stairs to Akane's room. He knew Ranma would make her leave the book he knew it. He might as well look at it while he waited.

Akane looked at Ranma as he paid for a train ticket. He smiled at the man and then walked with Akane to the stop. They had ten minutes before it left they could board now. Akane looked at the train and then back at the doors she was leaving home. Ranma squeezed her hand and smiled pulling her to him he helped up on to the train and the climbed on. "Everything will be okay Akane don't we always pull through?" she nodded and followed him to their seats. "We do Ranma but you can't protect me forever you're guard will slip and then I'm gone, our baby gone with me." She thought. Ranma was thinking the same thing as he stared at her back.

Akane looked at Ryoga as he stared at her. "Stop looking at her pig. Akane get as far away as you can." She nodded and ran through the woods her legs in pain and chest burning. She could hear Ranma scream as he started a technique. She had to get away from there, she had to escape then she froze in her tracks as a cloaked man stood in front of her. "It's time my little girl. It's time." She didn't even have time to scream as pain slammed in to her body.

Sorry about the wait but I forgot my password. Heheh..anyway you know now 5 more reviews if you want more chapters. Yep the story is almost over so yeah.I can start on another one!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love you Jericho!!!!!!!!!!!! EMI RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!