Genom Research Presents A Suika Roberts Fanfic Tip Warnings and Disclaimers below. Day -75 -* A woman smiles down at me, `Are you OK?' I smile back, soaking wet, `Yeah, I'm fine.' `Grab onto this, and I'll pull you up.' I blink, then give a little mental shrug, and catch hold of the cloth-wrapped bunde she holds down towards me. I wait for her to brace herself, then, `You ready?' She nods, so I pull back a little, to help. She, however, falls off the edge, into the ditch with me. I manage to catch her, so she doesn't hit her head or anything, but still, `You're all wet. I'm sorry.' `You're such a tomboy,' she smiles at me again. I stare at her, wondering why she looks so familiar, then ask, `Do you have any sisters? One who married a real git named Saotome Genma, perhaps?' `No, I do not have any siblings, but Genma did take my name when we married.' `Mom?' I gasp, throwing my arms around her. `Who are you?' she gasps back, wrapping her arms around me. I let go, and step back when her arms loosen, `Saotome Ranma, at your service.' `Ranma? My Ranma was a boy,' she looks confused. `I am, well, most of the time. Oyaji took me to this training ground in China, summer of last year, and I picked up this curse. Cold water turns me into a girl, and hot water turns me back. I've pretty much gotten used to it.' `That's horrible,' she says, starting to walk down the ditch. `It could be worse, Oyaji turns into a panda, a friend of mine turns into a pig, and another one turns into a,' pause, center, `cat.' `Whatever possesed you to go there?' `Oyaji can't read Chinese, and he wouldn't let me see the book of training grounds.' - `Anyway, here we are,' I tell her, leading her through the gate. A few moments later, `I'm home,' I announce. `We're going on a training trip, now, no questions,' Oyaji tells me, gathering me up under his arm, and then mom steps into his path. Oyaji faints, and I only barely manage to wiggle free before he hits the ground. -* Day -74 -* `So, you let your husband make a promise to return Ranma as a man amoung men or commit sepuku?' `Yes,' she tells me, `I should have realized that Genma would try to hide anything he saw as a mistake, rather than try to work things out. There is a reason I let him get away with such a vauge promise.' `So, you think Ranma's a `Man amoung Men,' even with the curse?' `Of course! What man could resist a body like that? And the oportunities for clandestine research are just wonderful!' Nodoka smiles, `Of course, it would be better if he could control the curse a bit more, since it must be hard to stay away from hot water in the women's baths, but what do they say, no pain, no gain?' I inch away from her a little bit, suddenly realizing that she's a pervert. - I shift a little, trying not to make any noise, yet still keep my legs from going to sleep. At least I know why mom told me to hide, or I hope I do. This sort of thing is much too embarrassing to say to someone's face, "I expect you to go and look at girls, watch them, oggle their nubile bodies," is hardly something appropriate for a mother to say. `Of course,' mom says, outside the closet she put me in, `Genma's such a prude that Ranma can hardly look at himself, let alone another girl, so I'm just a little worried that I'll never have any grandchildren. But boys mature slower, so I don't think I should judge his success with girls by my own.' Akane makes a choking noise. `Oh yes, I was quite the heartbreaker, back in school. I started flirting, consciously, at twelve, and had a steady string of girlfriends right up until I married Ranma's father. I really should have arranged things differently, but oh well,' I can almost see the wistful expression on her face. `What do you mean,' Akane asks, her voice filled with trepidation. `I mean that I really should have told Genma that same-sex encounters are orthogonal to marriage.' What the heck's orthogonal mean? `What does orthogonal mean?' Akane asks for me. `Two sets are orthogonal if they have no overlapping components, so that changing one doesn't change the other,' she pauses, `So, the price of gasoline is orthogonal to the price of diesel fuel, even though both are controlled by the price of crude oil,' she pauses again, `but that isn't a very good example. `Does one need to give up one's old friends just because one has made new ones?' `No, but they sometimes drop away, after a little while,' Akane says, her voice a little sad. `That's usually because they are used to getting a certain ammount of attention, and with the new friends they don't get as much. This tends to make them feel unappreciated, and then they leave. I lost so many friends when I married Genma,' the pain in her voice is almost enough to make me brave Akane's wrath at being spied on. Almost. --- log: 2000 Spring and early Summer: involuntary plotting. 2000 July 29: started. 2000 August 13-15: A bit more 2000 Sept: continued 2000 December 2: bit more 2000 December 3: bit more 2001 January 8: itsy bit. 2001 April 24: Three whole lines! and a bit of editting 2001 October 24: a little more! Need to get through this scene, and then I can go on, finally. 2001 November 16: gyeh, this is really dragging. ah well. 2001 November 20: skipped the end, I should get back to it later, and jumped to the next day. 2002 September 24: just a tiny bit. 2002 November 17: finished the beast. What'd'ya think? Need to finish that FIXMEd lemon scene, still 2002 November 26: tiny edits. 2003 March 29: tiny edits. Genom Research Presents A Suika Roberts Fanfic Tip Based on _Gratuity_, by Michael Chen (Zenki) and Megane 6.7 And, like that story, rather explicit ^_^ If you're not old enough to read a romance novel, you're not old enough to read this. Go away, please. Otherwise, feel free to comment to Suika Roberts/ My notes, from when I originally wrote this: Well, I just went and re-read _Gratuity_, and got inspired. This isn't just my fault, in other words, and takes up right after the prolog of _Gratuity_ ends. And my high-speed, terribly detailed outline, which let me finish the project: hmm, seven days: D1, D2:harem talk Ak/Yuka Ra/Uk Ak/No Done! Ak/Ra D3: options Ra/Sayuri/Yuka Ko/Ak Ka/Ra Ak/Uk/Ra D4: permanence Ra/Co Ak/Honda-sensei Ko/Ra Ak/Co D5: Ra/Ak -ouch Ra/Hinako -ouch Ra/Ak/Uk date- D6: Na/Ra/Ak/Uk -poor Ran-chan -_^ Ra/Ak/Uk/Shan " " D7: Ko/Ra/Ka/Ak/Na/Uk/Co/Sha/Hinako-sensei D8: Aftermath. I started this because I really liked the _Gratuity_ prolog, and thought it had potential to be cute, and sweet, and fun to read, with at least some F/F interaction. But it died an ignomious death, after four stories or so, abandoned, and all of the pairings squicked me. So I decided to do it "Right", where that means `the way I want to read it, where they really do love each other, but _damned_ if they're going to say it' ^_^ I hope that came through, somehow. Suika --- log: 1999 June middle: re-read Gratuity, started 1999 July 5: added log 1999 July 24-27: wrote about 1600 lines . . . 1999 July 28-Oct 9: wrote about six hundred lines . . . 1999 Oct 10: Finished day three ^^; I don't know if I'll be able to finish this by the middle of next month at this rate. 1999 Oct 10: four hundred lines 1999 Oct 13: Two hundred lines so far; maybe I'll finish day four soon 1999 Nov 5: a few paragraphs of dialog, after not working on it for almost a month. If I really hussle, maybe I can still finish this in six months. 1999 Nov 8: a little more 1999 Nov 13: Finally got the Duo running; and added a good bit. 1999 Nov 16: Worked for an hour, added over a hundred lines, then had the Duo decide that her battery was too flat and crash. great fun. 1999 Nov 17: got some more done. 1999 Nov 18: Yay! nother section! 1999 Nov 27: Actually got a decent bit done. Yay! 1999 Dec 1: got most of day five done. 1999 Dec 2: updated log for Dec 1, added a tiny bit of day six 1999 Dec 3: Finished day five, tiny bit more of day six 2000 Feb 12: worked on it off and on over the last few couple months. The Duo got to be too obnoxious, both because she's a bit slow, but mainly because I don't have a power-addapter for her. Got the 520 back, because she didn't sell for a price I'd like, and so I'm back to work again. 2000 March 9: more playing with boxen. Got a Compaq Contura Aero 4/25 in trade, got linux up and running on it, got back to work, maybe. Did a little bit of work on the 520, but not much. 2000 March 19: Got some more done, finally. I hope to finish day six soon. 2000 March 25: Finished the first draft! Finally! YAY! 2000 March 28: First full edit. 2000 December 3: reread and editted. 2001 May 20: re-wrapped at 78 columns 2005 March 16: cut up into bit-size chunks. 2005 November 4: put it into its own directory.