{These characters are not property of me. I would never attempt to claim them as my own. This story may not be used without my permission, and may not be used to make money in any way, shape or form. Characters and certain situations were created by Rumiko Takahashi, so don't try any funny stuff!}
"Rei, are you sure it's... safe?"
He nodded, his cheeks coloring. "I... asked Dad, and he said that other than, um..."
"Being slightly less endowed than a horse?"
"Aheh. Yeah, you could put it that way. He said it should be fine. But only if you don't mind. If you don't want to, I'm perfectly happy doing it the usual way."
Ukyo considered for a moment. If Kuno said there wouldn't be problems, then who was she to disagree? "You really want to, don't you?"
Shrugging, Reichi answered, "Yeah, but only because it's a part of me, and I want to share everything with you." He swallowed thickly, feeling the anticipation start to build. "I wish... I wish I could explain how it feels."
She smiled, knowing that he was speaking on two levels. "I wish you could too," she replied, taking his hand.
"I bought something for you." Reichi handed the box to Ukyo, smiling shyly and unable to meet her eyes.
"Are you ever going to stop being embarrassed about everything?" she asked, taking the slim box from him. "It's perfectly fine; you don't need to be..." Ukyo stopped speaking as she opened the box and looked at what was inside.
"I wasn't quite sure of what size to get. I hope it fits okay."
"Should I go try it on?" she asked, smiling at him, now feeling as embarrassed as Rei was.
He looked at her, still with the shy smile on his face, and nodded.
"I'll be right back," Ukyo said and retreated to the washroom.
"It's a little large," Ukyo said, adjusting the gauzy material on her breasts. "Especially around the chest."
"It looks fine from here."
Ukyo looked up from her adjustments and startled a little. The low light wasn't coming from a lamp any longer, but many candles. Reichi reclined on the bed, watching her, dressed in what looked like white silk pajamas. He was holding a single rose up his nose.
"A little, though I shouldn't be. You set all this up today?"
"Yeah. I had to beg Mom to give me a ride to Fuji's of Tokyo. I think she felt sorry for me." Reichi sat up and patted the bed next to himself.
"Your mother... is an interesting lady. I think I should get to know her a little better," Ukyo said, walking to the bed. At least the fluttering had stopped; she went straight to the throbbing now.
Reichi shook his head. "No, I get enough of that from the guys on the soccer team. They think she's sent from heaven to torture them."
"Naturally, you would know better, sugar." Ukyo sat on the bed and ran one hand through Reichi's hair.
"Yeah," he said, huskily, watching her very closely. "She's here to torture me."
Ukyo laughed a little, wanting to sooth the throbbing desperately. "Not the way she does them, I hope."
"Not since I got you."
Pulling away, Ukyo fixed him with a doubtful gaze.
In response, Reichi smiled and waggled his eyebrows at her.
"Only because I love you."
Ukyo leaned in to kiss Reichi, still having to force herself to not consider how much younger he was. Eventually, she was hoping, it wouldn't even cross her mind.
Reichi tossed the rose aside and put both his arms around her. He stopped himself from pushing her to the bed, instead, running his hands up and down her back. How he had ever survived without her, he didn't know.
They broke the kiss and separated, just looking at each other.
"You know, Rei," Ukyo said quietly, very slowly undoing the top button of his pajamas, "I kind of like to think of you as my first."
"Your first what?"
"You're not, of course, but definitely the first to ever get me to make that much noise." She had moved on to the second button. "I don't know what it is. Probably me just feeling old." The third button started to come undone.
"Not many people get the chance I do, right? I get to raise you on what to do and what not to." Ukyo gave him an uneasy smile. "Not like I'm that terribly experienced, but I imagine more than you are. Right, sugar?"
Reichi blinked. "I'm very confused."
"Sometimes I think I am too, but then..." Ukyo ran her hand under his chin. "Then I just remember that it doesn't matter. I can be as confused or tired or mad as I want, and you'll be there."
The way he was looking at her made her shiver delightfully. It wasn't heavy-lidded seduction or animal lust; it was the closest thing to adoration and genuine love she had ever seen. "I can't say the words yet," she whispered.
"I know. I can. I love you."
Ukyo smiled, and her eyes shone with moisture. "I waited a long time to hear that. From anyone." She kissed him again, her hands resting on his slim chest.
They broke apart again, and Ukyo gave him a wry grin. "We'll have to work on this, sugar," she added, tapping her fingers on her skin. "It's a little bony."
"How about this?"
Ukyo didn't look, preferring to keep her gaze on Reichi's face and the little cocky smile he was wearing, but she could feel. The skin grew taught under her hands and pushed out against them. If she hadn't known what was happening, she would have pushed him away in disgust as something that felt like things moving beneath his skin started.
"You know, I've never... _seen_ you when you're changed. You kept yourself covered up." Ukyo started to push the pajama top from his shoulders. "I think we need to rectify this situation. What do you think, sugar?"
Reichi nodded absently and stood on the bed. He shed the top, and looked down at Ukyo expectantly.
Tsking a little, Ukyo pulled down the bottoms, waited for him to step out of them, then tossed them to the floor. "You're still... growing, right?" she asked, looking up at him and grinning.
"Hey! That's my manhood you're insulting!"
Ukyo grabbed his ankled and yanked on them, pulling Reichi off his feet. "That's not the only thing I'm going to do to it." She was still grinning, but it was more predatory this time.
Reichi responded by growling, letting his body go all the way. The world washed out, becoming a well-defined separation of blacks and whites, the speed and shallowness of Ukyo's breathing became acutely audible along with the rate her heart was beating.
Her natural scent was something he'd never forget, and when she was in her current state of arousal, it was the most glorious thing in the world.
"When you're like this, sugar, you don't need to worry about having your manhood insulted," Ukyo said in a very appreciative tone. She stared for another moment, her mouth dry, then laid on the bed next to Reichi. "Sugar, I do believe that's the scariest thing I've ever seen," she said quietly.
Lifting his head, Reichi looked down at himself. That was a part of himself he had always avoided thinking too much about. Yes, it got bigger, but otherwise it was the same, so he didn't need to go "exploring" it or anything.
He grunted and shrugged, then rolled to his side to face Ukyo. He started stroking one of her bare arms, thoughts concentrating of the feel of her skin. As much as he wanted to take her, just roll her over and have her in the primal way his animal instincts wanted him to, he couldn't.
Ukyo put her hand on his chest again and ran her fingers through his fur. "Rei, this is going to hurt. I know it."
Reichi moved a little closer to her and gathered her in his arms. It probably would, and he hadn't been able to do the thing his parents had to dampen the will of people.
With her head against his chest, listening to the slow thud of his heart, Ukyo sighed. The throb hadn't gone anywhere, but she was so comfortable in Reichi's arms, acting on the throb seemed like too much effort.
Reichi wasn't quite done yet. Ukyo in his arms only served to heighten his desire. It was a wonderful feeling just having her there, but he had an itch that was demanding to be scratched.
"Rei, what are you doing?" Ukyo whispered, feeling his hands move over her body. It wasn't unpleasant at all. Far from it. It was just kind of strange.
But it also got her blood going just a little quicker. She was holding her body still, just relaxing, but she knew that if she let herself go, she'd be grinding herself against him, trying to ease the throb. "You little bastard," she breathed, eyes closed. "You're doing this on purpose."
Reichi nodded, smelling her excitement levels rising. His own was already at the top and couldn't rise much more. He could _act_ wild and out of control, but if there was one thing his father had drilled into his brain more than anything else, it was self-restraint and control.
There were times and places that going all out was perfectly fine. The bedroom with his mate for only the third night was not one of them. At the moment, he wasn't the one losing control anyway.
Every place he moved his hand, Ukyo did her best to thrust her body into it. When he put his hand between her legs, she pressed her entire body his, hiding her face in his chest.
Teasing her a little first, Reichi removed his hand and rolled Ukyo to her back.
"Watch where you're pointing that thing, sugar," she warned quietly, looking at him with one hand on his arm.
Touching her cheek gently, Reichi shook his head. He then ran his hand down her neck, and slipped one finger under the shoulder strap of her lingerie. He hooked it on his claw and slowly pulled it off, looking between Ukyo's eyes and her shoulder.
"Are you doing what I think you're doing?"
Reichi nodded, bearing something that might have been a smile on his face.
Ukyo took a deep breath. "Just... go slow, Rei. Go slow."
Nodding, Reichi pulled down the other shoulder strap, then the entire top to expose her breasts. He wanted to kiss her, but his mouth was unsuited for it. It was, however, good at other things.
He moved his head down and engulfed one breast in his mouth. He heard Ukyo gasp and knew it was from fright. He didn't close his mouth though, only swirling his tongue around it like a snake trying to constrict its prey.
"Rei, oh..." Ukyo's body started to shake very lightly. "Rei..." The throbbing was getting worse, more intense.
Reichi understood her need, finding his own approaching a peak. He was enjoying the game and would have liked to continue, but it was just getting to be too much.
"Just do it, Rei. Don't tease me anymore," she begged, grabbing on to the thicker fur below his ear. "I can't stand it."
With one hand, Reichi started to strip Ukyo naked while supporting himself on the other hand. She lifted her hips off the bed so he could pull the lingerie down, and then off her legs.
"It was very nice, Rei. Thank you." Why she said it, Ukyo wasn't sure, but it was the polite thing, and it was nice of him to think of her like that... But it was a whole lot nicer what he was doing to her currently.
His hands, for as large and cruel-looking as they were, were pure magic on her body. Soft and gentle, but with such an ability for misery. "Stop!" Ukyo commanded, the look on her face a mingling mix of desperation and pain. "Just... stop teasing me! I need you to..."
Reichi hushed her with his fingertips on her lips. On his knees between her legs, he slipped his arms under Ukyo's body and raised her into a similar position. He crossed his legs loosely, then pushed on Ukyo's chest gently.
Seeing where he was going with things, Ukyo sat down and put her legs to either side of him. "Any specific reason for this?" she asked, breathing heavily, stroking his knee.
Running his hands up her legs, Reichi grabbed her behind the knees and pulled her closer. Ignoring her giggles of protest at the ticklish nature of the backs of her knees, he moved his hands further up her legs to her thighs.
It was a bit of a strain considering his slightly hunched position, but Reichi lifted Ukyo into the air and set her lightly on his legs. He pulled her closer until they were pressed against each other.
Ukyo put one hand around his side and put her other down between their bodies. There was a shaft of heat against her stomach that she just had to touch, and when she curled her hand around it, it felt even hotter. Her body felt hotter.
Breathing becoming more ragged, she lifted herself, putting both hands on Reichi's shoulders for balance.
He assisted, cupping her behind in his hands and pulling her closer still. Closer so she was against him completely, and then he slowly lowered her.
She linked her hands behind his head as her body slid down his, her skin tickled by his silky fur. Ukyo kept her eyes closed in anticipation, not sure what to expect. She knew there would be pain, but how much, if it would be unbearable for her, she didn't know.
Their sexes touched, and if she hadn't been supported by Reichi, Ukyo thought she would have dropped herself on him, the desire in her was so strong. But he was very gentle, very slow, and the tears that fell from Ukyo's eyes were of overpowering affection, not pain.
There was very little pain as her body sank lower, engulfing more of Reichi. There was discomfort, the overwhelming feeling of fullness to the point of strain, but all of Reichi's efforts had readied her for his penetration.
There reached a point that he was inside her as far as she could take, and the two of them held that position.
Reichi made a short inquisitive noise, his arms around Ukyo, and nudged her chin with his nose.
It took Ukyo a moment to answer, trying to focus on her words and not the point at which she and Reichi joined. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's... not too bad," she replied, leaning against him. She rested her head on his shoulder, inhaling his strong animalish musk. Smiling faintly, she raised her head so that her mouth was next to his ear. "Be gentle, Rei," she whispered.
His arms tightened around her a little before he started to move very slowly. Closing his eyes and laying his ears flat, Reichi raised his nose in the air and took great breaths of air. If this had been his first time, he would have already orgasmed under the heat and pressure.
But with the effect of Ukyo gasping for air near his ear so he was able to hear every little utterance, he would hold off any reaction until he knew she was satisfied.
Rotating his hips on the bed, his tail twitching violently behind him, he heard his mate attempt ti stifle a cry, and doubled his efforts. Standard penetration wasn't completely realistic, so they just had to try something different.
Not that it mattered. Such a small movement on his part created such amazing amounts of pleasure for both of them that the usual act wasn't really necessary. Why should he even bother attempting to...
Ukyo decided then to put her legs around his waist and hook her ankles, lifting herself a little. If Reichi wasn't going to try, she sure as hell was. When she lowered her body, managing to take in more of Reichi's shaft, it was like a shot of adrenalin laced with everything she considered a pleasure in the world.
Reichi snorted, a quiet whine starting as he tried to control himself. It was hard though; he was either going to lose control of his body or his voice because he couldn't hold both back at the same time.
Ukyo wasn't trying at all though. She gasped aloud, a look of surprised, painful excitement on her face. Before she could consider anything else, she was enthusiastically moving up and down on Reichi's shaft, crying out loudly with every movement.
With his whines growing louder, Reichi had to make a decision. With Ukyo moving so energetically in his lap, it wasn't a difficult decision. He held on to her tightly and started thrusting as hard as he could.
Ukyo squeezed her legs around Reichi and leaned her head back, gasping for air between near-shouts of pleasure. "Oh..." she breathed tremulously. On the next thrust, she leaned forward again, burying her face back in Reichi's shoulder, not wanting to scream loud enough to alert everyone in the neighborhood.
He was snorting and growling as he forced his hips upward, barely comprehending Ukyo's reaction to it all. Or his own. The only thing he was concerned with was his first "real" encounter with his mate, and the way she smelled and her heat...
It started with a quivering in her shoulders and moved down. Before Ukyo could even really consider it, her whole body was shaking and each muscle in her body was beginning to contract. She held on to Reichi tightly, more tightly, as her orgasm washed over.
To keep herself from screaming, she closed her mouth on Reichi's shoulder, still squeezing him with all her strength. It was too much though, and she cried out, over and over again, into his shoulder, her mouth filled with his scent and his fur and his flesh.
Reichi had ceased holding back so when he felt Ukyo finally snap, he followed suit. Lifting his head again, he howled loudly as he emptied himself into her for what seemed like forever.
She could feel it. It was... wonderful in a way she couldn't comprehend. It was a fulfillment of everything in her life she was missing, and possibly more. Something primal called out to her from Reichi, and something similar in herself responded. Ukyo bit down hard on Reichi's shoulder.
Nabiki sat up in bed, her eyes still closed, and cursed quietly. If the kid made any more noise...
Soft growling added to her annoyance as Tatewaki awoke. He curled around her like a serpent, looking up with sleepy eyes.
"All I want is a decent night's sleep! That boy is going to kill me if he stays up like this every night." Nabiki flopped back on the bed, covering her ears.
Tatewaki crawled over her, making soft noises, before laying down and pulling her into his arms.
"I know it's his first time, but this is driving me crazy. The least they could have done was go back to her place." She grabbed a pillow and put it over her head.
Murmuring softly, Tatewaki began to lick behind Nabiki's ear.
"I do love him," she replied quietly, forgetting about the noise. "I just wish he was more responsible. Not like we were."
He chuckled and licked down her neck, nipping lightly at the skin there. He spoke to her again, ignoring the sounds; it was obvious Nabiki was in no mood for any rambunctiousness.
"Maybe. I don't know if I could handle more though. Rei and Aiko are enough as it is. I might be able to wait for Aiko to have her own." She sighed. Maybe, maybe not.
Reichi threw Ukyo to the bed, growling and baring his teeth at her. The slight smear of blood around her mouth was driving him even more wild that her initial bite had.
There was no tenderness, no love in his motions this time. He just started to wildly fuck her even though he was already spent. Closing his mouth gently on her neck as she smiled at him, he began to thrust even more viciously into her.
Ukyo's eyes were half-lidded and decidedly glazed over as she lay beneath him. She was done, already having reached her peak and descended into the valley, but the wildness in Reichi was something she couldn't stop, didn't want to stop.
He was slowing down though, his body frazzled from the sensation overload and his mind tired. He stopped suddenly, his tail drooping, and slowly rolled off Ukyo. Panting, Reichi closed his eyes and let his body relax. He could easily imagine repeating that act three or four times a day if Ukyo let him.
"Rei, talk to me," she said sleepily, as if she knew he was thinking about her. "I didn't mean to bite you; I just couldn't help myself."
Assuming his completely human form, Reichi snuggled closer to Ukyo. "I didn't mind. The only thing... I... might have hurt you. I was out of control."
"I noticed. But..." She looked at him, her eyes barely open. "I didn't mind. I... care about you."
Reichi smiled at her. "I love you, so don't forget it."
"I won't."
The candles had burned out and the room was in darkness. Reichi was a motionless lump next to her, breathing steadily, sharing his warmth.
Ukyo smiled and put an arm over him. "Rei, you're definitely the best..." She had been ready to say boyfriend, but he was more than that. "You're the best partner I've ever had. In every way."
She kissed his cheek then sat up. He didn't move. "I want to... thank you for being so good to me when you should have been looking at girls your own age. Why you would ever want to spend time with a... woman like me, I'll never know."
Reichi opened his eyes and looked at her. "Ukyo, what's wrong?"
"There's nothing wrong, Rei. I just couldn't sleep, and... and I feel..." She shook her head. "I don't know."
He sat up and put his arms around her, kissing the side of her neck. "There's nothing to worry about. We're a family here; we take care of each other, no matter what."
"I'm scared, Rei," Ukyo replied quietly, hanging her head.
"About what?"
She pulled away from him, looking in his eyes. Her mouth opened as if she were about to speak, but no sound came out.
The noise she started to make couldn't be mistaken as an attempt at speaking. It was more of a wail, high-pitched and pitiful sounding.
"Ukyo!" Reichi yelled, grabbing her shoulders and shaking her a little. "Ukyo!"
She threw her head back and the wail changed to a scream. Her entire body shook, and she grabbed on to his arms, squeezing, digging her fingernails into his skin.
Ukyo's head snapped forward and her eyes stared ahead without seeing.
"What... Your eyes, Ukyo. Ukyo!"
Her gaze focused on him then and her lip twitched. "Rei," she said, her voice gravelly and throat hoarse. "I can... feel it."
Reichi was getting worried. Very worried. "Feel what? What's going on? Talk to me!"
"Inside of me, Rei. It feels... so nice." She closed her eyes and swayed back and forth. "I understand now, Rei. I know... The blood, your blood..."
Sickening terror bloomed inside of Reichi. The image of his blood smeared around her mouth flashed in his mind. "Ukyo! No! This didn't happen! Ukyo!"
"It feels so good, Rei. Feel it, inside of me, Rei," she begged, running her hands over her naked flesh. She opened her eyes and smiled at her mate. "Don't you see? I thought you'd like it this way..."
Reichi stared at her glowing red eyes and screamed in anguish.
Ukyo answered, her body exploding into the transformation, howling in ecstasy as the world and all its sensory information washed over her and the smell of Reichi's blood...
Ukyo sat up in bed, her breath caught in her throat. Her hands were immediately patting herself down to see if she was still human all over. Finding that she had hair and lack of hair in all the proper areas, she laid back down.
Wiping her hand across her mouth, she held it up in an attempt to see if it was still there. The room was too dark for her to see, but she could imagine the dark red stains on her mouth, and licked her lips before she could stop herself.
Asleep next to her, Reichi whimpered and kicked at the blanket.
Still shivering at her dream, not sure if it had been a nightmare or not, Ukyo moved closer to him so their bodies were touching and put her arms around him. She made gentle hushing sounds until he calmed down and became still.
The feel of his fur on her skin sparked more intense memories of her dream, and Ukyo shivered again, closing her eyes and waiting for them to pass. It had been the blood, the warm, salty taste of copper, and her own embarrassment and being so... At being such a whore.
Bitter tears escaped, and she couldn't help but hate herself for being so stupid, so weak, such a lustful deviant. A boy and a dog. When had it all escaped from her? "Rei," she whispered, trying to wake him while hoping he would stay asleep, "do it again. Make me forget. Please."
Reichi did not awaken, and Ukyo found herself thinking that the dream hadn't been so bad. If it had been more than a dream, maybe she wouldn't be feeling so bad.
If it had been more than a dream, maybe she wouldn't feel so helpless all the time. If it had been more than a dream... She smiled, just a little, and waited for the tears to dry.
If it had been more than a dream... she wouldn't have stopped with Reichi. There would have been no holding her back.