The Ties That Bind - 3


The sun was out. The flowers were in bloom, giving off their heavenly scents for all to enjoy. Birds of many kinds were scattered all over, singing happily. There was a light breeze blowing, slightly cooling what was an otherwise warm afternoon.

In other words, it was a totally miserable day.

Rei trudged her way into town, eyes downcast. Everything around her was just so damned happy she couldn’t stand it. She looked at her traveling companion out of the corner of her eye. How in the world could he be so…so…cheerful? She had taken away something from him that she had no right to; yet, he had been nothing but kind and gentle with her.

She raped him…why did he feel he had to be so good to her? He was…he was taking her out for lunch…was he even in his right mind? She didn’t deserve his kindness…she deserved his scorn, his loathing. She deserved the embarrassment of he announcing her secret to the world, telling everyone that she’s Sailor Mars. Then the other Senshi would find out about what she did and would likely ostracize her…she would be punished properly for what she did.

Then, with nothing left, she would find the bastard that raped her first, viciously brutalize him in the worst way she could think of, then in a final, suicidal flash, she would send them both to hell where they belonged.

He didn’t know why, but Ryouga was happy. He loved Akane, he really did, but, for some reason, she didn’t take up as much of his thoughts anymore and he didn’t mind. He felt a connection with this woman that was stronger than what he felt for Akane. With Rei, he felt strangely free. He could do all the things he had always wanted to do with Akane and more without the paralyzing nervousness that usually plagued him. It was a curse he loathed more than the one given to him by Ranma and Jusenkyo and she cured him of it.

It wasn’t the best of first meetings, he had to admit, but he didn’t care. In this case, the end justified the means.

…even though the means were a little rough on his end.

Suddenly, his continence took a dive. The happiness he was reveling in mere seconds ago was replaced by a depression deeper than what even he was used to. His ki began to radiate as these new feelings sunk him deeper and deeper into the depths of despair. His ki changed from a dark greenish color to one of a bright violet color as his depression sank to a suicidal level. Never before had he felt so powerful, so dangerous. Somewhere in the recesses of his mind, it registered that he had, somehow, refined and perfected the Shi Shi Houkodan to a level that should not have been reached.

It didn’t seem right. He had just found what he had been looking for, for as long as he could remember. There’s no way even he could be so depressed after that…Then it dawned on him that it wasn’t his depression he was feeding off of.

Rei’s consciousness broke through her depression enough to notice a power unlike any she had ever felt before. Not an evil power, but one that was definitely dark and negative. She looked to Ryouga and found him glowing a vibrant violet, his face holding a look of despair that mirrored what she felt at the moment. She reached out to put a hand on her shoulder and noticed it glowed. She looked down at herself and found that she was glowing the same violet color Ryouga was.

Ryouga noticed her glowing as well. He didn’t know how, but it seemed she was able to tap into her depression to create the Shi Shi Houkodan as well. Ryouga sighed sadly. No one else should have to experience the consuming turmoil needed to create the Shi Shi Houkodan. As a comforting gesture, he reached out his hand to her and gave her a reassuring smile.

Not wanting to appear rude, she took his offered hand. Not distracted by the pain or lust they felt for each other earlier, when their hands touched it was as though their essences intermingled. As they had shared their bodies earlier, they now shared minds. Every experience they had, every bit of joy and sorrow, every battle won and lost, everything was exchanged between them.

The connection broke when their hands separated. What a rush. They locked eyes and they saw something about themselves that wasn’t there before. She had changed so much; she had done something so dreadful, she found it hard to forgive herself; she felt more alone than she had at any time in her entire life.

But that changed…they had sex twice before, but with the simple touch of a hand, she felt as if something special was shared between them. Warmth ran through her body…not the same lustful heat she experienced before, but a comforting feeling. Again, Ryouga held out a hand for her. This time she took it willingly, re-establishing their connection. Their bodies began automatically, continuing their trip into town, while they reveled in their mental intercourse.

Though her anguish still plagued her, she didn’t feel as bad.

After all, she was no longer alone.



Dreamweaver Studios Presents

The Ties That Bind

Part Three



This is stupid. Here he was, stuck on top of a house in an unfamiliar neighborhood, dodging rain and for what? To find a guy that wanted nothing more than to grind him into the dirt? Ranma sat down on the roof and wondered if he should even continue.

Why in the world should he even be out looking for that jerk? He walked in on him in the bathroom and then attacked him for it. And now, he’s supposed to find the guy and help him? Where was the logic in that? Besides, if Ranma ever did find Ryouga, he was sure the pig would find a way to lay all of the blame on him and attack him again.

That was it. He was going home. He wasn’t about to stick his neck out for a guy who would likely separate his head from it. Turning on his heel, he leapt into the air homeward. Before he landed on the neighboring roof, an image of Ryouga popped into his head. Never before…not even when the two fought their many battles, had he ever seen such a look of agony on Ryouga’s face.

When he landed on the neighboring roof, he did another about face and went back to his search. If something happened to Ryouga and he could’ve helped, but didn’t, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself.

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Before Mero was able to get the couple and take them back to his hideout, they had gotten dressed and left the shrine. Now they were out in the open. He had missed his chance. Publicity wasn’t something he or his master needed at the moment.

Keeping to the shadows was a hard thing. The sun was so warm and refreshing, Mero wanted nothing more than to bask in the sun, letting it shine its golden rays upon him. Unfortunately, the mission came first and for now, his mission was to find out why these two stuck to each other instead of spreading the seeds throughout the population like they were supposed to. For him to do that, he had to be sure that they didn’t spot him until it was too late for them to stop him.

When this little flaw in their plan was fixed and the world under their control, Mero would be free to sunbathe as much and for as long as he wanted.

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“You didn’t have to pay, you know,” Ryouga said as the couple sat down. When they arrived into town, they settled upon a small, family owned café called Noriko’s. After ordering moderately priced (for Japan anyway) sandwiches and sodas, they seated themselves at a table covered by a large umbrella just outside. “I would’ve been happy to pick up the tab.”

“No, it’s all right, said Rei, turning her gaze downward. “It’s the least I could do for you, after…”

A long, uncomfortable silence fell over the two as, once again, the events that occurred earlier and in their previous encounter came to mind. There were so many questions swimming threw their heads, it was hard for either to sort out where to begin. “Say, I was wondering…” both started at the same time. “No, you first…”

Ryouga nodded and gestured for her to go. “Umm…okay…I was just wondering…when you came into my bathroom, why were you a pig?”

Ryouga’s continence fell. “I was hoping this wouldn’t come back up,” he mumbled to himself. “It’s a…it’s a magical curse. You see, there’s this guy that I had a challenge with. He skipped out on our duel and to make sure he faced up to it, I followed him. We ended up in an area in China called Jusenkyo, where there are hundreds of magical springs, each with a different curse. Thanks to that stupid Ranma…that guy I was supposed to duel with…I fell into the spring of drowned pig…”

“That’s awful,” said Rei. “You mean you just turn into a pig randomly?”

“No. Cold water triggers the curse.”

“Oh, I see. Since it was raining earlier, it activated your curse. And since you became Human again when you got into my bath, then, I’m guessing, it takes hot water to change you back.”

He smiled weakly, “You got it.”

“I’m sorry to hear that…but you make such a cute little piggy,” said Rei with a giggle.

“Gee...thank you very much…” said Ryouga with no enthusiasm. “Now, if I can ask you…umm…have you always had the…you know…” He dangled a finger for emphasis. This time, Rei’s features fell.


“Oh…sensitive subject? Hey, if you don’t want to talk ab-”

“It was horrible!” Rei exclaimed, sobbing uncontrollably. “One of my teammates and I were checking something out in the park and this…this guy appeared out of nowhere and attacked us. In his attack, my teammate was knocked away and out of sight. But he took me and…wrapped these things around me and…”

Rei broke down crying and Ryouga, moving immediately by her side, wrapped his arm around her comfortingly. “He did something to me, Ryouga,” she sobbed. “And whatever he did put this thing on me…” She looked into his eyes, mournfully. “…and whatever he did to me…I did it to you…”

Ryouga cradled Rei’s head onto his chest. “Listen…whatever the circumstances, we’re together now. And no matter what happens, no matter what may come, we will face the future together. And I promise, even if it takes me a hundred years, I will find the one that did this to you and I will make him pay.”

Rei detached her head from his comforting chest, gazed deep within his soul and asked the all-encompassing question, “Why?”

Ryouga was taken aback. “Huh? Why what?”

“Why are you helping me like this? Why are you so nice to me after what I’ve done to you?”

Ryouga was asking himself why about a lot of things of late. He couldn’t even come up with an answer for himself, much less for her. Not able to find words for her, he simply reached out and caressed her cheek, inadvertently reestablishing their connection.

Once again, the floodgates were opened and what Ryouga wasn’t able to articulate verbally, was conveyed clearly to Rei through their mental connection.  She could SEE the hole he had in his soul; she experienced the extreme loneliness and despair as if it were her own; she could feel the love he had for a particular girl that had a surprising resemblance to Ami and how out of reach she seemed to be and she witnessed all of the setbacks and low points in his life, especially those brought on by a certain pigtailed martial artist.

Ryouga removed his hand from her cheek and both sat back in their chairs. “Wow…I’m…I’m still not quite used to that happening…” said Ryouga.

Rei nodded. “I guess I understand why you’ve taken to me so…I’ve never experienced such loneliness before…”

“And aside from the forced sex, you’ve been very nice to me. Well, the sex wasn’t bad either…”

Rei blinked, “You mean, you liked it that way?”

Ryouga shrugged, “Well…yeah. It wasn’t how I’d picture my first time, but-”

“That was your first time?”

“In the park…yeah…”

Ryouga could tell Rei’s countenance was falling again, “I robbed you of your first time…”

“Stop, stop. It’s okay, really. I…I don’t regret that um…meeting in the park and I don’t want you to either,” said Ryouga, trying to console Rei. In response, she took a deep breath and favored him with a rather slight smile. “The only thing that I’m wondering about is why I’m so comfortable around you …”

“That’s right. You usually get really nervous when you talk about sexual matters, especially with girls.”

“Heh, it’s more like I turn into a quivering pile of goo.” Ryouga stopped for a moment and thought about it. “Maybe I’m cured of that…maybe I won’t get so flustered talking about…certain subjects with women!”

“That would definitely be a good thing,” Rei said, her smile growing wider and more genuine.

“HEY REI!!!” The couple looked up and saw just outside the dining area were Minako and Makoto. Rei waved at them, signaling them to join them.

Ryouga leaned over, “Say…those are Sailor Jupitor and Sailor Venus, aren’t they?”

Rei looked surprised for a moment, then remembered their connection. “You’ll keep their secrets too, won’t you?”

“I will. But how are we going to explain…”

Rei remembered that she was…less than honest concerning how she explained what happened to her. “……I’ll think of something…”

“Hey, what’re you doing here?” Makoto asked as she walked up to the couple.

“Yeah, I thought you were supposed to be taking it easy,” Minako added.

Rei looked at Minako, “Aren’t you?”

Minako blanched slightly, “Well…ah…I just didn’t feel like sitting around all day.”

“I believe you’ve just made my point for me,” said Rei with a smile.

“Well, you certainly seem to be feeling better.” Makoto noticed Ryouga for the first time. Before anyone could even blink, Makoto was sitting next to him. “Hi! Who are you?”

The nervousness that Ryouga thought had left him set in again. “Umm…m-my name’s Ryouga.”

“Ryouga, huh? That’s a nice name…”

“Lay off, would you, Makoto? He’s my friend.”
“Ah ha! So that’s why you were acting so strange! You were trying to keep this guy for yourself! Right?” accused Minako.

‘She’s closer to the truth than she knows…’ mused Rei.

Makoto took Ryouga by the arm with her own, “Wow…you sure did pick a nice one…He feels pretty strong…” she said, feeling Ryogua’s bicep.

“Uum…I uh…I gotta go to the men’s room…I-I’ll be right back!” With that, Ryouga got up and nearly ran to the nearest men’s room.

“So, where did you find him? He’s gorgeous!” went Minako.

“We kind of…bumped into each other in the park…” ‘And I was doing all of the bumping…’ Rei added mentally, then chided herself. She began blushing fiercely. “He…sorta helped me with a little problem I was having…”

Minako and Makoto looked at each other, then back at Rei and chimed in unison, “Riiiiiiiiiight.”

**        **

It felt like Ranma had searched all over Tokyo. With the way Ryouga was, he could have been half way to the moon by now. Ranma really didn’t feel like going back to the dojo and telling Akane that he couldn’t find him…

Ranma leaned against the wall of a downtown store and wiped his brow. ‘This was pure insanity. After all, this is Ryouga I’m tryin’ to find. For all I know, he’s half way to the moon right now.’ That was when a certain scene caught Ranma’s attention. ‘…or he could be right across the street.’ Ranma got off of the wall and started marching across the street, “That JERK!!! Here me ‘n Akane’ve been worried sick about him and he’s just off on some date with a girl…”

Hold up! Ranma backpedaled and ducked into an alley so as not to be spotted. Obviously he had stepped into the Twilight Zone or something...He wiped his eyes and looked again to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating. Apparently, though, he saw what he saw: Ryouga with a girl...and he was hugging her.

“Huh?” Ranma thought out loud. “This ain’t right...Ryouga’s always been gaga over Akane...though he always would fall for any girl that showed him any kinda feeling. But still...huggin’ her and stuff without blubberin’ and bleedin’ all over the place…that ain’t Ryouga. What’s goin’ on?”

It was that time when the other two girls walked up and started swooning over Ryouga. Suddenly becoming extremely nervous, Ryouga got up and nearly ran away. Now that was normal behavior from him...but what was it about that other girl that allowed him to be so bold? “Could...could Ryouga actually be in love with this girl?” Ranma thought out loud. “I hope so...then he can leave Akane alone.” Hmm…Akane…he would have to let her know. She’d be so happy for him...

Suddenly, Ranma senses kicked in, detecting some type of danger nearby. Standing atop a nearby building was another man. Ranma didn’t know why, but this guy felt like major league trouble, the likes of which he’s never faced before. Following the man’s field of vision, Ranma found himself looking back at the restaurant. He seemed to have had an interest in Ryouga and those girls also. Ranma thought it best that he tagged along with them, just in case there was going to be any trouble. He had no doubt that Ryouga could take care of himself, but, Ranma just wanted to be sure. Besides, he didn’t want his trip to be completely for nothing.

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