A warning. This is porn. If you are not interested in reading sexually explicit material for it's own sake, then you should avoid this story. It is politically incorrect to say the very least, and contains nasty stuff. What, are you still here? Well, I did warn you, so, on with our story. T.H. Tiger peterschell@sympatico.ca Tender Tendo Tushies. Part one Object Lesson It is said that dislodging the smallest pebble can start a chain reaction that will bring down the side of a mountain. In this case the stone is a bit larger than a pebble, but it too will start a chain reaction that will do far more than shift mundane rocks. It will shatter the status quo of the Tendo home, and all who dwell in it. "Ranma! You idiot! Spar with me for real!" Akane screamed as she picked up the large boulder, and tossed it with all her might at her annoying fiancee. Only after she'd let go, did she pale in shock as she realized Ranma had been standing right in front of the house. The boulder punched through the side of her home like it wasn't even there, and the sound of smashing glassware echoed around the suddenly silent yard. Both Akane and Ranma exchanged frightened glances, and hesitantly moved toward the splintered hole. Sticking their heads inside, they both blanched as the saw what was left of the Tendo china cabinet. The dishes were a treasured memory of Akane's mother, who had purchased it and the contents over the course of many years collecting. Kneeling in the wreckage, her face stricken, was Kasumi, and both Akane and Ranma reacted with frightened shock. "Kasumi, are you all right!?" Akane cried out. "Kasumi, did the Tomboy hit you with that rock!?" was Ranma's question. Kasumi looked up at the pair, a look of hurt on her face. "Akane, you did this?" she asked in a faint voice. "Akane swallowed to choke down the nausea that was filling her throat. "Yes," she answered in a voice that was whisker thin. "I'm so sorry, Kasumi," she said in a stricken voice. "I'll fix it." Beside her, Ranma snorted. "No one is going to put that back together, least of all an all thumbs tomboy like you." Despite the cruelty of his words, Ranma was genuinely distressed for both Kasumi and Akane. He simply didn't know how to fix the situation, and was falling back on the only thing he knew that would take Akane's mind off the situation, getting her mad at him. Outside of a flinch, however, Akane didn't react. "That's all right, Akane," Kasumi said, getting to her feet, a frozen smile on her face. Compared to the usual expression of good cheer Kasumi wore, this expression was frightening. "I'll take care of it." With that, Kasumi turned and headed for the cupboard where she kept the brooms and other cleaning supplies. "Oh no!" Akane moaned. She swayed, and had to put a hand on the edge of the hole to keep herself from falling to her knees. "What's the matter? Kasumi said she would fix it." Ranma asked, concerned at Akane behavior. Akane looked at him blankly for a second, and then her face seemed to clear. "That's right. She wouldn't do it with you here. It's just . . ." Akane trailed off. Without saying another word to Ranma, she turned and walked away. Ranma watched her go, torn between inclinations. Part of him wanted to make Akane feel better, and the other part of him wanted to try and fix things so Kasumi would not feel so bad, but he didn't know how to do either. He settled for slipping through the hole in the wall and picking up broken china. He did this for a minute, and then a hand reached over his shoulder, and took an unbroken plate from his hand. Startled, Ranma looked over his shoulder to see Kasumi standing there, the same strained smile on her face. "That's all right, Ranma. I'll look after it. Why don't you go and play?" Kasumi said. She moved forward, and Ranma was forced to give way as she knelt and began piling broken dishes into the basket she had brought with her. Ranma shuffled from foot to foot, and when Kasumi continued as if he were not there, he slowly backed out of the room. "I'll just leave you to it then," he muttered, a feeling of overwhelming guilt filling him, and causing his belly to churn. Meanwhile, Akane had gone upstairs, and now walked through the open door of Nabiki's room. "Nabiki," she said in a stained voice, causing her sister to look up sharply from where she was laying on the bed, reading a lurid adult Manga. "What's the matter, Akane? You look like you've seen a ghost." "I broke mother's china cabinet," Akane said in a quiet, but frightened voice. Nabiki went still, and stared flatly at her little sister. This was not a joking matter. "Kasumi . . ." Akane started to say, and had to stop, her chest heaving with dismay. She started again. "Kasumi said," again Akane paused, and seemed to be gathering her nerve, "that she'd take care of it." "That sounds like our saintly big-sister all right," Nabiki said, a touch of bitterness in her voice. "You don't understand, Nabiki!" Akane cried out in distress. "You didn't see the way she looked when she said it! It was exactly the same way she looked when I told her I saw you smoking. And she said she'd take care of it then to, just like she did this time. Oh, Nabiki! You don't think she'd do it again, do you?" "Well that answers one question," Nabiki said. "I've always wondered who ratted me out." Akane flinched, but her mind was unable to contain anymore guilt than it already did. "But, we have company, Ranma and his father. She wouldn't, not in front of them! Would she?" "Is that all you're afraid of?" Nabiki said in a scathing tone. "That Kasumi might humiliate you in front of Ranma and his father?" "No! It's nothing like that at all. I just mean . . . They're not family, you don't think she'd . . . not in front of them. She couldn't!" "I wouldn't lay any bets on that little sister. Kasumi takes her honor, warped as it might be at times, very seriously. If she feels she has to do it, it wouldn't matter if it was in the middle of the auditorium at school, with the whole town watching." "No! You're wrong! She wouldn't! She couldn't . . ." The last was said in a whisper, and Akane turned and ran out of the room, away from Nabiki's smirk. "Well, well, well," Nabiki said. "Isn't this an interesting development. You've finally gone too far, Akane, time to pay the piper." Nabiki lay back on her bed, a cat eating the canary grin on her face. "I wonder what sort of photos I can get out of this, and how much they'll bring," she mused in a husky voice, as her fingers slipped into the top of her short shorts. For a few seconds she weighed the possibility of profit against the likelihood of broken bones, and then decided to, this once, keep it in the family. Which was not to say, that situation didn't have some delicious potential. Uncaring of the open door of her room, she began to lightly stroke herself under the tight denim. For the rest of the day, Akane was in an agony of suspense, waiting for the bomb to go off. Her father was out with Mr. Saotome, and was due back for dinner. Kasumi was not giving away any hints. She had finished cleaning up the broken china, and had salvaged what she could of the cabinet. The pieces of china she felt could be saved with a little glue were in the kitchen the rest of the broken remains were now resting in the backyard, one step away from the trash. Ranma was almost as bad as Akane. He sat on the roof, flinching at every noise. From the way Akane was acting something bad was going to happen. But what he didn't know. Mr. Tendo would yell, and cry, but he did that all the time. How much worse would it be this time? Finally, the fathers arrived home, coming in the front, and missing the absence of the china cupboard, which was down the hall from the common room. Kasumi had already laid out dinner, and the family gathered. The father's were their usual talkative and boisterous selves. They cheerfully discussed the day's events. Kasumi quietly sat at her place, refiling the father's bowls with rice whenever they asked. Akane simply sat with her head down, occasionally darting worried looks at Kasumi. She had not touched her food. Ranma was eating, but at a much slower pace than usual, and his looks were mostly directed toward Akane. He parried his father's attempts to steal his food out of reflex, and with a lack of interest that was not usual for him. Nabiki ate at her normal pace, and her gaze slipped from person to person, a smile of anticipation on her face. At last, the meal was over, the dishes cleared. Soun turned to his friend, and asked, "So, Saotome, care for another thrashing." "Don't mind if I do, Tendo. I'm always happy to give you the beating you deserve." Both men started to get up, when Kasumi came back into the room, a leather strap held in both of her hands, which were clenched in front of her. Akane spotting the belt, went pale, and whispered, "No," in a stricken voice. Ranma, who had been getting up, paused, and looked at Akane, and then at Kasumi, who Akane was staring at with wide eyes. "No," Akane whispered again. "Father, I'm afraid I have some bad news," Kasumi said in a quiet voice. Soun looked up at his oldest daughter, his cheerful expression sliding from his face as he spotted the belt she was holding. "Kasumi, what . . . ?" he asked, his voice faint. "I'm afraid its mother's china," Kasumi said. "It's been broken." "The china," Soun said in a stricken voice. For a second, it looked like he was about to erupt in tears and wails, but then his eyes froze on the belt Kasumi held, and the tears in his eyes fled. "Surely not, Kasumi," he said. "It was just some old dishes after all." "I'm sorry, father. I know how much this distresses you. But I'm afraid there is no choice. It's just too serious." Kasumi held out the leather strap in her hand, and Soun reached out and took it as if in a trance. "No, no, no, no," Akane chanted in a distressed monotone. Ranma looked at the small dark-haired girl who was rocking gently back and forth, her hands balled up in fists in her lap her face pale as a ghost except for two livid red spots in each cheek. Her eyes were wide and staring and Ranma flinched away from the pain in them. Ranma's eyes flicked from Akane, to Soun and Kasumi, and back again, and then his eyes settled on the heavy leather belt Soun was now stroking with one hand. "No way!" Ranma exclaimed, his eyes flickering back to Akane in shock. "Don't go jumping to conclusions, Saotome," Nabiki said in a voice that was just loud enough to reach Ranma's ears, and no one else. "Well, I've had about all the honor and duty I can stand for one day," she said in a louder voice, getting to her feet. "Nabiki!" Soun said sternly. "Show some respect for your sister." "No thank you, daddy. I gave at the office," Nabiki said in a dismissive voice as she walked out of the room, not even bothering to look at her father. "Nabiki!" Soun said in a strained voice, his hands tightening convulsively on the belt he held. He stared after his departing middle daughter, and for a second Ranma thought he was going to get up and go after her. "Father," Kasumi said in a quite voice. She had knelt beside her father, and now laid a hand on his shoulder. Soun gave a convulsive shake at her touch, and his head turned, almost against his will to look at Kasumi. "It's all right. I understand why she feels the way she does. I don't mind." "Kasumi!" Soun said in a strangled voice. "It's all right, father. I love you," Kasumi replied. Having said this, she moved her body closer to her father. Ranma's eyes bulged as Kasumi leaned forward, and laid herself over her father's lap, her hips centered between his folded legs. "Kasumi!" Soun said again, his voice almost a whisper. Beside Ranma, Akane let out a groan of agony, so much emotion in her sound that Ranma tore his eyes away from the scene in front of him, and looked at her. "I don't understand, what the heck is going on. Why isn't it you?" "Stupid boy," Genma said from across the table. "Don't you understand? This house is Kasumi's duty. What happens to it is her responsibility. She is behaving as a pure samurai woman should." Despite his respectful words, Genma's eyes contained respect of a different kind as he took in the swelling of Kasumi's buttocks under her thin gingham dress. "That's bull!" Ranma replied with some heat. Kasumi didn't do anything . . ." Ranma's voice trailed off in shock. While he had been talking, Soun had reached up and folded Kasumi's dress up around her waist, baring her bottom. And bare was the operative word. Kasumi had obviously come prepared, because she was wearing nothing under the dress. Ranma stared at that expanse of bare flesh in fascination. It wasn't as if he'd never seen a female bottom before. Hell, there were mirrors, he'd looked at his own cursed one enough. But this was different. This was a bottom bared for a purpose he had never thought of before. But now, contemplating this scene filled his belly with a heat he didn't understand. Soun's hand lifted, and the belt flashed down. With a loud crack, it flattened Kasumi's gently rounded ass cheeks, and she gave a small gasp, quickly stifled. Soun gave a groan, and raised his hand again. Ranma flinched as the belt flashed down again, hitting just an inch away from the livid red stripe left from the first blow. Beside him Akane gave a sob. Across the table, and sideways from Kasumi and Soun, Genma gazed at Kasumi's reddening backside raptly. A bulge was forming in the loose fabric of his gi, no one noticed, however. All eyes at the table were on Kasumi's bottom as the belt in Soun's hand slashed down for the third time. Upstairs Nabiki lay on the soft double bed in Kasumi's room, her shorts around her ankles, and her fingers buried between her legs. Her free hand was mauling her large breasts roughly, fingers finding and squeezing her erect nipples through the fabric of her shirt and bra. As each crack floated up from downstairs, she'd give a little jerk. Her breath coming in loud gusts, and her eyes glazed. "Whip her ass, daddy," She panted. "Whip her holier than thou, too good to be true, ass." One last crack floated up from downstairs, and Nabiki's hips twisted in passion as she climaxed. Akane fled the room, sobs wracking her body and tears streamed down her face. Kasumi rose from her position over Soun's legs, her motions stiff. Ranma swallowed as her movements swung her backside toward him, and he spotted the purse of her sex between her legs. His cock, which was already rock hard, pulsed at the sight, and the urge to do something, anything churned his belly. Across the table, his father was in a similar situation. He swallowed convulsively, and looked across at his friend who was pale and shaking. "Soun," he said, and had to pause as his voice cracked slightly. He started again. "Soun, why don't you go lay down? I'll see to things here." Soun looked across at his old friend, while his daughter knelt at his side, her head lowered submissively, her skirt still rucked up around her waist. He swallowed, and glanced over at his oldest daughter. "I don't . . . I . . ." "Ranma, why don't you go and see if your fiancee in all right?" Genma suggested, never taking his eyes off of Soun. "Huh, what," Ranma said, wrenching his gaze away from the kneeling Kasumi. Sudden guilt filled him as he realized what he'd been thinking. "Yea, sure, better see how the tomboy is." He got up and left. "Go rest, Soun," Genma urged. "You'll feel better." "I don't, It's not that, just," Soun stammered. "Come, Kasumi. Why don't we go and put some lotion on that bottom?" Genma said in a husky voice, rising to his feet. Kasumi kept her gaze lowered, but she too rose, and as Genma entered the kitchen, she followed after. "I don't, that is," Soun continued to stammer even as he rose to his feet and blindly moved out of the room, his feet started up the stairs, instead of down the back hallway, and he didn't notice as he climbed toward the second story.