Tables Turned A fanfic by Tsukino Kage Spectre set in "Ranma One Half" by Rumiko Takahashi with cameos from various other series belonging to their respective owners. *** Chapter Eight - Asuza and Nodoka *** Ranma awoke the next day to the internal muscle massage from Hinako. It was really a great way to wake up and he therefore decreed to all his slaves to be woken up that way until ordered otherwise from now on. As he came and then rested. He thought of Asuza, and ordered the girl to striptease for him. As the last article of clothing came off, he thought of how he had created them. He frowned at a stray thought about their durability, and all the altered or created garments of his slaves each became magically indestructible and self cleaning. All stains disappeared within an hour to two. He had Asuza mount him, and as he took her virginity, they both came powerfully. Asuza was a spoiled child like Akane, and thus had the same self-indulgent nature and addiction to pleasure. Hinako was more mature, but was similarly as submissive as Xian Pu and Nabiki turned out to be. Akari was innocent and niave, like Kasumi. And like her, she was also a more willing participant, wanting to give herself to whom she thought whe loved. Asuza used to be the kind of person who took cute to fanatic levels. This made her seem far younger than she actually was. The new Asuza was the perfect sexy slut, and her Master found that he found a hidden treasure. Her ditzy behavior had hidden away a passionate, though submissive lover. She long desired a man who could please her as she wanted, and now had it. He had lie down on bed as he licked her lower lips, savoring the taste of her juices. He brought her to orgasm quickly, and soon, she was sucking on his cock with full abandon as he was now on his back in bed. He had her in various positions, and had the other two join as the morning was passed away, like the night and day previous, in a wash of pleasure. *** Chaos frowned at his pawn from his realm. He knew that Ranma was almost ready for what he had planned, but showing mercy to those two idiots named Mikado and Gosunkugi was not in the plan. Sure, they were minor background characters now out of the equation, but still, he expected Ranma to tear into them like the he did the others. He needed to make him as like him as possible, since he could not be properly compatible to Chaos' needs otherwise. Another concern was what Spectre might be up to. He thought of his enemy's usual methods, and then though of any loose ends with Ranma. The only one he could come up with was that Spectre might decide to work through the one person Ranma could not hate: his mother, Nodoka. 'I have to do something about her', thought Chaos. Coming to a decision, he sent part of himself out to her. *** "Nuh-uh," Spectre smiled into the pool. His opponent had made his move, and now, he had the opportunity for his. *** Nodoka was at the Tendo Dojo, coming in only to find the place showing recent habitation, but utterly empty. She turned to leave, only to find a black patch of seemingly solid shadow suddenly appear before her. When the darkness faded to reveal a handsome bishonen young man with blue eyes and yellow hair, his entire body covered by a hooded robe, she resigned herself to enduring yet more of the weirdness in this town. Though the fact that the man was handsome made her blush a bit. It had been a long time since she and Genma did anything, and even then, he was definitely not what she looked for in a man anymore. She wondered why she did in the first place. Then he winked at her and vanished, leaving a card in his place. Nodoka picked it up and read out the word. "Ranma is at the Kuno mansion with everyone else," she read aloud. "Go there now and see proof of your son's manliness. Turn the card for instructions to get there and an address. Signed, a friend." "Well," Nodoka said, trying to take things in stride. "That's straightforward enough." Turning the card backwards, she went on her way to see her son. *** "Curse you Spectre!" grumphed Chaos. Spectre had beaten him to the punch! He had to get to Ranma quickly. Sending his essense to the youth was easy, since they were already linked. He had saturated Ranma with his dark energies for days now, and exposed him to darker emotions. His pawn was as ready as he'll ever be, and with Spectre now active, time was short. It was now or never. He dove into the pigtailed youth while he was in the middle of pleasuring himself on Asuza's cunt. He ingrained himself into the youth, as he did long ago to another powerful but naive individual he once fought, the girl called Sailor Galaxia. Chaos had but one limit that Spectre did not. He had no physical form, and without one, his energies could not be focused to do anything physical. He could not even stay coherent in the physical worlds, and thus, is effectively trapped in his dimension unless he could acquire a 'host'. On that, he did not lie to Ranma. What he failed to mention was that his spies were not individuals, but physical extensions of himself, as Ranko was to his pawn. Even the bit with energy was true, he really did have a use for the energy, but for now, he could do without. Galaxia had been a good host as he tweaked her selfishness and pride, and Ranma proved to be just as capable when he played to his desires and also his pride. More importantly, while there were more people out there with personalities closer to his own, only those two had so far shown the highest potential of being capable of channeling most of his powers, and being conveniently in a position for him to affect. All the other candidates were far better protected, and least likely to be tempted. Chaos was resentful of the little Moon bitch who drove him out of his previous host, and he planned to get his revenge upon her as soon as he got rid of Spectre and his lackeys. The foolish girl thought he had been defeated forever when she dispersed his essence throughtout creation, but he was still very much alive, though it took years for him to recover his full power. Before long, he was nested into Ranma's mind before he knew it, and directed his actions, making Ranma think that he did it on his own. Taking control of the body, he made Ranma rise, and then sent all sorts of thoughts of the many evils committed on Ranma's person by the men he had now enslaved. In a fit of rage due to Chaos' manipulations, Ranma killed off the men that he had enslaved. Even the Kuno men, Gosunkugi and Mikado were added for good measure. They just shut down and died without a whisper, the body ceasing to function as if a switch had been turned off. The shock sent Ranma's consciousness into remission with guilt, thinking that he had done it to them. It was then at the lowest point that Chaos struck, sealing his consciousness away as Chaos took over totally, savoring the feel of having his own body. "Wahahahaha!" Chaos cackled. "I'm back! Watch out Spectre, the reckoning begins." Looking upon the dead, Chaos smiled and exerted his power as several crystal structures floated out of each body, each glowing with a very dim light, rapidly turning black. "Starseeds," Chaos whispered, looking at each one. Then, spreading his hands wide, he absorbed them, one by one, into Ranma's, now HIS chest. *** Somewhere in the various realities, a brown haired boy named Ataru dodged a lightning bolt sent his way by a floating green-haired girl with small horns named Lum. "Darling no baka!" screamed the angry oni. As he ran for his life, Ataru got a strange feeling that someone had acquired the harem he always dreamed of, only to lose it. *** "Heh," Spectre grunted as he teleported to just outside the Kuno mansion. His teleportation involved turning into a darkened rectangular block then disappearing, to reappear at another location. He could have done it far quicker, with less flash, but this was still his prefered style, and admittedly, it was unique. "The fool does not know it, but he's done part of my job," Spectre said to himself. Continuing silently, 'I wanted for so long to play around with this timeline, dispensing justice at my whimsy, and Chaos has already done in the worst of the lot. Some innocents may be caught, but as they clearly enjoy their situation, I can do nothing. Nothing is perfect I guess, but with a little luck, my plan will succeed.' Settling to wait, he was careful to conceal himself from anyone, especially his hated enemy, a task he was extremely good at. After all, Spectre was known to be a great sneak, one that would make ninja die of jealousy. He didn't have to wait long. His pawn soon arrived in the form of Nodoka, coming to the estate in her usual get up. sword in the cloth covering. *** Nodoka walked up the path to the front door, marveling at the size, of the buildings and grounds. The door opened to show Ku Lon, who smiled at the woman. "Greetings honored mother of my Master," Ku Lon bowed deeply, greeting her with flourish. "The Master awaits you in his chambers." "My," Nodoka took one look at the beautiful woman in the very provocative attire, and went into fantasies of his son's manliness, never knowing just how true they were. "Umm... If I may ask, who are you, how did my son come to be here, and why do you call him Master?" "The Master will explain," Ku Lon answered her, head bowed at the neck when facing her. "As for myself, I am called Ku Lon. The Master will explain in detail how I and the others came to be in his service. Now please follow me." 'Why is her name the same as that old woman?' thought Nodoka, but did not ask aloud as she followed Ku Lon up the grand staircase to the Master bedroom. 'Surely she could not be the same proud person, they are too different.' Then she thought of what she said. 'Others? There are more? And if this is the Kuno estate... Then, did my son answer the attentions of that Kuno girl?' The thought of her son fornicating with so many girls, as lovely if not more so than the Chinese beauty before her made her head swell with pride and sent her thoughts on an even more joyous upswing of fantasies. They entered the chambers through massive oaken doors, reinforced with one-inch thick steel, to gaze upon Ranma having his way with Ranko, she below him as he was naked, pistoning into her to her delighted cries. Ranko was in her full slut regalia, looking very sexy as always. Similarly attired were the rest of the harem, standing by the bed in equal columns by each side. They looked on impassively at the erotic scene, standing at a modified parade rest, their hands behind their backs, chest thrust out, head tilted back. One could see, though, the wetness glistening down their legs, their erect nipples, their flushed faces and labored breathing. The smell of feminine arousal hung heavily in the atmosphere of the room. All this in clear indication that they enjoyed themselves. Nodoka wondered what was going on, but also outwardly beamed at her manly son. Ku Lon took her place in the columns, and as one, they kneeled with spread legs, their heads held high, as though in supplication. Soon, Ku Lon was as aroused as the rest. Chaos-Ranma orgasmed into Ranko, and so did all his slaves. He found that he rather liked the feeling. His pawn had good taste, and the body was primed to have a need for such actions, drawing energy from each copulation. Chaos stood and turned to Ranma's mother. He grinned at her. "Ah, hello MOM," he stressed the last word in a sarcastic tone. "So what does the woman who abandoned me to the non-existent mercy of that idiot Genma want?" Nodoka frowned at the tone he took with her. "Ranma, show us some respect! It is not manly to be disrespectful to your parents." "There you go harping about that again," Chaos inserted anger into his words, though inside, he felt glee. "You just abandoned me, and when you return into my life after all the suffering I went through, all you can think, talk or want to hear about is my manliness." Nodoka was a little taken aback by the rage directed at her. This was a side of her offspring she had never encountered before. She didn't know he felt this way, nor that it was Chaos who brought out these feelings in Ranma, feeling he had buried. He really did have such thoughts, but Ranma often did not act on such negative emotions. She felt the burn of shame to realize that he was right, but before she could talk, he continued. "Well look around you now," Ranma gestured to the submissive women, whom Nodoka was startled to realize were her son's suitors and various other acquaintances. "These women are MINE! They exist to receive pleasure from me, and to give me pleasure. They will do anything I say, the perfect little concubines, the 'proper' women of your Little Medieval Samurai World!" Nodoka tried once more to speak, but was slapped by Chaos-Ranma. She felt to her behind on the ground from the force of the blow, the sword clattering to the ground out of the cloth. *** "Now," Spectre whispered softly, dropping his mental cloak (but not the physical one). He reached out with his own considerable mental talents and entered Ranma's mind while his enemy was distracted. At least, that was the plan. As all things though, 'the best laid plans of mice and men, do so often go astray.'(1) Spectre found that Chaos was more than capable of blocking him out of Ranma's innermost thoughts, effectively barring him from meeting the receding psyche of the martial artist in the psychic plane of Ranma's mind. 'Plan B then,' Spectre thought, metaphorical gritting his teeth. He briefly considered going for physical attacks but decided against it. Given their power levels, physical exchange of attacks between him and Chaos would likely result in world destruction. For a start. *** Chaos felt his rival's presence, but for now, he left him blocked, content to wait for Spectre's physical appearance. He relished the thought of once more unleashing his full power on the physical plane, but so far, he amused himself on another matter while waiting. The sight before him of Nodoka staring up from the floor, holding her cheek with a stunned look at what she thought to be her son, was too much of a treat to simply ignore. Holding out his hand as the katana flew into it, hilt first. He pointed it at the trembling woman and smirked. "Don't worry about the old panda," Ranma sneered. "You'll now meet his fate." So saying, he raised the sword for a bisecting blow. *** "It's not looking good," Toltiir mused as he looked into the well. He was distracted by two flashes of light coming behind him. Turning, he beheld the cavalry for the second plan. "You all know Chaos' new scheme?" he turned to the new attendees as the flash of their collected teleports faded. "Quite," answered a girl with blonde hair in a long flowing style that reminded one spun golden silk. She looked to be in her twenties. Her outfit consisted of many contrasting items as to defy description, but there was no denying that she was extremely beautiful. "Spectre was most thorough, as always." She held up an electronic reading pad to show a page full of words. "This dossier was most enlightening. Still, I wish he'd waited for us. It is extremely dangerous fighting that monster, even for one of Spectre's level." "He isn't in danger yet L(2)," the blue-haired woman remarked. She had floor lenght hair in side twin ponytails, curious marks on her forehead in a triangular pattern, and made her elaborate Kimono look very good, in an imperious sort of beauty that screamed class, but also rediated kindness rather than cold. She looked into the pool of water showing the battle. "He merely needs our help to break into the mental barriers in Ranma's mind and distract Chaos." "Easily done Tsunami(3)," the black-cat superbeing answered. "Come on." The three each took a position equidistant to each other that allowed them to gaze into the water. They glowed with energy and sent it to the pool. *** Spectre felt the added strength enter his being from his friends, and knew that now was time to strike. The sudden influx of energies startled Chaos, though he quickly regained his composure and turned to strike down Nodoka quickly, so he could turn his attention to Spectre and his friends, lamenting of how he should have been more quick to react. "Ranma!!!" Spectre screamed telephatically into the depths of Ranma's mind as he battered the lockouts and destroyed them. "Ranma! Your mother's in danger!" That managed to get a response. Rousing quickly, Ranma soon began battling in earnest for control of the body, but it was too late. The cut had been true, and Nodoka was made two. The sight sickened Ranma, breaking the dam of his rage and causing him to fight with all his will even more ferociously, wanting to kill this bastard that tricked him, that killed off his enemies, his father, and now his mother. Spectre joined in the fray, causing Chaos to scream in agony. The trio from afar that helped Spectre gain entry into no-man's land continued pumping their champion with their energies, and added to his own, they made a formidable force that Chaos could barely equal as he was now, even after all the starseeds he consumed and the slaves he acquired energy from, and he knew it. Ranma was like a hungry lion unleashed on undeserving Christians. He held the high ground in a sense that this was his mind, and therefore hometurf, but the other two were far more experienced in this type of combat. He did not care anymore about anything else though, ignoring Spectre, ignoring pain, ignoring wounds (how one gets them in the psychic realm... don't ask) and constantly tearing into Chaos with his will, who now reverted from his human appearance into the black nothingness of his true self in the psychic plane. Desperately, Chaos reached out for something, anything to give him the edge. He tried to reach the power of the girl's starseeds, but could not due to distance, causing him to lament not doing so before when he had the chance instead of giving in to the temptation of having a harem to sate his pleasures on. His essence brushed against a glowing crystal rapidly turning black. 'Nodoka's starseed,' he thought. Then he reach out and tried to bring it into him to increase his power. Spectre saw what he was up to and tried to stop him, but he had already begun to drain energies from the starseed. It didn't help him though, as with a final push of will, the combined powers of all Chaos' opponents banished the dark entity from Ranma's mind back into his prison. "CCCuuurrrssseee yyyooouuu!" screamed out the dark entity as he was thrown out of his host, like he had been with Galaxia. The unpleasant stretching sensation of being once more dispersed as he was sent back into his hated prison paramount in what passed for his senses. "III'llllll bbbeee bbb...!" The rest was cut off as Chaos was thrown out of this reality. All that was left was a dimly glowing crystal, slowly slipping into the representation of his dimension, a darkened patch of nothingness. Hanging on by a wisplike thread of darkness was a tiny shred of Chaos' essence, trying to get at least one more thing out of this fiasco. *** (1) I don't remeber the original author of the poem, and this is a translated version of it anyway. (2) L, is from an anime. Guess which one? The answer is below the author's notes, written front to back. (3) Know which series this is? *** Author's notes I think it obvious now that Chaos is none other than the entity that possessed Galaxia in Sailormoon Stars, only here I took liberties with his character, as he was not clearly defined in the famous work of Naoko Takeuchi. The gender is for conventional conveinience only since there are little ways to refer to a genderless, uncorporeal entity. This isn't the end of him though, I have plans for that. In the previous chapter, Apocalyse and Wolverine are from Marvel Comics' "X-men" series, which I only know of indirectly, not being very much into superhero comics. Mostly, I used the Marvel versus Capcom game for the reference to the giant Apocalypse. In this chapter Ataru and Lum are creations of Rumiko Takahashi from "Urusei Yatsura". There is a little less bedroom action and more fight scenes here than in any other chapter, but that is intentional. As you can see, it made the chapter larger than normal. This chapter is also one reason why the story is dark, since now, practically the entire male cast is dead, along with Nodoka. Many will argue that Nodoka is out of character, but in my interpretation, anyone who marries Genma is definitely NOT alright in the head. She must have been drunk, drugged, desperate, stupid or any combination of the above to have even considered marrying that pathetic excuse for a human being, much less carrying any child of his to term. Ranma, however, is definitely out of character, as are most of the cast. In the latter case, it was because they were victimized by Ranma's new powers, and in the former, due to Chaos' influence. (2) sreyalS morf amas-L s'ehS (3) oyuM ihcneT In their original series, both L and Tsunami were not very used characters, often playing the 'mysterious divine entity' role, or the 'deus ex machina'. Most people don't seem to understand that they are also very lovely women, and given other female characters out there, some from their respective series, they are largely overshadowed. Since the enemy in this case is equal or even BEYOND their level of power, it balances out to make them regulars, and thus, give them more character development. Next up: Ranko Iterative! The dust clears, and now, it's time to pick up the pieces. What happens to the pigtailed youth and the other survivors now?