

A fan fiction based on the Manga by Rumiko Takahashi, Ranma 1/2, and using characters and situations from the anime La Blue Girl. I have no rights to any of these characters. Big surprise there eh?

Original characters are mine except where otherwise noted. Anyone
wishing to use them, drop me a line.

This is a lemon, another word for porn. If that offends you, do not read this.

It also may contain NC sex. If that offends you, don't read this.

If you think anything might offend you, don't read this.

If you are under age for adult material, don't read this.

Anyone else. Please for goodness sake read this and let me know what you think. Of course as May West said, "Goodness has nothing to do with it."

What has gone before:

Sheesh, just about everything but the kitchen sink, and I'll be getting to that eventually.^_^

Ryouga discovered a potion that could disable the Jusenkyo curse. Ranma, thinking it was a cure, drank it in his female form, trapping him that way. Very likely forever unless she can pull a rabbit out of the hat with the magic energy that seems to have replaced her Chi, which was destroyed by the potion.

Under the influence of the demons who gave him the potion, Ryouga raped Ranma, who is in denial about it, considering it just another variation in the long line of fights with Ryouga, one that just happened to bring a whole new meaning to the term full body contact. Ryouga on the other hand is guilt ridden over the incident. A state of mind that is not helped by the fact that he can't, thanks to the demons, seem to stop thinking about how good it felt to have sex with Ranma.

Akane and Nabiki have discovered that there is a Shikima demon in the family wood pile, and both of them have started to manifest signs of their heritage.
Unknown to them, their sister, Kasumi, has been a fully manifested Shikima since she was born, but has controlled her nature until recently by wearing wards at all times. To make up for the urges the wards could not wholly suppress, Kasumi has been going away to Hong Kong twice a year for the last three years, and working as a very high priced, and very exclusive, escort.
In order to not cause lasting harm to her customers, she has a strict, one-night-to-a-client rule. One of her recent clients, a very wealthy crime lord, has taken exception to this, and has instructed his personal bodyguard and right hand man, Wolf Erickson, to hunt down the elusive Miss Sakura at all costs. To this end, Wolf has offered a substantial sum to any detective who can locate the lady.

Akane has acquired a modified Jusenkyo gender curse of her own, and now turns into a strapping six foot three, two hundred and thirty pound boy. She, or rather he, has also inadvertently soul- bonded with both Ranma-chan and Ukyou, effectively marrying them by demon tradition.
Akane's curse varies from the usual in that she is fully affected in all aspects. When she's a boy, she's a boy all the way.
She is developing a split personality, most easily observed in her attitude toward Ryouga. While a guy, Akane wants to kill Ryouga for having had sex with Ranma. While a girl, she sort of wishes he would do her as well.

Ironically, considering her relationship with Akane, Ukyou has recently been selected by the Kami for training as a Demon hunter. Her trainer and advisor from the Kami plan, an eight inch miniature version of herself named, Yousee, is less then delighted with the fact that her charge is married to a demon, but has come to a somewhat uneasy truce with Akane.

Nabiki has not been doing much better than her sister, she too has managed to soul-bond a partner, a certain purple-haired Amazon, who has revealed a surprising inclination toward being a sexual submissive. Much to her own surprise, Nabiki has fallen head over heels in love with Shampoo.
Having confirmed the soul-bond, Cologne has accepted the situation as something she can not alter, and is determined to turn Nabiki into a worthy mate for Shampoo, no matter how much it hurts. Nabiki that is.^_^  

Both Akane and Nabiki are suffering from a lack of nutrition. As Shikima, they need to feed on sexual energy gathered by intercourse with people of the opposite gender. Nabiki has managed to slake her hunger somewhat due to an encounter with a street gang, who discovered too late that one should not judge a book by its cover.
Akane has not been so fortunate, and with Ranma trapped as a girl, has elected to remain a boy until such time as Ranma should find someway to regain her masculine body. In the meantime Ranma-chan and Ukyou are seeing that Akane-kun receives lots of nutriments.

Currently Nabiki and Akane, accompanied by their paramours are headed for the Tendo Dojo to inform their father that they are married.

Ranma, after an encounter with Shampoo-neko, who was riding in Nabiki's arms, has taken to the back alleys, and is approaching the dojo from the rear.

And finally, Miko Mido, daughter of the King of the Shikima, has just recently learned that her mother had another child, and that she has relatives living at a place called the Tendo School of Anything Goes Martial Arts in Nerima.

Now on with the story.


Ranma Saotome leaped lightly over the back wall of the Tendo compound. Something she had done a hundred times before. For a second she seemed to hang silhouetted against the afternoon sun, a vision that many would pay good money to see, and had, via her sister-in-law's camera. On this particular day pictures of the red- headed girl would have fetched a particularly good price. She was dressed in a Furinken girl's school uniform, the skirt of which was billowing high up on her hips, exposing her panty-clad bottom to anyone standing below.

Unfortunately for Nabiki, the aforementioned sister-in-law, she was currently several blocks away, and as a result, would be denied a substantial payday.

Unfortunately for Ranma, her mother 'was' present, and directly below her. Nodoka was busy helping Kasumi hang the daily wash out to dry. A strangled exclamation from her high-flying daughter caused her to look up. In an instant, her eyes took in Ranma's frantic efforts to avoid a collision and she calmly took one step to the side, closing her eyes slightly in sympathetic pain as Ranma met the ground face first.

For a minute Ranma lay sprawled on the ground, her face half buried, and her panty clad bottom pointing at the heavens while her skirt settled around her waist. Once again, Nabiki missed a great payday. An embarrassed Ranma, deciding that her mother was not about to leave, no matter how long she left her head buried in the sand, rolled over and brushed the dirt from her face. She looked up and asked, in as nonchalant a tone as she could manage given the circumstances, "You alright, Mom?"

Nodoka, relieved to see that Ranma had not suffered any harm, went from concern to the parental reaction that usually followed that emotion, annoyance. "Ranma, that is hardly what I would call lady-like behavior. I thought we had agreed that outside of the house you would conduct yourself in such a way as to not disgrace our family name."

Ranma looked a bit sheepish, but before she could offer, or think of, an excuse, Kasumi spoke up in her defense, "But she is 'inside' the house, Aunty. After all, the grounds 'are' part of our home."

"Yea, that's right, Mom," Ranma piped up, nodding her head vigorously, eager to avoid another lecture on her responsibilities. She was going to be in enough trouble later on when her marriage to Akane and Ukyou was discussed without getting her mother annoyed now. She was dreading having to explain to her mother that she was married to a guy, even if that guy was Akane. She didn't even know how she was going to explain Ukyou. Of course, Ukyou wasn't really married to her, but to Akane, but she doubted her mother would make the distinction. Come to that, she didn't really herself.

On the plus side, for once it wasn't going to be just Akane and her all the attention would be focused on. With any luck Nabiki and Shampoo would distract the adults. After all, Akane and her had been more or less expected, at least by their fathers. Nabiki and Shampoo now, Ranma defied anyone to have seen that one coming.

Of course, the best thing of all was she wouldn't have to go through yet another wedding. No tight fancy clothes, no standing in front of the whole world and saying you love someone. That sort of stuff was private. She didn't know how people could say stuff like that in public, not to mention the kissing. She might have come to enjoy kissing Akane quite a bit, but not in front of others, thank you very much.


Nodoka was looking at her daughter with a pensive frown on her face. She knew perfectly well from the way that Ranma had entered the grounds that she had not been deporting herself in a lady-like manner outside the compound. Then, she sighed in resignation. When it came right down to it, she simply did not have the heart to chastise Ranma for small infractions.

Her recent renewed intimacies with Genma had reminded her how important the physical aspects of love could be. Her former son had loved Akane, and was still in denial over having to give up the marriage, and what went with it. Nodoka could at least help her by giving her a little room to be herself. In time Ranma would adjust and move on, maybe to that Ukyou girl, who Nodoka suspected might be more interested in Nodoka's 'daughter' than she had been in Nodoka's 'son'. "All right, Ranma," she said. "But do try to keep in mind the impression you are making on others."

"Will do, Mom," Ranma said, happy to have avoided a lecture. Now to make herself scarce before Nabiki and her 'girlfriend-slash- *shudder* cat' showed up.

"Oh, Ranma," Kasumi called out before the redhead could reach the house. When Ranma looked back inquiringly, she continued, "Your friend, Ryouga, is in the dojo, sleeping. Would you see if he's ready to wake up? If he is, please tell him that dinner will be ready shortly." Kasumi went back to hanging the laundry, while Nodoka turned away from both of them, hoping neither would notice the sudden fierce blush on her face. While Kasumi had never mentioned the incident, Nodoka was still highly embarrassed by what the young woman had seen when she had walked in while Nodoka had been giving the unconscious young man a sponge bath. She had no need to worry. Kasumi was busy with the wash, and Ranma's mind was on anything but the sudden flush of red that stained her mother's face.

'Ryouga was here!' Ranma felt like someone had just kicked her in the gut, and her flesh tingled with remembrance of the last time she had encountered Ryouga. Almost, she continued on into the house. She could wait for Ukyou and Akane, and between them they could approach Ryouga, and take him down if the potion was still making him crazy.

Ranma went so far as to take two steps in that direction, but then she paused and clenched her hands at her side. No! Ryouga was her problem to deal with. Potion or no potion, he had beaten her.  Even if the manner in which he had done it was not exactly what one could call fighting, she still owed it to herself to confront him on her own, mano a mano. No matter what she looked like, or the fact that she'd had sex with a guy, she was still a man, and men settled fights on their own, with no help from anyone else. Stiff- legged Ranma marched toward the dojo, a determined look on her face. She would face Ryouga, and she would regain her pride by grinding his face into the dirt.

As she got close to the dojo, a familiar and hated sensation made her stomach churn. It was the same as when she'd faced Kuno earlier in the day. Her stride shortened, then slowed till eventually she was at a standstill. She stood staring at the black rectangle that led into the darkened dojo. In the bright afternoon sun, nothing could be seen inside the dark room. Sweat beaded on Ranma's face, and she took a step backwards.

'Ryouga's likely pretty tired,' she thought to herself, clutching at any excuse to not step through that door..  'He usually is after getting back from one of his little jaunts.' Ranma rubbed her chin with her thumb, a thoughtful look on her face.  'It wouldn't be honorable to fight him when he's tired. I'll just wait till he's rested a bit more, and then I'll challenge him.' Ranma nodded her head sharply, and spoke aloud. "That's the way, the honorable martial artist never takes advantage of her foe's disability." Satisfied with her rationale for putting off the fight, Ranma stepped up on the small porch that fronted the dojo and sat down, waiting for Ryouga to wake up.


Nabiki was speaking as the group consisting of herself, Shampoo, Akane, Ukyou, Yousee, and Cologne turned into the Tendo compound. "So that's the way we'll do it. We just come right out and tell them about the soul bonding. Beating around the bush is not going to do us any good, though I'm sure Akane would be happy to do some."

The last was said with a sardonic smile Akane was familiar with from long exposure to his sister's twisty mind. The problem was of, course, that while he knew that Nabiki had said something nasty, he was not quite sure what it was. In any case, he had other matters on his mind that were more important than figuring out what Nabiki had said. He scowled at his sister and said, "What do you mean, that's the way we'll do it? I don't remember agreeing to this. We have to break it to them gently. Aunty Nodoka is not going to be happy that Ranma and I are married. She was really looking forward to our wedding. She talked about it all the time. She's going to be mad that we didn't get married the old-fashioned way. I say we don't mention it, and just tell them that Ranma and I are getting married right away. They'll be so happy, they won't ask any questions."

Nabiki smirked back at Akane, but there was annoyance in her voice when she spoke up. "And how do you suggest I break my news gently, 'brother' dear? Oh, by the way, Daddy, I married a cat a few days ago? Maybe 'you' can still do everything all nice and official, but last time I checked same-sex marriages were a bit hard to come by in Japan. I imagine interspecies ones are even harder. And what about Ukyou?"

Akane started, and looked guilty. He directed an apologetic look toward the tall brown-haired girl beside him and said, "I'm sorry, Ukyou, I wasn't thinking. It wouldn't be fair for Ranma and me to have a fancy wedding and leave you out."

Ukyou laughed and said. "I don't think that's a problem. I may have dressed like a boy all these years, but I still dreamed of my wedding day. I'm not about to give it up, and I think we can swing it, if not in any way I ever imagined."

"How?" Akane asked, puzzled. "Nabiki's right about one thing, unconventional weddings are not really official, and I don't think we want the publicity doing some weird ceremony would cause, like all three of us getting married at once."

"Ah, but you forget Akane, we don't have three people, we have four."

"What?" Akane said, startled, and his glance went to Ukyou's cleavage, where Yousee was snugly enclosed on either side by Ukyou's warm flesh.

"Don't bring me into your twisted group," the little spirit snapped. "Just because my partner's gone and got herself bonded to a pervert demon, don't expect me to jump in."

"Hush," Ukyou said to the small copy of herself. "I never meant that."

Beside them, Cologne gave a chuckle. "I think I see where this is going. Well thought out, girl. I think that will do the trick nicely."

Nabiki's expression grew annoyed. She didn't get it, and that bothered her. She cudgeled her brain trying to see what Cologne had, but could not manage it. She'd be damned if she'd ask, however, especially as Ukyou was about to explain it without urging, or payment.

"It's simple, Akane. You told me yourself. Your male and female sides are very different. So it seems the simplest thing to do is for you to marry Ranma, and I'll marry your female half."

Akane's protest of, "But you're a girl," coincided with Nabiki's exclamation of, "Of course, that is perfect."

"Well, if it's so clear, would someone explain it to me?" Akane asked.

"It's simple, sugar. I'm listed as a boy in our family register, and my documentation all reflects that. So a little dress up, and hey presto, husband and wife. Simple, right? It might not be the wedding I always dreamed of, but," Ukyou got down on her knees and looked up at the towering form of her 'husband, "you would do me a great honor if you would consent to become my bride."

Akane blushed and looked around frantically. "Shhhh," He said to Ukyou. "Not while I'm a guy." Then, his expression softened, and he reached down and helped Ukyou to her feet. Looking deep into her eyes, he said, "But ask me again, later, when I'm a girl and we're alone, and I think you'll like the answer."

Ukyou and Akane stood gazing into each other's eyes until Yousee gave a disgusted snort and floated up from between Ukyou's breasts. "That's it. I've exceeded my monthly quota of sappiness, and it's not even been a week. I'm going to check out this demon lair. You two are on your own."

"Amen!" Nabiki intoned. "I'll second that. You two should either cool it, or go find a room. Some of us hope to eat to-night, and you're not doing my appetite much good at all."

Akane sniffed in dismissal of Nabiki's comment, but did turn away from Ukyou to say, "Anyway, Nabiki, you can see that there is no need to go rushing in. We can do this without getting everyone upset."

"Forget it Akane. I'm not about to fall into the same trap you lot always do. Hoping that if you just wait, everything will fix itself. The situation is here, and it's not changing. We tell them flat out."

Akane exchanged looks with the others, including Shampoo, who was currently curled up in Nabiki's arms. Shampoo looked resigned, and the others rolled their eyes, their expressions clearly saying Nabiki had a lot to learn. It was never that easy. "Fine then," Akane said in his deep voice. "You go tell them flat out. Ukyou and I will take you up on your suggestion, and go find a room." Having said this, Akane swept a startled Ukyou up in his arms and bounded off, taking a route around the side of the house.

Nabiki looked after him, not succeeding entirely in hiding the dismay on her face. Despite her words, she had been counting on the combination of her and Akane's news overwhelming their parents. 'Damn, it, now I'll have to either go it alone, or wait till Akane comes down,' she thought with annoyance.

"Oh my." The group looked over at the familiar smiling face of Kasumi. "Company for dinner. How nice. Won't you all come...?" Kasumi's familiar greeting trailed off as she looked at Nabiki, an expression of shock on her face. "Oh my!" Kasumi repeated, in a much different tone then before. Holding a hand up to her face in surprise. "Nabiki. How?"

Nabiki sighed. There could be little question as to what had shocked Kasumi. The demon markings that she was wearing on her forehead. Well, she had known this was coming. Once again, she cursed her brother under her breath, then said, "Don't worry, oneechan, we'll explain it when the family is all together."

"But, Nabiki, Demon marks. You shouldn't have those."

Nabiki and the two Amazons froze. It was not the first time Kasumi had said something improbable, but this went way beyond her usual out of the blue comments.

"You know what these are?" Nabiki asked in a flat voice.

"Oh my." Kasumi looked trapped and glanced around in apprehension. "We really shouldn't discuss this out here, but..." Kasumi paused, and everyone started in shock when marks of a similar nature to Akane's and Nabiki's appeared on her face.

"Kasumi!?" Nabiki exclaimed in shock, her usual facade of indifference completely shattered. Somehow, it had never occurred to her that her older sister would be affected by what had happened to her and Akane. Kasumi as a demon simply was not a concept she could fit into her world view. She had no illusions about herself and Akane. She was certainly no saint, and Akane's temper tantrums did not make it difficult to believe he could be a bit of a demon, but Kasumi...!

Gathering her scattered senses, Nabiki scowled at her older sister and said, "You seem to have a lot of knowledge for someone this just happened to, oneechan. Care to explain that?"

"I think that can wait, son-in-law," Cologne said. "As your sister said, this is not the place to discuss such matters. Come, let us go inside, where it is private."


Akane set Ukyou down on her feet inside his bedroom, and gave a nervous laugh while running his hand through his hair, when the brown-haired girl looked at her in inquiry.  "Sorry about that. I always wanted to do that. Just sweep someone up in my arms, and carry them off. Ranma does,... did it all the time to me."

"That's all right, sugar, I don't mind. But do you really think we should have run out on your sister?"

"You heard her, she's going to tell them straight out. You know that's not going to go over well."

"Maybe so, but ain't that all the more reason to be there for her?"

Akane looked nervous, and again rubbed the back of his head, "Well, you see, it's just..."

"You figure that by the time she gets done talking to your dad, and the others, they'll be too shell-shocked to even raise a whimper about us."

Akane looked surprised. "I never thought of that. What a great idea."

It was Ukyou's turn to look surprised. "Then why did you carry me up here then?"

Akane went back to looking nervous. He tapped his forefingers together, while looking down at the floor. "It's just, well, I figured Dad would be pretty upset, he might even forbid us from being together. Not that I'd let that stop me!" Akane hastily assured Ukyou. "But we might be apart for a little while I tried to get him to come around, and I, well..."

Ukyou looked at Akane in amusement, and with a great deal of affection. She was not sure if it was because the only boy Akane had ever had real contact with was Ranma, or if it was Akane's own nature speaking, but the tall dark-haired boy was behaving exactly like Ranma when he wanted something and was too embarrassed to ask for it. She was almost inclined to tease Akane, he looked so cute at the moment, but truth to tell, if there was a chance they might be apart for a few days, there was something she wanted as well. Reaching up, she wrapped her arms around Akane's neck and pulled his head down to hers. Just before their lips met, she whispered, "While you're thinking about why you brought me here, why don't we pass the time constructively?" Then all speech halted as their tongues found something more interesting to do.


Outside at the Dojo, Ranma squirmed a bit as she felt a familiar sensation. Faint, nowhere near as bad as just after the potion, but still detectable. She suddenly found herself thinking about Akane, and how maybe she could be doing something else, rather then waiting to fight Ryouga. She squashed the thought. A martial artist must be prepared to suffer deprivation for her art. She'd flatten Ryouga, and then she'd go find Akane and Ukyou. Reaching under her skirt, she pulled her panties down slightly, so they were no longer wedged up in the split of her sex, and went back to waiting, only occasionally twitching.    


Nabiki was pissed. She looked at her sweet, innocent succubus of a sister and said, "You mean to tell me that you've known for years about this, and you never told us!"  She marched back and forth in Kasumi's bedroom, waving her arms in disgust.

Kasumi wrung her hands in distress and said, "But you and Akane were only latent. I was the only fully-manifested one. You should never have changed, not unless you received a massive influx of raw sexual energy. Far more then you could ever possible receive as a normal human."

"And tell me sister dear, since when have the people around here been considered normal!?" Nabiki did not raise her voice, but she was getting a bit shrill. Kasumi was looking increasingly distressed.

"Son-in-law, calm yourself!" Cologne said sharply. "It is not your sister's fault. You heard her yourself. For most of her adult life she's been warded. It's a miracle she could function as a person at all."

Kasumi looked at her sister tearfully and said, "I'm sorry, Nabiki. If I had thought you would ever need to know I would have told you."

Nabiki looked at the tears running down her sister's face and sighed in resignation, and not a little guilt.  "I'm sorry, oneechan. I know it's not your fault. It's daddy I should be angry with."

"Oh no, Nabiki, you mustn't. Father would have told you if he had felt you needed to know. I'm sure he did not want to distress you with things that would never matter to you."

"Never matter? Never Matter?" The shrillness in Nabiki's voice was very clear now, and she looked like she wanted to emulate her little sister, and smash something. "My life has been ruined, and you say he didn't want to distress me with something that didn't matter!?" Kasumi's expression of distress deepened even further.

Cologne suddenly spoke up and asked, "Tell me, son-in-law, how do you feel about Shampoo?" Nabiki looked startled and glanced down at the pink cat curled up in her arms. Before she could answer Cologne's question, the old Amazon asked another. "If by some means you could go back to the way things were, would you?"

Nabiki continued looking at Shampoo. To go back to the way things were. Safe on the outside of all the madness. An observer taking advantage of all the crazies that were drawn to Ranma. And all she would have to give up was Shampoo, and the love she had discovered with the volatile Amazon. She looked up at Cologne and said, "No way in hell."

Cologne smiled at her and said, "Then I suggest we dispense with the recriminations. We must talk to your father, and learn what he can tell us of your heritage. It would be counter-productive to place him on the defensive at this stage of the matter."

For a second, Nabiki looked like she was going to protest, but then Shampoo rubbed her head along the underside of Nabiki's breasts, and her expression softened.  Nabiki looked up from the small pink cat, and practically purred her response to Cologne's suggestion.  "Oh yes, that will do quite nicely. I'm so looking forward to having a nice calm talk with daddy dearest."

"Oh my," Kasumi said.


After their kiss finally finished, Akane wasted no time divesting himself of his jacket and unbuttoning the top collar of his dress shirt. "Whew, how do boys stand collars like that. I thought I was going to strangle."

"Aw, and here I thought it was me, making you all hot and bothered. Maybe I need to practice?"  Ukyou purred. She snaked her arms around Akane's muscular neck yet again and pulled his head down for another passionate kiss.

Akane had a rather dazed expression on his face when they finally broke apart, but he'd retained enough presence of mind to have reached around to cup Ukyou's bottom. He gave a bit of a growl and pulled the brown-haired girl tight against him. "I think we both could use some practice, lots and lots of practice," he said. He nuzzled Ukyou's  neck a bit, and lightly nipped one of her ears, then spoke softly into it. "As a matter of fact, a little indoor sparring sounds like a very good idea." Akane's fingers kneaded Ukyou's backside for emphasis.

Ukyou returned the favor, reaching around Akane and grabbing as much of his solid rear in her hands as she could. She frowned when she felt Akane's hands pull away from her own bottom. "What's the matter?" she asked. "Afraid we might make too much noise?"

"No. Well, maybe. But mainly, I just thought of Ranma. Remember what happened to you at school to-day?" Akane gave a muffled yelp as Ukyou's fingers suddenly gripped a little tighter then was necessary, or comfortable.

"Oh, I remember all right," Ukyou said. "And I say it's my turn for a little loving."

"But what if what happened to you, happens to Ranma?" Akane asked in a worried tone.

"So what? She's out of school. It's not like she's trapped in the classroom like I was. She'll know what's happening because of what happened to me. In fact, it might be a good thing. I bet she drops whatever she's doing, and heads home at a dead run when she starts to heat up. Then we can really get frisky."

Akane grinned at the thought of having both girls to himself again. He didn't give a damn if it was his demon blood speaking. Last night had been the most fun he'd ever had, and an encore was something he keenly anticipated. "You have a point there," Akane said. He swung Ukyou up in his arms and headed back out the door.

"Hey, where the heck are you going? You catch a case of Ryouga-itis? The bed's that way." Ukyou said, pointing back over her shoulder.

Akane's face screwed up in anger, and he said with no little heat, "Don't mention that bastard to me!" Then he grimaced and, shaking his head, said, "Sorry, didn't mean to bite your head off. It's just when I think of what that prick did to Ranma, I get so angry, I want to smash something."

"I can go along with that, sugar. I can't wait to lay some serious licks upside that jackass' head myself, but you didn't answer my question. Why are we leaving?"

"Because I want to soap up that gorgeous body before I go and get it all messy and sticky," Akane said in a husky voice. "Besides, I thought you wanted to get what Ranma got this afternoon? And she got it in the showers," he added with a grin.

"Works for me," Ukyou said with an answering smile. "On to the bathroom, and don't spare the horses," she said, reaching around to give Akane a swat on the bottom.


Ranma was now on her feet, pacing back and forth. She'd made a bad mistake when she'd started thinking about Akane and Ukyou. Now she couldn't get the memories of what they had done last night out of her mind. She could feel the cool dampness between her legs as her panties were moistened by the memory. It was getting harder and harder to focus on just why she was here. This was her chance to settle matters with Ryouga. If she didn't take advantage of it now, she might never get another opportunity. Ryouga might finally get himself so lost she'd never see him again. "Focus, focus," she chanted to herself.  Calling up images of all the things she was going to do to Ryouga.    


Ukyou felt her whole body tingling as Akane's large broad hands rubbed the soapy cloth in his hands over every inch of her skin. All she had to do was stand in the middle of the tiled floor and let the large boy lavish attention on her. It was heaven. Akane stood behind her and pressed his hard masculine chest against her back while his large arms reached around to clean her front. She could feel the hot flesh of his sex pressing into the small of her back, and she rotated her buttocks, drawing an appreciative grunt from Akane. His hands roamed around her body, one grasped a breast, and started to manipulate the slippery soft flesh, his large grasp easily containing the whole orb. His other hand reached down between her legs and palmed her mound. A long callused forefinger crooked, and brought pressure on just the right spot. Ukyou leaned back and let Akane's hands carry her off to heaven.  


"Arrrrggggg!" Ranma screamed in frustration. The images in her mind had switched from the pounding she planned to give Ryouga, to the pounding he had given her last week. Worst of all, it was not humiliation she was feeling at the memories, or a renewed desire for revenge, but arousal. Her panties were practically soaked.

That realization did what the memory of the rape itself could not do. Filled with the need to replace the memory of her last encounter with Ryouga with something a lot less perverted, she turned to the entrance of the dojo and moved forward.       "Hey, Pig-boy, it's payback time!!" Ranma yelled as she stepped inside, her body tense and ready for anything.


Crickets chirped, and the sound of a late season cicada filled the air. A muffled snore came from a bundle of cloth on the opposite side of the dojo.


Ranma held her pose for a second, beads of sweat forming on her forehead. Then, with legs that trembled slightly, she made her way across to the tangled bedding that concealed her arch-foe.

"I said," Ranma stated, as she grasped one corner of the blanket, "It's payback time!!" Ranma wrenched the covering away, and then shied backward, her fingers held out in a warding gesture as the nude form of Ryouga rolled out onto the floor.

Ranma found that she was not nearly as prepared as she had thought to face Ryouga. She stared in horrified fascination at the heavy male organ nestled between Ryouga's muscular thighs. When the lost-boy gave a slight moan of protest and lifted a heavy arm to brush the sleep from his eyes, it was all she could do to keep from rushing from the room.

"Huu, whatsup?" Ryouga asked in a sleepy voice. He blinked his eyes and squinted, trying to focus on the figure standing silhouetted in the light from the door. Ryouga very nearly duplicated Ranma's reaction when he made out the face of the girl standing there. "GYAAAA!!" he cried out. Holding his fingers up in a warding gesture of his own, he scrabbled backwards till his back came up against the wall. "Ranma, what are you doing here?!" he yelled out.

Ashamed at the feeling of fear the sight of Ryouga's body had caused, Ranma focused on calling up all the anger she'd felt over the last week, washing away the fear in her belly with a healthy dose of rage. "What the hell do you mean, what am I doing here? I live here you idiot! What are you doing here? Especially like that?" Ranma said, making a gesture that took in Ryouga's state of undress.

Before Ryouga could reply, Ranma continued, "The hell with that. Come and fight me." Ranma took up a defensive stance and glowered as fiercely as she could at Ryouga.

Ryouga gaped at the girl standing across the room from him. 'Ranma?' he thought in puzzlement, taking in the girl's state of dress. The only time Ranma dressed up as a girl was when she was trying to fool Ryouga, but she wasn't trying to do that here. She had flat out challenged him, dressed as a school girl. A cute school girl, who's heaving chest made mistaking her sex impossible to do. Ryouga felt a familiar heat filling his belly as he took in Ranma's petite form. His cock twitched and started to swell. Unable to control his rampant body parts, Ryouga clapped a hand over his groin, but not before Ranma had gotten a good look at his reaction to her challenge.

Ranma paled and took a step back, but then she caught hold of her emotions. This was what she wanted after all. To face a boy, to overcome the fear that even now was making her stomach churn. She sneered at Ryouga and said, "What's the matter, Pig-boy? Afraid of showing me how limp-dicked you really are? Don't you want to get your hands on these again?" Ranma cupped her breasts in her hands, and then dropped one hand down to the junction between her legs. "Or maybe you'd like to have another go at this? How about it, Ryouga. Think you're man enough to take me when I'm not weak and helpless?"

Ranma braced herself, ready for anything, whether it was the new Ryouga doing his level best to ravage her, or the old Ryouga spurting blood from his nose and collapsing in a heap.

Ryouga turned his back on her, placed both hands on the dojo wall, and rammed his head into it with all his might, snapping several planks.

Ranma face-faulted. Getting to her feet, she stuttered out, "What the hell did you do that for, you baka?" Her only reply was an eerie chuckle from Ryouga, who turned to face her, a strange gleam in his eyes and an erection that jutted out from his groin like a spear. Ranma shuddered, and felt herself being gripped by the same paralysis that had affected her this morning when facing Kuno.

"I didn't feel that," Ryouga said. "So this must be another dream. But, this time I know it's a dream." Ryouga leered at Ranma. "And if I know it's a dream, then there is no reason not to enjoy it. Is there, Ranma?" Ryouga walked across the dojo toward Ranma. Ranma found herself trembling at his approach, there was no battle aura, no clear intent at an attack, just that confident stride carrying Ryouga, and his swaying cock, toward her with the inevitably of a tanker ship coming into port.

Ranma forced herself to look at Ryouga's broad chest, using every ounce of her remaining self control not to look down. Hands took her by the shoulders and pulled her forward, pressing her against that heavily muscled body. "How about it, Ranma?" Ryouga said, pressing down on Ranma's shoulders. "Maybe a little mouth action to get me warmed up, and then I'll plow your field again."

Ryouga's world went white with pain, and he fell back from Ranma's upraised knee, curling up into a ball of agony.

Ranma looked down at her leg, still lifted from driving her leg up between Ryouga's legs. Realization came to her, and she suddenly pumped a fist in the air. "Yataa, I did it! All right!" She started bouncing around the room in excitement, her fears completely vanished for the moment.


Nodoka carried the empty clothes baskets into the laundry room. As she was setting them down, she noticed that the occupied sign was on the bathroom door. She deduced that it was most likely occupied by Akane and her friend Ukyou. Nodoka decided to join them. She wanted a chance to talk to Ukyou, and communal bathing was a great way to get to know people. She still had hopes that Ukyou might be the one to provide Ranma with the love Nodoka wished her daughter to have.

Disrobing, she wrapped a towel around her body. sliding the door open, carefully, in case she was mistaken about the occupants, or if Akane had not yet gotten into the furo and was still male. Nodoka froze as she took in the tableau in front of her. Akane, still in male form, was leaning at an angle, hands pressed against the wall. Ukyou was on her knees between the wall and his body. Even as Nodoka watched, she pumped Akane's large, very large shaft with both hands, watching the skin slid up and down the rigid member with evident fascination.

Nodoka slowly closed the door and turned away. Her face was pale, and one thought filled her mind. Ranma was going to be devastated. She had to go to her! Nodoka quickly dressed and left the room.


Ukyou looked over at the door, a worried look on her face. "Did you hear something?" she asked Akane.

"No," he said in a strained tone. "Go back to what you were doing, I'm sure it's nothing."

Ukyou grinned at the strained tone in Akane's voice and pumped her hand up and down his shaft a few times, watching in delight as Akane's face twisted in reaction. Looking back down at the object in her hands, her smile faded slightly.

Ukyou had lived as a boy for ten years and had early on mastered the art of concealing her true gender, even while attending gym class. Those classes had proven to be far more of an education then her teachers would have ever imagined. There, and out behind the school, she had learned much more then she had wished at the time, about what boys wanted to do to girls and, more importantly, what they wanted girls to do to them. Ukyou was currently contemplating one of the later.

Maybe because they couldn't imagine going all the way, or maybe because it was so deliciously disgusting to the juvenile mind, there was one particular act that got mentioned more often then any other.

As Ukyou knelt on the floor pumping Akane's shaft, she couldn't help but feel nervous about what she was about to do. How would Akane react? Would he be disgusted? Could she even manage it? Seen from this angle and this close, Akane's sex looked enormous. Ukyou braced herself. There was only one way to find out. Leaning forward, she opened her mouth wide and took the head of Akane's penis inside.

Above her, Akane gasped in pleasure, and one hand came free of the wall, and settled on Ukyou's head, encouraging her to continue. Encouraged, Ukyou bobbed her head slightly and gagged as she took the shaft in too far. She quickly pulled back slightly and concentrated on the first few inches. She ran her tongue over the smooth cap topping Akane's manhood, savoring the feel of its slick velvety texture. Ukyou's well-trained palate tasted the heavy, salty musk of Akane's pre-cum. While not something she'd consider putting on an okinomiyaki, at least not one for sale; it was a unique flavor that she found not unattractive. If his soft grunts and muttered 'oh yeahs' were any indication, Akane too was finding the experience attractive.

The feel of Ukyou's warm moist mouth and limber tongue lavishing attention on the sensitive nerve endings lining the tip of his scepter was threatening to blow Akane's mind. That was not all that was threatening to blow. With great reluctance, Akane drew back, pulling himself free of Ukyou's mouth. After Ranma's reaction, he was not prepared to risk disgusting Ukyou by exploding in her mouth without warning.

Ukyou looked up at Akane, a questioning look on her face. Her tongue flicked over her lips, tasting Akane there. Akane's eyes were glazed with lust, but there could be no mistaking his intent as he lifted Ukyou to her feet and pressed her back against the tiled wall.

Akane's hands cupped Ukyou's ass and picked her up clear off the floor. Ukyou, eager to expedite matters, wrapped her legs around Akane's waist, locking her ankles together in the small of Akane's back. She could feel his shaft, still damp from her mouth, pressing into her soft belly. Their mouths joined together in a passionate kiss, and Akane shifted his grip, pulling Ukyou up his body, allowing his cock to swing free and line up with her moist cleft, still slick with the juices called up by Akane's earlier attention.

"Oh God!!!" Ukyou moaned into Akane's mouth, "Fuck me Akira. I want to feel you inside me." Ukyou's voice died in a gasp as Akane's cock found the entrance to her body. Akane's hands lowered Ukyou, impaling her on his manhood, and they both gave soft moans of pleasure as sensitive nerve endings slid over each other, sending little shocks of pleasure throughout both their bodies.  


Inside the Dojo, Ryouga had rolled over onto his knees and was getting to his feet. A shining testament to the efficacy of the Bakusai Tenketsu training. Another man might have been on his way to the hospital, but Ryouga had already recovered from the worst of the hit. While he would be feeling the attack for some time to come, he was able to move, albeit painfully.

"That hurt," Ryouga said. His eyes widened, and he repeated himself. "That really hurt."

"I bet it did," Ranma said, not a trace of sympathy in her voice. "Now quit whining and fight me, and this time, act like a martial artist. If you think you can beat me with a pathetic attack like that last one, you got another thing coming." Ranma pointed at Ryouga's penis, which was no longer in the least little bit upstanding. "If you want to stick that thing between my legs again, you're going to have to earn it."

Ranma failed to hear the soft gasp that followed this statement. All her attention focusing on Ryouga, who was staring at her with growing horror in his eyes. The realization was settling in, aided by the pain between his legs, that this was not a dream.


Nodoka Saotome could not believe what she had heard. Her hand went to the Katana she carried everywhere with her, and then slowly withdrew.

No. Ranma had proven her manhood, back before this accident left her permanently female. The old promise no longer held sway. A new reality now existed, one Nodoka realized she had not been truly facing, despite her efforts to make Ranma behave in a more ladylike manner. She had only been doing that to protect the status of the family, not out of any real conviction that Ranma was truly a female.

Nodoka had been certain that Ranma was a female only in body, not in mind. What she had just heard eliminated that belief. If their had been an ounce of masculinity left in Ranma, there was no way she could have done what she apparently had done. At least she seemed to have retained her pride. How like Ranma to only give herself to a worthy male. Nodoka's eyes glistened, and images of grandchildren danced in her imagination. It appeared she had given up hope of ever having some far too soon. She clapped her hands together and said a short prayer to the Kami for the loss of her son, and then another for granting her the gift of a daughter, and of future grandchildren.


Inside the Dojo Ryouga looked at Ranma in stunned amazement. "Are you crazy!?" he shouted. "I would never do that!"

Ranma snorted in disgust. "Could have fooled me, pig-boy. You didn't seem to have any problems last week."

Ryouga felt a wash of shame run through him. Ranma was right. Once again shame and guilt flooded his mind. He dropped to his knees in front of the surprised Ranma, and crouched down till his forehead hit the floor. "Ranma, I'm sorry. What I did to you was unforgivable. Do with me as you will. I deserve it."

Ryouga honestly meant his words, but having to say them to Ranma made them burn like fire in his mouth. If Ranma had not been so greedy and selfish, not to mention stupid, none of this would have happened. As Ryouga's anger grew, so did something else. His eyes widened as a wave of lust for the girl in front of him washed through his body, and he felt his cock harden between his legs. He wanted desperately to run from the room, but raising his body would reveal his shame, so he stayed crouched-over, all the while simmering with anger at Ranma for putting him in this position.

Ranma looked down at Ryouga with surprise. Of all the possibilities, this was one she had not considered. She did not fool herself thinking that a simple blow to the nuts had mellowed Ryouga. She knew him too well to believe that. That left... Ranma flushed red with anger. That left the fact that she was a girl.

It was not the first time Ryouga had condescended to her because of some form of temporary weakness. Well, she was not going to put up with it. She wasn't weak. How dare he treat her as if she was a girl. Even when he had been doing that perverted stuff to her, he'd at least been treating her as someone worthy of taking vengeance on.

"Get off your ass, pork-breath. You don't get out of it this easy." Ranma leapt forward, bringing her leg up in a powerful kick that took Ryouga under the chin and tossed him backward. Ryouga tried to cover his groin again, but there was rather more to cover this time then the last, and he was only partially successful.

For a second Ranma felt the same fear from before rise up in her at the sight of Ryouga's manhood. This time, however, her anger kept her from freezing in panic.

Her blow to Ryouga's balls proved that she could overcome her disability and fight back against a boy. Now all she had to do was practice till she no longer froze. All she needed was a sparring partner who could call up that fear in her. Akane wouldn't do, she could admit that now. She felt no fear at the thought of Akane making love to her, not anymore. So it looked like it was going to have to be Ryouga, no matter how much she hated that idea. Ranma snorted to herself; that was sort of the idea. If she didn't hate the idea of Ryouga fucking her again, it wouldn't do much good to fight him.

While Ranma was thinking, Ryouga had scrambled across to his backpack and was pulling out a change of clothes.

"Oh no you don't!" Ranma cried. She leaped across the room and tore the clothes from Ryouga before he could react. "You don't want to go to all the work of putting those on, not when you might have to take them off again in a little while. Of course, that's not likely going to happen.

Ryouga stumbled back from Ranma, again cupping his groin. "I don't know what you're talking about, Ranma," he said.

"Don't give me that bullshit!" Ranma cried, pointing at Ryouga's hands. "You want me! Just like a week ago. You can't wait to get me on my back and stick that thing in again."

"That's a lie!"

"Oh really," Ranma said in a saccharin-sweet tone. Her hands went to the collar of her dress. There were only a few buttons, and it only took a second to drop it to the floor. Leaving Ranma clad in nothing but panties and a bra.

Ryouga's eyes bulged out at the sight in front of him, and a thin trickle of blood fell from his nose as Ranma opened the clasp of her bra and allowed her large, creamy breasts to spill out into her hands. Ranma stood there for a second, bouncing her breasts slightly, enjoying the way Ryouga's head bobbed up and down in time to her motions. This was going to be easy; she'd almost forgotten the power her body had over boys.

Her new confidence suddenly wavered as she felt a flush of heat, and her breasts seemed to grow heavy in her hands. Her nipples visibly erected, and hot liquid seemed to be pooling in her belly. Ryouga's heated gaze didn't seem so funny anymore.

Ranma hesitated for a second, wondering if she maybe should put her clothes back on, but only for a second. To dress after making such a production out of shucking her clothes would clearly be backing down, and she never backed down. Her bra dropped to the floor to join her dress, and she hooked a thumb in either side of her panties. Wiggling her hips slightly she inched the tight garment down. The sides came free first while the fabric between her legs stayed put. When the cotton finally pulled free of her damp sex, it was all Ranma could do to keep her legs from buckling. She had almost orgasmed on the spot.


Akane gasped and came to a stop, his cock inside Ukyou to the root. He stood their panting, letting the overpowering urge to come subside. Ukyou's earlier oral attention had brought him almost to the brink, and the feel of her tight sex wrapping around his flesh had been almost more then he could bear, but Ukyou hadn't come yet, and Akane was determined to once again feel the vice-like grip of Ukyou's fluttering pussy and savor the pleasure that would flood through their soul-bond when they both reached climax together.

Once Akane was sure that the crisis was past, he started to move again, sliding his thick manhood in and out of Ukyou's body. It wouldn't be long now, he could feel the tension in Ukyou's body that presaged her orgasms.  


Ryouga tried to look anywhere but at the lush female form standing in front of him. This was nuts! Ranma was around the bend. That overdose of potion must have screwed her up completely. His inattention to his opponent cost him as Ranma's foot impacted between his eyes, driving him back several feet.

"Ranma, how dare you strike a man when he's not looking."

"Not my fault you're stupid, stupid. You want me to stop, make me." Ranma moved in, she landed a dozen blows to Ryouga's chest with first one foot, and then the other, taking advantage of her much more powerful leg muscles to make up for her loss of upper- body strength. Ryouga likely wouldn't even feel a punch. Each kick drove Ryouga back a step until he crashed into the dojo wall.

Ryouga began to get mad, beyond the surface mad he always carried around in Ranma's presence. Didn't the stupid girl know what she was doing to him? When Ranma's next blow came lashing in, clearly aimed at the hands Ryouga still held cupped around his privates, he boiled over. Turning one hand over so Ranma's foot smacked into the palm, he lifted his arm and fell forward. A second later he was laying on top of Ranma, her foot pressed to the floor behind her head, and her other leg trapped beneath Ryouga left leg.  


"Ahhhhhhhh god!!" moaned Akane and Ukyou in tandem, and both their bodies clenched in the throes of orgasm. Akane's fleshy spike pulsed as it shot jet after jet of sperm deep into Ukyou's body. Ukyou's pussy reciprocated the action by pulsing in time to the pumping action of Akane's prick, drawing him even deeper into her body. Akane's knees buckled, and he lowered both of them to the floor, still locked together in a tight embrace. Joining in their pleasure a wave of lust flowed over their soul-bond as Ranma joined them in a mutual climax.


Ryouga's prick throbbed as it nestled into the space between Ranma's leg, the top slipping into the cleft of her sex, while the head parted her firm ass cheeks. He could feel her honey coating his shaft, a wet dampness that proved Ranma was more then ready to take him inside her warm flesh. Ryouga looked down into Ranma's eyes and felt a thrill go through his body. The sky blue orbs were filled with need and lust. A wave of heat passed through him as Ranma's body shuddered under him as she orgasmed. Warm liquid spilled over his member as Ranma's pulsating sex expelled the excess juice in her pussy and soaked both of their thighs.

Ryouga was suddenly filled with an overwhelming need to once again possess Ranma's body. He drew his hips back, bringing his well-lubricated cock in line with Ranma's pussy. Under him Ranma once again shuddered as Ryouga's cock drew up the length of her sex, rubbing against her hyper-sensitive clitoris. Ranma's eyes were blank, and her mind was far away with another man. Without conscious thought, her arms went around Ryouga's neck, and she cried out in passion. "Fuck me, fuck me now!!" Ryouga shuddered at her words,and brought his prick in line prepared to do just that.

The ice-cold thing that touched the back of Ryouga's neck was not water, but served to cool his ardor every bit as much as a bucket of that substance would have. Ryouga turned his head just enough to see the gleaming blade that was laying across the back of his neck and followed it up to the person who was holding it, Ranma's mother.

"I think you should get off my daughter, NOW!" Nodoka said in a voice that could have frozen a hot spring.

Ryouga hastily complied, and Ranma, passion now spent, and once again aware of her surroundings, tried to cover herself with her hands. The shame of her mother finding her in this situation was physically painful to her. Her entire body seemed to glow red.

"Ranma, please leave. I have matters I need to discuss with this young man."

Nodoka's tones were still icy, and Ranma felt a chill run down her back as she saw the posture Nodoka had assumed over the cowering Ryouga. She suddenly had a very good idea of the sort of conversation her mother meant to have with the lost boy. Before she was aware of what she was doing, she was between her mother and Ryouga, the tip of the Saotome family sword pressing against her chest, framed on either side by her full breasts, the nipples of which were still as hard as little stones.

"Ranma?" Nodoka said in surprise.

"No, don't do it, Mom. It ain't his fault."

"He has dishonored you! He must make recompense!"

Ranma shook her head. "No. It ain't like that. He's under the effect of the same stuff that trapped me as a girl. He couldn't help himself. Besides, it's just another form of sparring. Me and him have been beating the crap out of each other for as long as I've lived here. It don't mean nothing."

Nodoka looked at Ranma with a strange expression in her eyes. "You had sex with him, did you not? Before this?"

"Well, yeah," Ranma reluctantly conceded. "But like I said, it was just another sort of fighting."

"I see." Nodoka looked thoughtful for a second, and then looked around Ranma to where Ryouga was staring at her sword with wide panic-stricken, eyes. "And do you agree with my daughter young man? Was it just another form of sparring?"

Ryouga faced showed strain, but when he answered Nodoka's question, it was by getting down on his hands and knees and bowing to her while saying, "No, I raped her. No matter what the reason, what I did was wrong, and even worse, I would have done it again just now if you hadn't stopped me. I don't deserve to live."

"Ryouga, you dummy, shut up!" Ranma yelled, turning her head to glare at the lost boy. She turned back toward Nodoka and said, "Don't listen to him. He's always talking himself down like that. It was the potion. Don't kill him, Mom. Please."

"You feel that strongly about this, Ranma. You would have me spare him even after what he did to you, and what he would have done again if I had not stepped in?"

"I keep telling you, we were only sparring. I got to learn how to fight as a girl. He was just helping me."

"Hmmm, I see," Nodoka said. She gave a nod, and her face broke out in a big smile. "So it's settled then." She pulled Ryouga to his feet, shoved Ranma into his arms, and produced two victory fans from somewhere, which she waved vigorously over the two. "The wedding will be as soon as we can arrange it. I'll go talk to your father at once."

Ryouga and Ranma watched her go, equally dazed expressions on their faces. Then angry scowls appeared, and pushing themselves violently apart, they rounded on each other. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!"

To be continued...
