Mikado Sanzenin was mad. Nothing was going as he had planned. He had wanted to deliver a ravaged and broken Nabiki to Ranma. Had wanted Ranma to suffer the torments of the damned, knowing it was only a matter of time until his precious Akane suffered a similar fate. And what had happened? She was enjoying herself. He looked sourly at the writhing pile of bodies in front of him. As had been the case for most of the last half hour, one boy was plunging his cock in and out of Nabiki's sex while she eagerly humped her hips back at him. At her other end, her head bobbed up and down at a furious pace, sucking the cock of the boy sitting in front of her with great pleasure.
If Mikado had been more observant, he would have noted that Nabiki was doing all the work, and that with the exception of their penises, all four of his 'friends' were looking like anorexics. The flesh on their face was fading away, leaving skin pulled tightly over bone. Their eyes were dull and glazed. Even the two boys holding Nabiki's arms behind her back were doing so more to support themselves than to restrain her. Despite their exhausted looks, however, their pricks were as hard as those currently penetrating Nabiki at either end.
Mikado saw none of this. All Mikado could see was that they were enjoying themselves while he stood on the sidelines. Well, his own cock had finally resurrected itself. He was ready to finish Nabiki's deflowering. He had taken her mouth, then her virginity, now he would take her final treasure, and this time, he vowed, she would remember him.
"At least the uncouth brutes have controlled themselves enough not to take what was rightfully mine," he mused to himself. As was their usual habit, they were only allowed to use that part of the girl he himself had already used. Now, as he rolled another condom over his new erection, he would finish the job. As the boy fucking Nabiki's pussy gave a whimper and fell over on his side, Mikado moved into position behind her.
The amount of energy in the four boys plying Nabiki's body with their members was minuscule in comparison to the amount she had drained in one go from Mousse, but after milking over fourteen climaxes out of each of them, she had at last reached repletion. Gorged on sexual energy, she reacted violently when she felt Mikado's rubber-clad dick press against her rosebud.
"No!" She screamed. Nausea flooded through her, threatening the pleasurable glow that filled her body. She jerked her arms free of the boys holding them. No great feat, as they promptly collapsed, on being deprived of the support of her body. She whipped around and shoved Mikado away from her. He staggered backward and tripped over his own feet, falling on his ass. The boy whose dick Nabiki had been sucking fell over and lay still, except for the slight motion of his wasted hips as he continued to thrust his rock hard prick back and forth in the air. Nabiki rose to her feet and glared at a suddenly fearful Mikado.
Mikado stared in shock at the creature looming over him. No longer hidden by the four bodies that had surrounded her for the last half-hour, the changes to Nabiki were clear to see. She bore only a passing resemblance to the girl his men had forced to her knees in front of him over an hour ago. As tall as he was, her body had no apparent surface fat. This allowed her muscles and tendons to stand out in stark relief. Even her breasts, several cup sizes larger than before, looked more like small boulders than the soft flesh they should have resembled. Her nipples looked like small spikes. They were nearly an inch in length, and tapered to a sharp point. They looked more like weapons than something that was supposed to suckle a baby.
The eyes that looked down at him glowed red in the dim light of the alley, and the mouth that smiled at him had a set of teeth that would have made a leopard jealous. Two horns projected from her brow. Her hair had gone from a neatly cut bowl to a wild mane that added several inches to her height. The hands clenching and unclenching at her side were tipped with claws that were nearly two inches in length and looked razor sharp. Her toes had lengthened, and sported similar weaponry. Slowly, she stalked toward him, and he scuttled away from her on his hand and feet, till his back was pressed against the wall of the alley.
"Get away from me!" He cried out in horror as a claw-tipped hand reached down and took him by his throat. With no apparent strain, the creature picked him up and set him on his feet.
"Now, now Mikado, is that any way to talk? You don't really want me to go, do you?" The creature said in a soft, seductive voice. Leaning forward, she smiled at him. A tongue that had to be nearly ten inches in length flicked out and licked his face. He gave a little whimper of fear as she bent in even closer to him. He was unable to move as she opened her mouth wide and set her teeth against his neck. He quivered and waited for her to bite, ending his life. He could feel her hot breath on his skin, feel her teeth just slightly nicking him. Wetness slid down his neck, and he knew it was his own blood. He felt the creature that Nabiki had become eagerly lap up that crimson fluid. He would have lost control of his bladder, but his rock-hard prick would not allow a drop to escape.
Then, in a blur of motion, Mikado was pulled around and shoved forward till his belly impacted on an old packing crate. With a "wuff" of escaping air, he folded over the crate. He tried to pull himself back up, but the hand that had him by the back of the neck pressed him firmly down. He gave a whimper of fear as he felt the creature reach down around his hips and grasp his manhood in her hand. There was a hiss of annoyance, and the silky smooth voice said. "This will have to go!" Mikado felt pressure against his manhood, and then the constricting feel of the condom was gone. Again the creature's hand grasped him, and this time bare flesh rubbed against bare flesh as it stroked her hand up and down.
Up above, two pairs of eyes watched the scene below. One in shock, the other in speculation.
"Nabiki," Shampoo said in a stunned voice, and would have leapt down into the alley had her Great-Grandmother's staff not imposed itself between her and the edge of the roof.
"Wait, Granddaughter. Watch, and learn what you have bound yourself to."
Down below, the creature that had been Nabiki played with the trembling piece of meat in front of her. For the moment she was sated. She had no need for more energy, but with her hunger not pressing her, she could indulge herself and play a little. Grasping Mikado's erection in her hand she leaned over the trapped boy and pressed herself against his upturned ass. All the while, she moved her hand up and down, drawing whimpers from the boy under her. She became aware of a pressure in her groin, and a second later she felt a sense of relief as her clitoris suddenly swelled a hundred-fold, and something that could easily have passed as a male organ sprouted from between her legs. Nearly nine inches in length, it pressed itself deep into the cleft of Mikado's ass.
Mikado stiffened as if he had been touched with a live wire, and his struggles became frantic, but Nabiki easily controlled his body with her own. "What's wrong, little man?" She hissed in his ear. "Can't take what you were about to dish out?" She moved her hips back and forth, enjoying his frantic escape attempts. Nabiki had never been the sort of child who played with her food, but she was finding this very enjoyable.
Mikado's frantic struggles moved his hips back and forth, and side to side, and suddenly the narrow end of Nabiki's engorged clit found an opening, and acting on instinct, she thrust forward. Mikado's back arched and his mouth opened in a silent scream of shock as Nabiki pressed herself deep into his body. A thrill of pleasure washed through her, and she suddenly found she could indeed take in more energy.
Mikado's cock, which she still grasped in her hand, jerked, and jets of sperm splattered against the side of the packing crate. As soon as he came, he grew hard again, and came again. All in the space of fifteen seconds. As Nabiki's hips moved, the cycle repeated itself. Again and again, Mikado hardened and ejaculated, and as he did so his body withered and shrank, as if he were a blow up doll and his cock was the air vent. Energy flooded into Nabiki, and out of her, going to some other place. She didn't care where it was going, the pleasure she felt as it used her body as a channel was all she cared about. That, and the pleasure of Mikado's hot flesh wrapping around her newly acquired organ, as he squealed like the pig he was.
Up above the on the roof. Cologne stared in surprise at Shampoo, who had fallen to her knees and was gasping in pleasure. Oblivious to her Great-Grandmother's presence, she brought a hand up and began to caress one of her breasts, freeing it from her dress. Her other hand reached down and pulled up the hem of her skirt. She was not wearing any panties, having left them back in the alley where Cologne had attacked. Her fingers found her hot box and plunged into her slippery opening.
Cologne, for the first time in over two hundred years, found herself blushing, and quickly averted her eyes.
"Could this be what I think?" She murmured to herself. Concentrating, she focused on seeing the Ki energy of the people around her. The boys on the ground were almost black with a lack of energy. Mikado's light wavered and faded even as she watched, but Nabiki! Nabiki glowed like a searchlight in her vision. A searchlight that send out a strong beam of light that impacted on Shampoo. Shampoo's aura was higher than Cologne had ever seen it, and it was getting stronger. Getting stronger at the same exact rate that Mikado was getting weaker.
She frowned. Mikado's energy was not enough to account for Shampoo's present level. He was not that powerful. Besides, Shampoo had been showing signs of a heightened aura during their battle, but Cologne had been too preoccupied to pay it the attention she should have.
That meant this was not the first time Shampoo and Nabiki had exchanged energy, and that raised some interesting concepts. As her thoughts reached that point, a hoarse gasp from Shampoo, simultaneous with a loud shout of exhilaration from Nabiki, brought her back to the current situation. Looking over the roof edge she saw Nabiki pull herself out of Mikado, who was now as withered a figure as his followers.
Cologne noted that Nabiki was still not showing any signs of regaining her usual personality. With a nod of her head, she reached a conclusion. Whirling her staff she brought it around until it pressed against Shampoo's back, and pushed. Shampoo, who had been kneeling on the rooftop, her head bowed, breathing heavily in reaction to her orgasm, gave a startled squawk as she tumbled over the edge of the roof. Spinning in midair, she righted herself, and landed on her feet. Right in front of a very surprised Nabiki.
Shampoo looked at Nabiki, and an image rose in her mind. Two years before, while out with several other warriors, Shampoo had rounded a corner of the trail, and come face to face with a tiger hunched over its kill. The expression on Nabiki's face was exactly like that of the surprised tiger. Then, Nabiki's expression shifted, and the look changed from one form of predatory glare to another. Shampoo felt a shiver run down her back, and to her pussy.
"Kitten." Nabiki purred. "How nice of you to drop in." She stalked toward Shampoo, flowing over the ground like the tiger she had reminded Shampoo of. Reaching out a hand she ran the back of one long claw down Shampoo's cheek, and Shampoo found herself leaning into the caress as heat flooded through her body. Up close, the changes to Nabiki's body were much more obvious. Two changes however, caused all the rest to fade into the background. One was her size. Well over six feet in height now, Nabiki loomed over Shampoo. The other was the engorged clitoris jutting out from just above her vessel. It was bigger by a good margin than the organ Nabiki was blessed with when she went male.
"Ah, do you like my new attachment?" Nabiki purred, as she noted the direction of Shampoo's gaze. Taking one of the Amazon's hands in hers, she moved it down until it touched her staff. Shampoo's fingers wrapped around it, and she marveled at the heat of it. It was much hotter than normal body temperature. She also noted its pristine condition. It looked as clean as if it had just been washed, giving no indication of its recent sojourn up Mikado's ass. Her hand rubbed up and down, and Nabiki hissed in pleasure. She placed a hand on Shampoo's head, and exerted downward pressure. Shampoo sank to her knees, never taking her hand from the hot pulsing shaft jutting out from the top of Nabiki's sex. She let herself be guided by Nabiki's insistent hand, and she brought her head forward. Opening her mouth, she engulfed the head and closed her lips tightly around it. Bobbing her head back and forth she felt a wave of pleasure as Nabiki ran her hands through her hair and moaned in passion.
For several minutes they held that posture. Nabiki standing, legs spread, Shampoo kneeling between them while her head moved back and forth, and the pale white shaft of Nabiki's engorged clit slipped in and out between her lips.
Finally, after what seemed no time at all to Shampoo, Nabiki tangled her hands in Shampoo's hair and pulled upward. Shampoo rose until she was standing. Nabiki wrapped her arms around Shampoo and picked her up till they were face to face. They kissed, hard and passionately. Shampoo's tongue darted into Nabiki's mouth, and there it was greeted by a tongue four times the length of her own that wrapped around hers and then extended into her mouth. While they kissed, Nabiki turned and bore Shampoo toward the patch of cardboard in the middle of the alley. Kicking aside the withered remains of her erstwhile attackers, Nabiki bent over and gently lay Shampoo down on the stained cardboard.
Grasping both of Shampoo's hands in one of hers, Nabiki forced them up and above Shampoo's head, then with her free hand she began to stroke the Amazon. Claws that looked like they could carve iron stroked up and down Shampoo's body. For a few minutes Nabiki played with Shampoo's nipples, tweaking them between two of her claws. When they hardened and became fully erect, she tapped them lightly, and small droplets of blood formed on their tips. Nabiki leaned down and suckled on the slowly bleeding nubs, and Shampoo arched her back, thrusting her breasts up toward Nabiki.
Shampoo was delirious with passion. Always before their lovemaking had been tainted by the fact that Shampoo was really Nabiki's physical superior. This new Nabiki was different. She radiated a raw power that made Shampoo quiver in excitement. Shampoo knew if she were to fight against the hands holding her in place, it would be an exercise in futility, and the sensation of complete and utter helplessness caused pleasure to explode through her. She was utterly Nabiki's. Anything Nabiki decided to do to her, Shampoo was helpless to prevent. Shampoo surrendered herself totally to her lover, placing responsibility for both of their pleasures in Nabiki's hands.
While her mouth was busy tasting Shampoo's blood, Nabiki's hand wandered down and started to stroke her lower lips, which flowered open under her touch. A finger delved down, and stroked across Shampoo's erect clit, causing her to gasp in pleasure.
Up on the rooftop Cologne directed her attention everywhere except at the two figures writhing on the sheet of cardboard in the middle of the alley. She spotted something down among Mikado's clothing, and after a moment of thought, she bounced down into the alley and back out. All in less than a second. Hopping several yards away from the roof edge, she opened up the cellular phone in her hand, and dialed a number.
"Moshi-moshi." A voice answered.
"Kasumi? How nice to hear your voice, dear. I'm sorry I couldn't stay for tea when I dropped in earlier, maybe later. Are you just now back from your trip?"
"Oh, grandmother Cologne. Yes, I've only been home for a little while. Can I help you?"
"Thank you dear, no. I just wanted to let you know that Nabiki will be staying with us at the Nekohanten for a few days. She's going to help me with the books."
"That's nice. Should I pack any clothes for her?"
"No, that's alright, I'm sure she will be fine. I'll drop by if she needs anything. Have a nice evening. Goodbye."
"Thank you, goodbye."
Cologne folded up the cellular and with a toss, threw it back to where she had gotten it. Moans and groans of lust floated up from the alley, and she grimaced. She was really too old to be dealing with something like this. For a brief flickering second, she wished Happy was still around. This sort of thing was far more in his line. Then she shook off the thought. All he would do would be to make an embarrassing situation even worse. Hopping over to the edge of the roof, she looked down with as much objectivity as she could muster.
Down below, things had moved to another stage. Nabiki had Shampoo's legs tossed over her shoulders, and was hammering her spike of pleasure in and out of Shampoo's love socket with all her might. Cologne nodded in satisfaction to herself as she noted that Nabiki's form was much smaller than it had been, and that the horns on her brow had retreated. Focusing, she took note of Shampoo's aura, and saw that her level was substantially higher than it had been. That went a long way toward explaining the energy she had displayed in her fight earlier. To think she had believed Nabiki had destroyed Shampoo's battle aura, when if fact, she had actually increased it by an order of magnitude.
A sudden scream from both girls brought her attention back to them. Nabiki was up on her toes, her back arced. Shampoo was also straining as much as her position would allow. For a second they held that pose, then Nabiki collapsed, and rolled off of Shampoo. Shampoo straightened out her legs and cuddled up to Nabiki's comatose form. She lay her head on Nabiki's chest, and sighed in contentment.
"If you are quite done Great-Granddaughter!" Cologne's sarcastic drawl, brought Shampoo out of her pleasure haze like a bucket of water. Looking around her, she blushed crimson as she realized the manner in which she had been behaving for the last fifteen minutes.
"I'll be waiting at the Nekohatten. Bring the Tendo girl and meet me there."
After the unexpected interruption by Kasumi, Nodoka had fled to her own room, her mind a mass of confusion. What had come over her? How could she have behaved in such a shameful way? Why was it so hot in here!? She was sweating profusely, and her fingers unfastened her garments. They slipped from her body, leaving her hot flesh open to the cool air. She was still hot, and briefly she considered going to the bathing room, but then a flush of shame mottled her upper body. What if she should run into Kasumi? How could she look her in the face? How was she ever going to face her again?
"Why am I so hot!?"
Nodoka became aware of an ache in her loins. It was a familiar feeling, all too often it had pained her as she had lain in her lonely bed. She needed her husband badly, since only he had the cure for that particular pain. Then, she moaned. What was the use? Genma had been her husband in name only for far longer than the time he had been gone. Give him food, drink, and the companionship of his friends, that was all he needed. Nodoka needed much more. She tried to push aside the need in her belly. Always before she had been able to manage it, but this time it only intensified. She found her hand sliding down her stomach and it had almost reached the gates to her pleasure bud when she pulled it away. "No!" she practically shouted. "I will not betray my husband. That is for his pleasure."
Nodoka had been raised to be a dutiful and submissive wife. Her body belonged to her husband, and no matter how much she needed it, to take her pleasure from any other source was wrong. She might be able to grow angry over her husband's lack of honor. Might be able to demand that he satisfy that honor by killing himself if necessary. That did not change the fact that he was her husband, and that in matters between a man and a woman her body was his to do with as he pleased. So she had been taught, and so she had always believed. "But why won't he take it then, if it's his?" She moaned softly to herself.
The sound of her bedroom door opening caused her to whirl about in surprise. Her hands and arms moved to cover her bare flesh. She gave a relieved sigh when she saw it was only her husband, but she did not lower her hands.
"Yes, Genma?"
Genma seemed transfixed by her bare body. She was trim and toned. A year short of forty and her body looked like a twenty-five-year old's. Her breasts, larger than Ranma's, stood proudly, showing only the slightest sign of sagging.
"Yes, Genma!?" Nodoka repeated.
Genma shook himself free of his reverie, and looked her in the face. "I just received a call from Cologne. Nabiki is going to be staying at the Nekohanten for a little while to help them with their books." Genma seemed to hesitate. "That means the only ones here are Soun, Kasumi and us. Kasumi is going to be busy making sure her kitchen is fine, so I thought we'd take advantage of the chance to have some fun."
Nodoka sighed. "My purse is on the dresser, please don't keep Soun out too late, or let him get too drunk."
Genma looked puzzled, then his face cleared. "No, no. I didn't mean Soun and I. It was us I was talking about. It's been a long time for us, and I thought we could take this chance to be together."
Hope flared in Nodoka, and the ache in her loins intensified, but then anger flushed out the hope. How dare he? She needed him so badly, and he was running some sort of a con. She understood that his Master's potion had left him less than a man. Why couldn't he just come out with what he really wanted, instead of causing her so much anguish? She narrowed her eyes at Genma, and for the first time in her life in a matter that did not touch on honor, she gave him an order. "Get out!"
"I said get out! I'm tired of you, Genma. All the lies, all the dishonor you bring on our family from your behavior. I have tried to be a loyal wife, but enough is enough. I understand your problem, but if you can't raise your manhood to do your duty as a husband, at the very least you could demonstrate it in your behavior. You can move into Ranma's room. I'll bring her in here with me."
"But Nodoka!"
"Shut up!" Nodoka screamed, the need in her belly was driving her crazy, and having him in the room with her was just making it worse. She wanted him out of here. She glared at him.
"You don't really mean that, Nodoka."
"Yes...Yes I do." In the back of her mind another voice argued the opposite. No, no she didn't, she wanted him to throw her on the bed. She wanted him to take her like a man was supposed to take his wife. "You are my husband, Genma, and I know I should not talk this way, but until you are ready to be a man, then I don't wish to have you sharing my room or bed." Genma's eyes narrowed, and he looked at Nodoka speculatively. Then he gave a nod. He moved across the room with a silky smoothness, and before the startled Nodoka could react, he had spun her around and bound her hands behind her back with the belt of his gi.
"Genma! What do you think you are doing?"
"Being a man, that's what you wanted, wasn't it?"
Yes! The voice in her head shouted, even as Nodoka said, "Genma! Stop this foolishness at once! Ahhhhhh," Nodoka hissed out in shock as Genma's arm wrapped around her body and slid down till his broad hand cupped her sex, a finger curled up and slid along her soaking wet slit. He pulled back, driving his finger up into her body and pulling her hard against his body. With the removal of his belt, his pants had fallen around his ankles, and Nodoka's eyes widened as she felt the unfamiliar sensation of a naked and hard penis prodding between the cheeks of her ass.
"Genma! How!?" She exclaimed in shock, but then the anger returned. "Let me go, let me go this instant. How dare you!" Inside her, the little voice exulted in the first sign of life Genma had shown in ages. Take me, take me, damn you.
"How dare I? You forget yourself, woman! I'm your husband. I have a right to your body."
Forgetting her thoughts of only a few minutes ago, Nodoka yelled back at him. "You have no rights. You forfeited those with your behavior." The little voice disagreed, Gods yes, I'm yours, just don't fail me. The little voice was getting louder.
"Fine!" Genma snarled in her ear, sending a shiver up her back. "Then I'll just have to gain them back with a different sort of behavior." Dragging his wife behind him, Genma marched across to the small bedside table and shoved Nodoka down across it. Freeing her hands he used his belt to tie her arms to the legs, and pulling her socks from her feet, he used them to tie her thighs to the other set of legs.
Nodoka was left kneeling on the floor, her legs spread wide, giving easy access to her sex. She felt a small flutter in her stomach, and she recalled words her mother had spoken to her many long years ago. She had told Nodoka that men could be brutal and cruel, and it was a woman's lot in life to endure. Genma had been crude, lazy and inconsiderate, but he had never forced her before, not that he would ever have had to. She had always been eager for any attention he might give her. Of course, he hadn't done 'anything' after that first night.
A sudden thought flashed across her mind. She had tried everything she could think of to help Genma with his problem. Foods to heat his blood, Herbal teas to harden his manhood, she had even spent hours reading marriage manuals in an effort to repair her deficiencies as a wife. She had made all the effort in their marriage, when all along her fondest desire was to have Genma take the lead, and make her feel the way he had on their wedding night. To be the man. Now, for the first time in her marriage, she had denied Genma his rights to her body, and he had reacted like a caveman. Twisting her head to the side, she could see his erection straining up against the lower half of his heavy, muscular belly. The flutter in her belly returned, far stronger than before, and she felt her already damp sex begin to flow.
She almost opened her mouth to beg him to take her, to ease the aching void between her legs, but at the last minute she stopped. Begging and asking had gotten her nothing for seventeen years. Two minutes of denial had gotten her more attention than she had received in very nearly the entirety of her marriage. So instead of asking for Genma's manhood, she said in as cold a voice as she could manage, given the heat running through her blood, "let me up this instant, Genma!"
"You really don't want that, do you Nodoka?" Genma said, getting to his knees behind her. His hand reached out and softly stroked her sex. Nodoka fought, but she couldn't stop her body from arching backward in pleasure at his touch. "No, I didn't think so." Genma said. He shuffled forward, and guided himself to his wife's warm wet opening. With a sigh of pleasure on both their parts, Nodoka's sex was parted by a man's cock for the first time in more than seventeen years. Genma took his time, slowly working his way back and forth, going deeper with each thrust. Nodoka could not keep her hips from moving in tempo with his, but she did manage to keep from shouting out at him to go harder, faster. She was afraid to give him any more encouragement than was forced from her, in fear that it would cause him to shrivel up and deny her what she wanted so badly.
At last Genma's patient movements saw him sinking his member fully into Nodoka's receptive body. With a gentle back and forth motion he shuttled himself in and out of her, his balls swinging forward to smack the top of her sex with each thrust. Gradually, his motion speeded up and the sound of his thighs smacking against Nodoka's ass filled the room.
Nodoka, meanwhile, was rapidly approaching her first orgasm in many years. Forgetting her fears, she started to vocalize loudly, encouraging Genma to increase his motions. Genma reached around and clasped a hand over her mouth, stifling the noise she was making. This sign of his complete control over her was enough to push her over the edge, and she screamed her ecstasy into the palm of his hand. Genma did not follow her over the edge, rather, he withdrew from her body and untied her limbs. Then, carrying her limp and satiated body over to their futon, he lay her down on it. Hooking her knees over his shoulders, he once again guided his manhood to her slick opening and pushed in. This time he did not take her gently, but shoved himself deep into her with one hard thrust. Nodoka bucked up to meet him and their bodies slapped together. Raising himself up on his toes, Genma rolled Nodoka back until her knees were on either side of her head and he was driving straight down into her sex. He braced both hands on either side of her head and began to thrust with all the strength he could manage.
Each thrust caused Nodoka to grunt as air was forced from her lungs, but she didn't care. She wrapped her legs as best she could around his neck and shoved herself back up against him with a violence to equal his. This time she was not alone when she crested the peak, and as Genma once more muffled her screams with a heavy palm, he gasped his own cry of pleasure as he thrust one final time and held himself deep inside her as jet after jet of his sperm blasted into his wife. He let her legs drop from his shoulders and he lay down on top of his still twitching wife, savoring the feeling of her body under his. Nodoka grabbed his head with both hands and rained kisses on his face as the last tremor of her orgasm faded away. Satiated, she slipped into a deep sleep.
Cologne scowled as she heard the roar of a large motorcycle pulling up outside the door. She had no time for this, Shampoo would be here any second. She hopped over to tell whoever it was that they were closed. She was startled when she saw it was Shampoo. The motorcycle was a large late model Kawasaki, and had a very elaborate side carrier attached to the side. Shampoo was in the process of lifting Nabiki's comatose form from the sidecar.
Cologne stood aside as Shampoo carried Nabiki into the restaurant, then hopped after her.
<"Nice machine. Where did you get it?">
<"I bought if from the stupid boy in the alley. The one who was leading the others.">
<"Really. And how much did you pay for this?">
<"Five yen.">
Cologne lifted an eyebrow. <"A bargain. How did you manage that?">
<"I told the bastard that he could either sell it to me, or I'd leave Nabiki with him while I went looking for other transportation.">
<"Incentive indeed, but why not just take it?">
Shampoo shrugged. <"It was a nice bike. I want to keep it. It seemed logical to kill two birds with one stone.">
<"You know how I feel about motor bikes.">
<"I know."> Shampoo said, as she made Nabiki comfortable in one of the booths.
<"Put her on top of the table. I need to examine her, and take some precautions."> Shampoo complied and Cologne hopped up and slapped a ward she had prepared on Nabiki's forehead. <"There, that should keep her quiet till we're ready. Now, about the bike?">
<"I'm keeping it.">
<"Just like that?">
<"Just like that."> Shampoo frowned as she looked down at Nabiki. <"Great-Grandmother, what's wrong with her? I've seen this happen three times now. She develops a large battle aura, and then passes out. Twice she's done it after transferring the energy to me. Why does she do that?">
Cologne gave up the matter of the motorcycle and frowned in thought. <"She's manipulating levels of energy she has no training in handling. She shouldn't be able to do that, but because she is, the strain on her body causes her collapses. It may also be why she is transferring energy to you. It's a way of getting rid of something her body can't contain. As to why she sends it to you, and how, I have a theory, but I need to know more details of what has been happening while I've been gone. I also need to run some tests on Nabiki, to see if my suspicions are true. Why don't you tell me what's been happening while I prepare what I need?">
Nabiki was in nothing. She felt nothing, saw nothing, heard nothing, smelt nothing, and tasted nothing. She was experiencing complete sensory deprivation. With no outward stimuli, she was in danger of going mad. To fight her growing panic, she turned her mind inward. Forgetting the void that was her current environment, she started analyzing what had happened to her in the last few hours.
First, she had been gang-raped. She paused, her mind telling her she should be feeling something concerning that fact, waiting for the anguish the thought should have brought, but her emotions seemed to be as absent as her senses. The fact that five boys had made use of her body without her consent was merely a piece of information. It evoked no reaction from her. She made note of that fact, and went on to the next bit of information, her actions during the rape. Those had been as atypical as her present condition. At some point, she had started acting in a manner quite unlike herself. Why? Had she been drugged? It was a possibility. The foul taste on Mikado's condom could have been some manner of drug. Up to a certain point the drug theory seemed viable.
But what of later events? Her body had changed. She had done something to the five boys that was similar to Hinako's trick. She had required intimate physical contact to do so, but the results had been similar. The boys had been reduced to husks, and her body had altered drastically.
Had the drug altered her to the extent that she could drain battle auras? And if it had, why had she altered in the manner she had? She had not simply become larger or more mature, she had turned into a monster. She had also, at the time, accepted these changes without thought, simply enjoying the capabilities of her new body, with no thought of how. Or had that been a hallucination brought on by the drug? Had her mind shattered from the rape? Had she invented a fantasy to cope with the trauma? Was she currently lying in the alley, battered, bloody, and comatose?
As she posed these thoughts to herself, sensation suddenly exploded back into her body. Sight. Light flashed in her eyes, blinding her, she blinked back tears, and made out two people nearby, Shampoo and Cologne. Feeling. She was laying on a hard surface, her skin grew goose bumps as cool air blew across her naked flesh. Hearing. Shampoo asking her if she was alright, her tone worried. Smell. Pungent incense tickled her nose, causing her to sneeze. Taste. Her mouth was foul tasting, her mind idly noted that, and came to the conclusion it was only logical considering... Emotion came back
"Oh god!" Nabiki said, her voice breaking. She curled herself up into a ball and began to shudder violently.
"Shampoo," Cologne snapped out, but she hadn't needed to say anything, Shampoo was already moving. She reached out and pulled Nabiki off of the table she had been laying on and into her lap. Nabiki's arms went around her and hugged her with a desperate strength. The shaking girl buried her face in Shampoo's breasts and muffled sobs came from her shuddering body.
"I'll leave you two alone," Cologne said. Slipping the ward she had just removed from Nabiki's forehead up her sleeve, she pogoed out of the main dining room. Behind her, Shampoo held Nabiki, softly stroking her hair as the ice queen of Nerima sobbed her heart out.
Genma brushed the hair from Nodoka's face, and looked down at her with a wistful expression on his face. Then his face started to shift, as did his body, and a few seconds later, the person looking down at the sleeping Nodoka was Kasumi. However, the wistful look remained on her face.
After Kasumi had drained the bulk of energy from Ryouga, she had felt strangely complete. It was if something that had been missing from her had been found. She had dressed in a daze, trying to come to grips with the strong sensations that were racing through her. She left her warded panties and bra laying on the floor, the thought of shutting out the new feelings that filled her body something she could not bear. She left the dojo, and for the first time in six years, she went into her own house without wearing her wards. Her father and Uncle Saotome did not even look up as she went past.
She was on her way to her own room, when she had stopped outside Auntie Nodoka's to let her know about Nabiki staying overnight at the Nekohanten. She had raised her hand to knock when the sensations in her body intensified. She became aware of the raw need coming from within the room, and something new in her body reacted to that. She had felt herself change, her body adjusting itself to the needs of the person inside the room. For the first time in her life, Kasumi was a full Succubus, and that meant being what her victim wanted. Nodoka had needed a strong, assertive, and most of all virile Genma, and that was what Kasumi had become. Her mind and body had molded itself to fit Nodoka's needs. It had been the strangest experience. She had been shoved into the background in her own body, and had been a silent witness as Nodoka's need and dreams had motivated her new form.
Now, looking down at Nodoka's peaceful face, Kasumi felt filled with joy. She had made Auntie so happy, and she had not stolen a single drop of life-force from her. She could easily have done so, a part of her had tried to do so, as a matter of fact. However, for the very first time in her life she had been able to stop herself. The new completeness she had gained had prevented that from happening. Whatever the energy she had absorbed from Ryouga had done to her, it had eliminated the flaw that caused her to drain whoever she slept with. The flaw that meant she had to go to Hong Kong twice a year to sate her needs, lest she turn on her own family in her hunger.
A fear that had been a part of her for six years lifted from her mind, and left her feeling the greatest joy she could ever remember feeling. The everyday happiness she felt while warded could not even begin to match this sensation. That was the dull and cloudy happiness of a person on drugs. This was the full-blown joy of someone who had made someone they loved very happy, and who knew they would be able to do it again without fear.
An hour later, Cologne returned to the room carrying a tea tray. Nabiki was no longer sitting in Shampoo's lap. Instead, the two girls were in one of the wall booths. Shampoo was curled up on the bench seat, her head resting in Nabiki's naked lap. Nabiki was sitting on a large soft towel Shampoo must have supplied, but other than that, she did not seem to be making any concessions to her naked state. A soft purr was coming from between Shampoo's lips as the brown haired girl scratched her behind the ears. Nabiki's face was back to its usual neutral expression, but Cologne noted that she seemed to be taking a great deal of comfort from stroking Shampoo. Cologne idly wondered if Nabiki had made note of some of the changes in Shampoo's appearance. She looked at Nabiki closely, judging her current emotional state. Only the redness of Nabiki's eyes and the faint tear tracks down her cheeks gave any indication of her former distress.
"Feeling better?" Cologne asked as she set the tray down on the table and hoped up onto the bench opposite Shampoo and Nabiki.
"I'll live." Nabiki said. Her face twisted into a wry smile "It would seem that I'm not as skilled in self-deception as Ranma is, but I think I've got a handle on it. Shampoo has been entertaining me for the last little while with some of your tribe's customs in regards to rapists. Very therapeutic." Her expression grew more serious, and she looked at Cologne intently. "Speaking of those customs, why am I still alive? I seem to recall that was a condition you were quite eager to relieve me of."
Cologne was very curious as to Nabiki's remark concerning Ranma. Shampoo had mentioned that Ranma was trapped in his girl form, and might be that way for good, but she had not mentioned anything about Ranma being assaulted. She put that aside for the time being, and answered Nabiki.
"Yes. Well, there has been a change in plan, for the moment." Cologne used her staff to shove a small vial across the table toward Nabiki. "Do you know what this is? Don't open it!" This last said as Nabiki picked up the vial and made as if to remove the top. She arched an eyebrow at Cologne, but desisted in her efforts. Instead, she looked closely at the vial before putting it back down on the table.
"Never seen it before. However, I could hazard a guess as to what it is." Cologne nodded at her to continue. "Considering the events of the last five days, and what the catalyst was. I would hazard a guess that this is Ryouga's mystery magical Jusenkyo curse remover."
"So Shampoo tells me," Cologne said. "However, it is known by quite another name and function to the Amazons." This time it was Nabiki who indicated Cologne should go on.
Cologne grew thoughtful. "Most of the story is not to be shared with outsiders, but this much I can tell you. Eight hundred years ago, an enemy of the Amazon empire..." Nabiki gave her a questioning look. " Oh yes, we were an empire back then. Our lands spread far and wide, and we were a mighty power. As I was saying, an enemy of the empire conspired with a clan of ninja from your country. The Suzuka supplied a disgruntled Amazon with a potion that would cripple the chi of anyone who consumed it. In small doses, it was debilitating. In large doses, it was fatal. The traitor slipped it into the main meal at the yearly festival. More than ninety percent of the Amazon warriors then living consumed some of it. An hour later, our enemy fell on our helpless capital."
Cologne directed a bleak look at Nabiki. "I don't think I need tell you what happened to those women." Nabiki paled. Shampoo reached out and took her hand in her own. Nabiki pressed firmly on that hand, drawing support from Shampoo's touch. Nabiki remained pale, but she indicated that Cologne should continue.
"It was a dark day in our history, and for nearly five months, the Amazon's ceased to exist as a people. It was not until those five months had passed that a group of fifty one Amazons, feared lost forever, attacked, slaying our foes and freeing their sisters from the slavery they had been held in."
"Fifty-one warriors did that? They must have been very good."
"They were indeed. They also had help, but that is one of the things no outsider may hear details of. Suffice it to say that the captives were freed, and set about repairing the damage done by our betrayal. They never fully did so. To this day the Amazons are a pale shadow of their former glory. So you can see why the discovery of that potion and the fact that Shampoo was missing caused me to act hastily."
"That not all." Shampoo said.
<"Be quite girl! That is all an outsider needs to know.">
"No! One other fact Nabiki need know!"
<"What fact that?"> Nabiki said in broken Mandarin. Cologne looked at her in surprise, but with no great shock. Instead she directed a stern look at Shampoo.
"I have told you that the law will not apply in this case."
"Shampoo say you wrong! There no hole in law. Law says this is so, no exceptions."
"What law would this be?" Nabiki asked.
"Is law of what happen to Amazon who make Suzuka Slave Potion."
"The law does not apply. You did not make Slave Potion, you made a cure for your curse. The other elders will agree with this fully. I'm sure of it."
Nabiki looked at Shampoo in concern. "I think your Great-Grandmother is right. Situations change. I don't think you can be found responsible for this."
"I'm glad you agree," Cologne said.
"Hey, loopholes are my life." She leaned forward toward Cologne. "I don't want anything happening to Shampoo. Are you sure the elders will agree with you?"
"I'm _"
"NO!!" The table rocked as Shampoo slammed her hand down. "Shampoo live by law. When Ranma and others say law not mean Shampoo married to Ranma, Great-Grandmother say law is law, no exception. Now you say is exception. Shampoo no agree."
Cologne narrowed her eyes and glared at Shampoo. "Do you take me for a fool, girl? Don't you think I know what you are aiming for? Maybe you would like it if I sold you to your cousin, Lano Cane? Damn!!" Cologne turned to Nabiki with a fierce glare. "You never heard that name!"
Nabiki looked from Cologne to Shampoo, whose eyes were filled with fear. Whatever Cologne had just threatened her with, it was bad. Nabiki looked back at Cologne. "The name is forgotten, but what is this selling business?"
"It's nothing.'
"It's what law say happen."
Nabiki looked back and forth between the two Amazons. Then she nodded to herself. "You might as well tell me," she told Cologne. "Shampoo will just tell me later, if you don't do it now."
Cologne grimaced, and after directing one last glare at Shampoo, she explained. "Because of what they had just gone through, the Amazons felt death too easy a punishment for anyone who would use the potion again. Either against the tribe as a whole, or against an individual. As a result, the crime of making Suzuka Slave Potion, or for even possessing it, is to be sold as a slave to someone who would use them as harshly as our people had been used during their captivity. In eight hundred years, it has never been enforced. We never possessed the formula, and no Amazon ever made or possessed it."
Nabiki drew in a deep breath of surprise. "I'm not surprised that you feel the elders would not expect Shampoo to pay the price." Nabiki looked at Shampoo, and the look in her eyes sent shivers down the purple-haired Amazon's spine. "I do have to admit, however, that if I were an eligible buyer, I don't think I'd be arguing against it."
Cologne snorted. "You are eligible. Why do you think my Great-Granddaughter is so adamant on this? She wants me to sell her to you."
For a second, a fire kindled in Nabiki's eyes, and her bare nipples crinkled visibly, but then she shook her head and said, "I don't buy it. I don't believe there is nothing in the law that would eliminate lovers or friends from buying the accused."
"And you would be right. There is indeed a stipulation that states the purchaser must be such as will use the criminal in the manner intended by the law. At the time they had in mind the pleasure houses that existed in many of the towns. However, you are eligible, as Shampoo realized a little while ago."
"I had not realized my reputation was so bad." Nabiki said skeptically.
"Not you personally, but your blood. My people have had dealings with your kind. There could be no doubt as to your being eligible."
"My kind? Isn't that just a little harsh?"
"Have you looked in a mirror recently?"
"Nabiki lifted an eyebrow. Turning, she looked in the mirror that was affixed to the wall of their booth. She looked perfectly normal, except for the very faint tattoos on her forehead and cheeks. It was the same pattern in all three locations. An narrow upright oval, with another oval, half the size, in the middle. A small circle at the top of the inside oval completed the design.
"What on earth?" Nabiki said, looking at her image in surprise. As she spoke, she became aware of another difference. Reaching up with a hand, she fingered one of her canine teeth. It had grown to twice it former size, and along with its opposite number, gave her dentures an appearance very similar to Ryouga's. Using her fingers, she jerked on the tooth, but nothing happened, it was firmly in place.
Nabiki turned back to Cologne with a frown on her face. "I could do the whole denial bit and accuse you of doing this while I slept, but I don't think that's the case. Is it?"
"No. You are right. Do you remember what happened in the alley?"
Nabiki paled, but she kept her gaze square on Cologne. "I take it you are referring to the way my body changed, and not to the other things?"
"That's correct."
"You demon girl." Shampoo said. "Law have no problem with law breaker sold to demon."
"Demon? Oh, come on. I may be a little loose in the ethics department, but a demon? You can't really expect them to buy that."
Cologne sighed. "Unfortunately, it's the truth."
"What? That I'm a demon?"
"Not a full demon. I've done tests, however, and there can be no doubt whatsoever that you have demon blood in your ancestry. We have long known that instant Jusenkyo water releases a great deal of magic as it breaks down. Up till now, however, it was not something that could be tapped. Many of our magi have tried, but without success. They did not posses the proper blood to use whatever type of magic it was. As a guess, I would say you do, and that the magic has pushed you over the edge in regards to which side of the fence you come down on, concerning your demon/human heritage."
Nabiki was stunned. "You're serious. You're really telling me that I'm a demon."
"Part demon, but yes, that is what it means."
Shampoo wrapped her arms around Nabiki and gave her a fierce hug. "That mean you can buy Shampoo. Elders can not say selling Shampoo to demon not punishment."
The feel of Shampoo's body was stimulating, but not half so stimulating as the concept of owning the buxom amazon beauty in reality, instead of make-believe.
"I keep telling you, girl, it is not going to happen."
"Wait!" Nabiki said, then she flushed and swallowed the fluids that suddenly filled her mouth. "Let's not be hasty here. You wouldn't want to risk the chance that the Elders would decide Shampoo had indeed broken the law. They might take charge of her sale personally, and who knows what would happen to her. This way, at least, you would be assured she was in safe hands."
Nabiki's breath broke off as Shampoo squeezed the breath out of her. Nabiki looked down at the top of her head with a stern expression. "I believe I mentioned that you were not to touch me without permission." She said in a cold voice. Shampoo flushed, and hurriedly released her grip. She moved slightly away from Nabiki and sat with her hands demurely folded in her lap, and her head downcast.
Cologne blinked at this exchange, and a thoughtful look crossed her face. "Wait here!" she said. A few minutes later, she was back with a piece of jewelry. A large pendant with an oval shaped crystal in the center. The crystal was transparent, but nothing was visible in it. Not even the back of the pendant. It seemed to have endless depths.
"This is a soul gem, with it a magus can tell much about a person. I meant to use it earlier, but then I decided you should be awake. If my suspicions are correct, this is something you should see first-hand. I am no Magus, but I know enough to do several simple things. I will need a drop of blood from each of you, one at time. You first, Shampoo." Shampoo complied, holding a finger out over the crystal. Drawing a sharp pin from her hair, Cologne pricked Shampoo's finger, allowing a single drop of blood to fall onto the crystal. For a second, nothing happened, then, the blood seemed to soak into the crystal and disappear. For a minute, they sat looking at the crystal, then, slowly, a swirling pattern of color appeared.
"What does it show?" Nabiki asked curiously.
"I don't fully know. You need a great deal of training to decipher the images, as well as a great deal of detachment. It is usually recommended that the magus doing the reading not know who the blood came from. I could make guesses, but they would be biased by what I already know of Shampoo and you. This could be her courage, this her honor, but I don't know for sure."
"If you can't use it, then just what are we doing?"
"I told you, I'm testing a theory of mine. Give me your finger now."
Reluctantly, Nabiki held out her finger and retained her stoic appearance as Cologne drew blood from it. Again they watched as the crystal absorbed the blood and presented a view of what it learned from it. Cologne gave a grunt of satisfaction. Leaning forward, she touched one of the decorations that lined the outside edge of the crystal, and a new pattern appeared. Nabiki looked closely, and thought it looked familiar, but the patterns were so complex that she could not be sure.
"What mean?" Shampoo asked.
For a long time, Cologne ignored her question. She stared at the image while she stroked her chin in thought. Finally she said. "Very well, I'll sell Shampoo to you." Shampoo gave a shout of joy, and would have glomped Nabiki, had the girl not glared her back into her submissive pose.
Turning to Cologne, Nabiki asked. "What changed your mind?"
Cologne sighed. "Selling her to you is only a formality. It will take care of any chance of problems, later. When the elders change the law, as I'm sure they will, then Shampoo will regain her status. However, she will still belong to you, just as you belong to her."
"What? Wait a second! I don't belong to anyone."
"I'm afraid you're wrong. According to the pendant, you each have a small piece of the other's soul mixed in with your own. That was what the final pattern was. It showed the portions of your souls that you both have in common. I have only heard of this, never seen it, but all I have heard tells me that there is no vow or bond stronger. You and her are one. For now, and for always. Legends have it that even after death, you will be bonded in your next life, down through this cycle of existence. That is only a legend, however, and there is no way of confirming it. What is fact is that selling Shampoo to you is only a formality. You already possess her, as she does you. The way you choose to express that possession is up to you."
"This is far too fast for me, and I'm not sure if I believe you, but I'm not going to argue with you. How much?"
"YOU HAVE GOT TO BE JOKING!!" Nabiki screamed as she read the figure Cologne had written down. "I don't have that sort of money!!"
"On the contrary, you do. My estimate is that, that figure represents seventy-five percent of your current liquid assets."
Nabiki looked at the figure and did some quick metal figuring. She put the amount at sixty-five percent. However, she wasn't about to admit that. "I'm afraid your figures are wrong. What about this much?" Nabiki crossed out Cologne's figure and wrote in one of her own, a third of the value of the original.
"Please, give me some credit. This is a fraction of her worth."
Nabiki shook her head in denial. "You're wrong. You'd get a fraction of this if you sold her at the docks. The available customers are not known for their generosity."
"And who says I would be limited to the customers you are aware of? I know of at least one who would match the first price and exceed it."
"That person whose name I've forgotten?"
"Indeed, she would pay a great deal to acquire Shampoo, and would make a great deal more selling her after a suitable amount of training."
Shampoo sat off to the side, barely able to contain her excitement. To know that they were bargaining to sell her body, and the use of it, sent a shiver of delight up her spine. She remembered Nabiki's words of days ago. "If you come back, you're mine. I'll own you, and I'll use you." The memory alone was enough to dampen her sex. As the two people bargained on her price, she slipped into a fantasy of what her new mistress would do to her on their first night together. Her hand slipped down her front, but before it could reach its goal, a combination attack occurred.
"Stop that!" Both Nabiki and Cologne said at the same time.
"Have you no shame, girl?" Cologne said, whacking her on top of the head with her staff.
"I didn't give you permission to do that!" Nabiki said coldly. She did not strike out at Shampoo, but her eyes delivered a chastisement much stronger than Cologne's staff.
"I think you should go and do something while Cologne and I finish our dealings." Nabiki said. " And keep your fingers off of my property while you do it!" She finished sternly.
Shampoo left the room, going into the kitchen with a downcast look on her face, but when Nabiki would have resumed the bargaining, Cologne held up her hand. A few minutes later, Shampoo came back carrying a tool box. They watched as she walked across the dining room and out the front door. For most of the walk she kept herself properly subservient, but the last few steps had a definite bounce to them.
Cologne gave a snort. "At least that is one thing I will not have to deal with."
"Something I should know?" Nabiki asked.
"Let us just say that being soul-bound does not mean she can not have other loves in her life. I hope you find the smell of gasoline and oil attractive." Cologne would say nothing more on the subject, and they resumed their bargaining. A half-hour later they concluded it, and Cologne brought out some sake to seal the deal.
As they drank Nabiki looked speculatively at the old woman. "If you don't mind me saying, you seem to be taking this awfully well."
Cologne smiled at her, a rather ghastly sight. "Shampoo filled me in on the goings on of the last few days. It would seem your sister has won the competition for Ranma, and in a manner Shampoo could never duplicate. Her own curse keeps her from using that particular method."
"Does that mean you think Ranma is a girl forever, now?"
"I really don't know. From all I know and have heard of the potion, she should have died from drinking that much. The fact that she didn't leaves us with a mystery. Whether she does or does not regain her manhood is not really the issue. She has accepted her status to a point I would never have believed. I don't think she will ever be the same again."
The two sat in silence for a few minutes, then Nabiki nervously broached another subject that had been troubling her. "About this demon thing?"
"In the alley, something happened to me. I changed, and I don't just mean my body. My mind changed as well. I wasn't me any longer. I didn't like that. I don't want that to happen again. Do you have any idea of how to avoid it happening to me again?"
Cologne looked thoughtful. "You understand that I have only a limited knowledge of your kind?"
Nabiki grimaced at the reference to her kind, but she nodded her head in acceptance. "I realize that, but you're the best source I have at the moment."
"Very well. You must understand that your particular heritage is from the Shikima. They are demons that reflect human's darker sexual needs. All Demons are embodiments of the primal vices of the human race. Some embody anger, others hatred, fear, cruelty, the Shikima embody lust. They feed on the sexual energy of human beings. When you were with those boys your body automatically drained them of their sexual energy. It was a surplus of that energy, more than your body could handle, that caused the change."
Nabiki nodded, "It was like I had no control over my own body. Every time I thought I had a handle on it, I'd lose control. If Shampoo had not shown up, I don't know what would have happened."
"Ah, Shampoo. Indeed, that is another aspect you must be aware of." Nabiki looked at Cologne questioningly. "Did you notice anything different about Shampoo?"
"Not really."
Cologne shook her head in dismay. "I thought you more observant than that."
"Hey, I've been a little distracted."
"You have no training in channeling your Chi, or Ki as it is called here. To your demonic part, the sexual energy you absorbed is very similar to Ki. Your demonic side can make use of that energy much easier than your human side can. As a result, it uses that energy to manifest itself more fully. However, there is a limit to how much it can store. When you reached that limit, it started to channel energy down the link you share with Shampoo. When you to came together in the alley, the energy flow intensified. All the energy you had accumulated flowed into Shampoo, who has much more training in containing her Ki. Even so, the amount of energy you fed her was far more than her training allowed her to store easily. This caused her to undergo some physical changes, just as you did. If you look closely at her eyes you will see that the pupils are slightly slitted, and that her ears have altered shape slightly. I believe that her curse shaped the direction the changes took. If you are not careful, you could eventually change her fully into her cursed formed permanently. As it is, I believe she will carry the changes she now wears permanently."
Nabiki looked stricken. "Is she alright?"
"She is fine. I don't think she is even aware of the changes herself yet. There is also the manner of her behavior, as we saw just now. She may be able the handle the energy better than you, but there is still a strong aphrodisiac quality to the particular energy you give off. Being soul-bonded to you, Shampoo absorbs that energy easily. Sitting next to you for as long as she just did is liable to lead to more of that sort of behavior. I would recommend strongly that you not spend a lot of time in her company in public until you can control your leakage better. If you must spend time with her it would be better if it were in private, or while she is in her cat form."
Nabiki shook her head. "I don't like this. I don't like this at all. There must be something I can do to stop this from happening."
"Avoid males, at least avoid sex with them. I would also advise you to begin training your body. If you can train your human side to contain and control your Ki, you will be able to more fully control your demonic side. Until you are fully in control of your own body, you run the risk of losing your humanity. I would be very sad to see that happen." The way Cologne phrased that left Nabiki feeling very uneasy. She had a feeling the sadness would have something to do with her untimely demise.
"But that would not stop you from doing what would have to be done." Nabiki said in a flat tone.
Cologne looked at her. "Indeed, If you manifest your demonic ancestry fully, and cease to exist as Tendo Nabiki, I would take the steps necessary. It need not come to that however, if you apply yourself, you should be able to learn to control your new nature."
"Could you help me in that?"
"I could, but Shampoo can do it just as well as I. But we can only aid you partially. You need to learn to control your sexual hunger. That is your weak point."
"I've always had pretty good control in that regards."
"I see. So, why did you not stop the activity in the alley before it went too far. I know you must have reached a physical level where you were more than a match for them fairly early in the encounter."
"I... I don't know. I never even thought of it."
"That is the problem. You now have needs, and whether you wish it or not, you will seek to satisfy those needs. Unless you come to grips with your own desires, you will always be in danger of losing your humanity."
"And you can't train me in that?"
Cologne looked disgusted. "Please, do I look like Happy...?" Nabiki arched an eyebrow at her. "Let me rephrase that. Do you think I'm some sort of pervert? I'm afraid you're on your own in that regard. Shampoo can help you practice, but as for the actual training. I wouldn't even know where to start." Cologne's look became thoughtful. "There is one, but no, you do not want to have anything to do with her."
"This would be that person who I don't know?"
"Lao Kung. That is the name she goes under now."
"It sounds familiar."
"You may have heard it before, she has a certain notoriety among a small segment of the population. One you would know more of than I."
"Why not ask for her help? Is she not to be trusted?"
"In a word, no. She would be happy to take both you and Shampoo, and would train you fully. But for her own ends. There are many in the world who would pay handsomely for a Chinese Amazon who has been trained by Lao. But that price would be a fraction of what they would pay for a trained Shikima. No. I think you would be very lucky indeed if your path never crossed hers. That however, still leaves us with the problem of your training. For now all I can say is for you to be on your guard. Avoid men. Shampoo will be able to help you partially in that regard. Compliant as she seems, she has never liked sharing, and unless you order her explicitly to do so, she is not going to take well to you being with someone else."
Nabiki stiffened. "I run my own life. If I choose to indulge myself, Shampoo will like it."
"And will you pursue that ideal at the risk to your humanity? For that is what you risk. Tendo Nabiki could cease to exist."
Nabiki thought back to the alley. She had clear memories of the whole thing, but only for the first few minutes could she truly say the memories were her own. After that, she had been someone else. Ranma and the others retained their minds when they changed form. Nabiki had not done so. The truly horrifying thing was that there had been no struggle. After the first few attempts to think clearly failed, she had not fought to retain her self, she had simply ceased to exist. "Very well, I will be careful."
Cologne smiled. "You can't know what a relief it is to deal with someone who actually listens for a change."
"I guess I should get going. It's getting late and they will be worried about me at home."
"That is not a problem. I called earlier. I told them you would be staying here for a few days."
Nabiki looked at her in surprise. "A few days?"
"I thought it best. I was not sure what I would have to do, and I felt it best to give myself some time. You are welcome to spend the next several nights here. It will give you a chance to learn more about your new condition without having to deal with people who know you well. Besides, I'm sure you and Shampoo have much to 'talk' about."
Nabiki looked at her in surprise, then she shook her head in amazement. "You'll have to forgive me, but I find your attitude toward this rather amazing. You come back after a week away, and find that a year and a half of your life has been wasted. My sister and Ranma are an item and not only is Shampoo out of the loop, she's involved with a sex demon. Not only do you not try to alter the situation, you encourage the sex demon. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop."
Cologne grinned at her. "It's not really all that surprising. You must understand that you and Shampoo are married." She held up a hand before Nabiki could protest. "Yes, married. In a manner more profound than any ceremony or ritual could make you. That being the case, I have no problem with you indulging in what any married couple would do. Besides, from what Shampoo told me, it's only a matter of time before you provide me with a great-great-grandchild. I'm an old woman, and I may not have that much longer. So, as you can see, I have my own motivations."
Nabiki still had her doubts, but then she thought about the crowded conditions back home, and the chances of her being able to have guaranteed privacy. "I'll take you up on your offer."
Shampoo walked in through the door, muttering to herself about stupid boys who didn't look after their bikes properly. Nabiki looked at her grease smeared figure and wrinkled her nose as the smell of gasoline floated across the room. Turning to Cologne she arched an eyebrow. Cologne merely shrugged. "It's your problem now. As I said, just because you are soul-bonded does not mean you can not have other loves."
Shampoo reappeared with a tool in her hand and made her way back toward the front door.
"Shampoo!" Nabiki called, but the purple-haired girl continued on her way, still muttering to herself. "What on earth?" Nabiki said, put out at being ignored. In front of her, Cologne gave a cackle of delight. Getting off her bench seat, she hopped toward the back door.
"I'm going to visit a friend for a few hours. I'll leave you two alone."
Nabiki got up from her own seat and stalked toward the door Shampoo had just excited through. Following the sound of Shampoo's voice, she walked around the corner of the restaurant and down a narrow alley. She came across Shampoo sitting on the ground. The Amazon was sitting in front of a large motor bike with an expensive looking sidecar attached. Various pieces of machinery were spread around Shampoo on the drop cloth she was sitting on. The purple haired girl was frowning, but Nabiki sensed she was happy despite her expression. Nabiki marched over to the girl, and reaching down, grabbed her ear between two fingers. Shampoo started and twisted to look at her.
"That's right. Nabiki, the person you just walked by in the restaurant without a thought."
"Shampoo sorry, her mind on new bike. Stupid boy no look after right."
Nabiki shook her head in amazement. The Amazon's attitude was something she had seen before with other people. More specifically, the boys in the auto club at school. It was not something she had ever expected to see with Shampoo. Who would have thought Shampoo was a motorhead? "Clean up this mess and meet me in the bathroom in ten minutes." Nabiki turned and walked away, then she stopped and turned back. "Ten minutes, not one second more. Believe me, you do not want to keep me waiting."
The ice in Nabiki's voice sent a shiver down Shampoo's spine, and she hurriedly started packing away the loose parts for the night. The last few days had given her a healthy respect for Nabiki's imagination. She well remembered the long spell she had spent tied up and face down on Nabiki's bed, with vibrators humming in both her openings, while Nabiki painted her initials on Shampoo's butt with a fine brush. Just the memory was enough to make her damp. Then she stopped what she was doing as a thought occurred to her. With a sly grin on her face, she started taking her time packing away the bike parts.
The Bathroom in the Nekohanten, like Ukyou's, consisted mainly of a shower. Currently it was occupied only by a seriously pissed Nabiki. The door opened, and a contrite looking Shampoo shuffled in.
"Well, look what the cat dragged in. Herself." Nabiki marched over and hissed in Shampoo's face. "Thirty-three minutes. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe I said to be here in ten."
"Shampoo sorry, she lose track of time."
"Oh, you only think your sorry right now. Wait a little while, then you'll be sorry. Take that dress off!" Nabiki snapped out. Shampoo hastily removed her ragged dress. It had faired badly that day. Between the fight with Cologne, then the grease from the motorcycle, it was not good for much more than rags now. Nabiki seemed to share that assessment. "Tear it into strips." She ordered, and again Shampoo hastily obeyed. She ripped the tattered fabric into several long strands before Nabiki was satisfied.
"Drop all of those but one, and give me your hands," she said. Taking the strip from Shampoo she tied the girl's hands together. "Get into the shower and hook your hands over the showerhead!" Nabiki watched as Shampoo did this, the frown never leaving her face.
Looking around the bathroom for inspiration, she spied a small push broom. She examined the broom handle closely, then unscrewed the wooden handle from the head. Curling her forefinger around it, she checked the diameter, then stretched her arms out so she could grip each end. Finally she swatted it a few times into the open palm of one of her hands, making a meaty thwack each time she did so. All the time she was checking the qualities of the broom handle, she was looking at Shampoo, her gaze frosty. Shampoo was looking at the broom handle, an uncertain look on her face.
Nabiki grinned, an expression that did nothing to make Shampoo feel any less nervous. Nabiki set the broom stick aside, leaning it against the sink. She marched over to the shower stall. Reaching in, she turned on the hot water, a second later a cat was dangling from the shower head, held there by the fabric wrapped loosely around her front paws. "Hang in there, baby," Nabiki said, and a second later the water heated, and Shampoo regained her normal form. Nabiki grabbed the cold water tap, but did not turn it until the hot water from the tap was hot enough to start reddening Shampoo's skin. Then she adjusted the water to a more comfortable temperature, took off her own clothes and got in the shower with Shampoo.
Nabiki removed the ornaments from Shampoo's hair, and let it fall free down the bound Amazon's back. Moving it into the stream of water she let it get well soaked, then she turned off the water. Taking a bottle of shampoo from a ledge in the shower, she poured a goodly amount on her hand and began to lather Shampoo's hair, working up a good froth.
"So, what is it with you and motorbikes?" she asked as she worked to get the dirt and grime out of Shampoo's hair.
Shampoo, who had been enjoying the feeling of having her hair washed, came out of her pleasurable daze at Nabiki's question. "When Shampoo's father come to village, he have motor bike."
"Your father was an outsider?"
"Yes, he teacher at school in Beijing. Government say he think he special, but not special, they send him to live on farm near Amazon village."
"I've heard of that, they sent all the highly educated people out to pick rice."
"That right. It very hard for him, he not young, he get sick."
"Hold on. He was old, and so out of shape that picking rice made him sick, how did he manage to beat your mother."
"Village elder, he related to Amazons. Great-Grandmother, she sometime go to village and look after sick. She go when Shampoo's father sick. Shampoo's mother come to learn art of healing. Great-Grandmother make father feel better, but he still not well. Shampoo's mother, she come back with more medicine next day. She see Shampoo's father playing chess by self. He ask if she knew how play. Shampoo's mother best player in village, not even Great-Grandmother beat her. She say, she know how to play, a little. Father, mother, they play. Father, very good, he beat mother, so she marry him."
"Nani? She married him because he beat her at chess?"
"Is unusual, but chess is art of war, so Shampoo's mother say he beat her in fight. Shampoo's mother no want to marry man who got nothing in head."
"I can understand that. What has all this to do with you and motorcycles though?"
"Father move to village, marry mother, bring bike. Shampoo born, grow up. Father's bike very old, always breaking. Father like playing with bike, he take apart, he put together, make run. In Amazon village, man looks after children. Shampoo stay with father when she very young, she watch, she learn, she help. Shampoo get older, father teach to ride. He get too old to ride, he give Shampoo bike. She work very hard to keep running. Great-Grandmother, she make Shampoo stop. She say Shampoo never be warrior if she waste all time with bad smelling junk. She say Shampoo got legs, Shampoo learn how to use. Shampoo do what Great-Grandmother say, but she always miss Father's bike. Now Shampoo have bike of own."
SMACK, Nabiki took a hand out of Shampoo's foamy hair and smacked her on the bottom. "Slaves don't own things, they are things. If you are very good, I may let you use my bike."
"Shampoo be very good!" Shampoo said emphatically.
"The way you were very on time?"
"Shampoo _Murf_"
Nabiki covered Shampoo's mouth with a suds-covered hand. Leaning in so her body pressed against the heavy water-soaked mane of Shampoo's hair, she said, "I do not want to hear that you are sorry." Nabiki moved her hand away, and Shampoo tried to discretely spit out the soap that had gotten into her mouth. Nabiki ignored her and tuned on the water. The water in the pipes was still warm, so Shampoo stayed human. Nabiki began the tedious job of rinsing out Shampoo's hair.
Nabiki had never been into girlfriends, slumber parties, and doing each other's hair. However, she was finding washing Shampoo's massive mane quite relaxing, much the same way petting Shampoo in her cat form was. She was almost sorry when the last bit of soap was rinsed away. Gathering the sodden hair up into one tight bundle, she wrung it out, and then used a scrap of cloth to first tie it into a large pony tale, and then to fasten it to Shampoo's wrists where they were fastened over the shower head, getting it up and away from Shampoo's grease and oil smeared body.
Soaping up a cloth, she began to wash Shampoo's body. If washing Shampoo's hair had been relaxing, washing her body was anything but. Nabiki felt herself growing excited as she ran her hands over Shampoo's slick flesh. She did not linger on any one area, but neither did she hurry. Taking her time, she washed every inch of Shampoo. She knelt to do her legs, and smiled to herself as Shampoo's breath became faster and faster the farther up her legs she washed.
Nabiki ran her hands up the inside of Shampoo's legs, and around them till she was kneading Shampoo's ass. She ran the soapy washcloth deeply into Shampoo's cleft, and the Amazon lifted herself up on her toes as Nabiki scrubbed her sex briskly.
Nabiki frowned as her bare hand became aware of an unfamiliar texture. She turned Shampoo so the girl was facing her, and knelt. She examined Shampoo's groin carefully and was surprised to see that Shampoo had a very light dusting of fur, so fine as to be almost invisible. The fur seemed to radiate out from her sex for a several inches, then fade away. Her pubic hair was also of a different texture, much softer, more fur-like than hair-like. Nabiki remembered what Cologne had told her about Shampoo being altered slightly from the excess energy she had absorbed from Nabiki. This must be some manifestation of that. She lightly stroked the bound girl's pubic mound, enjoying the soft fur that had replaced her coarser pubic hair. Shampoo thrust her hips at Nabiki's stroking hand, and a moan escaped from her lips. Nabiki continued to stroke her, and Shampoo's moans became more and more insistent, the motion of her hips more frantic.
Then the hot water ran out.
Nabiki walked into Shampoo's bedroom, her wet hair done up in a towel, while she held another towel in her hands. Inside the second towel, a disgruntled Shampoo was mewling in a complaining tone as Nabiki briskly rubbed the water out of her fur.
"Oh stop your complaining!" Nabiki snapped, holding the still damp cat up in front of her face. "It served you right. The next time I tell you I want you somewhere in a certain length of time, do it. Don't go thinking yourself all clever and trying to con me into something."
"Yes, you. Don't give me that innocent look. You think I don't know what you were doing, taking all that time. I saw the way you looked at me when I was playing with the broom handle. You were expecting me to do something 'interesting' with it. Well, guess again. I told you if you were late, you'd regret it. Well I always keep my promises. You expected to get punished for being late, and you're going to. Just not the way you expected. You listen here. For the next five days, you are a cat. I don't want you even going close to a cup of tea. If you change forms for anything short of an emergency, I'll stick you in a cat cage and put you in a boarding kennel for a week. Do we understand each other?"
A downcast Shampoo nodded her head. Nabiki nodded her own firmly. "Good. Now lets get to bed. It's been a busy day, and I need my sleep." Nabiki threw back the blankets on Shampoo's futon and slipped both herself and Shampoo under them. Lying on her back, she held Shampoo up once again so they were face to face. Then, before the surprised cat could react, she pulled her in and kissed her.
Kissing a cat was strange, and Nabiki was pretty sure it was not something that was likely to catch on, but she held the kiss for several seconds, stroking her hand through Shampoo's fur. The surprised Shampoo responded after a second. Her small pink tongue darting forward to lick Nabiki's.
Nabiki broke the kiss and cuddled Shampoo to her breasts. "That was for in the alley, and in the dining room a little while ago. Don't expect me to go soft or anything, but I love you, kitten."
"Yes! You do have to stay a cat for the full five days. I may love you, but I'm not going to put up with any nonsense from you. Now go to sleep." Nabiki closed her eyes, and Shampoo followed suit. Soon the sound of steady breathing indicated they were both fast asleep. Shampoo lay curled up between Nabiki's breasts, rising up and down as Nabiki breathed in and out.
Well, that's the end of this one.
I'm sorry I took so long to get to it. Real Life stomped on me.
I would like to thank Wade Tritschler and John Rasmussen. Without them this would not be nearly as readable as it is. Their help with grammar has been a big aid in giving me the confidence to write. Wade has not done any lemons...Yet. But anyone who has written a story where Akane and Shampoo become lovers is not far from falling over the edge into Hentai-hood.
You can find his stories at <>
Try his stories out. They're very good.
Also, check out many of the fine stories archived at his site. They include, 'A Very Scary Thought, or Nabiki 1/2'. In it you will find the very interesting character, Lano Cain, or Madam Lao Kung, Pirate, White Slaver, Man Eating Tigress, and many other things. She is a creation of Shadowmane, and if you like this story, you will very much like the story arc she appears in.
I'd like to thank all my other pre-readers, and especially Green Eyes, My redheaded, Ranma-chan wannabe. Her boundless enthusiasm has gone a long way toward keeping me motivated.