


"No, no, no, never!! I am not going to wear a bra!! No way, in hell am I going to give the old freak the satisfaction." Nabiki and Akane had been listening to the same spiel for three blocks now, and it was beginning to grate on their nerves.

"All right, all right, you don't have to get a bra!!" Nabiki finally said in exasperation. "Akane, isn't there some sort of athletic supporter for girls? You know what I mean, for when your doing athletic stuff."

Akane looked at her in puzzlement, "You mean a sports-"

"Supporter, that's it, thanks. Will you at least wear a sports supporter Ranma? After all, you used to wear a cup when you were a guy."

Ranma looked obstinate, but then a twinge in her breast reminded her of what had started this in the first place. "All right, I'll wear a breast supporter, but I ain't going to wear no bra, so don't try and slip something over on me."

"Moi, I would never dream of it...Ah here we are." Nabiki came to a halt in front of a ladies wear store.

"I don't know Nabiki, this looks awfully expensive. Can we afford this?" Akane said.

"Don't worry about it. I know the head sales clerk here. I'm sure I can convince her to give me an employee discount. Plus, Aunty Saotome left me her bankcard. I'm sure she would approve a new wardrobe for Ranma, given the circumstances. What?" the last was said in response to the looks the other two were giving her.

"Mom, left you...!!"

"Her bankcard?" Akane finished Ranma's sentence. Nabiki flushed in annoyance.

"Unlike some people, Aunty knows I can be trusted to manage her money." They looked at her with extreme skepticism. Nabiki scowled back at them, then snapped, "Akane, wait here, I'll get Ranma sorted out with the salesclerk and then you and I'll go to this menswear store I know."

"What? I wanted to go in with Ranma." Akane exclaimed, he had been looking forward to watching Ranma trying on ladies clothing, and just not for the humorous possibility. He had been imagining Ranma in something lacy and frilly for the last three blocks.

"Get real Akane!" Nabiki snorted, "have you looked at yourself lately?"

"What's wrong with the way I look?" Akane asked, turning to look at his reflection in the store window. He went brick red when he saw himself. He had forgotten he was wearing Genma's old Gi. In addition to the ratty appearance of his clothing, his hair was suffering as a result of several soakings in the last few hours. It was knotted and tangled into an unsightly mess. In short, he looked like the sort of person girls would normally cross the street to avoid. "Nabiki, why didn't you tell me?" He said in a horrified voice. I'll die if any of my friends from school see me like this."

"Somehow, I don't think that will be a problem." Nabiki said with a sardonic grin. "Their more likely to turn around and go the other way if they see you right now. Come on Ranma, the sooner I get you started. The sooner I can get Akane over to my other friend."


"So what do you think Kiko?" Nabiki asked the pretty, well dressed sales girl she was talking to. The two of them were standing by the cash register, looking over at Ranma who was standing in the middle of the store. Ranma was standing unnaturally still, trying not to touch any of the frilly things that surrounded her on all sides.

"She's quite the little barbarian, isn't she. You say she's never worn a bra in her life?"

"Never, her father is a little strange, keeps saying she's a boy."

Kiko raised a delicately shaped eyebrow. "With that figure? I'd say strange is the least of his problem. Has he had his eyes checked lately? She is certainly very...healthy." Kiko was starting to stare at Ranma with more than casual interest.

Got...cha, Nabiki thought. "Sure is, and she's going to need the works." Nabiki put on her business face. "So what's it worth to you." Then she frowned, Kiko was not listening to her, she was instead staring intently at Ranma. Nabiki followed her gaze and grinned. Thank you Kami-sama, she said to herself. Ranma had grown bored, and was gently bouncing up and down on her toes, looking impatiently at Nabiki. Her gentle bouncing was doing interesting things to her chest. Nabiki could practically see Kiko eyes bobbing up and down in rhythm with Ranma's breasts. Smiling like a shark Nabiki moved in for the kill.


"Goku!! Goku!!" As Nabiki left the store she stared in surprise at the small group of children surrounding Akane. Akane's expression was a combination of pleasure and embarrassment. Pleasure at the presence of the children, embarrassment at the attention they were drawing to him. Even as Nabiki watched two mothers appeared and hustled their children away from this strange man.

Akane looked wistfully after them, he had always liked children. A pensive look crossed his mind, and he wondered if he would ever be able to have children of his own now.

"Earth to Akane, you in there anywhere?" Akane looked down to see Nabiki staring up at him.

"Sorry, my mind was somewhere else. How's Ranma doing?"

"She's in good hands." Nabiki said with a twisted smile. "Your turn now. Ready to get boyed up?"

Akane sighed. "Do I have any choice?"


"Then I'm ready. You say you know a good place?" A puzzled look crossed his face. "How? Daddy certainly doesn't shop anywhere fancy."

"The head salesclerk is a friend of mine from high school. Kenichi had a reputation as a snappy dresser even back then. He went to work in his father's store when he graduated. He'll look after you." Nabiki very carefully did not mention the other thing Kenichi was well known for.


"Really, never had a proper set of clothes in his life you say?" Kenichi said.

"That's right, his father was a real fanatic when it came to the art. I doubt Akira has ever worn anything but a Gi in his whole life."

Nabiki turned and looked at Kenichi. He was standing next to her, looking at where Akane was standing on the other side of the store. Akane was not paying any attention to them. He was busy looking at a display case of sweatshirts with university logos across the front. She lowered her voice, and said, "frankly, I don't think he even has any underwear. You know these martial artists. They like to live life in the rough."

"Really," Kenichi said in a breathless voice, his eyes roving over Akane's massive form.

Nabiki, grinned her shark grin again. "Now, shall we talk finders fees, dear boy."


"I'm not sure about this Nabiki." Ranma said, running her finger through her hair. "I've sort of gotten used to my hair like this."

"Look Ranma, there are four things that people remember about you. Your clothes are one, and we've taken care of that." Nabiki gestured at the yellow dress Ranma was wearing. Ranma looked embarrassed at being reminded of it. It was a lot different from dressing up to fool Ryouga. This would not be any short-term disguise. Nabiki went on with her list. "Your hair is another. That red hair and your pigtail make you stand out. We change that and you'll blend right in with all the other girls at school."

Ranma grimaced, she rather liked standing out in a crowd. Then a thought occurred to her. "What are the other two things?"


"You said there were four things that made me stand out. What's the other two things?"

Nabiki looked at her in surprise, then she patted Ranma on the cheek. "You're so Kawai," she said in a saccharin voice. " Let's go get your hair done shall we." Ranma followed her into the hairdresser, a puzzled look on her face.


"Nabiki, are you sure about this." Akane ran his hand through his hair.

"Have to do it, I'm afraid. That style just does not go with that body. Don't worry, we'll get something that will look good in either form. Something like Ukyou's, only a little shorter."

Akane reluctantly followed his sister into the hairdresser's.


"Where is that Baka? She should have been here twenty minutes ago." Akane was fuming. He and Nabiki had been sitting in the ice cream parlor for fifteen minutes waiting for Ranma. This was the agreed upon meeting place, and with the lure of food there was no way Ranma should have been late.

Nabiki just smiled around her straw, and concentrated on her soda.

A waiter carried a parfait to the table next to theirs.

"Here you go, on the house. I hate to see a such a cute girl sitting here all alone, and looking so hungry." Akane snorted at the blatant pick up line. Then she stiffened in shock as the girl answered.

"Gee, thanks mister, you're so sweet." She said in a voice that had to be a put on.

Akane slowly turned in her chair and stared at the black-haired girl in the yellow dress. The girl winked at her and then ate the parfait in a blur of motion. Putting the glass down she said. "Shall we head for home." Her voice was practically bubbling with suppressed laughter. Akane could only stare at her retreating back in shock, as she walked out of the restaurant.


Nabiki walked down the street, counting a small sheaf of yen notes. It had been a good day. Nabiki would never dream of skimming from either Nodoka or her family's account, but if her friends wanted to give her a little reward for steering business their way, where was the harm. It was not as if they had not done a first rate job with Akane and Ranma.

Akane was now dressed in a large white pullover with Nekoma Tech Auto Club emblazoned across the front of it. It was tucked into a pair of brown pants that flattered his build. Unlike Ranma, Akane did not have the option of wearing oversized clothing. Anything that fit his male form would be like a tent in her female form. As a result he had made no effort to get something that would look good on his female form. His hair had been cut and styled and was now drawn back into a short ponytail. It gave him a rakish appearance that many of the ladies they were passing felt was quite striking. That is, if the way they turned to watch him walking away was any indication. Of course they did not seem to be looking at his hair, but who could really tell.

Ranma was dressed in a plain yellow frock. Her breasts were minimized and contained by a firm sports bra. Without her breast bouncing freely she was not drawing anywhere near the attention she usually did walking down the street.

She still attracted a fair amount however. It was just that fewer of the boys looking at her were actively drooling. That was not the biggest change however. The biggest change was her hair. It was no longer in a pigtail. Instead it was combed out and pulled back in a ponytail that hung half way down her back, and it was dyed black. The difference the altered hair color made in her appearance was extreme. Even Nabiki had only recognized her in the ice cream parlor because she had seen Ranma in the yellow dress before she had left her at the hairdresser.

Right now, however, the two gender shifters were not concerned about their altered appearance. Instead they were grumbling about the trouble involved in buying clothing in their new forms.

"It was ridiculous," Ranma was saying. "The salesgirl must have spent a half hour measuring and feeling my breasts before she was able to bring me the right size. How do you girls put up with some strange woman fondling you like that." Her annoyance was increased by the fact that she had found herself becoming quite aroused by the handling. She had found her reaction quite worrying. She had better control as a boy than she now had. She had never used to have trouble controlling her body. Even Shampoo's glomping had not effected her that strongly. She wondered if it was the damage to her Ki that was responsible. That raised a whole other worry. If her Ki was still damaged, what about her curse? Just how long was she going to be stuck like this?

Akane was not really paying attention to Ranma's beef. Instead he was just waiting for her to stop talking so he could air his own complaint. "It was the most embarrassing moment of my life. I thought I'd die when the salesman said he had to see how big I got so he could size the pants properly."

Suddenly what the other had said registered on both of them. They turned and looked at each other. "What," they both exclaimed. A second later a shout of, "NABIKI!!" rang out through the street.

Nabiki just chuckled and went back to counting the yen Kiko and Kenichi had given her for the privilege of serving her naive country cousins.

Still laughing to herself Nabiki turned off the street and walked through the gate into the front yard of the house. She skidded to a stop and was almost run down by Ranma and Akane who were right behind her.

"Hey careful! I almost dropped my new dress..." Ranma trailed off as she noticed who was standing in the yard.

"Hello Nabiki, are these friends of yours?" Nodoka said, smiling at Onna-Ranma and Akane-kun.

Nabiki was momentarily speechless, and before she could say anything Ranma stepped up.

"It's me mom, Ranma." She was pale, but her face had a determined cast to it. She looked her mother straight in the eye, and waited for her reaction.

"Ranma?" Nodoka said, she looked at Ranma in disbelief. Her eyes glanced towards Akane-kun, who had moved up behind Ranma, and was hovering protectively behind the small girl, a look of fear on his face. Paling she said, "I see. Is there something you wish to tell me?"

Before Ranma could answer Genma roared out in rage. "BOY!! What do you think you're doing!? I can't believe my own flesh and blood could be so cruel. How can you parade your perversity in front of your poor mother like this?" Genma fell to his knees and lifted his hands to the heavens in supplication. "Oh woe is me. After all my years of diligent instruction. All my years of suffering and self denial to make a man among men of you, and this is how you repay me. All that time wasted. Oh was there ever a man more harshly done by than me." All the while he was ranting, Genma was looking at Nodoka out of the corner of his eye, trying to judge her reaction. He could discern nothing from her expression, however. Her face looked like it was carved from marble.

Ranma had heard enough. She had wanted to remain calm, to explain things to her mother, but old habits die hard. "Self Denial?" She said incredulously. "Diligent!? Old man, the only thing you were diligent at was in not denying yourself." She started towards her wailing father, murder in her eyes.

"Ranma," Nodoka said in a strained voice. Ranma stopped as if her mother's word had been a slap. Or one of Akane's mallets. She turned and faced her mother, and flinched back at the pain in her face.

Nabiki had been enjoying the misunderstanding, but decided it was time to speak up. Before she could voice an explanation, however, something intervened.

"Nabiki!! How could you help Ranma betray your sister this way?" Soun sobbed as he draped himself over her shoulder and proceeded to soak her new sweater with his tears. By the time Nabiki could free herself from her father's grasp, Nodoka and Ranma had entered the house, closely followed by Akane-kun. Nabiki sighed, it looked like she was too late. Then she smiled, thinking, looks like the fun will last a little while longer. She was not really worried, the truth would come out soon.


Nodoka had listened as Ranma had given her a G-rated version of the last twenty-four hours. Ranma had to repeat herself several times. Nodoka's attention kept drifting. She could not seem to take her eyes off of Akane. All through Ranma's explanation she kept glancing at Akane, a sick fascination in her eyes. When Ranma at last finished she sat there, looking down at her hands that were clenched together on the table top.

"So you're trapped in your female form, and you now have female feelings that you did not seem to have before." She lifted pain filled eyes, and looked at Ranma. "Is that why your friend is here?"

"My friend?" Ranma said in puzzlement. Then she followed her mother's gaze, and saw she was looking at Akane. Suddenly Ranma realized that everyone had been so concerned with Nodoka's reaction to her, that they had not even thought of mentioning Akane's condition. Lord knows what everyone was thinking. She felt relief that her mother's strained looks were not entirely due to her being dressed as a girl. Suddenly she grinned as a thought came to her. After enduring a year of being dunking in ice cold water, and having scalding water dumped over her head to order to demonstrate the unexplainable, it was her turn.

"Oh, my friend." Ranma said. Reaching out with one hand he took Akane's hand in hers. "He's not my friend. He's my fiancé." She stood up and leaned forward to kiss a startled Akane. As she did so, she picked up the teakettle, and as she leaned forward she dumped the water over Akane head. Then she pecked her on the cheek and sat back down, grinning at the reaction she had caused. Genma, who had turned red at Ranma's words, was stunned into silence. Nodoka was shocked, but then her face lit up with relief and happiness. Soun fainted.

Akane was flushed red with embarrassment, and she was more than a little annoyed at the method Ranma had used. She stood up to express that annoyance in her usual manner, and her pants and new boxer shorts slithered to the floor to lay in a heap around her ankles. Only the fact that her pullover now hung past her knees kept her from dying of terminal mortification. The glance she directed at Ranma promised extreme consequences at a later date.

The happiness on Nodoka's face shifted to concern. "Akane-chan, how did this happen to you? Are you all right?"

Akane was too flustered to answer, and Nabiki elected to supply the explanation. "Aunty, it was this way. When we found out about Ranma's condition we tried to use some Instant Nanniichuan to restore her to her male form."

"Instant Nanniichuan?" Nodoka asked in a puzzled voice. "If you had something like that, why did you not use it on my son a long time ago?"

"We did, but it is only a temporary cure. I had some left over from that attempt. We figured that even a temporary cure was better than nothing, but for some reason Ranma's body repelled the water and it splashed Akane. I think it must have been the potion, but I don't really know."

"I see." Nodoka said, then her face lit up. "So Akane-chan is only temporarily cursed then."

Nabiki looked sheepish. "Not exactly, the powder should have stopped affecting her a long time ago. Afterwards I found a letter of instruction that said the effects could vary. So we have no idea when it will wear off."

"My poor baby," Soun sobbed. Recovered from his faint he gathered Akane up in a hug. In the process he lifted her completely out of her pants and boxers. "Now how will are families ever be joined? Ranma is a girl! And my poor baby is cursed to" Soun's wailing ground to a halt, and he let Akane go, a look of bemusement on his face. Almost in a trance he picked up a glass of water and dumped it over Akane. Who immediately grew into his full masculine stature. Nodoka flushed and adverted her eyes, while Akane desperately tried to yank his pullover low enough to cover himself.

"Daddy!!" He said in an angry voice. Soun ignored him. Instead his gaze moved from Onna-Ranma to Akane and back again. Suddenly he laughed.

"Well then there's no problem. Ranma is a girl and Akane is a boy. Our families can still be joined. Oh happy day." Everyone face faulted.

Genma was on his feet almost instantly, leaping across the table he placed Soun in a headlock. Knuckling the trapped man's head with his free hand, he hissed in his ear. "Are you trying to get me killed." Aloud he shouted. "No!! Never!! My son is a man among men!! He would never agree to such a thing! We are just going to have to wait until they are restored to their normal condition!!" As he spoke he kept and eye on Nodoka, once again trying to judge her reaction.

Nodoka ignored the two older men and instead said. "Ranma, could I talk to you in my room please."


Ranma looked nervously at her mother as she closed the door behind her. She had been dreading this. Why had she ever let Nabiki talk her into posing as a real girl.

Nodoka spoke. "Ranma, when I learned two months ago that you had been Ranko all that time, I was terribly hurt. Over time, however, I came to realize that thanks to your father you had every reason to fear my discovery of your secret. I don't want you to ever fear me again." Waving her hand at Ranma's body she continued. "This does not matter. I wanted you to be a manly man...but if the fates decree you must be a woman, I don't want you to think I will love you any less. I will be as proud to call you daughter as I was to call you son."

Ranma heaved a sigh of relief. Her stomach had been knotted ever since she had seen Nodoka standing in the yard. "Thanks mom, that means a lot," she said.

Nodoka held out her arms and Ranma stepped into her embrace. For a minute they stood there hugging each other, tears streaming down their faces. After a minute Nodoka broke the hug.

Wiping tears from her eyes she said. "Now, on to other matters." Her expression suddenly grew fierce, and Ranma felt a shiver of apprehension. "Your father did not do a good job of teaching you manners, but you were his son, and it was not my place to interfere. Now, however, as long as you are trapped like this you are my daughter, and I expect you to bring honor to the Saotome name."

"Ah, about that" Ranma said.


"Nabiki!?" Nabiki looked up to see Nodoka walking towards her. A frown on her face. "What is this Ranma tells me about her being Ranko Tendo?" Why can she not be Ranko Saotome?"

Nabiki had been expecting this. "It is very simple. The plan is for Ranma and Akane to pose as brother and sister, cousins of ours from the mountains. They are staying with us while Akane and Ranma stay with their family. No one will think it strange that Akane and Ranma wanted to escape the chaos of Nerima. But even if Ranma looks different, if she shows up with the same family name the other students will give her more attention then her disguise can handle. The other thing is that if Akane Tendo and Ranma Saotome disappear and Akira Tendo and Ranko Saotome appear, more than one person will become suspicious."

Nodoka nodded her head. "I see, very well, just so long as it is temporary." She turned and smiled at Ranma, who had followed her into the room. "Come dear, there are some things a mother needs to tell her daughter." Ranma followed her out of the room a look of dread on her face.

Nabiki smiled in satisfaction. Her income from Akane and Ranma photos had dropped considerably. Everyone had accepted that the two of them were a couple, and the only person buying pictures anymore was Kuno.

Even the sale of Hentai pictures of Onna-Ranma had dropped off considerably since that incident in the change room. Nabiki shook her head at the stupidity of some people. Imagine, thinking that changing Ranma into a female would make her easy prey. Well, the five students that had tried it had been quickly shown the error of their ways. They had been absent for three weeks before they had healed enough to return to school. Which was far too easy a penalty in Nabiki's mind. That incident had dropped sales of Hentai Onna-Ranma pictures into the toilet, and for that they deserved far more than what Ranma had done to them.

Now however she was about to throw two very attractive minnows into the shark pool that was Furinkan High's dating pond. As brother and sister the two of them would be fair game. She could see sales going through the roof already. By tomorrow she should have the prints of Ranko and Akira's shopping trip back. She fully expected to sell out the day after. Now all she had to do was hack into the school data base and enter the pertinent information.


Nabiki made one final key stroke and pushed herself away from the computer. It had taken three days, but all the work was done. Tomorrow Akira and Ranko would make their appearance at Furinkan. She had already pre-sold fifty information packets on the new arrivals, and was expecting their actual arrival to prove very profitable. As she leaned back in her chair, smiling at a job well done, her look fell on her bed. A frown crossed her face and for just a minute a shadowy shape seemed to lay on the bed. Then Nabiki shook her head, banishing ghosts of what was and what might have been. It had been three days. If Shampoo had been foolish enough to take her up on her offer she would have been here long since. Face it Nabiki, she said to herself. She's probably half way to China by now. Without a male Ranma to hold her here, she had nothing to stay for.

Despite her arguments Nabiki's happiness of a few minutes ago did not return. Glumly she changed into a nightgown and crawled into bed. For a long time she lay on her lonely bed, thinking about what might have been. Her hand slipped below the hem of her panties, but then she drew it back out and crossed her hands over her chest. She would not give into the weakness of her body again. Only pain lay in that direction. Better by far to put all that aside and get back to what was safe. She closed her eyes and eventually fell into a restless sleep.


Shampoo sat staring at the two objects sitting on the table in front of her. One was a tiny vile of golden liquid, one of four that Ryouga had filled after she had left the restaurant three nights ago. The other was a bucket of cold water.

Each day her life had fallen into a pattern. Get up, smash Mousse for sneaking into her bedroom, eat breakfast. Then go and spy on Nabiki from a safe distance. Come home, smash Mousse, eat dinner, try water, go to bed, smash Mousse for trying to sneak into her bed. The same pattern for the last two days. Nabiki had been right, the potion did affect people. Mousse had never been so bold, or so lustful. She looked down at the comatose body in the middle of the floor, and sneered. Nabiki was a better man then he was, even when she was female. She went back to staring at the bottle of potion and the bucket of water.


Urgant looked down from where he was floating above Mousse's unconscious body. Pathetic, he thought. He knew from Nendex's memory that the female was a latent submissive. Even with that advantage, this poor excuse for a man could not capture her.

Urgant's expression altered slightly, to one of speculation. To be fair to the Amazon, he was suffering from years of indoctrination by a matriarchal society, but would it continue to hold. Even in the short time Urgant had been observing him, his conditioning had started to fray. The Amazon would never have dared been so forward towards a female two days before. This offered possibilities.

Urgant would not be able to shunt Mousse's personality aside for several weeks yet. If he tried too soon he risked failure, or worse, having to share the body and mind with this human. He would have to be patient, unlike those fools back in the temple. At the thought of his former cellmates, Urgant's non-existent teeth ground together. Those fools, if only they had been patient. They might all have been free. Now he was alone and it would be weeks before he could once again steer his own destiny. His attention turned back to Mousse. Now, if this one were to overcome his background, then Urgant might at least look forward to some entertainment while he was waiting. If only he dared to try a little control, but he did not. This was his last chance at freedom. He could not risk jeopardizing it. Opening a channel to the Amazon would leave him exposed and vulnerable. No, the best thing he could do, was to be patient and hope the dufus would provide some entertainment on his own.

At that moment Mousse woke from his nap, and immediately glomped Shampoo, who promptly smashed him into the floor. Without even looking at him.

Urgant sighed. On the other hand, it could be a very boring few weeks.


Shampoo sighed, life had been so simple before. She had chased Ranma, confident that he would eventually realize how perfect she was for him. Now everything was changed. Ranma was lost to her, and with that loss her life as an Amazon was ended. The only possible redemption was out of the question. She had been through too much with Ranma, killing her was not something she was prepared to consider. So, she was now a non person, a girl without a tribe. If she were to return to the village she would be little better than a slave. All those who had resented her would take great pleasure in humiliating and degrading her.

No!! She could not go back. She had shamed her family name as it was. To go back and drag that name through the mud even more was unthinkable. Besides, if she was to be slave, could she not at least pick the one who would be her master. Once again her mind looked back to that night, and the pleasure she had felt. She did not know why, but the mere thought of Nabiki sent a warm feeling of comfort and pleasure through her body. Besides, the memory of that pleasure, another image filled her mind. Nabiki screaming defiance at whatever had been controlling them, and then firing off that Ki blast. That had been impressive. Nabiki might not be a fighter, but she had proven herself a warrior at that point to Shampoo.

Mind made up, she reached for the bucket of water. Then as she had done each night for the last three nights she lifted it over her head and prepared to dump it. The last two nights nothing had happened, the potion was still active, still preventing the change. Would this night be any different. For a minute she looked at the small golden bottle, hesitating. Then her expression firmed and she dumped the water over her head.


For what seemed like hours Regent had searched for Ryouga, to no avail. He had widened his search to the limit of his resources and found nothing. He had managed to find another two faint Shikima signatures. It was curious he had not noticed them earlier, but like the other ones they were natural and of no use to him. Finally, running low on energy Regent gave up looking for Ryouga, he turned back towards Shampoo's energy source. Better female than dead he supposed.

It wasn't there!! He looked frantically. It had to be there. Even if she had died the energy would still be there after such a short time...Time, No!! He could not have been so foolish!! Regent synchronized with one of the other energy sources. One of the ones near Ranma. One of the natural sources. He could not channel his spirit into them, but he could check his temporal status.

NO!!! He had!! The energy he tapped was racing through time in relation to him. Like a drowning man who did not know up from down, he had become disassociated from the time stream. What he had thought had been hours, had been three days in the mortal plane. He was trapped, he had no body to leap into, and his energy was dropping.

Regent looked over his options. He had no choice, the only hope he had for survival was to continue on as he had been, and hope someone he could link to would become available before his reserves of energy ran out. He slowed all unnecessary functions and settled down to do the only thing he could--wait.


Nabiki tossed in her sleep, her mind lost in a dark dream. Images flashed through her mind, Ranma and Akane, then they became Akira and Ranko. Their image shifted, and now it was of the two of them making love. Hard flesh slid into soft wet flesh, the two of them writhing on a bed, faces twisted in ecstasy. The figures shifted again, became two other people. Nabiki groaned in her sleep, and a close listener might discern that it was a groan of repressed lust rather then one of distress.


"Crawl, you bitch. Crawl to your mistress!" Shampoo, her hands tied behind her back and her legs bound together, wormed her way across the floor to where Nabiki sat, slowly rocking back and forth in her office chair. Every now and then Shampoo winced as her long flowing hair was caught between the floor and her body. When that happened, she would be forced to laboriously roll from side to side, flipping her head to remove her hair from its entanglement.

Nabiki sat and watched her efforts with a sardonic smile on her face. She was dressed appropriately for her role, in that she was wearing a black leather corset that looked like it had been painted onto her body. It framed and lifted her breasts, but did nothing to hide their creamy, strawberry tipped fullness. Black boots hugged her lower legs like a second skin. Those boots and the studded collar around her neck were the only thing other than the corset she was wearing. She lounged back in the chair, one leg crossed over the other.

Slowly she stroked a leather riding crop up and down her crossed leg, and watched with cold eyes as the naked Amazon made her way across the floor toward her.

Finally Shampoo made it to Nabiki. Uncrossing her legs, Nabiki placed the toe of her boot under Shampoo's chin, and lifted, forcing the bound girl to raise her head until Nabiki could look into her eyes. Nabiki scowled at the bound girl. "You certainly took your time! Didn't you, slut!?" She snapped out, then in softer, but no less threatening tones, she continued. "One would think you were not eager to serve your mistress. Did you perhaps have other things to do? Were you prowling some alley? Perhaps you were looking for some battle scarred tomcats you could lift your tail for, was that it, hmm?"

Suddenly the figure on the floor was no longer a human girl. Instead a half-cat, half-human morph knelt at Nabiki's feet, bindings no longer restricting her limbs. Her fur a rich cream color, with pink highlights. Her tail twitched back and forth as she gazed up at her mistress. Eyes full of love, and limpid with passion.

Nabiki spread her legs, and reached down with her hands. She slowly ran a finger up and down her exposed sex. Then she took her finger and wiped the glistening digit across the cat-girl's pursed lips. Shampoo-neko's tongue curled out of her mouth, stretching to an impossible length, and licked the finger clean. Nabiki brought her hand back to her hot, wet pussy, and placed a finger on either side of her damp sex. Spreading her lower lips, she revealing the glistening pink flesh inside. Her voice hoarse with suppressed passion, Nabiki said "Is this what you want pretty kitty? Does little kitty want some cream?"

The cat woman did not answer with her voice. Instead lifting her hands she lay them gently on Nabiki's upper thighs, and pressed outwards, spreading the black clad legs even farther apart then they already were. When they were spread as wide as need be, she lowered her head and began to lick. Nabiki threw back her head and groaned at the sensation of that long supple cat tongue delicately licking the honey from her slit.


"AAHHHhhh," Nabiki groaned as pleasure washed over her body. Her hands tangled in the sheets and she bucked her hips violently. After a few more spasms her body relaxed and she lay there panting. Boy, that was a hell of a dream, Nabiki thought to herself. Then something brushed her leg, and her mind froze. Looking down between her legs she spotted a small furred body.

It is possible that Nabiki's sister, Kasumi, might not react violently to this situation. Nabiki, however, reacted in a fashion more in keeping with the rest of the world.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!" She screamed and thrashed her legs furiously. The small furry animal between her legs was tossed from its position, and flew across the room. There was a startled "MEW," and then a thump as it impacted with the wall.

"Mew," Nabiki said to herself, her fright rapidly fading. Reaching over she clicked on the light that sat on her bedside table. Sitting on the floor, looking at her reproachfully was a cream-colored cat with pink highlights.

Nabiki's heart leapt when she saw the feline, but then her brain got in the act, and stifled that surge of emotion. "Shampoo!?" she said incredulously, "What the hell are you doing here?" Then memory flooded back and she remembered. "Don't come back until I can hold you in my lap and scratch your ears." No! It wasn't possible. It had been the potion that had made Shampoo act that way. She could not have actually come back for that reason now that it had worn off. Could she? No!! Not after what Nabiki had said to her.

A breeze from the open window wafted through the room, and swirled around Nabiki's body. As it brushed over her sweat soaked body she shivered as the moving air chilled her. Then she became aware of a deeper, more intimate chill. Reaching down she felt dampness, and the ragged edge of her torn panties. Shampoo's claws and teeth had shredded them nicely.

The dream! Was obviously not all a dream. She stared in shock at the cat sitting on the floor of her room. Her eyes narrowed as she took in the smug look on the feline face.

"You know where the furo is, Shampoo, I suggest you go and use it!" she said in a flat voice. "I can see we have some things to discuss." The cat nodded at her, and then lightly leapt to the window ledge and disappeared into the darkness.

Five minutes later the door to Nabiki's room slid open and Shampoo slipped silently into the room, her naked body glistening with moisture. In one hand she held a bucket of water.

"Getting a little ahead of ourselves, are we not." A sardonic voice said.

Shampoo turned from where she had been facing the bed, the start of a puzzled look on her face. As she heard the voice, the expression on her face shifted to one of happiness. She looked across the room to where a naked Nabiki was sitting on her office chair, a small towel under her shapely rear. Nabiki sat looking at Shampoo with a twisted smile on her face, she was idly twirling a tattered piece of fabric around the index finger of her left hand.

Shampoo gushed enthusiastically as soon as she saw Nabiki. "Shampoo bring water for Instant Nanniichuan. Nabiki and Shampoo make love now? Yes!"

"Love?" Nabiki raised an eyebrow in mock surprise. She got up from her chair and walked toward Shampoo, still twirling the small piece of fabric. "I believe I told you not to get romantic ideas about me! I believe the words I used were, if you come back, I'll own you...and I'll use you." Nabiki was now right in front of Shampoo, who was staring at her like a mouse cornered by a snake. Nabiki lifted a hand, and extending a finger touched Shampoo's belly. She slowly ran a long fingernail up Shampoo's body. Moving it between her breasts and up her neck, it left a streak of white behind, which quickly disappeared as Shampoo's upper torso flushed red. Reaching her chin, Nabiki pressed a little harder and forced the Amazon to lift her head.

A sudden breeze from the window ruffled Nabiki's hair. As the breeze passed her and reached Shampoo, the Amazon shivered as it dried the water on her skin. However, at the same time she felt a sudden heat fill her and swayed slightly toward Nabiki.

Removing her finger from beneath Shampoo's chin, Nabiki turned away from her. "I also mentioned some other things as well. I believe...I instructed you not to touch me unless I gave permission." Nabiki recited in a matter of fact way.

Shampoo was not really listening to Nabiki's words, instead she found her eyes were following ever motion Nabiki made. She stared at the rhythmic swaying of Nabiki's hips as she walked away from her, at the play of muscles in her sleek back. All the while Nabiki kept talking, slowly, precisely, calmly. Nabiki's steady even voice was soothing, and Shampoo found herself becoming mesmerized as it washed over her, the meaning of the words not really mattering. Like a cat being calmed by a steady relaxed voice, she just stood there and let Nabiki's voice caress her. It was the tone and cadence, rather than the content she was listening to. So when Nabiki's pacing brought her back in front of Shampoo, she was totally unprepared for the hand that lashed out and slapped her face.

Like a striking snake, Shampoo's hand snatched out and caught Nabiki's wrist. The knuckles on her fingers turning white from the pressure of her grip. The flesh of Nabiki's arm was crushed by the force Shampoo exerted, but Nabiki made not a whisper of sound. She stared Shampoo straight in the face, her eyes never wavering. Nor did they flinch when Shampoo's other hand raised and positioned for a strike that could crush her skull. Instead, she said, "Why are you here, Shampoo?"

For a minute Shampoo stared into those deep brown eyes, her body trembling with the need to strike. Then under that knowing gaze her own eyes dropped and she released Nabiki's arm. Nabiki cradled her wrist in her other hand and massaged the vivid white splotch where Shampoo's grip had squeezed the blood out of the flesh.

"Shampoo not no why she come."

"Really?" Nabiki said. Releasing her sore arm, she once again placed her hand on Shampoo's belly. But this time she did not stroke up. Instead she stroked down, until she cupped Shampoo's mound in her hand. Then, moving the hand back and forth, she let her forefinger slip into Shampoo's wet sex.

With a gasp, Shampoo arched her back and thrust her pelvis at Nabiki's probing finger, but it was gone. Nabiki pulled her hand away and left Shampoo thrusting at empty air. Instead, Nabiki ran her hand back up Shampoo's belly, her long fingernails leaving vivid white traces to mark their passage.

"Why are you here Shampoo?" Nabiki repeated.

"Shampoo here..." Sweat beaded on the Amazon skin, replacing the moisture that had been evaporated from her skin. Once again a breeze ruffled Nabiki's hair before brushing past Shampoo's body. The Amazon shivered, and a million thoughts ran through her mind. She had no idea how to put what she felt, what she needed, into words. Even her native Chinese did not have the words for what she wanted...what she needed. At last she said. "Shampoo here...because...Nabiki make Shampoo feel good." It was a poor way to express the churning need she felt, but it was the best she could do.

"There, was that so hard?" Nabiki said, her calm voice belying the racing of her heart. Turning her back on Shampoo she swallowed, and took a moment to calm herself. Once she had her emotions in check she turned back to face the Amazon who was now staring at the floor. "Look at me!!!" She snapped out. Shampoo started and raised her eyes to look at Nabiki. "That's better, I don't like it when people won't look me in the eye.... Makes me think they have something to hide."

Nabiki held up the small bit of cloth she had been twirling on her finger earlier. "Do you know what this is?" Shampoo looked puzzled, and shook her head no.

"This, my dear Shampoo, was the bottom of a forty two hundred yen set of matching lingerie." Nabiki stretched the fabric between both her hands and revealed them to be the remains of the panties she had been wearing earlier. "It is now scrap." Nabiki strolled around Shampoo looking her lithe body up and down. "My, you don't seem to have any cash on you." She reached out and stroked a hand over Shampoo's ass. "I wonder how you can pay for it." She slid a finger over one of Shampoo's cheeks until it reached the deep cleft between them. Then she moved in closer until she was pressed tightly against Shampoo, nothing between their bodies but Shampoo's silky hair. She ran her finger up and down the cleft in Shampoo's ass, and whispered in her ear. "Do you have any suggestions?"

Shampoo swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry. The feeling of Nabiki's breasts pressing into her back were stirring feelings she had never expected to feel at the touch of another female.

"Shampoo bring water, Nabiki use Instan..."

SLAP! Shampoo jolted slightly as Nabiki's caressing hand drew back and swatted her muscular backside. It was a light blow, hardly more than a tap, but it resonated through Shampoo's body, causing her to quiver, as tremblers of pleasure shivered through her body.

"You will not mention that again!!" Nabiki hissed in her ear. "That is for good little kittens! You have been a very bad kitty! You touched without permission, and you damaged my personal property! Oh yes, you have been a very bad kitty indeed!"

Nabiki stepped back from Shampoo, and again walked around her; when she was in front of her she looked Shampoo in the eye, and said, "And what do you think I should do to you?"

Shampoo was sweating. This was not going the way she had planned. She had been so pleased when she had managed to bring Nabiki to a climax earlier. She had been sure that Nabiki would make her feel wonderful in return. She had not expected this cold and sarcastic person. She looked at the girl in front of her. Nabiki had little in the way of muscle under that baby fat. Shampoo knew Nabiki had little skill in fighting. Shampoo could crush her with a single blow, but the thought filled her with a cold emptiness. Yes, she could destroy Nabiki, but it would cost her.

Suddenly Nabiki hand grasped her chin and twisted Shampoo's head so she was looking Shampoo straight in the eye. "I asked you a question!!" Nabiki said in an ice cold voice, a voice that sent a wave of heat rushing through Shampoo's body. Shampoo slumped, as if that heat had melted some of the iron in her, and mumbled something.

"What was that? Did you say something? I don't think I caught that!" Nabiki said.

"Punish Shampoo," Shampoo said in a tremulous voice.

"Punish? What a novel idea, but however could I do that?" Nabiki brought her hand to her chin in a mocking pose of deep thought. As she did so, she seemed to become aware of the tattered panties in her hand. "Oh dear, I really must dispose of these." Nabiki looked around for somewhere to toss the torn undergarment. As she looked, she balled them up in her hand and raised her arm, in preparation of throwing them into the first trash can she saw. She made a complete turn, and was left with the panties still in her hand. She looked at Shampoo, a bemused smile on her face, a direct copy of Kasumi's as a matter of fact. "Oh dear, I don't seem to have anywhere to put them." She looked at Shampoo, a speculative look on her face. Then her smile widened, Nabiki said. "Open your mouth would you, kitty."

Shampoo was hesitant but those brown eyes bore into hers, and she complied, but just barely. She opened her mouth slightly, just parting her lips.

Nabiki frowned, "Open your mouth!!" She ordered, all mockery gone from her voice. Shampoo opened wide, and Nabiki reached over and popped the torn and soiled panties into her open mouth. Then putting a hand on the bottom of Shampoo's chin, she lifted. "You can close your mouth now, kitten." When Shampoo did so, there were still little strands of fabric sticking out from between her lips. Nabiki raised a hand, and with her forefinger pushed the shards in, one at a time, until there was no sign of the panties remaining.

Nabiki smiled at her. "Very good, you just hold that until I find somewhere else to put them." Turning her back on Shampoo she went over to a dresser and opened a drawer. Reaching in, she pulled out several items. Walking back over to Shampoo she handed her two pairs of thigh and ankle cuffs. "I believe you know where these go. Put them on!" Nabiki snapped out the last bit. For a minute Shampoo stood there holding the leather straps, hesitating, then she bent over and started to put them on.

"What a good kitty," Nabiki practically purred. She reached down and patted the top of Shampoo's head. Shampoo felt a wash of pleasure at that touch and she lifted slightly, pressing her head against that stroking hand. The hand moved down and scratched Shampoo behind the ear, and again Shampoo rubbed her head against the pleasure giving fingers. Then Nabiki withdrew her hand. "You're very slow, a little faster please, I need my sleep." Shampoo complied and soon the straps were firmly in place.

"Stand up please." As Shampoo obeyed, Nabiki went back to the dresser and withdrew a heavy leather belt. "Hands to the front!!" Nabiki snapped when Shampoo reflexively placed her hands over her ass. Slowly Shampoo complied, all the while looking at the heavy leather strap in Nabiki hand with wide eyes. Nabiki walked behind her and as she passed, Shampoo felt another wave of heat. "Eye's front!!" Nabiki snapped out, as Shampoo swiveled her eyes to watch Nabiki.

Shampoo jerked her head back to the front, and stared straight ahead. Her sensitive ears could make out the sound of the leather strap brushing against Nabiki's leg, and could hear Nabiki's footsteps as she walked closer to Shampoo. Shampoo clenched her buttocks and waited for the lash to fall. Instead she felt Nabiki's arms reaching around her, each of her hands holding an end of the belt.

Reaching completely around Shampoo's waist Nabiki pressed herself tightly against Shampoo's back, and buckled the heavy leather belt in place. Before she removed her hands, Nabiki leaned forward, and brushing aside the silky hair, kissed the back of Shampoo's neck. Then she whispered.

"Very good, kitty, very good indeed. You're such a good kitty. If you keep being a good kitten maybe mommy will give you a treat. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

Shampoo practically purred in response. Nabiki then took one of Shampoo's hands and pulled it toward the belt. For the first time Shampoo noticed that there were heavy leather loops attached to it. Nabiki slipped Shampoo's hand through the loop and pulled it tight, fastening her wrist tightly in place. She repeated the operation on the other arm. When she was finished both of Shampoo's hands were fastened firmly to the heavy belt.

Nabiki walked in front of Shampoo and stared at her, looking deeply into her eyes, a slight frown of uncertainty on her face. By now Shampoo was practically boiling with arousal. As Nabiki stood there staring at her, Shampoo brought her legs tightly together and rubbed them against each other. Her juices squeezed out of her hot sex and ran down her thighs. The heavy scent of her arousal wafted through the air and into Nabiki's nose. The frown on Nabiki's face disappeared, and she reached out and pinched one of Shampoo's nipples between her fingers. Shampoo gasped as a knife blade of pleasure jolted through her. She leaned forward into Nabiki's grip. Nabiki retreated, pulling her along with her. In a few steps they reached her bed.

"Get on the bed...on your knees" Nabiki commanded, releasing Shampoo's nipple. Shampoo lifted one leg and placed it on the bed, then she did the same with the other. In a minute she was kneeling on the edge of the bed, her back toward Nabiki.

"Sit back on your heels and then lean forward so your face is on the covers." Nabiki commanded. Shampoo complied, and was soon curled up in a ball, face tight against the bed covers, ass high in the air and just barely hanging over the edge of the bed. Nabiki reached down and fastened the cuffs on Shampoo's legs together securing her firmly in place. Then bending over Shampoo's body she gathered Shampoo's hair up and lay it gently on the bed beside her head, leaving Shampoo's eyes free of any obstruction.

Shampoo heard Nabiki walk away, and there was the sound of drawers opening and closing. Then footsteps approached her, and a second or so later three objects thumped down on the bed a little way from her face. She looked at them in puzzlement. Two of them were cylindrical in shape. One was about six inches long and tapered from a rounded tip to about an inch and a quarter thick for most of its length. The other was about four inches long, and also had a small rounded tip, but it flared out rapidly to about an inch and a half thick and then flared back down to a narrow neck attached to a wide base. The final object was almost mundane. It was a thin rope of braided leather with a clip on one end.

Shampoo suddenly forgot about the strange objects. Nabiki had run one of her fingers along the outside of Shampoo's sex, and Shampoo forgot everything in the wash of sensation that pulsed through her body. Shampoo hissed in pleasure and thrust her hips back at Nabiki's finger. Nabiki pulled her hand back in reaction to Shampoo's movement, maintaining only the lightest of contact. For the next five minutes she tormented Shampoo, slowly running her finger around Shampoo's sex, brushing lightly over her clitoris. Whenever Shampoo's vagina would start to pulse, she would pull back her finger and wait until the Amazon had cooled down.

Shampoo twisted and squirmed, and finally started rubbing her thighs together, in an effort to surmount the last little peak she needed to feel that rush of fire that had enslaved her three nights before.

SLAP! Her hips bucked as Nabiki stopped stroking, and smacked her upturned ass with her bare hand. "Stop moving!!" Nabiki commanded. Shampoo had to fight down the urge to rip herself free of her bindings and plunge her fingers into her heated sex. Instead she groaned into the panties stuffed in her mouth and stopped her body's twisting. "Spread your legs," Nabiki then commanded. Again Shampoo obeyed, twisting her torso so she could lift one of her bound legs and set it down a foot and a half away from the other.

Shampoo felt Nabiki's body brush against hers, and she watched as a hand reached down into her field of vision, and picked up one of the cylindrical objects, the one with the uniform shape. Once again she felt hands on her ass and something, not a finger, brushed against her sex. Then it pulled away. Suddenly, a light buzzing came to her ears, and it was all she could do to keep from bucking her hips in reaction as the thing once again made contact with her upturned sex.

Fire ran through her veins and all the moisture seemed to disappear from her mouth. Even the panties that had up too now been well soaked with her spit seemed to be dry. Then she felt the buzzing object moving at the very opening to her vessel and she moaned low in her throat as it slowly shoved its way deep into her body. A small tearing pain shot through her body as it ripped the portion of her hymen that her training had left intact, and she stoically ignored the sensation. The pain disappeared almost as quickly it came. Washed away by the sensation aroused by the object moving in and out of her vagina. For a minute she could feel it being shuttled in and out of her fire-filled hole. The sensation of being filled with something for the very first time added a new dimension to the pleasure shooting through her body, and then Nabiki stopped moving it, and left it where it was, plunged deep into her body, vibrating slightly.

The sensation running through her body blinded her to everything else, so she did not hear Nabiki going over to her desk or hear her returning. Only when Nabiki's fingers slipped into her wide spread ass crack did she focus on something beside the object thrust deeply into her body. Nabiki's fingers were greasy and they played with her rosebud. She shifted her hips nervously, but stopped when Nabiki's hand slapped her butt in reaction to her violation of the no move rule. She ceased her movement, but she could feel Nabiki's thumb pressing relentlessly against her most private place, and that was causing her body to shiver despite her efforts at remaining motionless.

Slowly, forcing its way past the ring of muscle surrounding Shampoo's rosebud, Nabiki's thumb pressed inward. Then with an almost audible pop it overcame her resisting sphincter, and plunged into her ass. Back and forth Nabiki rocked her hand loosening and lubricating Shampoo's tightly, clasping, opening.

Shampoo's muscles were trembling with the strain of trying to obey Nabiki's injunction against moving. Small whimpers of suppressed passion, mixed with nervous moaning, escaped her mouth, and a thin sheen of sweat formed on her body. The combined sensation in both her holes was bringing her close to exploding in release.

Finally Nabiki withdrew her thumb, and Shampoo, whose back had been arched fiercely all this time, slumped in relief. Her relief was short lived, she watched with wide spread eyes as Nabiki's hand once more entered her field of vision and picked up the other cylindrical object. No!! She could not!! Things did not go in there. They came out. Shampoo surged upwards, only to be pressed down again by a hand in the small of her back. There was no strength behind that hand. Just a gentle pressure, but it stopped Shampoo's movement dead despite that. Nabiki leaned over her body again and whispered in her ear.

"Do you want me to stop, kitty? Do you want to go home now?"

Shampoo knew she could break free of her bindings in an instant, knew that she could overcome Nabiki with no effort. If she did that...then she knew Nabiki would send her home. She could not force Nabiki to give her the pleasure she wanted. Could not force her to give her the companionship she needed...or the love. For a second her muscles remained tense. Then they relaxed and she sagged against the bed.

"Very good kitten, very good indeed." Nabiki whispered in her ear. Then she stood up and Shampoo could feel the tip of the thing in Nabiki's hand pressing against her rear opening. She groaned into her gag as it slowly forced it way into her body. For what seemed like hours but was only a minute, Nabiki rocked and pumped the thing back and forth, slowly working it deeper into Shampoo's bowels. Finally the widest section forced it way past her sphincter muscles, and with a rush it plunged the rest of the way into her body. Shampoo's entire awareness was focused on the sensations of immense fullness that filled both her holes.

Nabiki removed her hands from Shampoo's ass, and reached down and picked up the last of the objects on the bed. Reaching between Shampoo's legs she fastened the clip on the end of the leather rope to the center of the belt and ran it back out between Shampoo's legs. Pulling it up so it bisected Shampoo's sex and ass she carefully positioned it so that it ran across the bases of the two dildos thrust deep into Shampoo's body. Running it across the small of Shampoo's back, she fastened it to the heavy belt.

Nabiki stepped back and admired her handiwork. Shampoo knelt on the bed her face lying on the sheets and her ass high in the air. Just the right height, she mused to herself, eyes going to the crate of Instant Nanniichuan, but then she pulled her eyes away with an angry thought. NO!! I'm doing this as a female. Shampoo came here to fuck with a guy, but I'm not a guy. If she can't be happy with my female form, then better to find out now.

Despite her hard words to herself, Nabiki had been desperately afraid that Shampoo would do just that. Three days ago she had not had the slightest interest in Shampoo as a sexual being, now looking at her trussed on the bed, dildos thrust in both of her openings, she felt an attraction she had never felt before for another person.

It was no longer just the fact that Shampoo was submitting to her. These feelings were more than her lust for power over others. Some part of her brain had made the connection, Shampoo was hers, and she was desperately afraid that Shampoo would take herself away. Nabiki was under no delusions over her ability to hold Shampoo against her will, but she also knew that she would never compromise herself either. What she had told Shampoo earlier was very true. If Shampoo came back, she would use her, but the other part was a lie. The part about Nabiki not caring either way. She was discovering that she cared very much indeed, but this relationship was going to be on her terms or not at all.

Nabiki stepped forward and leaned over Shampoo's body, reaching around she cupped her firm breasts, and began to knead them. A low moan came from Shampoo's throat, and encouraged, Nabiki started to press her hips into Shampoo's upturned ass. The pressure caused the imbedded dildos to shift in Shampoo's openings. The combined sensation of Nabiki's hands, and the objects thrusting into her body was enough to shove Shampoo over the edge. A small shiver ran through her body, followed by another, stronger one. Then Nabiki felt the muscles under her belly writhe and twist as Shampoo orgasm exploded in a spasm of pleasure. Nabiki stepped back from Shampoo's trembling body, an expression of satisfaction and accomplishment on her face. Then expression firming, she proceeded with the next step.


Ninety minutes later.

Nabiki bent forward in her chair until her face was inches from Shampoo's upturned ass. Lifting her brush, she delicately dipped it in the small can she held in her other hand. Then raising it she reached forward. Holding her breath she very carefully moved the brush toward Shampoo's creamy derriere and with great delicacy placed the final stroke of paint, finishing the pattern she had been working on.

She heaved a sigh and sat back in her chair. For a minute she sat there admiring the stylized "N T" she had painted. "Very nice, very nice indeed," she said. "I think that looks just perfect. We can visit a tattoo shop in a day or so and get it done permanently." The only response from Shampoo was a muffled moan of passion. Nabiki smirked at the upturned ass in front of her. "It's your own fault you know. If you hadn't kept moving, I wouldn't have had to start over all those times. We could have been finished an hour ago." Standing up, Nabiki returned the paint can to its proper place and stood for a minute admiring her handiwork as she cleaned her brushes.

"Oh by the way kitten, you can move now."

A tremor ran through Shampoo's body, and then another, until her hips bucked and her body went rigid as the orgasm she had been holding at bay for the last ten minutes crashed over her. It was the sixth one she had experienced in the last hour. The previous five had ruined Nabiki's calligraphy, and forced her to start over. As the last ripple of passion ran down her body, Shampoo slumped, her body bathed in sweat, breath rushing in and out of her nose. Even after all she had experienced in the last hour she had not spit out the ragged panties in her mouth.

Nabiki finished cleaning her brushes and placed them in a tin on her desk. Then she strolled over to Shampoo, and ran a hand over her sweat soaked ass. Then sliding her hand over Shampoo's body, Nabiki ran her hand slowly up the small of Shampoo's back causing her to arch in pleasure. A small shiver ran through her back muscles, as she experienced a residual spasm of pleasure at Nabiki's touch Reaching the leather belt fastened around her waist, Nabiki unfastened the slim leather rope. Then she shoved her arms between Shampoo's wide spread legs and un-clipped the other end of the rope. Tossing it on the floor behind her, she slowly stroked Shampoo's ass cheeks with both hands. She brought her hips forward and rubbed herself against Shampoo's body, grinding the dildos deeper into Shampoo's body. Then, swallowing the spit that suddenly filled her mouth, she reached down and grabbed the base of the dildo that was shoved up Shampoo's pussy. It slid out easily, and was accompanied by a flood of juices.

Nabiki started to throw the dildo down on the floor with the rope, but then hit by a sudden impulse, she lifted it tentatively to her lips and licked. The taste was not altogether bad. She looked down a Shampoo's upturned face. Shampoo was looking at her with stars in her eyes. Nabiki shivered at the depth of passion she could detect in them. She felt herself responding to that look, her own sex heating, and lubricating. She gave a little shudder and shook herself out of the trance she had fallen into. She set the dildo down and reached forward and grasped the base of the butt plug. This took a little more effort to extract, but it was only a small one and came out fairly easily. Nabiki, feeling absolutely no desire to sample this taste sensation, tossed it down with the others.

Nabiki then proceeded to remove the rest of Shampoo's ties and bindings until she was as naked as the moment she had come into the room. The last thing she did was to remove the soaking wet panties from Shampoo's mouth. Free of her ties the Amazon stretched out on the bed, slowly twisting and turning her body to relieve the kinks of her hour and a half in bondage. She looked up at Nabiki from under half lidded eyes. A contented half-asleep look on her face. Once again Nabiki was put in mind of a tiger, and she felt heat flush through her body at the thought that this tiger was hers to do with as she would.

None of that showed on her face however as she snapped out. "On your feet!!" Shampoo blinked at her, startled, but obediently rolled off of the bed onto her feet. As soon as she was clear of the bed Nabiki dumped a glass of water over her head. Nabiki watched in fascination as Shampoo body shrank and morphed until a small damp cat was sitting on the floor looking at her reproachfully. Nabiki reached down and picked her up. "Sorry kitten, but this is a single bed, and I'm in need of my rest. It's going to be a busy day tomorrow." Setting the dumbfounded cat on the floor Nabiki lay down on her bed and closed her eyes.

Nabiki was not really as calm as she pretended. She was burning with the need to experience some of the pleasure Shampoo had enjoyed in the last hour. That would be a show of weakness, she thought, and she was not going to show any weakness on this night. She did not want Shampoo to get the impression that Nabiki needed her for anything. So even though her body cried out for release from the burning in her groin, she ignored it and concentrated on cooling her overheated passions. Slowing her breathing she lay there quietly, her legs wide spread to prevent even the slightest friction.

She was so busy concentrating on repressing her feelings. She did not feel the soft thump of a small body jumping onto her bed. She did, however, very much feel what happened next. Carefully being sure not to brush against Nabiki's legs, Shampoo-neko crept as close as she could get to Nabiki's drooling sex. She could smell Nabiki's arousal, and intended to do something about it. Finally having gotten as close as she could without giving her presence away, she pounced.

Nabiki threw back her head and gasped. The small barbs on Shampoo-neko's tongue caused a sensation out of proportion to its actual size. Nabiki reached down with the intention of dislodging Shampoo from her meal. Before her hands got anywhere near the busily lapping cat, a shudder ran through her body and her hands clenched tightly in the bedclothes, rather than around the small cat. Nabiki did not last long. Unlike Shampoo she had not had an orgasm during the past ninety minutes. She had shoved her lust aside and had toyed with Shampoo. Satisfying as that had been, it was nothing compared to this. Nabiki felt like the top of her head was going to come off. It was all she could do to keep from screaming out loud.

Through this all, Shampoo continued to lick. Delicately she nosed in and selected her spots with care. Her sensitive whiskers detected the spasms that rippled through Nabiki's body. Even after Nabiki's legs closed, pinning her in place she continued to lick. Up and down Nabiki's slit her tongue went, lapping at Nabiki's sex as if it were a dish of milk. Nabiki's honey flowed profusely, and Shampoo diligently licked up every drop. On and on Shampoo went. The stamina of her human body was present in her cat form, and even when her ribs were threatened by the pressure from Nabiki's legs she kept licking.

Nabiki orgasmed again, her legs lifted from the bed and carried the cat pinned between her legs with them. Shampoo kept licking.

Nabiki orgasmed, and thrashed her head from side to side. Shampoo kept licking.

Nabiki orgasmed, and her legs thrashed, knocking Shampoo aside for a moment, then they fell open as Nabiki gave in to exhaustion. Shampoo resumed her place and kept licking.

Nabiki hands weakly tried to push Shampoo away from her honey pot, Shampoo dug her claws into the bed spread and kept licking.

Nabiki orgasmed, and barely moved, Shampoo kept licking.

At last Nabiki lay motionless, breath gusting from her mouth, lungs rising and falling like a bellows. Shampoo stopped licking.

Nabiki was too weak to move as Shampoo walked up her body and stood on her chest looked down at the exhausted girl. Shampoo stuck her tongue as far out as it would go, and looking directly into Nabiki's eyes licked her chops, removing the remains of Nabiki's juices from her whiskers. Nabiki just lay there panting, glaring at Shampoo's expression of smug superiority. Silently she promised herself to remove that expression at a later date. Shampoo turned herself around several times and then lay down, her head cushioned on one of Nabiki's breasts. She closed her eyes and to all appearances went to sleep.

Nabiki lay there panting, the light body of the cat raising and falling with her breaths. After a little while she regained her breath. She raised her arms and held her hands poised over the body of the cat. Then her eyes softened, and she crossed her arms across her chest, cradling the softly purring cat on her chest. A minute later the room was silent except for the soft breathing of the two figures on the rumpled bed.


"AAHHHH!! Cat, cat, cat."

Akane looked up from where she had been glumly examining her new school uniform. A second later Ranma burst into her room and dived under the bed. Akane blinked in surprise, staring at her bed. A voice from the door caused her to turn around.

"You two had better get ready for school. I'd hate to have done all that work to get you registered, and then have you be late your first day. Akane said nothing. She was too busy looking at the cat Nabiki held cradled in her arms. She just pointed a shaky finger at the cat in Nabiki's arms and silently opened and closed her mouth, not being able to force a word out, finally after a second she tried again and succeeded at least to the point of stuttering.

"Sha... Sham... Shampoo!!"

"Really Akane, your as bad as Ranma. Shocked by a sweet little kitty." With that she walked out of sight, leaving her sister gaping at the door.

"Is she gone?" A soft voice whispered from under her bed.

Akane made no answer. She just kept staring at the door, a stunned expression on her face.


"Hello, are you open?"

The nurse at the reception desk looked up at the brown-haired girl in the doorway. The girl was dressed in a school uniform and had a cat carrier in one hand.

"Yes dear, the doctor is not in yet, but if you want to leave your pet before you go to school. I'll see that she is looked after."

"Thank you"

"What is it you wanted looked at, is she sick?"

"No, not sick"

"Did you come to get her spayed then?"

The girl smiled a wide grin and the cat in the carrier suddenly set up a loud wailing. "No" she said, "She is a very lovely cat, I may want to breed her sometime. The reason I'm here is to get a microchip implant. I hear you do them here."

"Yes indeed, and it's a very good thing to get done. If your pet is ever lost, any shelter or veterinarian office will be able to scan the chip for her ownership records."

"That's what I want. I don't want there to be any doubt about who owns her. I'll just leave her here and pick her up later then?"

"That's right dear," She reached down and passed a form to the girl. "Just fill out this form with all the necessary information and the doctor will implant the chip later. She will be all done when you get back this afternoon. I'll put her in the back while you fill out the form." She picked up the cat carrier, and carried it into the back room.

A minute later she returned, and saw that the girl had finished the form. Picking it up she scanned it, and then looked up and smiled at the schoolgirl. "Well everything we need seems to be here. We'll see you tonight then will we, Miss Tendo?"

"That's right. Thank you for your help. I'll be back after school."

"Such a nice girl" The nurse murmured, and then she went back to her filing.



Well there is the end of chapter two.

I hope you enjoyed it. I have gotten so much positive response to chapter one that I have been worried about living up to it. I hope I did. If you think I slipped send me a message and let me know how and why. I would very much like to get feedback on this. This chapter would not have been done nearly as quickly, if it had not been for the people who wrote and told me how much they liked ch1. I would like to thank all the people who did so. It made all the work worthwhile.

I would also like to thank Wade Tritschler. Without him this would not be nearly as readable as it is. Wade has not done any lemons...Yet. But anyone who has written a fic where Akane and Shampoo become lovers is not far from falling over the edge into Hentai-hood.

You can find his stories at <>

Try his stories out. They're very good.

As well I would like to thank a certain, redhead who offered to pre-read for me a few weeks ago, without her help this story would not be as good as it is. It is a big confidence builder when pretty girls write and say they liked your story. Especially when they are as nasty minded as she is. She was a big help in heating up the scenes between Shampoo and Nabiki.

Thanks Green Eyes.


Author's Notes:

I just wanted to make a few short comments here.

About La Blue Girl...

This is mainly a Ranma fic; the elements I borrowed, and will borrow, from the video are for the purpose of altering the Ranma characters so that they can do all the hentai things this story will require.

So don't expect to see the female members of the cast ravaged by tentacles, it ain't going to happen. Most appearances by tentacles are going to result in serious pain and humiliation--for the monsters, not the girl.

Hey, were talking Ranma's girls here, If your were a demon, would you try to ravish Akane, knowing what you know about her, not to mention that sword Shampoo seems able to pull from nowhere, and then there are Ukyou's spatulas. Nope, any demon that messes with these girls is asking to have his love life cut short, literally.

Miko Mido will appear, however, so there will be a little tentacle rape there. Poor Miko, she just can't seem to avoid it. Anyone want to vote for her boyfriend. Feel free to send in your choices and reasons. Give me a good funny one and it may happen. I have nothing in mind for her at the moment.

How long will this be...

I have no idea. There is an underlying plot to this, but in general it is just going to flow from story to story, much as the manga did. How far I go, really depends on whether people are interested in reading it.

Why are the chapters so damn big...

This is a lemon, but I also want to have some plot and character development, and as I don't want to write any non-lemon chapters, that means that sometimes it will take a little while to get to the good stuff. Hopefully I can make it interesting enough to be worth the read.

Other chapters of this can be found at the RAAC archive, but the versions I'm posting to the Grey Archive will be slightly altered. I checked out chapter one after it was posted there, and was pretty annoyed at how many typos and whatnot there were.

This was the first thing I ever wrote, and the earlier chapters seem to need some renovations, so I'm going to take the chance to do that while posting to this new archive.

As well it is on the following home pages.

The Sakura lemon page. <>

Rteker's lemon page. <>

The Hungry Tiger