

A fan fiction based on the manga by Rumiko Takahashi, Ranma 1/2 and the anime La Blue Girl.

This story may not make any sense to any one who is not acquainted with the Ranma series, so go out and buy the entire thing so you can appreciate it better. J

This is a lemon. Another word for porn. If that offends you, do not read this. It may also contain NC sex, if that offends you, don't read this. If you think anything might offend you, don't read this.

Anyone else. Please for goodness sake read this and let me know what you think.

Of course, as May West said, Goodness has nothing to do with it.


A note on the text: Words in this font are thoughts that have been inserted by the demons into their playthings. Normal italics are still their own thoughts.


What has gone before:

Ryouga has discovered a semi-cure for the Jusenkyo curse. A Ki poison that taken in small doses disrupts the curse, and prevents the change. Taken in large doses it can permanently disrupt the curse, but it will also destroy the Ki of the victim. As well, taking the poison in your cursed form will trap you that way until it wears off. Ranma stole the cure from Ryouga and drank the whole bottle while in her cursed form. She is now permanently female, and has severely diminished her martial arts ability. Ryouga has taken his revenge on Ranma in a rather graphic manner.

In addition to trapping her as a female, the potion has also had some side effects that required Akane to use the Instant Nanniichuan to become a male. He also has gotten to know Ranma much better. On with chapter two.



Deep inside a hidden valley was a temple. It had stood for centuries untouched by time, and unvisited by humans. There was a curse on the valley it inhabited. No female creature would enter the valley, and with no females, there was little reason for males to enter. There were no birds to sing, no insects to hum. The silence was disturbed only by the wind sighing through the ancient trees that towered high into the air in splendid isolation. There was little underbrush around their roots, as there were no young plants. The humans who lived around the valley shunned it. So, down through the ages the residents of the temple had lived with never the sight, smell, or touch of a female, of any species.

Naturally they were more than slightly horny.

In a room deep in the temple, four...well, beings is as good as word as any I suppose...were focusing all their attention on a large silvery viewing screen that was currently divided into three sections. One section showed a muscular young man in a yellow shirt. He was talking to another young man in a long white robe. The robed man was currently huddled on the floor with his fingers in his ears. No one in the room was paying much attention to this section.

In the second section of the screen a small red-haired teenaged girl and a very large dark-haired man were doing their best to bend a small single bed into a U shape. This was being watched and enjoyed by the two largest beings. Then there was the final scene. A young man with a slim build, and brown hair cut in a rather feminine style, was watching the same scene that was visible in the second section. He was using what looked like a computer monitor to do so. He was sitting in what looked like a combination bedroom, office, and small general warehouse. There was a very attractive young lady with long flowing purple hair lying unconscious on the bed behind him.

He was paying her no attention whatsoever. A situation which the last two beings were finding more than a touch annoying.


Regent and Nendex stared with intense concentration at the figures on the screen in front of them. Nendex was beginning to think that he would be unable to convince this Nabiki Tendo person to do what he wanted. He had a formidable amount of will power, but Nabiki's was every bit as powerful. It was not that Nabiki did not feel lust, he did indeed, in spades. The raw Shikima magic in his system saw to that. However, the combination of a powerful self-control, and a disinclination towards the female sex made it impossible to steer him in the direction Nendex wanted. Unlike his sister, Nabiki normally had no sexual feelings for females, and as a result was not naturally inclined to take advantage of the beautiful girl in his power...power... Nendex paused for a minute.

A strong part of this Nabiki's character was the need to control events around him, and to manipulate those people that came within his sphere of influence.

What if the reason he had so much control was not so much resistance, but that Nendex was trying to push the wrong buttons? Now what if he were to make some cross connections between the pleasure Nabiki felt when controlling others, and the lust he was feeling as a result of the magic in his system?

It should be easy enough, it was not like he was trying to suppress or block a natural inclination. So, unlike what the other two were doing with this one's sister, he should be able to do it by himself, which was good, as Regent was fully occupied taking advantage of the purple-haired girl's unconscious state to delve deeply into her subconscious mind.

A few minutes were enough to determine that his idea was valid. A few moments later he had determined what had to be done, and within seconds he had established the necessary links. Now it was merely a matter of letting nature take it's course and whispering the occasional suggestion.

He looked over at the sweating forms of his so-called superiors. They had expended large amounts of psychic energy in order to direct their play toy in the way they wished it to behave. He felt contempt as he compared their brute force approach to his skill and finesse. They could have had their subjects screwing like rabbits if they had been satisfied to manipulate the two's suppressed desire for each other. Instead they wanted a scenario where the girl-turned-boy forced the redhead Urgant had been so worried about. They had managed to do it, but it had taken their combined willpower to accomplish.

Nendex looked at the side of the screen that showed Ranma and Akane, and narrowed his eyes. While Akane had indeed forced himself on the little redhead, and while Ranma was indeed tied to the bed, it was easy to see that their mutual movements were no longer those of rapist and victim. Unless he missed his guess they were both now engaged in the type of sex that Extefan hated with a passion. Lovemaking.

Nendex suppressed a smile as he turned back to his own screen. So, despite their wasting of all that energy, all they got for their trouble was what he could have accomplished with a fraction of the effort. His satisfaction was increased by the knowledge that the play toys the two larger demons had tossed his way, like a dried bone to a dog, were by no means that. He had high hopes that this Nabiki would supply him with an entertainment that Ergan and Extefan could only dream of getting from their toys. He chuckled to himself quietly and went back to watching his and Regent's puppets.


Nabiki reached out and typed several commands on his keyboard, ordering the computer to store the 60-second segment starting with Akane working his way up the obviously terrified Ranma and ending as he reached between his legs and directed his enormous member at her tiny opening. Then, wiping sweat from his brow, he turned off the feed to his monitor and left it up to the VCR to monitor the rest of the activity in Akane's room. He knew that one segment would sell every video he could produce. All he had to do was send it out over the Internet and within hours the orders would be flying in.

For now, however, he was suffering from his first ever erection, and was rapidly on his way to enjoying his first case of blue balls. Nabiki had never before been so affected by a video. Even allowing for the fact that it was Ranma and Akane, did not help to explain his feelings of arousal. It had to be this body. He had always known guys were controlled by their balls, but for the first time he began to feel a little empathy for what those little bits of flesh did to them. Well, he had a solution the others did not possess. A little hot water would wash those annoying little things right away.

Seems a shame though. I really should experiment a little. After all, this is my chance to really understand what to twist when I'm dealing with guys. Not to mention that I had better gain control of this body if I'm going to use it as a disguise.

Nabiki frowned at these thoughts. They made sense he supposed. He had avoided dealing with a certain type of person because he was female. This body would let him get around that. After going to that amount of effort, it would be very foolish to be tripped up by the very thing he was hiding with. If he was going to use this body as a disguise he had better learn how to deal with its idiosyncrasies. He frowned, but the sex thing, just how was he supposed to experiment. There was no way he was going to masturbate in this form, and that would not help him much in the real world anyway. After all, if spanking the monkey developed one's masculinity, Kuno and Gosunkugi would be the biggest studs on campus.

What about her?

Nabiki found his eyes turning to where Shampoo lay sprawled across his bed. She was still under the effect of Kodachi's flowers. It had been a simple matter, as soon as he had opened the door to Ranma's room she had jumped at him. The fact that she had yelled Ranma's name when she did so showed she had mistaken Nabiki's masculine form in the darkened doorway for Ranma.

All Nabiki had to do was to hold out the flowers. Shampoo had done the rest. She had snatched the bouquet out of Nabiki's hands and shoved her face into the sleeping powder laced blossoms without a moment's thought. Nabiki smirked, it was really convenient the way Ranma's various visitors left all sorts of useful things laying around after a visit to the dojo. It was also nice that they were so predictable.

Now as Nabiki's eyes trailed over the Amazon's lush body his brand new male body reacted to the sight. He felt a sudden throbbing in his groin. Uh, Uh, no way, he thought. Maybe a real guy would do that, but I'm a little too attached to my arms and legs. I would prefer that they stay right where they are, thank you.

But you're a guy and she won't recognize you. Besides, she's just lying there helpless. She can't do a thing to stop you.

Sweat started to bead on Nabiki's forehead as various images of Shampoo and him locked in passionate embraces filled his head. Man, this body is something else, he thought. I've never had a lustful thought about a girl in my life, and now after only a half-hour or so I'm dreaming of having hot sweaty sex with one of the most dangerous people in Nerima. No wonder guys are so easy to manipulate, he thought with a wry smile.

Still, even realizing it was the body doing this to him, Nabiki could not help but think about the prospect. He was still a virgin. He had seen what happened to guys attitudes when they finally got into a girl's pants, they went from lap dogs to pit bulls, and the way the attitudes of the other boys changed was just as bad. When word got out that the girl had put out, she went from being a person, to being a target for every hormone jockey in the school.

He had not been prepared to give up the power he wielded in the schoolyard. Not for the sake of a few minutes of a sweaty over rated activity.

But I'm the guy now.

Yeah right, like that will keep Shampoo from ripping my head off, Nabiki argued with himself.


Eh, Nabiki thought, as a flash of lust pulsed through his loins.

Shampoo is one of the most dangerous people you know, and she's totally in your power.

Only until she wakes up.

Well, there is an answer to that little problem, is there not?

Nabiki found his eyes turning to a medium sized box sitting under his window. It was a special order for Hiroshi, and as his mind went over the inventory of its contents he felt the lust in his belly start to smolder, and as the fire built higher his self-control started to break down. Slowly a smile crossed his face and, stopping only to pick up one of Mousse's shurikens from his dresser drawer, he stood and walked over to the box. As he passed by the bed his eyes ran over the form laying there with a new appreciation. Whistling a happy tune, Nabiki knelt down and began to cut the strings tying the box closed. Opening the top of the box he looked at the contents with a happy smile on his face. Yes, all here, he thought. Reaching in, he began to extract the items he was going to need. Having removed them he made his way back to the bed.

He gazed at the lithe female figure lying helpless before him. She looked so helpless and fragile lying there on the bed. Curled up in a fetal position, her head lying on one hand, the other hand curled under her chin. She looked anything but what she was, which was one of the most dangerous martial artists Nabiki had ever encountered. Nabiki knew of more skilled fighters, and he knew of more ruthless ones, but there where very few indeed that combined both to the degree that this girl did. Nabiki felt an intense feeling of satisfaction as he contemplated these facts. For all her skill and power, she had been laid low by the force of Nabiki's intellect and now he intended to fully enjoy the spoils of that victory.

He lay down the various objects and devices he had just extracted from the box that had been waiting in his room until he could con Ranma into delivering it. Then, reaching down he rolled the unconscious girl over onto her back. The sway of her unencumbered breasts under the smooth silk of her dress brought a lump to his throat. His new body expressed its appreciation in other ways as well. Careful, Nabiki, don't let this body set the agenda. Remember, this is about showing Shampoo what real power is.

Having brought the urge to ravage the girl here and now under control, Nabiki reached down and began to undo the ties that kept her dress together. In a manner of minutes Shampoo lay naked on the bed and Nabiki once again had to fight down his new body's instinctive reaction to the flawless beauty of Shampoo's naked form.

Rolling the girl back over onto her stomach Nabiki picked up a rectangular piece of leather that had a Velcro strip and several eyelets fastened to it. It had certain similarities to an old corset, but with no stiffeners to give it shape. Straddling Shampoo's body, he sat down on her ass. It settled a little under his weight, but the strong underlying musculature kept it from losing its shape. Nabiki took a minute to savor the feeling, before getting back to the matter at hand.

Reaching forward, he lay the section of leather in the middle of her back. Then grasping her left hand he pulled her arm up behind her until her forearm was at right angles to her body, and was laying atop the leather pad. Holding that arm in place with one hand, he reached over and pulled her other arm up behind her as well. Positioning both arms so that the forearms lay side by side, he shifted his grip so that he could hold both arms in place with one hand. With the other he folded one side of the leather over her arms. Then picking up the leather from the other side he folded it over the first section. The Velcro fastener joined the two sections together and held them firmly enough that Nabiki could release his grip and have both hands free. This was the usual method of fastening. However, for people who wanted a more stringent bondage there was another option.

Considering whom he was dealing with, Nabiki did not even consider leaving it like that. He picked up a long length of lacing and fed it through the set of eyelets that ran down each edge of the leather binding. Much like lacing up a pair of shoes, he quickly fastened the two halves firmly together, being very careful to leave no slack the Amazon could use to free herself.

When he finished, he leaned back and inspected his work with satisfaction. Shampoo would have minimal leverage with her arms in that position. That was only half the job however, Shampoo was too formidable a martial artist to be rendered helpless merely because she could not use her arms. Lifting himself from his comfortable seat he slid off the bed. He reached out and picked up several leather cuffs similar to the ones he had tied Ranma with. One set, however, was much larger than the small ones he had used on Ranma.

Moving back to the bed, he pulled Shampoo's unconscious form around so that her body was near the edge of the bed. Fastening one of the smaller leather cuffs around her ankle, he then slipped the other one around her upper thigh. This brought his hand into close proximity with her vagina. Unable to resist, Nabiki indulged his curiosity, and allowed his hand to slip up far enough between Shampoo's legs so that his fingers ran lightly over the lips of her sex. Shampoo moaned passionately and a softly murmured, "Ranma," came from between her lips. Nabiki was surprised to feel how damp Shampoo was. Bending over, Nabiki placed his mouth near Shampoo's head.

"Having sweet dreams are we dear." He whispered in her ear. "Enjoy them while you can." Pulling his fingers away from Shampoo's damp sex, he buckled the thigh cuff firmly around her leg. Stroking a hand over her firm buttocks he ran his hand down her other leg and quickly repeated the operation.

Having firmly fastened the four cuffs in place, Nabiki now moved on to the next step. Taking hold of one of her ankles he bent her leg back until Shampoo's foot touched the back of her thigh. It was simple from there to fasten the ankle cuff to the thigh cuff, using the sewn on clips. Repeating the operation with the other leg took only a moment. He then rolled the girl over on her back.

Nabiki stepped back and admired her handy work. Shampoo lay there, her arms drawn up tight in the small of her back, securely fastened with the heavy leather wrapping. The weight of her body shoved her arms deep into the mattress. Her legs were folded in half, allowing no freedom of motion in that area. In her unconscious state gravity forced her legs to separate widely, giving Nabiki a clear view of Shampoo's pouting sex. The outer lips glistened with arousal as her dreams of Ranma caused her to twitch slightly in her sleep, and to moan faintly in passion. Idly Nabiki wondered what sort of dream Shampoo was manufacturing based on the stimuli coming from her physical body.

Shampoo grunted as all the air was driven from her lungs. Ranma had slammed her body hard into the ground. Then before she could move he jammed a knee into the small of her back causing her to expel all the air in her lungs. Having temporarily rendered her helpless, he reached down and ripped the bottom of her dress away from her body, exposing her tanned and bare ass to the air. Kneeling down behind her he pinned her own legs in place with his. Then undoing the ties to his pants he let his massive erection spring free. "Now Shampoo I've beaten you, and will take what is mine." He said in a voice hoarse with lust.

"Yes take this unworthy amazon and make her your slave. Shove your manhood deep in Shampoo, make her woman."

Nabiki shook his head and dispelled the image from his mind. "Yeah right," he mocked himself, "that's real likely." A twisted smile spread across his face. "Man this body is really twisted, my batch of instant Nanniichuan must have come from the spring of drowned pervert." A sound from his bed brought him back to the current situation.

Shampoo was starting to move more vigorously and was making more and more noise. She was going to be waking soon, and for a brief moment Nabiki contemplated gagging her. He discarded the idea. He wanted to hear her voice, wanted to listen as she shouted out in rage at her captor. Besides, it wasn't as if any one would notice her yells. Akane and Ranma certainly would not, and none of the neighbors would give it a moments thought. Compared to some of the sounds that had come out of here in the past, any noise Shampoo might make would be shrugged off as just another night at the Tendos'.

Nabiki started to set the stage for Shampoo's awakening. First he turned his desk lamp so that the light washed over Shampoo's form. Then he turned out the overhead lights. He placed his office chair behind the lamp so he would be shielded from Shampoo by its glare. Then he moved the computer monitor so it could be easily seen from the bed despite the lamp. Having completed his preparation he sat down and waited for Shampoo to wake up.


Shampoo was first aware of a massive headache. Her head felt like it was ready to explode. The next thing she noticed was that she could not seem to bring her hand around to touch her aching head. For a few minutes she struggled to move her arms. While she was doing that, her vision cleared enough that she could tell the brilliant light blinding her was from an outside source and was not a manifestation of her headache.

"What...where...Shampoo?" She murmured in a fuzzy voice, mind still dulled from the narcotic in Kodachi's flowers.

"Ah, good, you're awake." A strange male voice said. Shampoo looked in the direction the voice came from but could see nothing. Instead the intense light made her eyes water and forced her to turn her eyes away.

"Maybe you can answer some questions for me now, hmmm?" The voice asked in a friendly tone.

"Where Shampoo? Who you?" She asked, trying to force her mind to work. There was something she was missing here, and she could not quite figure it out yet.

"I ask the questions here!!" The strange voice had suddenly lost it's friendly air and was now as cold a ice. "For the next little while I ask, you answer! Follow that little rule and we'll get along quite well."

Shampoo felt a blaze of fury at the arrogant male. How dare he speak to her in that tone of voice. She would carve his balls off and make him eat them for his presumption. At this point she finally realized what it was that had been clamoring for her attention. She was tied. She could feel her arms behind her back and her legs seemed to be twisted and bound in some manner as well. Looking down she was shocked to see her naked breasts silhouetted in the light from the desk lamp. Squinting her eyes against the glare she could see that her nakedness extended to the rest of her body. She next realized that her legs were wide apart and that the strange man must be able to see every bit of her. She flushed with a combination of anger and embarrassment and forced her legs closed.

"Now that is rather impolite, but I'll let it go for now. There will be lots of time for sightseeing later." The voice said, with a tone of amused condescension in his voice. "For now I have a question for you. Where is Nabiki Tendo!?" He spat out like a whip crack, as if hoping to shock an answer out of her.

"Greedy girl?" Shampoo asked in puzzlement. "Why you ask Shampoo about greedy girl? Shampoo not know where greedy girl is."

"No, no, no," the man said his voice weary with pretend disappointment. "I had really though you would be smarter than the other slut. Maybe seeing what happens to little girls who are not helpful will aid your memory." With that she heard a click and a TV screen lit up to her left, away from the glare of the light.

Shampoo looked at the picture in puzzlement for a minute before her mind managed to translate the images she was seeing. When she did, she felt like she had been kicked in the stomach by a mule.

There on the screen was Onna-Ranma, and she was not alone. A large naked man with a massive erection was between her legs, and as his hips lifted and fell, Shampoo could see his large cock thrusting in and out of Ranma's widely stretched pussy. As Shampoo watched in horror Ranma lifted her arms and legs and wrapped them around the dark-haired man. In her shock she failed to note the leather cuffs on Ranma's wrists and ankles. Instead her attention was fully on the little redhead's face. There was no mistaking the passion in that face, and no denying that she was enjoying herself. Shampoo felt her heart break. She had lost him. She had lost her Airen. Tears streamed down her face, and she turned her face away from the monitor.

Nabiki felt relief, he had pushed the wrong key. He had meant to cue up the scene he had saved for advertising. Instead he had called up the current image. That could have been a disaster. He could have easily ended up showing Shampoo an empty bed, and that would have made him feel foolish indeed. He had lucked out, and that annoyed him. Luck was for losers. Still, from the look on Shampoo's face he had achieved his goal of shocking Shampoo. As well he seemed to have managed his secondary goal of prying Ranma loose from Shampoo's attention. From the look on her face, Nabiki would lay odds that Shampoo was no longer interested in Ranma as husband material.

Shampoo was not allowed to dwell on her loss. The TV screen went black and the strange male began to talk again. "We asked her the same question we asked you," the voice said. "She didn't want to talk to us either. When you showed up I gave her to Lenny to play with and I decided to see if you would be any more cooperative. So how about it, you going to tell me what I want to know? Or do I get to play a little as well?"

Nabiki had focused on Shampoo while the scene had been on the monitor. He had not noticed the expression on Ranma's face, and had gone with the story he had pre-fabricated.

Shampoo did not notice that what the man was implying did not match what she had seen. She was too stunned by what she had just witnessed, to even comprehend what the man was saying.

The image of Ranma having sex with that strange man played over and over in her mind, shutting out all outside impressions. Her whole world had just turned upside down.

Ranma, despite his curse, had always been the most manly of men to her. She had built that image up in her own mind to excuse the way he made her feel. It was improper for an Amazon to feel as she did for a man. To be his slave if he so desired. Shampoo had stopped denying to herself a long time ago that she would do anything Ranma asked. If he had asked her for sex, she would have given it to him. Oh she might have tried to use it to make him marry her, but if it came down to it she knew that she would have given him her body with no conditions at all. She had always made the excuse that Ranma was the ultimate warrior, and as such there was no sin in her being subservient to him. No sin in how wet it made her, to imagine him taking her and using her.

Now, however, what was she to think. It had been clear that Ranma was not being forced. Suddenly her mind jolted back to the restaurant and Ryouga's explanation of the cure. Ryouga had explained the dangers of taking the cure in their cursed forms, that it would trap them there. That they would become there cursed form in reality. For them it would mean a life as an unthinking animal... For Ranma... Clear in her memory was Ryouga's smiling face as he had told her that Ranma had taken the cure already. He had known, the bastard had known that Ranma was a girl for real now. She would cut his...

WHACK! "Ahh!" Shampoo yipped in surprise as something smacked against her thigh.

"I'm talking to you!!" yelled the strange male. He had moved out from behind the light and was standing beside the bed. In his hand was the ruler that he had just struck Shampoo with. Reaching down, he took her chin in his hand and twisted her head so she was staring straight at him.

Shampoo felt a shiver pass through her body as she looked deep into his icy cold eyes. The combination of those eyes, his hands on her and the video resulted in a connection being made in Shampoo's mind.

The patient adjustments to her mind by Regent began to produce fruit. He had been delighted to find a strong thread of submissiveness buried deep in her subconscious, it was quite pronounced, but had been kept at bay by her cultural upbringing. Amazons do not take a passive and submissive role with men. However, the last year had slowly eroded her bias against submitting to a male. Allowed by the law to pursue Ranma, she had unconsciously used that as an excuse to express her inner feeling. Unable to physically coerce him, she had tried to lure him by behaving in a most un-Amazonly manner.

When Regent had been routing around in her mind he had been surprised to discover this, but had gleefully taken advantage of the unexpected development. He had carefully worked to fully bring her submissive nature to the surface. While he was not aware of it, his efforts were greatly aided by the hypnotic properties of the gas Kodachi had laced her flowers with.

For Kodachi the gas had been a failure. It caused a deep unconscious state that did not allow the victim to hear her commands. Deciding it was a failure, she had discarded the formula. However Regent was imputing his commands and desires straight into Shampoo's mind, bypassing fully her ears. Unknown to him, his manipulation had established a link directly between Shampoo's pleasure center and her submissive tendencies, using Nabiki as the trigger.

Shampoo felt heat beginning to build in her belly. Before this, only Ranma had induced this reaction, but this man had defeated Ranma. He had defeated Ranma totally. The evidence of the video left no doubt of that. Now he had her completely in his power and something in her was responding strongly to that. The angry glare she had directed at him softened, and she said, "Shampoo not no where greedy girl is. If Shampoo know, she tell husband. Will husband let Shampoo go now."

The strange man seemed startled by this statement and he backed away from her. "Husband?" he blurted out.

"You defeat Shampoo, you defeat Shampoo's husband. Shampoo's yours now, is Amazon way." This was not entirely true. The truth was that under Amazon law Shampoo should have been planning the most painful way she could come up with to kill the man who had dishonored both her and her husband. However, for some reason Shampoo could not get the image of this man using her out of her mind, and that the mere thought of him doing so sent flashes of fire racing through her body. She did not know why, but she was positive that his touch would bring her pleasure such as she had never imagined.

The man seemed to find this statement highly amusing. "Sorry, not in the market for a wife right now. So, if you will just give me the information I want, I'll be on my way."

"But Shampoo tell you, she not know where greedy girl is." Shampoo said in a plaintive voice.

The man sighed in exasperation and said. "Very well, if that's the way it has to be. Don't say I didn't warn you." Reaching down, he felt between her legs until he found her bush. "Nice thatch you have here" he said as his fingers tangled in it. "Be a shame if something were to happen to it." Shampoo stifled a gasp as he gave a firm pull. At the same time she felt a pulse of pleasure shoot through her body.


Nendex gloated. "I just love playing mind games with these types. By the time I'm finished with her she won't be able to enjoy sex with anyone but this Nabiki Tendo. And won't that come as a shock when she finds out the truth."

Regent frowned. He had been annoyed when after all his work, Nendex had insisted on manipulating both of the humans. It was not difficult, once the initial connection were established, it took little effort to maintain. There was such a thing as fairness, however, but when had demons ever given thought to fairness. Being the smallest sucks toadstools, he thought, not for the first time in his life.

Sighing he brought his attention back to the present. "Don't get carried away." He cautioned Nendex. "Take it easy on the pain and pleasure stuff. You can only warp her so far before she'll break, and then she'd be of no further use to us. Wait until he starts doing something that is more normally pleasurable."

Nendex grumbled, "Relax I know what I'm doing. I know how far I can push it, believe me."

Regent grunted in doubt, but let it lay. It was not like he could do anything about it anyway.


Nabiki was startled when she felt Shampoo's reaction to his light tugging of her pubic hair. Her breath quickened, and a red flush started at her hairline and spread down her body until her breasts were as crimson as her face. Nabiki's followed the tide of red as it washed down Shampoo's body until it reached her breasts. Even as he watched the small pink nipples that topped Shampoo's flushed breasts engorged with blood and swelled to three times their former size. This was not what he had intended, the silly bitch was enjoying herself.

So what, that just means I've got an extra lever to use against her.

He grinned at this thought, the original plan was to play with the helpless Shampoo, making it very clear to her who was the master. There was a certain dissatisfaction in that however. It was like poking a stick at a tiger in a cage. Oh sure, he could not fight back, but there was never any real doubt as to who the superior creature was. His original plan was the best he could come up with under the circumstances, but now...

He had been a little startled at Shampoo's assertion that she now recognized him as her husband. However, now that he had a moment to think about it, the though was quite arousing. Now how to test it. He did not dare untie Shampoo just yet. The results of guessing wrong were too horrid to think about. He stared down at the girl on the bed for a few minutes, while she returned his gaze with liquid eyes speaking of deep passion. He noticed that she still held her legs tightly together. Okay, that's a place to start, he thought.

"Spread your legs!" He ordered.

Shampoo blinked at the sudden order. The man had been standing there staring at her in silence for so long. Once the order registered, however, she could not help but obey. She allowed gravity to pull her legs apart and exposed herself completely to this commanding man. She felt a pulse of pleasure as she followed the order, and she almost purred as the tingling sensation ran through her body. She stared up at the man looming over her. Her heart beating a little faster as she waited for his next move. She did not have a long wait, reaching down he ran a hand under her chin and gently scratched her there. This time she did purr.

He gave a chuckle at her reaction. "My we do have a very responsive puss here, don't we." Moving his fingers away from her throat he lightly traced a pattern on her chest, using his unusually long nails as a stylus. Running the sharp edge along her chest he left a white streak on her red tinged flesh as he slowly moved it across her upper chest, finally ending at her heaving breasts. Lightly cupping her left breast in his hand he kneaded the nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

Watching her face, he slowly increased the pressure. Shampoo's breath started to come in quick little gasps and her pelvis started to thrust up and down. Keeping one hand on her breast, Nabiki lay his other hand on her belly and began to stroke it. Each motion of his hand brought it a little closer to her sex, and each time Shampoo thrust her hips toward the stroking hand. Nabiki established a rhythm, and smiled as Shampoo's thrusts began to match it. He felt extreme satisfaction at manipulating her body so easily. Finally, just as Shampoo thought she was going to explode, Nabiki moved his hand the rest of the way down her belly, and lightly cupped her mound.

Slowly he ran a finger up and down her outer lips, causing a burning sensation to start growing in Shampoo's groin, and the wetness that had been forming there started to leak from her engorged sex, dampening Nabiki's stroking fingers. He continued his teasing for several minutes, during which time Shampoo's hips began to move frantically in an effort to increase the level of contact. Losing the steady rhythm of seconds before.

SMACK! Shampoo jolted in shock as he used the ruler from before on her inner thigh, uncomfortably close to her sex.

"Did I say you could move?" The man said in a calm voice. "You will do nothing I do not tell you to. Do you understand?"

Shampoo looked up at him, lust burning in her loins, with an effort she stilled her pelvis and was rewarded with a pulse of pleasure.


Nendex started, he had not done that. That sense of pleasure was generated without any input from him. He stared in surprise at the bound Amazon. Regent had said she was a repressed submissive, but this level of response was unexpected to say the least. He leaned forward, anticipation clear on his face. This was getting very good.


Shampoo did not know why she felt so hot. All she knew was that obeying this man brought instant gratification. She lay there and waited for his next order, her body trembling in anticipation. She did not have long to wait. Reaching down he placed a finger at her sex. "Do not move," he repeated. Slowly he shoved his finger, well lubricated with Shampoo's own juices, an inch or so into her tight opening. At the same time he increased the pressure on Shampoo's captive nipple. Shampoo gasped as a mixture of pleasure and pain rocketed through her body. She was right on the verge of an orgasm, she could feel it bubbling just below the surface. She almost cried out in frustration when he relaxed the pressure on her nipple and began to withdraw his finger. She fought her instinctive lunge, fighting the desire to keep that pleasure giving digit in her body.

Nabiki drew it out as long as he could, taking at least a half a minute to pull his finger back the inch and a half it took to remove it from Shampoo's gripping flesh.

It took all of Shampoo's will to not thrust her hips at his retreating finger as it came clear of her vagina. She managed to hold on, and as he finished withdrawing his finger she again felt a flash of pleasure. She did not know what magic this man possessed. All she knew was that she had never experienced any thing like the pleasure she had felt after only ten minutes in his power. Truly he was a man among men.

Nabiki was feeling a little disconcerted, he had not expected anything like the reaction he was getting from Shampoo. She seemed to orgasm at Nabiki's merest touch, and that in turn was having a very strong effect on Nabiki. He had gone past the merely aroused stage. His new accessory was like an iron bar in his pajamas, and it was causing him discomfort every time he moved.

Hesitantly he reached down inside his pajama bottoms and tentatively grasped his new penis. The resulting flood of sensation was almost painful. He groaned faintly as he slowly adjusted himself, pulling his penis up so the head was not pressing against the rough fabric of his pajamas. The sensation as the tip brushed against the fabric was like nothing he had ever felt.

He suddenly had an overwhelming urge to throw himself onto the helpless Shampoo and drive the aching thing into the soothing balm of her sex. He managed to fight the urge down, but it was difficult. He gritted his teeth and focused on cold thought. He'd be damned if he'd give into this body's urges. He had controlled his normal female body for years. He would prove to himself that his mind was superior to the animal lusts of this body. He raked his eyes over the girl who even now was looking up at him with a small bit of fear in her eyes. Good, she should fear him. He would prove his mental strength on her body.

Shampoo looked at her captor with a worried frown, his face had twisted into a grimace of pain. And now he was looking at her with eyes that caused a small tremor of fear to shoot through her. "What...what...Shampoo do wrong?" She stammered as he continued to look at her with...wild barely controlled lust in his eyes. Slowly the light of sanity returned to his features, but the look he turned on her then was not much better than the earlier one, in fact it was worse. The fire in his eyes had been replaced by ice and Shampoo shuddered as they looked at her, and a wash of fear swept through her. What had she done? Was she going to lose this man, just as she had Ranma? What else could she do? She had given herself to him. She had nothing else to give.

"Congratulations, you almost succeeded in distracting me," he said in an eerily calm voice. "But now may we get back to the real reason I am here. Where is Nabiki Tendo!?" He shouted right in Shampoo's face, causing her to turn her head aside is surprise. This did not please him. Grasping her chin in his hand he pulled her back around so she was forced to look at him. "I believe I told you not to move, did I not?" He looked at her expectantly for a minute and them his face became angry. "I asked you a question!" He snarled at her. "Did I tell you not to move!?"

Shampoo nodded her head, swallowing a lump of fear in her throat. " tell Shampoo no move. Shampoo sorry, Shampoo not move again, she promise."

Nabiki was pleased, all indications were that Shampoo was really submitting herself. Still, it was best to make sure.

"Promises are not good enough," the man hissed at Shampoo. "Now what should I do with you?"

Shampoo looked in his eyes like a rabbit trapped in a car's headlights. Frozen unable to speak. It was not until he smacked the ruler that was still in his hand lightly across her breast that she was shocked out of her trance.

Suddenly Shampoo recognized a familiarity to the scene. Cologne had often looked at her in much that way when she wanted to punish Shampoo. She had wanted Shampoo to acknowledge her mistake and admit that she deserved to be punished. For a second defiance flared in her, and with it an icy cold feeling damped down all the feelings of pleasure she had been experienced. The sudden cessation of what had been a constant background feeling of pleasure was shocking. She suddenly needed to feel that pleasure again more than anything. Like a drug addict in withdrawal, her body began to shake with racking painful shudders.

Something in the back of Shampoo's mind yelled out that it was her fault, if she would admit she was wrong the pain would leave and the pleasure would come back.

"Shampoo sorry!!! Shampoo deserve to be punished for disobeying. Please punish Shampoo!!!" She screamed out. As soon as the words left her mouth the pain ceased, and the pleasure flooded back in. Her body sagged and she started crying in relief, loud racking sobs that filled the room with the sound of her thankfulness at the cessation of pain. Even as she was crying she arched her back and spread her legs as wide apart as she was able. Trying to show this man that she was surrendering absolutely to him.

Nabiki was shaken by Shampoo's reaction. He had once again been caught by surprise. Shampoo was behaving as if Nabiki had subjected her to all the hells of a torture dungeon, when all Nabiki had done was to lightly swat her across the breast. Considering some of the blows he had seen Shampoo take, that did not even classify as a fleabite. Suddenly, all the enjoyment he had felt in having her in his power slipped away. Nabiki might enjoy controlling others, but he was no sadist. Something was going on here that he did not understand, and he would not do another thing to her until he figured it out.

Sitting down on the bed, he pulled the crying girl's head into his lap and stroked her sweat soaked hair away from her face. Ignoring the feeling of overwhelming lust crashing through his body, he softly whispered words of comfort to the softly sobbing girl. "Hush little one, it's alright. No one is going to hurt you. I'm here for you, and I won't let anyone harm you." Unconsciously he was mimicking something Kasumi had said to a young Nabiki many years ago. He was also imprinting himself indelibly into Shampoo's psyche as not just a source of pleasure, but as a haven from pain and sorrow. Suddenly, a wave of pain washed through his mind and a voice thundered in his head.

What the hell are you doing!?


Regent recoiled in shock as Nendex vocalized his displeasure with Nabiki's actions. He laid a restraining arm on the larger demon's shoulder, in an effort to calm him down. His efforts failed. Enraged by his toy's spoiling of a perfect scenario, he had lost the thin veneer of civilization he usually wore. His full demonic nature had manifested, and like a spoiled toddler he had no thought for anything but what he wanted. He swept his arm back and tossed the slight demon holding his arm heavily into the corner. Then, having removed that distraction, he bent his will to making Nabiki do what he wanted.


Shampoo could only watch in shock as the man who had been a moment ago been stroking her head, clutched his own in pain.

"Get out, get the fuck out of my mind you bastard!" He screamed.

Shampoo was familiar enough with magic and other strange things to not immediately suspect insanity, and as she listened to the raving of her captor she realized that she was hearing one side of a violent mental battle. Suddenly he shot to his feet and he directed a glare of purest hatred at a corner of the room. Shampoo was amazed to see a powerfully glowing battle aura forming around him. So, that is how he defeated Ranma, she thought to herself. There was more to this man than she had thought. Her eyes widened in shock a few minutes later when that battle aura suddenly coalesced into a bolt of energy that lanced at the corner he was glaring at, and disappeared. This was not what shocked Shampoo, for she was no stranger to Ki attacks. It was the words he screamed out as he did so that shook her to her very core.


Nabiki was fighting a battle for his soul, and was not doing well. Never before had he been in a position where he had to use his well-honed brain in this manner. All he knew was that something was trying to control him, and that no one controlled Nabiki Tendo! No One!! Unschooled in mental combat he fought back with pure viciousness. He was added by the fact that the instant nanniichuan gave Nendex only a limited access to his mind. However, he was a human fighting a demon with centuries of experience at this form of combat, the outcome could not be in doubt.

Unable to see his enemy he lashed out blindly, without direction. Bolts of mental energy slammed into his mind, racking him with pain. Images of him doing things to Shampoo filled his thoughts. Beating her, raping her. Degrading her in every way imaginable.

If only you would do these things the pain would stop, a voice whispered in his mind.

Nabiki had thought he had a handle on the twisted dreams of the human race, but some of the images filled him with disgust...and others, to his intense shame, filled him with lust.

Finally his aversion to chaotic unfocused activity manifested and he started to struggle to pinpoint the source of the attacks. Blanking out all external thoughts he stopped trying to fight the attacks on his mind. Instead he allowed himself to sink into them. Images swirled around him. He felt his body react, but he ignored the physical sensation and concentrated all his energy on mentally delving into his mind looking for the door through which this attack was coming. Deeper and deeper he reached into the corridors of his mind, searching.

He experienced resistance and he pushed, to no avail. Enraged he pushed harder, straining against the resistance, finally he felt a touch of give, and encouraged he reached deep into himself and shoved again. He felt a burning sensation running through his veins. He barely kept from screaming at the intense pain, but it was accompanied by a burst of strength, and instead of flinching back from it he embraced it. Even as his body screamed in torment he exulted in finally having the power to fight his foe. He shoved, and the resistance faded, until with an almost audible snap it disappeared.

His victory was not without cost. Once through the barrier, the intense concentration he had been using faded, and he was racked by pain. Jolting to his feet he suppressed a scream. His eyes jolted open, and he saw...a swirling disk floating in the air in one corner of his room. A leprous gray in color, it was slightly translucent and Nabiki could see a shape on the other side of it. He knew it had to be the thing that had attacked him, had tried to control him. Pain forgotten, acting purely on instinct, he drew on the energy he had found and used to break the barrier in his mind. Wrapping it around his body, he focused his hatred at being manipulated at the thing in the corner. Unaware of anything but that gray disk, he would have been surprised to have known he was manifesting an aura as powerful as any that Akane had ever produced.

He screamed his defiance at the thing in the corner. "No one fucks with Nabiki Tendo, you bastard! No one tells this girl what to do! SO_ YOU_ CAN_ GO_ TO_HELL!!!" And with that last scream of rage he launched all the hatred in him at the dirty gray disk. A second later he fell to the floor, unconscious.


Regent was amazed to see Nendex stagger backwards from the force of the Tendo girl's assault. The screen showing her image faded and the picture was replaced by static.

Holding his side in pain, the incensed demon yelled. "No you don't, bitch! You don't get away that easy!"

Regent cowered back from the enraged demon. Smaller demons soon learned to lie low when their larger brothers were in this state. He watched as Nendex drew in energy and began to glow with a phosphorescent light. He raised his hands and began the spell to reopen the viewing portal.

Then all hell broke loose.

Nendex and Regent had been too caught up in their own little drama to pay any attention to their fellows. Now, however, the screaming of tortured ether filled the room, drawing even the enraged Nendex's attention. They both looked over at Extefan and Ergan. Just in time to see a pillar of golden light slash into their section of the room from the still active area of the viewing sphere. It channeled straight into the two larger demons and for a second every orifice in their body belched golden fire. Then they exploded in a cloud of dust.

The shockwave threw Regent and Nendex across the room with violent force, stunning them. The viewing portal flickered for a second and then with no conscious minds left to maintain it, went dark. As Regent lay unconscious on the floor, a small decorative box, cracked by the impact of his body, began to glow.


The effects of that blast were felt as far away as the Nekohanten.

Ryouga had reached the final bit of his detailed description of his victory over Ranma. He had been talking for the last hour, and had quenched his thirst repeatedly from a bottle of fruit juice. As well, he had slowly worked his way through all the prepared food in the fridge. He had not eaten for a day and a half, and was making up for lost time.

Mousse had spent the whole hour huddled on the floor with his fingers in his ears, repeating over and over. "Not listening, not listening..." Ryouga had merely smiled and spoken louder.

Now a faint look of surprise crossed his face, and was quickly replaced by a look of total horror. Reaching down, he picked up Mousse by the collar of his robe and screamed in his face. "I RAPED RANMA!!" He relaxed his grip as a queasy expression crossed his face. "My god, I had sex with Ranma." He said in a faint voice.

Mousse had been driven past his limit, he'd had enough. For the first time in an hour his mind was free of the disturbing images of him doing things to Onna-Ranma. Now he wrenched free of Ryouga's grasp and yelled back at the lost boy. "Yes, yes, yes, you raped Ranma! Yes you fucked her!! You have been saying that over and over for the last hour, and I am fucking tired of it!! So why don't you get the fuck out of here you pervert, before I throw you out!?"

Ryouga was not listening, his face had gone even paler. "Oh my god, I had sex with Ranma," he repeated in a tone of disbelief. Suddenly he clapped a hand to his mouth and dashed over to the kitchen sink. He didn't quite make it.

Mousse looked on in disgust, "I', cleaning that up."


Shampoo was in a state of total shock. The man who had conquered her, and who touch brought her pleasure beyond compare was Nabiki! Her emotions were a maelstrom of confusion. Amazon law was clear on this matter. If an Amazon was defeated by an outsider woman, she must give the kiss of death, and kill without delay. However, the kisses Shampoo wanted to give Nabiki had nothing to do with death. Despite the revelation of her captor's true identity, her body still tingled with remembered pleasure. Even now as she remembered submitting to Nabiki's commands she did not feel as she should. Instead of a hot rage, the memories caused hot flashes. Merely remembering submitting herself was enough to send little flashes of pleasure through her.

More than that, Shampoo recognized a battle when she saw one. Nabiki had fought something. Something that had attempted to take over her mind, something that may have made her tie Shampoo up. So Nabiki had not been responsible for her...his actions. How had Nabiki done that anyway? The answer came as quick as the question. Instant Nanniichuan, it had to be. She felt a sense of relief. There was no need to kill Nabiki. Having justified her desire to not do so, Shampoo's mind switched to other things. That was the fact that she was still bound.

Flexing her shoulders she tested the strength of the binding on her arms. She quickly determined that there was little hope of breaking whatever was holding her arms. Turning her attention to her legs she once again flexed her muscles. This time she felt something give. Pausing, she took several deep breaths, and focused, visualizing what she was about to do. Then with a scream of release, she used every bit of power in her legs. Thighs that could crack coconuts flexed powerfully, and the cheap clasp clips holding her legs in position bent and then broke with a SPRUNG of fracturing metal. Straightening her legs she twisted off the bed and to her feet on the floor. She moved over to the unconscious Nabiki and smoothly knelt by his side. Leaning forward she placed her head on his chest and listened with satisfaction to the strong heartbeat. Sitting back on her heels she contemplated the handsome boy in front of her.

Back in the Amazon village, the maiden warriors would relieve the stress of unrequited passion with each other. Even if an Amazon was interested solely in males, they denied the feeling. Males were for one thing only, the continuation of the bloodlines. With all the certainty of the young, they were invincible in their bigotry. They felt nothing but contempt for the older girls who allowed inferior males to supposedly defeat them in combat. They were all sure that they would never submit themselves to the animal lusts of mere males, unless of course he was worthy. But then, over time many would grow dissatisfied with each other and want more. They would discover that other things than skill in combat could conquer them. Just like those girls, Shampoo had been conquered by something other than brute strength.

The battle in Shampoo's mind seesawed back and forth. While any thoughts to do with fighting or fleeing Nabiki were just that, cold thoughts, a weighing of her options with all the calculation of the trained warrior she was.

Thoughts that lingered for more than an instant on submitting to the situation, however, brought a flash of pleasure. Back and forth in her mind the battle went, until at last she reached her decision. Having made up her mind she ceased to worry and sat patiently waiting for Nabiki to waken.


Pain. The last thing Nabiki could remember was pain. He had pulled Shampoo's head into his lap and was stroking it, and then...nothing, just pain. The pain was gone now, and he could feel himself lying on the floor. Nabiki opened his eyes and noticed that the Amazon sitting beside him. That fact caused him to start slightly. The only way she could be doing that would be if her legs were free. Which meant...

"Is you okay, Nabiki?" Shampoo asked

Nabiki closed his eyes. I'm dead. He opened his eyes a crack, and started back at seeing Shampoo's face inches from his own. He jerked his head backward in surprise. WHACK! "Damn," Nabiki cursed, his hand reflexively reaching around to the back of his head. As he rubbed the spot where his head had connected with the floor, he glared at Shampoo, who was suppressing a giggle at Nabiki bumping his head. "A little room if you don't mind," he said in a sour voice. "Unless you're planing on killing me here and now."

Shampoo gave a laugh, and said. "You so silly, why Shampoo kill?" With that she tossed a leg over his hips and settled down. Leaning forward, she said in a husky voice. "You so rough before, you treat Shampoo so bad." She brought her mouth down beside Nabiki's ear and said in a passion filled voice, "Do again." She started to slide her pelvis back and forth, grinding her bare crotch into the rapidly growing bulge in his pants. Nabiki felt wetness, and realized that Shampoo was so aroused she was soaking through his pajama bottoms.

He let his head fall back with a thump on the floor. "Ouch, goddamn." He said, as his tender head complained of this treatment. Once again he reached around and rubbed his head. He looked up at the figure above him and noted the glazed look in her eyes. "You took Ryouga's potion," he said, not as a question but as a statement of fact.

Shampoo nodded her head vigorously. "Uh huh, Uh huh, Shampoo all better now, no turn cat no more."

Nabiki sat up abruptly, tumbling Shampoo off his lap and onto the floor. "Great, it turned Ryouga into a sex maniac, it turned Ranma into a nymphomaniac, and now it seems to have dissolved what little brains you had, and you think it's great you don't turn into a cat anymore. Great, just great."

"Why Shampoo's husband shove Shampoo off? He was happy with Shampoo, Shampoo could feel."

Nabiki could feel too. His body was very annoyed with him, and his balls were starting to pain him greatly. As well, his cock was fully erect and once again painfully pressing against the front of his too tight pajama bottoms.

This self-denial thing is starting to get a little ridiculous, he thought. Still, he had no intention of giving in to this body's demands, not during the current situation anyway. Instead, he told Shampoo, "Turn around." A minute later he had freed her hands from their tight bondage. A second after that, she glomped him. "Ack," he exclaimed in shock. He tried futilely to free himself from her grasp, but she easily overpowered his efforts. He toppled over backwards, and ended up with her on top of him, her body lying along the length of his. She writhed on top of him, grinding her breasts into his chest, and her crotch into his groin. He attempted to yell at her, but his voice was cut off by a passionate kiss. She gripped his head firmly with her now free hands, and thrust her tongue deep into his open mouth, savoring the taste of him.

Nabiki froze, then let all his muscles relax, and just lay there waiting for her to finish.

Shampoo, feeling his body go slack, broke the kiss and lifted herself up. Looking him in the eye she asked. "What matter?"

"!" Nabiki said in a voice that could have chilled a raging fire. Shampoo felt a shudder run through her at his icy tone. She quickly got off of him and knelt on the floor beside his prone body.

Nabiki heaved himself into a sitting position and glared at Shampoo. "I did not give you permission to touch me." He hissed, his voice still icy. Shampoo started back from the venom in his eyes. "S...Sha...Shampoo, sor...sorry." She stuttered out, her eyes becoming liquid with unshed tears. Nabiki continued to glare at her, but inside a fire was building in reaction to Shampoo's behavior. The sight of her kneeling there in supplication, tears forming in her eyes as a result of Nabiki's actions. These were all-powerful stimuli. Which made what Nabiki had to do all the harder. The events of the last little while had given him a great distaste for tormenting caged tigers. The bonds might be gone, but that thrice cursed potion was still twisting Shampoo's mind. Nabiki's lust for control was inflamed by Shampoo's behavior, but the rational part of his mind, the part that was never far away, told him it was all a fraud...Nabiki Tendo did not own fakes. He might sell them, but anything he owned was the real thing. He did not intend to start with Shampoo.

"No thank you," he said in a flat voice.

"What, Shampoo no understand?"

With the same flat voice he elaborated. "I said, no thank you, not interested, take your wares and peddle them elsewhere, vamoose, get lost, hit the road Jill."

"W...why?" Shampoo said, her voice on the verge of breaking. Her emotions were in a fragile state after the emotional shock of losing Ranma. "Shampoo no understand, Shampoo know you like Shampoo." She reached forward and tried to touch the bulge in his pants. As she bent forward the tears that had been forming in her eyes spilled out and trickled down her cheeks.

The motion was tentative and Nabiki easily slapped her hand aside. "I said, don't touch me...not unless I give you permission." He said with no emotion in his voice. Despite that, Shampoo perked up, the qualifier seemed to hold out some hope.

"What Shampoo need to do? How she make Nabiki give permission?"

"Go home." Shampoo quailed at the uncompromising tone in his voice, but he was not finished. "Stop taking the potion. I don't want to see you again until I can hold you in my lap and scratch your ears. Do that, and maybe we can talk." Nabiki glared at the downcast ex-Amazon.

"B...bu...but why? Why you want Shampoo be cat?"

"I don't have to explain myself to you. I've given my conditions, either meet them or forget me. Either way I don't much care."

Shampoo stared at him in shock. He returned her stare with a look of complete indifference. Her expression started to crack, and the small trickle of tears turned into a flood running down her cheeks. "Shampoo go." She said in a broken voice, then it firmed, "but she come back. She not lose husband twice." She turned to leave, but came to a halt as Nabiki spoke, his voice uncompromising.

"Shampoo, don't get the wrong idea!! If you come back, you're mine! I'm not yours! I'll own you...and I'll use you." He turned to look at her, his eyes burning with barely suppressed passion. "Believe it, don't go getting romantic ideas. I'm not Ranma. I'm a hard, miserable bitch. Think about that before you show your face here again."

"Hai," Shampoo managed to get out. "Sh...Shampoo, understand. Shampoo think about what you say." She turned and disappeared out the window.

Nabiki sat staring at the place she had stood for a long moment. "And people wonder why I don't have a boyfriend." He finally said, in a voice filled with self-derision. Then he flinched as the adrenaline bled out of his body and he became aware of his balls' opinion of his actions. They were sore and aching, and blamed it all on him. "That's it, you're history." He said in a firm voice. He got up and headed for the door. "I've had as much fun as I can stand for awhile." He said in a sarcastic tone of voice. "Time to wash you guys out of my lap."


"Ranma No Baka," echoed down the hall, followed by the sound of a small body impacting with a wall.

"Ah, true love." Nabiki said as Akane-kun slammed out of the bathroom and walked past him, fairly bristling in outrage. "Nice to see that some things are constant." He walked through the door and stopped.

Ranma was bent over the lip of the furo. She seemed to be fishing things out of it. Even as Nabiki watched, she tossed a wooden bucket over her shoulder and into the scrub area, all the while muttering to herself. "Stupid un- cute tomboy." Each movement she made was punctuated with jerks of her hips. Nabiki felt a ball of hot lead forming in his groin as he found himself staring at her waving hips. His eyes zeroed in on the small pink bullseye pouting from between her legs. The Instant Nanniichuan chose that moment to start its final breakdown. Nabiki was suddenly flooded with a dozen times the magic that had been trickling steadily into his system for the last few hours. The effect was extreme.

Fuck it, I've been Mr. Nice Guy long enough. Nabiki stripped off his top and bottom. He strode towards Ranma, his cock pointing the way like a compass needle. His eyes focused on her waving ass. Falling to his knees, he grabbed her hips and thrust forward with all his might.

Ranma gave a squawk as she felt Nabiki's hips slap against her upturned ass. Spinning out from between Nabiki's clasping hands, she yelled at her. "What the fuck are you doing, Nabiki? You scared the hell out of me!"

Nabiki did not answer; she was too busy looking down at the breasts that had suddenly sprouted on her chest.

"Nabiki!?" Ranma yelled in her face.

"Ah, he he," Nabiki laughed weakly. "Just a little joke." Ranma just shook her head in disgust, and left the room, looking over her shoulder at Nabiki until she was through the door.

Nabiki watched her go, a sheepish look on her face. The minute Ranma was out the door her expression hardened. She hated being seen as anything other than in full control of herself. Nabiki had a reputation for being an ice queen. It was not true of course, she had lapses, but people tended to forget them due to a strategy she had devised a long time ago. As soon as possible after one of her human failings, she tried to do, or cause something, that would make people forget her loss of cool. Ranma had experienced one such episode herself. It had followed Nabiki running in terror from a panda with a young girl slung over its shoulder. At that time, Nabiki's solution had been to fondle Ranma's breast in public--twice. People remembered that, and tended to forget the running in terror part.

Now what was she going to do to make sure Ranma never thought about this incident again?


Regent stifled a groan. Injured demons that drew attention to the fact they were injured did not survive long. He could feel the damage to his body, and knew it was bad. A scream of agony ripped through the room. He barely repressed a reflexive move to look. Two thousand years had dulled his reflexes badly. Once upon a time he would not have even had the inclination to move a muscle at that sound. Opening his eyes just enough to see, he looked across the room and saw...Urgant?

The fake Abbot was free of his imprisonment in the spirit box, and was not a happy camper. No longer looking like a harmless monk, he had shed that seeming and now appeared in his true form. Regent swallowed in fear. He had never seen Urgant in his true form before, and he doubted the ex-Extefan had either, or else he would never have dared imprison him.

Urgant was a dozen feet tall, with several heads and arms. As well he had the multiple penile tentacles of a high level demon.

As they grew in power, it became a status symbol for Shikima demons to manifest excessive numbers of large prehensile penises. Regent had always thought they took it to a ridiculous level. Look at the king, he would say to his acquaintances. He's satisfied with a single substantial cock. Of course, Regent was a low rung demon and had only the one solitary penis. So, maybe he was just suffering from multiple penis envy.

Right at the moment, Urgant was making good use of his penises. He had them wrapped around Nendex's body, and was holding the screaming demon against the wall with them. This left his hands free, and at the moment all five of them were wrapped around Nendex's head. Regent recognized what was going on. Urgant was raping Nendex's mind for all his memories of the time Urgant had spent trapped, and he was not being careful as to how he did it. As Regent looked on in horror Nendex's body began to smolder, and then burst into flame. Urgant merely stood there and held the blazing body as he sucked out every thought and memory he could. Finished at last, he dropped the now charred corpse and with an angry oath walked over to the wall containing the viewing screen. Reaching out, he ripped it from the wall and examined the vaguely organic material that had been concealed behind it.

By the demon kings, Regent swore to himself. That's no ordinary power reservoir. There's enough capacity there to power a dozen viewing screens. Then he noticed the charred sections, and felt a sick lump form in his stomach. The energy that had vaporized Extefan and Ergan had damaged the storage reservoir as well. Regent suddenly understood Urgant's haste in questioning Nendex. It was a miracle they had not already been blown to their component atoms, and their spirits sent back to the Shikima realm. Confined as this life had been, Regent had no desire to be trapped for a hundred years in the Shikima realm. A Shikima demon could not die the true death on Earth, but they could and did in their home dimension. No, Regent would take boredom over the chance of permanent death any day.

Regent began to watch Urgant with a fierce intensity. He was not behaving like a person with only a few minutes of existence left in this life. His movements were deliberate. There was a purpose behind his actions. The sulfurous oaths he was muttering as he worked indicated he was not happy with that purpose, but that he had no choice. Even as Regent watched he placed both hands on two conductor surfaces and screamed. Not a loud order, or a yell of triumph, but a soul shaking cry of agony. Despite the pain, he did not lift his hands from the contact points. As Regent watched, Urgant's body shuddered, and Regent's under sight saw Urgant's spirit separate from its corporal body. There was a brilliant flash of light and all was quiet. The hulk of Urgant's now vacant body swayed back and forth for several seconds and then crashed to the floor with an impact that raised dust in every corner of the room.

Regent could only stare in shock. This was impossible, a demon could not exist in the mortal world for long without a corporal form. What was Urgant doi...

"The bastard! The lousy, stinking, rat bastard!!" Regent swore. A trick, it had all been a trick, not just on Ryouga, but on his fellow demons as well. Urgant never had any intention of sitting back and using the Jusenkyo cursed as play toys. He had intended all along to download himself into one of them. Regent had a pretty good idea of which one too. Urgant had made no secret of his desire for control of the male Amazon. Now that Regent knew the truth, he could understand that desire.

Urgant's penises were not just tools for pleasure, but weapons he had used for eons. As a human he would be limited. The Amazon's skill with chains would partial offset that limitation, especially with the latent telekinetic ability they had theorized the Amazon might possess. Ryouga's memories were not that clear on the subject of the Amazon male, but what he did remember hinted that more than just manual dexterity was involved in the way he could handle his chains and other weapons.

The shaking of the temple brought his attention back to the current situation. The storage reservoir was on the verge of going critical. The dissonance in its storage medium was starting to rattle the massive walls of the temple. He brought his emotions under control. His anger at Urgant's duplicity was a waste of time, and he had very little of that commodity left. Weakly, he dragged his damaged body towards the two contact points Urgant had used. Reaching them he slapped his hands down. With no one around to impress, he did not even try to hold in his screaming. As the energy in the reservoir extracted his spirit from the shattered shell of his body, he felt like...his soul was being ripped out of his body. Which only made sense. Then blessed relief; the last shred of his spirit was freed of its corporeal bindings and the pain stopped. He felt a sensation of being compressed and hurled at a great speed. The walls of the temple blurred towards him, and he felt a brief drag as the power holding him punched through the wards on the outer temple walls, and then he was free. If he had still had lungs, he would have gasped in relief, at the cessation of pain. Instead, he merely closed his non-existent eyes and savored its absence.


Unheard and un-sensed by him, the power reservoir back in the temple lost its battle to survive and gave up its integrity in a blast that left a five hundred foot crater where a two thousand year old building had stood. On the rim of the valley a female cat looked down at the sight of the explosion. Giving in to curiosity, she walked down into the valley and became the first female creature to enter the valley in two millennia. Five hours later, having determined there was nothing to kill or eat in the valley, she left.


Regent gave one last sigh of pleasure at having escaped certain dis-corporation. Then he slowly began to orient himself. Extending his senses he started to search for the telltale traces of Shikima energy. There, like a ball of fire, that must be the redhead. Near by were two smaller sources, but there was something strange about them. They were not the raw chaotic magic of a broken Jusenkyo curse. They were not, in fact, artificial at all. They must be demons. It would be wise to avoid them until he could approach on equal footing. He did not even consider for an instant using Ranma as a source of power. Trying to tap that level of energy would be like a human suckling on a high-tension power line. He looked elsewhere. There, he spotted a familiar source he recognized, Shampoo, but he moved on. He had no desire to be trapped in a female body. Another source impinged on his senses. The male Amazon, and that meant...Urgant; he hissed to himself, silently cursing his fearless leader. Turning from that source he began looking for his target.

He frowned and strained his senses to the utmost. Where was Ryouga? He could not sense him anywhere. That was impossible, he could see all the other known sources. Where was Ryouga?


"Where the hell am I?" Ryouga screamed into the echoing darkness. He had fled the Nekohanten in shame. His only goal, to distance himself from the evil he had done. To try and outrun the desire he still felt. He had run for what seemed like hours, and now he was as lost as he had ever been in his life. He heard a sound behind him. "Hello," he shouted, "is anyone there?"

"Why yes, why do you ask, lunch?"

At the sound of that watery, slurred voice Ryouga strained his eyes, trying to see into the darkness. His eyes widened in shock at what slithered out of the dark. The multi-tentacled monstrosity reached out towards him, and Ryouga pulled his umbrella from it's position on top of his backpack. "No one!!!" He screamed as he charged at the looming monstrosity. "CALLS ME LUNCH!!!"


Back in the Tendo kitchen, the clatter of pans, and the sound of a knife chopping, attracted attention.

"Ranma, what do you think you're doing?" Akane shouted from the kitchen door. Ranma looked around from where she was cooking. Akane was female again. She had come down to the kitchen earlier and heated some water while Ranma was still in the bathroom. She was now dressed in a simple summer frock, and looked very cute. Typically, Ranma ignored that, and answered her question.

"What's it look like? Kasumi's ready-to-eat meals are gone. Someone who can cook has to make something."

Akane glowered at Ranma. "I was going to make breakfast this morning. I put all the ingredients out last night so I would have them ready."

"That explains the sour milk and melted butter." Ranma said, turning back to the stove. "Why don't you go and sit down? This stir fry will be ready in a minute."

"Stir fry? For breakfast?"

"Why not? At least it's edible, unlike some things I could mention."

"And just what is that suppose to mean!?" Akane said as she advanced on Ranma, mayhem in her eyes. "I'll have you know my cooking is much better. I've been practicing."

"Yeah I know, and don't think I ain't grateful."

Akane stopped her advance and looked at Ranma in shock. "Yo...You are?"

"Yeah, since you started practicing every morning there hasn't been a cat within miles of this place. Guess it's true, what they say about animals being able to sense catastrophe coming."

"Ranma_No_Baka!!" Ranma ducked under Akane's swing, and then somersaulted over her head to avoid her side kick. Laughing, she ran into the dining room, still carrying the pan of stir fry. She had not dropped a single piece of food.

"Have to do better than that, Akane," she taunted. Setting the food on the table, she swayed to the side to avoid another blow from Akane. Leaping off the porch, she landed in the yard by the Koi pond. Pulling down an eyelid she stuck her tongue out at the fuming Akane, who dashed into the yard after her.


Nabiki came down the stairs, grumping at the noise. "Lord, don't those two ever stop." Akane could only have gotten a few hours sleep last night before Ranma had come home. Yet there she was, chasing the laughing Ranma like she had just had twelve hours of solid sleep.

Of course, Nabiki had never been a morning person. That was not the only reason for her bad mood, of course. She had taken it for granted that a bit of hot water, and the removal of her masculine form would solve the problems she had been having controlling herself.

Such had not been the case. After a hot bath she had returned to her room and started to clean up all evidence of Shampoo's visit. As she had handled the various ties and bindings she had started to recall how beautiful Shampoo had looked in them. From there she started to remember how good it had felt to have Shampoo under her thumb. Before she knew it she was laying on her back, plunging her fingers into her overheated sex. Images of what she had done, and what she could have done to Shampoo flitted through her head. It did not take long. She experienced one of the best orgasms she had ever had. Afterwards she could only lay panting on her bed, wondering what the hell had happened to her legendary cool.

The argument that it was only the effect of the curse did nothing to settle her mind. Instant Nanniichuan was temporary. Besides, she was a girl now. Why was she having these thoughts about Shampoo? For a brief moment she regretted the impulse that had made her chase Shampoo away. She stifled the errant thought. She had done the right thing. Shampoo would never consider coming back to her. Not after the warning she had given her. Soon Nabiki would be back to her old self.

A sudden shout from Ranma drew her attention.

"Careful Akane, you don't want to be changing into a guy again do you, be a shame to ruin that pretty dress." Ranma was standing on the opposite side of the Koi pond from Akane. Whichever way she moved, Ranma moved the opposite, keeping that expanse of cold water between them.

Akane was very hesitant. She had experienced very powerful emotions as a boy. She was not sure if she wanted to be a guy again. Plus the sight of Ranma's breasts bobbing as she moved right and left, her hard nipples prominent through the thin silk shirt, was having an effect on her. It was not that obvious now, but if Akane turned back into a guy... Well, Akane knew enough now to know her feelings would be a lot more obvious.

Stifling her hentai thoughts, she said. "If you weren't such a coward, you'd come over here and fight me fair."

Ranma just laughed and stayed where she was.

Nabiki spoke up from her position on the porch. "I wouldn't worry about getting wet Akane. I changed back without water about an hour ago. I only splashed you about twenty minutes after I was changed. The instant Nanniichuan must have worn off ages ago."

"Thanks a lot, Nabiki," Ranma said, sarcastically, keeping a cautious eye on Akane. For her part Akane had a smile on her face.

"No more hiding, Ranma. Here's where you get yours." With that she jumped across the pond towards Ranma. Unfortunately, her foot slipped as she jumped, and she came up short on the opposite edge of the pond. Her arms windmilled desperately in an attempt to keep her balance. Just as she started to fall backwards, Ranma darted forward and grabbed the front of her dress. For a minute they stood there, Ranma holding Akane just on the edge of falling into the pond.

"Looks like I'm in charge now," Ranma said with a leer. Reaching forward she cupped her hand around one of Akane's breasts. "This will teach you to take advantage of poor helpless girls, you pervert."

"Pervert!!? Who are YOU calling a pervert you molester?" Akane yelled out at her, even as she felt her nipple stiffening from Ranma's touch.

"Hey, if the shoe fits"

"!!" Akane grabbed Ranma's wrist with both hands and pulled. Before the startled redhead could react, they both tumbled into the water. There was a mighty splash, and a second later Akane-kun sat up in the water, holding a sodden Onna-Ranma in his lap. The remains of his dress hung in tatters from his broad shoulders. "I'll show you," he said. "Molest innocent young girls, will you."

"Innocent?" Ranma exclaimed, while she fruitlessly attempted to break Akane's grip on her. "Who tied who down? Who was the sticker and who was the stickee here? Hey, watch the hands!!"

Akane ignored her, and cupped both of Ranma's breasts with his large hands. Kneading them gently, he whispered in her ear. "You're just lucky that this water is so cold Ranma, or you'd really be in trouble." Ranma blushed red, and felt her body heat despite the coldness of the water soaking her clothing. Her breasts in particular seemed to tingle from Akane's touch, but underneath the tingle was a touch of soreness. Before she had a chance to think about that, however, a voice from the sidelines stopped their activity cold, and distracted her from the soreness in her breasts.

"Entertaining as this is, I think you should stop before you traumatize the Koi even more than they are now." Akane blushed as he recalled Nabiki's presence. Then another thought occurred to him.

"Nabiki, why am I a boy? You said it would have worn off by now." Ranma stopped squirming and looked up at the large dark-haired boy who was holding her, then over at Nabiki who was standing on the porch, a look of surprise on her face.

"I don't know... Maybe there was a little more powder in the bag I gave you, or maybe it was a little more potent."

"What!? How long will I be like this then?"

"Relax, it can't be much longer. There can't be that much variance in the doses." Despite her confident words, Nabiki's face wore a frown.


Two hours later Akane was still a boy. He had refused offers of hot water. "If I stay a boy then I'll know the moment the Instant Nanniichuan wears off." He had said. Instead, he had gone to the laundry room, and much to Ranma's amusement returned wearing one of Genma's Gis. They were the only article of clothing in the house that came close to fitting him. Even they were extremely short in the arms and legs. The waist however had lots of room. Ranma had invited him to play Shogi with her, a broad grin on her face, but Akane had only looked at her disdainfully and sat down in front of the TV. Now, however, he was starting to get a little antsy. "This is too long. Nabiki's wore off three hours ago. What's taking so long?"

"Akane?" They turned to look at Nabiki who was walking down the stairs. "I'm afraid I may have some bad news. I checked the case of Instant Nanniichuan. I found a note in Chinese I missed before. I scanned it into my computer and sent it to an email pal who reads Chinese.

"Well, what did it say?" Akane asked, a sense of dread starting to grow as he took in Nabiki's expression.

"To put it simply, occasionally, because of the uncertainty of magic, the powder can have an effect that lasts for an indeterminate length of time."

"What!" both Akane and Ranma screamed out in shock.

"Nabiki, how could you be so careless!?" Akane said, his voice filled with horror. "You mean I might stay half a guy forever?"

"Hey, what's wrong with being a gu..." Ranma started to say, but her voice trailed off at the look Akane gave him.

Having quelled Ranma, Akane turned her look on Nabiki, who was not impressed.

"I don't know why you're upset. I'm the injured party here."

"WHAT!?...What are you talking about Nabiki? How can you say that?"

Nabiki shrugged her shoulders. "Easy, I gave you a free sample out of the goodness of my heart. Now, for a while anyway, you don't need anymore."

"Why would I want anymore!?"

Nabiki lifted an expressive eyebrow, and looked over at Ranma.

"What?" Ranma said when he saw Nabiki looking at him. "Why should Akane need more Instant Nanniichuan because of me?" Then she blushed a deep red. "No way, I'm a guy, one time only. Next time I'm the guy, and Akane's the girl." Despite her bluster, she could not help but remember how nice it had felt a few hours earlier when Akane had held her in his arms, how good it had felt to roughhouse with him, and most of all the thrill she had felt when Akane had lightly squeezed her breasts. A tremor of fear ran through her mind. What was happening to her?

For his part, Akane was looking guilty, remembering how little choice Ranma had been given about that one time. Nabiki merely smiled, and then quoted Ranma.

"How do you girls stand it? How can you stand walking around feeling like this all the time? Like I told you Ranma, we don't. Not unless something makes us that way. Now for most girls it might be a guy they're really hot for... That couldn't be your problem of course." Nabiki drawled sarcastically. "However, there is the matter of that little potion you drank. Tell me Ranma, are you still leaking like a broken bucket?"

Ranma blushed at Nabiki's bluntness, but Akane only looked puzzled, not getting the reference. Ranma was about to retort, then a strange expression crossed her face. "I'm not, I didn't notice before, but I've been normal ever since..." Ranma broke off and looked at Akane.

"There you see." Turning to Akane she continued, "so as you can see Akane..." She trailed off, noticing that neither Akane or Ranma were paying attention to her. They were totally wrapped up in each other, and oblivious to anything else. Even as Nabiki watched, a matching blush arose on each of their faces. She heaved a mental sigh of relief at their distraction. It saved her from having to invent one. There were some questions she just was not prepared to answer yet. Mainly because she did not have the answers.

Not wanting to push her luck she got up and went upstairs to her room. Arriving there, her eyes turned to the computer monitor on her desk. Frozen on the screen was the image of a ball of golden energy. Just on the periphery of the ball could be made out the corner of a bed. Nabiki had played the video of Akane and Ranma's lovemaking through to the end. She had watched that glow form around them, brightening in intensity, until two frames after this one, it burnt out the camera.

There had been no note in the case of Instant Nanniichuan. Nabiki had no idea why Akane was still turning into a guy. No idea except the image frozen on her computer screen. Nabiki had no idea what it was. All she knew was it had not harmed either of the people caught in the middle of it. After more than a year living with Ranma, Nabiki did not consider Akane being a gender changer as harmful. Merely potentially profitable.


An hour later, she walked downstairs again, and stared incredulously at the scene in front of her. Both Ranma and Akane were back out in the yard. Akane was trying to smash a laughing, dodging Ranma. She slapped a hand to her forehead. Don't those two ever stop. Then she noticed something different in their quarreling. There was a happiness in their sparring that was not usually there. What had happened between the two of them had broken barriers. They might not realize it themselves, but the uncertainty had gone from them. They no longer had any doubts about the other's love. Nabiki smiled, and picking up the untouched pan of stir-fry, went into the kitchen to re-heat it. At least it's better than letting Akane cook something for me, she thought.

Walking out a little while later, she stood watching Akane and Ranma. Then she frowned as she realized something. She was so used to Ranma's skill she had not really made the connection before. "Ranma," she called.

Ranma ducked under a blow from Akane, and looked towards Nabiki. "What."

"I thought you said that potion damaged your Ki. How come you're jumping fifteen feet straight up."

Ranma froze in shock. POW...SPLASH. Akane was unable to pull his punch in time, and Ranma went flying backwards into the Koi pond.

"Ranma!" Akane yelled in fear, and splashed into the pond. Picking up the stunned redhead, he carried her over to the porch. "You baka, why weren't you paying attention?" Ranma was only lightly stunned and was soon struggling in Akane's arm.

"Put me down, Akane, I got to check this out." Akane set her on her feet, and Ranma bounced into the yard. For the next fifteen minutes she jumped, ran and performed complicated Katas. Then she bounced across the yard and onto the porch and threw her arms around Akane. Hugging him tightly around the hips, she picked Akane up and spun around, laughing all the while. She managed two circles before Akane's bulk pulled them both over, and they fell to the floor. Ranma ended up on top of Akane, and after slithering up his body, planted both hands on the side of his face, and kissed him. Akane stiffened in surprise, but then his arms went around Ranma and hugged her to him.

Nabiki waited a minute or so, and when they gave no indication of breaking the kiss cleared her throat nosily. She had to do it twice more before the couple on the floor noticed, and broke their clinch. Akane shifted Ranma's body and sat up, positioning Ranma in his lap. He turned and looked at Nabiki.

Ranma made an aborted attempt to free herself, but stopped when Akane tightened his arms around her. She settled back in Akane's arms with an expression of contentment, that shifted after a moment to contain a trace of fear; it was clear that she was finding her new body's reactions a source of worry. Still, she made no further effort to escape from Akane's lap. Turning, she looked at Nabiki with a look of inquiry on her face.

"I take it that little demonstration had a point?" Nabiki said to her.

"You bet," Ranma enthused, the worry over her behavior forgotten in an instant. "I'm almost back to normal. I'm just a little behind what I was when I first came here. Ryouga said that after drinking that much potion. I'd never be able to generate Ki again. If he was wrong about that, then maybe he was wrong about the curse as well. Maybe in a little while I'll be able to change to a guy again." As she was talking, Ranma was shifting her shoulders, and pulling at the front of her shirt with both hands.

Akane noticed, and also noticed that Ranma's nipples were trying to poke holes in her shirt. The sight started to get him excited, and the feel of Ranma sitting in his lap soon produced a partial erection. Ranma blushed as she felt Akane's erection pressing into her ass, but she did not show any other sign that she felt something poking her. Something else was bothering her. With a frown on her face, she slipped a hand inside her shirt and started to feel her breast.

Nabiki was watching this with some bemusement. "Should I leave the room, and let you two have some privacy?" Akane blushed, but Ranma merely looked at her blankly. Then she followed Nabiki's gaze, and realized what she was talking about. She blushed as red as Akane.

"Hey, it's not like that. My breasts hurt for some reason." With that she pulled her shirt open and tenderly took one of her nipples between her fingers. Both Akane and Nabiki could see that it was red and inflamed looking. Akane, as the jock of the sisters, realized what was causing it.

"Of course it hurts, the way you were bouncing around. It's a wonder you're not bruised as well. You've been rubbing your poor nipples raw on the inside of your shirt."

Ranma looked puzzled, "I haven't had any trouble before."

Nabiki laughed "Ah, but Ranma you weren't a real girl then. Looks like the curse did more than just shield your mind. Come to think of it, did you use to get erect nipples before."

"Nope never."

"Well there you are. If your nipples didn't get hard, then they would not have been nearly as badly irritated as they are now by all the bouncing around you used to do."

As Nabiki was talking Akane developed a guilty look. While the bouncing around Ranma had been doing might have irritated her breasts, Akane had a feeling the way he had mauled them the night before might have even more to do with there present state. Then an angry frown crossed his face, as another thought occurred to him. It was doubtful that Ryouga had been any gentler than he had been. To think, he had thought Ryouga was a nice guy. No matter what Ranma said, potion or no potion, there was no excuse for what Ryouga had done, and Akane intended to make him very aware of that fact the next time he came around. Her attention was brought back to the conversation at hand when Nabiki asked Ranma a question.

"Well you know what that means, don't you?"

Ranma looked at Nabiki, a puzzled frown on her face. "No. What?"

Nabiki grinned at Ranma. "Happosai is about to get his fondest wish." Ranma looked at Nabiki warily. She definitely did not like that smile.

To be continued...
