The Perfect Race

Chapter 7: Saotome Inc.

Kai Yagami

It was a nice day, Ranma walked in to a hi-rise office building. He walked right up to the front desk and the receptionist saw him. She was in a white blouse and a black dress suit, “may I help you?” She said she took a really good look at Ranma and smiled.

“Yes, I’m looking for Ranko Saotome.” He said, “Is she here?”

“Yes, she is who may I say is looking for her?”

“Her younger brother, Ranma.”

About 10 minutes later a gorgeous, red head came down and gate walked over to the desk. She had beautiful green-gray eyes behind a pair of designer framed glasses. She was dressed in some of the latest fashion. She was busty as hell and had curves like a mountain road. [1] She was only 3 years older than him. When she saw him she leapt into his arms and hugged him tightly.

He spun around with her in his arms, “my younger bother decided to work for me.”

He pulled back to look at her while she was in his arms. “What’s up sis?” Ranko had her arms around his neck. “Besides you?”

“I’m fine bro, come on up. I have a strange hunch that we need to talk.” So she took his hand and led him to the elevators.

Meanwhile, Nabiki Tendo was in the school’s office trying to get her transfer. But of course, Principal Kuno wouldn’t let her go. Not with out a fight anyway. “No way Keiki, de Big Kahuna be not giving you de transfer until you be telling where dat Saotome is.” He said, Nabiki just looked at the Principal as her papers were about to be destroyed. Nabiki was calmly filing her fingernails.

“You know, I have everything I need to get you fired and both of your brats kicked out of the Tokyo School district don’t you?” She said, “I mean after all Tokyo’s finest wouldn’t mind having this information that would lock you 3 up for a long time in a rubber room.”

He got up and started to threaten her, “you will not turn dose papers in to de police!” Nabiki popped a piece of gum in her mouth and popped a bubble in his face.

“Your threats are empty, like your head.” She said, “Besides. There is nothing you can do to me. So, no I’m not giving you the location of Ranma and I’m not handing over the papers.”

“Why you lil’!” Just then Nodoka came walking in to the office; her sword was at the neck of the principal.

“Do we have a problem Nabiki?” She said, as the katana started to bite into his flesh.

“Well, this loser isn’t letting me get transferred out of here.” Said Nabiki, Nodoka looked at the coconut headed principal and took her papers.

“I’ve warned you about this haven’t I?” She said Principal Kuno nodded. “I told you to leave my son alone and allow anyone that’s transferring out of this crazy school to let them out didn’t I?” He nodded again, “where are my son’s transfer papers?”

“Well, I...”
“He burned them,” said Nabiki.

“You did WHAT?” She started to press the blade tighter to his neck.

“De Big Kahuna didn’t know he was your son.”

“Oh give me a break! How could you not figure it out?” Said Nabiki.

“That was the last straw! You’re services are no longer needed. Clear out your desk, you’re fired and you can take that samurai wanna-be you got for a son with you!”

“But Boss...” He started but she didn’t let him finish because she swung on him with her katana.

“I SAID LEAVE!” with that Furukan was never bothered by the Kuno clan ever again.

Meanwhile, Ranma and Ranko were talking about what the other was up to and the wish Nodoka made. “So you were changed via a wish mom made?” She asked and Ranma nodded while sipping some coffee. Just then there was a call for her, “yes. Patch it through. Ellis hello how was London? That’s good, so are you ready to come back to work? Sure, if you do me a small favor. My younger, hunky brother’s going to be working for us and I want you to show him the ropes.”

Meanwhile on a plane back to Tokyo, a gorgeous blond was on the phone talking, she also had blue-grey eyes and was dressed in some amazing fashions. “Why do I have to play baby sitter to him? But I, he’s whom? RAN? Really? Alright, I guess I don’t mind doing it.”

Alright, he’ll come with car and pick you up so you can meet him.

Two hours later, a Lear jet had landed and there was a stretch limo waiting them, Ranma was standing there waiting and with his hands behind his back. The door opened and out she stepped. She took one look at him and smiled, he was in a white muscle shirt, slacks, boots and his ever present amber colored sunglasses. He saw her and smiled softly.

“Ellis Valentine?” He said softly, not trusting her voice she nodded. He smiled again and opened to door to the limo. “Ranko’s waiting for us.” So they got in as her bags were placed in the trunk of the car. “I was told you have a twin.”

“Knight, he’s still in London.” She said, “Can I have your autograph?” Ranma chuckled and signed her book. Just then his cell rang.

“Hello? Hi mom, what’s up? Oh yeah? YES! So, do I have to take a test? I’ll take it, it will? With Nabiki? Cool, alright I’m with Ms. Valentine now. Yeah, she sends her love, you’re coming there? When? No, nothing’s wrong, alright, love ya too. Bye.” He hung up.

“Your mum?” She said, he nodded then smiled.

“I’m graduating early, I did it.” Tears slowly fell from his eyes; Ellis grabbed him and hugged him tightly.

“Congratulations, Ranma.” She said, “So are you going to college?”

“I don’t know I want to.” Meanwhile Ranko was reading Ranma’s contract and smiled.

“I think Ranma’s going to be happy with this.” She smiled, just then there was a knock on her door, “come in.” A beautiful brunette walked in, she had brown eyes and was dressed in a shirt and slacks. “Hello Shizuru, what’s up?”

“Is it true? We have Ran?” She said.

“Yes, we have Ran.” Said Ranko.

“How did we get him?”

“He is my little brother.”

“Your little brother?”

“He’s picking up Ellis as we speak.”

Meanwhile in the limo, Nodoka and Nabiki were on the way to ‘Saotome Inc’ to speak to Ranko. “So you think she could get me in?” Asked Nabiki.

“Well, I guess if you ask her nicely.” She said they came up on the building and another limo. This one had Ranma and Ellis in it, after they parked. They got out and went to Ranko’s office. They met up with each other, Nodoka hugged him tightly. Nabiki was introduced to Ellis.

They walked in to the office and sat down after Ranko kissed Nodoka. “Ranma, I have your contract here.” Ranma started to read it and smiled.

“Okay, anybody got a pen?” He said, so he was handed one and he signed. Nabiki asked Ranko about working for her.

“What do you think Ranma?” She asked he looked at her with pleading eyes.

“I’m not the owner, I don’t make the choices.” He said Ranko smiled.

“You do now, that contract you just signed? It also made you my partner.” She smiled, Ranma fainted.

“RANMA!” They said, an hour later he came too.

“Ranma are you alright?” Said Nodoka, she helped him sit up.

“Mom, I had this weird dream. Ranko gave me half of multi-billion dollar company.” He said, just then they heard Ranko’s voice.

“I did, don’t you ever do that again. Don’t want my partner hurt.” She said.

“Wha? Why?”

“Ranma, I haven’t seen you in like what 10 years. You are my soul, I love you. If we weren’t siblings, I’d want you as my husband. That’s how much I love you.”

“So, you feel guilty for not being there for me?”

“I didn’t say that. I said I love you.”

“But this is so much, what if I?”

“I’m right behind you, I got your back.” She said, “I trust you.”

“Alright, then I think Nabiki would benefit from being front of the cameras.” Nabiki grabbed him and hugged him tightly.

Later Ranma was trying to figure out where to put Ellis because her apartment was being repainted and she had no place to stay. ‘We got room at the manor.’ “Mom, can Ellis stay with us?” He asked Nodoka.

“Of course dear.” So they help Ellis move into the manor and she relaxed.

Meanwhile Ranma was studying for finals so he could graduate high school then it was time. He took his tests and waited for results. He was outside waiting and was a nervous wreck. Then it was time, he walked in and went to get his test. He closed his eyes and pulled the paper up to his face. Then he opened them, then he closed them looking like he failed. Then he walked pass Nodoka with tears falling and handed the test to her.

She took it and smiled, “you PASSED!” She grabbed him in a big hug and held him tightly. Ranko grabbed him as well and they sandwiched him. Ranma wept on her shoulder as she held her son. Ranma was done he could get into any college he wanted to now.


Note: 1. Think Dr. Kiriko Aoi from ‘Goddanner’.