The Perfect Race
Chapter 5: Saotomes vengence
Author: Kai Yagami
The next morning Ranma and Nodoka were on their way to the dojo. Ranma was going to get out of those lethal relationships he has now so he can focus on other things. The car stopped in front of the house and they started to walk over to the front door. Kasumi answered it and saw Ranma and Nodoka. Hi Kasumi, he said. He was covered from head to toe in silk and satin, he had on his amber shades. He also had on his diamond earrings on. He was impressive; Nodoka was beautiful she looked at a fighter from one of Nabikis video games. [1]
You miss us? She couldnt tear her eyes away from him. She just hugged him tightly, I take it you did. They walked in and they heard Nabiki.
Who was at the door Kasumi? She said and saw them, Ranma? Auntie? Just then, Genma and Soun got in Ranmas face.
WHO WERE THOSE SLUTS YOU WERE WITH RANMA? Screamed Akane, Ranma waved his hand in front of his face.
Brush your teeth before you scream in someones face next time Akane. Youve been eating that slop you call food again havent you?
THERES NOTHING WRONG WITH MY COOKING RANMA! She was about to hit him when Nodoka grabbed her and broke her forearm.
Youre not going to hit my son again! She said calmly, do you understand? Akane looked over to Ranma and he was beating the hell out of Genma because he demanded his earrings, Ranma then almost broke Souns neck. Then he walked over to Nabiki and handed her a court summons. She read it and it was to either stop the production of anything dealing with him, sign over 80% and the rights or they can sue her for every dime she made off of him.
Ranma, how could you? She said.
You got a lot of nerve asking me that! He said, Trying to get every last dime out of me! Scamming me out of everything, even using threats to my person when you think I aint making you enough money! So whats it going to be? You going to stop everything, sign everything to me, or we going to court?
Ive always given you.....
Stop, stop. Do not even go there. He said, You lie like a dog. You never given me anything, oh hes so stupid hes not going to ask for everything. Hes not going to figure out that hes my cash cow. Well, this cows going home. I want everything, everything. Nabiki just stared on in horror.
Alright, you win Ranma, she said. Ill sign everything over to you. Nodoka handed her a contract and she signed it and stamped her hanko on it. They were about to leave when all of the sudden, the fiancées and the rivals had showed up. Ranma cracked his knuckles and got ready to fight.
This isnt going to take long. He said with a smirk, the fight was on. Kuno and Mousse were teaming up to fight him. Ranma was blocking up a storm and wasnt even trying hard, and then with a quick flash, Ranma came out with a katana and a rapier. The katana was going against Kuno while the rapier was against Mousse. The blades were flying as he was spinning in the middle.
Wow, look at the skill. Said Nabiki.
Oh my, Ranma is talented with the rapier. Said Kasumi.
Thats my boy. Said Nodoka proudly, then Ranma disarmed them both at the same time and the blades on their necks.
Game over. Then he took them both out, at the same time. They need more training, then he felt Cologne. Hello Old Ghoul.
Colognes staff was now in the tree and Nodoka was standing with her back to her sons, holding her parasol. Now Elder, I admit my son needs a little work on his manners, but thats no reason for you to hurt him now is it?
You are his Mother? She said Nodoka nodded as she opened her parasol.
Yes, I am and I do NOT acknowledge Xian Pus engagement to him! Said the Saotome Matriarch.
Ive read your rule book elder, she said as she walked around Ranma and started to kiss him on his neck and shoulder. I would have to be there to have seen the fight and what Ranma told me of it was it was an accident.
But, he still knocked out my Xian Pu!
Not knowing what was going on? You kept him the dark about everything. So Ill tell you what, I challenge you for her claim to my son. Cologne agreed to the match, Ranma stepped off the fighting area and sat down next to Nabiki. The fight was on and Cologne was trying to end it quickly but, Nodoka was too quick for her. Then started with power moves, taking Cologne out easily. Thank you Elder, it was most, enlightening. She said as she put up her sword in the parasol. Ranma stood up and started to walk over to her.
That was great mom. He said.
You think so? She said he nodded. She hugged him tightly, thank you my son. I couldnt have done it without you. Just then they were both splashed with cold water and they heard an evil voice.
SWEETOO! It was Happosai and he was gunning for Ranma not seeing that he didnt change. Ranma grabbed the Grand Master of Anything Goes and slammed him to the ground taking him out. Then he placed him into a bag with soiled mens boxer shorts in it, tied it up and launched it in to orbit.
That takes care of that. He said, Well our business is done and now we are going home. Come talk to us some time, well be around. With that they left.
Note: 1. Think Setsuka from Soul Caliber 3