The Perfect Race
Chapter 4: Sibling Reunion
Author: Kai Yagami
It was a nice day and Ranma was walking down the street minding his own business saying hello to fans, he was dressed in an opened shirt tank top, slacks boots. He continued to walk, when all off the sudden he was tackled down to the pavement by a flying, female body. She had caramel colored skin, long black hair and a body of a brick house. She was in a T-shirt, jeans, boots and a motorcycle jacket. RANMA! She said, and then she lifted her head up. He saw her beautiful green eyes and smiled.
Jun? He said and then they got up and hugged each other. Then he spun with her in his arms, aw man look at you. You look like, you were effected by....
A wish Mom made? She finished.
Wait a minute, you were affected?
Yep, I look pretty hot, dont I?
Hots not the word Id use. She laughed and hugged him tightly. Police surrounded them, its okay, and this is my sister. They went away, and then Ranma and Jun went to a restaurant for brunch.
Whats that all about?
Youve been out the loop havent you? He said, Well basically Im like Brad Pitt around here. Just then someone came up to him with an autograph book and he signed it. See what I mean? She just laughed.
How did you get so famous?
Well, its because of a friend of mine. He told her everything.
Wait a minute, YOURE Ran? He nodded, wow. You are like Pitt. Later they went out to enjoy themselves. Just then a cute Japanese woman came up to them and tackled him to the pavement. She was in a T-shirt, jeans and boots. She had short brown hair and brown eyes.
RAN-CHAN! She said they were shocked.
REIKO? They said she was also affected by Nodokas wish. She snuggled against him and just held him. Jun was laughing, Jun tell the police, that Reikos alright. So she did and they helped him up, hey beautiful.
Hi big bro, she said and hugged him tightly.
So, you were affected by Moms wish too?
Well, when you have someone like me and Jun watching your back, you got to be able to look the part. Ranma couldnt tear his eyes away from her.
You got that right. He said, while looking at her, Jun told Reiko what Ranma was up to.
Youre Ran?
Um hmm, amazing isnt it? Our brother is one of the coolest heroes in all of Japan. Said Jun, Ranma just sighed.
Come on guys, I got to do a little shopping. He said they looked at him.
What are you going to buy? Said Reiko.
Just some ice.
Earrings, about .5 karat. I know, how about I get you guys some things as well?
Youd do that?
Yeah, of course Id do that. You guys are my sisters. So they go to a jewelry store to look at some jewelry. Ranma got a pair of .5 karat diamond earrings and got the girls something as well. Later they went back to the manor.
Welcome home Jun, Reiko. He said, meanwhile Nodoka came down and hugged her two children and her step-child. Well, what do you think Mom? He showed off his earrings.
I like them, theyre beautiful. They settled in, they settled in and started to have dinner. Ranma relaxed as Reiko snuggled up against him. Just then she got a call, it was her friend Dixie Clements.
Hi Dixie, I dont know, why would I go to a strip club when Im snuggled up to a hunky star right now? Hes someone I truly love, Im telling you! Yes, let me give you the address. So she does and Dixie said that she was coming. Ranma, you want to go out tonight?
Sure, he said as he was reading a book.
Good, she got up to get cleaned up and dressed. Reiko, where do you want to go?
Anywhere, I want you to show us around, to some of the hot spots.
Okay, Mom is it alright for me to use a car?
Yes dear, just remember the rules.
Yes, maam. Later Ranma came down looking nice. Jun saw him.
Wow, if it aint Puff Daddy. She teased.
No, you mean Diddy. He teased back and laughed.
Whats going on?
Reiko and I are going out on the town, you want to come?
Get dressed; were going when Reikos friend gets here.
Alright, so she ran upstairs and then came back down in a pair of leather slacks, boots and a halter top. Reiko came down in a red and white outfit a halter top and a mini skirt, she also had boots. Ranma looked over and was stunned.
Wow, he stared at his step-sister, Reiko blushed.
Thanks bro. Just then there was a knock on the door, a very gorgeous blond, blue eyed woman walked in the main room. She was in a shirt, jeans, a cowgirl hat and boots. Hi Dixie, allow me to introduce you to my brother, this is Ranma Saotome. The woman was in shock as she met him.
Ranma Saotome? She said and he bowed to her.
Nice to meet you Ms. Clements. He smiled at her and she blushed.
Yeah, you too. She smiled, and then Reiko brought Dixie to Jun.
And this is my sister, Jun.
Hi, nice to meet you.
Same here, Jun. Later they went in to the garage and he saw a big convertible and they got in to it. Then they head out for the nightclubs. Everyone was has a good time, then as Ranma was taking a breather, Dixie grabbed him by the arm and led him in to one of the restrooms. She started to make a move and started to kiss him passionately. Then she started to unbutton her shirt and she wasnt wearing a bra, then Ranma started to feel her breasts. Then she pulled one hand down in to the waistband of her jeans and she wasnt wearing any panties. She unzipped her jeans and unfastened them.
Then she unfastened his slacks and pulled out his cock, she stroked it and placed it up in her. They screwed each other, hard. Ah, yes! HARDER! Fuck me! Come on, Ranma! Do me! She said he started to grit his teeth.
Im going to cum! He said.
Yes, do it! I want to feel your juice running into me. So he did and came in her. They relaxed cleaned themselves up and left. They caught up with the others and Ranma walked over to them.
Hey bro, so did you and Dixie have a good time? Teased Reiko.
Yeah, of course we did. He said, Momll have my head if I didnt show her a good time. Later they headed back home to the manor and went to bed. Reiko had to share a bed with her brother; she was in one of his T-shirts and snuggled up against him. She was on top of him and him inside of her by the middle of the night. Ranma awoke to the feeling of some one have sex with him, he woke up as she was bouncing on top of her step-brother cock and felt every inch of it.
He slowly brought his hands up and started to rub her up and down. As she was getting her rocks off then he came in her hard. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at him lovingly. Was it good bro? She said huskily.
You were awake?
Of course I was you dont know how long I wanted to do that to you. Ranma sighed.