The Perfect Race
Chapter 1: Maya and Aya are WHAT?
Author: Kai Yagami
It was a nice day and Urd had a mission coming. She was going to grant Nodoka Saotome a wish but, she wanted to make sure that Nodokas son, Ranma, and she would get back together. So she found a way to get him to her home, she saw him flying in mid air. Thanks to a mallet hit no doubt, since she was a fate, she could have Ranma fly all the way over to the Saotome home. But unknown to her, Nodoka was having some guests over.
One had long beautiful lavender hair and blue eyes, she was gorgeous and dressed in a black leather bikini top and leather slacks. The other had long caramel colored hair and eyes and was in a T-shirt and jeans. Its so good of you two come and visit me girls. Said Nodoka.
Oh think nothing of it, Auntie. Said the elder one, Aya and I wanted to visit you when we could. But, weve been so busy.
Thats alright Maya-chan, she said. Im just glad to see you two. Meanwhile Ranma was about to land, hard.
Yipe, he took a deep breath to ease the pain. Then he hit the pond, changing and cracking about 4 ribs. They heard what happened outside and ran to see someone in the pond.
Ranma! Said Nodoka, Aya went in to pull him out. Blood was coming out of his mouth and they helped him into the house. He was laid down on the couch he was trying to breathe. Just then Nodoka picked up the phone to call an ambulance, but she got the Goddess Relief Office. What the? She hung up and tried again. But as she did, a gorgeous platinum blond, green eyed, tanned woman came out of the TV. She was sort of dressed like Maya.
Nodoka Saotome? She said Nodoka hung up the phone.
Who are you?
I am Urd, Norse Goddess of the past and I am here to grant you a wish.
Was it you that was able to send my son here?
Yes, but it was never my intention to hurt him. Just then Ranma started to awake, his head was in Mayas lap. She was stroking his hair, relaxing him.
Where am I? He said, Who are you?
Sh, everythings alright. Youre safe now. She said, Nodoka went over to him and grabbed his hand. She grabbed his hand, Ranma Im sorry for letting that man take you away from me. I wish we could be perfect in mind, body and spirit so we wouldnt make these mistakes. Just then Urd started to glow and sent the wish for approval then it was sent back.
Im happy to announce that your wish has been approved. She said.
What wish? Said Nodoka.
To be perfect in everyway possible.
Thats everyone here in this house.
When will it happen?
Right about, she started to faint. Now. She passed out and everyone started to drop like flies in a fog of bug spray. Inside of their bodies everything that was wrong with them started to get fixed in them. Super strength, speed, mental capacity and spirit power got cranked up to notches unknown. Afterwards Urd awoke and went over to check on Ranma and make sure hes alright.
She used a little bit of her powers to heal his broken ribs and then left. Aya curled up next to him and snuggled against him. Maya just held then both, that was when Ranma started to wake. His shirt was a little tight and his pants were a little high. The buttons start to pop. He was buffed; he was built like and American football running back that any team would love to get their hands on because he could get the job done.
His hair was longer, he was taller and lightly tanned. He started to sit up and look around, and then went upstairs to get some covers for the girls. He saw his Mom and was amazed at what he saw. His Mom was gorgeous; she was younger and was built like Maya. He picked her up with great ease, laid her down next to the girls, went outside and started to enjoy the sights.
He took off his shirt and felt the wind against his skin, just then he felt a pair of lips and breasts against his back and neck.
Are you alright? Asked a sexy voice.
Um hmm, who are you? He said softly.
Im not surprised you dont remember me Ran-chan. She said, Im Maya. He turned around and saw her. He just stared in to her blue eyes and she stared back. Then she bent him down and kissed him passionately. Her breasts were pressed against his chest because her top popped off. She had grown a cup size; he could feel her nipples pressing in to his skin. He ran his hands all over her back just then someone was clearing her throat.
They broke off and looked over to Nodoka, Maya still pressed against his chest.
Mom? He said, blushing. She just smirked; she left on the sheet and looked at her son with a smile on her face.
Hello, my son. She said as she went over to hug him. Then she pulled off to look at him, are you alright?
Ranma nodded, yeah aside from the sore ribs.
You hit the side of the pond and cracked 4 of them.
Wait, I landed in the pond? How come Im not female then?
I think Maya and Aya are your curse.
Maya and Aya are my WHAT? You mean Im cured?
Yes son, you are.
No wonder Mayas as tall as me now.
As much as I like talking about this, what are we going to do for clothes? Said Maya.
Ranma, some of your fathers clothes are still here, Maya you and Aya will have to wear some of Ranmas until we go shopping. Said Nodoka, they nodded and went to get some clothes and went to the furo to get cleaned up. Inside of the furo, Maya sat on Ranmas lap as he helped clean her up. He was a little nervous washing her intimate places, a soft caress across her belly and a gentle touch on the slope of her bust. Meanwhile she had felt his reaction to her body, 10 inches and as hard as a steel pole.
She turned around and kissed him again. She felt his cock against her stomach as it was sandwiched between them. She gently stroked him, feeling his hardness. He was also stroking her as well and feeling her hot and wet. Then she placed the head of his cock into her, are you sure you want this? Its going to hurt. He said, Maya nodded and slipped him inside of her. He blasted right through her maiden head and she gasped at the sudden pain and fullness.
Are you alright? He asked, she nodded and wrapped her legs around his waist. So he continued to go on, pumping himself into her. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he continued to give her his all.
So good. She moaned, So big.
Ah, youre so tight! He said, unknown to either of them, Aya was watching and started to masturbate as Ranma pounded her elder sister. Maya, Im going to cum!
Yes, do it! Inside of me! She moaned so he did and came in her then collapsed on top of her. Oh you were so good, he was breathing hard.
I had a great partner, but theres one thing I need to know.
Is Aya going to stay there and just watch or is she going to join in on the fun? Aya eeped and walked in wearing nothing but a towel and she was barely wearing that.