This is my third part. This is based on the Ranma 1/2 characters, which I don't own and are were created by Rumiko Takahashi, owned by Shogankukan, Shounen Sunday and Kitty films in Japan. This story is written for fun,and the characters are OOC. Also note this is a lemon and should not be read where illegal or by minors. This story deals with Akane and Tatewaki Kunou switching bodies due to a miscast spell. Just as a note, the characters will be called he or she based on the body they are in at the time.

Trading Places: Part 3

Ranma did her best to fend off the purple haired Amazon that was pressed against her. If by fending off, one means sliding one's tongue as deep into an opponent's mouth as possible, while her breasts push against her foe's with jiggling abandon. But Ranma was never one to shy away from a challenge, especially when the opponent was the more "enthusiastic" type.The two girls lower bodies were also busy at this time, rubbing and grinding their crotches against one another. Their legs were intertwining as well, each looking for an advantage over the other. Ranma was finding himself as a disadvantage because of the drug as well as the fact that Shampoo had taken the opportunity to pull Ranma's pants and her shorts down around her knees. Her pussy was quite wet from the earlier attention she had received. Shampoo took the opportunity to slide a finger inside Ramna's pussy while she was vulnerable.

"Ranma pussy too too wet" cooed Shampoo seductively as she withdrew her finger and slid it across Ranma's lips. She could taste her own honey, and despite the drug could feel how Ranma growled at Shampoo's "logic" but was not really in a position to be able to do anything about it. It was really against Ranma's nature to be put in compromising situations where she sensitive her pussy was twitching right now.

"N-Now Shampoo, let's be reasonable about this." Ranma stammered.

"Shampoo horny. Ranma have pants down. Good enough reason for Shampoo." countered Shampoo.

wasn't in control. Except for the time she lost her strength and Kunou, the Principal, Mousse, and Gos took advantage of her. And for the time when she pretended to be Ryoga's fiancée and Ryoga plunged in and out of her without mercy. Ranma shuddered at the memory of that one. Then there was the time when Herb, Lime and Mint had her helpless as well. But those were unexpected circumstances and didn't really count. Plus it wasn't like girls ever had a hold over her, except for Nabiki... and Hinako... and the time with Pink and Link...

A pair of probing fingers broke Ranma out of her reflections as Shampoo began working her dexterous digits over Ranma's labia and clit. "Shampoo make Ranma cum and cum and cum." giggled happily as she pumped and screwed her fingers deeper inside. Ranma's body shuddered and shook as her she bounced up and down with every manipulation.

"Yeeargh!" Ranma screamed, "S-Shampoo!!"

"Ranma such a good girl." Shampoo cooed as she pressed her own body against the smaller girl, withdrawing her fingers so they were connected pussy to pussy. Shampoo grunted and grinded hard against Ranma with an aggressiveness that would put most men to shame. Ranma could feel Shampoo's nipples rubbing against her own sensitive melons. Her eyes locked with the purple haired Amazon as she saw the lust smoldering in her eyes. The girl's breath's came in gasp as she sated her lust on Ranma's body. Ranma groaned both in delight and expatriation as she knew that Shampoo wasn't going to stop till she got off. When it came to sex, only Ryoga tended to be more aggressive, although you had to work Ryoga up a bit. Shampoo on the other hand was always ready to fuck, and it rarely mattered if it was male or female. Shampoo then wrapped her arms around Ranma tightly as she threw her back and screamed in delight. Ranma's own pussy released from all of the friction as her own cry mixed in with Shampoo's. Both girls gasped deeply, trying to draw back air into their bodies.

"Well, I take it you have had your fun." said a cocky reply from behind the two lovers. Turning around they saw Mousse staring down at them with a gleam in his eye and a bulge under his robe.

Shampoo threw him a little pout, "Shampoo just getting Ranma ready for you Mousse."

Ranma growled in frustration, which caused Shampoo to turn back at her and purr excitedly.


Kunou was quite perplexed as to how he (now a she) had gotten into his current predicament. It had seemed just a moment ago she had his beautiful pig-tailed goddess in his arms when a white cloud of smoke had blown in front of him. Normally she would have assumed that it was heaven sending some clouds around her in order give their blessings. Her vision had soon turned into a nightmare as she found herself strapped down onto some strange contraption spread eagle with her sister laughing manically. Still, Kunou was sure once she gathered her wits she would be able to talk her way out of this.


"Just a damn minute!" Ranma exclaimed as Mousse put on a pair of cuffs on her wrists. Shampoo was taking a chain and hurling it up over a post. She then pulled the chain up so that Ranma was now hanging up at an angle. Ranma's further cries were muffled as a rag was tied over her mouth.

"Now Ranma, I'm going to teach you a lesson!" the Amazon male said eagerly as he fondled the ass that was now bent over in his direction.

"Ranma already learn this lesson three other times Mousse." Shampoo said, "But always good to learn again!" She then cupped Ranma's full breasts with her hands and started kneading them and licking at her nipples. Ranma closed her eyes as she realized there wasn't getting out of further debasement, not that it ever really bothered her that much! Ranma was used to "luring" her opponents into a false sense of security and then pouncing into victory. She felt Mousse's hands grab her waist as he pulled her closer to him. The chains shifted slightly, but still kept her firmly in place. Ranma groaned again as she felt Mousse teasing her slit with his hardness, rubbing it against her pussy lips back and forth.

"I see you are as eager as always!" Mousse said triumphantly as he smacked Ranma's ass with a bit of sadistic pleasure. "Well, I am sure I can give you what you need!" Mousse smile grew as he felt his cock slowly push his way into Ranma's snatch. "Yesssss..." he sighed as he felt Ranma's clenching down hard onto his shaft. Mousse pushed harder as he forced inch after inch into his prey. Normally, he would be concerned that he was going too hard into a girl, but he was aware of Ranma's stamina as well as the simple fact Ranma loved it hard. He could feel Ranma's hot juices coating his shaft as he began fucking Ranma with harder strokes. The rattling of the chains and Ranma's muffled cries were music to Mousse's ears and the feel of her skin and pussy was finer then silk.

Shampoo was having just a good of a time as Mousse was. Her hands eagerly massaging and squeezing Ranma's full globes with full abandon, while she continued to lick away at her face like a kitten. The only thing that was bothering her was the inability to kiss Ranma while the gag was in her mouth. "Oh well, good things come when Shampoo waits." Shampoo sighed half in longing, half in passion. Still, seeing the look in Ranma's eyes was making it harder to resist.

Ranma on the other hand was near sensory overload. The two sets of hands, as well as the cock in her pussy and the licking on her face made it difficult for her to focus on who was doing what. Also the skill of her two ravagers could not be denied as their combined attacks soon had her body quivering in ecstasy. Also her precarious position also gave them full access to her treasured areas. Ranma tried to lick her lips only to have the cloth rage stop her from doing so. Ranma growled in frustration at even this little release. Fortunately, the growl seemed to signal her desire enough to Shampoo who quickly pulled it off of her mouth and then pressed her lips against the pig-tailed girl. Soon Ranma's lips were moist with extra saliva to spare as Shampoo's tongue eagerly went into her mouth. Shampoo used her hands to raise her companion's breasts to hers, rubbing her own tits against her bound lover.

A grunt from Mousse signaled that he was soon nearing his climax. "I'm gonna cum..." Mousse said through gritted teeth.

"Yes... Cum inside Ranma, Mousse. Get pussy all gooey with sperm." Shampoo cooed.

"Yeah... Cum in my cunt, you sick pervert! Blow your wad into my snatch, I know you wanna!" Ranma cried out.

This was all the encouragement Mousse needed as he thrust deep inside of Ranma womb, crying out as he spurted deep in her channel. "Ugh...ugh..."

Ranma clamped down hard, her muscles milking Mousse with great strength, like a man dying of thirst drinking water. Ranma felt herself cumming as well, mixing her juices with Mousse's seed. She opened her eyes slightly as her orgasm subsided, as she leaned against Shampoo. Mousse withdrew and reached up to the chain to give Ranma some slack. Ranma sighed as she collapsed into Ranma's arms and she stared down at her pussy which was streaming out some of the spunk that came from the Amazon male. Shampoo simply pulled Ranma into her lap and gently played with the redhead's slit with her fingers, smearing the escaping cum all over her skin. Ranma simply smiled and nuzzled gently on the taller girl's neck.

Mousse licked his lips as he watched the two girls play with each other. He could feel himself start to get hard again. "Well, why wait when I can get Ranma to help me out?" he chuckled out loud. If either of the two girls heard what he said, they didn't respond. Striding swiftly forward, he pressed his half hard penis against Ranma's cheek. Ranma turned her head in a daze, yet instinctively knew what Mousse wanted. Opening her mouth enough so all Mousse had to do was lean a bit, Ranma eagerly began sucking on the cock lapping her tongue over it with slow, sloppy licks. With those magical slurps, Ranma could feel the prick growing bigger as it throbbed back to hardness. Shampoo slid around Ranma to get her a taste of Peking Mousse as well. She slid underneath to lick and nip at his balls and to give his shaft a flick of her tongue whenever the opportunity passed.

"Oooooh, you two are so good!" crooned Mousse as he rested his hands on their heads. The two tongues soon had him at full attention in every sense of the word. Seeing that he was ready for round 2, he grabbed Shampoo and pushed her top of Ranma so they were facing each other. The two girls gasped in surprise and delight as they felt themselves suddenly against each other. Getting behind them, he could see their pussies (even with his near-sightedness) were soaked. Their clits were erect and rubbing against each other. He got on top of them both and began pressing his cock against Shampoo's slit. With a savage thrust, he pushed himself into her warm channel. Shampoo cried out as she felt his manhood penetrate, filling a need she had been having since this little party had started. Mousse was glad that he had cum once, otherwise he might have already lost it in Shampoo's wet snatch. Ranma could feel the friction rubbing against her, which both excited and frustrated as she herself wasn't getting any penetration. Mousse must have sensed her frustration as he pulled out of Shampoo and gave Ranma a lil lovin. The feeling Mousse provided Ranma was delightful and just what she wanted, but now Shampoo wasn't feeling fulfilled. Mousse then pulled out of Ranma and slid back into his Amazonian love. He would pump in a few strokes then pull out and enter Ranma. After a few pumps he would repeat the pattern with Shampoo while the two girls continued to make out madly with each other. The repeated touches as well as extra set of hands had the girls getting ready to explode any second. Mousse could tell by the shudderings and shakings that the girls were having that they were ready to both share a mammoth orgasm. He smiled to himself as he realized it was his skill that was making them feel such pleasure. The rush that it was providing soon made its way known to his lower extremities as well. Sliding one last time into Shampoo, his focused thrusts were giving way to animalistic poundings. The girls screams were mixing with his and he felt Shampoo orgasm over his cock. Mousse pulled out and began stroking himself, trying to aim for both of their pussies as best he could. His hot cum spurted out of his manhood, some landing on Ranma's ass and pussy, while some more came on Shampoo. The hot semen triggered an orgasm with Ranma and she also came, her leaking pussy juices mixing with Shampoo's as well as Mousse's. With one final spurt, Mousse fell to his knees and collapsed on Ranma.

The three lovers stayed still for a stint just relaxing in the glow of their little session. Ranma felt he should be remembering something important, but to him the important thing was to rest first. If he had looked up from his position, he would have seen "Kunou", Nabiki and Ukyo chasing a strange dog that was pulling Ryoga. But right now the only thing he could see was Shampoo's smiling face.