Swordplay IV

Mendo Shutaro glanced longingly towards the area of the classroom where Lum-can was hovering protectively near a still pallid (and much less perverted) Ataru-kun. A feeling of regret not unlike pain seeped into Shutaro's bones as he saw the quiescent dark eyes flash his way with a certain amount of fear and anger. Dammit. That had _not_ gone well. What had he been thinking!?! Perhaps he had been too long with Tachi, whose "no's" rarely, if ever, actually meant "no".

Shutaro rose as the bell rang, sword lightly bapping against his thigh. He sighed. Ah, well. This afternoon was Tachi's... perhaps a little swordplay was just the thing to perk him up!

It was almost dark.

No sign of Tachi.

Shutaro could feel his skin crawl as dusk crept up. Where could Tachi be? The flashing thought of his Tachi laying somewhere hurt flashed through the recedes of his mind.

That thought spurred action. To hell with the dark! He had to make sure that Tachi was all right... even at the cost of his own fear.

Shutaro flew out of the wooded copse at a dead run, his denim clad legs flashing, briars snatching at them until he reached the old shed in which he'd left his motor bike. Throwing one limber leg over, he roared away into the growing darkness.

Finding his Tachi was top priority.

Lights were on at the Kuno mansion and that filled Shutaro with relief. Thank God. As he parked his bike, he could hear the soft laughter ringing on the air. Kodachi must be playing with her "pets" again, he thought with a grim smile. He had to admit that Kodachi was one sexy little kitten. If he was interested in that sort of thing, he'd certainly enjoy getting into _her_ panties -- not to mention seeing who could out-top the other.

"Sasuke!" he called loudly, starting in surprise when the obsequious little man appeared from out of nowhere. "AAAHHH!!!"

"You called, Master?" Sasuke responded. Yep -- definite impressions of some unknown hunchback filtered through Shutaro's mind.

"Uh.. yeah. Where's Tatewaki-san?" he muttered.

Sasuke shrugged. "We haven't seen him since he took the pig-tailed girl up to his room." He purposefully neglected to mention that a pig-tailed *BOY* had come back *down*.

A cloud of wrath settled over Shutaro's face. So! This "wild" person was a _girl_, was it? His fists clenched painfully and he turned from Sasuke to go bounding upstairs as fast as his legs could carry him.

Sasuke shrugged and went back to watching the badly dubbed American cartoon. This was his favorite episode... Wakko's potty song made him laugh. ;)

The door to Tachi's room was shut tightly and when he pushed it open, it seemed cavernous. Shutaro leaned into the room and searched fumblingly for the light switch.

It shouldn't have surprised him to see Tachi laying there and yet, somehow, it did. Seeing those arms wrapped around Tachi's long legs, the tracks of tears still staining his sleep flushed face.. ahh, it made Shutaro stop dead in his tracks! Oh. Oh, dear. His *poor* Tachi. What could that evil female have done to him!?

Shutaro sat on the edge of the bed, his hand going to gently brush Tachi's hair back out of his face. "Tachi-chan," he breathed softly. With nimble fingers, he pulled away his t-shirt and stood to strip off his jeans before sliding in next to Tachi and pressing warmly against his back.

Tachi woke to warmth and an overwhelming sense of misery. Fingers were gently combing through his tangled hair, a hand warm against his belly, a body pressed to his back. A glance revealed Mendo and Tachi's eyes filled with helpless tears. Why _him_? Why *NOW*?!

The look of unhappiness and the helpless tears that were once again staining Tachi's face struck horror into Shutaro's heart. What could possibly be wrong!?

"Tachi-chan," Shutaro whispered silently. "Tachi-chan, look at me. Tell me what's wrong..." His own eyes burned to see Tachi without the protective shell that had always kept out prying eyes. His hands continued to soothe Tachi, somehow maneuvering the larger boy into turning.

Tachi buried his face in the hot crease of Shutaro's neck, sobbing fitfully, his arms wrapped tightly about Shutaro's waist. The sibilant "Shhh.." noises comforted him. Rejection hurt so badly!! He knew he'd been dishonest but he had really thought there was some kind of love for him there. He bit his lip. His heart hadn't hurt so much since... since... since Mother abandoned Kodachi and himself to their father's "tender" (and humiliating) ministrations.

As Tachi became quiet before him, Shutaro gently tilted his chin, captured his mouth with his own soft lips, kissing him into silence even as tears began to flow again, salty and sweetly reminiscent of the first time he'd loved Tachi, so long ago. The shivering, the hiccoughing little gasps for breath... they made Shutaro feel so tender, so protective, and his arms around Tachi gathered him close as he ever so slowly made a hot wet trail across Tachi's jaw and down the strong sinews of his throat, tasting the salty skin with the tip of his tongue, his hands roaming over Tachi's broad chest. Each stroke of his fingers seemed to drive Tachi more and more away from the sadness that had so recently filled him and Shutaro could feel Tachi's manhood becoming taut against his thigh even as he brushed his palm over a stiff nipple, sliding it around to slip his hand into the warmth of Tachi's armpit, shoving to put Tachi on his back even as he began to kiss down his belly, tongue swirling into Tachi's navel, taste of sweat and cum and Tachi and the smell and the taste overwhelmed him and made him moan, an echo of Tachi as Tachi's hands found the back of his head and worked their way into his hair with trembling fingers.

Tachi couldn't believe that this felt so good, so right! Especially after what he'd just done, his body trembling violently as the warmth of Shutaro's mouth slipped down and around and missed his trembling shaft as fingers pried his thighs open and stroked tenderly along the soft skin, mouth capturing the soft skin just behind his balls and making him groan aloud. "Sh..shh..shuuuutaaa... ahhh...ahahhhhhhh!!!!!" he shook his head frantically back and forth, his back arching wildly as Shutaro continued to tease, fingers delving to gently apply pressure to Tachi's tight bud.

Shutaro could feel tension flowing out of Tachi and back into certain very lovely parts of him as he opened his mouth and took the hard shaft in deep, coating it with saliva even as he groaned around it, taking so much into his throat that he couldn't seem to breath even as his eyes crossed with the pleasure of tasting Tachi and.. and.. something.. someone else... He frowned but continued all the same, creeping up to brush Tachi's hair from his eyes as he kissed him once again, leaning over to look in the open drawer next to Tachi's bed and pulling out a beautifully elaborate scarf. He wrapped it slowly about Tachi's head, hiding those gorgeous grey eyes as he took a bite out of Tachi's shoulder with a growl.

Tachi didn't mind being blindfolded; no, he rather liked it and his hands clenched in the sheets, sheets that were rumpled and that made his skin hotter and he wanted to throw them off and lay on the coolness of something slick, to lay there and do nothing in this passive sort of way and then he felt it, Shutaro's hands wrapping around his dick with hands that were wet, wet with the same stuff he had used when he'd shoved into Ranma only bare hours ago, and that thought almost made him lose it. Shutaro was at his throat again, then, and straddling him and he knew that this was something unusual as his mouth opened in a gasp. He wished he could see Shutaro's face!

Shutaro gritted his teeth and carefully positioned himself, his hand aiming Tachi's stiff cock towards his own chute as he shoved downwards. A low groan spilled from him, his body protesting even as it spasmed open and accepted Tachi's penetration, his low cry of pain as he settled completely to the root making Tachi gasp sharply.

This was something so rare that Tachi couldn't believe that it was happening. Shutaro was clamped tightly around him, his hands pressed to Tachi's chest, fingers trembling as he gave a full-fledged groan, whimpers reverberating in the room that was practically empty save the bed, nightstand and two large pictures of a red-head and some _other_ female. Shutaro opened his eyes slowly and the blue orbs of the one seemed to penetrate his own. It was as if his soul was speared along with his body as he pulled up, his hands going back to rest on Kuno's knees even as he pushed himself upward and then propelled himself back down, a steady and penetrating thrust that made him shudder until he jerked forward, laying on Kuno's chest, panting, his cock gone soft even as the pleasure of penetration ran through his entire body.

Kuno's hands jerked off the blindfold so that he could see him, his hands knotting into Shutaro's hair to hold him close, kiss him with soft groans of pleasure even as he rolled him over and began to push inside of him, fucking Shutaro for all he was worth even as he trembled in Shutaro's grasp. Shutaro's own feelings were, perhaps, more difficult to grasp; if anything, he supposed it was like unto a female orgasm -- that is to say, every part of his body shook and reverberated and sang with the pleasure that danced in his veins as Tachi came deeper, deeper, harder and faster, making him want to scream and so he did, howling his pleasure into the dark night no matter who might come or see or hear.

Tachi gave soft panting breaths, feeling Shutaro tighten around him and it was too much, too much and he collapsed against him, flooding him with salty white semen even as he gasped frantically for breath, "SHUTARO!!!!!" and collapsed atop him.

It was some time before either spoke again and then it was Mendo, whispering in that huskily deceptive voice of his, "So.. a wild child, is she?"

Tachi had the good grace to blush as he lightly rubbed a hand over Shutaro's belly and upper thighs. "He.. she.. the person.. yes.. 'Tis a convoluted tale, Mendo Shutaro, and methinks thy temper shall be frayed by the end of it," he muttered bitterly.

Shutaro shrugged and wrapped an arm around Kuno's chest. "I can probably tell you how it went. You used something -- that is to say, a style of getting something -- that would have worked with me. And what you got was rejection, correct?" At Tachi's amazed look, he continued, "Yeah, I know what you mean. The same thing happened to me and no, I don't feel guilty and neither should you. Tachi..." he whispered. "Tachi, I love you. I really truly love you and I want this to be forever, I want.. I want.. tenderness and I want.. fucking and hurting and aching and wanting to scream when it's so good I can't stand not to anymore. I want to be wrapped up in you with you wrapped up in me, separate parts of a whole, you know?" He looked to be on the verge of tears and it was Tachi's turn to soothe, though he was in no position for it.

"H..Hai," Tachi murmured in a tear laden voice. "Yes. That. All of that.." Words seemed so unneccesary and with that, he buried his face in Shutaro's shoulder and wept, and all of the rancor and poison in them spilled and wiped clean away, leaving them unspoiled and fresh and, for this once, at peace.

Kodachi turned off the video tape with a firm smirk. She wondered how much that Tendo girl would pay to get her hands on something like *this* baby and she couldn't help the laughter that spilled from her effortlessly. My, my. Such charming little acquisitions brother dear had made today, and even without use of anything more volatile than the little aphrodisiac she'd given daaarling Ranma. Admittedly, the sight of someone else with their hands on her Ranma, well.. it hadn't been easy for her; however, she *had* managed to catch him before he'd gotten to that Dr. Tofu person and.. well.. let us say, she had _entertained_ him thoroughly and he was now worn to a frazzle!

With a delighted laugh, Dachi-chan toddled off to her bedchamber to work on those knots again. She really ought to get Ranma-sama loose and get him back home before anyone else discovered how thoroughly he'd been debauched..