Seductions & Aphrodisiacs

Kuno's brow knit in concentration. "And thou dost believe thy potion shall work, Sister mine?"

Kodachi raised a dark eyebrow, her ponytail falling across a shoulder, their identical grey eyes locking. "Brother dear, the scientists at Kurobara and I have been working on this day and night for Six... Months... Trust me. It *will* work, whether it be your pig-tailed goddess or my Ranma-sama." The light in her eyes hardened. "Or I'll know the reason why." Identical smiles turned into low chuckles and then shrieks of laughter.

Sasuke stood in the garden, listening to that horrible sound. Something was certainly afoot in the Kuno household once again. Oh, dear.

Ranma-kun stuck out his tongue at Akane-chan. "Nyahh!!! Ya can't catch me! P-chan could catch me faster than *you* could," he smirked.

Akane growled angrily and began tossing mallets out of thin air. "RANMA!!! Stand STILL! What do I have to do to get you to take me SERIOUSLY!?!?!?!"

Ranma landed unceremoniously behind her and gently tapped the back of her neck. "Hey, I take you seriously! But I *don't* fight girls, Akane."

Ranma's head exploded in lights as a mallet connected and he went flying into the pond.

Groggy probably didn't describe Ranma's mental state too accurately, but it was pretty close. He couldn't remember feeling so bad since the time that he hit his head in the pool and thought he was a girl! Not, of course, that that was such a bad thing... Just a weird thing, and Ranma was definitely getting used to those. He shook his head and he could see the red bangs flying out with the weight of the water. At least Akane had pulled him to the edge of the pond so that he didn't drown.

Grumbling, he pulled himself up and shot a hot glance towards the dojo and then the house. She was probably sulking in her room but there was no point in taking any chances. Ranma ran his fingers through the auburn locks and moved stealthily through the yard, pouncing over the fence. He would dry out shortly and maybe he could find some hot water someplace...

"OSAGE NO ONNA!!!!! Oh, my pig-tailed goddess, how I have yearned for thee! I thought that thou shouldst never break the bond that evil sorcerer Saotome had imposed upon thy loving will to keep thou enslaved to him body and soul!" Kuno's arms wrapped tenderly around Ranma's waist from behind, surprising him, in truth.

{That's what I get for thinking so hard,} Ranma thought glumly even as he flung Kuno over his shoulder, watching him sort of *bounce* as he hit the pavement.

"Kuno-sempai!" she cooed worriedly. "Are you all right?"

Kuno made a funny "gurk" sort of noise, his eyes coming uncrossed ever so slowly. "C..certainly, goddess mine." He groaned softly, pushing himself up from the pavement, his hands brushing the dirt off of his ceremonial robes. Ranma had to admit that if he were a girl, he'd probably think that Kuno looked very manly in those robes.... he'd probably even be dying to date him. Luckily, since Ranma was a boy, he didn't have to admit to any such thing. "Perhaps, goddess, thou wouldst be interested in the feast one hast prepared for thee at one's estate?" Tachi pondered seriously.

Ranma's eyes grew wide. Food! Ohhh, yes, glorious *food*. His stomach grumbled and he flushed slightly in an attempt at girlish modesty, hunger announcing itself. If he could just be certain Kodachi wasn't going to poison him.... "Oh, YES, Tachi-chan! Yes, please! I'm soo hungry!" she cooed, pressing herself against him with the most innocent seductiveness that she could possibly manage.

"Bwahahahaha!!!! On to the Kuno mansion, then, my beloved!!! There, to wine thee and dine thee and perhaps," his voice lowered to a rough growl, "perhaps even to worship breathlessly at thy very temple!"

Ranma blinked. Just what in the holy hell *that* meant, he had not a clue. Oh, well. Being worshipped didn't sound *too* bad -- so long as Kuno kept his hands off of him. Smiling, Ranma slipped his feminine hand into Tachi's large masculine one and nodded. "Shall we, sempai?" she murmured, a shiver of noise.

"Certainly, my beloved one!" Kuno cast Ranma the most brilliant smile imaginable. THIS was going to be wonderful!!

THIS.... was sheer unending hell. HOW could the goddess be resisting all of the expensive aphrodisiac in that food? Dachi-chan had sworn to him that it would work, so why wasn't it? Tachi was almost ready to explode with the sheer frustration of it all. He had wanted this so *badly*!! Had he, perhaps, angered the gods? Or perhaps he had simply not given the right combination of foods...

Ranma stuffed himself without second thought. This was wonderful!! Sure, there was some kind of strange seasoning to it, but it wasn't bothering him so he guessed that it must be all right. The frown on Kuno-sempai's face was fairly indicative of something -- just what, Ranma was unsure. It didn't matter all that much, so Ranma went back to stuffing himself with the usual vigor.

Tachi stood, one arm sweeping before him as Sasuke entered, scurrying quickly to clear the table of the endless pile of dishes that seemed to have accumulated during the past half hour. Tachi's voice rang in the room, "Chocolate and fruit in the study, Sasuke. You know the kind." With that, he offered Ranma his elbow with a sweet smile and escorted her from the room.

"Nice house, sempai," Ranma muttered as she looked around. The halls were full of uselessly expensive things that more or less seemed cluttered from Ranma's point of view. Not that it wouldn't be nice to have a few of those things, he supposed... Still and all....

Tachi pushed open a door with his fingertips, escorting Ranma forward carefully. The 'study', as Tatewaki had called it, was more like a library -- book lined walls gave off a distinct smell of old leather and pages and the furniture was frumpishly comfortable, a nice combination. Tachi saw her carefully seated and watched her quietly until Sasuke came in with the English style tea tray. Ranma squirmed uncomfortably beneath that gaze -- it was almost as if he were waiting for something!!

Sasuke settled down the tray and carefully turned and left the room. Ranma didn't even hear the tumble as the lock turned and Tachi folded his hands carefully across his taut-muscled belly, one dark eyebrow rising. "And wouldst thou serve, goddess?" The tone seemed almost double-edged as Ranma reached forward and raised the silver tea-pot full of hot liquid and poured one cup of the rich chocolate, his fingers trembling slightly in the nervousness of having such warm liquid so close. It was with relief that he handed the silver ringed china to Tatewaki, getting it as far away from him as possible. This game was far too much fun to have it be over just yet.

Tachi raised an eyebrow as he blew lightly across the rim of the cup, eying the curling steam. "Thou wouldst have none for thyself, goddess?"

Ranma laughed nervously. "A girl has to watch her weight, you know," he giggled, completely ignoring the fact that he had pigged out beyond belief not more than fifteen minutes previously.

"I see," Tachi responded. He leaned forward and brushed his hand against Ranma's, smiling as she jerked back -- and somehow managed to overturn the entire pot so that liquid gushed across his thighs, making him yell with the sudden pain.

Tachi's eyes widened. Oh, dear. He hadn't counted on the transformation, although now that he saw it, he could admit that he lusted after Ranma in both his natural and magical forms...[1]

Tachi's mouth opened and closed slowly as the heated liquid seeped in. He didn't even have the presence of mind to accuse Saotome of being a sorcerer because the other boy was stripping away his clothing in a frenzy!

"S..S...Saotome...?" Tachi stuttered. He took note of the heated flesh standing rampant against the boy's belly. The change in form wasn't all that had occurred in the past several seconds!! An almost mindless expression had filled the blue eyes with an inexhaustible heat as his hands clenched into fists and he dropped to his knees, arms wrapping about his shoulders to hug himself tightly.

" so hot.. make it stop, make it stop!" came the gasp, the boy shaking as Kuno's mind tripped over itself. How could he get this Ranma into his room with no one the wiser!? His eyes fell upon the light summer quilt folded over the couch and he grabbed it, wrapping it around Ranma's naked body loosely and taking him up into his strong arms. A large sweatdrop gathered on his temple as Ranma moaned, writhing in his tight grasp.

"Shhh!! Shhh, beloved, thou must remain still," Tachi murmured soothingly. "Shhh.. thou art not well.."

Ranma continued to tremble, the occasional soft gasp of breath his only sound. Tachi slid open the lock and shoved the door to his study outward with one foot, glancing around and then bounding up the stairs two at a time. Seconds later, the heavy door to his room slammed shut.

Sasuke glanced over as Tachi's father murmured bemusedly, "What was *that* all about?"

Sasuke shook his head slowly. "No idea..." He blinked. Seeing black hair instead of red must have been his imagination.

Tachi slipped the shuddering boy into his bed, stepping back and looking on in consternation. Whatever Kodachi had put into that little capsule he had sprinkled over Ranma's food had certainly done its trick... it had just done it *badly*. Tachi hadn't wanted Ranma-kun to be this out of it when he made love to him (or her, either would have been fine with Tachi) but it would appear that there was little or no choice. He was startled when the soft whimper came to his ears, a whispered breath of, "Please!" as Ranma finally managed to get free of the binding quilt that had wrapped him up beyond his ability to get loose in his current state.

Tachi's eyes widened as Ranma shuddered, turning onto his belly so that his cock rubbed against the soft percale of Tachi's sheets, his hands pushing himself upwards so that he could grind into the sheets. "Please, please, please," came the non-stop whisper, Ranma's throat constricting, a bitter glare in his eyes as he shuddered with the effects of the aphrodisiac. "Ohhh, goooodddsss... Turn me back into a girl! Make this stop!"

Tachi's hands flew to Ranma's shoulders even as the words came from him. "And shouldst thou wish to retain thy fervor in thy feminine state? Or, if thou dost not, then what will occur when next thou make thy transformation, Saotome Ranma? Hast thou not already considered thy predicament and made the only decision that thou mayest make?"

Ranma's translucent blue eyes filled with tears as Tachi pushed him onto his back again, Tachi's samurai garb dropping to the floor easily. Running was out of the question...he was too far gone to do much more than writhe and moan. The thought skittered through his mind that giving up when there was absolutely no other way out still retained one's honor... as well as giving one a chance to come up with an alternate plan.[2] With that thought, he turned and wrapped his arms tightly around Tachi's bare chest even as Tachi slid into the bed with him.

Tachi-chan shuddered from head to toe, the blazing heat of Ranma's chest pressed firmly against his own making him gasp even as he leaned forward and caught Ranma's mouth in a rough kiss, his imagination fluttering wildly back and forth between this boy-god and his pig-tailed goddess. Surely, then, this must be heaven, euphoria of an unknown kind as he pressed his hips to the other young man's and felt the velvety soft skin of shafts rubbing together. It was with some surprise that he heard Ranma give a gasping moan and felt a sudden wetness on his belly, a sure sign that Ranma had "dropped the ball".[3]

Ranma sobbed, still unfulfilled and yet consumed by utter shame even as Tachi's fingers came to gently tilt his chin and look into those beautiful eyes and whisper softly, "Shhh, shhh... 'tis naught but the drugs doing their work, beloved, and not thy fault..." His hand went to grasp the still rampant shaft, brushing kisses down Ranma's throat and over his heaving chest. "Seest thou not the proof of thy virility here?" That touch, coupled with the hot wetness of Tachi's mouth, made Ranma shake even more violently, his own hands going to caress across Tachi's shoulders with tentative fingers.

Tachi moaned softly at the touch of Ranma's hands upon him, his mouth wandering slowly over the flat belly and down, tasting the seed still splattered all over Ranma's stomach and even down upon his thighs as he rubbed against the sheets slowly, the material absorbing the wetness that still lay on him even as he slowly, exquisitely engulfed Ranma-kun's shaft with his mouth, tongue flickering slowly across the softness of his head.

Ranma gasped and trembled feverishly, his fingers entwining in the tendrils of dark hair on Tachi's head even as he arched his hips upwards for more, more, more. Each stroke had the intensity of shimmering fire running down his spine and he tossed his head back and forth against Tachi's pillows, heels thrumming against the mattress even as he cried out with the explicit pleasure.

Tachi moved up slowly, his hands cupping Ranma-kun's face even as Ranma bemoaned his sudden loss, turning to Tachi and pressing to him tightly once again, his kisses the hungry ones now as his hands roamed, teasing and touching parts of Tachi that had long since become silken titanium. Tachi's soft groans filled the heat of the afternoon air even as he shuddered and gasped, feeling Ranma withdraw. Tachi left his eyes closed, biting his lip tightly, the cool air against him proof that Ranma was gone and he wondered then if the drugs had worn off; then he felt it, the warmth and wetness of Ranma's mouth beginning, inexpertly, to suckle him even as he had done before.

Tachi wanted to explode! To shatter into thousands of stars and light the night sky for the sweetness of this interlude, even if it _was_ less than ethical. His veins were positively loose in their moorings as he jerked at the other boy's pigtail, pulling him up and rolling so that he lay beneath Tachi on his belly. Tachi's hands stroked and massaged their way down the boy's back even as his eyes searched desperately, one hand reaching to fumble at the drawer and withdraw the lubricant that he kept there at all times (just in case Mendo happened to be in Nerima for an hour or two). Pushing open the cap with a thumb, he squeezed the small tube and smeared the stuff on his fingers. Ranma was moaning violently beneath him, moaning for more even as he dry thrust into the air, his body rising to its knees of its own volition as he thrust his hips toward Tachi, knowing in his heart what he needed to end this seemingly interminable pain pleasure that had filled his entire being, his entire *world*.

Ranma shuddered passionately as Tachi's fingers came to press against the tight ring of his anus and he groaned in protest, frightened of the feelings running through him even as Tachi slid the first inside of him. It was agony, fiery delight that burned and stung and made him sob as he shoved his hips back harder to the finger inside of him, wanting more and less and none and all as his head shook back and forth, dark bangs falling into his eyes even as he grunted, protesting against the second finger and squeezing tightly.

Tachi stopped, unable to press more of his second finger inside of Ranma's ass, hissing softly in Ranma's ear, "Thou knowest I must.. I must, to lessen the coming pain, beloved!" His relief as Ranma relaxed filled him... he didn't want to see Ranma-kun aching even as he did when Mendo took him so rough and hard. He soothed the lube deep into Ranma, listening to the gasp and eying the steadily dripping tip of Ranma's hard dick. Tachi was truly impressed by Ranma's fortitude. Kodachi had assured him that the drug would make his pig-tailed goddess overly sensitive, so attune to her nerves that orgasm could not help but overcome her even through the most horrible of tortures. (In truth, that statement had made Tachi rather nervous. Kodachi and her tortures were never to be underestimated and, as much as he professed hatred of that Sorcerer, Saotome, his heart knew the truth; thus, he found the idea of Kodachi torturing Ranma-kun vaguely repugnant.)

Tachi's hand flickered over his own shaft, lubricating it with a gentle touch even as he moaned and moved between Ranma's kneeling thighs. Ranma's shoulders were pressed into the pillows, his arms folded just above his head as he thrust back with shuddering sounds of wanton desire. The feeling of Tachi's oaken staff pressing lightly against his entrance made him stop and give a soft, guttural cry of protest and then Tachi's hands grasped his hips to hold them still and the pressure began to build, build, build, making him ache.

Tachi soothed Ranma gently as he pressed, trying hard to get inside of him without making him hurt worse than he already did. It was hopeless, he thought grimly as he pressed forward. Hopeless. With that, he took a hand from Ranma's hip and guided his cock carefully, helping to apply a firmer insistence. He felt it as the tight ring expanded in sudden shivering motion, heard the protest of pain even as Ranma shoved his hips back towards him, wanting more. Tachi gave it to him slowly, his shaft filling Ranma with slow, tender motions until he could feel Ranma's ass pressing against the lower part of his belly.

Ranma sobbed violently. Gods, it hurt! Hurt and burned and made him want to scream, but it felt *so* incredibly good that he never wanted it to end, this sweet sweet torture. Tachi's hand came 'round to grasp his shaft and the strokes sent fiery blazes of heat through his skin and down his nerves and it was all it took to send him shuddering over the edge of oblivion into a world of shattered lights and nerves that filled him and made him cry out with it into the pillows.

Tachi moaned. Ranma came! So soon! His own body needed more and he began to thrust deep inside of Ranma, listening to the grunts and sobs of pain-pleasure beneath him as sparks of pure electricity ran from the base of his spine up to his brain, each thrust a thousand times better than the last! The heat, the tightness, the precious knowledge of who lay beneath him... these things all combined to melt Tachi's last resistance and, with a final deep thrust (and a howl of acknowledgement from beneath him) he came, spewing seed deep inside of Ranma's bowels and slumping onto his back, a sweaty mess.

Ranma came to himself slowly, aware that this release was what he needed to be free of whatever drug Kuno had fed him. Anger filled him as he glared at the boy who now lay beside him, his lips pressed firmly together. "Bastard," he spat. "That was no fair fight!"

Tachi's eyes opened slowly, a sort of dazed shock inside of them. "F...fight? Prithee, beloved, 'twas not meant to be a fight, 'twas meant to be..."

"Shut up, Kuno ~sempai~," Ranma hissed. His eyes filled with tears. "You've taken somethin' pretty damned *precious* from me today," he whispered bitterly, "and you'da taken more if that stuff had worked when I was in my girl form!" he sniffed and wiped his face valiantly. "Fuck you, ~sempai~. If I *ever* see you again... especially close to me'r Akane... I'm gonna destroy you. You got that?"

Tachi nodded slowly, a glazed look overcoming him as Ranma moved out of his bed and dressed in a t-shirt and a pair of black jeans from the back of his closet. They were too long, ludicrous, almost, and it gave Tachi the sudden desire to laugh in spite of the ache that had begun to fill his heart.

Tachi winced as the door slammed shut. So. Normal love, even of the homosexual variety, wasn't a thing for which he was destined. A tear came sliding down his face involuntarily, followed by another and then a flood as he curled into a ball, sobs clogging his throat even as his arms wrapped around his knees.

Ranma changed into his own clothing beneath a nearby bridge, his hands still shaking. He could feel the passion still running through his veins...he was lucky to have gotten out while he still could. Both fists clenched violently as he threw Kuno's clothing into the river and bounded up to street level. Now, to get to Doctor Tofu's... and if that didn't work, well... there were always Mousse and Ryouga...

[1] *sniff* What? Don't even complain....just because I like intelligent Tachi & Dachi is no reason to pick on me. ^_~

[2]See "Once Upon A Time In Jusenkyo". He gives in to save his dad...(who then runs off like the coward he is, but what can we say there that's not derogatory? ^_~) (Actually, I kinda *like* Genma...)

[3]I'm pretty sure this is what Soun means in the "Faster, Kasumi! Kill!! Kill!!" OAV..... in reference to why Akane is crying... *grins*