Spring of Drowned Vampire
3. All Alone
This is the little note my co-writer wrote to me. Nice isnt it?
Ok, translating my thought processes into present tense is driving me
absolutely nuts, and I swear if I dont change it to normal past tense, Im
gonna go postal and smash the keyboard through my monitor....
We dont want that to happen, now do we? So, Its gonna be past tense from
here on out, unless I feel that I need to mess with the literary feel or
rhythm of the story......... and whatever I choose, youre gonna LIKE it.
Akane didnt see Ranma for the rest of the morning, or the afternoon, or
even that evening. As she waited through the long hours of the night for
him, worrying her way through cups upon cups of tea, she tried to figure
out exactly what had occurred in the bathroom.
She stopped her nervous pacing and set down her cup of lukewarm tea,
curling her bathrobe around her body as she kneeled in the family room by
the TV. It was too quiet with everyone having already gone to bed.
Feeling that she needed background noise to concentrate, she flicked the
television on, and then changed the channel to the news.
She thought the entire event through her mind again for the millionth time.
He didnt start acting weird until I started getting into the water with
him... Could it be he was just nervous? Freaked out? She shook her head,
remembering the way his body had immediately responded to the sight of her
naked. Well, at least I know I dont disgust him. That was a great
relief for her on some level, but her concern for his present state of mind
overshadowed any joy that small detail gave her.
Akane ran her tongue over her teeth. No, it really started when he saw my
cuts... She looked down at the various blotchy places where she had
foolishly attempted to rub herself raw. When he kissed my cuts. It was
all connected to her cuts, she was sure of it.
She groaned aloud, frustrated because she knew something more was going on
behind this, but unable to see it as usual. Resting her chin on her drawn
up knees, Akane poured herself another cup of tea simply for its comforting
There was something else bothering her, too. His teeth were so long on the
canines. Shed felt it in their passionate kiss, when theyd both been
women, and shed seen them when hed bent down to kiss her again on her
knee. Come to think of it, she realized, I even felt them. Isnt that
rare for peoples teeth to get that long?
Akane shuddered, trying hard to not remember how he had not only kissed her
there, but actually had... *licked* her... That was not natural. She had very
little experience with boys, but any idiot could tell that was not a normal
thing to do, not even in the weirdest history of foreplay. He licked up...
he acted like he wanted to taste my... my.... She couldnt even think it.
...blood was stolen today from the local Nerima Blood Donors Clinic,
said the TV news announcer, interrupting Akanes train of thought. Police
reports say that 20 pints of several different types of blood were taken
during the break-in, which occurred early this morning before the clinic
had actually opened. Yoshio Kushida has more on the story.
As Akane watched, open-mouthed, the news went on to report that none had
been injured, and that the culprit had been described as a tall teenage boy
with a black braid in Chinese clothing, who had not even bothered to
disguise his appearance for cameras.
He was a fighter, definitely. Martial artist, Id say, the wide-eyed
clerk told the reporter. Just started banging on the doors, and when I
told him we werent open yet, he broke through the glass and held me off me
feetjust over thereagainst the wall, until I showed him where we store
the blood. Seemed in a hurry, and his eyesthey just looked crazy. He
asked for the freshest donations we had, took about 20 pints of it all, and
left the way hed come through. I was really scared, even though he didnt
hurt me at all.
The cup slipped from Akanes hands, spilling the warm liquid and shattering
it into hundreds of porcelain shards as she continued to stare blankly at
the screen.
He wanted to taste my...blood. This time, the tears that welled up in her
eyes were tears of fear –fear of the physical kind, and fear of ending up
alone; they were tears of a young girl who feels she has lost the first
love of her life.
He wanted to taste my blood. And she cried.
Scarcely twenty feet away, a dark figure sits huddled, listening to his
beloved weep. Bringing his knees under his chin into much the same
position as the object of his thoughts, he remains concealed on the roof of
the Tendo household... quietly staring up into the cold, distant, lifeless
stars as he yearns for a way to end the ache in his body, and the ache in
his heart.
OOC: Wasnt that just the best part ever. My co-writer is wonderful.
Right now I am just proof reading everything she does, but I might
eventually get back into the story when my writers block goes away or I
stop being lazy.
Whichever comes first. ^_^