Part Two Split Personalities It was a Friday night and it was decided that Ukyou would sleep over. The girls decided to sleep together in the dining room and stay up late talking or watching TV, but before hand, Ranma and Ranko went to practice. At the dojo, Ranma and Ranko were dressed in their uniforms and were standing at opposite ends of the dojo. "OK. No special moves, allright." "Yep," answered Ranko. "Finally, a match. Someone I can go hurt." "Well, I won't attack you that hard. You're a girl after all." "What do you mean? After going a year half the time as a girl, you're still acting macho. C'mon, it's me after all. I'm just as tough as you. Here I come!" Ranko ran forward and was met halfway by Ranma's kick. She blocked and kicked a roundhouse toward his belly. Ranma barely blocked in time. "Hey, you've gotten faster." "You've gotten stronger," said Ranko rubbing her arm where she blocked. "I haven't really worked out that hard." "Me, neither." She punched, Ranma ducked and did a flip kick which Ranko copied and they bounced off each other. "Strange, isn't it?" Ranma came in with a quick sliding front kick followed by a reverse side, both of which Ranko ducked. "We don't look like we used too," Ranko, after ducking, came up underneath his leg, grabbed his back with one arm, holding his leg with the other, and with a grunt, hoisted him in the air. Ranma flipped in the air and landed on his feet. "So, what's with the boys? You like any of them?" "Wha..." Ranko, surprised, got hit in the face with a fist. "That was unfair!" "No, it wasn't." Ranma caught a fist. "OK. Two can play at that game. What does Akane think of the Ranma fan club? Having fun being chased?" Ranko threw her other fist which Ranma caught too. "No, it's not fun...Oof!" Ranko kicked him between the legs. Ranko took the opportunity to slide her back in front of him, grabbed the back of his head and flipped him over onto the ground. Whoosh! The air got knocked out of him but that didn't stop Ranma from kicking her legs out from underneath her. "Ouch!" Ranko landed on her fanny. Ranma flipped up onto his legs. "Time for some grappling practice," he ran in, as Ranko got up, and grabbed her arms. She immediately twisted her arms one way to break the grip but he was too strong. Faking to twist the other direction, she immediately went back to her first twist and broke out. She then side stepped around his arm and bent it toward the ground with her leg behind his to trip him. Ranma used brute force, however, and managed to bring his arm back up fast. Ranko used the momentum to flip around his arm in front of him and tried a hip toss. Ranma placed one hand behind her shoulder, one on her chest, and a foot behind hers, then pulling on the shoulder, pushing the chest and bringing her foot up with his, sent her to the ground. "How was that!" Ranko kicked him in the head from the floor as she flipped up. "You always did like to gloat. You didn't have to hit my chest either!" Ranko shoulder slammed him. "Whoah!" Ranma lost his balance. "Hey, I'm just getting warmed up!" Ranko was walking toward the door. "I'm tired," said Ranko. "Wait. About your chest. Did someone hurt you before? Did I hit a bruise. I'm sorry." "You should know." "Oh. I forgot. But it doesn't matter, right? We are the same person." "I don't know. We're changing fast, physically and I think, mentally. I-I don't know what's going to happen and frankly, I'm scared." "Um. Well, don't worry about it. I'm sure enerything's going to turn out fine." "Yeah, for you, maybe," Ranko muttered under her breathe. "Ranko, where are you going," asked Kasumi. "To bathe before I join the rest." "Ranma's already in there." "Oh. So?" Ranko had already run down the stairs. "Sigh. She's so obstinate." Ranko undressed and opened the door. Ranma gasped in surprise as Ranko jumped in. "What's wrong with you?" "Um, nothing," Ranma went to the furthest corner. "Aahhh," Ranko closed her eyes and relaxed. "That was a pretty good workout." "Huh? Oh...yeah," Ranma tried to close his eyes. He muttered to himself, "I'm sick. Definitely. I will not be a hentai. I will not be a hentai. I will not be a hentai." "What's that?" "Nothing!" He almost said it out loud. "Pass me the soap." "Uh, OK," but the soap was on the floor next to the side and he had to sit up a little bit to grab it. Something else surfaced in front of his stomach though with him. "What's that!?" "Nothing! Nothing!" He tossed the soap and quickly sat down. "Heh. Been dreaming of Akane? I don't remember thinking such hentai thoughts of her before. I don't remember being that big either." She pointed downwards toward Ranma. "I guess you are changing! Oh, well. If only she wasn't so hot headed." Ranko began to stroke the soap over herself. Ranma breathed a sigh of relief as she dropped the topic, then gasped as she got out and began to lather herself. He watched, entranced as she began to cover each breast with the soap then her legs and arms. "Ranma?" Ranko was sitting on a nearby stool. "Yes?" "Not a hentai. Not a hentai." "Lather my back?" "Ulp. Turn around," he got out as she turned around. "What's wrong. Shouldn't it have gone down from the hot water by now?" "Uh, yeah." "So, what's wrong?" "Nothing." He soaped up her back. "Now turn around." "Why?" "You got to use the soap too." Ranma obeyed and let her soap his back. Ranko got up and walked to the shower and sprayed the soap off herself then began to shampoo her hair. Ranma shrugged and noticed that he was more relaxed so he lathered the rest of his body. "See you later," Ranko walked out, all clean. "Whew!" Ranma finished up. Akane and Ukyou were busy watching TV when Ranko walked in. Kasumi passed by and asked, "Any problems?" "No, why? Something wrong with the pipes?" "En, no. Well, goodnight, Ranko." "Goodnight, elder sister!" As Kasumi walked up the stairs Akane asked Ranko, "Why'd you call her that?" "Call her what?" "Elder sister." "I don't know. Seemed appropriate." "But you always called her Kasumi." "Oh, Akane, stop acting jealous," said Ukyou. "Jealous? Of what?" "Kasumi has got enough love for a thousand sisters." "What are you two talking about?" Ranko layed down on the futon. "What are we watching?" "Some love story." "Ech! Isn't there any action films doing?" "That's all you ever want to watch," said Akane. "By the way, what's wrong with the pipes?" "I don't know if there is anything wrong with anything. Kasumi seemed concerned about something though. Maybe Ranma knows. He should be coming out of the bath any second." "Any second? Pretty fast for a bath. You just got out." "No. He's been in there for a while." "Then when did you bathe?" "I just got out." "You mean you bathed together!" Akane stood above Ranko. "Yeah. So? What's wrong with you? Wait, you don't mean to tell me that you think it was perverse? We're the same person!" "Not from what I see! No wonder Kasumi was worried." "Akane, please calm down," Ukyou placed tugged on her PJs. Akane sat down, huffing. "So, anyway, tell me what happened." "Nothing. We just bathed. I'll tell you though, he was thinking something naughty," she whispered to Ukyou, "I'm thinking he was dreaming about Ak...umph!?" Ranko couldn't speak anymore because Akane had stuffed her head into the pillow. She forced her head up. "Akane calm down. I'm just joking. Nothing happened. We're the same person. We just washed each other's backs!" "You washed each other!" "Yeah! Us guys always wash each others backs." Akane whacked her with her pillow. Ranko retaliated by bringing her pillow down on her head. Akane attacked again and hit Ukyou instead, who gladly joined the fray. After a few minutes, they tired out, plus Ranko's weapon had been torn into a blizzard of feathers. Then Akane and Ukyou began to gossip about rumors flying around their school, usually involving a relationship between two people, which Ranko quickly grew bored of and she fell asleep. She was dreaming. But didn't know it. She was flying and she was a man again. His own body as she remembered it. It was a beautiful dream, with glittering friendly dragons and large mountains made of ice cream. Then as she jumped off the ice cream mountain which she had taken a large bite from, noticed that clouds were forming and a large grandfather dragon advised that he land because the winds can toss you silly. But he ignored the dragon and flew on. Soon it began to rain and Ranma looked down and screamed in terror. He was a girl again and the winds began to blow strongly. She was falling fast and now, there was a pool below her with a sign in large letters that said, "Nuannichuan." "Ah! Ohhhhhh..." Ranko awoke and immediately bent over in pain holding her stomach. Both Ukyou and Akane were deep asleep, Ukyou was holding Ranko's arm. "What's wrong with me? NNNNNnnnnn..." Ranko crawled out of the futon. Ranma was dreaming and the last thing he remembered was falling into Nuannichuan again. This scared him awake and was delighted to find that he was still a man. "Who's there!" He turned around and gasped as Ranko fell in. "The pain... I itch all over! It hurts." "What's wrong! Should I get Dr. Tofu?" The panda rolled over. "No. no. Do it. Do it." "What! Do what!" He noticed that her top was a bit unbuttoned. "Sicko," he berated himself, "she's suffering and you're trying to take a peek?" "Do it! Kill me! I can't take this pain," she began to shiver uncontrollably. "Uuuughhhh," she crawled toward him. "Please. PLEASE!" Ranko was crying and holding onto his arm. "OK! OK!" He held her and then gently laid her on the futon. Straddling her, he grasped her shaking arms and crossed them around a pillow he placed on her face. Then, pushing down on her arms, stopped the air from going into her lungs. She struggled lightly. "I can't believe I'm doing this," he thought, "This is a bad dream. I know it. I would never want to die! Nev...Oof!" Ranko had kneed him in the balls. She quickly shoved his arms away and took the pillow off and took a deep breathe. "What was that for!" "Wait," she shuddered. "It's getting better. I'm cold. Please, hold me, it's seems to make it better." "Okay." He put his arms around his other self. "Blanket too." "Hai." He could feel her shivering. Drawing her closer, he closed his eyes. ["Oh!" Ranko gasped. "What?" He got worried again. "Your knee." "What about...oh." He had accidently placed his knee between her crouch when he drew her in. "Sorry," he blushed and moved his knee away. He could feel her nipples against his chest as she shook. "Wait. It stopped the shakes for a second. Put your knee there again. Oh!" Ranko shuddered even more, "It did." "But you shook even more." "But it stopped the itch for a second. Wait, leave it there." Ranko moved her hips a little across the knee. "Oh!" "I'm not a hentai. Not a hentai," Ranma tried to concentrate on the sentence but it wasn't working too well. "What's wrong with me," Ranko asked Ranma. "I'm just trying to stop this pain, but if someone walked in, oh, they'll think I'm some hentai." Ranko stopped. "What's wrong." "It's not working!" Ranko gasped in pain and Ranma had to hold her tight as her body shook uncontrollably. Ranma felt the middle of her legs press against his erection, but he was too worried to think about it. As he held her, he realized that she was burning down there, and he realized what was wrong. "Ranko! Can you hear me?" "Y-y-e-esss," she grit her teeth. "Remember at the bathroom, you asked if I was dreaming about Akane?! Remember the urges we had as a guy? Well, you're a girl now with the same urges." "So-o-o..." Ranko managed to get out. "You're not prepared to deal with them! You grew up as a guy. Not a girl!" She shook so hard her teeth clattered. "You're not used to it!" She wasn't listening anymore. "Forgive me. But I can't think of anything else." He said to himself, "This is perverse and what's more perverse is that I won't regret it," with that thought, he let go with one of his arms and pulled her pants down. Then pulling his pants down he searched with his penis between her legs. "It's boiling down there," he thought and at last finding her center, plunged in. Her scream of pain was muffled by his chest as he kept a tight grip on her. He moaned in pleasure. "Ouch!" Ranko had stopped shaking and had punched Ranma in the face. "What are you doing! That hurt! Oooh!" "Sorry! Did you hear what I said." "Yeah, but I think you shocked me out of it. Please, you can let go." "Oh, sorry." "Ok, I'm getting off of you." Ranko pulled her hips back but stopped as a wave of pleasure hit and she moaned. "What? What's wrong?" "N-nn-nothing," she managed to pull out. Immediately she began to shiver. "Ohhhh, shit-t-t," her teeth began to clatter again. "Do you want me to?" "W-w-wait. L-l-let me." Shaking, she managed to bring herself closer and crawled sideways down the futon covering him. "Aaaaaa!" She managed to muffle her cry, which was a mixture of pain and pleasure. Then, slowly, she began to draw more of him in, stopping from time to time to rest. "I can't believe this is happening," Ranma thought. I've dreamed of Akane but never thought I'd lose my virginity to myself!!" He grabbed her and rolled them both to the side so that he was above her. "I'm sorry," he gasped as he began to pull in and out. Tight at first, but it became easier as she became more wet. Ranko could only moan as she felt herself getting wetter and wetter. It was one of the most painful things she has ever gone through, and she knew it was wrong, yet every pore in her body screamed in pleasure. So opposite of that pain that made her shake in fear. She pulled him down and hugged him to her so she could feel his entire body as he entered her over and over again. Ranma had lost control and was pounding his hips against hers as he repeated over and over, "I'm sorry!" Then Ranko could almost feel the top of his penis enlarge then explode, then again, then again, then a bit lighter, she moaned into his chest as Ranma began to calm down. But she wasn't done yet as she rolled them to the other side so she was on top, and straddling him, began to move up and down on him. Ranma weakly moaned in intense pleasure as she pulled from him all that he was worth. The knot in her stomach got tighter and tighter as she forced her legs to move faster and faster and then the knot snapped and Ranko bent her back over as a tidal wave washed over her. She dug her nails into Ranma chest to keep from being washed away and after an eternity finally slumped over on top of him. "I'm sorry," Ranma mumbled as he fell asleep. Ranko could feel his member begin to shrink in her as she got off of him and layed down. She then noticed that both their pants were down around their legs so she quickly brought them up, including Ranma's. She was dripping. It was then that the full realization of what they had done, hit her. She quickly glanced around the room suspiciously but all there was, was a snoring panda. She yawned. "I can't believe we did that," she thought. "Well, I don't regret it. Nothing that good could be bad." A cold draft went through the room and Ranko covered herself and Ranma with a blanket and went to sleep.] "Aah! Cold!" Both Ranma and Ranko sat up in shock. "What are you doing!" Akane held an empty bucket. "What? What?" Ranko disentangle herself from Ranma. "I wake up and you're not in the dining room, I'm worried, and then I found you in here, with your arms wrapped around Ranma!" "Wait," Ranma interfered," I can explain." "Quiet, Baka!" She hit Ranma into the panda, who still asleep, knocked Ranma outside. "Come with me!" She dragged Ranko down the hallway and outside into the dojo. "How dare you!?" Akane slapped her. "Eh?" Ranko was sitting on the floor, one leg underneath her, the other twisted toward the side. Her head was down, her clothes all disheveled, she was quietly trying contain her sniffles. "Ranko..." Akane wasn't sure what to do next. "I-I-I'm sorry," Ranko couldn't hold it any longer, "I'm so weak! I don't know why I'm crying. I used to never cry! I couldn't take the pain! I hate this body! I hate it!" Ranko had dropped to the floor and began to bang her head against the ground, again and again. "Ranko, please. Stop. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." Akane grabbed her and stopped her from hurting herself. "NO! GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME! YOU THINK THIS IS FUN!?" Ranko shoved Akane who slid back ten feet. "FUCK YOU, YOU DUMB BITCH! MY MIND IS GOING FUCKING CRAZY AND YOU THINK THAT YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN RUN AROUND BITCHING!! I WANT TO BITCH TOO! I WANT TO BITCH!! I WANT TO..." Ranko had been pounding the ground of the dojo and she got up and ran out of the dojo. "What's going on here!" Ukyou rushed over. Ranko ran into her arms. Ukyou saw the mark on her cheek and turned to Akane. "What's wrong with you!?" Ukyou looked pissed. "Yelling this early in the morning! Ranma always said you were violent but I always thought you were at least intelligent but this proves otherwise. Can't you tell she's upset! C'mon Ranko. Let's go." Akane watched as Ukyou walked Ranko back to the house. "You still angry?" Ranma said behind her. Akane, surprised for a second, then said, "Um, what really happened?" "What do you think?" "You stopped her pain?" Akane asked not really understanding. "Correct." "Sorry?" "That's OK. I'm used to it." "... !?" Akane ducked and rolled forward as Ranma's leg flew above her head. "What are you doing!?" "I thought a morning exercise would be in order." "Hmph! OK. Here I come!" "So what happened?" Ukyou had helped Ranko to Kasumi's room and sat next to her on the bed. "I don't want to talk about it." "You sure?" "I wasn't crying about what happened last night. I was crying because I was so frustrated with her. Sometimes I just want to hit her!" Ranko had her shoulders hunched, her teethed bared. "So why don't you? She hits everyone else. Besides, sometimes a smack does more than words." "I don't know. I think hitting her would hurt her even more." "Ranchan, do you still love her?" Ranko thought for a little bit. "Not in that way. Not anymore. Utchan, I've changed." "I know." "No, not just physically. Something here," Ranko pointed to her head. "Last night made me sure of it." "So, what did happen?" "Basically what I told Akane." "You SURE?" Ranko smiled. "You jealous? Can't even share your Ranchan with me?" Ukyou smiled back, "Oh, Ranchan, you know I don't mean that." "You SURE? Hey!" Ukyou smacked her with a pillow. "Now you sure that you're okay?" "Quite sure." "OK. I've got to go open shop." "Allright. I'll drop by sometime this afternoon." "OK." Ukyou turned to leave. "Hey!" "Yeah?" "Remember King?" "That jerk? Why?" "Need any help at the shop?" Hiroshi, Ranma's brown haired friend, and several other Furinkan students were hanging out for the weekend. "Hiroshi, where do you want to eat?" "Here's Ukyou's shop. Haven't gone there in a while." They walked in and were greeted by the new student at school. "Hiroshi! How 'ya doing! Here guys, take a seat." Ranko led them to a table then ran off to help someone else. The place was packed with mostly men. "Wow, Hiroshi. She knew your name!" "Yeah, you've been talking to her behind our backs?" Hiroshi had a look of awe on his face. "She knows me?" The Furinkan boys watched as Ranko walked from table to table and joked once in a while with Ukyou who was busily cooking different okonomiyakis across her stove. "Hiroshi, she must like you." "Yeah, she knows your name and ignores the rest of us." "You should ask her out when she gets off break." "C'mon. She likes you!" "Ok, Ok, a little later." Ranko at last came back to their table and takes their orders. "So, what would you guys like?" "Hey, how do you know my name," said Hiroshi. "Uh, um, you're in my class, right?" She thought, "Whoops, I guess I shouldn't have greeted him by name." "Yeah. We're all in your class," said another boy as the rest agreed. "Oh. Hi. How are you all doing?" Ranko began to sweat. "Fine, thank you." "Pretty good." "Not in good shape as you!" "So, so." "How 'bout you," they asked together. "Um, fine?" "Oh, that's good," they all replied. "Well, what's your order?" Ranko took down their orders and went off to bring them refreshments. "See, she knew you but didn't know us!" "You're so lucky!" "Man, I wish I was in your shoes!" "Looks like someone's getting lucky!" "I don't know guys. Don't you think she's way out of my league." "No way! She's got the hots for you!" "That's right!" "Yep!" "It's obvious!" "You guys are right! I'll do it!" "Excuse me, everyone!" Ukyou had grabbed a microphone and was addressing the room. "You may have noticed that I have gotten a new waitress, the beautiful Ranko Saotome!" Everyone clapped. "Today, we have a special treat for you. A short performance by Ranko!" Ukyou dropped the microphone and jumped behind her stove and began to whip out okonomiyakis into the air. Ranko, after several flips, jumped in the air and with a bunch of plates held in one hand, used each plate, one by one, to scoop an okonomiyaki out of the air and then tossed it with the plate toward a customer, making it land perfectly in from of him. It was a short, but dazzling performance and Ranko gave a brilliant smile that by itself was worth all the attention given her. In the end, everyone got up to clap, but to Ukyou's urging, sat down and began to eat. "Wow!" The Furinkan boys held their hands to their hearts. "I bet she's as good as Ranma!" "No, better!" Hiroshi ignored them and was instead staring at his okonomiyaki. On it was written, "Meet me at the back." Hiroshi began to cry. "Ranchan!" "Yes, Utchan?" "You should take a break." "You sure?" "Yeah, I can handle it for a little while. Geez, you're better than a cat! Even on a good day I never got this many customers." "Oh, now Utchan." "Oh, by the way, someone to see you at the back." "Hai," Ranko took her apron off and walked off to the back. Ukyou giggled waiting for joke to be set off. "Hiroshi? Are you who I'm waiting for?" "Ranko! Um...Yeah!" "So, what's up? Something wrong?" Hiroshi had tears coming out of his eyes. "Oh, nothing! I was just wondering what you were doing tonight." "So," Ukyou smiled, "who was it?" "Just Hiroshi. We're going to a movie tonight." "Nani?" The joke wasn't going like she thought it would. "A date?" "What? No, not a date. You know. Just hanging with the guys." Ukyou smiled, the joke hasn't even started yet. "But Ranko, you're a girl, remember?" "So, I hung out with them before." "They don't know that," Ukyou pointed to her chest, "is you." "Whoops!" Ranko blushed. "You don't think that..." Ukyou nodded, then smiled impishly. "You...hey! You dirty rat!" Ukyou laughed as she dodged a playful swing. "Hmph!" "So are you going to go through with it? You don't want to hurt your friend Hiroshi's feelings, now would you." "Maybe I will," Ranko stuck her tongue out. "Hey, breaks over. You had enough time to flirt with your 'boyfriend'. Get back to work." Ukyou dodged another swing. "Ranma!" "Yes, Akane?" "We got to talk." "About what?" "About Ranko." "I thought you were over what happened last night." "Not about that. She borrowed some shoes from me tonight." "So?" "She was all dressed up." "So?" "I asked her where she was going and she said to meet someone." "So? Oh! Don't worry. She's probably going out on the town with Utchan." "She's meeting Hiroshi." "Nani!?" "Okay," said Ranko to herself, "I'm all dressed up and going to see a film with Hiroshi so I don't break his heart. Great. How do I get in these situations? What do I say? Gulp. What if he tries to kiss me? Yuck!" They had agreed to meet in front of the theater to watch some American film. As Ranko reached the theater she saw that Hiroshi was standing in front, waiting for her. He had been crying again. "What's wrong with him," she thought. "Ranko! I thought you might not come." "Why's that? I said I would." Hiroshi broke into fresh tears as he seemed to pray. "Here, these are for you." "Flowers!? Uh, they're very nice. Arigato." Hiroshi bent over in tears. "What's wrong? Are you hurt?" She placed a hand on his back. It seemed to make things worse as more tears came falling down. "I must be doing something wrong? Did I break his heart already? Am I dressed wrong?" Ranko took her hand off his back afraid she was touching some bruise or other. "Nothing. I'm just happy! The movie should begin soon!" They entered the theater. "Okay," Ranko talked to herself, "He said he was happy. That's good. I'm just here so he doesn't get upset. Just helping a friend. That's all." Hiroshi bought some refreshments and soon they were sitting down. There were some minor troubles as a few heads turned at the sight of her, and some invitations to sit were ignored, but they managed to get some good seats without too much pain, except for some guys, whose dates had slapped them. The film was some drama and Ranko could feel her eyelids getting heavy. But was immediately alert when she felt Hiroshi's arm go around her shoulders. She looked up at him, but his face was rigidly turned toward the screen as if facing execution. Ranko began to sweat, "OK. I can deal with this. It's just his arm. No problem. No big deal. Just an arm. No reason to break his heart. Don't break his heart. Can't hurt a friend. A friend. A friend. Friends don't hurt friends. No prob." Fortunately, the movie was so boring, that Ranko fell into a trance and forgot about the arm. Hiroshi was in bliss. "She didn't break my arm. She didn't break my heart. Thank you, Lord." Then the movie was over. Ranko managed to recover before Hiroshi noticed. "Good. It's over, I can go home," thought Ranko as they walked out. "C'mon, let's go get some coffee." "Nani!?" Somehow, Ranko managed to get him to talk about his future plans. She didn't understand how joining in the family business and trading across to the States was important, but clearly she was supposed to be impressed, so she acted like it. "Ok. I haven't broken his heart yet. That's good. Long as he doesn't try to kiss me, everything should be fine." "Ranko?" "Yes?" "Where are those flowers I gave you?" "What flowers? Oh! I must have left them at the theater!" "Oh, no!" Hiroshi looked like he was about to break down. "I'm sorry!" Ranko thought she broke his heart. "C'mon, the theatre's still open. We can go get them." She grabbed his hand and pulled him behind her. Hiroshi felt like laughing as he ran behind her. "She grabbed my hand! How wonderful!" They reached the theatre five minutes too late. Ranko began to panic. "Oh oh. Looks like another mess up! I can almost hear his frozen heart hit the pavement." Then she got an idea. "Hiroshi, don't cry. I know how to make you feel better." She grabbed his hand again and ran toward the nearest park. At the park, Ranko stopped next to some flowers that were lit by the street lamps. "Wait here, Hiroshi," said Ranko as she began to pick up flowers. "There," she said after picking up about a dozen, "these are for you." "For me?" "Hai." "Oh, thank you!" Hiroshi began to cry. "What's the matter with him?" Ranko gave up. "Hiroshi!" Kunou jumped out of the bushes. "How dare you accept flowers from my Pig-tailed Goddess!" Kunou smacked him on the head with his wooden sword. "Sniffle." Hiroshi fell down, unconscious. "Oh, my love! I will accept these flowers," Kunou went to grab the flowers. "Kunou!" "Yes, my love." "How dare you!" Ranko grabbed his sword and broke it in half. "I spend my entire Saturday night to save a friend from a broken heart then you go and ruin it. Great. Just great. I could have done it too and it would have been all over with." Ranko kicked Kunou through the hole in the ozone layer. "What a jerk! Now what? Oh, well, might as well take him home." She grabbed the back of Hiroshi's shirt and dragged him out of the park. "Hello! It's Ukyou!" "Why hello Ukyou," Kasumi greeted her at the door, "how are you?" "I'm fine. Is Ranko back yet?" "No. But it's getting late." "That's strange. She should be back by now." "Ukyou!" Akane and Ranma walked in. "Why are you here?" "Looking for Ranko." "We thought she might be with you!" "I thought you guys were keeping an eye on her. What happened?" "Well, we watched them at the movie and Hiroshi had put his arm around her." "Nani!? She didn't clobber him?" "Akane wanted to but she hit me instead." Akane smacked Ranma. "Then what?" "Then they went to a coffee shop." "She didn't refuse and leave!?" "No! If you think that was surprising, all of the sudden, she grabbed him and ran back to the theatre." "Why?" "Don't know but the theatre was closed. Then she grabbed his hand again and ran off somewhere. This time we lost them." "Any idea where they went?" "No, but she said something about knowing how to make him feel better." "Nani!?" "That's what I said." "He did feel better," Ranko walked in her face flushed. "Ranko! You're back! What happened!" "Oh, it was so romantic!" Ukyou, Akane, and Ranma fall over. "We traded flowers then watched a movie, we even held hands. Then I lost his flowers so I felt sorry for him so I let him take me to his house." "Nani!?" "It was wonderful. His parents were out and he showed me his room! His bed was so big and comfy!" Ukyou's jaw dropped. "But that's so embarrasing to talk about in front of others! Teehee!" Ranko blushed. "Oh, he's so handsome!" "Are you alright?" Ranma peered into her eyes. "What?" Ranko seemed to be waking from a dream, "Oh I'm sorry, I was remembering how he kissed me!" "Nani!?" Ukyou's face could melt rocks. "Also remembering how familiar two voices were quarreling behind me." Akane and Ranma blushed. "Really now. What kind of person do you think I am?" "Oh, Ranchan, you had me worried." "Serves you right!" Ranko's face was dead serious. "I'm soaked with sweat from dragging his unconscious body to his home. To make it worse, he woke just before I threw him through his window and tried to kiss me! God! What an embarrasing night! Then Kuno dropped out of nowhere and I had to deal with him before I got here." "You didn't hit Hiroshi, did you," Ranma was concerned for his friend, who couldn't beat a fly. "No. Kuno did. Left a big bruise on his head too. Jeez, I knew Hiroshi's weak, but I didn't know he was a wimp." "What do you mean?" "He kept crying the whole night. Felt like I was baby- sitting." "Maybe he was just happy," Ranma remembered all the times Ryouga cried each time Akane so much as looked at him. "Right Akane?" "Huh?" "Nothing." "Oh well," Ranko got up, "time for a bath. Ukyou, you going to be here?" "No, I should go. You gonna come tomorrow? Lot's of customers going to be disappointed if you don't!" "Oh, please!" Both Ranko and Ukyou left. "Hey, Akane" Nabiki walked past. "Hi, sis!" "I think I saw your pet pig walking around here just an hour ago." "P-chan!" Akane ran down the hall calling. "Ryouga," Ranma thought. "Ryouga!" Ranko said as she opened the bath door. "Ranma! Nani!?" "Back again, eh? What! What's wrong!" Ryouga just pointed and closed his eyes. "What? What's wrong? You okay?" Ranko came closer. "It's not happening," thought Ryouga and opened one eye and came eye to breast with Ranko. "Did you hit your head?" Ranko was up close and inspecting the top of his head. Blood spurted out through his fingers as Ryouga collapsed. "Yuck! You got your blood in the bath! Great! Disruptive as usual." Ranko laid his head sideways on the bathtub's side. "Great. I got to use the shower hose. Oh well." He was a pig. But this time forever! Life was torture as he stayed as a simple pet and watched as Ranma and Akane got married and eventually had children. "Akane, the pig's getting kind of fat. Mayber it's time we made some bacon out of him." "I agree. We can buy Ranma Junior a dog or something." "Come here, piggy piggy piggy," Ranma approached him with a butcher's knife. "Pig, always disturbing what little peace I get here," Ranko muttered. "Aargh!" Ryouga snapped awake and quickly ran his hands over his body. "Whew! Ow!" The bucket bounced off his head. He turned around to see Ranma-chan wearing a towel. "What was that for!" "I'm Ranko," she decided to have some fun, "Ranma's cousin. I heard of you, Ryouga. Cousin told me a lot about you. What were you thinking, bursting out of the water like that, scaring a girl half to death!" "Huh? That's not how I remembered it," Ryouga thought. "Well, I'm waiting." "For what?" "An apology. You hentai! You think you can get away with being a peeping tom. Apologize before I get my friend Akane on you. She's a tough one. She'll teach you a lesson." "Ah! I'm sorry! Truly! I didn't mean to peep on you." "P-chan! P-chan!" Akane walked in. "Ryouga! Ranko!" "Ahhh!" Ryouga felt the earth open up beneath him, "It is Ranma's cousin! I've been caught peeping in front of Akane!" He waited certain doom to come from Ranko's mouth. It never came. Akane noticed Ryouga's bloody nose. "Ranko, you perv, why'd you hit Ryouga?" "I didn't hit him. He just appeared out of nowhere!" Ryouga felt life beating back into his heart. "She cares for me," he thought. "Akane, why do you care for this hentai. After all, your fiancee is cured now and nothing is in the way of you two getting together." "Nani!?" Akane's jaw dropped. The earth opened up beneath Ryouga's feet. Ranma's cured! He began to faint. It was morning and Ryouga still hasn't waken yet. "Ryouga! Ryouga!" Ryouga opened an eye and stared into someone who looked like what Ranma's older brother would've looked like if Ranma had one. "Huh?" He got up. He was dressed and sitting on a futon. "Christ! Men crying and fainting," Ranko came into view, "what's the world coming to?" "Oh, be quiet Ranko!" Ryouga turned his head towards Akane's voice. "What happened." "You fainted." "No, what's going on?" "Oh," Ranko answered, "Ranma's cured now." "Nani!?" "Yes. Akane and Ranma are getting married tomorrow." "Noooo!" "Ouch!" Akane knocked her out of the room. "No, we're not! Don't worry Ryouga. Ranko's just kidding." "Where's Ranma?" "I'm next to you." "You're Ranma?" "Of course I am. Don't you recognize me?" "No." "Jeez. You always did have a short memory but this is just silly." "Ryouga, this is what happened after Ranma got cured," Akane felt sorry for him. "He's always so lost," she thought. "That girl?" "Ranma's cousin," Akane answered remembering Ranko asking her to say that. 'To make things simpler for him. He'd never understand what's going on otherwise.' "So it's true." Ryouga got up. "Sorry, I just dropped by to visit. I got to go now." "Ryouga..." Akane watched him leave the room and got up to follow him. "Don't," Ranma held onto her hand. "Why?" "Let him think on his own." "Ranma..." It was lunch time and Ryouga had wandered across the house over and over. "Where's that damn exit!" He had walked into the closet, across the roof, and even walked in on Nabiki taking a bath, who cooly extracted ten thousand yen from him. He passed by Kasumi. "Oh, Ryouga. Are you visiting? Come and eat lunch!" "Uh...Hai." The Tendo table was getting crowded so Soun and Tendo ate on the porch. Kasumi provided them with food as Ranko served the rest on the table. Ranma ignored Ryouga as he ate away. "So," Akane tried to lift the tension, "where did you go this time?" "I'm not sure. Big Pear or something like that?" "The Big Apple!?" "Yeah. That's it. What?" Ryouga noticed that they all had fallen over. "You went to America!" Ranko brought in some more food and placed it on the table. "No. The Big Orange." "Apple," Ranma corrected annoyingly. "Whatever." "Oh, wow. How was it!" Ranko sat down next to him. "Was it big!? Was it fun? What did you see?" "I don't remember much. There was a big mountain with blue, purple and red lights all over the top. I wanted to climb it, but it just seemed to get farther away." Ryouga took a bite out of a dumpling. "Mmmm...this is good." "You like it? My cousin made it," Ranma said with a smile. Ranko gave a heart melting smile to Ryouga. Ranma saw the drool slipping out of Ryouga's mouth and he exchanged an evil smile with Ranko. "Oh shoot!" Ranko got up. "What?" "I forgot about Ukyou!" Ranko took a direct route and using Genma's head as a catapult, leaped over the wall. "Ukyou?" Ryouga took on his usual confused face. "She's working for her on weekends," said Akane. Ryouga was satisfied. Ranma was cured but Akane still acted hostile to him as usual. "Now all I got to do is stick around and find out how to be cured!" "What's the matter, Ryouga? You're not trying very hard." Ranma decided to practice with Ryouga. With one kick, Ryouga was down. "That's because I'm just getting warmed up!" To himself, "God, that hurt!" Ryouga got up, "Okay, here I come!" He ran up to Ranma and did a jump roundhouse, which Ranma blocked, and quickly followed through in the air with a reverse side kick, which Ranma ducked under. Ranma grabbed Ryouga's foot as he sailed past and smashed him against the ground. "You've gotten slow." "How dare you!" Ryouga flipped backwards away from him. "Shishihokodan!" "Yowch!" Ranma jumped out of the way. "Hey! No special moves remember!" "No special moves? How did you get so strong! Tell me!" "Don't know. How did you get so weak, pig?" "Rrrrrr. Ranma, don't get me angry!" "Why, what 'ya gonna do pig? Oink?" "Full Shishihokodan!" "Whoops!" The Tendo Dojo roof exploded. Night time fell and the sparse clouds allowed the eerie moonlight to shine down. Ranko was walking back, chewing on a okonomiyaki when she realized that the Tendo dojo no longer had a roof. "Leave for a couple of hours and already Akane, Ranma, and Ryouga manage to destroy the place. Oh, well." Ryouga moaned in pain. He was all bandaged up and lying down on a futon. "Oh, now Mr. Tendo will never accept me as a suitor for his daughter." "And which daughter is that?" He turned around to see Ranko. "Don't tell me you're in love with that raging bull!" "Don't talk about my Akane that way!" "Oh, your Akane is it?" Ryouga blushed. "Well, she would be mine if it wasn't for Ranma." "Well, Ranma tells me that if it wasn't for a certain black piglet, Akane would have never even seen you." "Nani!?" "So what's with the bandages?" Ranko sat down next to him and began to inspect them. "These are a mess! Don't tell me you let Akane do this!" She bent over, and undid some of the bandages. Ryouga gulped as her loose shirt gave him an open view of her cleavage. "No, that's okay. I like how Akane did them." "You're not going to heal properly unless they're put on right." "Hai." Ryouga gave in. "I hear you're a little cutey as a piggy." Ryouga blushed. "Pretty cute now," Ranko poked his cheek. "Oh, stop!" Ryouga turned even redder and tried to avoid looking at her chest. "It's pretty chilly for a summer night. I'm surprised they didn't bring you a blanket." "Now that you mention it, I am pretty cold!" "Here, let me warm you," Ranko layed down on the futon next to him and snuggled up to him. She breathed in deeply letting her chest rise and fall against his arm. [Ryouga began to sweat. Then relaxed as he felt her fall asleep. "Good. Maybe I can escape," he thought as he tried to sit up. "Ugh! No use. Can't get up." Ranko turned over so that her front half covered his left arm and leg. Her chest rose and fell steadily. Ryouga could feel her nipples through her shirt as he realized that she wasn't wearing a bra. His back felt all sticky as he broke out into shivers as the night draft cooled down his right side. Her hand, which was on his chest, slowly drifted down to his belt. Then again until it came to rest on his crotch. Ryouga gulped and tried to control his hormones. But eventually, he felt his pants pushing her hand up. "Yawn!" "Oh, no," Ryouga thought. "She's waken up!" "Oh! What's this," Ranko brought her face in front of his. "Wow!" Ryouga stared at this beauty and couldn't believe that she was related to his enemy. "If she were to kill me now, I'd die happily." "This doesn't feel like a cast to me!" She gripped his crotch. Ryouga thought his head would explode from all the blood rushing through it. She sat up. Ryouga sighed in disappointment. "Oh. Don't worry, Piggy. I'm not leaving." She bent over and gave him a kiss on his cheek. Ranko stood up and planted her legs beside him letting him get a full view up her loose shirt. Then she slowly stepped backwards until she was at his feet. Then taking another step back, she began to dance. Ryouga's eyes bulged as she gracefully spun on one leg and slowly began to lift her shirt. Stopping at her breasts, she tied the bottom half and continued to dance. She began to rotate her hips as she spun slowly in a circle around him. Ryouga's neck was in a cast so all he could do was roll his eyes around. Then she pulled the shirt off and he got a quick glimpse before the shirt landed on his face, covering his eyes. He pursed his lips and tried to blow off the shirt, to no avail. He could feel her sit on him, straddling him, then felt the shirt being taken off his face. He could feel his forehead veins pop as he realized that she had cupped her breasts together to lift the shirt between them. Then she jumped up off him and began to dance again. This time her breasts freely bounced up and down and Ryouga's heart beat as spazzically trying to follow them. Then as she turned away, she unbuttoned her shorts and slowly, ever so eternally, slid them down her long legs. Then turning around, letting the moonlight show her naked body in full detail, she said, "Now, cutey...if you got the strength, come and get...AAAAAAAH!" Ryouga had already broken all his casts and seemed to be engulfed in flames. Blood streamed out of his nose as the pressure in his head finally found an avenue to escape. He had somehow managed to pull his pants down and at the same time grab her. "Get away from me!" She tried to free herself but he was already spreading her legs. All of the sudden, Ryouga was flying towards the pool. "Away from my cousin, Pig-boy," said Ranma. "Squeel!" P-chan crawled out. "I'm sorry, Cutey!" Ranko picked up the pig and hugged it between her breasts. "SQUEEL!" The pig fainted.] {Ranko whispered into his ear and Ryouga blushed even harder. She stood up and walked towards the door and let the moonlight shine on her. Then she took her shirt and shorts off. "C'mon. If you can get up, you can have me," she challenged, not expecting much. "Dear, Akane. Please forgive me but she is so beautiful." Flames seemed to burn his bandages off and shaking, he managed to sit up. "Oh, oh." Ryouga got to his knees. Then a foot and a knee. Then both feet. "I did it! Now I claim my reward!" He rushed toward her. She covered her breast and crotch with her hands which left him free to pick her up in his arms. "Get away from me, you pig!" Ranko squirmed to no avail. Then felt herself being grabbed away and then watched as Ryouga flew into the pool. "Stay away from my cousin, Pig-boy!" Ranma set Ranko down on the floor. "Oink!" "Oh, cutey!" Ranko grabbed the pig and squashed it between her breasts. "SQUEEL!" P-chan fainted.} Footsteps pounded down the hallway coming closer. Dropping Ryouga, Ranko grabbed her clothes and made a quick exit to the roof followed by Ranma. "Ryouga!" Akane came in carrying a blanket. "Oh, I guess it got too cold for him and he left." She turned to leave but something caught her eye. "P-chan!" She picked up the unconscious pig. She ran back to her room, leaving the blanket behind. Ranko and Ranma jumped back in. "Whew. That was fun but scary." Ranko shuddered at the thought of what would have happened if Ranma hadn't interfered. "You should be more careful. Ryouga's stronger than he looks." "I know that. Anyway, thanks for the assist." "No prob. Was worth it watching him squirm." "Dork deserved it. Always causing us trouble. Anyway, time to get some rest. See you in the morning." "Night." She slowly opened the door to Kasumi's room hoping not to wake her. "Ranko, that you?" Kasumi wiped her eyes. "You awake, Kasumi? Sorry. No futon?" "Oh. We put Ryouga on that one downstairs." "Well, he's gone. I'll go get it." "Wait. That's okay. You can sleep next to me." "Um...Hai." Kasumi made space as Ranko crawled in next to her. "Closer, Ranko. You don't wanna fall off the edge in the morning." "Hai." "Closer." Kasumi was lying on her side facing Ranko with her arm outstretched. Ranko, blushed as she understood what Kasumi wanted her to do and after a second, she said, "Hai," and snuggled into Kasumi's arms, who then drew Ranko closer until her head was resting against Kasumi's breast. Ranko held her breathe, then sighed in relief as she felt warm waves of protection emanating from Kasumi roll over her. She closed her eyes. Kasumi began to stroke her hair and asked her quietly, "So how was work." "Hmmmm," Ranko smiled, "Horrendous. So many guys acting like babies. If another person asks for my number, I'll hit him." "Did you hit anyone yet?" Kasumi continued to stroke her hair. "No. I threw a bucket at Ryouga yesterday though." "Oh. Why?" Ranko's voice was barely over a whisper, "Because he was lost as usual." "And why is that? Ranko?" Ranko had fallen asleep. "Little sister. Working so hard to forget your pain." Kasumi sighed and let her body go to sleep. [She was awakened again to Ranko's light mumbling. "Poor child." Kasumi lowered her top again and pulling Ranko in closer and placed her nipple on Ranko's lips. Ranko, once again, unconsciously began to suck on Kasumi's offered teat. Kasumi, content that Ranko would be okay, relaxed and allowed herself to drift off to sleep again.] Ranko woke up doubled over in pain. She tried to ask for help, but nothing came out. Her body began shake again. "Ranko! Ranko!" Kasumi held her concerned. ["Oh, no," she thought, "I fell asleep before she did! I must have pulled my nipple from her lips!"] Ranko managed to hold her shivers long enough to plead, "," then lost control again. "Ranko! Ranko!" Kasumi wrapped her arms around her tightly. Then she wrapped her legs around Ranko's to keep them from kicking. For five agonizing minutes Kasumi held on for dear life, for Ranko's life, then Ranko's shivers began to slow down, then slower until they stopped. Ranko stared up into Kasumi's eyes, tears caused by pain and fear rolling down her cheeks, and she whispered, "Oneechan..." one last time before exhaustion took her to blessed sleep. Kasumi still grabbed her tightly. Afraid that when she lets go the pain would begin again. "Oh, poor Ranko," Kasumi cried. Well, that's the end of part two. Sorry about the first post. E-mail all comments and flames to