Ranma’s a demigod

Chapter 2: The begging of the hunt for the Senshi

Kai Yagami

Disclaimer: Now this part is from the idea is from the Anime Addventure episode: Serenity’s Heir. If you want to check it out go here: http://addventure.bast-enterprises.de/frecent.php?tag=Serenity%27s+Heir

Scene: Saotome manor

Ranma was at the front door of the manor and he knocked on it. Someone opened it and it was Nodoka. “Welcome home son.” She said, “thanks mom. So what’s going on?” She had him follow her into the den and they saw a huge crate. “What’s this?” “I think the letter will explain everything to you.” She handed him the letter and he opened it:



I am Queen Serenity of the Silver Millennium, your ansector. Over 10 thousand years ago my kingdom was destroyed by my enemies and so I had to place my beloved children in to stasis chambers so that when the time waken them was near they would be there I hope you will treat my daughters well and with a kind heart.

With love,

Serenity the 5th, current (and last) Queen of the Silver Millennium


Ranma looked at the chamber, “there was another letter that came with it.” Said Nodoka.



I am Kimiko Mizuno, I wish to have met you in person but we have a problem. You see an evil group have taken most of the girls and are planning to clone them into a huge army. Along with this letter is a disk that has to locations of all of the others on it. I have sent two more to you and they should be coming soon. I hope you can rescue us soon.

With love,

Dr. Kimiko Mizuno


Ranma pulled out and CD and looked at it. Nodoka knew what he was about to ask her, “it’s downstairs. I’ll show you.” So Ranma picked up the crate and started to carry it down. He was impressed with his new found strength.

Scene: Basement library

Nodoka had pulled a book out and a door opened, so they continued to walk into the room. “Are you sure you alright?” She said, “Mom I am my father’s son and I ain’t talking about that damn panda!” “So you know?” “Yep, I figured if you wanted to talk about it you would.” He set the create down and started to open it up. Once opened, they saw a chamber with a beautiful young woman in it. “She looks like ‘Sleeping Beauty’.”

They hooked her up to one of the computers and they saw that she was alright and all he had to do was open it up. So he did, mist came out of the chamber and they were looking at the young woman. She was very beautiful, a nice skin tone long platinum blond hair and was dressed in a long white gown. She had a crescent moon on her forehead, diamond earrings on her ears and a pendant around her neck.

Ranma was a little worried, “how are we going to wake her?” Nodoka smirked, “like ‘Sleeping Beauty’, Prince Charming.” Ranma was a little nervous, when he bent down and kissed her on the lips. She started to awaken and wrapped her arms around him tightly. They broke off and she opened her eyes, her soft blue ones met his hard ice-blue ones. “Finally after 10 thousand years I have awakened by my Lord.” She said, “well her mom did say I was the awakener.” He mumbled, later the woman was taking a bath getting cleaned while Ranma and Nodoka started to work on finding her sisters.

Ranma groaned, “they would have to have them in the most remote and dangerous places on the planet.” He said, “you are not going to do this alone!” Demanded Nodoka, “never said I was mom.” He headed for a door and opened it up, “I’ll be back.” He said, with that he walked in and closed it shut.

Scene: Nabiki’s room

He went over to the girls and smiled, ‘damn I’m good.’ He thought, he sat on the bed and started to shake Nabiki awake. “Huh? What’s going on, Ranma?” She said. “Wake up Eil-chan and meet me at mom’s.” He said with that he kissed her on the lips and left. So Nabiki did and they got cleaned up, dressed and got ready to go. Eilistraee borrowed some clothes from Nabiki.

Scene: Saotome Manor

They walked in and looked around, “well the place looks alright.” Said Nabiki, “Ranma?” ‘Down here guys.’ They heard in their minds, so they went down to the basement library and into a control room. There they saw a very beautiful young woman with platinum blond hair and blue eyes. She was in a white kimono and was drinking some tea. “Allow me to introduce you to Princess Serenity of the Moon kingdom.” Said Ranma.

“Nice to meet you.” They said, “why did you call us?” Said Eilistaree, Ranma started to explain to them what was going on. “So you’ll need our help?” Said Nabiki, Ranma nodded. “You got it beloved.” Said Eilistraee.

End of chapter 3