Ranma’s a demigod

Prologue: Hello, my name’s Ranma and this is my dad, Kami-sama

Kai Yagami

Disclaimer: I don’t own any characters from Ranma .5, Ah! My Goddess, or Sailor Moon.

Scene: Nerima

It was a nice day and people were doing their own things. For instance, Ranma Saotome was flying through the air via ‘Akane Airways’┢. He was flying out of the area and in to another.

Scene: A temple in Nekomi

Urd was working on some new spells when all of the sudden a body fell right in the middle of it. She took one good look at the figure and noticed that it was someone she was supposed to be looking for. “RANMA!” She said, she helped him to sit up and noticed that he was injured. She started to help him and healed him, Ranma started to come around and saw Urd. “AH! Please don’t hurt me!” He said while throwing his arms up in defense.

Urd placed a hand on his shoulder, “sh calm down.” She said, “I’m not going to hurt you. You are my half-brother.” She softly wrapped her arms around him tightly. Ranma was still shaking still a little nervous. Then it hit him she called him her brother. Albeit, half-brother but, brother nonetheless. He lifted his head from her chest and looked her in the eyes. “Half-brother?” He said she smiled. “Well of course, we have the same father.” She said.

“You mean that panda isn’t my father?” He said, “be cause I know for sure he couldn’t have brought you in to the world.” She smiled and hugged her younger brother tightly. Ranma was in heaven being hugged by an actual goddess. Just then another one came walking in, she had long dishwater blond hair and blue eyes. She was dressed like a housewife. “Urd, dinner’s almost ready.” She said and she took a look at the young man in Urd’s arms. “RANMA!” She rushed over to them and grabbed on to Ranma as well. Ranma was the filling of a goddess sandwich.

“Uh, let me guess,” he started. “We have the same father too?” The woman nodded her head and looked at him. “I’m Belldandy, Ranma.” She said with tears in her eyes. Then another female came walking in, this one was a young woman around the age of 14, and she had black hair and blue eyes and dressed in a shirt, shorts and a lab coat. She looks over and saw Ranma who sighed and opened up a space for her to hug him too. She ran over and got in the embrace “I can’t believe it.” She said, “it’s really you.” “That’s right kiddo,” said Urd. “Skuld, could you check and see if we have enough for Ranma?” Said Belldandy.

Ranma started to protest but Bell placed a hand on his lips. “You are having dinner with us and I won’t take no for an answer.” She said, sighing and knowing he wasn’t going to get out of this he nodded.

Scene: Asguard

Meanwhile in Kami-sama’s office, he just received an e-mail telling him that one of his son’s had met up with his sisters. “Finally, I was wondering if he was going to see them at all.” He said, “now that they have each other I am going to have to give Ranma his powers.” He saw what was going on and noticed that they were going to eat dinner. He smiled at that fact. “I can change everything he eats into something that’s normally consumed by we gods and goddesses.”

Scene: The Goddesses’ temple.

Ranma was talking to the others, asking questions and getting ready to eat. So they started to tell him of their lives and he his. While he was talking, his food started to change and he was starting to eat it. The girls were so mad at the story he was telling and the sadness in his eyes they didn’t notice that he was changing. Ranma was getting taller, nourished and buffed. God markings started to form on his head, Keiichi, Belldandy’s boyfriend, started to notice.

“Wait a minute,” he said. “Didn’t you say he was a demigod?” They looked over and nodded, “well I think he’s coming in to power.” The girls looked over to him, Urd smiled, Belldandy gasped and Skuld was shocked. “What’s the matter?” Said Ranma, just then the phone rang and Bell went to get it. “Hello?” |Hello Belldandy, | it was Kami-sama. “Oh hello, Father.” |As you can guess by now, Ranma had been changed in to a god. | “Yes sir.” |I want him to come up here right now I need to talk to him. | “All right Father, I’ll send him up.” |Thank you Belldandy. |

After she hung up, she went back to the table. “Ranma, father wants to see you.” She said, “he does? But I don’t know how to get up there.” “I’ll take you,” said both Urd and Skuld. “Alright, alright.” He said stopping a fight before it even began. So they got ready to go to Kami-sama’s office.

Scene: Asguard

Ranma and the goddesses arrived at Kami-sama’s front desk. He walked over to his sectary and she let him walk past.

Scene: Kami-sama’s office

Ranma timidly knocked on the door, Kami-sama looked over. “Come in Ranma.” He said, so Ranma did. “He-hello?” He said, “Hello Ranma, my son. Please come forth,” so Ranma did and of course he was scared. “Please have a seat.” So he did, “Ranma you do know that I am you biological father right?” Ranma nodded, “I will do every thing in my power to help you adjust in using your powers. As of right now you are now the God of martial arts, healing and marital arts.”

With that said, Ranma received his powers and calmed down. Later Ranma walked out and went back to the girls. “I guess you guys are supposed to help me with my powers. Also Urd he told me to tell you that he’ll reinstate all of your powers, don’t disappoint him.” He said, Urd smiled and silently made that promise. Then they took off and went back to the temple.

End of Prologue