Amazon Ways

 "I feel as if I'm opening up Pandora's *Schmuckkastchen*, her little jewel box..."
-- Susie Bright, "The Best American Erotica 1994"


Shampoo padded down into the kitchen quietly, her thin cotton nightgown swirling around her ankles. She was humming softly, the occasional Chinese phrase popping out as she whispered into full fledged song, her hands reaching for various things in the kitchen. She eyed the VHS cassette that Nabiki had sold her today for 30,000 yen. The intimation had been that it would make her see Ranma in such a violently different light that she would most likely give up on him. Shampoo, having a streak of curiosity ten miles wide, hadn't been able to resist.

She turned with a half-smile as Mousse stumbled lightly down the stairs, glasses in one hand as he rubbed his eyes. She could see the gleam, the outline of his musculature and couldn't help but feel a little lustful.

Mousse yawned visibly. {Shampoo, what are you doing down here so late? I was asleep...} he half-way complained.

Shampoo gives him a lop-sided smile and hands him the extra cup of hot chocolate she had prepared. {Waiting for you, of course. There's something I've gotten from Nabiki, and from the way she talked, it was something..Nice.}

She looked up at him solemnly, her hand light on his shoulder as they both glanced up to make sure that Cologne wasn't secretly watching and waiting to stop them. Mousse stepped back (probably his sense of preservation) and pulled out a stool from underneath one of the cabinets. He settled down on it and pulled Shampoo close to him for a moment, smiling at her before pulling his glasses down and settling them on his nose, distorting his eyes into little pinpoints.

Shampoo pulled away long enough to push in the tape and turn it on before settling back between Mousse's legs, resting against his chest and watching quietly.

Mousse blinked, tilting his head to the side as Shampoo ejected the cassette and slipped it back into her convenient bag. {Huh,} was the only thing that he had to say about it.

Shampoo grinned. {You have to admit, *that* was unusual.}

Mousse growled softly, reaching for her shoulders and carrying her to the floor gently. {Yeah, it was. Never thought Ranma...}

Shampoo winked. {I told you you didn't have to fight him like that. Ranma is a very urbane sort of fellow, and he would have seen the way of things eventually.}

Mousse shook his head. {I know, I know. I think maybe it's more that I'm jealous of you than that he's another male. You know that's not the Amazon way.}[1]

Shampoo began to purr softly as her hands slipped to the waistband of Mousse's boxers. {Oh, I know... Ranma would just be so *perfect*, male *and* share....}

Mousse lightly grasped her wrist, keeping her away from her goal. {Not just yet, Shampoo. Not just yet...} His hand lightly traced down her jaw line, cupping her face tenderly as he leaned forward, his tongue gently caressing across her full lower lip.

Shampoo shivered, pressing tightly against him, rubbing slightly, the warmth of her skin felt drastically through the thin cotton, her knee coming up over Mousse's hip as she pressed closer, her hands roaming over his shoulders. He leaned forward and captured her mouth with his own, an expert motion, one that had obviously been done often enough to become second nature. His hands began to lightly stroke up and down her curves as she kissed a path to his jaw and began to lightly nibble and suck at his throat, one of her hands reaching to lightly clasp his own.

Mousse moaned audibly, trembling as he brought his knee up between her thighs, pressing his bare leg to the now wet cotton of her panties, rubbing just enough to keep her excited, on edge. Her right hand contracted into a fist against his shoulder as she moaned, lathing little patterns and swirls across his collarbone, moving farther and farther down his chest.

Shampoo's tongue darted around the small aureole of Mousse's nipple, her nose gently brushing his chest as she "Mmmmm'd" in her throat, the noise soft and high-pitched. Her right hand reached up and lightly pinched the second nipple, fingers trailing across it, hardening it so that it had soon become a tight little kernel pressing into her palm, her tongue tickling as she kissed back up his throat to his jaw, still rough from where he hadn't shaved. His arms wrapped around her, holding her close as she moaned, fingers reaching past the waistband of his boxers, and this time, Mousse didn't stop her. She pushed at them, sliding them past the silk of his skin and off. Her body pressed tightly against the heat of his hard-on, her tummy pressed lightly to his. Her whisper was soft against his ear as she nibbled at the softness of the lobe, feeling so hot in his arms. {I want you, so much..}

Mousse moaned softly and shoved her down on the floor, burying his face in the soft cotton that covered her breasts, his face rubbing lightly in the valley between the two soft orbs as he searched out first one and then the other. The material was soft in his mouth, warm with her heat as he attached his teeth delicately to her right nipple, feeling it harden against his tongue and become a round little berry between his tongue and the roof of his mouth. Her hands had somehow become wrapped in the clean darkness of his hair as she arched up to him, making soft little moaning and whimpering noises, lip bitten, writhing in obvious excitement, his touch more than she could bear without becoming eager for more, shoving herself further beneath him, feeling the tension in his body, the stiffness of his cock brushing against her thigh.

Shampoo moved on her side to press closer against him, her arms wrapping around his shoulders. One thigh moved between his, the sheer aggression of her movements stunning him for a moment before he grasped both of her wrists and tugged them together over her head, one hand holding them there as the second wrapped in the long soft tendrils of her hair, pulling tightly at the base of her neck, the soft whimpering the exact response he was looking for, knowing exactly how vulnerable and soft that single move could make her feel towards him, his mouth capturing her own, soft and then harder, almost bruising to the tender lips beneath his own, her moans and soft cries of pleasure as he slipped between her thighs and ground his hips against her panty covered sex exciting him unbearably. Her shudders told him just how excited she was as he began kissing down her throat and across both breasts again, kissing them momentarily before nuzzling his way down her stomach.

Mousse heard the breath catch in her throat in a low moan and released her wrists. Her hands reached back down, lightly caressing the back of his neck and his shoulders as he grasped the bottom hem of her nightgown, tugging it up and over her head, leaving her breasts and body bare except for the softness of her panties. Her eyes were shut, face flushed with the pleasure of his touch as he nipped at her navel, licking lightly across her tummy to the delta of her sex. He kissed around the edges of her panties, making her moan and shudder in anguish, her desire for his mouth overriding every other need her body might scream at her. With his thumbs, he caught the edges of her panties and tugged them down and away, settling back slightly for a good look at the cunt that now belonged to him utterly. A lavender spattering of soft hair curled up to meet his mouth as he kissed her lightly, noting the intense wetness that had been hidden by the little scrap of cloth. Kissing further, he found that her slit was practically bare, as if she had shaved the area, and he mmm'd softly, lips already feeling the dampness more intensely than before. She cried out softly as his unshaven jaw brushed against the tender skin, his mouth nuzzling its way into her slippery satin flesh. Her lips were trembling as his tongue darted out, tasting the sharp tang of her wet salt, lips wrapping their way around her clit and suckling, periodically darting beneath the hood to drive her mad. Mousse could feel the sharp spasms of shivering every time he slipped his tongue beneath her, his fingers delving and finding her sweet open cunt, burying one finger and then two inside of her as she began to cry out ecstatically, his fingers pressed tightly against her g-spot. Shampoo's hips arched hard up to his mouth, almost dislodging him as she peaked, her head rapidly shaking back and forth against the floor, her hands balled into fists, the nails cutting into the palms, her cries muffled against one of those fists to keep from alerting Cologne.

Mousse's cock throbbed in time to Shampoo's own spasms, her shivering beneath him making him want to shove deep inside and bury himself in her. Her eyes opened and looked at him, flaming with passion as she grasped his hair in her palm, tugging him up beside her and shoving him onto his back. With little to no preamble, she began kissing his stomach lasciviously, tongue burying in his navel with a little tickle, her tongue nipping delicately at the skin of his tummy, licking and kissing exquisitely, nose rubbing lightly against him. Mousse was forced to catch his breath more than once as she just missed his cock, kissing his hips on either side, lightly licking at his inner thighs. He moaned in loud objection, thrusting his cock towards her with each movement, frustrated and shuddering against her. With a satisfied little smirk, Shampoo took his cock in her palm, her fingers lightly grasping his testes as her mouth captured the head of his cock and swiftly swallowed him to the root, deep throating him with a choked moan. The resulting soft cry of pleasure was worth the wait, and the tease, for her as she wrapped her other fist around his shaft, following the sweet stroking of her mouth with the stroke of her fist, making it easier for her to swallow the thick staff. Her tongue did an intricate dance around the head of his cock, her mouth soft and hot and wet as she whimpered for him, enjoying the taste and the salt of his precum. Her lips were locked tightly around the head as she squeezed his balls gently[2], giving a delightful feeling of pressure that made him cry out softly as she began to lightly nibble at the tiny stretch of skin on the underside of his cock, where his shaft met the head, her tongue pushing and prodding pleasurably. With one last lick, she opened her mouth, swallowing him to the root, a low whimper the only sound of protest, a slight gagging as she came back up, fist once again providing stimulation as she swallowed, trying to tease an orgasm from him.

Without warning, what she'd been searching for arrived! The salt of his ejaculation hit the back of her throat as she moaned with the pleasure of tasting him in her mouth, the splash of semen salty sweet as the last few droplets hit her lips and her tongue. Shampoo swallowed, looking up at Mousse with smoky eyes full of passion, pulling her fingers gently away from him, putting a hand on either side of his head as she leaned forward and gave him a hard kiss, letting him taste his cum on her mouth, moaning, still unbearably hot.

Mousse panted softly, driven mad by the suckling motions of her mouth, still shivering and sensitive from his orgasm, fingers trembling. Both of his hands reached up and buried in her hair as she melted against him, moaning in acquiescence as he pulled her down to him, kissing her hard, tongue forcing its way between her lips, raping her soft mouth as she shuddered against him, her hands trembling on his shoulders. He shoved her to the side, panting quietly and steeling himself, thinking that he had to please her yet, listening to the soft whining and whimpering of excitement coming from her throat. His fingers once again delved between her thighs, touching the velvet soft petals, now even more coated with the dew of her pleasure, feeling her limbs shudder as his thumb carefully traced across her clit, making her moan loudly in her pleasure, the shudders more than she could bear as she almost came again from the sheer pleasure of his touch.

Sweat dewed across Mousse's brow as he bit his lip and leaned down to kiss her, sliding his hips between her thighs. He could feel her fingers trembling against his shoulders, hear the soft, fervent whispers of pleasure as he found himself poised outside her entrance, on the verge of taking her. He leaned up on his palms and looked down at her, an appearance of concentration crossing his face as he lightly began to probe into her softness. Listening to her soft moans as she lifted her hips towards him was almost his undoing as he found her entrance and began to give pressure, slipping into her tight wetness with little effort, her body tight around him as he slammed all the way inside of her, his head pressed lightly against her cervix. That single thrust seemed to drive her wild as she writhed and moaned beneath him, crying out in a soft, hoarse voice, trembling as her knees came up around his hips, shoving up towards him. Ragged at first, and then more smoothly, he began to thrust, dropping to his elbows and pulling her tight against him, kissing her hard, his mouth lightly suckling at her throat as she cried out her pleasure in his ear, one hand leaving scratches down his back, the second slipping between to lightly press her clit, rubbing and teasing as she slammed her hips up towards him. It didn't take much before she came, raggedly, once, then twice, and then again, sobbing softly in the crook of his neck, moaning in her pleasure, mindless. Unable to bear another moment, he came inside of her, wetting her, shuddering as the spasms inside of her jerked a second orgasm from him, wrapping his arms tightly around her, burying his face in her chest as he gasped, catching his breath. Before long, her fingers were lightly stroking through his hair, smelling like both of them, soft murmurs of her remaining pleasure, whispering close against him as he curled up against her, nuzzling his face in her damp hair, hugging her to him, touching her lightly, in wonder for those few moments when both of them could simply be themselves, with no Cologne or Ranma to come between them.

Finally, Mousse pulled up on his elbows and looked down at her, whispering softly, {I love you, Shampoo. You're my soul mate, my every need... Why can't you just give up on Ranma?}

Shampoo turned her head to the side. {Why do you always have to ask me that question, Mousse? I won't give up on Ranma -- I can't. You know the laws.}

He reached beneath her and pulled her tightly against him to kiss her hard. {Say yes, Shampoo. Say yes, say you love me.} When she didn't respond, he barked again, {SAY YES!}

Shampoo looked at Mousse thoughtfully... He had never shown so much anger towards her, so much sheer desire. She considered everything she knew of Ranma, deep in her heart, what she had seen on the tape, the way he felt about her cat-form, any of a dozen things. Shampoo, contrary to popular belief, was not as stupid as some seemed to think. With a soft sigh, she pressed against Mousse tightly, head tilting up to kiss him. {All right. All right. Give me one last day, one last chance to change his mind.... Then I'll say yes. You already know I love you. But give me one last chance. Then, we'll go home.}

Mousse's surprise registered violently on his face. He had been asking the same question for almost a year now, begging, pleading.. but he had never tried *ordering*, now that he thought about it. With a lopsided smile, he leaned down and kissed her again. {All right. One last day. And if he says no....}

Shampoo nodded, {Then I go with you, anywhere you want.}

The two rose, grabbing clothing and underwear, slipping them on silently and creeping up the stairs. Mousse kissed Shampoo lightly as they stood on the landing and watched her as she walked to her room before going silently to his own, to find sleep and dreams.

Cologne tapped her chin thoughtfully with her fingertips, considering what must be done as she watched them come back up from the kitchen. She had missed most of what had gone on downstairs, but had arrived in time to hear the last part of the young ones' conversation. Shampoo could never be allowed to marry Mousse -- it would give his family too much power in their tribe, and Cologne was never a woman prone to giving up any of her power. With a decisive nod, she began to ready the spices.. *she* knew how to get son-in-law to give in to her granddaughter tomorrow.....

[1] So far as this story goes, Amazons are going to feel *this* way about sex: Gender has no bearing on whom you may love. Many of the tribe's prominent females have been lesbians and it's prominent males have, in turn, been at least bisexual. I'm doing this so that things work out the way I want, obviously, but I thought everyone deserved an explanation. Perhaps another reason for the fluidity of non-gender related love *best way I could think of to phrase it* is the closeness of Jusenkyo. After all, if someone falls in love with a person of the same gender, it wouldn't really be that difficult to change and become the desired gender -- although that *could* cause some problems in the female/male hierarchy, I suppose.

[2] GENTLY is the operative word, gentlemen. Not painfully. In case *y'all* aren't certain it can be done, trust *me*.

Forgive me for the lack of plot. I wasn't feeling up to plot today, so it's all lemon -- I'm sure you don't mind! ^_~ Isn't it odd that Shampoo and Mousse are the only ones who aren't involved in an "alternate" sexuality? I don't really know WHY I've done it this way, I just have. Go figure. Maybe it's because I only know two people *out of all of my friends* who are straight heterosexual vanilla people.. Isn't that odd? Err, anyway. I promise to get on with the plot in the next "installment" so that you won't feel bad. After all, if there's no plot, what's the point in reading? Y'need both hands on the keyboard to read properly *and besides, sticky keys are sort of disgusting, don't you think? ;)* Comments welcome as usual....