Girls' Night Out

 "...I say she whom one loves best is the loveliest...." -- Sappho


Ryouga stood across the street, his face pale, lips trembling as his unbelieving eyes stared. God, both of them. He had lost both of them. His vision blurred slightly as he saw Ranma lean down and tenderly kiss Akane there in front of the hotel out of which they had just come. Ryouga could feel his chest tightening, tears threatening, as he turned away, his heart shattering into a thousand tiny pieces.[1]

Dusk settled gently over Nerima as Kounji Ukyou locked up shop and held the videotape tightly in her hand. Nabiki hadn't told her exactly what was on it, but she had intimated that it was something that could cause a great deal of damage to Ranma's reputation were it to be released to the public. She swallowed nervously and trudged her way up the stairs. Flipping on the lamp next to the couch, she moved to the small refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of root beer, popping off the top and sitting it near the couch. Shoving the tape into the VCR, she settled into the couch to watch what Nabiki had claimed would be so "damaging".

An hour later, Ukyou sat trembling before the blank television screen, waves of nausea running through her as she breathed deeply, trying to rid herself of the feelings of filth running through her. It.. it had never occurred to her that Ranma would ever be less than a man[2]. This blatant show of something besides completely normal heterosexuality was difficult for Ukyou to take. She loved Ranma very much, but if he preferred boys to girls, then there really wasn't any point in her fighting for his affection. She began to sob softly, her face cupped in her hands. Why, oh, why, did things have to end like this?

Kodachi ran over the rooftops of the Nerima ward, her hair a shining dark ribbon in the moonlight, legs flailing violently as she occasionally somersaulted dangerously from one building to the next. Her runs had become longer and longer lately, ever since the night that she had dared to kiss her brother and have her dreams shattered. She knew that he had left that night and come home bruised -- but he had come home smelling of something, something very light.. a smell she recognized. Tendo Nabiki. He hadn't spoken to her since. The fact that Kuno was finding it so hard to "forgive" his sister her unusual affections was not easy for Kodachi. She had cried herself to sleep more often lately, her runs becoming more dangerous, more time consuming, her time spent amongst her darlings, the roses, more precious, her poisons becoming even more toxic than ever before. The thoughts sliding through her mind became darker, darker, more oily, harder to get rid of, until finally, she fell to the rooftop on which she had just landed and began to cry brokenly.

"Why?? WHY can't I just be normal?!?"

Ukyou blew her nose into a tissue, sniffling her tears to a stop, when she heard a light thump above her. Her brow knit in consternation. There were very few people in Nerima who went around jumping on roofs. Ranma was one, but the rest had a tendency to be either thieves or madmen (madwomen, if one prefers). Gathering up her battle spatula, she opened the door to the roof and stealthily made her way upwards, pressed tightly against the wall. As she reached the moon drenched rooftop, she gasped softly. There, in the middle of all that tar and filth, lay Kuno Kodachi, crying fitfully. Ukyou wasn't really sure what to do. Kodachi had gotten in her way more than once, but seeing her here like this was making an impression on Ukyou's soft heart. She sighed quietly and placed the spatula in its sling on her back, moving to lightly shake Kodachi.

Kodachi felt Ukyou's hand on her and she looked up. An expression of fright, of being lost, crossed the girl's beautiful face before her chin came up and her expression hid behind a mask. "Yes?"

Ukyou looked uncertain. "I..I heard you crying and I thought that, perhaps, I could help you.. I haven't felt so well myself tonight."

Kodachi's lips trembled as she looked down at her hands. Many times, she had said some fairly nasty things about this girl, and tried to embarrass her before others. She looked up at Ukyou, recognizing the kindness of her actions as she nodded, her voice tremulous. "Arigato, I would like that very much."

Kodachi gasped softly, her eyes wide with shock as she heard what Ukyou had just said, her empty coffee cup falling out of her hands to shatter on the tiles of the kitchen floor. "Surely thou dost jest, madam!!" she cried, falling into her brother's pattern of speech unknowingly.

Ukyou shook her head sadly. "No, 'dachi-chan. I'm not joking. Come on, you can see it with your own eyes."

After watching the video in Ukyou's VCR, the two girls sat on the folded out couch-bed, Ukyou looking sad, Kodachi looking.. stunned. Kodachi's hand rose to her mouth, her expression one of astonishment and bewilderment. "Why, then, does Ranma-sama have so many fiances? Surely, if he is truly as .. as.. he seems to be here, then he does not need any of us. I don't seem to be understanding this at all..."

Ukyou whispered quietly, "Camouflage. We're all nothing more than camouflage."[3]

Kodachi did an excellent impression of Kasumi in that moment. "Oh, MY." Her eyes began to fill with tears and the cohesion of her speech began to break as she buried her face in her hands to cry once again, sobbing miserably. "WHY?" she cried loudly. "Why?? I.. can't t..t..take it!!"

Ukyou reached out gently, her hands holding Kodachi to her chest with tenderness, her fingers lightly stroking through her hair, sniffling herself. "Shhh, shhh, 'dachi-chan, things will work out, everything will be all right," she lied in a soft whisper. The feeling of Kodachi's warm body against her was enough to rouse feelings in Ukyou that she thought she had dampened long years ago while living in the boy's boarding school her father had sent her to. All of the other boys had been so interested in girls, and Ukyou hadn't understood then that girls really weren't meant for her...

Kodachi moaned in her misery, trembling violently. "I HATE them!! I hate them BOTH!" she sobbed brokenly, her face buried against Ukyou's chest.

Ukyou began to sweat. This was making her more than a little nervous, and more than a little aware of the heat that seemed to be rising from her body. She gasped softly, thinking about what she had just seen between her fiance and one of his few friends. Could it be that..... ? She rocked Kodachi gently, snuggling her tightly into her lap and began to lightly kiss away the tears flowing down Kodachi's cheeks.

Kodachi looked up with wide eyes, sniffling and stopping her poignant little sniffles. "U..Ukyou-chan?" she whispered inquiringly, finding her own fingers had somehow wrapped themselves in the long strands of Ukyou's dark hair, her body having wound itself into Ukyou's lap.

Ukyou's emotions went through a rapid-fire change as nervousness built up inside of her, swallowing as she gathered all of her courage. She leaned forward and lightly pressed her lips to Kodachi's, her tongue lightly flickering out to tease at the sweetness of her full bottom lip.

Kodachi found a wild pleasure in actually being touched, being *KISSED* by someone else instead of just imagining it or forcing someone who didn't want her into kissing her. A soft little moan worked its way from inside of her as she wrapped her arms around Ukyou, her body trembling with the sudden flood of passion working its way through her. Kodachi delicately opened her mouth, allowing the strong invasion of Ukyou's tongue as her own hands lightly massaged Ukyou's shoulders, her arms, working open the buttons of Ukyou's shirt, slipping her hands inside to rub against the band of the binders that she wore to keep her breasts pressed flat while she was in school, her hands shaking as she began to tug, pull, tear to unwrap them, suddenly wanting to get at every inch of Ukyou's bare skin.

Ukyou pulled back, looking down at Kodachi's passion-swollen mouth, dropping her head back to gulp for air as Kodachi looked up helplessly. "Ukyou?"

"Just a minute," Ukyou whispered softly, "just a minute." Ukyou felt the violent shuddering spreading through her as she looked down at Kodachi. People could say whatever they wanted about her, she was still very beautiful, and it really appeared that her "insanity" was brought on by her dream-state. Ukyou recognized the look in Kodachi's eyes when she spoke of Ranma, or even her brother. It was a look Ukyou had often seen on her own face, a look signifying the presence of a completely different world of dreams that a person could live within. Did she really want to be involved with a woman? And a woman who apparently had even better day dreams than *she* did?

Ukyou's hand slid up Kodachi's ribs, cupping the firm mound of her breast and listening to her soft moan. Somewhere inside of her, she caught her breath and looked, REALLY looked, at Kodachi -- and gave in. Both hands came up to lightly fondle the girl, her hands following down her luscious curves. Kodachi's lithe body arched up to meet the trembling caress as she turned, bringing Ukyou with her so that they almost tumbled from the folded out couch, moaning loudly. Kodachi's...expressive... way of communicating began to overcome Ukyou's trepidation, her hands sliding farther down, catching the snaps of the leotard and tugging, shoving the skimpy piece of material up and over Kodachi's shoulders, leaving her in only her tights.

The girls began to kiss hungrily, Ukyou exploring Kodachi's mouth as Kodachi finished unwinding the strip of cloth suppressing Ukyou's bountiful breasts. She gasped softly as the large globes tumbled into her hands, amazed that something of that size could be hidden with a simple Ace bandage! Unable to resist, Kodachi leaned down and caught a nipple in her mouth, growling softly as the hard little nubbin rubbed against her tongue, purring in pleasure at the taste and feel and warmth of skin against her, her yearning, her *need* for touch satisfied.

Ukyou cried out sharply. Somewhere in the hidden mechanisms of her body, there seemed to be a direct line from her breasts to a hidden spot between her thighs, and Kodachi's gentle manipulations, sucklings and fondlings seemed to have fully activated that particular line, filling her with warmth and a sense of anticipation. She shuddered visibly, reaching down to wrap her fingers in Kodachi's silken hair, holding her tightly against her breasts, rocking her hips upwards, purring with the soft moans that were coming from deep in her throat.

Kodachi, for all of her dreams and fantasies, was no fool. She *knew* what to do to please Ukyou, and she began to lightly kiss and nip down Ukyou's stomach, her tongue lightly delving into Ukyou's navel, lathing the rim of the soft little button, giggling in response to Ukyou's own laughter. Her eyes gleamed with pleasure as she slowly settled herself farther and farther down against Ukyou. Kodachi's tongue "painted" little patterns on the soft, soft flesh, teasing nips over Ukyou's hips, strawberries and flowers traced by her tongue on the inside of Ukyou's thighs, teasing and soft as she delicately bit, then turned to blow a cool stream of air against Ukyou's dampness, watching in fascination as the wet curls shivered in the soft breeze.

Ukyou gave a strangled cry of frustration, rocking in an attempt to draw herself closer to Kodachi, shuddering violently. Kodachi, knowing what Ukyou wanted, gave a mysterious smile and nibbled her way down to Ukyou's knee, her tongue delving into the little space just behind her knee and moving all the way down to her ankles, kissing gently. Losing patience with the languid rate of movement, she stripped off her own tights and moved up quickly, nuzzling against the crease of the inner thigh. Ukyou growled and rolled over, knees wrapped around Kodachi's head carefully, turning so that she was straddling Kodachi's throat. Ukyou took a moment to smile down at her, purring loudly before twisting so that she could look down at the glistening bare wetness of Kodachi's triangle. It took her aback for a moment, the bare pink, but then she smiled. {Nair is a wonderful thing,} she thought, mind rambling in all sorts of strange directions as Kodachi darted her tongue up, licking just across the area near her clit. A loud cry of pleasure echoed through the walls as Kodachi began carefully searching her way around Ukyou's cunt, learning the folds and creases, finding the places that pleased her more than others. Ukyou groaned aloud, pressing herself closely against Kodachi.

Kodachi wrapped her tongue and lips lightly around Ukyou's little pleasure core, beginning to suckle just as Ukyou slid her fingers inside of Kodachi's passage, her thumb lightly stroking across her clit in a rapid circular motion, teasing, light, making her shudder and want to scream with the pleasure of being touched so delicately. Kodachi opened her mouth wide, suckling as much of Ukyou as possible while she moaned in ecstasy, gasping desperately with the sharp pleasure of being filled. Ukyou understood her need and curved her fingers, lightly putting more pressure against Kodachi's walls, her moans becoming louder and louder. Regaining some of her control, Kodachi began to place firm little laps along Ukyou, her tongue pressing against her very entrance and stroking a rhythm as it slipped past and inside of her. She could taste the salt and sweet of Ukyou, the nectar making her whimper and moan even louder in her need. The drastic amount of pleasure being forced through the girls' veins was fast overcoming them both. Ukyou, whimpering with utmost need, began to rock back harder against Kodachi, begging silently for more even as she fastened her own mouth against Kodachi. Both girls began to work the other's delicate tissue, fingers soaked with honey as they shuddered violently. Soft whimpers filled the air, little shudders, sharp cries for more, for release, for satisfaction, for anything. Ukyou's cry of fulfillment came first, Kodachi's following soon after as Ukyou spilled a salty wet flood against her mouth, making her moan loudly and respond in a similar manner.

It was moments before either could get the energy to move again, so they lay, gasping softly for breath, shivering as they realized exactly how cool the room had become to their heated, sweat drenched bodies.

Ukyou sluggishly moved to the side, still feeling light shimmers of pleasure making their way throughout her nerve system as she pulled up the light cotton sheet and hand sewn quilt over both her and Kodachi. Kodachi opened her eyes and smiled brilliantly. The difference in the Kodachi that had come in through the door to the roof and the one now laying in her bed was astounding. Ukyou lightly cupped her face and leaned down to kiss her again, mingling the taste of both of them as she sighed with tenderness.

"This is going to change our lives, isn't it?" Kodachi whispered softly. Ukyou could already see the sheen of "madness" leaving Kodachi's face as she lightly wrapped an arm around her waist, tugging her slender gymnast's body closer against her. A tender smile flashed for a mere second across her full lips as she lightly pushed the hair back out of Kodachi's face and smiled.

"Yeah, 'dachi-chan. This is gonna change our lives." With that, she turned off the light decisively and curled up close against her newfound lover.

[1] I *TOLD* you. There's a *POINT*. Ryouga WILL be happy. I SWEAR.

[2] Some ppl actually feel that way. Said opinion is not the necessarily the opinion of the author.

[3] Again, not necessarily the opinion of the author.

Okay, maybe it doesn't make any sense that I would have Ukyou say such things about Ranma and Ryouga when I was about to have her have sex with Kodachi. Right? The thought occurs that Ukyou's just GOTTA be as confused about gender and that sort of thing as Ranma. I mean, both of them can really be considered androgynous. Ukyou has lived most of her life as a boy. Who's to say that she *didn't* think about finding a nice girl and settling down at some point in her life? After all, the girl had just about *everyone* convinced that she was a boy. Really! Ukyou also seems to have a compassionate streak a mile wide when needed. And BOY, did Kodachi need it. I think the Kuno's have a lot of problems. Dunno. Maybe their dad ran over their puppy or something when they were young? But I think that Ukyou's levelheadedness *or Nabiki's, but I've already given her Kuno, ne?* should solve some of the problem. Ranma, Ryouga and Akane are all spitfires, but they should grow out of it. I dunno whether Kodachi and Kuno will *ever* get over their problems *weeellll, hey, this is coming from somebody who actually *likes* Kodachi. I really think Ranma would be bad for her, though. Too much trouble with that boy!* Anyway, it was just the way I wanted things to go. Hey, it's a *LEMON*, that's why they call 'em that. They don't have to have rhyme or reason, although I'm *really* trying to give this one a little of both -- even a small amount of plot! Yeesh. That's not exactly easy, y'know. At least, not for me. Anyway, that's all, I'll close this little explanation before it becomes as long as the story ^_~